- A - Variable in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Matrix component.
- A - Variable in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Matrix component.
- AABB - Class in maspack.geometry
- AABB() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABB
- AABB(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABB
- AABBTree - Class in maspack.geometry
- AABBTree() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABBTree
- AABBTree(MeshBase, int, double) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABBTree
- AABBTree(MeshBase, int) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABBTree
- AABBTree(MeshBase) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AABBTree
- AbaqusReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Abaqus File reader, only supports the NODE, ELEMENT and INCLUDE keywords
- AbaqusReader(Reader, File[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- AbaqusReader(File, File[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- AbaqusReader(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- AbaqusReader(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- AbaqusReader.ElemType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AbaqusReaderWriterTest - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AbaqusReaderWriterTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReaderWriterTest
- AbaqusWriter - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Abaqus File reader, only supports the NODE and ELEMENT keywords
- AbaqusWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter
- AbaqusWriter(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter
- AbaqusWriter(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter
- AbaqusWriter.ElemType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AbaqusWriter.ElemTypeList - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- abortOnInvertedElems - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- ABOVE - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Place one component above another.
- ABPointsMonitor(String, PointList<Point>) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase.ABPointsMonitor
- ABPointsMonitor(String, PointList<Point>, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase.ABPointsMonitor
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix to their absolute values.
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
- absolute(SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
- absolute(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
- absolute(Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
- absolute(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
- absolute(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
- absolute(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
- absolute(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector to their absolute values.
- absolute(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector to the absolute value of v1.
- absolute() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets the elements of this spatial vector to their absolute values.
- absolute(Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Sets the elements of this twist to their absolute values.
- absolute(Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Sets the elements of this wrench to their absolute values.
- AbstractCollider - Interface in maspack.collision
- AccelerationGrid<T> - Class in maspack.collision
- AccelerationGrid() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- accept(Command) - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager.CommandFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AmiraLandmarkReader.AmiraLandmarkFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ExtensionFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class maspack.util.FolderFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
- acosTiming(String) - Method in class maspack.util.CubicSolverTest
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive
- acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Resource
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2ResourceBase
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ClipPlanesUBO
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ElementArray
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3LinesVertexBuffer
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Object
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PointsVertexBuffer
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Primitive
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderInstances
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectElements
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPoints
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPrimitives
- acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Resource
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ResourceBase
- acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedDrawable
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderInstances
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectBase
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectLines
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitivesDrawable
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectVertices
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferObject
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.LightsUBO
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.MaterialsUBO
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.MatricesUBO
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexArrayObject
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexBufferObject
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLResource
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceBase
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLShaderProgram
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
- acquire() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- acquire() - Method in interface maspack.util.ReferenceCounted
Signal the resource that something is holding a reference to it.
- acquire() - Method in class maspack.util.ReferenceCountedBase
- acquireAndCount() - Method in interface maspack.util.ReferenceCounted
Signal the resource that something is holding a reference to it.
- acquireAndCount() - Method in class maspack.util.ReferenceCountedBase
- acquireEditLock() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorManager
- actionPerformed(ModelScriptActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
action performed to process all the menu and button actions in this class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
action performed to process all the menu and button actions in this class
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SelectionToolbar
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.UpdateLibrariesAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleBodyAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleFemAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AxialSpringAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.DefaultCollisionsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.DuplicateAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ExcitationTargetAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.Fem3dMarkerAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemModel3dAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemNodeSelectionAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameBasedEditingAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MechModelAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MotionTargetComponentAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleElementAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyConnectorAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyGeometryAgent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.SetCollisionsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TracingProbePanel
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ExtClassPathEditor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.LegendDisplay
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbeDisplayLarge
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbeRangeSelectorDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
Event handler.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.OutputNumericProbeEditor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionPopup
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimeToolbar.TimelineButtonListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProbeExportChooser
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProbeImportChooser
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
By default, this method does nothing.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.AddPackageDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptActionForwarder
- actionPerformed(ModelScriptActionEvent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptActionListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PreferencesEditor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MethodDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.demos.dicom.DicomLoader
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.IntersectorTestViewer
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshCollisionViewer
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolverTest
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.GLRedBleedDebug
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.GridDisplay
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControlDemo
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledToggleButton
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.RenderPropsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerPopupManager
Should be overridden as needed by subclasses.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerToolBar
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- activate(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
Once activated() all further rendering will go to the framebuffer object.
- activateFBO(GL2GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLFrameCapture
- activateFBO(GL, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
- activateTexture(GL3, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- activateVertexAttribute(GL3, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Utilities
Enables a vertex attribute pointer based on a given storage, correctly handling matrix types
(since matrices occupy multiple attribute locations)
- activateVertexAttribute(GL3, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Utilities
Enables a vertex attribute pointer based on a given storage, correctly handling matrix types
(since matrices occupy multiple attribute locations)
- activeColor - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- activeColor - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.PopupListener
- ActiveForceLengthCurve - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ActiveForceLengthCurve() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ActiveForceLengthCurve
- ActiveForceLengthCurveFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ActiveForceLengthCurveFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ActiveForceLengthCurveFactory
- activForceLengthCurve - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- ActuatedSkinning - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- ActuatedSkinning() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.ActuatedSkinning
- add(EditorBase, String, int, Collection<String>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
- add(EditorBase, String, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
- add(EditorBase, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
- add(CollisionBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehaviorList
- add(CollisionResponse) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponseList
- add(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
- add(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
- add(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- add(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Adds a component to this MutableCompositeComponent.
- add(C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- add(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- add(C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- add(C) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.MutableCompositeComponent
Adds a component to this MutableCompositeComponent.
- add(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
- add(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- add(int, C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- add(TransformableGeometry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds a transformable component to this context.
- add(TransformableGeometry, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds a transformable component to this context, with the specified
flags settings.
- add(E) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ListBase
- add(E) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
- add(WayPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Adds a waypoint to this probe, and returns any waypoint that previously
occupied the same time slot.
- add(Identity) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
- add(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
- add(Boundable, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.NearestKCollector
- add(Boundable, double) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceCollector
- add(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HashedPointSet
- add(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- add(Vertex3dNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- add(NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Adds a knot into this numeric list.
- add(Vector, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Creates a knot with the specified values and time and adds it into this
numeric list.
- add(double, double...) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Creates a knot with the specified values and time and adds it into this
numeric list.
- add(NumericListKnot, NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
- add(DenseMatrixBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Adds matrix M to this matrix provided dimensions match
- add(DualQuaternion, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Adds two dual quaternions and places the result in this
- add(DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Adds the supplied dual quaternion to this
- add(DualScalar, DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Adds dual numbers d1+d2 and places this result in this dual number
- add(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Adds the supplied dual number to this
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Adds the contents of a Matrix1x1 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix1x1, Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Adds the contents of a Matrix1x3 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix1x3, Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Adds the contents of a Matrix1x6 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix1x6, Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Adds the contents of a Matrix2x3 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix2x3, Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Adds the contents of a Matrix2x6 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix2x6, Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Adds the contents of a Matrix3x1 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix3x1, Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Adds the contents of a Matrix3x2 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds the contents of a Matrix3x4 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix3x4, Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds the contents of a Matrix3x6 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix3x6, Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds the contents of a Matrix4x3 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix4x3, Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Adds the contents of a Matrix6x1 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix6x1, Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Adds the contents of a Matrix6x2 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix6x2, Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds the contents of a Matrix6x3 to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix6x3, Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Computes M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- add(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockColList
- add(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockRowList
- add(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a value to the indicated entry.
- add(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Adds the contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- add(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Adds q1 quaternion to q2 and places the result in this quaternion.
- add(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Adds this quaternion to q1 and places the result in this quaternion.
- add(SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- add(SparseBlockMatrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- add(SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(SparseCRSMatrix, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
- add(SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Adds this matrix to M and places the result in this matrix.
- add(SparseMatrixNd, SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(SparseVectorNd, SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
- add(SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
- add(SymmetricMatrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds matrix M1 to M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds this matrix to M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- add(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
- add(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
- add(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Adds specified increments to the components of this vector.
- add(Vector2i, Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
- add(Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
- add(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
- add(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
- add(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Adds specified increments to the components of this vector.
- add(Vector3i, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
- add(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
- add(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
- add(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
- add(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Adds specified increments to the components of this vector.
- add(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
- add(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
- add(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds a value to the i-th element of this vector.
- add(VectorNi, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Adds vector v1 to v2 and places the result in this vector.
- add(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Adds this vector to v1 and places the result in this vector.
- add(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Adds a value to the i-th element of this vector.
- add(String, String, Object, String, Object, String) - Method in class maspack.properties.LocalPropertyList
- add(String, String, Object, String, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.LocalPropertyList
- add(PropertyInfo) - Method in class maspack.properties.LocalPropertyList
- add(PropertyDesc) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Adds a new property to this list.
- add(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Adds a new property to this list, creating the appropriate description
from the supplied arguments.
- add(String, String, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Adds a new property to this list, creating the appropriate description
from the supplied arguments.
- add(GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeMap
- add(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Adds an element to this set, sorted ascending by the zOrder parameter
if exists (otherwise assumed zOrder = 0).
- add(IsRenderable, int) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Adds an element to this set, sorted ascending by the zOrder parameter
if exists.
- ADD - Static variable in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
Flag indicating that selected objects should be added to the
current selection.
- add(SpatialInertia) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds this spatial inertia to M1 and places the result in this spatial
- add(SpatialInertia, SpatialInertia) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds spatial inertia M1 to M2 and places the result in this spatial
- add(Twist, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Adds twist tw1 to tw2 and places the result in this twist.
- add(Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Adds this twist to tw1 and places the result in this twist.
- add(Wrench, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Adds wrench wr1 to wr2 and places the result in this wrench.
- add(Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Adds this wrench to wr1 and places the result in this wrench.
- add(E) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Inserts an element into the Binary Heap
- add(A) - Method in class maspack.util.CountedList
- add(int, A) - Method in class maspack.util.CountedList
- add(DataBuffer.Offsets) - Method in class maspack.util.DataBuffer.Offsets
- add(T) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Adds a new item to the back of the dynamic array, growing the size by one
- add(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
- add(byte) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
- add(double) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
- add(int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
- add(int) - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Inserts data element idx into the heap
- add(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- add(int, T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactMaster
Adds blocks to the constraint matrix GT to implement a 1D constraint in a
specified direction.
- add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- add1DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
- add1DFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, double, double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- add1dMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactMaster
Adds blocks to the constraint matrix GT to implement a 2D constraint in
two specified directions.
- add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- add2DConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, double, ContactPoint, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
- add2DFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- add2dLabeledMuscles(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- add3dMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- ADD_BLOCKS - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- ADD_DISPLACEMENT - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- add_element(T, Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- ADD_HEADER_COMMENT - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberWriter
Flag that causes the output to start with a comment identifying the FEM
model to which the nodes belong.
- ADD_MUSCLES - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- addAction(TransformGeometryAction) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorBase
Adds editing actions that can be provided by this editor, for
a given selection context, to an action map.
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemMeshCompEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemModel3dEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemMuscleModelEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameMarkerEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.IsRenderableEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MechModelEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshBodyEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleBundleEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleExciterEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RootModelEditor
- addActions(EditActionMap, SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TrackingControllerEditor
- addActiveMassMatrix(MechSystem, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- addActivePosImpulse(VectorNd, double, VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Computes an adjustment to the active positions of the system (stored
in the vector q
) by applying
a velocity u
for time
- addActivePosImpulse(VectorNd, double, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- addAffine(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new affine transform that can be referenced to create
an instance.
- addAffineInstance(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance based on affine index
- addAfter(Vertex3dNode, Vertex3dNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- addAlias(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
- addAlias(String, String) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
- addAll(Collection<? extends C>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- addAll(Collection<? extends C>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- addAll(Collection<? extends TransformableGeometry>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds a set of transformable components to this context.
- addAll(Collection<? extends IsRenderable>) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Adds all elements in c
to this set.
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
- addAll(Collection<? extends A>) - Method in class maspack.util.CountedList
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends A>) - Method in class maspack.util.CountedList
- addAll(Collection<T>) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Adds a collection of items to the dynamic array, growing the size of the
array to fit all elements.
- addAll(DynamicArray<T>) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Adds a collection of items to the dynamic array, growing the size
of the array to fit all elements
- addAll(boolean[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
- addAll(DynamicBooleanArray) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
- addAll(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
- addAll(DynamicByteArray) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
- addAll(double[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
- addAll(DynamicDoubleArray) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
- addAll(int[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
- addAll(DynamicIntArray) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
- addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- addAndAdjustRotations(NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Adds a knot into this numeric list, and adjust the value of any rotation
subvector to the (redundant) representation "closest" to that in
the nearest existing knot.
- addAndRemoveSelected(List<? extends ModelComponent>, List<? extends ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- addAngleWeightedNormal(Vector3d, HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- addAntagonist() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- addAntagonist() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addApplyListener(ActionListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
- addArrayElement(A, P) - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Add an element to an array
- addArrayElement(ArrayList<Object>, Object) - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
- addAttachment(DynamicAttachmentComp) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addAttachmentJacobian(DynamicAttachment, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, boolean[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentWorker
Reduces the system matrix to account for this attachment.
- addAttachmentJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- addAttachmentRequest(AttachingComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponent
- addAttachmentRequest(AttachingComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- addAttachmentSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- addAttribute(String, HashMap<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode
- addAttribute(MayaAsciiReader.MayaAttribute) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode
- addAugmentingMaterial(FemMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- addAuthenticator(URIxMatcher, UserAuthenticator) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Adds an authenticator that can respond to domain/username/password requests.
- addAuthenticator(URIxMatcher, UserAuthenticator) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- addAuxiliaryMaterial(AuxiliaryMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- addAuxMaterialBundle(AuxMaterialBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addAxialSpring(AxialSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addAxisFlips(LinkedList<RotationMatrix3d>, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- addBackRefs() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- addBackRefs() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- addBackRefs() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
Every master component should contain a back reference to each
attachment that references it.
- addBackRefs(DynamicAttachment) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- addBackRefs() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
Every master component should contain a back reference to each
attachment that references it.
- addBackRefsIfConnected() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Add backrefs if this attachment is connected *and* controlling a point
- addBasicProps(Class, String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
- addBeamMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addBefore(Vertex3dNode, Vertex3dNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Appends the current bilateral force constraint matrix Gc^T
to the
matrix GT
, by appending block columns to it.
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int, int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Appends the current bilateral force constraint matrix Gc^T
to the
matrix GT
, by appending block columns to it.
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- addBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimpleCoordinateCoupler
- addBilateralExciters(FemMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
- addBlankInputProbeProperty() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
Adds a blank input probe property.
- addBlock(int, int, MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- addBlock(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- addBlock(int, int, MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
- addBodies(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- addBody(String, RigidTransform3d, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
- addBody(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
- addBody(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- addBody(String, RigidTransform3d, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- addBody(String, RigidTransform3d, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addBody(String, RigidTransform3d, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
- addBody(MechModel, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.RigidBodySkinning
- addBodyConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addBodyProbe(FixedMeshBody) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshBodyTest
- addBone(MechModel, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.TransformGeometryTest
- addBone(MechModel, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.LumbarFEMDisk
- addBone(MechModel, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.LumbarFrameSpring
- addBox() - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSCurve2dTest
- addBreakPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- addBreakPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addBundleControls(ControlPanel, FemMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- addBundleControls(ControlPanel, MFreeMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- addBundles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addBundlesToPanel(ControlPanel, FemMuscleModel, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- addButton(DraggerToolBar.ButtonType) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- addButton(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- addButton(String, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- addCenter() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- addChild(MenuNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- addChild(int, MenuNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- addChild(BVNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Adds a child volume to this bounding volume.
- addChild(Node<T>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Adds a child to the list of children for this Node<T>
- addChild(PropertyInfo, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- addChild(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- addChild(TestNode) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- addChildren(List<Node<T>>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Adds a list of children to this Node<T>
- addChildren(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Adds the children of root to this cell.
- addClipPlane() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Creates and add a clip plane to this viewer.
- addClipPlane(RigidTransform3d, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Creates and add a clip plane to this viewer.
- addClipPlane(GLClipPlane) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Adds a clip plane to this viewer.
- addClipPlane() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Creates and add a clip plane to this viewer.
- addClipPlane(RigidTransform3d, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Creates and add a clip plane to this viewer.
- addClipPlane(GLClipPlane) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a clip plane to this viewer.
- addCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- addColor(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color.
- addColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an indexable color by reference.
- addColor(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color.
- addColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable color by reference.
- addColor(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable color
- addColor(byte[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable color
- addCols(int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- addCommand(Command) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
Add a single command that has been executed and should be undone on it's
- addCommand(Command, CompositeState) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
Add a single command that has been executed and should be undone on it's
- AddComponentAgent<E extends ModelComponent> - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
A base class used to create agents for adding components.
- AddComponentAgent(Main, ComponentList<?>, CompositeComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
- addComponentChangeListener(ComponentChangeListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehaviorList
- addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponseList
- addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Adds a set of components to this MutableCompositeComponent.
- addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
Returns true if the added components are stateless
- addComponents(List<? extends ModelComponent>, int[], List<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- addComponents(List<? extends ModelComponent>, int[], MutableCompositeComponent<?>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- addComponents(List<? extends ModelComponent>, int[], List<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- addComponents(ModelComponent[], int[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.MutableCompositeComponent
Adds a set of components to this MutableCompositeComponent.
- AddComponentsCommand - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- AddComponentsCommand(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, LinkedList<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentsCommand
- AddComponentsCommand(String, LinkedList<? extends ModelComponent>, MutableCompositeComponent<?>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentsCommand
- AddComponentsCommand(String, ModelComponent, MutableCompositeComponent<?>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentsCommand
- addComponentsInReverse(List<? extends ModelComponent>, int[], List<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- addComponentType(Class) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
- addComponentType(Class, String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
- addConForceProbe(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.ForceTargetDemo
- addConnectedMasterRefs(AttachingComponent, CompositeComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- addConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConnectableBody
- addConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- addConsistentGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- addConsistentMass(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- addConstrainer(Constrainer) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- addConstrainer(Constrainer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- addConstrainer(ConstrainerBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addConstraintBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- addConstraintForceTarget(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a body connector for constraint force tracking and creates a
corresponding ConstraintForceTarget
for specifying the target
force and weights.
- addConstraintForceTarget(BodyConnector, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a body connector for constraint force tracking and creates a
corresponding ConstraintForceTarget
for specifying the target
force and weights.
- addConstraintTerm(QPConstraintTerm) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a constraint term to this controller.
- addContactBlock(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatDemo
- addContiguousTrack(Track) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- addController(Controller) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addController(Controller, Model) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addController(Controller, Model) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- addControlPanel(ControlPanel) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addControlPanel(ControlPanel, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachDemo
- addControlPanel(MechModel, FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
- addControlPanel(MechModel, FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- addControlPanel(MechModel, FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeamMech
- addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
- addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HexCube
- addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.LockingDemo
- addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadraticLockingDemo
- addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeDemo
- addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TetCube
- addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedBeamBody
- addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedDemo
- addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.AttachedBeamBody
- addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.BeamBodyCollide
- addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MechModelCollide
- addControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MechModelDemo
- addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- addControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
- addControlPoint(Vector4d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurve2d
- addControlPoint(Vector4d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Add an additional control point and knot to the end of this curve.
- addControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- addControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- addCoordinateSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
- addCoordinateVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
- addCopyComponents(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- addCopyOfChildrenAndData(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Add to this node's children a copy of all the children (and their data
objects) of cell.
- addCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- addCostTerm(QPCostTerm) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a cost term to this controller.
- addCurve(RenderObject) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.EdgeCurve
Adds line segments for this curve
- addCurve(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.EdgeCurve
Adds line segments for this curve
- addCurve(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.LinearEdgeCurve
- addCurve(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.LinearEdgeCurve
- addCurve(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadEdgeCurve
- addCurve(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadEdgeCurve
- addCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- addCurve(MeshCurve) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- addCutPlane(FemCutPlane) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addDampingForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addDampingTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- addDampingTerm(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- addData(File, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- addData(double[], double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Adds one or more data samples to internal data list.
Samples can be evenly distributed with given time step or time of each
sample can be explicitly set.
- addData(double, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Adds data to internal data list.
- addData(double, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- addData(double, Vector) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Adds data to internal data list.
- addData(ReaderTokenizer, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- addData(File, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- addData(double[], double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Adds one or more data points to this probe's numeric data.
- addData(double, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Adds data to internal data list.
- addData(double, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- addData(double, Vector) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Adds data to internal data list.
- addData(double, Matrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- addData(ReaderTokenizer, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- addDataFrame(HasNumericState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- addDataItem(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Adds a word to the dictionary
- addDataList(Collection<String>) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Adds to the list of words from which to autocomplete
- addDeflectionProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- addDeformedFrameForce(RigidTransform3d, Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds to this body's elastic forces the forces arising from applying a
wrench f
on an attached frame.
- addDiagonal(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds s to the diagonal elements of this matrix.
- addDiagonal(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a diagonal term to this matrix whose elements are specified by an
- addDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a diagonal term to this matrix whose elements are specified by the
leading elements of an array of doubles
- addDiagonal(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds d
to the diagonal of this matrix.
- addDilationalStiffness(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addDilationalStiffness(double, Matrix3x1, Matrix3x1) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addDilationalStiffness(MatrixNd, MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addDilationalStiffness(Matrix3d, double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds dilational stiffness to the node-to-node stiffness matrix Kij.
- addDilationalStiffness(Matrix3d, double, Matrix3x1, Matrix3x1) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds dilational stiffness to the node-to-node stiffness matrix Kij.
- addDilationalStiffness(Matrix3d, MatrixNd, MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds dilational stiffness to the node-to-node stiffness matrix Kij.
- addDirectory(File) - Method in class maspack.util.FileSearchPath
- addDirectory(int, File) - Method in class maspack.util.FileSearchPath
- addDisplacementProbes(FemNode3d, MechModel, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- addDisplacementProbes(int, MechModel, LinkedList<FemNode3d>, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- addDragger(Dragger3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- addDragger(Dragger3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Adds an application-defined dragger fixture to this viewer.
- addDragger(Dragger3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds an application-defined dragger fixture to this viewer.
- addDraggerToolBar(DraggerToolBar.ButtonType...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- addDrawPoint(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Adds the given point to the list of draw points.
- addDyad(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds the dyad
- addEdge(DirectedEdge<A, B>) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- addEdge(DirectedEdge<A, B>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- addEdges(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, List<FemElementRenderer.EdgeCurve>, FemElement3dBase, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
- addEditor(EditorBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorManager
- addEffectiveFrameMass(SpatialInertia, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
Adds a frame inertia to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
- addEffectiveFrameMass(SpatialInertia, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds a frame inertia to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
- addEffectiveFrameMass(SpatialInertia, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a frame inertia to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
- addEffectiveMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addEffectiveMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- addEffectiveMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- addEffectiveMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addEffectivePointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds a point mass to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
- addEffectivePointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
Adds a point mass to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
- addEffectivePointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds a point mass to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
- addEffectivePointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a point mass to the effective spatial inertia for this Frame.
- addElasticForce(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- addElement(AuxMaterialElementDesc) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- addElement(FemElement3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- addElement(FemElement3d, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- addElement(FemElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addElement(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- addElement(MuscleElementDesc) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addElement(FemElement3dBase, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addElement(FemElement3dBase, Vector3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addElementDependency(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- addElementPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- addElements(Collection<? extends FemElement3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addElementsNearFibres(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addEmptyFaceVertices(Vertex3dList, HalfEdge, IntersectionPoint, IntersectionPoint, PenetrationRegion, Vertex3d, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
- addEndPoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
- addEndPoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- addEndPoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addEndPoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
- addEnergyDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- addEntry(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Adds an alias and it's corresponding name to this AliasTable.
- addEntry(SparseMatrixCell, SparseMatrixCell, SparseMatrixCell) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
- addEntry(SparseVectorCell, SparseVectorCell) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
- AddEntryCommand(int, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.ExtClassPathEditor.AddEntryCommand
- addEquationGUI(AddEquationPane) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- addErrorProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExcitationSource(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
Adds a new excitation source to this Excitable with a specified gain.
- addExciter(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds an excitation component to the set of exciters that can be used by
the controller.
- addExciter(double, ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds an excitation component to the set of exciters that can be used by
the controller.
- addExciters(Collection<? extends ExcitationComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a collection of excitation component to the set of exciters that
can be used by the controller.
- addExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addExcitersToPanel(ControlPanel, FemMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- addExplicitPropertyTree(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Recursively populates this cell with all the explicitly set inheritable
properties accessible from a given host.
- addExtension(String) - Method in class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
- addExternalElasticForce(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- addExternalForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addExternalForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addExtraWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
- addExtraWidget(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
- addExtraWidget(String, LabeledComponentBase) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
- addExtraWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
- addExtraWidget(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
- addExtraWidgets(Iterable<?>) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
- addFace(int[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a face to this mesh.
- addFace(Vertex3d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a face to this mesh.
- addFace(Vertex3d, Vertex3d, Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a triangular face to this mesh.
- addFace(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a triangular face to this mesh.
- addFace(Vertex3d, Vertex3d, Vertex3d, Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a quad face to this mesh.
- addFace(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds a quad face to this mesh.
- addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadraticQuadFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadraticQuadFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadraticTriFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.QuadraticTriFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.TriangulatedFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.TriangulatedFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.TriFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.TriFacePatch
- addFaces(RenderObject) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.WidgetFacePatch
Adds triangles for widget face
- addFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer.WidgetFacePatch
adds triangles for widget face
- addFadeIn(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.TransparencyProbe
- addFadeOut(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.TransparencyProbe
- addFascicle(LinkedList<Muscle>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addFem(FemModel3d, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Adds a copy of the nodes, elements, markers and attachments from
to fem0
- addFem(FemModel3d, FemModel3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Adds a copy of the nodes, elements, markers and attachments from
to fem0
- addFem(String, FemElement3d, Point3d, Color) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MonteCarloElementTests
- addFem(String, FemElement3d, Point3d, Color) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RegularSamplingElementTests
- addFem3dControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- addFemControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- addFemModel(FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- addFemMuscle(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
- addFiberMesh() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addFiberMeshBundle(double, PolylineMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- addFiberMeshBundle(double, PolylineMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- addFiberMeshElements(double, PolylineMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addFibre(Point, Point, AxialMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addFibre(Point, Point, AxialMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addFibre(Muscle) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addField(FieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addField(FieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addFile(FileObject, FileObject) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Adds a file to be monitored.
- addFile(FileObject, long) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Adds a file to be monitored.
- addFile(FileObject, FileObject, long, String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Adds a file to be monitored.
- addFilter(SelectionFilter) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- addFirst(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds an element to the BEGINNING of this list
- addFirstLink(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the front of the list
- addFirstLink(LinkLinkedList.Link<T>) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the front of the list
- addFixed(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- addForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- addForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- addForce(ForceTargetComponent, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- addForce(ForceTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- addForce(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- addForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addForceEffector(ForceComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addForceEffectorTarget(ForceTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a force effector component for force tracking and creates a
corresponding ForceEffectorTarget
for specifying the target force
and weights.
- addForceEffectorTarget(ForceTargetComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a force effector component for force tracking and creates a
corresponding ForceEffectorTarget
for specifying the target force
and weights.
- addForceEffectorTarget(ForceTargetComponent, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a force effector icomponent for force tracking and creates a
corresponding ForceEffectorTarget
for specifying the target force
and weights.
- addForceEffectorTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- addForceJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- addForcePosJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- addForcePosJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, boolean, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceTargetComponent
Add a row to the force Jacobian for this force target component.
- addForcePosJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- addForceTarget(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- addForceTarget(BodyConnector, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- addForceTarget(BodyConnector, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- addForceTarget(BodyConnector, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- addForceTargetTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- addForceVelJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- addForceVelJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceTargetComponent
- addForceVelJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- addFrame(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- addFrame(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addFrame(double, Collection<Vector3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
- addFrame(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new frame that can be referenced to create
an instance.
- addFrameConnection(SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Adds a Frame connection to this attachment.
- addFrameDamping(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameBlock
- addFrameExciters(MechModel, Frame, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- addFrameExciters(MechModel, Frame, boolean[], double[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Adds frame exciters for up to 6 components of a wrench on a frame.
- addFrameForce(RigidTransform3d, Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds to this body's forces the wrench arising from applying a wrench
on an attached frame.
- addFrameForce(RigidTransform3d, Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds to this body's forces the wrench arising from applying a wrench
on an attached frame.
- addFrameInstance(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance based on frame index
- addFrameMarker(FrameMarker, Frame, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addFrameMarker(Frame, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Creates and add a frame marker to a particular frame, with a location
specified relative to the frame's coordinate frame
- addFrameMarker(FrameMarker) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addFrameMarkerWorld(Frame, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Creates and add a frame marker to a particular frame, with a location
specified in world coordinates
- addFrameSpring(FrameSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addFrameSpring(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
- addFrameSpring(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- addFrameTarget(Frame, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Adds a frame target to track
- addFrameTarget(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Adds a frame target to track with weight 1
- addFrameTarget(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a frame source for motion tracking and creates a corresponding
target component for specifying the target force and weights.
- addFrameTarget(Frame, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a frame source for motion tracking and creates a corresponding
target component for specifying the target force and weights.
- addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Appends the friction force constraint matrix Dc^T
to the matrix
, by appending block columns to it.
- addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Appends the friction force constraint matrix Dc^T
to the matrix
, by appending block columns to it.
- addFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- addFullMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- addGeneralMassBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addGeneralMassBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addGeneralMassBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- addGeneralMassBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- addGeneralSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- addGeneratingMesh(MeshComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- addGeometricStiffness(Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
Geometric strain-based stiffess
- addGeometricStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds the geometric stiffness defined by
- addGL2Viewer(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- addGL3Viewer(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- addGLEventListener(GLEventListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a listener to the end of the underlying drawable's queue
- addGLEventListener(GLEventListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- addGLEventListener(int, GLEventListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
- addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addGlobalValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.PropertyWindow
Add a value change listener to all property widgets in this window and its
owned windows.
- addGridDisplay() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- addGroup(ObjectGroup) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
- addHalfspaceBound(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.SphericalJointForceBound
Add a half-space bound to the spherical joint
This vector is specified relative to a global coordinate frame
- addHingeJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
- addHingeJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- addHingeJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- addHingeJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ToyMuscleArm
Adds a hinge joint between body0 and body1, at world coordinates
(x0,0,z0) and with the joint axis parallel to y.
- addHorizontalButton(JComponent, String, ActionListener, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Creates a horizontal button and adds it to a JComponent.
- addHorizontalSprings() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- addHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- addHumerus() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderWrapping
- addIdentity(Identity) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleIdRepoFactory
- addIdentityRepository(URIxMatcher, SimpleIdentityRepository) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- addIdentityRepository(URIxMatcher, SimpleIdentityRepository) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Adds an identity repository consisting of a set of private RSA keys for
use with SFTP authentication.
- addIfVisible(C) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
- addIfVisibleAll(Collection<? extends IsRenderable>) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
- addImageDecoder(DicomImageDecoder) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomReader
Add a custom image decoder, the new decoder taking priority over existing
ones if multiple decoders can handle a given DICOM file
- addImageDecoderFirst(DicomImageDecoder) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomReader
Add a custom image decoder, the new decoder taking priority over existing
ones if multiple decoders can handle a given DICOM file
- addImageDecoderLast(DicomImageDecoder) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomReader
Add a custom image decoder, the new decoder will be the last to try,
prioritizing existing decoders if multiple can handle a given DICOM file
- addIncidentHalfEdge(HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Adds a half-edge to the list of half-edges incident onto this vertex.
- addIncompressibilityStiffness(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addIncompressibilityStiffness(Matrix3d, double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds stiffness for the incompressibility constraint to the node-to-node
stiffness matrix Kij.
- addIndentation(int) - Method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
- addIndentation(PrintWriter, int) - Static method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Tests a PrintWriter to see if it is an instance of and
IndentingPrintWriter, and if it is, add a specified amount of indentation.
- addIndirectNeighbor(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- addInertiaToBlock(SpatialInertia) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameBlock
- addInfo(int, DicomElement) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Add DICOM header entry
- addInheritable(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Adds a new inheritable property to this list, creating the appropriate
description from the supplied arguments.
- addInheritable(String, String, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Adds a new inheritable property to this list, creating the appropriate
description from the supplied arguments.
- addInheritableWithField(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyList
- addInheritableWithField(String, String, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyList
- addInitialMembraneStiffness(ShellElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
- addInitialMembraneStiffness(ShellElement3d, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
- addInitialShellStiffness(ShellElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
- addInitialShellStiffness(ShellElement3d, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
- addInitialStiffness(FemElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Computes and stores the initial stiffness K00 and force f0 terms
- addInitialStiffness(ShellElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Computes and stores the initial stiffness K00 and force f0 terms
- addInitialStiffness(FemElement3d, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Computes and stores the initial stiffness K00 and force f0 terms
- addInitialStiffness(ShellElement3d, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Computes and stores the initial stiffness K00 and force f0 terms
- addInitialStiffness(FemElement3dBase, FemMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds linear stiffness contributions to an underlying cache
- addInitialStiffness(FemElement3dBase, AuxiliaryMaterial, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds linear stiffness contributions to an underlying cache
- addInputProbe(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addInputProbe(Probe, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addInputProbes(File) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
- addInputVariable(String, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
called when the user adds a new input variable.
- addInstance(RenderInstances.InstanceTransformType, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance with supplied transform index, scale index and color index
- addInstance(RenderInstances.InstanceTransformType, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance with supplied transform index, scale index and current
color and scale
- addInstance(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by point
- addInstance(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by point
- addInstance(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by point
- addInstance(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by frame
- addInstance(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance by affine
- addIntegrationPoint(MFreeIntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- addInversePanel(RootModel, TrackingController) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
Creates a control panel for the specified inverse tracking controller,
and then adds it to a root model and positions it to the side of the main
- addItem(String, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
Adds a label to draw
- addItem(String, Point3d, AffineTransform3dBase, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
Adds a label to draw
- addJoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
- addJoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- addJoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addJoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
- addJoints() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Add a key listener to each of the viewers.
- addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a key listener to the underlying component
- addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Adds a key listener to this viewer.
- addKeyListener(KeyListener) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a key listener to this viewer.
- addKeyListener() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- addKnot(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.TransparencyProbe
- addKnot(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Adds another knot point to this cubic hermite spline, consisting of an x
coordinate, along with y and y derivative values.
- addKnot(int, CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
- addKnot(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Adds another knot point to this cubic hermite spline, consisting of an s
coordinate, along with x and dxds values.
- addKnot(double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Adds another knot point to this spline at a specified x coordinate.
- addKnot(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Adds another knot point to this spline at a specified s coordinate.
- addL2RegularizationTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- addL2RegularizationTerm(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- addLabel(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addLabel(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- addLast(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds an element to the END of this list
- addLastLink(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the end of the list
- addLastLink(LinkLinkedList.Link<T>) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the end of the list
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LayoutTest
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
- addLeafProperties(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- addLeftToolPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- addLibrary(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- addLight(Light) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
- addLight(float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addLight(Light) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addLight(Light) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a specified light to this viewer and enables it.
- addLine(int[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Adds a line to this mesh.
- addLine(Vertex3d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Adds a line to this mesh.
- addLine(Polyline) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Adds a line to this mesh.
- addLine(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a line primitive between the supplied vertices.
- addLine(float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a line primitive between two new vertices defined
at the supplied locations.
- addLine(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a line primitive between the supplied vertices.
- addLine(float[], float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a line primitive between two new vertices defined
at the supplied locations.
- addLinearFrameExciters(MechModel, Frame, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- addLineLoop(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of connected line segments between neighboring vertices
in the supplied list of vertex indices.
- addLineLoop(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of line primitives between neighboring vertices as specified
by the supplied vertex range.
- addLineLoop(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of connected line segments between neighboring vertices
in the supplied list of vertex indices.
- addLineLoop(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of line primitives between neighboring vertices as specified
by the supplied vertex range.
- addLines(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of line primitives between pairs of vertices as specified
by the supplied set of vertex indices.
- addLines(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of line primitives between pairs of vertices as specified
by the supplied vertex range.
- addLines(Iterable<int[]>) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of line primitives between the supplied pairs of vertices.
- addLines(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of line primitives between pairs of vertices as specified
by the supplied set of vertex indices.
- addLines(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of line primitives between pairs of vertices as specified
by the supplied vertex range.
- addLines(Iterable<int[]>) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of line primitives between the supplied pairs of vertices.
- addLineSegmentInertia(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds the inertia of a line segment to this inertia.
- addLineStrip(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of connected line segments between neighboring vertices
in the supplied list of vertex indices.
- addLineStrip(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of connected line primitives between neighboring vertices
as specified by the supplied vertex range.
- addLineStrip(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of connected line segments between neighboring vertices
in the supplied list of vertex indices.
- addLineStrip(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of connected line primitives between neighboring vertices
as specified by the supplied vertex range.
- addLink(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Adds a link to the end of the list,
- addListener(SchedulerListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- addListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
Adds a listener object to respond to transfer events
- addListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Adds a listener object to respond to transfer events
- addListener(ConvexPolygonIntersector.Listener) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersector
- addListener(Dragger3dListener) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- addListener(DrawToolListener) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- addLoad() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- addLoad() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addLocalForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- addMajorComponent(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Adds a major component to this labeled component.
- addMajorComponent(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Adds a major component to this labeled component at a specified location.
- addMarker(FemMarker) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addMarker(FemMarker, FemElement) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addMarker(FemMarker, FemElement, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addMarker(FemMarker, Collection<? extends FemNode>, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addMarker(FemMarker, FemNode[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addMarker(FemMarker, Collection<? extends FemNode>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addMarker(FemMarker, FemNode[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addMarker(FemMarker) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Adds a marker to this FemModel.
- addMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Creates and adds a marker to this FemModel.
- addMarker(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Creates and adds a marker to this FemModel.
- addMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to this SkinMeshBody.
- addMarker(String, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to this SkinMeshBody.
- addMarker(String, Point3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to this SkinMeshBody.
- addMarker(Marker) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.IsMarkable
Adds the marker to the component (or potentially somewhere within the component hierarchy)
- addMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
Adds a marker to this FemModel.
- addMarker(Marker) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- addMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- addMarker(Marker) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- addMarker(Marker) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- addMarker(ModelComponent, Line) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerHandler
- AddMarkerHandler - Class in artisynth.core.workspace
- AddMarkerHandler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerHandler
- addMarkerToMesh(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to the nearest mesh feature of this skin body.
- addMarkerToMesh(String, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates and adds a marker to the nearest mesh feature of this skin body.
- AddMarkerTool - Class in artisynth.core.workspace
- AddMarkerTool(SelectionManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
- addMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- addMassForces(VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- addMassToMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- addMassToNodeMasters(FemNode[], double[], double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
Distribute a mass m
amongst the master nodes on the basis of
their coordinate weights.
- addMasterAttachment(DynamicAttachment) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Add a DynamicAttachment to the list of master attachments associated
with this component.
- addMasterAttachment(DynamicAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
Add a DynamicAttachment to the list of master attachments associated
with this component.
- addMasterBlocks(SparseBlockMatrix, int, Matrix, FrameAttachment, int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- addMasterBody(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Adds a master body with this SkinMeshBody so that it can be used for
skinning control.
- addMaterialBundle(MaterialBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addMaterialStiffness(Vector3d, Matrix6d, double, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addMaterialStiffness(Vector3d, Matrix6d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addMaterialStiffness(Vector3d, Matrix6d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, Matrix6d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds a weighted node-to-node stiffness to the matrix Kij via the formula
- addMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, Matrix6d, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds a weighted node-to-node stiffness to the matrix Kij via the formula
- addMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, double, double, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds a weighted node-to-node stiffness to the matrix Kij via the formula
- addMechModel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- addMechModel(FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- addMember(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ObjectGroup
- addMembraneMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, double, Matrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
- addMembraneStressForce(Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, double, double, double, Matrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
- addMenuBar() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- addMenuBar() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- addMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addMesh(String, MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a mesh to this object.
- addMesh(MeshBase, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a mesh to this object.
- addMesh(MeshBase, String, AffineTransform3dBase, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adds a mesh to this object
- addMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- addMesh(String, MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- addMesh(PointMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
- addMesh(PointMesh, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
Adds copies of the vertices of another mesh to this mesh.
- addMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- addMesh(PolygonalMesh, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Adds copies of the vertices and faces of another mesh to this mesh.
- addMesh(PolylineMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
- addMesh(PolylineMesh, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Adds copies of the vertices and lines of another mesh to this mesh.
- addMeshBody(MeshComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Adds a mesh component to the meshBodies
list of this model.
- addMeshComp(FemMeshComp) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addMeshComp(RigidMeshComp) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Explicitly adds a mesh component.
- addMeshMarker(MeshMarker) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- addMeshMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- addMethod(MovieMaker.Method, String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- addModeButtonIfNecessary(LabeledControl, InheritableProperty) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- addModeButtonOrSpace(LabeledComponentBase, Property) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- addModeButtonSpace(LabeledComponentBase) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- addModel(MechSystemModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addModel(Model) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addMonitor(Monitor) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addMonitor(Monitor, Model) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addMotionTarget(MotionTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- addMotionTarget(MotionTargetComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- addMotionTargets(TrackingController) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- addMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addMouseInputListener(MouseInputListener) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a mouse input listener to this viewer.
- addMouseListener(MouseInputListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Add a mouse input listener to each of the viewers.
- addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a mouse listener to the end of the underlying component's queue
- addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a mouse motion listener to the underlying component
- addMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Adds a mouse wheel listener to the underlying component
- addMouseWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addMultiPointSpring(MultiPointSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addMuscle(String, Color, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo
- addMuscle() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- addMuscle() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addMuscle() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
- addMuscle(RigidBody, double, double, RigidBody, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ToyMuscleArm
Add an axial muscle between body0 and body1 using markers attached at
world coords (x0,0,z0) and (x1,0,z1), respectively.
- addMuscleBundle(MuscleBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- addMuscleBundle(MuscleBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- addMuscleBundleElems(FemMuscleModel, PolylineMesh, double, MuscleBundle) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
- addMuscleControls(ControlPanel, FemModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- addMuscleExciter(MuscleExciter) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- addMuscleExciter(MuscleExciter) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addMuscleExciter(MuscleExciter) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- addMuscles(HydrostatModel.Shape) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- addMuscles(RigidTransform3d, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- addMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
- addMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- addNegRowAndColumn(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
- addNegRowAndColumn(VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
- addNode(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addNode(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeDisplacementRenderer
- addNode(TestNode) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestHierarchy
- addNodeForce(Vector3d, int, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds the total force contribution due to stiffness from all
cached linear materials for node i
- addNodeForce(Vector3d, Vector3d, int, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
- addNodeForce0(VectorNd, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds initial force contribution due to cached stiffness
- addNodes(Collection<? extends FemNode3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addNodes(Collection<FemNode3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeDisplacementRenderer
- AddNodesCommand(MenuEntry, MenuNode, int, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor.AddNodesCommand
- AddNodesCommand(MenuEntry, Collection<MenuNode>, int, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor.AddNodesCommand
- addNodeStiffness(Matrix3d, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Adds the total stiffness contributions between nodes i and j
from all cached linear and corotated linear materials to the given
- addNodeStiffness(FemNodeNeighbor, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
- addNoise(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds a random perturbation to this vector, in the range
, where
- addNoise(double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds a random perturbation to this vector, in the range
, where
- addNonCoincident(Vertex3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- addNonCoincident(Vertex3dNode, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- addNonexplicitPropertyTree(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Recursively populates this cell with all the non-explicitly set
inheritable properties accessible from a given host.
- addNormal(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D normal.
- addNormal(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D normal by reference.
- addNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D normal
- addNormal(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable 3D normal.
- addNotify() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
Overridden to track when this component is added to a container.
- addNumbered(C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- addNumbered(C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- addNumberedElement(FemElement3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addNumberedMarker(Point3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addNumberedMarker(Point3d, boolean, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addNumberedNode(FemNode3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addNumberedShellElement(ShellElement3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(Matrix, int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each column of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByCol(int[], int, Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(Matrix, int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Adds the number of non-zero entries in each row of this block matrix to
the current values stored in the array offsets
, starting
at the location specified by idx
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- addNumNonZerosByRow(int[], int, Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- addNURBS(File) - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSViewer
- addNURBS(NURBSObject) - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSViewer
- addNURBSWithMesh(NURBSObject) - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSViewer
- addObj(Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix6d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObj(T) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorObject
Adds v1
to this vector.
- addObjectMember(O, String, P) - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Add a member pair to an object
- addObjectMember(HashMap<String, Object>, String, Object) - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
- addOffset(DistanceGrid.TetDesc) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
- addOptionPanel(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addOptionPanel(String[]) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addOuterProduct(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds an outer product to this matrix.
- addOuterProduct(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds an outer product to this matrix.
- addOuterProduct(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds an outer product to this matrix.
- addOuterProduct(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds an outer product to this matrix.
- addOutputProbe(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addOutputProbe(Probe, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addPackageAliases(String, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
Searches for the subclasses of T within a specified package whose full
name match the specified regular expression, and adds them to the alias
table, using their simple names as a key.
- AddPackageDialog - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- AddPackageDialog(MenuEntry) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.AddPackageDialog
- addPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
- addPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addPanProbe() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.NetDemoWithPan
- addParentToNotify(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
- addParticle(Particle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addParticle(Particle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- addParticle(MechModel, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ParticleAttachment
- addParticles(Collection<? extends Particle>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- addPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addPoint(int, Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds a point to this spring at a specified index.
- addPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds a point to this spring.
- addPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Adds a mesh-interacting point to this PointMeshForce.
- addPoint(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new point that can be referenced to create
an instance.
- addPoint(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new point that can be referenced to create
an instance.
- addPoint(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new point that can be referenced to create
an instance.
- addPoint(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a point primitive at the supplied vertex.
- addPoint(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a point primitive at the supplied position.
- addPoint(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a point primitive at the supplied vertex.
- addPoint(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a point primitive at the supplied position.
- addPointDataScalars(String, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.VtkInputOutput
- addPointDataVectors(String, ArrayList<double[]>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.VtkInputOutput
- addPointExciters(MechModel, Point, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- addPointForce(Wrench, VectorNd, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds to wr
and fe
the wrench and elastic forces
arising from applying a force f
on a point loc
- addPointForce(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Adds to this body's forces the wrench arising from applying a force
on an attached point.
- addPointForce(Wrench, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds to wr
the wrench arising from applying a force
on a point loc
- addPointForce(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Adds to this body's forces the wrench arising from applying a force
on an attached point.
- addPointInstance(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds an instance based on point index
- addPointMass(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds a point mass at a specified point to this inertia.
- addPointMass(Matrix, double, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds a point mass at a specified point to a 6x6 matrix representing a
spatial inertia.
- addPointRotationalInertia(Matrix3dBase, double, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Add to a rotational inertia the effect of a point mass at location r.
- addPoints(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates point primitives at the supplied vertex locations.
- addPoints(Iterable<float[]>) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of vertices and point primitives at the supplied positions.
- addPoints(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates point primitives at the supplied vertex locations.
- addPoints(Iterable<float[]>) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of vertices and point primitives at the supplied positions.
- addPointTarget(Point, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Adds a point target to track
- addPointTarget(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Adds a point target to track with weight 1
- addPointTarget(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a point source for motion tracking and creates a corresponding
target component for specifying the target force and weights.
- addPointTarget(Point, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Adds a point source for motion tracking and creates a corresponding
target component for specifying the target force and weights.
- addPopupManager() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- addPortRange(int, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- addPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addPosImpulse(double[], int, double, double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addPosition(Vector3d, PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- addPosition(Vector3d, PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- addPosition(Vector3d, PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemDispConnection
- addPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- addPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D position
- addPosition(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a position by reference.
- addPosition(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 3D position
- addPosition(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable 3D position
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, FemNode3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addPosJacobian(Matrix3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffector
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Adds the current force-position Jacobian, scaled by
, to
the matrix
, which should have been previously created with
a call to
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Scales the components of the position Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- addPosJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- addPosJacobianWorld(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- addPosRowAndColumn(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
- addPosRowAndColumn(VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
- addPressureStiffness(Vector3d, double, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addPressureStiffness(Matrix3d, Vector3d, double, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds pressure stiffness to the matrix Kij via the formula
- addPressureStress(SymmetricMatrix3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- addPressureTangent(Matrix6d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- addProbe(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Adds a probe to the timeline.
- addProbeEditor(NumericProbeEditor) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- addProbeEditor(NumericProbeEditor) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- addProbeFromRoot(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- addProbes(RootModel, TrackingController, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
Creates an input probe of the type specified by pid
- addProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
- addProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- addProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addProbes(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- addProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
- addProperty(int, Property) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
Called when a valid property has been selected for the first time.
- addProperty(int, Property) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.OutputNumericProbeEditor
- addPropertyEditMenuItems(LinkedList<ModelComponent>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionPopup
- addPropertyGUI(AddPropertyPane) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- AddPropertyPane - Class in artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor
- AddPropertyPane(NumericProbeEditor) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
constructor for AddPropertyPane class.
- addPropertyWidget(Property, LabeledComponentBase) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addPropertyWidget(Property, LabeledComponentBase, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addProps(String, String, Preferences) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager
- addQuadAnnularSector(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, int, int, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds an annular sector to an existing mesh.
- addQuadCylindricalSection(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds a cylindrical section to an existing mesh.
- addQuadEdge(RenderObject, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
- addQuadEdge(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
- addQuadEdge(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
- addQuadFace(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
Adds quadratic triangular face
- addQuadFace(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
Adds a quadratic quadrilateral face
- addQuadRectangle(PolygonalMesh, double, double, int, int, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds a quad rectangle to an existing mesh.
- addQuadSphericalSection(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, int, int, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds a spherical section to an existing mesh.
- addQuadToroidalSection(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, boolean, RigidTransform3d, MeshFactory.VertexMap) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Adds a toroidal section to an existing mesh.
- addReadOnly(String, String, String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Adds a new read-only property to this list, creating the appropriate
description from the supplied arguments.
- addReadOnly(String, String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Adds a new read-only property to this list, creating the appropriate
description from the supplied arguments.
- addReference(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
- addReferences(Collection<C>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
- addRegion(MeshThicken.Region) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- addRegularizationTerms(Double, Double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactMaster
Accumulate the velocity at the contact due to the current
velocity of the underlying dynamic components.
- addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- addRelativeVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
- addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- addRenderable(RenderableComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addRenderable(Renderable) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addRenderable(RenderableComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerFrame
- addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a renderable to this viewer.
- addRenderable(MultiViewer.SimpleSelectable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- addRenderable(MultiViewer.SimpleSelectable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleViewerApp
- addRenderable(IsRenderable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleViewerApp
- addRenderables() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- addRenderListener(RenderListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addRenderListener(RenderListener) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a render listener to this viewer.
- addRenderMeshComp(FemMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- addRenderMeshComp(FixedMeshBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- addRigidBodies() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
- addRigidBodies() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- addRigidBodies() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addRigidBodies() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
- addRigidBody(RigidBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- addRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- addRow(int[], double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
- addRow(DynamicIntArray, DynamicDoubleArray) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
- addRowAndColumn(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
- addRowAndColumn(VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
- addRows(int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- addScale(Double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Adds a new indexable scale.
- addScaled4thPowerProduct(Matrix6d, double, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled tensor product
- addScaledDyad(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds the scaled dyad
- addScaledExternalElasticForce(double, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- addScaledExternalForce(double, Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addScaledExternalForce(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addScaledForce(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addScaledForce(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addScaledIdentity(Matrix6d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds a scaled identity to a 4th order constitutive tensor represented as a
6 x 6 matrix.
- addScaledIdentityProduct(Matrix6d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled tensor product
- addScaledOuterProduct(double, Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Adds a scaled outer product to this matrix.
- addScaledOuterProduct(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds a scaled outer product to this matrix.
- addScaledOuterProduct(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Adds a scaled outer product to this matrix.
- addScaledOuterProduct(double, Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Computes the outer product of quaternions q0 and q1 (each treated simply
as a 4 vector), scales it by s, and adds the result to this matrix.
- addScaledPointCovariance(Matrix3d, double, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CovarianceUtils
- addScaledRow(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Adds s times the i-th row to the vector v.
- addScaledStrain(double, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- addScaledSubMatrix(int, int, double, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a scaled submatrix to this matrix.
- addScaledSubVector(int, double, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Adds a scaled subset of the values of this vector, beginning at a
specified offset, to the values of v1.
- addScaledSymmetricDyad(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds the scaled symmetric dyad
- addScaledVelocity(double, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Adds a scaled velocity to this frame's existing velocity.
- addSelected(LinkedList<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- addSelected(List<? extends ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- addSelected(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
add the selection listener
- addSelectionListener(TreeSelectionListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- addSelectionListener(SelectionListener) - Method in interface artisynth.core.workspace.DriverInterface
- addSelectionListener(ViewerSelectionListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addSelectionListener(ViewerSelectionListener) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Adds a selection listener to this viewer that will fire whenever objects
are selected.
- addSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- addSharedAttribute(String, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- addSharedTexture(String, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- addSharedUniformBlock(String, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- addSharedUniformBufferObject(UniformBufferObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- addShellElement(ShellElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addShellElements(Collection<? extends ShellElement3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addShellMaterialStiffness(Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Matrix3d, double, double, Vector3d, Vector3d, double, double, Matrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Add weighted material stiffness for this (i,j) node neighbor pair
(represented by 6x6 stiffness block), relative to a particular integration
point of the shell element.
- addShellStressForce(Vector3d, Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, double, double, double, double, double, Matrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds the material+geometric forces on a node resulting from a given stress
at a given shell integration point.
- addShoulderController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderWrapping
- addShowHideButton(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
Add a button to show or hide the group of contiguous tracks.
- addSimpleExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addSimpleTubeExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addSkinMesh() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- addSlice(DicomSlice) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Appends a slice to the current DICOM image set.
- addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- addSolveBlock(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- addSolveBlocks(DynamicAttachment, SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, boolean[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentWorker
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffector
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the
Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the
Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the
Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the
Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Adds any needed blocks to a solve matrix in order to accomodate the
Jacobian terms associated with this force effector.
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- addSolveBlocks(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- addSource(GLGarbageSource) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLGarbageCollector
- addSourceRootPath(String) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Adds a path to the list used for detecting root source directories
relative to the parent of the root class directory.
- addSphericalJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
- addSphericalJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.FrameSpringDemo
- addSphericalJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- addSphericalJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- addSpring(MechModel, Particle, Particle) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ParticleAttachment
- addSprings(RigidTransform3d, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- addState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- addStaticBody(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderWrapping
- addStiffnessDampingForce(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addStiffnessModifier(SolveMatrixModifier) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- addStressForce(Vector3d, Vector3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds the force on a node resulting from a given stress and shape
function gradient g.
- addSubHostsIfNecessary(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- addSubMatrix(int, int, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Adds a submatrix to this matrix.
- addSubMatrix00(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds v to the 3x1 sub-matrix starting at (0, 0).
- addSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds to 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
- addSubMatrix00(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds v to the 1x3 sub-matrix starting at (0, 0).
- addSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds to 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
- addSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds to 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
- addSubMatrix01(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Adds M to the 3x3 sub-matrix starting at (0, 1)
- addSubMatrix03(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 3).
- addSubMatrix03(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 3).
- addSubMatrix10(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Adds M to the 3x3 sub-matrix starting at (1, 0).
- addSubMatrix30(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 0).
- addSubMatrix30(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 0).
- addSubMatrix33(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Adds to the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 3).
- addSubMesh(FemModel3d, String, int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- addSubVector(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- addSupraspinatus() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderSkinWrapping
- addSupraspinatus() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderWrapping
- addSymmetricDyad(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Adds the symmetric dyad
- addSymmetricIdentityDot(Matrix6d, double, Matrix6d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scale symmetric tensor product
- addSymmetricIdentityProduct(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the symmetric tensor product
- addSymmetricIdentityProduct(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scale symmetric tensor product
- addSymmetricTensorDot(Matrix6d, Matrix6d, Matrix6d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the symmetric tensor product
- addSymmetricTensorProduct(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the symmetric tensor product
- addSymmetricTensorProduct(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds a scaled symmetric tensor product
- addSymmetricTensorProduct4(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled symmetric tensor product
- addTarget(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Adds a target to track the reaction force of the specified body connector
- addTarget(BodyConnector, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Adds a target to track the reaction force of the specified body connector
- addTarget(BodyConnector, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Adds a target to track the reaction force of the specified body connector
- addTarget(BodyConnector, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Adds a target to track the reaction force of the specified body connector
- addTarget(ForceTargetComponent, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Adds a force component whose force should be controlled
- addTarget(ForceTargetComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Adds a force component whose force should be controlled
- addTarget(ForceTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Adds a force component whose force should be controlled
- addTarget(MotionTargetComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- addTarget(MotionTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- addTarget(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- addTarget(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTargetComponent
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Add a row to the motion target Jacobian for this motion target.
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
- addTargetJacobian(SparseBlockMatrix, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- addTensorProduct(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the tensor product
- addTensorProduct(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled tensor product
- addTensorProduct(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled tensor product
- addTensorProduct4(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- addTensorProduct4(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- addTensorProduct4(Matrix6d, double, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Adds the scaled symmetric tensor product
- addTentacleExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addTentacleExcitersX() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addTentacleMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addTestCurves() - Method in class maspack.apps.NURBSCurve2dTest
- addTetElement(TetElement) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- addTextureCoord(float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 2D texture coordinate
- addTextureCoord(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 2D texture coordinate
- addTextureCoord(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds an indexable 2D texture coordinate by reference.
- addTextureCoord(float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds an indexable 2D texture coordinate
- addTimeHours(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Adds time in hours to the current date/time
- addTimeMicros(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Adds time in microseconds to the current date/time
- addTimeMinutes(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Adds time in minutes to the current date/time
- addTimeSeconds(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Adds time in seconds to the current date/time
- addToCost(double) - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- addToHv(MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling.TAxis
For a translation axis, add the contribution to the v component of the
mobility vectors.
- addToHw(MatrixNd, RotationMatrix3d, VectorNd, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling.TAxis
For a rotation axis, add the contribution to the w component of the
mobility vectors.
- addToIncompressConstraints(MatrixBlock, double[], Vector3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Adds H^T GNx dv to a matrix block, where H is a row vector of weight
values, and dv is a volume differential.
- addToMap(Vertex3d, HashMap<Vertex3d, Vertex3d>, ArrayList<Vertex3d>, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- addToPointVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableDynamicComponent
Computes the velocity imparted to a contact point by this component's
current velocity, multiples it by a weighting factor w
and add it to vel
- addToPointVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- addToPointVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addToPointVelocity(Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addTopToolPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- addToRoute(DirectedEdge<A, B>, Vertex<A, B>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Path
- addToSolveBlock(Matrix2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- addToSolveBlockDiagonal(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- addToSolveBlockDiagonal(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addTracingProbe(Traceable, String, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Convenience routine to add a tracing probe to this RootModel.
- addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo
- addTrackingController(FrameMarker) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.ForceTargetDemo
- addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel1d
- addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel2d
- addTrackingController(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- addTrackingController() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
- addTransferListener(FileTransferListener) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Adds a FileTransferListener object that responds to transfer events.
- addTransferSyntax(DicomTransferSyntax) - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Adds a possible transfer syntax, previously unknown, allowing for decoding of
new DICOM information
- addTransform(double, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.RigidTransformInputProbe
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Adds to context
any transformable components which should be
transformed as the same time as this component.
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Adds to context
any transformable components which should be
transformed as the same time as this component.
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Adds to context
any transformable components which should be
transformed as the same time as this component.
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds to context
any transformable components which should be
transformed as the same time as this component.
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformableGeometry
Adds to context
any transformable components which should be
transformed as the same time as this component.
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
- addTransformableDependencies(TransformGeometryContext, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- addTransformableDescendants(CompositeComponent, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Adds transformable descendants of a composite component to this context.
- addTransformAxis(TransformAxis) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SpatialTransform
- addTranslation(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the translation component of this affine transform.
- addTranslation(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the translation component of this affine transform.
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- addTriangle(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a triangle primitive between supplied vertices (CCW order).
- addTriangle(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a triangle primitive between three new vertices defined at the
supplied locations.
- addTriangle(int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a triangle primitive between supplied vertices (CCW order).
- addTriangle(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a triangle primitive between three new vertices defined at the
supplied locations.
- addTriangleCovariance(Matrix3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CovarianceUtils
- addTriangleFan(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a fan using the
supplied by vertex indices.
- addTriangleFan(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a fan using the
supplied vertex range.
- addTriangleFan(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a fan using the
supplied by vertex indices.
- addTriangleFan(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a fan using the
supplied vertex range.
- addTriangleInertia(double, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Adds the inertia of a triangle to this inertia.
- addTriangles(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives between triples of vertices as
supplied by vertex indices.
- addTriangles(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives between triples of vertices as
supplied by the given vertex range.
- addTriangles(Iterable<int[]>) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives between supplied triples of
- addTriangles(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives between triples of vertices as
supplied by vertex indices.
- addTriangles(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives between triples of vertices as
supplied by the given vertex range.
- addTriangles(Iterable<int[]>) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives between supplied triples of
- addTriangleStrip(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a strip using the
supplied by vertex indices.
- addTriangleStrip(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a strip using the
supplied by vertex range.
- addTriangleStrip(int...) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a strip using the
supplied by vertex indices.
- addTriangleStrip(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a set of triangle primitives forming a strip using the
supplied by vertex range.
- addTubeExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addTubeMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Appends the current unilateral force constraint matrix Nc^T
to the
matrix NT
, by appending block columns to it.
- addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int, int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Appends the current unilateral force constraint matrix Nc^T
to the
matrix NT
, by appending block columns to it.
- addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- addUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- addUserAuthenticator(URIxMatcher, UserAuthenticator) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Adds an authenticator for HTTPS, SFTP, WEBDAVS, that can respond to
domain/username/password requests.
- addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyWidget
- addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Adds a ValueChangeListener to this control.
- addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
Adds a ValueChangeListener to this dialog.
- addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
Adds a ValueChangeListener to this button.
- addValueChangeListener(LabeledControl, ValueChangeListener) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addValueCheckListener(ValueCheckListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Adds a ValueCheckListener to this control.
- addVel(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, FemNode3d, double, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffector
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Adds the current force-velocity Jacobian, scaled by
, to
the matrix
, which should have been previously created with
a call to
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Scales the components of the velocity Jacobian associated with this force
effector and adds it to the supplied solve matrix M.
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- addVelJacobian(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- addVelJacobianWorld(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- addVelocity(Vector3d, MatrixBlock[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- addVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Adds a velocity to this frame's existing velocity.
- addVelocity(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- addVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Adds a vertex to the set of vertices associated with this mesh.
- addVertex(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Adds a point to the set of vertices associated with this mesh.
- addVertex(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Adds a point to the set of vertices associated with this mesh.
- addVertex(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Adds a point to the set of vertices associated with this mesh.
- addVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
- addVertex(double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- addVertex(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- addVertex(Point2d) - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- addVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
- addVertex(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addVertex(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addVertex(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addVertex(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- addVertex(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Adds a vertex to a primitive being drawn while in draw mode.
- addVertex(double, double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Adds a vertex to a primitive being drawn while in draw mode.
- addVertex(Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Adds a vertex to a primitive being drawn while in draw mode.
- addVertex(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Adds a vertex to a primitive being drawn while in draw mode.
- addVertex() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a vertex using the currently active position, normal, color,
and texture coordinate (if available).
- addVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a vertex using the supplied position index.
- addVertex(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a vertex using the supplied position and normal indices.
- addVertex(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Adds a vertex using the position, normal, color and texture
coordinates identified by index number.
- addVertex() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds a vertex using the currently active position, normal, color,
and texture coordinate (if available).
- addVertex(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds a vertex using the supplied position index.
- addVertex(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds a vertex using the supplied position and normal indices.
- addVertex(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Adds a vertex using the position, normal, color and texture
coordinates identified by index number.
- addVertex(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- addVertex(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- addVertex(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- addVertex(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- addVertexAfter(PolygonVertex3d, PolygonVertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- addVertexAttachment(PointAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- addVertexAttachment(PointAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- addVertexOffset(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
- addVerticalButton(JComponent, String, ActionListener, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Creates a vertical button and adds it to a JComponent.
- addViaPoint(Point, double, double, Point, Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscleVia
- addViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- addViewer(String, GLViewer, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- addViewerToolBar(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- addWayPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- addWayPoint(double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Adds a waypoint to the timelime.
- addWayPoint(WayPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addWayPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- addWayPointFromUser(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Gets waypoint information from the current position of the timescale
and adds the waypoint to the waypoint probe.
- addWaypointsField(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.LoadModelDialog
- addWidget(Component) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addWidget(Property) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addWidget(String, HasProperties...) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one
or more hosts.
- addWidget(String, double, double, HasProperties...) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one
or more hosts.
- addWidget(String, String, HasProperties...) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one
or more hosts.
- addWidget(String, String, double, double, HasProperties...) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
Create and add a slider widget that controls a specified scalar property
in one or more hosts.
- addWidget(Component) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameBasedEditingAgent
Called by subclasses inside
to add a
custom component to the display.
- addWidget(String, LabeledComponentBase) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- addWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- addWidget(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- addWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- addWidget(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- addWidget(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- addWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- addWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addWidget(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- addWidget(Component, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addWidget(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addWidget(Property, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addWidget(String, HasProperties...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one
or more hosts.
- addWidget(String, double, double, HasProperties...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Create and add a slider widget that controls a specified scalar property
in one or more hosts.
- addWidget(String, String, HasProperties...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Create and add a labeled widget that controls a specified property in one
or more hosts.
- addWidget(String, String, double, double, HasProperties...) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Create and add a slider widget that controls a specified scalar property
in one or more hosts.
- addWidget(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- addWidget(HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- addWidget(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- addWidget(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- addWidgetFaces(RenderObject, FemElement3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
Adds flat triangulated faces
- addWidgetFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, FemElement3dBase, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
Adds flat triangulated faces
- addWidgetFaces(RenderObject, FeatureIndexArray, List<FemElementRenderer.WidgetFacePatch>, FemElement3dBase, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElementRenderer
- addWidgets(HasProperties) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- addWidgets(Iterable<?>) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addWidgets(Iterable<?>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
Add widgets to the panel.
- addWidgets(List<Component>) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- addWindowPreset(String, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
Adds a window preset to this interpolator
- addWithField(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyList
- addWithField(String, String, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyList
- addWrappable(Wrappable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds a wrappable to this spring which is applied to all wrap segments.
- addWrappable(Wrappable, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Adds a wrappable to this spring which is applied to the segments between
the points indexed by pntIdx0
and pntIdx1
- addWrappedMuscle(RigidBody, double, double, RigidBody, double, double, Wrappable) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ToyMuscleArm
Add an wrapped muscle between body0 and body1 using markers attached at
world coords (x0,0,z0) and (x1,0,z1) and wrapping around wrapBody.
- adjustMassAndStiffness(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Adjusts mass and stiffness of a FEM model based on
a given surface mesh.
- adjustMassAndStiffness(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Adjusts mass and stiffness of a FEM model based on
a given surface mesh.
- adjustMassAndStiffness(ScalarSubElemField, TetElement, PolygonalMesh, BVFeatureQuery, DistanceGrid, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedWeighting
Accounts for missing mass and stiffness
- adjustMassAndStiffness(FemModel3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedWeighting
- adjustPose(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Adjusts the pose of this FrameState by an increment specified as a twist
- adjustPose(Twist, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Adjusts the pose of this FrameState by a velocity (in Frame coordinates)
applied over a time interval h.
- adjustRangeIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- adjustRotationValues(VectorNd, VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Copies the values v
into vr
, while adjusting the value of
any rotation subvector to the (redundant) representation "closest" to
that in the knot nearest to t
- adjustRotationValues(VectorNd, VectorNd, double, NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Copies the values v
into vr
, while adjusting the value of
any rotation subvector to the (redundant) representation "closest" to
that in the knot nearest to t
- adjustSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
- adjustSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
- adjustWeightsForPosition(VectorNd, Vector3d, Collection<Vector3d>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.InverseDistanceWeights
Takes a set of desired weights, based on distance calculations, and
adjusts them so that the weighted sum of the support points equals p, and
the sum of the weights equals 1.
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Model
Advances this model from time t0 to time t1.
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Advances this model from time t0 to time t1.
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.BigBeam3d
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemCollision
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemWithBeamBody
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HexBeam3d
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.RobustCube
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleHex
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleTet
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TetBeam3d
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ViscousBeam
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.BeamBodyCollide
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MultiSpringDemo
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.RigidBodyCollision
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.renderables.Hello
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.ActuatedSkinning
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.CSGAnimation
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EFCForceTest
Override the advance method so that we can collect the translational
forces acting on the ball and compare with average acceleration times
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FixedBallContact
Override of the advance method that attachs FEM nodes to the plate
when the make contact with it.
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MaxwellElement
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.Template
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SlidingFem
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.CylinderBounceTest
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.DynamicWrapTest
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest2
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- advance(double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- advance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
Provides a new vertex for the current input polygon.
- advance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dSegment
- advance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.WindingCalculator
- advance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.WindingCalculator
- advanceAuxState(double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- advanceAuxState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- advanceNumeric(String, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.materials.HasMaterialState
- advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- advanceState(ViscoelasticState, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- advanceState(ViscoelasticState, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
- advanceState(MaterialStateObject, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- advanceState(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- advanceState(double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasNumericState
- advanceToOffset(BinaryInputStream, File, long) - Static method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiReader
- AES128 - Static variable in class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
- AES192 - Static variable in class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
- AES256 - Static variable in class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
- AESCryptor - Class in maspack.crypt
A password encryption scheme that uses either a 128-bit,192-bit or 256-bit AES
- AESCryptor() - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
- AESCryptor(String) - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
- AESCryptor(byte[]) - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
- AESCryptor.KeySize - Enum in maspack.crypt
- affine(Point3d[], Point3d[], double, double, int, Point3d[], AffineTransform3d, double[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the affine CPD algorithm to align a set of points
- affine(Point3d[], Point3d[], double, double, int, Point3d[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the affine CPD algorithm to align a set of points
- affine(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the affine CPD algorithm to align two meshes
- affine(int, AffineTransform3d, Double, byte[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstanceConsumer
- AffineNumericInputProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
- AffineNumericInputProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
Interpolate data to specified time and set related properties values.
- AffineNumericInputProbe(ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- AffineNumericInputProbe(ModelComponent, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- AffineNumericInputProbe(ModelComponent, String, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- AffineNumericInputProbe(Property[], ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- AffineOrthogonalTest - Class in maspack.matrix
- AffineOrthogonalTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineOrthogonalTest
- AffineTransform2d - Class in maspack.matrix
A 3 x 3 matrix which implements general 2D affine transformations.
- AffineTransform2d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Creates an AffineTransform2d and initializes it to the identity.
- AffineTransform2d(Vector2d, Matrix2d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Creates an AffineTransform2d and initializes its components to the
specified values.
- AffineTransform2d(AffineTransform2dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Creates an AffineTransform2d and initializes it
from an existing on
- AffineTransform2dBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base class for 3 x 3 matrices representing 2D affine transformations.
- AffineTransform2dBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
- AffineTransform3d - Class in maspack.matrix
A 4 x 4 matrix which implements general 3D affine transformations.
- AffineTransform3d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Creates an AffineTransform3d and initializes it to the identity.
- AffineTransform3d(Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Creates an AffineTransform3d and initializes its components to the
specified values.
- AffineTransform3d(AffineTransform3dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
- AffineTransform3d(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
- AffineTransform3d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Constructs using an array representing the 3x4 matrix [A|p] given in row-major format
- AffineTransform3dBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base class for 4 x 4 matrices representing 3D affine transformations.
- AffineTransform3dBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
- AffineTransformer - Class in maspack.geometry
A GeometryTransformer that implements a linear affine transformation.
- AffineTransformer(AffineTransform3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Creates a new AffineTransformer from a specified affine transform.
- AffineTransformerTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- AffineTransformerTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformerTest
- AffineTransformWidget - Class in maspack.widgets
- AffineTransformWidget() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
Creates a default AffineTransformWidget with an empty label.
- AffineTransformWidget(String, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
Creates an AffineTransformWidget with the components specified by the
letters contained in compSpec
'T': translation field
'S': scale field
'R': rotation field
'X': shear field
- AffineTransformWidget(String, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
- AhoIntersectionContour - Class in maspack.collision
- AhoIntersectionContour() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.AhoIntersectionContour
- AjlCollisionTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- AjlCollisionTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- AliasTable - Class in artisynth.core.util
A hash-table that keeps track of names and aliases.
- AliasTable() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Creates a new AliasTable with no entries.
- AliasTable(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Creates a new AliasTable and reads it's initial entries from a file.
- AliasTable(URL) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Creates a new AliasTable and reads it's initial entries from a resource.
- align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, double, int, ArrayList<Point3d>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
- align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, double, int, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
- align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
- align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, ArrayList<Point3d>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
- align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
- align(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, MeshICP.AlignmentType) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
- alignPoint(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Aligns a point with the nearest point defined by this grid.
- All - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ClassField
- All - Static variable in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable
Group specifying all collidable bodies and self-collision
- ALL_CROSS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.Tetrahedralizer
Hex subdivision flag requiring that the diagonals on all faces have
opposing directions to those on their opposite face.
- ALL_DEGENERACIES - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- AllBodies - Static variable in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable
Group specifying all rigid and deformable collidable bodies
- AllBodySkinning - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- AllBodySkinning() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.AllBodySkinning
- alloc(int, int) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- allocate(GL2, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- allocate(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
- allocateAcquiredDisplayList(GL2, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
Creates a new display list whose resources are tracked for garbage
- allocateVersionedObject(GL2, RenderKey, Object) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
- allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns true
if a collision between this Collidable
and other
should be allowed for the contact point
- allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableBody
Returns true
if a collision between this Collidable
and other
should be allowed for the contact point
- allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- allowCollision(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- allowsFloatPolylines() - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.DataRenderer
- allowsFloatPolylines() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PostScriptRenderer
- allowsFloatPolylines() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SvgRenderer
- allTransformed(Collection<? extends TransformableGeometry>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if all members of a specified set of
transformable components are marked as having been transformed.
- allTransformed(TransformableGeometry[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if all members of a specified set of
transformable components are marked as having been transformed.
- ALT - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
Alt key
- alwaysProjectFriction - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- AmiraLandmarkFileFilter() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AmiraLandmarkReader.AmiraLandmarkFileFilter
- AmiraLandmarkReader - Class in artisynth.core.util
A class to read an ascii landmark file exported from Amira
- AmiraLandmarkReader() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AmiraLandmarkReader
- AmiraLandmarkReader.AmiraLandmarkFileFilter - Class in artisynth.core.util
- AmiraMeshWriter - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- AmiraMeshWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.AmiraMeshWriter
- AmiraMeshWriter(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.AmiraMeshWriter
- AmiraMeshWriter(String) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.AmiraMeshWriter
- AmiraMeshWriter.AmiraMeshWriterFactory - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- AmiraMeshWriterFactory() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.AmiraMeshWriter.AmiraMeshWriterFactory
- AnalyticGeometryManager<T> - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
Manages wrappable objects whose geometry is described
by analytical surfaces.
- AnalyticGeometryManager(Manager.Creator<T>, Manager.Updatable) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- AnalyticGeometryManager(String, Manager.Creator<T>, Manager.Updatable) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- AnalyticGeometryManager.Geometry - Enum in artisynth.demos.wrapping
The type of geometry.
- AnalyticGeometryManager.WrapMethod - Enum in artisynth.demos.wrapping
- AnalyticGeometryTests - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
Model that tests MultiPointWrapping around objects whose geometry
is described by analytic surfaces.
- AnalyticGeometryTests() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- AnalyticGeometryTests.WrappableGeometryPair - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
- analyze(Matrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
- analyze(Matrix, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.DirectSolver
Performs prefactor analysis on a specified matrix.
- analyze(VectorNd, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Performs symbolic analysis on the equality portion of the KKT system
defined by a diagonal M matrix and G.
- analyze(SparseBlockMatrix, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Performs symbolic analysis on the equality portion of the KKT system
defined by matrices M and GT.
- analyze(Matrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the matrix associated with this solver and performs
symbolic analysis on it.
- analyze(double[], int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the matrix associated with this solver and performs
symbolic analysis on it.
- analyze(Matrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
- analyze(int[], int[], int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
- analyzeAndFactor(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
- analyzeAndFactor(Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.DirectSolver
Factors a matrix.
- analyzeAndFactor(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Convenience method that sets the matrix associated with this solver,
performs symbolic analysis on it, and factors it.
- analyzeAndFactor(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
- ANALYZED - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Indicates that a matrix has been set and analyzed for this solver.
- analyzeMG(Object, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Performs symbolic analysis on the equality portion of the KKT system
defined by M and G.
- angle - Variable in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Angle of rotation about the axis, in radians.
- angle(SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
- angle(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
- angle(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
- angle(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
- angle(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the angle between this vector and v1.
- angleWeightedCross(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the cross product v2 x v1, where v2 = p1 - p2 and v1 = p1 - p0,
and then sets the length of the result to the angle between v1 and
- angleWeightedCrossAdd(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the cross product v2 x v1, where v2 = p1 - p2 and v1 = p1 - p0,
and then sets the length of the result to the angle between v1 and
- ANIMATED_GIF_METHOD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- AnimatedGifWriter - Class in artisynth.core.moviemaker
Creates an animated Gif.
- AnimatedGifWriter() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.AnimatedGifWriter
- AnisotropicLinearMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- AnisotropicLinearMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- AnisotropicLinearMaterial(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- AnisotropicLinearMaterial(double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- AnisotropicLinearMaterial(Matrix6dBase) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- AnisotropicLinearMaterial(Matrix6dBase, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- ANSIColorLogger - Class in maspack.util
Allows different colours for log levels.
- ANSIColorLogger() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger
- ANSIColorLogger.ANSIColor - Enum in maspack.util
- AnsysCdbReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Reads FEM mesh geometry from Ansys .cdb
- AnsysCdbReader(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReader
Creates a reader to read from a specified file.
- AnsysCdbReader(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReader
Creates a reader to read from a specified file.
- AnsysCdbReader(Reader) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReader
Creates a reader to read from a specified Reader.
- AnsysCdbReaderWriterTest - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AnsysCdbReaderWriterTest(boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReaderWriterTest
- AnsysCdbWriter - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Writes FEM mesh geometry to an Ansys .cdb
- AnsysCdbWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Creates an AnsysCdbWriter to write to a specified PrintWriter.
- AnsysCdbWriter(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Creates an AnsysCdbWriter to write to a specified file.
- AnsysCdbWriter(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Creates an AnsysCdbWriter to write to a specified file.
- AnsysCdbWriter.AnsysType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AnsysCdbWriter.EBlockKey - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
Controls how EBLOCKs are written
- AnsysReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
A class to read an FEM described in the Abaqus file format.
- AnsysReader(File, File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysReader
- AnsysReader(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysReader
- AnsysReaderWriterTest - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AnsysReaderWriterTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysReaderWriterTest
- AnsysWriter - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AnsysWriter(File, File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysWriter
- AnsysWriter(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysWriter
- AnyMatcher - Class in maspack.fileutil.uri
Used for checking if URIs match anything
- AnyMatcher() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.uri.AnyMatcher
- Appearance - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Appearance() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- AppearanceFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- AppearanceFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.AppearanceFactory
- append(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Appends a value to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one.
- append(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Appends the values of vec
to the end of this vector, increasing
its size by the size of vec
- append(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Appends a value to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one.
- append(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Appends the values of vec
to the end of this vector, increasing
its size by the size of vec
- appendProbes(LinkedList<Probe>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- appendVertex(Vertex2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- appendVertex(PolygonVertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Applies the controller, estimating and setting the next
set of muscle activations
- apply(double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Controller
Called at the beginning of a RootModel
's advance procedure
- apply(double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Monitor
Called at the end of a RootModel
's advance procedure
- apply(GeometryTransformer, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Applies a geometry transformation to all the transformable
components currently stored in this context.
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJointTest.JointMonitor
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImageProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.InputProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Interpolate data to specified time and set related properties values.
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Interpolate data to specified time and set related properties values.
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.OutputProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Called at time t
to apply this probe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.RigidTransformInputProbe
Apply this probe at time t to model myModel.
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Called at time t
to apply this probe
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PanController
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RenderProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.SleepProbe
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo.SurfaceTargetController
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FrameTargetDemo.FrameController
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest.LengthController
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ContactForceMonitorSavable.ContactMonitor
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.EquilibriumMuscleDemo.LengthController
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactForceProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactMomentProbe
- apply(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ForceErrorProbe
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.EndpointPenetrationMonitor
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase.ABPointsMonitor
- apply(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase.PropertyMonitor
- apply(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer.Constrainer
Modfies the value of X
, if necessary, to satisfy some
- apply(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer.UniformScalingConstrainer
- apply(GLMouseAdapter, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorBase
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemMeshCompEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemModel3dEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemMuscleModelEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameMarkerEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.IsRenderableEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MechModelEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshBodyEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleBundleEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleExciterEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RootModelEditor
- applyAction(String, LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TrackingControllerEditor
- applyAttachmentForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- applyControllers(List<Controller>, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- applyCoordinateForce(int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Applies a generalized force to the idx
-th coordinate for this
- applyData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- applyData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Applies the current numeric data of this probe, as input in the argument
, and uses it to update the simulation for either
the current absolute time t
or probe relative time
- applyData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.TransparencyProbe
- applyDefaultDisplayRanges() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- applyDeformation() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
- applyEuler - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
- applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- applyExternalForces() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- applyExternalForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- applyForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- applyForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- applyForce(Vector3d, MatrixBlock[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- applyForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Applies a force to this frame, in world coordinates, by propagating
it through to the underlying master bodies.
- applyForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
Applies a force to this frame, in world coordinates, by propagating
it through to the underlying master bodies.
- applyForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Apply forces due to fibres in bundle, consistent with force-effector
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- applyForces() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- applyForces(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffector
Adds forces to the components affected by this force effector at a
particular time.
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Adds forces to the components affected by this force effector at a
particular time.
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Applies forces to the points of this spring, as well as any wrappables
that are in contact with wrappable segments, resulting from the tension
in the spring.
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Adds forces to the components affected by this force effector at a
particular time.
- applyForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Adds forces to the components affected by this force effector at a
particular time.
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Spring
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- applyForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
- applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
Note: this method is required by the interface, but is not currently
used since gravity is applied directly to nodes within
FemModel3d.updateNodeForces(), and gravity action is lumped
together with the front node.
- applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
Shouldn't need this because gravity is applied to world nodes
- applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Applies a gravity force to this component, given a prescribed
gravity acceleration vector.
- applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Applies a gravity force to this component, given a prescribed
gravity acceleration vector.
- applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Applies a gravity force to this component, given a prescribed
gravity acceleration vector.
- applyGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- applyGrowth(PolygonalMesh, double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- applyInputProbes() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Responsible for applying input probes model after the mouse has been
used to drag the time with the SHIFT modifier.
- applyInputProbes(List<Probe>, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- applyMonitors(List<Monitor>, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- applyMovingAverageSmoothing(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Smooths the values in this list by applying a mean average filter over a
moving window of specified size.
- applyOutputProbes(List<Probe>, double, RootModel.ModelInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- applyPosImpulse(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- applyRemesh(PolygonalMesh, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- applyRotation(RotationMatrix3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling.TAxis
Apply rotation for a rotation axis
- applySavitzkyGolaySmoothing(int, int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Smooths the values in this list by applying Savitzky-Golay smoothing over
a moving window of specified size.
- applyScaling(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Scales the columns of A by the specified amounts.
- applyThickening(MeshThicken.Region, MeshBase, double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MaintenancePrefs
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- applyToCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- applyTranslation(Vector3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling.TAxis
Apply translation for a translation axis
- applyXCorrection - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- AQUISITION_NUMBER - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- AQUISITION_TIME - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- area() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon2d
- area() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
- area() - Method in class maspack.util.Rectangle
- areAllGLEventListenerInitialized() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- areConnected(ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns true if comp2
is connected to the same
component hierarchy as comp1
- areConnectedVia(ModelComponent, ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns true
if components comp1
and comp2
connected via the component hierarchy, with the path running through the
specified intermediate component viacomp
(which may equal comp1
, comp2
, or any component on the path in between).
- areCoplanarAtRest(MFreeNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- areWidgetsDraggable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- areWidgetsSelectable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- ArgsTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- ArgsTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.ArgsTest
- arrangeControlPanels(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- ARRAY_END - Static variable in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
- array_equals(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.UtilTrim
- ARRAY_START - Static variable in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
- arrayFromMatlab(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterface
Takes the MATLAB array named by matlabName
and returns the
corresponding double[][]
object, with values assigned in
row-major order.
- ArrayListView<E> - Class in maspack.util
ArrayList based implementation of ListView
- ArrayListView() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArrayListView
- ArrayListView(int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArrayListView
- ArraySort - Class in maspack.util
Support class for sorting arrays of integers and doubles.
- ArraySort() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArraySort
- ArraySortTest - Class in maspack.util
Test class for ArraySort.
- ArraySortTest() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArraySortTest
- ArraySupport - Class in maspack.util
A set of static methods to test for equality of arrays
- ArraySupport() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- ArraySupportTest - Class in maspack.util
- ArraySupportTest() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ArraySupportTest
- arrayToObject(double[]) - Method in class maspack.properties.NumericConverter
- ArrudaBoyceMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- ArrudaBoyceMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- ArrudaBoyceMaterial(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- ArticulatedBeamBody - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- ArticulatedBeamBody() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedBeamBody
- ArticulatedDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- ArticulatedDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedDemo
- ArticulatedFem - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- ArticulatedFem() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ArticulatedFem
- artisynth.core.driver - package artisynth.core.driver
- artisynth.core.femmodels - package artisynth.core.femmodels
- artisynth.core.femmodels.integration - package artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
- artisynth.core.fields - package artisynth.core.fields
- artisynth.core.gui - package artisynth.core.gui
- artisynth.core.gui.editorManager - package artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole - package artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole
- artisynth.core.gui.navpanel - package artisynth.core.gui.navpanel
- artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor - package artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor
- artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager - package artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager
- artisynth.core.gui.timeline - package artisynth.core.gui.timeline
- artisynth.core.gui.widgets - package artisynth.core.gui.widgets
- artisynth.core.inverse - package artisynth.core.inverse
- artisynth.core.materials - package artisynth.core.materials
- artisynth.core.mechmodels - package artisynth.core.mechmodels
- artisynth.core.mfreemodels - package artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- artisynth.core.modelbase - package artisynth.core.modelbase
- artisynth.core.modelmenu - package artisynth.core.modelmenu
- artisynth.core.moviemaker - package artisynth.core.moviemaker
- artisynth.core.opensim - package artisynth.core.opensim
- artisynth.core.opensim.components - package artisynth.core.opensim.components
- artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint - package artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint
- artisynth.core.probes - package artisynth.core.probes
- artisynth.core.renderables - package artisynth.core.renderables
- artisynth.core.util - package artisynth.core.util
- artisynth.core.workspace - package artisynth.core.workspace
- artisynth.demos.dicom - package artisynth.demos.dicom
- artisynth.demos.fem - package artisynth.demos.fem
- artisynth.demos.inverse - package artisynth.demos.inverse
- artisynth.demos.mech - package artisynth.demos.mech
- artisynth.demos.renderables - package artisynth.demos.renderables
- artisynth.demos.test - package artisynth.demos.test
- artisynth.demos.tutorial - package artisynth.demos.tutorial
- artisynth.demos.wrapping - package artisynth.demos.wrapping
- artisynth.models.fez2021 - package artisynth.models.fez2021
- artisynth.models.testspace - package artisynth.models.testspace
- ArtisynthDataManager - Class in artisynth.core.util
Utility class for manager remote data files, allowing them to be downloaded
on demand (and hence stay out of source version control)
- ArtisynthDataManager() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
- ArtisynthDataManager(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Creates a data manager capable of transfering files to/from a remote folder or server
- ArtisynthDataManager(String, File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Creates a data manager capable of transfering files to/from a remote folder or server
- ArtisynthFileManager - Class in artisynth.core.util
that by default looks for files in
the ArtiSynth source directory tree.
- ArtisynthFileManager(Object, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthFileManager
Creates a
object that looks for files
in the source tree.
- ArtisynthFileManager(Object, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthFileManager
Creates a
object that looks for files
in the source tree.
- ArtisynthFileManager(File, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthFileManager
Constructs a
object for reading from zip
- ArtisynthIO - Class in artisynth.core.util
Utility routines for creating writers and tokenizers for I/O operations.
- ArtisynthIO() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthIO
- ArtisynthJythonConsole - Class in artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole
- ArtisynthPath - Class in artisynth.core.util
- ArtiSynthThreadManager - Class in artisynth.core.driver
- ArtiSynthThreadManager(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ArtiSynthThreadManager
Creates primary thread pool
- ArtiSynthThreadManager(String, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ArtiSynthThreadManager
Creates primary thread pool
- ArtiSynthThreadManager(String, int, long) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ArtiSynthThreadManager
Creates primary thread pool
- ArtisynthWebGrabber - Class in artisynth.core.util
- ArtisynthWebGrabber() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthWebGrabber
- ArtisynthWebGrabber(String, String, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthWebGrabber
- ArtisynthWebGrabber(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthWebGrabber
- assertEquals(Object, Object) - Method in class maspack.json.Test
- assignMasters(CollidableBody, CollidableBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Attach this root model to a driver program
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.dicom.DicomLoader
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.dicom.DicomTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedHeart
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedSphere
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FishDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.MultiCollisionTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadFishDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SkinCollisionTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.HydrostatInvDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.CollisionTestBase
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.EllipsoidJoint3dDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.EllipsoidJointDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkullParticles
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.CSGAnimation
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FemBeamTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.SpecularTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.TextTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.TrimmedElements
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.FemCollisions
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.NetDemo
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest2
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.TalusWrapTest
- attach(DriverInterface) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- attachAxialSpring(Point, Point, AxialSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- AttachDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- AttachDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachDemo
- AttachedBeamBody - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- AttachedBeamBody() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.AttachedBeamBody
- AttachedBeamDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- AttachedBeamDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachedBeamDemo
- AttachedMuscleBeam - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- AttachedMuscleBeam() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachedMuscleBeam
- attachedNearContact(ContactPoint, Collidable, Set<Vertex3d>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- AttachedPoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- AttachedPoint(Point, Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AttachedPoint
- attachFemToBody(MechModel, FemModel3d, RigidBody, double) - Method in class artisynth.models.fez2021.MyFEMonster
- attachFrame(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- attachFrame(Frame, FrameAttachable, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Attaches a frame to a FrameAttachable component, with the
initial pose of the frame described by TFW
component's current position state.
- attachFrame(Frame, FrameAttachable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Attaches a frame to a FrameAttachable component, using each
component's current position state.
- attachFrameSpring(Frame, Frame, FrameSpring) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- AttachingComponent - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
A model component associated with a dynamic attachment which can be used as
an attachment request.
- AttachmentReferenceTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
Tests the code by which a DynamicAttachment's back references to the slave
and master components are automatically updated depending on the
reachability of these components with repsect to the attaching component.
- AttachmentReferenceTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.AttachmentReferenceTest
- attachments() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- attachments() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- attachModeSelectionToolbar(JPanel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- AttachParticleAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for attaching particles to each other within a mech model
- AttachParticleAgent(Main, MechModel) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleAgent
- AttachParticleBodyAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for attaching particles to each other within a mech model
- AttachParticleBodyAgent(Main, MechModel, RigidBody) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleBodyAgent
- AttachParticleFemAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for attaching particles to each other within a mech model
- AttachParticleFemAgent(Main, MechModel, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleFemAgent
- attachPoint(Point, FemNode[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- attachPoint(Point, PointAttachable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Attaches a particle to a PointAttachable component, using both
component's current position state.
- attachPoint(Point, RigidBody, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- attachProbeInfo(ProbeInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
Attach probe info to this track
- attachToolbar() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- attachViewerToolbar(JPanel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
author: andreio create a camera toolbar to control the view of the camera
on the GlViewer
- attr - Variable in class maspack.apps.MayaJointToMatlab.MayaAttribute
- attributes - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode
- ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GLSLGenerator
Set of built-in attributes, with a hint for binding locations
- audioFn - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
- AudioPlayer02 - Class in artisynth.core.util
- AudioPlayer02() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.AudioPlayer02
- audioToFile - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
- audioToText - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
- Auto - Class in maspack.properties
This class is a holder for the field TYPE, which is used to indicate object
types which should be automatically allocated.
- Auto() - Constructor for class maspack.properties.Auto
- AUTO_EPSILON - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- AUTO_FIT - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- AutoCompleteStringField - Class in maspack.widgets
Auto-completing version of the StringField
Tab to make a suggestion, continue tabbing to cycle through suggestions
or use Up/Down keys
- AutoCompleteStringField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Creates a StringField with an empty label text and a default number of
- AutoCompleteStringField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Creates a StringField with specified label text.
- AutoCompleteStringField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Creates a StringField with specified label text and initial value.
- AutoCompleteStringField(String, String, int, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Creates an ACStringField with specified label text, initial value,
and list of suggested words
- autoFactorAndSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
- autoFactorAndSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.DirectSolver
Factors a previously analyzed matrix M and then solves the system
- autoFactorAndSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
- autoFactorAndSolve(double[], double[], int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
- autoFactorAndSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
- AutoFemReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Convenience routines for reading any FE file format
- AutoFemReader(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AutoFemReader
- AutoFemReader(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AutoFemReader
- AutoFemReader.FemFileType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
- autoFit() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- autoFit() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
- autoFitOrtho() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- autoFitOrtho() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Auto computes the eye and center positions and an orthogonal viewing
frustum to fit the current scence.
- autoFitPerspective() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Auto computes the eye and center positions and an perpective viewing
frustum to fit the current scence.
- autoFitPerspective() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Auto computes the eye and center positions and an perpective viewing
frustum to fit the current scence.
- autoFitViewers() - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- autoGenerateNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes vertex normals using an angle-weighted average of the normals
formed by the edges incident on each vertex.
- AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersector
Specfies that distance tolerances should be computed automatically.
- AUTOMATIC_PIVOT_LIMIT - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- automaticProbesZoom() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- automaticProbesZoom() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Automatically decide which zoom level is better for the probes and set
this level based on the maximum probe time data.
- AutoValue - Static variable in interface maspack.properties.Property
Special class type indicating that a value is to be determined
- AuxiliaryMaterial - Interface in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AuxMaterialBundle - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AuxMaterialBundle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- AuxMaterialBundle(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- AuxMaterialBundle(String, FemMaterial) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- AuxMaterialBundle.FractionRenderType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AuxMaterialBundleList - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AuxMaterialBundleList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundleList
- AuxMaterialBundleList(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundleList
- AuxMaterialElementDesc - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
A class wrapping the description of each FEM element.
- AuxMaterialElementDesc() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- AuxMaterialElementDesc(FemElement3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- AuxMaterialElementDesc(FemElement3d, FemMaterial, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- AuxMaterialElementDescList - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- AuxMaterialElementDescList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDescList
- AuxMaterialElementDescList(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDescList
- available() - Method in class maspack.util.BitInputStream
Returns an estimate of the number of bits that can be read (or
skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next
caller of a method for this input stream.
- AVCONV_METHOD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- avgNumIterations() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Return the average number of iterations per solve
- awaitNextCompleted() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- awaitNextCompleted() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- awaitScreenShotCompletion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- awaitScreenShotCompletion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- awaitScreenShotCompletion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- AxesKey(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.AxesKey
- AxialLigament - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Ligmament material based on : Blankevoort, L., and Huiskes,
- AxialLigament() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- AxialLigament(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- AxialLigament(double, double, double, Diff1Function1x1Base) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- AxialMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- AxialMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterial
- AxialMaterialTest - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Tests AxialMaterials by checking that their computed derivatives are
consistent with the values determined via numeric differentiation.
- AxialMuscleMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- AxialMuscleMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- AxialMuscleMaterialBase - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Base class for point-to-point muscle materials.
- AxialMuscleMaterialBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterialBase
- AxialSpring - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- AxialSpring() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- AxialSpring(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- AxialSpring(String, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- AxialSpring(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- AxialSpring(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- AxialSpringAgent<C extends AxialSpring> - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for adding AxialSprings to a MechModel.
- AxialSpringAgent(Main, ComponentList<C>, CompositeComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AxialSpringAgent
- AxialSpringList<S extends AxialSpring> - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- AxialSpringList(Class<S>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpringList
- AxialSpringList(Class<S>, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpringList
- axialSprings() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- AxialSpringTest - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- AxialTendonBase - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Base class for point-to-point muscle materials that implement
muscle tendons.
- AxialTendonBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
- axis - Variable in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Rotation axis.
- AXIS_ANGLE_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as a 7-tuple
consisting of a translation vector followed by a rotation axis and the
corresponding angle (in degrees).
- AXIS_ANGLE_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Specifies a string representation of this rotation as a 4-tuple consisting
of a rotation axis and the corresponding angle (in degrees).
- AXIS_ANGLE_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as an 8-tuple
consisting of a translation vector followed by a rotation axis and the
corresponding angle (in degrees) followed by the scale
- AxisAlignedRotation - Enum in maspack.matrix
Denotes an axis-aligned rotation i.e., a rotation in which the new axes
are aligned (in either direction) with the original axes.
- AxisAlignedRotationTest - Class in maspack.matrix
- AxisAlignedRotationTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotationTest
- AxisAngle - Class in maspack.matrix
Axis-angle representation of a rigid-body rotation.
- AxisAngle() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and initializes it to the identity rotation.
- AxisAngle(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and initializes it to the prescribed values.
- AxisAngle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and initializes it to the prescribed values.
- AxisAngle(Vector3d, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and sets it to the prescribed values.
- AxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle and initializes it from an existing AxisAngle.
- AxisAngle(RotationMatrix3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Creates an AxisAngle initialized to the specified rotation
- AxisAngleField - Class in maspack.widgets
- AxisAngleField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AxisAngleField
Creates a default AxisAngleField with an empty label.
- AxisAngleField(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AxisAngleField
Creates a new AxisAngleField with specified label text.
- AxisAngleField(String, AxisAngle) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.AxisAngleField
Creates a new AxisAngleField with specified label text and initial value.
- axisAngleString() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
- AxisAngleTest - Class in maspack.matrix
- AxisAngleTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.AxisAngleTest
- C - Variable in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition
- c0 - Variable in enum maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement.VR
- c1 - Variable in enum maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement.VR
- cache(URIx, String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- cache(URIx, File) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- cache(URIx, File, FileTransferMonitor) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- cacheDiffersFromMain() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
- cacheDiffersFromMain(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
- calcInsertionPoint(double[], ProbeInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
[0] - start time [1] - stop time [2] - insertion index
- calculate(SurfaceMeshCollider, HalfEdge, HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.collision.EdgeEdgeContact
- calculate(SurfaceMeshCollider) - Method in class maspack.collision.EdgeEdgeContact
- canAddMarker(Marker) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.IsMarkable
Checks whether or not the marker can be added to the component (or potentially somewhere within the component hierarchy),
without actually adding it.
- canAddMarker(Marker) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- canAddMarker(Marker) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- canAddMarker(Marker) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- cancelRenderRequests() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- canClipToRange(double) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns true if it is possible to clip a number to this range.
- canCreate(PropertyInfo) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- canCreateWithSlider(PropertyInfo) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- canDecode(DicomHeader) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImageDecoderGDCM
- canonicalAngle(double) - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.RotationRep
Find the canocical representation of an angle ang
such that it is in the range (-PI, PI]
- CanonicalFemElementSampler - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Samples uniformly from the canonical element shape (i.e.
- CanonicalFemElementSampler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalFemElementSampler
- CanonicalHexSampler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalHexSampler
- CanonicalPyramidSampler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalPyramidSampler
- CanonicalSampler - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Samples uniformly from the canonical shape of a Finite Element
- CanonicalSampler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler
- CanonicalSampler.CanonicalHexSampler - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Samples uniformly from within basic hex
- CanonicalSampler.CanonicalPyramidSampler - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Samples uniformly from within basic pyramid
- CanonicalSampler.CanonicalTetSampler - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Samples uniformly from within the basic Tet
- CanonicalSampler.CanonicalWedgeSampler - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Samples uniformly from within basic wedge
- CanonicalTetSampler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalTetSampler
- CanonicalWedgeSampler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalWedgeSampler
- canParse(Element) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscleFactory
- canParse(Element) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990MuscleFactory
- canParse(Element) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscleFactory
- canParse(Element) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model3Factory
- canParse(Element) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4Factory
- canParse(Element) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObjectFactory
Checks if this factory can parse the given DOM element.
- canParse(Element) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.RigidTendonMuscleFactory
- canParse(Element) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993MuscleFactory
- canParse(Element) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003MuscleFactory
- canSelfIntersect - Variable in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- canSetSurfaceScale() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- capacity() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HashedPointSet
- capture(GL2GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLFrameCapture
Captures an image of the canvas and saves it to the specified file.
- CARDINAL - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- castRefToAncestor(Object) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- cauchyToSecondPKStress(SymmetricMatrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, DeformedPoint) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Computes the second Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor from the Cauchy stress,
according to the formula
S = J F^{-1} sigma F^{-T}
- CELL - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- cells - Variable in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- cellsize - Variable in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- center - Variable in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- CENTER - Static variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- CENTER - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Align centers.
- centerDistancePerPixel() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Computes the distance per pixel at the viewpoint center.
- centerDistancePerPixel() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the displacement distance of the center point, in a plane
parallel to the view plane, that corresponds to a screen displacement of
one pixel.
- centerDistancePerPixel() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- centerInViewer() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Centre the probe in the middle of the viewer
- centerInViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- centerPoseOnCenterOfMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Adjusts the pose so that it reflects the rigid body's center of mass.
- centerPoseOnCentroid() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
Adjusts the pose so that it reflects the mesh's centroid.
- centroid - Variable in class maspack.collision.ContactPlane
- CGSolver - Class in maspack.solvers
Solves linear systems using the conjugate gradient algorithm
- CGSolver() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
- CGSolverTest - Class in maspack.solvers
Unit test for the class CGSolver
- changeExpression(int, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
- changeExpression(String, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- changeExpression(int, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.OutputNumericProbeEditor
- changeProperty(Property, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
this occurs when a current property in the list is valid, but a new one is
selected to take its place.
- changeProperty(Property, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.OutputNumericProbeEditor
- changeVariableDimension(String, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
- CharHolder - Class in maspack.util
Wrapper class which ``holds'' a character value, enabling methods to return
character values through arguments.
- CharHolder() - Constructor for class maspack.util.CharHolder
Constructs a new CharHolder
with an initial value of 0.
- CharHolder(char) - Constructor for class maspack.util.CharHolder
Constructs a new CharHolder
with a specific initial value.
- check(Point) - Method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Hemisphere
- check() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitorAgent
Refreshes the destination file, checking if the file has changed and fires
an event if either the size or modification time is different.
- check(BVFeatureQuery.BVCheckRequest) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.NearestKCollector
- check(BVFeatureQuery.BVCheckRequest) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceCollector
Checks if a request has the potential to satisfy the condition,
otherwise we can stop the search.
- check() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.VertexSet
- check() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignatureTest
- check(String, boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- CHECK_HASH - Static variable in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Check file hashes, and if different, get from remote
- checkAndPrintGLError(GL) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- checkAvailability(GraphicsInterface) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GraphicsInterface
Check if a specific graphics interface is supported on the hardware and
if not try to substitute on that is.
- checkBLCPSolution(VectorNd, VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, int, VectorNi, double) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.LCPSolverTestBase
- checkBLCPSolution(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, int, VectorNi, double) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.LCPSolverTestBase
- checkConnectivity(ModelComponent, ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns 1 if components comp1
and comp2
connected via the component hierarchy, with the path running through the
specified intermediate component viacomp
(which may equal comp1
, comp2
, or any component on the path in between).
- checkConsistency() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Make sure that this mesh is consistent, by checking that:
(1) vertex and face indices are consistent
(2) every face half edge is registered with it's head vertex
(3) every half edge's opposite, if non-null, points back to itself
(4) every half edge's head is the next half-edge's tail
(5) every half edge's face is valid
(6) every half edge's head and tail are different
(7) every vertex indicent half edge refers to a valid face
- checkConsistency() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Check that the internal structures of this matrix are consistent.
- checkConsistency() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Check that the internal structures of this matrix are consistent.
- checkConsistency() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
- checkConsistency() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Check that the internal structures of this matrix are consistent.
- checkConsistency() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Check that the internal structures of this matrix are consistent.
- checkConsistency() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Check that the internal structures of this matrix are consistent.
- checkConsistency() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
- checkConvexHull(PrintStream) - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
- checkCurrentAttributes(MechSystemBase, TransformGeometryTest.AttributeSet, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.TransformGeometryTest
- checkDfdl(AxialMaterial, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterialTest
- checkDfdldot(AxialMaterial, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterialTest
- checkElementCondition(FemElement3dBase, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- checkElementDesc(FemModel, AuxMaterialElementDesc) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- checkEquals(String, Plane, Plane, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformerTest
- checkEquals(String, Object, Object) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkEquals(String, Vector, Vector) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkEquals(String, Vector, Vector, double) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkEquals(String, VectorNi, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkEquals(String, Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkEquals(String, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkEquals(String, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkEquals(String, int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkExceptions(Exception, Exception) - Static method in class maspack.util.TestSupport
Checks to see if an actual exception equals an expected exception.
- checkExpressionConsistency(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
- checkFaceNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- checkFlag(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- checkFlag(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- checkForDegenerateFaces() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- checkForFieldName(ReaderTokenizer, String) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Checks to see if the next input token corresponds to a specific field
- checkForImageMagick() - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImageDecoderImageMagick
Checks for availability of ImageMagick on the system path
- checkGradient() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- checkLCPSolution(VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, double) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.LCPSolverTestBase
- checkLCPSolutionX(VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd, int, VectorNi, double) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.LCPSolverTestBase
- checkMasterBlocks(MatrixBlock[], double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
Checks a set of master blocks to see if they are consistent with those
computed numerically.
- checkMesh(String, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactoryTest
- checkMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- checkName(String, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Check to see if a String represents a valid name for a model
- checkNameUniqueness(ModelComponent, CompositeComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Check name uniqueness restrictions of a component with respect
to a specific parent, and throw an exception if these are violated.
- checkNodes - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexTrimmer
- checkNormedEquals(String, Vector, Vector, double) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkNormedEquals(String, Matrix, Matrix, double) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- checkOrthonormality() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
- checkQv(double[]) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- checkReferenceContainment(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- checkReferenceContainment(ModelComponent, CompositeComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- checkRegions(String, int[][], double[], ArrayList<PenetrationRegion>, ArrayList<IntersectionContour>, PolygonalMesh, SurfaceMeshIntersector, boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- checkRotationSubvecOffsets(int[], RotationRep, int) - Static method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Checks a set of specified rotation subvector offsets to ensure that
they do not overlap and all fit within the overall vector.
- checkScalarElementField(ScalarElementField) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkScalarElemValue(String, FemElement3dBase, int, ScalarElementField) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkScalarFaceField(ScalarFaceField) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldTest
- checkScalarGridField(ScalarGridField) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldTest
- checkScalarNodalField(ScalarNodalField) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkScalarSubElemField(ScalarSubElemField) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkScalarSubElemValues(String, FemElement3dBase, ScalarSubElemField) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkScalarVertexField(ScalarVertexField) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldTest
- checkSolution(MatrixNd, VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigQPSolverTest
- checkSolve(Object, int, SparseBlockMatrix, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolverTest
- checkState - Static variable in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- checkStatus(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
Return the error code from the FBO
- checksum() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- checkTangentStability - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- checkVectorElementField(VectorElementField<T>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkVectorElemValue(String, FemElement3dBase, int, VectorElementField<T>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkVectorFaceField(VectorFaceField<T>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldTest
- checkVectorGridField(VectorGridField<T>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldTest
- checkVectorNodalField(VectorNodalField<T>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkVectorSubElemField(VectorSubElemField<T>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkVectorSubElemValues(String, FemElement3dBase, VectorSubElemField<T>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- checkVectorVertexField(VectorVertexField<T>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldTest
- checkVelocityStability() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Checks the velocity stability of this system.
- checkVelocityStability() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Checks the velocity stability of this system.
- checkVelocityStability() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
Checks the velocity stability of this system.
- checkWrite(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- childNodesAreValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- childNodesAreValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderEntry
- CholeskyDecomposition - Class in maspack.matrix
Constructs the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive definite
- CholeskyDecomposition() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Creates an uninitialized CholeskyDecomposition.
- CholeskyDecomposition(int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Creates an uninitialized CholeskyDecomposition with enough capacity to
handle matrices of size n
- CholeskyDecomposition(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Creates a CholeskyDecomposition for the Matrix specified by M.
- chop(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
- chop(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
Performs an in-place slice, modifying this array directly
- chop(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
Performs an in-place slice, modifying this array directly
- chop(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
Performs an in-place slice, modifying this array directly
- chop(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
Performs an in-place slice, modifying this array directly
- CInfinityWeightFunction - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- CInfinityWeightFunction(Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CInfinityWeightFunction
- CInfinityWeightFunction(Point3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CInfinityWeightFunction
- circleTangentPoints(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.QuadraticUtils
Cpmputes the two tangent points t0
and t1
between a circle of radius r
and a point px
exterior to it.
- clamp(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- clamp(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- clampEnd() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- ClassAliases - Class in maspack.util
- ClassAliases() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ClassAliases
- ClassAliases.ClassFilter - Interface in maspack.util
- ClassField - Class in artisynth.core.gui.widgets
- ClassField(String, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ClassField
Creates a ClassField with specified label text.
- ClassField(String, Class, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ClassField
Creates a ClassField with specified label text and initial value.
- ClassField.AllClasses - Class in artisynth.core.gui.widgets
- ClassFilter - Class in artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager
A selection filter that accepts objects which are instances of a particular
class or interface.
- ClassFilter(Class) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.ClassFilter
- ClassFinder - Class in maspack.util
Searches the classpath for classes that match supplied criteria
- ClassFinder() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ClassFinder
- classIsRootModel(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- clean() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Remove the image files created in the specified folder after a movie
has been made.
- CLEAN_LOCK - Static variable in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
- cleanupScreenShots() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- cleanupScreenShots() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- cleanupScreenShots() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SelectComponentPanelHandler
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTable
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ObjectGroup
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Clears all waypoints in this probe, except for the waypoint at time 0.
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Clears the buffer
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Clears all entries from the AliasTable
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- clear() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- clear() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.IdentityFile
Disposes internally allocated data, like byte array for the private key.
- clear() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the URI to an empty relative URI
- clear() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.ConsoleUserAuthenticator
- clear() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- clear() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- clear() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Clears this mesh (makes it empty).
- clear() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- clear() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- clear() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Clears this mesh (makes it empty).
- clear() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Clears this mesh (makes it empty).
- clear() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- clear() - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- clear() - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Removes the branch below this item, clearing children if this is the only
- clear() - Method in class maspack.graph.Tree
- clear() - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- clear() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Removes all knots in the numeric list.
- clear() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryHandler
- clear() - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONHandler
Clear any stored info, i.e.
- clear() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONReader
Clear saved info in the underlying handler
- clear() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
- clear() - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
- clear() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
- clear() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SubMatrixNd
- clear() - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- clear() - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- clear() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
Clears the drawn contents of this tool.
- clear() - Method in class maspack.render.FreehandTool
- clear() - Method in class maspack.render.PointTool
- clear() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
Clears all renderables in this list.
- clear() - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Clears all elements from this set
- clear() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Clears the backing image, increments the storage Id so that any existing
external storage glyphs become invalid
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryTreeRectanglePacker
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.DataBuffer
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.GridRectanglePacker
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
- clear() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- clear() - Method in interface maspack.util.RectanglePacker
Clears all rectangles, to start over
- clear() - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- CLEAR_OPTION - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- clearAfter(NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Removes all knots after a specific knot in this list.
- clearAll() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Clears everything in the RenderInstances, allowing it to be
- clearAll() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Clears everything in the RenderObject, allowing it to be
- clearAllPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Removes all mesh-interacting points from this PointMeshForce.
- clearAllTextures() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- clearAllTextures(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., nodes, elements)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., nodes, elements)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., nodes, elements)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., nodes, elements)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAllValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Clear all values defined for the features (e.g., vertices, faces)
associated with this field.
- clearAuxMaterialBundles() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- clearAxialSprings() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearBehavior(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- clearBehavior(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- clearBehavior(MechModel, Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- clearBehaviors() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- clearBehaviors() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- clearBehaviors(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- clearBodyConnectors() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearBoundingInfo() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
- clearBounds() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.NonuniformBoundsTerm
- clearBVTree() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- clearCachedData() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- clearCacheIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldComp
Used internally by the system to clear cached values
for subclasses that support value caching.
- clearCacheIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
Used internally by the system to clear cached values
for subclasses that support value caching.
- clearCacheIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Used internally by the system to clear cached values
for subclasses that support value caching.
- clearCacheIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Used internally by the system to clear cached values
for subclasses that support value caching.
- clearCacheIfNecessary() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldComponent
Used internally by the system to clear cached values
for subclasses that support value caching.
- clearCacheIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- clearChildList() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
- clearChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- clearClipPlaneControls() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- clearClipPlanes() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Removes all clip planes from this viewer.
- clearClipPlanes() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Removes all clip planes from this viewer.
- clearClipPlanes() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerToolBar
- clearCoefficients() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- clearCoefficients() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
- clearCollisionBehavior(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Clears the collision behavior that was previously set using one of the
- clearCollisionBehaviors() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Clears any collision behaviors that have been set using the
- clearCollisionResponse(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Clears the collision response that was previously set using one of the
- clearCollisionResponses() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Clears any collision responses that have been set using the
- clearColors() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Clears the color map used to specify vertex colors.
- clearColors() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Clears the color information for this mesh.
- clearCommands() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
Clear all commands
- clearCommands(UndoManager.CommandFilter) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
Clear all commands indicated by a command filter.
- clearComputeNodalStressStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Cancels the computation of nodal stress, strain and energy density values
for this model.
- clearConnections() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Clear the connections used by this attachment.
- clearConstrainers() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearContactActivity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- clearCurves() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- clearCutPlanes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- clearData() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- clearDataList() - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Clears the dictionary
- clearDimensionLabel() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- clearDirector() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- clearDraggerFrameInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- clearDraggers() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- clearDraggers() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- clearDraggers() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Removes all application-defined dragger fixtures from this viewer.
- clearElementConditionInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- clearElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- clearElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- clearElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- clearElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- clearEmptyMarks() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- clearErrorMessage() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- clearExceptions() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- clearExciters() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Removes all exciters
- clearFaces() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- clearFascicles() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- clearFeatures() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Clears the features, if any, associated with this distance
- clearFibres() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- clearFields() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- clearFields() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearFlag(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- clearFlag(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- clearFlag(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- clearFlags() - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- clearFlags() - Method in class maspack.render.DragToolBase
- clearForceEffectors() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearFrameMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearFrames() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearFrameSprings() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearGeneratingMeshes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- clearHardEdges() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Clears all the hard edges currently in this mesh.
- clearIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- clearIndirectNeighbors() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- clearInitialStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Sets all stiffness and force values to zero
- clearItems() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
Clears all text items
- clearIterationCount() - Static method in class maspack.numerics.BisectionRootSolver
- clearIterationCount() - Static method in class maspack.numerics.BrentRootSolver
- clearIterationCount() - Static method in class maspack.numerics.NewtonRootSolver
- clearJars() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- clearKnots() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
- clearKnots() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Removes all knots from from this spline.
- clearKnots() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Removes all knots from from this spline.
- clearKnots() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Removes all knots from from this spline.
- clearLights() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
- clearMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Removes all markers from this SkinMeshBody.
- clearMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- clearMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- clearMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- clearMaterialBundles() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- clearMeshBodies() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Removes all mesh components from the meshBodies
list of this model.
- clearMeshComps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- clearMeshComps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- clearMeshMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- clearMessages() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
Clear the message area
- clearModels() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearMultiPointSprings() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearMuscleBundles() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- clearMuscleBundles() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- clearMuscleExciters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- clearMuscleExciters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearNativeLibs() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- clearNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeDisplacementRenderer
- clearNormal() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Clears the normal vector for this face.
- clearNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- clearNumericExtensionChars() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Clears all numeric extension characters.
- clearParticles() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearPath() - Method in class maspack.graph.Path
- clearPickMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- clearPickMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- clearPivotCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LCPSolverTestBase
- clearPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Removes all points (and segments) from this spring.
- clearPortRange() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- clearPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- clearPrimitives() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Clears all primitive groups, allowing them to be recreated.
- clearPrimitives() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Clears all primitive groups, allowing them to be recreated.
- clearRegions() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- clearRenderables() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- clearRenderables() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearRenderables() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- clearRenderables() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- clearRenderables() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerFrame
- clearRenderables() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Removes all renderables from this viewer.
- clearRenderMeshComps() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- clearRenderMeshComps() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- clearRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- clearResponse(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- clearResponses() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- clearResponses() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- clearResponses(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- clearRestDirector() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- clearRestPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- clearRigidBodies() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- clearRootModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- clearRotationData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Should be called only if we want to liberate rotation data memory for
some reason.
- clearSelectedKnots() - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- clearSelections() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- clearShellElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- clearSolveCounts() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Clears the cummulative solve and iteration counts.
- clearState(VectorNi) - Static method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
- clearStateObjects() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- clearStiffnessModifiers() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- clearTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Removes all force targets
- clearTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Removes targets
- clearTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Removes targets
- clearTetElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- clearTexture(GL, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- clearTexture(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- clearTextureCoords() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Clears the texture information for this mesh.
- clearTraces() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- clearTracing(Traceable) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- clearValue(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Clears the value at a given element (either volumetric or shell).
- clearValue(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Clears the value at a given face.
- clearValue(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Clears the value at a given node.
- clearValue(FemElement3dBase, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Clears the value at an integration of an element (either volumetric or
- clearValue(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Clears the value at a given vertex.
- clearValue(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Clears the value at a given element (either volumetric or shell).
- clearValue(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Clears the value at a given face.
- clearValue(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Clears the value at a given node.
- clearValue(FemElement3dBase, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Clears the value at an integration of an element (either volumetric or
- clearValue(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Clears the value at a given vertex.
- clearValueChangeListeners() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Remove all ValueChangeListeners from this control.
- clearVertexConnections(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Clears master body connections for a specified vertex of this
SkinMeshBody's mesh.
- clearViaPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscleVia
- clearVisited() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- clearWayPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- clearWayPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- clearWayPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- clearWorkspace() - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- clearWrappables() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Removes all wrappables from this spring
- clearWrappableSegment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- clip(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Clip the probe viewer to fall within the FEM.
- clip(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
Clips the display plane to lie solely within the associated mesh
- clip(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- clipCoordinate(int, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Clips value
to the range for the idx
-ith coordinate
supported by this coupling.
- clipDratio(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.QuadraticUtilsTest
- clipLineSegment(double[], Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
Clips a line segment defined by p = p0 + del*s, with s in the range
(srng[0], srng[1]) to fit within this tet.
- ClipPlanesUBO - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- clipToRange(double) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Clips a number to lie within the interval specified by this NumericRange.
- Clonable - Interface in maspack.util
This interface provides a fix to the Java Cloneable interface in
that any class implementing it is guaranteed to have a public
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadraturePoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinWeightingFunction
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TransformComponentsCommand
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Returns a clone of this composite property.
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FrameMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.InactiveMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
Returns a clone of this composite property.
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UnidirectionalLinearAxialMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.Segment
Creates a clone of this segment.
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SegmentSpec
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SubSegment
Clones this subsegment.
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
Clones a copy of this knot.
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Creates a clone of this wrappable segment.
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CInfinityWeightFunction
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.ExponentialWeightFunction
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeWeightFunction
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.SplineWeightFunction
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ActiveForceLengthCurve
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BallJoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BodySet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ComponentSet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConditionalPathPoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Constant
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConstraintBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConstraintSet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateList
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateSet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CustomJoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FiberForceLengthCurve
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceSet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceSpringBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceVelocityCurve
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Frame
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FrameGeometry
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FrameList
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FreeJoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FunctionBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Geometry
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryList
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryPath
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometrySet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GimbalJoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ground
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasAppearance
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasVisibleObject
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasVisibleObjectOrAppearance
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Joint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointSet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ligament
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.LinearFunction
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ListBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MarkerSet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Mesh
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model3
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MultiplierFunction
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.NaturalCubicSpline
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ObjectGroup
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimDocument
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObject
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathPoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathPointSet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathWrap
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathWrapSet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalFrame
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalOffsetFrame
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PiecewiseLinearFunction
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PinJoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.RigidTendonMuscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimmSpline
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SpatialTransform
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfaceProperties
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.TendonForceLengthCurve
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.TransformAxis
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.UniversalJoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WeldJoint
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapCylinder
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapEllipsoid
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObjectSet
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapSphere
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapTorus
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.DataFunctionBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDataFunctionProbe
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PointTracingProbe
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- clone() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- clone() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.ConstantFunction1x1
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.CubicFunction1x1
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.Diff1Function1x1Base
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.Diff1FunctionNx1Base
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.LinearFunction1x1
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.LinearFunctionNx1
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.PolyFunction1x1Base
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.QuadraticFunction1x1
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- clone() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- clone() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- clone() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Creates a clone of this mesh.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
- clone() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- clone() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
- clone() - Method in class maspack.geometry.SubdivisionVertex3d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- clone() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dNode
- clone() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- clone() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIField
- clone() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- clone() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- clone() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- clone() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- clone() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- clone() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns a deep copy of this numeric list.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Returns a copy of this dual quaternion
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Creates a clone of this matrix.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Creates a clone of this MatrixBlock, which duplicates the size, storage
capacity, and values.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Creates a clone of this MatrixBlock, which duplicates the size, storage
capacity, and values.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Creates a clone of this matrix block, with the link and offset information
set to be undefined.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Point3d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Creates a clone of this SparseBlockMatrix, along with clones of all the
associated MatrixBlocks.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
Creates a clone of this NumberedSparseBlockMatrix, along with clones of
all the associated MatrixBlocks.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SubMatrixNd
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
- clone() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
- clone() - Method in interface maspack.properties.CompositeProperty
Returns a clone of this composite property.
- clone() - Method in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- clone() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.BumpMapProps
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.color.JetColorMap
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.NormalMapProps
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesState
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesVersion
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectState
- clone() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectState
- clone() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- clone() - Method in class maspack.render.VertexIndexArray
- clone() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FixedAxisCoupling
- clone() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarCoupling
- clone() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
- clone() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
- clone() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
- clone() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
- clone() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
- clone() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger
- clone() - Method in interface maspack.util.Clonable
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.DoubleInterval
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
Creates a shallow copy
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
Creates a shallow copy
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
Creates a shallow copy
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
Creates a shallow copy
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Clones the list (shallow copy)
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.Logger
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericIntervalRange
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.RangeBase
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.StreamLogger
- clone() - Method in class maspack.util.StringRange
- clone() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- clone() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VoidVector
- cloneFem(MFreeModel3d, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- cloneRenderProps(Renderable) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderableUtils
Sets the RenderProps of a Renderable object to a copy of its existing
- cloneStructure(DirectedGraph<A, B>) - Static method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- cloneStructure() - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- close() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- close() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
- close() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemWriterBase
Closes the outputs for this writer.
- close() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberReader
- close() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberWriter
- close() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.VtkAsciiReader
- close() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel.OutputWriter
- close() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Writes movie information file.
- close() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- close() - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
- close(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dSegment
- close() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- close() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- close() - Method in interface maspack.geometry.io.MeshReader
- close() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MeshReaderBase
- close() - Method in interface maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter
- close() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriterBase
- close() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONReader
- close() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
- close() - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- close() - Method in class maspack.matrix.GenerateMulAdd
- close() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Close the underlying reader for this tokenizer.
- CLOSE_CMD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- CLOSED - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Specifies a closed curve.
- closedContourTests() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- closeDialog() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Hides MovieMakerDialog.
- closeEngine() - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterfaceTest
- closeHoles(PolygonalMesh, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshUtilities
Attempts to close holes smaller or equal to the given size
- closeMatlabConnection() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- closePrintStateFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- closeProbeEditors() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- closeQuietly(InputStream) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
- closeQuietly(OutputStream) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
- closeQuietly(FileChannel) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
- closeSeams(PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- closestIntersection(Face, HalfEdge, Face) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.RobustPreds
Assuming that faceC
and faceD
both intersect
, determines which intersection point comes irst.
- closestPlane(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
Returns the plane closest to a specified point in the D coordinate frame.
- closestPoint(Line3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Finds the point on THIS line that is closest to the supplied line
- closestPoint(Line3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Finds the point on THIS line that is closest to the supplied line
- closestPointBetweenLines(Line3d, Line3d, Point3d, Point3d, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
- closestPointBetweenLines(Vector3d, Point3d, Vector3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
- closeStreams() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Must be called to free resources after streams have been read.
- cls() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Appends blank lines to clear the screen
- code - Variable in enum artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode.FontStyle
- coefsFromRoots(double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.CubicSolverTest
- coefsFromRoots(double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class maspack.util.QuarticSolverTest
- coherent(Point3d[], Point3d[], double, double, double, double, int, Point3d[], double[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the coherent CPD algorithm to align a set of points
- coherent(Point3d[], Point3d[], double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the coherent CPD algorithm to align a set of points
- coherent(Point3d[], Point3d[], double, double, double, double, int, Point3d[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the coherent CPD algorithm to align a set of points
- coherent(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the coherent CPD algorithm to align two meshes
- coherent(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, double, int, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Uses the coherent CPD algorithm to align two meshes
- coincidentError - Variable in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
- COL_ROW_PLANE - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- COL_ROW_PLANE - Static variable in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- COL_ROW_PLANE - Static variable in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- COL_SLICE_PLANE - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- COL_SLICE_PLANE - Static variable in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- COL_SLICE_PLANE - Static variable in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- collect(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLGarbageCollector
- collectHandlers(ArrayList<CollisionHandler>, CollidablePair) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTable
- collectInitialForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- collectMasterComponents(HashSet<DynamicComponent>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- collectMasterComponents(HashSet<DynamicComponent>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- collectMasterComponents(HashSet<DynamicComponent>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- collectMasterComponents(HashSet<DynamicComponent>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- collectMasterComponents(HashSet<DynamicComponent>, boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactMaster
Collects all the underlying dynamic ``master'' components.
- collectMasterComponents(HashSet<DynamicComponent>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- collectMasterComponents(HashSet<DynamicComponent>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- collectMasterComponents(HashSet<DynamicComponent>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
- collectStrainEnergy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- collectVertexMasters(List<ContactMaster>, Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
Collects the contact masters for a particular mesh vertex.
- collectVertexMasters(List<ContactMaster>, Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Collects the contact masters for a particular mesh vertex.
- collectVertexMasters(List<ContactMaster>, Vertex3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableBody
Collects the contact masters for a particular mesh vertex.
- collectVertexMasters(List<ContactMaster>, Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Collects the contact masters for a particular mesh vertex.
- collectVertexMasters(List<ContactMaster>, Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- Collidable - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Indicates a model component that can collide with other Collidables.
- Collidable.Collidability - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Indicates the collision types that are enabled for this Collidable.
- Collidable.Group - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Special Collidable subclass used to denote generic groups of
- collidable0MatchesBody(CollidableBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Queries whether a collidable body matches the first collidable of this
- CollidableBody - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Indicates a Collidable that is capable of actual collision handling.
- CollidableDynamicComponent - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Describes a DynamicComponent that can response to collisions.
- CollidablePair - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Describes a pair of Collidable model components.
- CollidablePair(Collidable, Collidable) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidablePair
- CollidablePair(CollidablePair) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidablePair
- collideVerticesWithFaces(ArrayList<PenetratingPoint>, PenetrationRegion, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshCollider
- CollisionBehavior - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Contains information describing the appropriate collision response
between two bodies.
- CollisionBehavior() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Creates a new CollisionBehavior with default values.
- CollisionBehavior(boolean, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Creates a new CollisionBehavior with a specified enabling
and friction.
- CollisionBehavior(CollisionBehavior) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- CollisionBehavior.ColorMapType - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Specified what type of data should be used when drawing a color
map over the collision area.
- CollisionBehavior.Method - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Specifies the contact method defining how the constraints are
generated for handling collisions.
- CollisionBehavior.VertexPenetrations - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- CollisionBehaviorList - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- CollisionBehaviorList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehaviorList
- CollisionBehaviorList(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehaviorList
- CollisionComponent - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Base class for both CollisionBehavior and CollisionResponse objects.
- CollisionComponent() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionComponent
- CollisionHandler - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Class that generates the contact constraints between a specific
pair of collidable bodies.
- CollisionHandler(CollisionManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- CollisionHandler(CollisionManager, CollidableBody, CollidableBody, CollisionBehavior, CollisionManager.BehaviorSource) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- CollisionHandlerTable - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Structure to store ColllisionHandlers within a CollisionManager.
- CollisionHandlerTable(CollisionManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTable
- CollisionHandlerTableTest - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Unit tester for CollisionHandlerTable
- CollisionManager - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
A special component that manages collisions between collidable bodies on
behalf of a MechModel.
- CollisionManager(MechModel) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- CollisionManager.ColliderType - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Specifies the collider that generates contact information between the
two meshes.
- CollisionManagerTest - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Test jig for the CollisionManager.
- CollisionManagerTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- CollisionMetrics - Class in maspack.collision
- CollisionMetrics(String) - Constructor for class maspack.collision.CollisionMetrics
- CollisionRenderer - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Class to perform rendering for a CollisionHandler
- CollisionRenderer() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionRenderer
- CollisionResponse - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Collects the collision response characteristics for a specific pair of
- CollisionResponse() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponse
- CollisionResponseList - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- CollisionResponseList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponseList
- CollisionResponseList(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponseList
- CollisionTestBase - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- CollisionTestBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.CollisionTestBase
- CollisionTestBase(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.CollisionTestBase
- COLON - Static variable in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
- color(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Sets the current color to use for new vertices, including RGBA.
- color(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Sets the current color to use for new vertices, including RGBA.
- color(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Sets the current color to use for new vertices, including RGBA.
- color(float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Sets the current color to use for new vertices, including RGBA.
- color(byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Sets the current color to use for new vertices, including RGBA.
- color(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRenderer
Cues up a color to use for following vertices
- color(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
- color(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets the current color to be used in following vertices.
- color(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets the current color to be used in following vertices.
- color(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets the current color to be used in following vertices.
- color(byte[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets the current color to be used in following vertices.
- color(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets the current color to be used in following vertices
based on color index.
- COLOR_MAP_FLAG - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- ColorBar - Class in artisynth.core.renderables
Color bar implementation, as a 2D renderable component.
- ColorBar() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- ColorBar(ColorMapBase) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- ColorBufferPutter - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- ColorBufferPutter.ByteColorBufferPutter - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- colorBundles(String[], boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- ColoredMeshDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- ColoredMeshDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ColoredMeshDemo
- ColoredMeshDemo(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ColoredMeshDemo
- ColoredSphereTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- ColoredSphereTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.ColoredSphereTest
- colorExciter(MuscleExciter, Color) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- colorExciters(String[], boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- colorList - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- ColorMap - Interface in maspack.render.color
- ColorMapBase - Class in maspack.render.color
- ColorMapBase() - Constructor for class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- ColorMapProps - Class in maspack.render
- ColorMapProps() - Constructor for class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- ColorMapProps(ColorMapProps) - Constructor for class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- ColorMapProps(TextureContent) - Constructor for class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- ColorSelector - Class in maspack.widgets
- ColorSelector() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
Creates a default ColorSelector with an empty label.
- ColorSelector(String, Color) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
Creates a ColorSelector with specified label text and initial color.
- ColorSelector(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
Creates a ColorSelector with a specified label text.
- colorSet(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets the current active color set to be used/modified.
- ColorUtils - Class in maspack.render.color
- ColorUtils() - Constructor for class maspack.render.color.ColorUtils
- ColouredSphereTest - Class in maspack.test.GL
- ColouredSphereTest() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.ColouredSphereTest
- cols() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Returns the number of columns in this matrix (which is always 3).
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Returns the number of columns in this matrix (which is always 4).
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- colSize() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.LinearTransformNd
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Returns the number of columns in this matrix.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Returns the number of columns in this matrix (which is always 2).
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Returns the number of columns in this matrix (which is always 3).
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Returns the number of columns in this matrix (which is always 4).
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Returns the number of columns in this matrix (which is always 6).
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Number of columns in the matrix associated with this transformation.
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition
- colSize() - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteLUDecomposition
- COLUMNS - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- colWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage
- combine(DualQuaternion, List<DualQuaternionDerivTest.TransDesc>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DualQuaternionDerivTest
- combine(double, ExcitationSourceList, ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationUtils
- combine(double, Quaternion, double, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Computes r1 q1 + r2 q2
and places the result in this
- combine(double, SparseCRSMatrix, double, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Forms the combination a M1 + b M2 and places the result in this
- combine(double, SparseVectorNd, double, SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Computes s1 v1 + s2 v2
and places the result in this
- combine(double, Vector2d, double, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Computes s1 v1 + s2 v2
and places the result in this
- combine(double, Vector3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes s1 v1 + s2 v2
and places the result in this
- combine(double, Vector4d, double, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Computes s1 v1 + s2 v2
and places the result in this
- combine(double, VectorNd, double, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Computes s1 v1 + s2 v2
and places the result in this
- combine(double, Twist, double, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Computes s1 tw1 + s2 tw2 and places the result in this twist.
- combine(double, Wrench, double, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Computes s1 wr1 + s2 wr2 and places the result in this wrench.
- CombinedElemFem - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- CombinedElemFem() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedElemFem
- CombinedShellFem - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Square patch of triangular shell elements, subjected to gravity.
- CombinedShellFem() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedShellFem
- combineMatrixTypes(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- combineWithAncestor(ModelComponent, double, ExcitationSourceList, int, ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationUtils
- COMMA - Static variable in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
- Command - Interface in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- command - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker.MethodInfo
- commentChar(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Sets the specified character to be a comment character.
- commit() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Signal that the object is complete and ready for rendering.
- commonProperties(PropTreeCell, boolean) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- commonProperties(PropTreeCell, boolean, String[], String[]) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
Returns a PropTreeCell whose children represent the first level of
properties common to all hosts, starting from the position in the property
tree indicated by cell.
- commonProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
Returns a PropTreeCell with a single child representing a specified
property that is common to all hosts.
- comparator() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Returns the comparator used to order elements
- comparator() - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Returns the comparator used to order elements
- compare(Node<MenuNode>, Node<MenuNode>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuCompareByNameButDemosFirst
- compare(MenuNode, MenuNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuCompareByNameButDemosLast
- compare(double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.TimeBase
within the tolerance
specified by the reciprocal of
- compare(PenetratingPoint, PenetratingPoint) - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint.DistanceComparator
- compare(PenetratingPoint, PenetratingPoint) - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint.IndexComparator
- compare(T, T, int) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.KDComparator
Compares a(dim) to b(dim)
- compare(E, E) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap.DefaultComparator
- compareArtFiles(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentTestUtils
- compareArtFiles(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentTestUtils
- compareCacheToMain() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
- compareExchangeFingerPrint(Object) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2VersionedObject
For atomically comparing and exchanging a supplied fingerprint.
- compareFiles(String, String, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.CompareStateFiles
- compareFiles(ReaderTokenizer, ReaderTokenizer, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.CompareStateFiles
- compareSections(ReaderTokenizer, ReaderTokenizer, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.CompareStateFiles
- CompareStateFiles - Class in artisynth.core.util
This program is used to two compare files describing the state (i.e.,
velocity and position) trajectory of a sequence of ArtiSynth simulations:
- CompareStateFiles() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.CompareStateFiles
- compareTo(MenuNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- compareTo(MenuNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- compareTo(ScriptDialogBase.ScriptDesc) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptDialogBase.ScriptDesc
- compareTo(PenetratingPoint) - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint
- compareTo(EncryptedUserAuthenticator) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.EncryptedUserAuthenticator
- compareTo(SimpleUserAuthenticator) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleUserAuthenticator
- compareTo(BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceEntry<T>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceEntry
Compares by distance (ascending) then by object hashcode (ascending) to enforce
- compareTo(T, KDComparator<T>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.KDTree.KDNode
- compareTo(DicomDateTime) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
- compatible(DicomSlice) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Checks whether the provided slice has compatible image dimensions with the
the current image set
- compile(GL2) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- compile(GL2, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- compileAndExecute(GL2) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- compileAndExecute(GL2, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- compileJythonExpression(String, HashMap<String, NumericProbeVariable>, RotationRep) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeDriver
- complete() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Finalize DICOM image construction
- completedColor - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- compliance - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem.ConstraintInfo
- CompliantConstraintDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- CompliantConstraintDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.CompliantConstraintDemo
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameBasedEditingAgent
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleElementAgent
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeListener
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponent
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
Notifies this composite component that a change has occured within one or
more of its descendants.
- componentChanged(ComponentChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- ComponentChangeEvent - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Base class for storing information about changes within a component
- ComponentChangeEvent(ComponentChangeEvent.Code) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeEvent
- ComponentChangeEvent(ComponentChangeEvent.Code, ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeEvent
- ComponentChangeEvent(ComponentChangeEvent.Code, ModelComponent, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeEvent
- ComponentChangeEvent.Code - Enum in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ComponentChangeListener - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ComponentField - Class in artisynth.core.gui.widgets
- ComponentField(String, int, Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentField
Creates a ComponentField with specified label text.
- ComponentList<C extends ModelComponent> - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ComponentList(Class<C>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- ComponentList(Class<C>, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- ComponentList(Class<C>, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- ComponentListImpl<C extends ModelComponent> - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ComponentListImpl(Class<C>, CompositeComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- ComponentListView<E extends ModelComponent> - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
A read-only view of a ComponentList that allows it's contents to be queried
but not modified.
- ComponentListWidget<E extends ModelComponent> - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- ComponentListWidget(ListView<E>, CompositeComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
- ComponentMap - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Used by CompositeComponents to map between names and numbers and
- ComponentMap() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- ComponentPropertyField - Class in artisynth.core.gui.widgets
Base class for ComponentField, which selects component paths, and
PropertyFields, which manages property paths.
- ComponentPropertyField(String, int, Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
Creates a ComponentPropertyField with specified label text.
- componentPropertySeparator - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel.MyComponentListener
- componentsAreDeletable(Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns true if all components in a list can be deleted.
- ComponentSet - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ComponentSet() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ComponentSet
- ComponentSetFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ComponentState - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
Object containing state information for an Artisynth model or component.
- ComponentStateUtils - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Utility methods involving ComponentState
- ComponentStateUtils() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentStateUtils
- ComponentTest - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ComponentTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentTest
- ComponentTestUtils - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ComponentTestUtils() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentTestUtils
- ComponentUtils - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ComponentUtils() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- CompositeComponent - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
ModelComponent which contains subcomponents.
- CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay - Enum in artisynth.core.modelbase
Specifies how the a composite component should be displayed in a
navigation panel.
- CompositeComponentBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- CompositeComponentBase(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
- CompositeComponentBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
- CompositeProperty - Interface in maspack.properties
An object containing properties which may be inherited from an ancestor
- CompositePropertyBase - Class in maspack.properties
Implements a basic CompositeProperty, supporting writing of all
properties and of copying of propeties/modes during clone
- CompositePropertyBase() - Constructor for class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- CompositePropertyPanel - Class in maspack.widgets
A composite property panel is a widget that
(a) exposes all the properties of a CompositeProperty in a single panel, and
(b) allows the type of CompositeProperty itself to be selected by a
selection widget.
- CompositePropertyPanel() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
- CompositePropertyPanel(String, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
Create a new CompositePropertyPanel.
- CompositePropertyPanel(String, Property) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
Create a new CompositePropertyPanel.
- CompositePropertyWidget - Class in maspack.widgets
- CompositePropertyWidget() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyWidget
Creates a default CompositePropertyWidget with an empty label and null
- CompositePropertyWidget(String, Property) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyWidget
- CompositeState - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- CompositeState() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- CompositeState(boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- CompositeState(int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- compute(VectorNd, Vector3d, Collection<Vector3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InverseDistanceWeights
Given a reference point p
, computes and returns a set of
weights w_i
that can be used for interpolation of values
associated with a set of support points p_i
- compute(VectorNd, Vector3d, Collection<Vector3d>) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.PointInterpolationWeights
Given a reference point p
, computes and returns a set of
weights w_i
that can be used for interpolation of values
associated with a set of support points p_i
- COMPUTE_CONTACTS - Static variable in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- COMPUTE_ENERGY_EXPLICIT - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Flag indicating an explicit application request to compute strain energy
density for this node.
- COMPUTE_STRAIN_EXPLICIT - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Flag indicating an explicit application request to compute strain
for this node.
- COMPUTE_STRESS_EXPLICIT - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Flag indicating an explicit application request to compute stress
for this node.
- computeAdjustment(AffineTransform3d, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
Computes an adjustment dX
to the current AffineTransform3d
such that dX
moves all the points in such a
way as to minimize their distance to the surface.
- computeAllVertexConnections() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Computes master body connections for every vertex of this SkinMeshBody's
- computeAndSetHull(List<Point2d>, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon2d
- computeAndSetHull(List<P>, Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
Computes the convex hull, with respect to a given normal direction, of a
set of input points, and places its contents in this Polygon3d
- computeAngleWeightedNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Computes a normal for this vertex by averaging the cross products of all
the incident half edges.
- computeAppliedWrench(Wrench, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- computeArea() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Computes the area of this face.
- computeArea() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- computeArea(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- computeArea() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes the surface area of this mesh.
- computeAreaIntegrals(Vector2d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
Computes the area integrals of this polygon.
- computeAreaWeightedNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Computes a normal for this vertex by averaging the face normals
of all adjacent faces, scaled by their face areas
- computeAspectRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- computeAverageDirection(Vector3d, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineInterpolator
Computes the average direction in the vicinity of a point based on the
line segments contained in a PolylineMesh.
- computeAverageEdgeLength() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes the average edge length for this mesh.
- computeAverageFiberDirection(Vector3d, Point3d, double, PolylineMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- computeAverageRadius() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- computeBasisFunction(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- computeBasisFunctionGradient(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- computeBasisFunctionHessian(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- computeBCoefs(double[], Vector3d, double[], Plane) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc
- computeCameraCalibration(double, Point2d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3d
Determines the camera's intrinsic calibration matrix
- computeCameraMatrix(Matrix3d, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3d
Transforms an intrinsic camera calibration matrix to a full camera matrix P
- computeCameraMatrix(double, Point2d, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3d
Computes a camera matrix
- computeCentreOfVolume(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes the centre of volume of the mesh
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Computed the centroid of this element.
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d.MFreeRestNode3d
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeWeightFunction
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Computes the centroid of this contour, rejecting points that are
very close together.
- computeCentroid() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Computes the centroid of this contour, rejecting points that are
very close together.
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.Boundable
Computed the centroid of this element.
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Computes centroid of this face.
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.LineSegment
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- computeCentroid() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
Computes the centroid of the vertices of this polygon.
- computeCentroid(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- computeCentroid(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- computeCircumference() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Computes the circumference of this face.
- computeCoefficients(CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
Computes coefficents for interpolating within the interval
between this knot and the one following it.
- computeCoefficients(CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
Computes coefficents for interpolating within the interval
between this knot and the one following it.
- computeCollisionConstraints(ContactInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- computeConsistentMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- computeConsistentMassMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- computeConstraintMatrixA(Matrix6x1, Wrench, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- computeConstraintMatrixB(Matrix6x1, Wrench, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- computeContactArea(ContactPoint, ContactPoint, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.ContactForceBehavior
Compute the local contact area for a contact described by contact points
and cpnt1
and a normal normal
- computeContactArea(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Computes an estimate of the local contact for this point, assuming that
it is associated with a vertex or edge-edge contact.
- computeContactSpeed(Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- computeControlPolygonLength() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
- computeConvexHull(MeshBase) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Builds a convex hull around a set of mesh vertices
Internally relies on tetgen to generate a Delaunay tetrahedral mesh around the points
- computeCoordinateJacobian(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
Computes the coordinate Jacobian.
- computeCoordinateJacobian(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3d
Computes the coordinate Jacobian.
- computeCoords(Point3d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Computes the barycentric coordinates of a point to the plane
- computeCoordsForRender(float[], FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Not implemented for FemNode3d.
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d.MFreeRestNode3d
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.Boundable
Computes the covariance of the element, assuming a uniform density
of one.
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Computes covariance of this face and returns its area.
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Computes covariance of this half edge and returns its length.
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.LineSegment
Computes covariance of this line segment and returns its length.
- computeCovariance(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- computeDefaultPenetrationTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Computes a default value for the penetration tolerance based
on the radius of this MechModel.
- computeDefaultWrapKnotDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Computes a default value for the wrap knot density, based on the
radius of this MechModel.
- computeDeformationGradient(Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computeDeformedFrame(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computeDeformedFrame(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- computeDeformedFrameVel(Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Computes the spatial velocity of an attached frame A, as represented in
body coordinates.
- computeDeformedFrameVel(Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- computeDeformedLocation(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Computes the deformed position in body coordinates
- computeDeformedLocation(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- computeDeformedVelocity(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Computes the deformed velocity in body coordinates
- computeDerivs(Matrix4x3, Matrix4x3, DualQuaternion, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DualQuaternionDeriv
Compute the angular displacement derivatives of the rotational and
translational parts of the dual quaternion dq
representing the
relative motion of a frame described with respect to a base frame.
- computeDeviatoricEnergy(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- computeDeviatoricEnergy(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- computeDevLeftCauchyGreen(SymmetricMatrix3d, DeformedPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Computes the left deviatoric Cauchy-Green tensor from the deformation
- computeDevLeftCauchyGreen(SymmetricMatrix3d, DeformedPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
Computes the left deviatoric Cauchy-Green tensor from the deformation
- computeDevRightCauchyGreen(SymmetricMatrix3d, DeformedPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Computes the right deviatoric Cauchy-Green tensor from the deformation
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterial
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- computeDevStrainEnergy(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterial
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- computeDevStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- computedFaceNormals - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterial
Computes and returns the derivative of the axial spring tension
with respect to the length.
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
Computes and returns the derivative of the axial spring tension
with respect to the length.
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
Computes and returns the derivative of the axial spring tension
with respect to the length.
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMuscle
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.PaiAxialMuscle
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.PeckAxialMuscle
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimmSplineLigamentMaterial
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UnidirectionalLinearAxialMaterial
- computeDFdl(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- computeDFdl(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Computes the derivative of spring force magnitude (acting along the unit
vector from the first to the second particle) with respect to spring
- computeDFdl(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Computes the derivative of the tension F (acting along the unit vector
from the first to the second particle) with respect to spring length.
- computeDFdl(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Computes the derivative of the tension F (acting along the unit vector
from the first to the second particle) with respect to spring length.
- computeDFdl(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Computes the derivative of the tension F (acting along the unit vector
from the first to the second particle) with respect to spring length.
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterial
Computes and returns the derivative of the axial spring tension
with respect to the length time derivative.
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
Computes and returns the derivative of the axial spring tension
with respect to the length time derivative.
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
Computes and returns the derivative of the axial spring tension
with respect to the length time derivative.
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMuscle
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.PaiAxialMuscle
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.PeckAxialMuscle
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimmSplineLigamentMaterial
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- computeDFdldot(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Computes the derivative of spring force magnitude (acting along the unit
vector from the first to the second particle)with respect to the time
derivative of spring length.
- computeDFdldot(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Computes the derivative of the tension F (acting along the unit vector
from the first to the second particle)with respect to the time derivative
of spring length.
- computeDFdldot(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Computes the derivative of the tension F (acting along the unit vector
from the first to the second particle)with respect to the time derivative
of spring length.
- computeDFdldot(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Computes the derivative of the tension F (acting along the unit vector
from the first to the second particle)with respect to the time derivative
of spring length.
- computeDFdq(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FrameMaterial
- computeDFdq(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- computeDFdq(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- computeDFdq(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- computeDFdq(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- computeDFdq(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- computeDFdu(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FrameMaterial
- computeDFdu(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- computeDFdu(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- computeDFdu(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- computeDFdu(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- computeDFdu(Matrix6d, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- computeDice(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.CSG
Computes Dice coefficient between two meshes.
- computeDifference01(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- computeDifference10(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- computeDirectedRenderSize(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Compute size of an element's render coordinates along a specified
- computeDistance(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector4d, Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.QuadBezierDistance2d
This algorithim should work for 3d curves as well.
- computeDistance(Vector2d, Vector2d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.QuadBezierDistance2d
- computeDistances(List<? extends Feature>, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Computes the distance field for this grid, based on the nearest distances
to a supplied set of features.
- computeDistances(PolygonalMesh, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- computeDQrDr(Matrix4x3, Quaternion) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DualQuaternionDeriv
Compute derivative of the rotational part of a dual quaternion
with respect to angular velocity.
- computeDQtDr(Matrix4x3, Quaternion, Quaternion) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DualQuaternionDeriv
Compute derivative of the translation part of a dual quaternion
with respect to angular velocity.
- computeEdgeUnitVec(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Computes a unit vector for the edge associated with this half-edge,
and returns the edge's length.
- computeElasticJacobian(MatrixNd, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Compute the transform that maps elastic velocities onto the spatial
velocity of an attached frame A.
- computeElasticJacobian(MatrixNd, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- computeElementDirections() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Computes the directions within individual elements based on the
directions of the muscle fibres.
- computeElementIpntDirections() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Computes the directions within individual elements based on the
directions of the muscle fibres.
- computeEnergy() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Computes the elastic energy for the strand, given by the tension
between adjacent knots, plus the repulsion forces pushing knots out of
any wrappable which they are penetrating.
- computeEssentialMatrix(Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Matrix3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3d
Computes the essential matrix from intrinsic camera calibration and fundamental matrix
- computeEssentialMatrix(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3d
Computes the essential matrix from extrinsic camera calibration
- computeExactLengthInPixel(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
Computes the exact length of this TimeScale in pixels
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterial
Computes and returns the axial spring tension, as a function of
length, length time derivative, rest length, and excitation.
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
Computes and returns the axial spring tension, as a function of
length, length time derivative, rest length, and excitation.
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
Computes and returns the axial spring tension, as a function of
length, length time derivative, rest length, and excitation.
- computeF(Wrench, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FrameMaterial
- computeF(Wrench, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMuscle
- computeF(Wrench, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- computeF(Wrench, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- computeF(Wrench, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.PaiAxialMuscle
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.PeckAxialMuscle
- computeF(Wrench, RigidTransform3d, Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimmSplineLigamentMaterial
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UnidirectionalLinearAxialMaterial
- computeF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- computeF(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Computes the force magnitude acting along the unit vector from the first
to the second particle.
- computeF(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Computes the tension F acting along the unit vector from the first to the
second particle.
- computeF(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Computes the tension F acting along the unit vector from the first to the
second particle.
- computeF(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Computes the tension F acting along the unit vector from the first to the
second particle.
- computeFlips(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- computeForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
Computes the force acting on the first point.
- computeForceErrors(RigidBody, NumericProbeBase, NumericProbeBase, String, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- computeForceOnMasters(VectorNd, Vector3d, double, ContactPoint, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- computeForceOnMasters(VectorNd, Vector3d, double, ContactPoint, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- computeForceOnMasters(VectorNd, Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- computeForceOnMasters(VectorNd, Vector3d, double, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- computeForceOnMasters(VectorNd, Vector3d, double, ContactPoint, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactMaster
XXX Experimental XXX
Compute the forces on the masters resulting from a force
fc applied at the contact point, and accumulate them in uvec,
whose size should equal that of the system forces.
- computeForceOnMasters(VectorNd, Vector3d, double, ContactPoint, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- computeForceOnMasters(VectorNd, Vector3d, double, ContactPoint, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- computeForceOnMasters(VectorNd, Vector3d, double, ContactPoint, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
- computeForcePositionJacobian(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
Computes the force/position Jacobian of this spring.
- computeForceVelocityJacobian(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
Computes the force/velocity Jacobian of this spring.
- computeFrame(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- computeFrame(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- computeFrame(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
- computeFrameLocation(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computeFrameLocation(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- computeFramePosition(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computeFramePosition(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- computeFramePosVel(RigidTransform3d, Twist, MatrixBlock, Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- computeFrameRelativeMass(VectorNd, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3dTest
Computes the masss matrix and fictitious forces for a frame-relative FEM
- computeFrameRelativeVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
Computes the current frame velocity, in frame coordinates.
- computeFrameVelocity(Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computeFrameVelocity(Twist, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- computeFromFeatures(List<? extends Feature>, double, RigidTransform3d, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Fits this grid to a set of features and computes the corresponding
distance field.
- computeFromFeaturesOBB(List<? extends Feature>, double, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Fits this grid in an oriented manner to a set of features and computes
the corresponding distance field.
- computeFromMesh(PolygonalMesh, double, RigidTransform3d, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- computeFundamentalMatrix(Matrix3x4, Matrix3x4) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3d
Compute fundamental matrix from two general camera matrices
- computeG(DoubleHolder, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- computeGradient(Matrix3d, FemNode3d[], Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Computes the current deformation gradient at this integration point.
- computeGradientForRender(Matrix3d, FemNode3d[], Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computeGravityWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- computeGrevilleAbscissae(int, int, double...) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- computeHull(List<Point2d>, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon2d
Computes a 2D convex hull for a set of input points, using the Monotone
Chain algorithm, by A.
- computeHull(List<P>, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
Computes the convex hull, with respect to a given normal direction, of a
set of input points.
- computeHullIndices(Collection<Point2d>, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon2d
Computes the indices of a 2D convex hull within a set of input points,
using the Monotone Chain algorithm, by A.
- computeHullIndices(List<P>, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
Computes the indices of the convex hull, with respect to a given normal
direction, of a set of input points.
- computeInertia(Matrix3d, Vector3d, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- computeInertia(SpatialInertia, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes a spatial inertia for the volume defined by this mesh, assuming
a uniform density density.
- computeIntegralIPointValues(FemElement3d, Function3x1, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFieldApproximation
Computes best-fitting coefficients {w_i} to minimize the error between shape-function integrals:
E = ||int_x f(x)\phi_i(x)dx - \hat{g}||^2, where
\hat{g} = \sum_j w_i p_i(x_j)*\phi_j(x_j)|dx/dX|(x) is the discretized integral of
f(x)\phi_j(x) using the element's quadrature rules.
- computeIntegralNodeValues(FemElement3d, Function3x1, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFieldApproximation
Computes best-fitting coefficients {w_i} to minimize the error between shape-function integrals:
E = ||int_x f(x)\phi_i(x)dx - int_x \hat{f}(x)\phi_i(x)dx||^2, where
\hat{f}(x) = \sum_j w_i \phi_j(x) interpolates the target function according to the FEM
shape functions.
- computeInteriorDistance(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.QuadBezierDistance2d
- computeIntersection(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- computeIntersectionCentroid(Point3d, MFreeWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeWeightFunction
- computeIntersectionCentroid(Point3d, RadialWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- computeIntersectionCentroid(Point3d, MFreeWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- computeIntersectionVolume(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.CSG
Computes the intersection volume contained by two meshes
- computeInvB(FemElement3dBase, PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ElementRotationData
- computeInverseJacobian(Matrix3d, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Computes the current inverse Jacobian at this integration point.
- computeInverseRestJacobian(IntegrationPoint3d, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- computeInverseRestJacobian(Matrix3d, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computeJ2(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Compute the second deviatoric invariant J2
- computeJacobian(Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
- computeJacobian(Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- computeJacobian(Matrix3d, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Computes the current Jacobian at this integration point.
- computeJacobian(Matrix3d, FemNode3d[], FemElement.ElementClass) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computeJacobian(Matrix3d, FemNode3d[], FemElement.ElementClass, FemNode3d.CoordType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computeJacobian(Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- computeJacobianDeterminant(FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Computes the determinant of the current Jacobian at this
integration point.
- computeJrJtt(Matrix3x4, Matrix3x4, DualQuaternion, double, double, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DualQuaternionDeriv
Computes the Jr and Jtt matrices for a normalized dual quaternion, its
original real and dual magnitudes m0 and me, and an original point
position r.
- computeLeastSquaresNodeValues(FemElement3d, Function3x1, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFieldApproximation
Computes best-fitting coefficients {w_i} to minimize the least squared error
\sum_i ||f(x_i) - \hat{f}(x_i)||^2, where \hat{f}(x) = \sum_j w_i \phi_j(x) interpolates
the target function according to the FEM shape functions
- computeLeftAndRightNodes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- computeLeftCauchyGreen(SymmetricMatrix3d, DeformedPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Computes the left Cauchy-Green tensor from the deformation gradient.
- computeLength() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Computes the length of this contour
- computeLength() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- computeLength() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
Computes the length of this line.
- computeLength() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- computeLinearizedTransform(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Computes and returns the linearized affine transform at the specified
reference position.
- computeLinearStrainEnergyDensity(SymmetricMatrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Compute the linear (small deformation) strain energy density
from the stress and strain tensors.
- computeLineSegmentCovariance(Matrix3d, Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CovarianceUtils
- computeLmWithConstantVm(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- computeLmWithVmFromLm(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- computeLocalAffineTransform(RigidTransform3d, GeometryTransformer.Constrainer) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Computes the local affine transform XL
that transforms
points xl
local to a coordinate frame T
that frame is itself transformed.
- computeLocalBounds(Vector3d, Vector3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Compute the bounds of the vertices of this mesh with respect to a frame F
that is described with respect to local mesh coordinates.
- computeLocalPosition(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
Compute position within element based on natural coordinates
- computeLocalPosition(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Compute position within element based on natural coordinates
- computeLocalPosition(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
Compute position within element based on natural coordinates
- computeLocalTransforms(Matrix3d, Vector3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Computes the matrices PL
and N
that transform
points xl
local to a coordinate frame T
that frame is itself transformed.
- computeLocalTransforms(Matrix3d, Vector3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Computes the matrices PL
and N
that transform
points xl
local to a coordinate frame T
that frame is itself transformed.
- computeLocalTransforms(Matrix3d, Vector3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Computes the matrices PL
and N
that transform
points xl
local to a coordinate frame T
that frame is itself transformed.
- computeLocalTransforms(Matrix3d, Vector3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Computes the matrices PL
and N
that transform
points xl
local to a coordinate frame T
that frame is itself transformed.
- computeMassFromDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- computeMassFromDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- computeMassFromDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- computeMassMatrix(FemElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFieldApproximation
- computeMasterForce(VectorNd, int, FrameNodeNodeAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachmentTest
- computeMasterForce(VectorNd, int, NodeFrameNodeAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachmentTest
- computeMasterForce(VectorNd, int, PointFem3dAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachmentTest
- computeMasterForce(VectorNd, int, C) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentTestBase
Computes the force for the idx-th master given the current force on the
slave component.
- computeMasterForce(VectorNd, int, PointFrameAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachmentTest
- computeMasterForce(VectorNd, int, PointParticleAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachmentTest
- computeMaxAbsEigenvalue() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes and returns the eigenvalue with the maximum absolute value for
the symmetric matrix.
- computeMaxCurvature() - Method in class maspack.geometry.QuadBezierDistance2d
- computeMaxCurvature(Vector4d, Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.QuadBezierDistance2d
Computes the maximum curvature for a single Bezier segment.
- computeMaxShear() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes and returns the maximum shear value for this matrix.
- computeMean(Point3d[], double[], double, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Compute and return the weighted mean
- computeMvCol(double[], LemkeContactSolver.ContactVariable) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- computeNearestPoint(Point3d, Vector3d, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.apps.NagataDistanceTest
- computeNewLength() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- computeNewLengthFull() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- computeNodalField(FemModel3d, Function3x1, FemElementSampler, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Computes a best-fitting scalar nodal field, computing node values by minimizing the squared error between
a sampled function, and the one interpolated via nodes and shape functions.
- computeNodeCoordinates() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- computeNodeNormal(Vector3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
Computes the shell element normal, with respect to current coordinates,
at a specific node, and returns the (cross product) area associated with
that normal.
- computeNodeNormal(Vector3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- computeNodeNormal(Vector3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- computeNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
- computeNormal() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Computes the normal for this face, and returns the planar area.
- computeNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Computes the normal for this face, and returns the planar area.
- computeNormal(Vector3d, Point3d...) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Compute the normal of a face given by a set of points arranged
- computeNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.SubdivisionVertex3d
- computeNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Computes a normal for this vertex by taking the average of all the
associated face normals.
- computeNumericDQrDr(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DualQuaternionDeriv
- computeNumericDQtDr(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DualQuaternionDeriv
- computeOBB(OBB.Method) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Computes the oriented bounding box (OBB) that most tightly contains
this mesh, using the specified method.
- computeOBB() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Computes the oriented bounding box (OBB) that most tightly contains
this mesh, using the
- computeOBBFromPCA(OBB, MeshBase) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
Use PCA to determine the OBB for a mesh.
- computeOld(Collection<Point2d>, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon2d
Computes a 2D convex hull from a set on input points, using the Graham
Scan algorithm, which is O(n log n).
- computeOld(Collection<P>, Vector3d, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
Computes the convex hull, with respect to a given normal direction, of a
set of input points.
- computeP(Point3d[], Point3d[], double, double, double[][], double[], double[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Computes the CPD probability function P(m|n)
- computeP(Point3d[], Point3d[], double, double, double[][], double[], double[], double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Computes the CPD probability function P(m|n)
- computeParametricForces(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- computePassiveF(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- computePassiveF(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Computes the force magnitude acting along the unit vector from the first
to the second particle with zero excitation.
- computePassiveF(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Computes the passive tension F acting along the unit vector from the
first to the second particle.
- computePassiveForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- computePCA(Matrix3d, Vector3d, MeshBase) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
Based on "Non-rigid Transformations for Musculoskeletal Model", by Petr
- computePhiVals(double[], double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- computePivotKernel() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- computePlanarArea() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Computes the area of this contour with respect to a plane formed
by computing the centroid and then summing the cross products of
rays from the centroid to adjacent contour points.
- computePlanarArea(Vector3d, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Computes the area of this contour projected onto a plane defined by a
normal vector.
- computePlanarArea() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
Computes the area of this contour with respect to a plane formed
by computing the centroid and then summing the cross products of
rays from the centroid to adjacent contour points.
- computePoint(Point3d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Computes a point on this face as described by barycentric
- computePointCoriolis(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computePointCoriolis(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Computes the velocity derivative of a point attached to this frame
that is due to the current velocity of the frame.
- computePointCovariance(Matrix3d, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CovarianceUtils
- computePointForce(Vector3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Computes the force currently acting on a specific point.
- computePointLocation(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computePointLocation(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Computes the location, in body coordinates, of a point whose position
is given in world coordinates.
- computePointPosition(Vector3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computePointPosition(Vector3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Computes the position, in world coordinates, of a point attached to this
- computePointPosVel(Point3d, Vector3d, MatrixBlock, Vector3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- computePoints(int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadratureGaussLegendre
- computePoints(int, int, int, double[][]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadratureGaussLegendre
- computePointVelocity(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computePointVelocity(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Computes the velocity, in world coordinates, of a point attached to this
- computePosition(Point3d, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computePosition(Point3d, FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computePosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- computePosJacobian(Twist, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpringTest
- computePressureStress(SymmetricMatrix3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- computePressureTangent(Matrix6d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- computePrevColIdxs(SparseBlockSignature) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
Compute the previous column indices of the matrix identified by sigP
with respect the matrix indentifies by this signature.
- computePrevColIdxsAlt(SparseBlockSignature) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
Compute the previous column indices of the matrix identified by sigP
with respect the matrix indentifies by this signature.
- computePrincipalAxes() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- computePrincipalAxes(PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- computeQ(Point3d[], Point3d[], double[][], double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
CPD Objective function
- computeQ(Point3d[], Point3d[], double[][], double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
CPD Objective function
- computeQuadCoefs(double[], DistanceGrid.TetDesc) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- computeQuadCoefsStub(double[], DistanceGrid.TetDesc) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- computeQv(double[]) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- computeR(FemElement3dBase, PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ElementRotationData
- computeRadius() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the radius of this mesh.
- computeRelativeTransform(Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Matrix3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3d
Computes the relative transform between two cameras by decomposing the essential matrix.
- computeRenderCoordsAndGradient(Matrix3d, float[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Computes the current coordinates and deformation gradient at the
warping point, using render coordinates.
- computeRenderNormal() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- computeRenderNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- computeResidualMG - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- computeResponse(double[], double, ContactPoint, ContactPoint, Vector3d, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ContactForceBehavior
Computes the force response for a given contact.
- computeResponse(double[], double, ContactPoint, ContactPoint, Vector3d, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
Computes the force response for a given contact.
- computeRestDirector() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- computeRestDirector(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- computeRestFrame(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- computeRestJacobian(Matrix3d, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computeRestNodeNormal(Vector3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
Computes the shell element normal, with respect to rest coordinates, at a
specific node, and returns the (cross product) area associated with that
- computeRestNodeNormal(Vector3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- computeRestNodeNormal(Vector3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- computeRestPosition(Point3d, FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computeRestPosition(Point3d, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- computeRestPosition(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- computeRestVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Computes the rest volume associated with this element and stores the
result in the myRestVolume
- computeRestVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
Computes the rest volume associated with this element and stores the
result in the myRestVolume
- computeRestVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- computeRestVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
Computes the rest volume associated with this element and stores the
result in the myRestVolume
- computeRightCauchyGreen(SymmetricMatrix3d, DeformedPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Computes the right Cauchy-Green tensor from the deformation gradient.
- computeRotation(RotationMatrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Computes a corotated rotation based on the deformation gradient
- computeShapeGradient(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Computes and returns the gradient dN/dx of the shape functions, given an
inverse Jacobian.
- computeShapeGradient(Matrix3d, Vector3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Computes and returns the gradient dN/dx of the shape functions, given an
inverse Jacobian.
- computeSlavePos(VectorNd, DirectorFrameAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachmentTest
- computeSlavePos(VectorNd, FrameNodeNodeAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachmentTest
- computeSlavePos(VectorNd, NodeFrameNodeAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachmentTest
- computeSlavePos(VectorNd, PointFem3dAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachmentTest
- computeSlavePos(VectorNd, C) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentTestBase
Computes the position for the slave given the current state of the master
- computeSlavePos(VectorNd, PointFrameAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachmentTest
- computeSlavePos(VectorNd, PointParticleAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachmentTest
- computeSlaveVel(VectorNd, DirectorFrameAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachmentTest
- computeSlaveVel(VectorNd, FrameNodeNodeAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachmentTest
- computeSlaveVel(VectorNd, NodeFrameNodeAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachmentTest
- computeSlaveVel(VectorNd, PointFem3dAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachmentTest
- computeSlaveVel(VectorNd, C) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentTestBase
Computes the velocity for the slave given the current state of the master
- computeSlaveVel(VectorNd, PointFrameAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachmentTest
- computeSlaveVel(VectorNd, PointParticleAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachmentTest
- computeStiffnessFromIntegration() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
- computeStiffnessMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
- computeStiffnessMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, IntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, MaterialStateObject) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxiliaryMaterial
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, IntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, IntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Computes the current strain energy density.
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.InactiveMuscle
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NullMaterial
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- computeStrainEnergyDensity(DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- computeStress(SymmetricMatrix3d, DeformedPoint, ViscoelasticState) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- computeStress(SymmetricMatrix3d, DeformedPoint, ViscoelasticState) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
- computeStressAndStiffness(FemElement3d, FemMaterial, ArrayList<FemMaterial>, Matrix6d, FemModel.IncompMethod) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, IntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, MaterialStateObject) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxiliaryMaterial
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, IntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, IntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Computes the current Cauchy stress and tangent stiffness matrix.
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.InactiveMuscle
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
Computes the current Cauchy stress and tangent stiffness matrix.
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NullMaterial
Computes the current Cauchy stress and tangent stiffness matrix.
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, ViscoelasticState) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
Computes the current Cauchy stress and tangent stiffness matrix.
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Vector3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
Computes the current Cauchy stress and tangent stiffness matrix.
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, ViscoelasticState) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
- computeStressAndTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, DeformedPoint, Matrix3d, double, MaterialStateObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
Computes the current Cauchy stress and tangent stiffness matrix.
- computeStressStrainMeasure(FemModel.StressStrainMeasure, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Computes a stress/strain measure for the specified stress/strain
- computeStretch(Vector3d, DeformedPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- computeStretch(Vector3d, DeformedPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- computeSubElemField(FemModel3d, Function3x1, FemElementSampler, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Compute a field by sampling a function over the FEM model and using
least-squares to fit the FEM element shape functions
independently over each element.
- computeSubElemField(FemModel3d, Function3x1) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Compute a field by simply evaluating the function at integration points
- computeTangent(Matrix6d, ViscoelasticState) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- computeTangent(Matrix6d, ViscoelasticState) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
- computeTextureCoordsForSphere(PolygonalMesh, Point3d, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- computeTimings - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- computeTrackYCoor() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
compute the track coordinates
- computeTransform(AffineTransform3d, AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Transforms an affine transform X
and returns the result in
- computeTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Transforms a rotation matrix R
and returns the result in
- computeTransform(Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Transforms a general 3 X 3 matrix M
and returns the result
in MR
- computeTransform(Plane, Plane, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Transforms a plane p
and returns the result in pr
- computeTransform(AffineTransform3d, AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Transforms an affine transform X
and returns the result in
- computeTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Transforms a rotation matrix R
, located at reference
position r
, and returns the result in RR
- computeTransform(Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Transforms a general 3 X 3 matrix M
, located at reference
position r
, and returns the result in MR
- computeTransform(Plane, Plane, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Transforms a plane p
, located at reference position
, and returns the result in pr
- computeTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
- computeTransform(AffineTransform3d, AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Transforms an affine transform X
and returns the result in
- computeTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Transforms a rotation matrix R
, located at reference
position r
, and returns the result in RR
according to
- computeTransform(Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Transforms a general 3 X 3 matrix M
, located at reference
position r
, and returns the result in MR
- computeTransform(Plane, Plane, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Transforms a plane p
, located at reference position
, and returns the result in pr
- computeTransform(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Transforms a rigid transform T
and returns the result in
- computeTransform(AffineTransform3d, AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Transforms an affine transform X
and returns the result in
- computeTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Transforms a rotation matrix R
and returns the result in
- computeTransform(Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Transforms a general 3 X 3 matrix M
and returns the result in MR
- computeTransform(Plane, Plane, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Transforms a plane p
and returns the result in
- computeTransformNormal(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Transforms a normal vector n
, and returns the result in
- computeTransformNormal(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Transforms a normal vector n
, located at a reference
position r
, and returns the result in
- computeTransformNormal(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Transforms a normal vector n
, located at reference position
, and returns the result in nr
- computeTransformNormal(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Transforms a normal vector n
, and returns the result in
- computeTransformPnt(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Transforms a point p
and returns the result in
- computeTransformPnt(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Transforms a point p
and returns the result in
- computeTransformPnt(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Transforms a point p
and returns the result in
- computeTransformPnt(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Transforms a point p
and returns the result in
- computeTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Transforms a vector v
, and returns the result in
- computeTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Transforms a vector v
, located at a reference
position r
, and returns the result in
- computeTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Transforms a vector v
, located at reference position
, and returns the result in vr
- computeTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Transforms a vector v
, and returns the result in
- computeTriangleArea(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- computeU(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
Computes the dilational strain energy density U given a bulk modulus K
and Jacobian determinant J.
- computeUndeformedFrame(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computeUndeformedFrame(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- computeUndeformedLocation(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- computeUndeformedLocation(Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
Computes the undeformed position of a given position in body coordinates
- computeUndeformedLocation(Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- computeUnion(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- computeUnitVec(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Computes a unit vector in the direction of this edge, and returns
the edge's length.
- computeVariance(Point3d[], Point3d[], double[][], double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPD
Estimates the CPD variance
- computeVelJacobian(Twist, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpringTest
- computeVelJacobianWorld(FrameMaterial, double, Matrix6d, Matrix6d, Matrix6d, Matrix6d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- computeVelocity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- computeVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- computeVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
Computes the current frame velocity, in world coordinates.
- computeVertexConnections(int, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Computes master body connections for a specified vertex of this
SkinMeshBody's mesh.
- computeVertexNormal(Vector3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Computes a normal for the head vertex of this half-edge, by averaging
all the surrounding face normals starting with the face corresponding
to this half edge, and ending when either a hard edge is encountered,
or when all faces have been traversed.
- computeVertexNormals(ArrayList<Vector3d>, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes a set of vertex normals for this mesh, using an
angle-weighted average of the normals formed by the edges incident on
each vertex.
- computeVmFromLdot(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- computeVolume(FemNode3d[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
Computes the volume of the hexahedron formed by the first eight nodes of
- computeVolume(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
Computes the volume of a hexahedron formed by eight nodes.
- computeVolume(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
Computes the volume of the tetrahedron formed by four nodes.
- computeVolume(FemNode3d[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
Computes the volume of the tetrahedron formed by the first four nodes of
, where the first three nodes are arranged clockwise about a
single face, and clockwise is with respect to the face's outward normal.
- computeVolume(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- computeVolume() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes the volume of this mesh, on the assumption that it is manifold
and closed.
- computeVolumeIntegrals(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes the volume integrals of this mesh, on the assumption that it is
manifold and closed.
- computeVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Computes the volume associated with this element and stores the result in
the myVolume
- computeVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
Computes the volume associated with this element and stores the result in
the myVolume
- computeVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- computeVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
Computes the volume associated with this element and stores the result in
the myVolume
- computeVonMisesStrain(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Compute the Von Mises strain equivalent according to
which is equivalent to
The Von Mises Strain Equivalent is equal to sqrt(4/3 J2), where J2 is
the second invariant of the average deviatoric strain for the node.
- computeVonMisesStress(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemUtilities
Compute the Von Mises Stress criterion
The Von Mises Stress is equal to sqrt(3 J2), where J2 is
the second invariant of the average deviatoric strain for the node.
- computeVoronoiCubature(Point3d[], PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
Computes cubature points at a set of provided locations, assigning a weight equal to
the volume of the voronoi region about each point
- computeWarpingRotation(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
- computeWeights(double[], Point3d, SkinMeshBody.NearestPoint[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.GaussianWeighting
Computes skinning connection weights for a point located
at pos
, given information about the nearest points
on each of the master bodies.
- computeWeights(double[], Point3d, SkinMeshBody.NearestPoint[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.InverseSquareWeighting
Computes skinning connection weights for a point located
at pos
, given information about the nearest points
on each of the master bodies.
- computeWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- computeWeights(double[], Point3d, SkinMeshBody.NearestPoint[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinWeightingFunction
Computes skinning connection weights for a point located
at pos
, given information about the nearest points
on each of the master bodies.
- computeWeights(TrackingController, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- computeWorldBounds(Vector3d, Vector3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Compute the bounds of the vertices of this mesh with respect to a frame F
that is described with respect to world coordinates.
- computeWorldCentroid(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- computeWorldNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Computes a normal for this vertex by taking the average of all the
associated face normals, expressed in world coordinates
- computeWorldPointForceJacobian(MatrixBlock, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- concat(String[], String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- condition() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Computes the condition number of the original matrix M associated with
this decomposition.
- condition() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Computes the condition number of the original matrix M associated with
this SVD.
- condition() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Computes the condition number of the original matrix M associated with
this SVD.
- ConditionalMarkerDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- ConditionalMarkerDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ConditionalMarkerDemo
- ConditionalPathPoint - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ConditionalPathPoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConditionalPathPoint
- ConditionalPathPointFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ConditionalPathPointFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConditionalPathPointFactory
- ConditionalPoint - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Describes a point, usually belonging to a MultiPointSpring, which is only
active for particular model configugration.
- conditionEstimate(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Estimates the condition number of the original matrix M associated with
this decomposition.
- conditionEstimate(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
Estimates the condition number of the original matrix M associated with
this decomposition.
- conditionEstimate(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LUDecomposition
Estimates the condition number of the original matrix M associated with
this decomposition.
- conditionEstimate() - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Estimates the condition number of the triangular matrix R associated with
this decomposition.
- conditionEstimate(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Estimates the condition number of the original matrix M associated with
this decomposition.
- ConeKey(int, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.ConeKey
- ConeTest - Class in maspack.matrix
- ConeTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.ConeTest
- configure(GL, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
- configure(GL, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
- configure(GL, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
- configure(GL, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- confirmAction(Component, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- confirmOverwrite(Component, File) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- conformalMapEllipseRectangle(double, double, double, double, Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Conformally maps an ellipse to a rectangular grid using the method of
Daniela Rosca, Uniform and refinable grids on elliptic domains and on
some surfaces of revolution, Applied Mathematics and Computation,Volume
217, Issue 19, 2011, Pages 7812-7817
- conformalMapRectangleEllipse(double, double, double, double, Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Conformally maps a rectangular grid to an ellipse using the method of
Daniela Rosca, Uniform and refinable grids on elliptic domains and on
some surfaces of revolution, Applied Mathematics and Computation,Volume
217, Issue 19, 2011, Pages 7812-7817
- conjugate(DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Conjugates q and places the result in this (a+A + e*(b+B))^* = a-A +
- conjugate() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Conjugates this
- conjugate(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Assigns this dual number to the conjugate of d: (a+e*b)' = a-e*b
- conjugate() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Conjugates the current dual number (a+e*b)' = a-e*b
- conjugate(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to the conjugate of q1.
- conjugate() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Conjugates this quaternion in place.
- connect(Vertex<A, B>, Vertex<A, B>, B, double) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- connect(A, A, B, double) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- connect(Vertex<A, B>, Vertex<A, B>, B, double) - Method in class maspack.graph.Graph
- ConnectableBody - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Defines a component to which joints can be attached.
- connectAfterScanning - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
- connectAttachment(DynamicComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.AttachingComponent
- connectAttachment(DynamicComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- connectAttachment(DynamicComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Marker
- ConnectorBoundsRenderer - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Monitor that renders the bounds for a spherical joint, as specified by a
- ConnectorBoundsRenderer(SphericalJointForceBound, Frame) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- ConnectorBoundsRenderer(SphericalJointForceBound, Frame, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- ConnectorBoundsRenderer(SphericalJointForceBound, Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- ConnectorBoundsRenderer(SphericalJointForceBound, Point3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- ConnectorBoundsRenderer.LineInfo - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
- ConnectorBoundsRenderer.TriInfo - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
- ConnectorForceRenderer - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Monitor that renders the force for either a spherical joint or a planar
- ConnectorForceRenderer() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
- ConnectorForceRenderer(BodyConnector) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
- connectsFaces(Face, Face) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Returns true
if this HalfEdge and its opposite connects
faces f0
and f1
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFem3dAttachment
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFrameAttachment
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Called by the system after this component, or an ancestor of this
component, is added to the component hierarchy (i.e., added as
a child of another CompositeComponent).
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Called by the system after this component, or an ancestor of this
component, is added to the component hierarchy (i.e., added as
a child of another CompositeComponent).
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DampingTerm
Called by the system after this component, or an ancestor of this
component, is added to the component hierarchy (i.e., added as
a child of another CompositeComponent).
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Called by the system after this component, or an ancestor of this
component, is added to the component hierarchy (i.e., added as
a child of another CompositeComponent).
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.L2RegularizationTerm
Called by the system after this component, or an ancestor of this
component, is added to the component hierarchy (i.e., added as
a child of another CompositeComponent).
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Called by the system after this component, or an ancestor of this
component, is added to the component hierarchy (i.e., added as
a child of another CompositeComponent).
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
Update the attachment position state whenever we connect to the parent
(i.e., plug in to the hierarchy).
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Marker
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Called by the system after this component, or an ancestor of this
component, is added to the component hierarchy (i.e., added as
a child of another CompositeComponent).
- connectToHierarchy(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Called by the system after this component, or an ancestor of this
component, is added to the component hierarchy (i.e., added as
a child of another CompositeComponent).
- ConsoleUserAuthenticator - Class in maspack.fileutil.vfs
- ConsoleUserAuthenticator() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.vfs.ConsoleUserAuthenticator
- consolidate() - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
merges children with equal content, reducing branches
- consolidate(Tree<?>) - Static method in class maspack.graph.Tree
Merges branches if the nodes have equal content.
- consolidate() - Method in class maspack.graph.Tree
Merges branches if the nodes have equal content.
- Constant - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Constant() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Constant
- Constant(double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Constant
- CONSTANT - Static variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
Constraint in frame G is constant.
- CONSTANT_ORDER - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- ConstantAxialMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- ConstantAxialMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- ConstantAxialMaterial(double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- ConstantAxialMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- ConstantAxialMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
Constructs a new ConstantAxialMuscle.
- ConstantAxialMuscle(double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
- ConstantAxialMuscle(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
Constructs a new ConstantAxialMuscle with a specified values.
- ConstantAxialMuscle(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
Constructs a new ConstantAxialMuscle with a specified values.
- ConstantFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ConstantFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConstantFactory
- ConstantFunction1x1 - Class in maspack.function
- ConstantFunction1x1() - Constructor for class maspack.function.ConstantFunction1x1
- ConstantFunction1x1(double) - Constructor for class maspack.function.ConstantFunction1x1
- ConstantFunction1x1Test - Class in maspack.function
- ConstantFunction1x1Test() - Constructor for class maspack.function.ConstantFunction1x1Test
- ConstantFunction3x1 - Class in maspack.function
- ConstantFunction3x1(double) - Constructor for class maspack.function.ConstantFunction3x1
- CONSTRAIN - Static variable in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- CONSTRAIN_RIGHT_NODES - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- constrainedBackwardEuler(double, double, StepAdjustment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- constrainedForwardEuler(double, double, StepAdjustment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- ConstrainedParticle - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- ConstrainedParticle() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ConstrainedParticle
- ConstrainedTranslator3d - Class in maspack.geometry
A translational dragger that keeps its origin attached to the surface
of a PolygonalMesh.
- ConstrainedTranslator3d() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ConstrainedTranslator3d
- Constrainer - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a constraint acting on one or more dynamic compnents.
- ConstrainerBase - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- ConstrainerBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- constrainers() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- ConstraintBase - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ConstraintBaseFactory<E extends ConstraintBase> - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ConstraintForceStateSaver() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase.ConstraintForceStateSaver
- ConstraintForceTarget - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Contains information about a single body connector whose constraint forces
are to be controlled using the ForceTargetTerm.
- ConstraintForceTarget() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- ConstraintForceTarget(BodyConnector, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- ConstraintForceTerm - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Cost term that minimizes the tracking error for the constraint forces of one
or more rigid body connectors.
- ConstraintForceTerm() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- ConstraintForceTerm(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- ConstraintInfo() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem.ConstraintInfo
- ConstraintSet - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ConstraintSet() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConstraintSet
- ConstraintSetFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ConstraintSetFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConstraintSetFactory
- CONTACT_SOLVE - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- contactAreaPerPoint - Variable in class maspack.collision.ContactPlane
Estimate of the contact area per point, or -1 if no estimate is
- ContactConstraint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Information for a contact constraint formed by a single contact point.
- ContactConstraint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- ContactConstraint(ContactPoint, ContactPoint, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- ContactConstraint.StictionState - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Describes the static friction state of this contact.
- ContactData - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Information about a single contact constraint that is needed for later
processing, either in a collision response or for rendering.
- ContactData() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Constructs a new, empty ContactConstraintData object.
- ContactData(ContactConstraint, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
- ContactForceBehavior - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- ContactForceBehavior() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ContactForceBehavior
- ContactForceMonitor - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- ContactForceMonitor() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ContactForceMonitor
- ContactForceMonitorSavable - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- ContactForceMonitorSavable() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ContactForceMonitorSavable
- ContactForceMonitorSavable.ContactMonitor - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- contactIdx0 - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
- contactIdx1 - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
- ContactInfo - Class in maspack.collision
This class returns information describing contact between two polygonal
meshes, as determined by the
method of
- ContactInfo(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Constructor for class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
- ContactInfo - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
- ContactInfo() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
- ContactInfo(Point3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
- ContactInfo(ContactInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
- ContactMaster - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Adds blocks to constraint matrices to implement the constraint conditions
requires for contact, including both normal and frictional contact
- ContactMonitor() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ContactForceMonitorSavable.ContactMonitor
- ContactPlane - Class in maspack.collision
- ContactPlane() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.ContactPlane
- ContactPoint - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Stores information about a contact point, including its position value (in
world coordinates), and, if necessary, the associated vertices and weights.
- ContactPoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
- ContactPoint(Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
- ContactPoint(Vertex3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
- ContactPoint(ContactPoint) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
- ContactPoint(Point3d, Face, Vector2d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
- ContactPoint(Point3d, HalfEdge, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
- ContactPointTest - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Tests the methods in ContactPoint; specifically, the ones that reconstruct
vertex weights.
- ContactPointTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPointTest
- ContactPressureRender - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- ContactPressureRender() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ContactPressureRender
- contactSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, int, VectorNd, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- contactSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, int, VectorNd, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- containingFace - Variable in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
- contains(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
- contains(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- contains(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Faster implementation using component parent pointer.
- contains(E) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListView
Returns true if a particular component is contained in this list.
- contains(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- contains(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- contains(TransformableGeometry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if a specified transformable component
is contained in this context.
- contains(T) - Method in class maspack.geometry.KDTree
Checks if the tree contains the supplied value
- contains(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Returns true if supplied point lies exactly on the line
- contains(Object) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Determines whether the set contains a specified object
- contains(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
- contains(T) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Searches the array to find if the item already exists in the array
- contains(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- contains(Object) - Method in interface maspack.util.ListView
Returns true if a particular element is contained in this list.
- contains(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns true if the NumericRange r is a subset of this range.
- contains(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.SubListView
Returns true if a particular element is contained in this list.
- containsAction(TransformGeometryAction) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if this context contains the specified
- containsAlias(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Returns true if this table contains the specified alias.
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- containsAll(Iterable<? extends TransformableGeometry>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if all members of a set of transformable
components are contained in this context.
- containsAll(TransformableGeometry[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if all members of a set of transformable
components are contained in this context.
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Returns true if this set contains all elements in the
supplied collection
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- containsAny(Iterable<? extends TransformableGeometry>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if any member of a set of transformable
components is contained in this context.
- containsAny(TransformableGeometry[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if any member of a set of transformable
components is contained in this context.
- containsCollidableSelection(LinkedList<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MechModelEditor
Returns true if the selection list contains a set of components
& for which collisions can be set.
- containsComponent(Container, Component) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- containsConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- containsConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConnectableBody
- containsConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- containsContactMaster(CollidableDynamicComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- containsContactMaster(CollidableDynamicComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns true if this Collidable contains a specified contact master
- containsContactMaster(CollidableDynamicComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableBody
Returns true if this Collidable contains a specified contact master
- containsContactMaster(CollidableDynamicComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- containsContactMaster(CollidableDynamicComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- containsContactMaster(CollidableDynamicComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- containsDoubleSelection(LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Class<?>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorBase
Returns true if the selection list contains two selections, which are both
instances of the specified class.
- containsEdge(FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- containsEdge(HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns true
if a specified edge is contained in this
- containsExponent(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.PlotLabelFormat
- containsExtension(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ExtensionFileFilter
- containsFace(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- containsFace(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- containsFace(Face) - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns true
if a specified face is contained in this
- containsKey(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
- containsLoop(DynamicAttachment, DynamicComponent, HashMap<DynamicComponent, DynamicAttachment>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentWorker
- containsLoops(List<DynamicAttachment>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentWorker
- containsMenuComponent(JMenu, Component) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- containsMeshComp(RigidMeshComp) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Checks if this object contains a particular geometry
- containsMultipleCommonParentSelection(LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Class<?>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorBase
Returns true if the selection list contains components which are all
instances of a specified class and have the same parent.
- containsMultipleSelection(LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Class<?>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorBase
Returns true if the selection list contains components which are all
instances of a specified class.
- containsName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Returns true if this table contains the specified name.
- containsNaN() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Returns true if any element of this matrix is not a number.
- containsNaN() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Returns true if any element of this vector is not a number.
- containsNode(DynamicComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FaceNodes3d
- containsNode(FemNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- containsNode(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- containsParentToNotify(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if this context contains the
specified parent component to notified of the change in geometry.
- containsPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries whether this spring contains a specified points.
- containsPoint(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- containsPoint(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns true if this bounding volume contains a prescribed point.
- containsPoint(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- containsPoint(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Sphere
- containsReference(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
- containsSelection(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ModelComponentSelector
- containsSelection(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.StringSelector
- containsSingleSelection(LinkedList<ModelComponent>, Class<?>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorBase
Returns true if the selection list contains a single component, which is
also an instance of a specified class.
- containsValue(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
- containsVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns true
if a specified vertex is contained in this
- containsVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- containsWidget(Object) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
- containsWrappable(Wrappable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries whether or not this spring contains a wrappable
for which wrapping is applied to all segments.
- containsWrappable(Wrappable, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries whether or not this spring contains a wrappable which is applied
to the segments between the points indexed by pntIdx0
and pntIdx1
- ContDerivMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ContDerivMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- ContDerivMuscleFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ContDerivMuscleFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscleFactory
- contour - Variable in class maspack.collision.ContactPlane
- contour - Variable in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- contoursCheck - Variable in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.TestInfo
- contractProbe() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- Controller - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ControllerBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ControllerBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerBase
- ControllerMonitorBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ControllerMonitorBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
- controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MakeMovieFromData
Controller Listener.
- controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.Merge
- ControlPanel - Class in artisynth.core.gui
- ControlPanel() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- ControlPanel(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- ControlPanel(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- ControlPanelDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Demo that shows how to create a ControlPanel to adjust some physical and
rendering parameters of simple model consisting of springs and spheres.
- ControlPanelDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ControlPanelDemo
- controlPointIsSelected(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- convert(double[][]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadraturePoint
- convert(double, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ConvertRawToWav
- convert() - Method in class maspack.apps.FlipMeshNormals
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.GtsToObj
- convert(ReaderTokenizer, PrintWriter) - Method in class maspack.apps.KajToObj
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshConverter
- convert() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshConverter
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.ObjToGts
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.ObjToPly
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.PlyToObj
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.PlyToPly
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.StlToObj
- convert(String, String) - Static method in class maspack.apps.VtkMeshToWavefrontConverter
- convert(String, String, NumberFormat) - Static method in class maspack.apps.VtkMeshToWavefrontConverter
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.XyzbToPly
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.XyzbToXyz
- convert(File, File) - Method in class maspack.apps.XyzToXyzb
- convertActiveForcesToYPR(VectorNd, VectorNd, MechModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.YPRStiffnessUtils
Converts a system force vector to one that uses yaw-pitch-roll
- convertActiveVelocitiesFromYPR(VectorNd, VectorNd, MechModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.YPRStiffnessUtils
Converts a system velocity vector from one that uses yaw-pitch-roll
- convertAngle(double, MayaAsciiReader.AngleUnit, MayaAsciiReader.AngleUnit) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.UnitUtility
- convertLength(double, MayaAsciiReader.LengthUnit, MayaAsciiReader.LengthUnit) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.UnitUtility
- ConvertRawToWav - Class in artisynth.core.util
- ConvertRawToWav() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ConvertRawToWav
- convertStiffnessToYPR(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, ArrayList<DynamicComponent>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.YPRStiffnessUtils
Converts, in place, a stiffness matrix K
and a (optional) force
vector f
from an angular displacement formulation to one using
yaw-pitch-roll displacements.
- convertTime(double, MayaAsciiReader.TimeUnit, MayaAsciiReader.TimeUnit) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.UnitUtility
- convertToBezier() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
- convertToLocalSeparators(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Tries to convert file separation characters in a path name to ones
appropriate for the local system.
- convertToLocalSeparators(File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Tries to convert file separation characters in a file to ones
appropriate for the local system.
- convertToLocalSeparators(String) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Tries to convert file separation characters in a path name to ones
appropriate for the local system.
- convertToUnixSeparators(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Tries to convert file separation characters in a path name to ones
appropriate for Unix.
- convertToUnixSeparators(String) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Tries to convert file separation characters in a path name to ones
appropriate for Unix.
- convertToWindowsSeparators(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Tries to convert file separation characters in a path name to ones
appropriate for Windows.
- convertToWindowsSeparators(String) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Tries to convert file separation characters in a path name to ones
appropriate for Windows.
- ConvexPoly2d - Class in maspack.render
- ConvexPoly2d() - Constructor for class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- ConvexPoly2d(ConvexPoly2d) - Constructor for class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- ConvexPoly2d(Double...) - Constructor for class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- ConvexPoly2d.Vertex2d - Class in maspack.render
- ConvexPoly2dTest - Class in maspack.render
- ConvexPoly2dTest() - Constructor for class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2dTest
- ConvexPolygon2d - Class in maspack.geometry
- ConvexPolygon2d() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon2d
- ConvexPolygon2d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon2d
- ConvexPolygon2d(Point2d[]) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon2d
- ConvexPolygon3d - Class in maspack.geometry
- ConvexPolygon3d() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
- ConvexPolygon3d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
- ConvexPolygon3d(Point3d[]) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
- ConvexPolygon3dTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- ConvexPolygon3dTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3dTest
- ConvexPolygonIntersector - Class in maspack.geometry
- ConvexPolygonIntersector() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersector
- ConvexPolygonIntersector.Listener - Interface in maspack.geometry
- ConvexPolygonIntersectorTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- ConvolutionKernel3d(double[], double) - Constructor for class maspack.image.ConvolutionResampler.ConvolutionKernel3d
- ConvolutionKernel3d(double[], double, double[], double, double[], double) - Constructor for class maspack.image.ConvolutionResampler.ConvolutionKernel3d
- ConvolutionKernel3d(double[][][], double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.image.ConvolutionResampler.ConvolutionKernel3d
- ConvolutionResampler - Class in maspack.image
Resamples image by taking a convolution with 3D kernel
- ConvolutionResampler(ConvolutionResampler.ConvolutionKernel3d) - Constructor for class maspack.image.ConvolutionResampler
- ConvolutionResampler.ConvolutionKernel3d - Class in maspack.image
- Coordinate - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Coordinate() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- Coordinate.MotionType - Enum in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateCouplerConstraint - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateCouplerConstraint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- CoordinateCouplerConstraintFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateCouplerConstraintFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraintFactory
- CoordinateCouplingDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- CoordinateCouplingDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.CoordinateCouplingDemo
- CoordinateFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateFactory
- CoordinateHandle - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
Handle to obtain a specified coordinate value from a joint.
- CoordinateHandle(String, JointCoordinateHandle) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- CoordinateLimitForce - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateLimitForce() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- CoordinateLimitForceFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateLimitForceFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForceFactory
- CoordinateList - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateList
- CoordinateListFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateListFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateListFactory
- CoordinateSet - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateSet() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateSet
- CoordinateSetFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CoordinateSetFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateSetFactory
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.CylindricalCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.CylindricalCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3d
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3d
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FixedAxisCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FreeCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FullPlanarCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FullPlanarCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.HingeCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.HingeCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarTranslationCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarTranslationCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for the connector's current coordinate values,
if coordinates are supported.
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SliderCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SliderCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SlottedHingeCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SlottedHingeCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SolidCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
- coordinatesToTCD(RigidTransform3d, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
Computes the TCD transform for a set of coordinates, if coordinates are
- coords - Variable in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Queries whether or not a set of natural coordinates are inside this
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- coordsAreInside(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- copy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- copy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemDispConnection
- copy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- copy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentComp
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- copy() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Makes a copy of this spring.
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RenderableConstrainerBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJointBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CopyableComponent
Create a copy of this component.
- copy(Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableCompositeBase
- copy(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- copy() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- copy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- copy() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
- copy(File, URIx, FileTransferMonitor) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- copy(File, URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- copy(URIx, URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- copy(URIx, URIx, FileTransferMonitor) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- copy() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Creates a copy of this mesh.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
Creates a copy of this mesh.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Creates a copy of this mesh.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Creates a copy of this mesh.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
Creates and returns a copy of this transformer.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
Creates and returns a copy of this transformer.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- copy() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Creates a copy of this spline.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
Creates a copy of this knot.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Creates a copy of this spline.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
Creates a copy of this knot.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Creates a copy of this spline.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d.Knot
Creates a copy of this knot.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Creates a copy of this spline.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d.Knot
Creates a copy of this knot.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
- copy() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
- copy() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
- copy() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
- copy() - Method in class maspack.matrix.IdentityVector3dTransform
Creates and returns a copy of this transformer.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
- copy() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
- copy() - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
- copy() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- copy() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorTransformer3d
Creates and returns a copy of this transformer.
- copy() - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- copy() - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- copy() - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
- copy() - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- copy() - Method in class maspack.render.color.JetColorMap
- copy() - Method in class maspack.render.color.RainbowColorMap
- copy() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- copy() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- copy(double[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copy(float[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copy(char[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copy(byte[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copy(short[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copy(int[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copy(long[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copy(boolean[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- COPY_REFERENCES - Static variable in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CopyableComponent
Indicates that any referenced model components should themselves
be copied.
- CopyableComponent - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
Indicates an ArtiSynth ModelComponent that can be copied.
- copyAndAdd(Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- copyAndNegate() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- copyAndScale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- copyAndSub(Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- copyAndSubLeft(Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- copyByReference(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copyByReference(Object[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copyByValue(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
- copyChildren() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Make a copy of this cell and it's first level of children that share's the
same data cells as this cell.
- copyDirectory(File, File, int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
- copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
Copies a file to a new location preserving the file date.
- copyFile(File, File, int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
Copies a file to a new location.
- copySubMatrix(int, int, int, int, Matrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Copies a sub matrix from a specified source matrix Msrc
a region of this matrix.
- copyTree(PropTreeCell) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- copyTree() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Returns a copy of the property tree whose root is this cell, while
preserving the original data objects.
- copyTreeAndData() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Returns a complete copy of the property tree whose root is this cell,
including copies of all data objects.
- copyTreeChanges(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- copyTreeUntil(PropTreeCell, PropTreeCell) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- coriolisForce(Wrench, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Computes the coriolis forces induced by a given fixed-frame velocity
acting on this spatial inertia.
- correctedValue(Object, String, StringHolder) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
- cosTiming(String) - Method in class maspack.util.CubicSolverTest
- count() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ElementArray
- count() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
- countBorders() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- countConnected() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- countEdges() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- CountedList<A> - Class in maspack.util
- CountedList() - Constructor for class maspack.util.CountedList
- CountedList(int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.CountedList
- countGenus() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- COUPLED - Static variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
Constraint restricts both rotation and translation
- CovarianceUtils - Class in maspack.geometry
Set of utility methods to compute and transform Covariances.
- CovarianceUtils() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.CovarianceUtils
- CPD - Class in maspack.geometry
- CPD() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.CPD
- CPDRigidAligner - Class in maspack.geometry
- CPDRigidAligner() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.CPDRigidAligner
- CPDTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- CPDTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.CPDTest
- create(FemElement3dBase, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Create an integration point for a given element at a specific set of
natural coordinates.
- create(Point, FemElement3dBase, Point3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
Create an attachment that connects a point to a FemElement
within a specified element.
- create() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
Creates a new ConstantAxialMuscle with default values.
- create(double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
Creates a new ConstantAxialMuscle with a specified maximum force.
- create() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMuscle
Creates a new LinearAxialMuscle with default values.
- create(double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMuscle
Creates a new LinearAxialMuscle with a specified maximum force.
- create() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.PaiAxialMuscle
Creates a new PaiAxialMuscle with default values.
- create(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.PaiAxialMuscle
Creates a new PaiAxialMuscle with specified values.
- create(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.PaiAxialMuscle
Creates a new PaiAxialMuscle with specified values.
- create() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.PeckAxialMuscle
Creates a new PeckAxialMuscle with default values.
- create(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.PeckAxialMuscle
Creates a new PeckAxialMuscle with specified values.
- create(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.PeckAxialMuscle
Creates a new PeckAxialMuscle with specified values.
- create(MFreeNode3d[], VectorNd, ArrayList<Vector3d>, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
Create an integration point for a given element.
- create(ModelComponent, CompositeComponent) - Static method in exception artisynth.core.modelbase.NonUniqueNameException
- create(Traceable, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- create() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterface
- create() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.Manager.Creator
Creates the currently "active" managed object.
- create(JSch) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleIdRepoFactory
- create(Vertex3d...) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- create(AffineTransform3dBase) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Return an appropriate transformer for a given affine transform.
- create() - Method in class maspack.ipopt.IpoptExample
- create(GLJPanel) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Creates a GLAutoDrawable and Component wrapper for a GLJPanel
- create(GLCanvas) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Creates a GLAutoDrawable and Component wrapper for a GLCanvas
- create(int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- create(MouseEvent, Viewer) - Static method in class maspack.render.MouseRayEvent
- create(Process) - Static method in class maspack.util.ProcessMonitor
Creates a process monitor in a new thread, waits for
- create(HasProperties, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- create(HasProperties, String, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- create(String, HasProperties, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- create(String, HasProperties, String, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- create(Property, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- create(Property) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- createActiveBilateralMatrix(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- createActiveDampingMatrix(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- createActiveForceLengthCurve(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- createActiveMassMatrix(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Creates and returns a sparse block matrix consisting of the current
active portion of the mass matrix.
- createActiveStiffnessMatrix(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- createAddCommand(String, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, Collection<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RemoveAddCommand
- createAddCommand(String, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, MutableCompositeComponent<?>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RemoveAddCommand
- createAndAdd(GridPlane, JComponent, int) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GridDisplay
Creates a grid display and add it to a panel at the location specified by
- createAndAddFrameExciters(TrackingController, MechModel, Frame, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Creates a complete set of FrameExciters for a given frame and adds them
to a MechModel and to a controller.
- createAndInitRenderProps(HasRenderProps, RenderProps) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a set of render properties and initializes for use with
the specified host
- createArray() - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Preate a JSON array
- createArray() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
- createArtisynthInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
Create the ArtiSynth information frame.
- createAxes(GL3, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveFactory
- createAxes(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderObjectFactory
Creates a simple set of axes
- createBeam(MFreeModel3d, double[], int[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- createBeam(MFreeModel3d, RadialWeightFunction.RadialWeightFunctionType, double[], int[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- createBeam(MFreeModel3d, RadialWeightFunction.RadialWeightFunctionType, double[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- createBeam(HydrostatModel.Element) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createBlockDiagonal(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolverTest
- createBlockDiagonal(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolverTest
- createBodyPoseProbe(String, String, RotationRep, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Creates an input probe for controlling the poses of the bodies associated
with this solver.
- createBodyPoseProbe(String, NumericProbeBase, RotationRep, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Creates an input probe for controlling the poses of the bodies associated
with this solver.
- createBoundingFem(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, int, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Creates a regular finite element grid that bounds a supplied surface
- createBoundingFem(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, int, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Creates a FEM model that bounds a given surface
- createBoundingFem(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, Vector3i) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Creates a FEM model that bounds a given surface
- createBoundingFem(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, Vector3i, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Creates a FEM model that bounds a given surface
- createBox(String, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Creates a box-shaped RigidBody with a prescribed uniform density.
- createBox(String, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Creates a box-shaped RigidBody with a prescribed uniform density.
- createBox(String, double, double, double, int, int, int, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Creates a box-shaped RigidBody with a prescribed uniform density.
- createBox(double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangle-based box mesh, with two triangles per side, centered
on the origin.
- createBox(double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangle-based box mesh, with two triangles per side, centered
on the origin.
- createBox(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangle-based box mesh, with two triangles per side, centered
at a prescribed location.
- createBox(double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangle-based box mesh, with two triangles per side, centered
at a prescribed location.
- createBox(double, double, double, Point3d, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangle-based box mesh, with a specified mesh resolution in
each direction, and centered at a defined center point.
- createBox(double, double, double, Point3d, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangle-based box mesh, with a specified mesh resolution in
each direction, and centered at a defined center point.
- createBox(double, double, double, Point3d, int, int, int, boolean, MeshFactory.FaceType) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a box mesh, with a specified mesh resolution in each direction,
and centered at a defined center point.
- createBoxFiller() - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- createBoxInertia(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Creates a new spatial inertia corresponding to the center of an
axis-aligned box of uniform density.
- createBumpProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- createBumpProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingTest
- createBumpProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- createBundle(String, Point3d, Point3d, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createBundlesPanel(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createCanvas() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
Creates a canvas with the same capabilities and shared context
as other viewers using this set of resources.
- createChildNodes(AliasTable) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.DemoFileEntry
Create the node for this demo file entry.
- createChildNodes(RootModelManager, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
Expands the nodes for this package entry given all of its attributes.
- createChildNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderEntry
Expands the nodes for this scriptFolder entry given all of its attributes.
- createCircularSector(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular planar mesh of a circular sector with radius r
and central angle ang
- createCircularSector(double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular planar mesh of a circular sector with radius r
and central angle ang
- createColorBar() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ContactPressureRender
- createColorBar() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.PenetrationRender
- createColorSet() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new, alternative set of colors that can be used by vertices.
- createColorSetFrom(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new, alternative set of colors that can be used by vertices.
- createCommand() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.DefaultCollisionsDialog
- createCommand() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.SetCollisionsDialog
- createComponent(ScanWriteUtils.ClassInfo<C>, CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BodySet
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConditionalPathPoint
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConstraintBase
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConstraintSet
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceBase
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceSet
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceSpringBase
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Frame
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FrameGeometry
Creates a frame mesh component.
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Geometry
Will try to add mesh to the appropriate body via the socket_frame first,
and if successful, will return null.
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ground
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Joint
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointSet
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MarkerSet
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Mesh
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in interface artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentGenerator
Creates and returns a model component, using the provided component map
to look up other dependent objects.
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalFrame
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalOffsetFrame
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapCylinder
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapEllipsoid
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObjectSet
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapSphere
- createComponent(File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapTorus
- createComponentName(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidablePair
Create a name for this CollidablePair that is suitable to use as a
component name.
- createComputedExcitationsProbe(TrackingController, String, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
Create an output probe that records all of the excitations computed
by a tracking controller.
- createCone(double, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createCone(GL2, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveFactory
- createCone(GL3, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveFactory
- createCone(int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderObjectFactory
Creates a unit cone along the z-axis
- createConformalHexCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hex cylinder by first generating a hex grid, then mapping it to
a cylinder using a conformal map
- createConformalHexEllipsoid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
- createConformalHexSphere(FemModel3d, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hex sphere by first generating a regular grid, then mapping it
to the sphere using a volume-preserving bi-lipschitz projection
- createConstant(double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- createConstant() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- createConstraintProblem(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolverTest
- createConstraintProblem(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolverTest
- createContext(GLContext) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- createControlPanel(RootModel, FemMuscleModel, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- createControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
- createControlPanel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SkinCollisionTest
- createControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- createControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawBase
- createControlPanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- CreateConvexHull - Class in maspack.apps
- CreateConvexHull() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.CreateConvexHull
- createConvexHull(MeshBase) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a convex hull from the vertex positions of an input mesh.
- createCSGMesh(ContactInfo) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
Computes the boundary mesh formed by the union of the penetration
regions associated with two meshes.
- createCSGMeshOld(ContactInfo) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
- createCube(GL2) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveFactory
Box from (-1,-1,-1) to (1,1,1)
- createCube(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveFactory
- createCubeTesselation(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
Create a tesselation for a cubic configuration of nodes, using a 3
- createCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ActiveForceLengthCurve
- createCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FiberForceLengthCurve
- createCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceVelocityCurve
- createCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.TendonForceLengthCurve
- createCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a cylinder made of mostly hex elements, with wedges in the centre
- createCylinder(String, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Creates a cylindrical RigidBody with a prescribed uniform density.
- createCylinder(MFreeModel3d, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
Creates a cylinder by distributing nodes and points radially
- createCylinder(double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular cylindrical mesh centered on the origin with
the main axis aligned with the z axis.
- createCylinder(double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular cylindrical mesh centered on the origin with
the main axis aligned with the z axis.
- createCylinder(GL2, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveFactory
- createCylinder(GL3, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveFactory
- createCylinder(int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderObjectFactory
Creates a unit cylinder along the z-axis
- createCylinderInertia(double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Creates a new spatial inertia corresponding to the center of a cylinder of
uniform density aligned with the z axis.
- createCylindricalWedge(double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a cylindrical wedge centered on the origin with the main axis of
rotation aligned with the z axis.
- createDefault() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObjectFactory
Creates a default instance
- createDefaultBindings() - Static method in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
Create a default set of mouse bindings based on the number
of mouse buttons.
- createDefaultColorMap() - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- createDefaultFiles() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu
- createDefaultMaterial() - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- createDefaultMaterial() - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- createDefaultMaterial() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- createDefaultMaterial() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- createDefaultMaterial() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- createDefaultMaterial() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringList
- createDefaultMuscleMaterial() - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- createDefaultMuscleMaterial() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- createDefaultProperties() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.JythonInit
- createDefaultRenderProps() - Static method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- createDefaultRenderProps() - Static method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- createDefaultRenderProps() - Static method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
- createDefaultRenderProps() - Static method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
- createDefaultRenderProps() - Static method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- createDefaultRenderProps() - Static method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- createDefaultRenderProps() - Static method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- createDefaultRenderProps() - Static method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- createDefaultSearchPath() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Create a default search path consisting of the user's home
directory and the ArtiSynth home directory.
- createDialog(String, PreferencesManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsBase
Creates and returns settings dialog.
- createDialog(Window, String, Main) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- createDialog(Window, String, HostList, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- createDialog(Window, String, PropTreeCell, HostList, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- createDialog(Window, String, PropertyPanel, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- createDialog(String, Iterable<? extends HasProperties>, String, Component, ValueChangeListener) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- createDialog(Window, String, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- createDiffuse(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class maspack.render.Material
- createDiffuse(float[], float) - Static method in class maspack.render.Material
- createDiffuse(float[], float, float) - Static method in class maspack.render.Material
- createDiffuse(Color, float) - Static method in class maspack.render.Material
- createDiffuse(Color, float, float) - Static method in class maspack.render.Material
- createDirectSolver() - Method in enum maspack.solvers.SparseSolverId
Creates and returns the solver for this type, if it represents a direct
- createDisk(double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular planar disk with radius r
, lying in the
$x-y$ plane and centered on the origin.
- createDisplayFrame(TextImageStore) - Static method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
- createDistanceHeap(double[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Creates a binary heap that is useful for finding the farthest point
in the supplied array of distances.
- createDistanceSurface() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridBase
Creates a triangular mesh approximating the surface on which the linearly
interpolated distance function equals 0.
- createDistanceSurface(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridBase
Creates a triangular mesh approximating the surface on which the linearly
interpolated distance function equals val
- createDistanceSurface(double, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridBase
Creates a triangular mesh approximating the surface on which the linearly
interpolated distance function equals val
- createElasticityRotation(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
- createElasticityRotationBrown(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
- createElasticityRotationOld(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
- createElasticityUnrotation(Matrix6d, Matrix3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Creates a 6x6 "unrotation" matrix for transforming the elasticity tensor (i.e.
- createElement(FemNode3d[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
- createElement(FemNode3d[], boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
- createElement(FemNode3d[], double, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- createEllipsoid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates an ellipsoidal model using a combination of hex, wedge, and tet
- createEllipsoid(String, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Creates an ellipsoidal RigidBody with a prescribed uniform density.
- createEllipsoid(double, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates an triangular ellipsoid mesh, centered on the origin.
- createEllipsoid(double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates an triangular ellipsoid mesh, centered on the origin.
- createEllipsoidInertia(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Creates a new spatial inertia corresponding to the center of an
axis-aligned ellispoid of uniform density.
- createEmbedded(FemMeshComp, MeshBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createEmbedded(FemMeshComp, MeshBase, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createEmbedded(FemModel3d, MeshBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createEmbedded(MFreeMeshComp, MeshBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- createEmbedded(MFreeMeshComp, MeshBase, MFreeModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
Assumes the mesh is in "rest" coordinates, not current coordinates
- createEmbedded(MFreeModel3d, MeshBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- createEmbeddingAttachments() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createExciter(String, Point3d, Point3d, MuscleBundle) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createExcitersPanel(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createExpandButton() - Static method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
- createExtendedTorus(double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad extended torus mesh in the x-y plane.
- createExtrusion(FemModel3d, int, double, double, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-type FEM model by extruding a surface mesh along the
normal direction of its faces.
- createExtrusion(FemModel3d, double[], double, PolygonalMesh, Face.FaceFilter) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-type FEM model by extruding a surface mesh along the
normal direction of its faces.
- createExtrusion(FemModel3d, int, double, double, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-type FEM model by extruding the shell elements of an
existing surface mesh along the direction of the associated vertex
- createExtrusion(FemModel3d, FemFactory.FemElementType, int, double, double, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-based FEM model by extruding a surface mesh along the
normal direction of its faces.
- createFaceProps(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a new FaceRenderProps.
- createFalse() - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Preate a 'false' boolean element
- createFalse() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
- createFeatureIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Creates and returns a set of feature indices for this mesh.
- createFemFromSurface() - Method in class artisynth.models.fez2021.MyFEMonster
- createFieldPoint(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
Create a MeshFieldPoint corresponding to the nearest point on this
component's mesh to a specified position.
- createFlattenedHexSphere(FemModel3d, double, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
- createForceExciters(MechModel, Frame, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Creates a set of three FrameExciters to control the translational force
on a given frame.
- createForceVelocityCurve(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- createFrameAttachment(Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns a FrameAttachment that attaches a frame
to this
- createFrameAttachment(Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Returns a FrameAttachment that attaches a frame
to this
- createFrameAttachment(Frame, RigidTransform3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Returns a FrameAttachment that attaches a frame
to this
- createFrameAttachment(Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- createFrameAttachment(Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachable
Returns a FrameAttachment that attaches a frame
to this
- createFrameConsole() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ArtisynthJythonConsole
- createFrameExciters(MechModel, Frame, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Creates a complete set of FrameExciters for a given frame.
- createFromElementList(FemModel3d, Collection<FemElement3d>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a new model by duplicating nodes and elements
- createFromFaces(Iterable<Face>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Create a new PolygonalMesh from a subset of faces.
- createFromJointSet(String, ModelComponentMap) - Static method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- createFromMesh(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a tetrahedral FEM model from a triangular surface mesh.
- createFromMesh(String, PolygonalMesh, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- createFromMesh(String, PolygonalMesh, String, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- createFromMesh(String, String, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- createFromMesh(String, Object, String, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- createFromMesh(PolygonalMesh, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderObjectFactory
Creates a RenderObject from a PolygonalMesh, with one group of triangle
primitives for faces.
- createFromMeshAndPoints(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, double, Point3d[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Constrained Delaunay, including the supplied list of points if they fall
inside the surface
- createGenericButton(Icon, String, String, String, boolean, Dimension, ActionListener) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.ButtonCreator
generic button making function used by: createIconicButton(), and
- createGeometry(HydrostatModel.Element, HydrostatModel.Shape) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createGeometry(String, double, double, double, int, int, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeModel
- createGeometry(GeneralWrapTest.GeometryType, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- createGlyphs(String, TextImageStore.Glyph[]) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Creates an array of Glyphs, each containing identifying information, as
well as location information, so they can be processed glyph by glyph.
- createGlyphs(GlyphVector, TextImageStore.Glyph[]) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Creates an array of Glyphs, each containing identifying information, as
well as location information, so they can be processed glyph by glyph.
- createGlyphVector(String) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Creates a glyph vector using the current font and image context
- createGlyphVector(Font, String) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Creates a glyph vector using the current font and image context
- createGrid(FemModel3d, FemFactory.FemElementType, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid, composed of elements of the type specified by
, centered on the origin, with specified widths and grid
resolutions along each axis.
- createGridPropertyDialog(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerPopupManager
- createGroup(String, String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createGroup(String, String, String[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createHandle(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Creates a handle to the property for a specified host object.
- createHandle(HasProperties) - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Creates a handle to the property for a specified host object.
- createHemisphere(double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates an open triangular hemispherical mesh, centered on the origin,
with a radius r
- createHex() - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.MonteCarloElementTests
- createHex() - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.RegularSamplingElementTests
- createHexCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hex cylinder centered on the origin with its central axis
aligned with z.
- createHexEllipsoid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
- createHexExtrusion(FemModel3d, int, double, double, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-based FEM model made of hex elements by extruding a
surface mesh along the normal direction of its faces.
- createHexGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of hex elements.
- createHexGridFem() - Method in class artisynth.models.fez2021.MyFEMonster
- createHexIntegrationCoords(double[], double[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
Computes hexahedral integration coordinates using a tensor product
of the supplied 1D quadrature rule.
- createHexSphere(FemModel3d, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hex sphere by partitioning the sphere into seven regions: an
inner block, surrounded by six symmetrical sections.
- createHexTorus(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hollow torus made of hex elements.
- createHexTube(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a tube made of hex elements.
- createHexWedgeCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a cylinder made of mostly hex elements, with wedges in the centre
- createHexWedgeExtrusion(FemModel3d, int, double, double, PolygonalMesh, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-based FEM model by extruding a surface mesh along the
normal direction of its faces.
- createHollowedBox(double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a box with a cylindrical indentation in the top, parallel to the y
axis, with a radius of r and approximated by nsegs segments.
- createHorizontalButton(String, ActionListener, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Create a button to be arranged horizontally within a panel (such as the
"Cancel", "Done" buttons at the bottom of a dialog.
- createIconicButton(Icon, String, String, boolean, boolean, ActionListener) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.ButtonCreator
Create iconic button
- createIcosahedralBowl(double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates an icosahedral hemispherical bowl, with a specified radius and
number of divisions.
- createIcosahedralHemisphere(double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates an icosahedral hemisphere with a specified radius and number of
- createIcosahedralSphere(FemModel3d, double, int, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a tet-based spherical model based on a icosahedron.
- createIcosahedralSphere(String, double, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Creates an icosahedrally spherical RigidBody with a prescribed uniform
- createIcosahedralSphere(double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates an icosahedral sphere, centered on the origin, with a specified
radius and number of divisions.
- createIcosahedralSphere(double, Point3d, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createIcosahedron(double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createIdentity(byte[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleIdRepoFactory
- createIdentity(String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleIdRepoFactory
- createIdentity(File) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleIdRepoFactory
- createImage() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- createImage() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- createImage() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- createImage() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- createInertia(double, MassDistribution) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Computes a spatial inertia for this mesh, given a mass and a mass
- createInertia(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
Computes a spatial inertia for this mesh, given a mass which
is assumed to be distributed uniformly across its vertices.
- createInertia(double, MassDistribution) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
Computes a spatial inertia for this mesh, given a mass and a mass
- createInertia(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Creates a spatial inertia for the volume defined by this mesh, assuming a
constant density.
- createInertia(double, MassDistribution) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Computes a spatial inertia for this mesh, given a mass and a mass
- createInertia(double, MassDistribution) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Computes a spatial inertia for this mesh, given a mass and a mass
- createInputProbe(TrackingController, InverseManager.ProbeID, String, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
Create an input probe of the type specified by pid
- createInputProbe() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithInlineProbe
- createInputProbe() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithProbes
- createInstance(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- createInstance(PropertyInfo, HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
Creates a default instance of a composite property.
- createIntegrationPoints(FemElement3dBase, double[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Create a set of integration points for a given element, using
a specified set of natural coordinates.
- createInterpolated(String, NumericProbeBase, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityInputProbe
Creates a VelocityInputProbe by differentiating the position data in a
source probe.
- createInversePanel(TrackingController) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
Creates a control panel for the specified inverse tracking controller.
- createIsotropicStiffness(double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- createIterativeSolver() - Method in enum maspack.solvers.SparseSolverId
Creates and returns the solver for this type, if it represents an
iterative solver.
- createJCH(String, OpenSimObject, ModelComponentMap) - Static method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- createJCHFromBodySet(String, ModelComponentMap) - Static method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- createJCHFromJoint(String, JointBase, ModelComponentMap) - Static method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- createJCHFromJointSet(String, ModelComponentMap) - Static method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- createJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BallJoint
- createJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CustomJoint
- createJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FreeJoint
- createJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GimbalJoint
- createJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PinJoint
- createJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- createJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.UniversalJoint
- createJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WeldJoint
- createKeyBindingInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
- createLight(float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
- createLinear(double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- createLinear() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- createLineEdgeProps(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a new LineEdgeRenderProps.
- createLineFaceProps(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a new LineFaceRenderProps.
- createLineGroup() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a new group of lines that can be rendered.
- createLineGroup() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new group of lines that can be rendered.
- createLineProps(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a new LineRenderProps.
- createLineSegment(Vertex3d, Vertex3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Creates a pair of adjacent half-edges that together define a line segment
connecting two vertices.
- createListener(HudPrintStream, Component) - Static method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudKeyListener
Creates and registers a HudKeyListener object
- createListener(HudPrintStream, GLViewer) - Static method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudKeyListener
Creates and registers a HudKeyListener object
- createMarker(Line) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.IsMarkable
Creates a marker along a ray of intersection
- createMarker(Point3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.IsMarkable
Creates a marker at a specific location
- createMarker(Line) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- createMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- createMarker(Line) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- createMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- createMarker(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- createMarker(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
Create a marker for the image, optionally projecting to the surface of the image
- createMarker(Line) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- createMarkerPositionProbe(String, String, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Creates an input probe for controlling the positions of the markers
associated with this solver.
- createMarkerPositionProbe(String, NumericProbeBase, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Creates an input probe for controlling the positions of the markers
associated with this solver.
- createMassBlock() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
Create a matrix block for representing the mass of this component,
initialized to the component's effective mass (instrinsic mass
plus the mass due to all attachmented components).
- createMassBlock() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
Create a matrix block for representing the mass of this component,
initialized to the component's effective mass (instrinsic mass
plus the mass due to all attachmented components).
- createMassBlock() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- createMassBlock() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Create a matrix block for representing the mass of this component,
initialized to the component's effective mass (instrinsic mass
plus the mass due to all attachmented components).
- createMassBlock() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- createMassBlock() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- createMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- createMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ligament
- createMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- createMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- createMaterialBundle(FemModel3d, FemMaterial, ScalarFieldComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Creates a material bundle based on a supplied
material and a volume density function.
- createMaxDistanceComparator() - Static method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint
- createMechModel(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- createMenuItem(ActionListener, String, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- createMenus() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
creates menu items
- createMesh(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
Creates a mesh if it exists, transformed by any scale and transform
- createMesh(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Mesh
Creates a mesh if it exists, transformed by any scale and transform
- createMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaMesh
- createMesh(double[], Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3i, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MarchingTetrahedra
Creates an isosurface mesh from a 3D grid of values.
- createMeshes(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
Creates a set of polygonal mesh objects from the internal geometry set
- createMeshProps(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a new MeshRenderProps.
- createMinDistanceComparator() - Static method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint
- createModel(MFreeModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- createModel(MFreeModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, int, int, int[], RadialWeightFunction.RadialWeightFunctionType) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- createModel(MFreeModel3d, Point3d[], Point3d[], PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- createModel(MFreeModel3d, Point3d[], CubaturePoint3d[], PolygonalMesh, RadialWeightFunction.RadialWeightFunctionType) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- createModel(MFreeModel3d, Point3d[], Point3d[], PolygonalMesh, RadialWeightFunction.RadialWeightFunctionType) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- createModel(MFreeModel3d, MFreeNode3d[], PolygonalMesh, CubaturePoint3d[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- createModel(MechModel, File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model3
- createModel(MechModel, File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4
TODO: build model
- createModel(MechModel, File, ModelComponentMap) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
Populates a mech model, creating a new one if necessary
- createModel(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
Populates the provided model, creating one if it doesn't exist
- createModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- createModel(PointModel.DemoType) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- createModelInfo(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
Create the model information frame.
- createMomentExciters(MechModel, Frame, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Creates a set of three FrameExciters to control the moment force on a
given frame.
- createMuscleBundlesPanel(RootModel, FemMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- createMuscleExcitersPanel(RootModel, FemMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- createMuscleMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- createMuscleMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- createMuscleMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- createMuscleMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- createMuscleMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- createMuscleMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- createMusclePanel(RootModel, FemMuscleModel, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- createMusclePanel(RootModel, FemMuscleModel) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
- createMusclePanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleDemo
- createMuscles(HydrostatModel.Axis, String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createMuscles(HydrostatModel.Axis, MuscleBundle) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createNodalEmbedded(FemMeshComp, MeshBase, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createNodalEmbedded(FemModel3d, MeshBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createNormalProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- createNormalProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingTest
- createNormalProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- createNormalSet() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new, alternative set of normals that can be used by vertices.
- createNormalSetFrom(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new, alternative set of normals that can be used by vertices.
- createNull() - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Preate a 'null' element
- createNull() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
- createNumber(double) - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Preate a number element
- createNumber(double) - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
- createNumeric(String, NumericProbeBase, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityInputProbe
Creates a VelocityInputProbe by numerically differentiating the position
data in a source probe.
- createObject() - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Preate a JSON Object
- createObject() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
- createOctadecahedralSphere(double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a sphere out of approximately uniform triangles by separating the sphere into a
hexagonal prism with hexagonal pyramid caps, and dividing each edge into k segments.
- createOctahedralSphere(double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createOctahedralSphere(double, Point3d, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createOctahedron(double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createOctohedralSphere(int) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderObjectFactory
- createOpenCylinder(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates an open cylindrical mesh centered on the origin with the
main axis aligned with the z axis.
- createOpenQuadCylinder(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates an open quad cylindrical mesh centered on the origin with the
main axis aligned with the z axis.
- createOrderedList(List<DynamicAttachment>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentWorker
Orders a list of (possibly interdependent) attachments so that
state can be updated correctly by starting at the beginning of the list
and running through to the end.
- createOutputProbe(TrackingController, InverseManager.ProbeID, String, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
Create an output probe of the type specified by pid
- createOutputProbe() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithProbes
- createP(GL3, int, ByteBuffer, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Vertex positions only
- createPai(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- createPai() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- createPanel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SelectComponentPanelHandler
- createPanel(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Convenience method that creates a control panel for the tracking
- createPanel() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
Creates a canvas with the same capabilities and shared context
as other viewers using this set of resources.
- createPanelFromHostList(PropTreeCell, HostList) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- createPartialCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a partial cylinder made of mostly hex elements, with wedges in
the centre column
- createPartialHexTorus(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hollow partial torus made of hex elements.
- createPartialHexTube(FemModel3d, double, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a partial tube made of hex elements.
- createPartialHexWedgeCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
- createPartialTetTorus(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a partial torus made of tet elements.
- createPartialTetTube(FemModel3d, double, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a partial tube made of tet elements.
- createPartialTube(FemModel3d, FemFactory.FemElementType, double, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a partial tube made of either tet or hex elements, as specified
by type
- createPassiveForceLengthCurve(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- createPathToRoot() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Creates a new path of property cells from this cell all the way back to
the root cell.
- createPeck(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- createPeck(String, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- createPeck() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- createPlaceHolder() - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GridDisplay
Creates a place-holder component for a grid display.
- createPlane(double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createPlane(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns a PointAttachment that attaches pnt
to this component.
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- createPointAttachment(Point, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates an attachment between a
and this skin body.
- createPointAttachment(Point, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates an attachment between a
and the master bodies of
this SkinMeshBody.
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachable
Returns a PointAttachment that attaches pnt
to this component.
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- createPointAttachment(Point, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- createPointAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- createPointedCylinder(double, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createPointExciters(MechModel, Point, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
Creates a set of three PointExciters to control the translational force
on a given point.
- createPointFaceProps(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a new PointFaceRenderProps.
- createPointGroup() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a new group of points that can be rendered.
- createPointGroup() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new group of points that can be rendered.
- createPointLineProps(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a new PointLineRenderProps.
- createPointMeshAttachment(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates an attachment between a
and the nearest mesh
feature of this skin mesh body.
- createPointProps(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a new PointRenderProps.
- createPolarSphere(FemModel3d, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a fem model with tet, pyramid and hex elements by breaking
the domain into spherical (3D polar) coordinates.
- createPositionSet() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new, alternative set of positions that can be used by vertices.
- createPositionSetFrom(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new, alternative set of positions that can be used by vertices.
- createPreferencesManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- createPrism(double[], double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createPrism(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createProbe(Traceable) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TracingProbePanel
- createProbes(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Convenience method that clears all existing probes and then creates a set
of probes for controlling and monitoring the tracking controller.
- createProbes(RootModel, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Convenience method that clears all existing probes and then creates a set
of probes for controlling and monitoring the tracking controller.
- createProbes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- createProbesAndPanel(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- createProbesAndPanel(RootModel, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- createProperties(PropTreeCell, HostList, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- createProperties(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
- createProperties(HasProperties, String[]) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
- createProperty(String[], HasProperties, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
Create an EditingProperty that edits a single property across a set of
hosts, each specified by a property path with respect to a common
ancestor host.
- createProperty(String, HasProperties[], boolean) - Static method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
Create an EditingProperty that edits a property specified by propPath
with respect to a set of property hosts.
- createPropertyDialog(Collection<? extends HasProperties>, boolean, Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.IsRenderableEditor
- createPropertyDialog(Collection<? extends ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionPopup
- createPropertyDialog(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerPopupManager
- createPropertyPanel() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.PanelFileChooser
Creates and returns the property panel for this dialog.
- createPyramid() - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.MonteCarloElementTests
- createPyramid() - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.RegularSamplingElementTests
- createPyramidGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of pyramid elements.
- createQuadAnnularSector(double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates an annular sector.
- createQuadBox(double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad-based box mesh, with one quad per side, centered on the
- createQuadBox(double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad-based box mesh, with one quad per side, centered on the
- createQuadBox(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad-based box mesh, with one quad per side, centered at
a prescribed location.
- createQuadBox(double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad-based box mesh, with one quad per side, centered at
a prescribed location.
- createQuadBox(double, double, double, Point3d, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad-based box mesh, with a specified mesh resolution in
each direction, and centered at a defined center point.
- createQuadBoxNew(double, double, double, Point3d, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadCircularSector(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad-dominant planar mesh of a circular sector with radius
and central angle ang
- createQuadCone(double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadCone(double, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadCylinder(double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad cylindrical mesh centered on the origin with the main axis
aligned with the z axis.
- createQuadCylindricalSection(double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a cylindrical section.
- createQuadCylindricalWedge(double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad cylindrical wedge centered on the origin with the main
axis of rotation aligned with the z axis.
- createQuadDisk(double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad-dominant planar disk with radius r
, lying in the
$x-y$ plane and centered on the origin.
- createQuadDistanceSurface(double, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Creates a triangular mesh approximating the surface on which the
quadratically interpolated distance function equals val
- createQuadExtendedTorus(double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad extended torus mesh in the x-y plane.
- createQuadHemisphere(double, int, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadhexExtrusion(FemModel3d, int, double, double, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-based FEM model made of quadratic hex elements by
extruding a surface mesh along the normal direction of its faces.
- createQuadhexGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of quadratic hex elements.
- createQuadhexTorus(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hollow torus made of quadratic hex elements.
- createQuadhexTube(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a tube made of quadratic hex elements.
- createQuadPrism(double[], double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadPrism(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadPrism(double[], double[], double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadpyramidGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of quadratic pyramid elements.
- createQuadraticModel(FemModel3d, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Takes a FemModel3d containing linear elements, and creates a quadratic
model whose elements are the corresponding quadratic elements, with new
nodes inserted along the edges as required.
- createQuadRectangle(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Create a quad rectangle mesh.
- createQuadRoundedBox(double, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a box with rounded ends on the z-axis ends.
- createQuadRoundedBox(double, double, double, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a box with rounded ends on the z-axis ends, and with a specified
mesh resolution in the x, y, and z directions.
- createQuadRoundedCylinder(double, double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a cylinder with rounded (spherical) ends on the z-axis ends.
- createQuadSphere(double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadSphere(double, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadSphere(double, int, int, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createQuadSphericalSection(double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a spherical section.
- createQuadtetCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a quadratic tetrahedral cylinder by tetrahedralizing a hex-wedge
- createQuadtetCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a cylinder of quadratic tets, all with approximately uniform size
- createQuadtetExtrusion(FemModel3d, int, double, double, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-based FEM model made of quadratic tet elements by
extruding a surface mesh along the normal direction of its faces.
- createQuadtetGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of quadratic tet elements.
- createQuadtetSphere(FemModel3d, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a sphere out of approximately uniform quadratic tets.
- createQuadtetTorus(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hollow torus made of quadratic tet elements.
- createQuadtetTube(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a tube made of quadratic tet elements.
- createQuadToroidalSection(double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad toroidal section.
- createQuadToroidalSection(double, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad toroidal section.
- createQuadTorus(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad torus mesh in the x-y plane.
- createQuadTube(double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a quad tube mesh centered on the origin with the main axis
aligned with the z axis.
- createQuadwedgeExtrusion(FemModel3d, int, double, double, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-based FEM model made of quadratic wedge elements by
extruding a surface mesh along the normal direction of its faces.
- createQuadwedgeGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of quadratic wedge elements.
- createRandomPointMesh(int, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a random point mesh, centered on the orgin, with a
specified number of vertices and width.
- createReader() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel
Create a reader for returning input from this console.
- createReader(String) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- createReader(File) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- createRectangle(double, double, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Create a open rectanglar mesh, composed of two triangles, in the x-y
plane, centered on the origin and with normals directed along the z axis.
- createRectangle(double, double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Create a open rectangular mesh, composed of triangles, in the x-y
plane, centered on the origin and with normals directed along the z axis.
- createRectangle(double, double, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Create a open rectangular mesh, composed of triangles, in the x-y
plane, centered on the origin and with normals directed along the z axis.
- createRefinedMesh(PolygonalMesh, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a refined version of a polygonal mesh, based on Nagata patches
applied with a given resolution.
- createRemoveAddCommand(String, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, Collection<MutableCompositeComponent<?>>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RemoveAddCommand
- createRemoveAddCommand(String, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, MutableCompositeComponent<?>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RemoveAddCommand
- createRemoveAddCommand(String, ModelComponent, ModelComponent, MutableCompositeComponent<?>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RemoveAddCommand
- createRemoveCommand(String, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RemoveAddCommand
- createRemoveCommand(String, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RemoveAddCommand
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundleList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDescList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundleList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundleList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDescList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeDisplacementRenderer
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponentList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RenderableConstrainerBase
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
- createRenderProps() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentListView
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableCompositeBase
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableModelBase
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
Gets render properties from this object, ignoring the mesh details.
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasAppearance
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasVisibleObject
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasVisibleObjectOrAppearance
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase
Gets render properties from this object, ignoring the mesh details.
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PointTracingProbe
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- createRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
- createRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- createRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.apps.NagataDistanceTest
- createRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Factory method to create render properties appropriate to this object.
- createRenderProps(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Creates an appropriate RenderProps for this Mesh.
- createRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Factory method to create render properties appropriate to this object.
- createRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Factory method to create render properties appropriate to this object.
- createRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Factory method to create render properties appropriate to this object.
- createRenderProps(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
Creates an appropriate RenderProps for this Mesh.
- createRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- createRenderProps(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Creates an appropriate RenderProps for this Mesh.
- createRenderProps(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Creates an appropriate RenderProps for this Mesh.
- createRenderProps() - Method in interface maspack.render.HasRenderProps
Factory method to create render properties appropriate to this object.
- createRenderProps(HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Creates a new RenderProps.
- createRoundedBox(double, double, double, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular box mesh with rounded ends on the z-axis ends, and
with a specified mesh resolution in the x, y, and z directions.
- createRoundedBox(double, double, double, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular box mesh with rounded ends on the z-axis ends, and
with a specified mesh resolution in the x, y, and z directions.
- createRoundedBox(double, double, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular box mesh with rounded ends on the z-axis ends.
- createRoundedCylinder(double, double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular cylinder mesh with rounded (spherical) ends on the
z-axis ends.
- createRoundedDisc(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hex-dominant disc with rounded edges, based on a hex cylinder,
with additional hexes and wedges added to round off the surrounding edge.
- createRoundedHexWedgeDisc(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a disc with rounded edges using hex and wedge elements, based on
a hex cylinder, with additional hexes and wedges added round off the
surrounding edge.
- createScaling(double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Creates an AffineTransform3d which performs scaling along the x, y, and z
- createScaling(double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Creates an AffineTransform3d which performs uniform scaling along all
- createScheme(String, int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIxScheme
- createScheme(String, int, String[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIxScheme
- createScreenTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- createScriptMenu(JMenu) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- createShaderProgram(GL2) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GLHSVShader
- createShellGrid(FemModel3d, FemFactory.FemElementType, double, double, int, int, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid of shell elements of the type specified by
, centered on the origin, with specified widths and grid
resolutions along each axis.
- createShellModel(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell model from an input mesh.
- createShellQuadGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of shell quad elements.
- createShellSurface(String, FemModel3d, Collection<ShellElement3d>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createShellSurface(String, FemModel3d, FemModel.ElementFilter) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createShellSurface(String, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createShellSurface(Collection<ShellElement3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createShellTriGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int, double, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of shell triangle elements.
- createSkylineMesh(double, double, double, int, int, String...) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a "skyline" mesh, which is a mesh defined over a rectangular
region in the x-y plane.
- createSolveBlock() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- createSolveBlock() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- createSpecial(int) - Static method in class maspack.render.Material
- createSphere(FemModel3d, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
- createSphere(String, double, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Creates an spherical RigidBody with a prescribed uniform density.
- createSphere(MFreeModel3d, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
Creates an MFree model of a sphere, distributing nodes and integration points
using subdivided octadecahedrals.
- createSphere(double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a spherical triangular mesh, centered on the origin,
with a radius r
- createSphere(double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a spherical triangular mesh, centered on the origin,
with a radius r
- createSphere(double, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a spherical triangular mesh, centered on the origin,
with a radius r
- createSphere(double, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createSphere(GL2, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveFactory
- createSphere(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveFactory
- createSphere(int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderObjectFactory
Creates a unit sphere centered at the origin
- createSphereInertia(double, double) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Creates a new spatial inertia corresponding to the center of a sphere of
uniform density.
- createSphericalPolyline(double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- createSpindle(GL2, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveFactory
- createSpindle(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveFactory
- createSpindle(int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderObjectFactory
Creates a unit spindle along the z-axis
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- createState() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- createState() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasState
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDataFunctionProbe
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- createState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FixedBallContact
Override the root model state to be a composite state consisting of two
sub-states: (1) the underlying root model state, and (2) a NumericState
containing information about which FEM nodes are attached to the plate.
- createStateObject() - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxiliaryMaterial
- createStateObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- createStateObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- createStateObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
- createStateObject() - Method in interface artisynth.core.materials.HasMaterialState
- createStateObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- createStateObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- createStateObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- createStateObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
- createStateObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- createString(String) - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Preate a String element
- createString(String) - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
- createSubMatrix(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- createSubMatrix(int[], int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- createSubmesh(PolygonalMesh, Face.FaceFilter) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Create a new PolygonalMesh as a submesh of an original mesh.
- createSubModel(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- createSurface(String, FemModel3d, FemModel.ElementFilter) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createSurface(String, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createSurface(FemModel.ElementFilter) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createSurfaceMesh(FemModel.ElementFilter) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- createSurfaceMeshArray(PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- createTargetList(int[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createTargetList() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createTargetList() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeModel
- createTempFlag() - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- createTendonForceLengthCurve(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- createTerminalConsole() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ArtisynthJythonConsole
- createTestAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachmentTest
- createTestAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachmentTest
- createTestAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachmentTest
- createTestAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachmentTest
- createTestAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentTestBase
Creates and returns an test attachment, with associated master and slave
components, to be used for testing.
- createTestAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachmentTest
- createTestAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachmentTest
- createTestCase(MatrixNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolverTest
- createTet() - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.MonteCarloElementTests
- createTet() - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.RegularSamplingElementTests
- createTetCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a tetrahedral cylinder by tetrahedralizing a hex-wedge cylinder
- createTetCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a cylinder of tets, all with approximately uniform size
- createTetEllipsoid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates an ellipsoidal model using tet elements.
- createTetEllipsoid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a ellipsoidal model using a tet elements by first
creating a tet sphere and then scaling it.
- createTetExtrusion(FemModel3d, int, double, double, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-based FEM model made of tet elements by
extruding a surface mesh along the normal direction of its faces.
- createTetGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of tet elements.
- createTetMesh() - Method in class maspack.apps.NagataDistanceTest
- createTetSphere(FemModel3d, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a sphere out of approximately uniform tets.
- createTetTorus(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a torus made of tet elements.
- createTetTube(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a tube made of tet elements.
- createTextButton(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, ActionListener) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.ButtonCreator
to create button with text
- createTexture(GL, int, TextureContent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- createTextureCoordSet() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new, alternative set of texture coordinates that can be used by vertices.
- createTextureCoordSetFrom(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new, alternative set of texture coordinates that can be used by vertices.
- createTextureProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- createTextureProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingTest
- createTextureProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- createTitledPanelBorder(String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- createTongueMuscleInputProbe(String[], String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
- createToroidalSection(double, double, double, double, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular toroidal section.
- createTorus(FemModel3d, FemFactory.FemElementType, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a hollow torus made of either tet, hex, quadTet, or quadHex
elements, as specified by type
- createTorus(double, double, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular torus mesh in the x-y plane.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Creates a new MatrixBlock which is the transpose of this one.
- createTranspose() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Creates a transpose of this matrix block.
- createTranspose(SparseBlockMatrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- createTriangleGroup() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Creates a new group of triangles that can be rendered.
- createTriangleGroup() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Creates a new group of triangles that can be rendered.
- createTriangleMesh() - Method in class maspack.apps.NagataDistanceTest
- createTrue() - Method in interface maspack.json.JSONFactory
Preate a 'true' boolean element
- createTrue() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONFactoryDefault
- createTube(FemModel3d, FemFactory.FemElementType, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a tube made of either tet, hex, quadTet, or quadHex elements, as
specified by type
- createTube(HydrostatModel.Element) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createTube(double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Creates a triangular tube mesh centered on the origin with the main axis
aligned with the z axis.
- createTubeHelixMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createTubeLongMuscles() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createTubeMuscles(HydrostatModel.TubeAxis, MuscleBundle) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdElementField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdFaceField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdNodalField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdSubElemField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdVertexField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdElementField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdFaceField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdNodalField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdSubElemField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdVertexField
Create an instance of the VectorObject type associated with this
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MatrixNdGrid
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
- createTypeInstance() - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorNdGrid
- createUniformKnots(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Creates an array of evenly spaced knots.
- createV(GL3, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Vertex positions only
- createV(GL3, int, ByteBuffer, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Vertex positions only
- createVAO(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
Creates and binds a vertex array object attached to a given program.
- createVC(GL3, int, int, ByteBuffer, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Interleaved vertex, color
- createVE(GL3, int, float[], int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
- createVE(GL3, int, ByteBuffer, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, ByteBuffer, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
vertex only
- createVelocityJacobian() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- createVertexIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Creates and returns the vertex indices associated with each geometric
feature in this mesh.
- createVertexIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
- createVertexIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- createVertexIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
- createVerticalButton(String, ActionListener, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Creates a button to be arranged vertically in JComponent.
- createViewerFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- createVN(GL3, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Vertex and normal into an interleaved buffer
- createVN(GL3, int, float[], int, int, float[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Vertex and normal into an interleaved buffer
- createVN(GL3, int, ByteBuffer, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Interleaved vertex and normal
- createVN(GL3, int, int, ByteBuffer, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, ByteBuffer, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Separate vertex and normal
- createVNC(GL3, int, int, ByteBuffer, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, ByteBuffer, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, ByteBuffer, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Separate vertex, normal, color
- createVNC(GL3, int, int, ByteBuffer, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Interleaved vertex, normal, color
- createVNE(GL3, int, float[], int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Interleaved vertex and normal
- createVNE(GL3, int, float[], int, int, float[], int, int, int, int, int[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Vertex and normal into an interleaved buffer
- createVNE(GL3, int, ByteBuffer, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int, ByteBuffer, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
Interleaved vertex and normal
- createVolumetricShellSurface(Collection<FemElement3d>, Collection<ShellElement3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createVolumetricSurface(String, FemModel3d, Collection<FemElement3d>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createVolumetricSurface(String, FemModel3d, FemModel.ElementFilter) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createVolumetricSurface(String, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createVolumetricSurface(Collection<FemElement3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- createVoxelizedFem(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, int, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Creates a FEM model that surrounds a given surface, using a
lego-brick-like pattern (like voxels).
- createVoxelizedFem(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, int, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Creates a FEM model that surrounds a given surface, using a
lego-brick-like pattern (like voxels).
- createVoxelizedFem(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, Vector3i) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Creates a FEM model that surrounds a given surface, using a
lego-brick-like pattern (like voxels).
- createVoxelizedFem(FemModel3d, PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d, Vector3i, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Creates a FEM model that surrounds a given surface, using a
lego-brick-like pattern (like voxels).
- createWedge() - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.MonteCarloElementTests
- createWedge() - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.RegularSamplingElementTests
- createWedgeCylinder(FemModel3d, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a cylinder made entirely of wedges, all approximately uniform in
- createWedgeExtrusion(FemModel3d, int, double, double, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a shell-based FEM model made of wedge elements by extruding a
surface mesh along the normal direction of its faces.
- createWedgeGrid(FemModel3d, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a regular grid composed of wedge elements.
- createWeightFunction(RadialWeightFunction.RadialWeightFunctionType, Point3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- createWidget() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- createWorkspace() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- createWriter(String) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- createWriter(File) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- Creator() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.Manager.Creator
- cross(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Computes the cross product of v1 and v2.
- cross(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Computes the cross product of this vector and v1.
- cross(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the cross product of v1 and v2 and places the result in this
- cross(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the cross product of this vector and v1, and places the result in
this vector.
- cross(SpatialVector, SpatialVector) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
- crossAdd(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the cross product of v1 and v2, adds this to v3, and places the
result in this vector.
- crossProduct(Vector3d, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Computes the cross product of v with each column of M and places the
result in this matrix.
- crossProduct(Matrix3dBase, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Computes the cross product of each row of M with v and places the result
in this matrix.
- crownCylinderTests() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- crownTopBoxTests() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- CRSolver - Class in maspack.solvers
- CRSolver() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- CRSolverTest - Class in maspack.solvers
Unit test for the class CGSolver
- CRSValues - Class in maspack.matrix
- CRSValues() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- CRSValues(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- CRSValues(int[], int[], double[], int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- Cryptor - Interface in maspack.crypt
Compatible with vfs
- CryptorBase - Class in maspack.crypt
- CryptorBase() - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
- CryptorBase(Cipher, SecretKeySpec, IvParameterSpec) - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
- CSG - Class in maspack.geometry
Constructive Solid Geometry tools
- CSG() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.CSG
- CSGAnimation - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- CSGAnimation() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.CSGAnimation
- CSGCubeTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- CSGCubeTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.CSGCubeTest
- CTRL - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
Control key
- CubaturePoint3d - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- CubaturePoint3d() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CubaturePoint3d
- CubaturePoint3d(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CubaturePoint3d
- CubaturePoint3d(Point3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CubaturePoint3d
- CubeKey() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.CubeKey
- cuberoot(double) - Static method in class maspack.util.CubicSolver
- cubeRootTiming(String) - Method in class maspack.util.CubicSolverTest
- CubicFunction1x1 - Class in maspack.function
- CubicFunction1x1() - Constructor for class maspack.function.CubicFunction1x1
- CubicFunction1x1(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.function.CubicFunction1x1
- CubicHermiteSpline1d - Class in maspack.interpolation
Implements one dimensional cubic Hermite spline interpolation in the x/y
- CubicHermiteSpline1d() - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Creates a empty spline
- CubicHermiteSpline1d(double[], double[], double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Creates a spline from data containing the x, y and y derivative values
for each knot point.
- CubicHermiteSpline1d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Creates a spline from data containing the x, y and y derivative values
for each knot point.
- CubicHermiteSpline1d(CubicHermiteSpline1d) - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Creates a spline from a copy of an existing one.
- CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot - Class in maspack.interpolation
Describes a single knot for a specific value of x.
- CubicHermiteSpline1dTest - Class in maspack.interpolation
- CubicHermiteSpline1dTest() - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1dTest
- CubicHermiteSpline3d - Class in maspack.interpolation
Implements a three dimensional cubic Hermite spline interpolated by an
independent parameter s.
- CubicHermiteSpline3d() - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Creates a empty spline
- CubicHermiteSpline3d(ArrayList<? extends Vector3d>, ArrayList<Vector3d>) - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Creates a spline from data containing the values of x and dxds at each
knot point, with the interval between each knot point assumed to have a
length of 1.
- CubicHermiteSpline3d(double[], ArrayList<? extends Vector3d>, ArrayList<Vector3d>) - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Creates a spline from data containing the values of s, x and dxds at each
knot point.
- CubicHermiteSpline3d(CubicHermiteSpline3d) - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Creates a spline from a copy of an existing one.
- CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot - Class in maspack.interpolation
- CubicHermiteSpline3dTest - Class in maspack.interpolation
- CubicHermiteSpline3dTest() - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3dTest
- CubicHyperelastic - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- CubicHyperelastic() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- CubicHyperelastic(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- CubicSolver - Class in maspack.util
Finds the real roots of a cubic equation on a specified interval.
- CubicSolver() - Constructor for class maspack.util.CubicSolver
- CubicSolverTest - Class in maspack.util
Test the cubic roots methods in CubicRoots.java
- CubicSolverTest() - Constructor for class maspack.util.CubicSolverTest
- CubicSpline - Class in maspack.interpolation
A cardinal hermation Spline Interpolation method.
- CubicSpline() - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.CubicSpline
- CubicSplineBaseFactory<C extends NaturalCubicSpline> - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- culledQueries - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- cullTime - Variable in class maspack.collision.CollisionMetrics
- Curve() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Curve
- CUSTOM_WINDOW_CMD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- CUSTOMIZE_CMD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- CustomJoint - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CustomJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CustomJoint
- CustomJoint - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Custom joint that actually just implements a simple
version of the SlottedRevoluteJoint.
- CustomJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Creates a CustomJoint
which is not attached to any
- CustomJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Creates a CustomJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- CustomJointDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- CustomJointDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJointDemo
- CustomJointFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- CustomJointFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CustomJointFactory
- CutPlaneProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
Basic plane probe that can display information as it cuts through a model
- CutPlaneProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- CutPlaneProbe(Point3d, AxisAngle, Vector2d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Creates a basic plane surface which can display information
- CVReconstruction3d - Class in maspack.geometry
Computer-Vision 3D reconstruction methods
- CVReconstruction3d() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3d
- CVReconstruction3dTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- CVReconstruction3dTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3dTest
- CYAN - Static variable in class maspack.render.Material
- cycleCheckingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- CylinderBounceTest - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
Model to test the dynamic response of MultiPointSpring wrapping,
by measuring the frequency with which a cylinder bounces off
two wrappable strands.
- CylinderBounceTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.CylinderBounceTest
- CylinderKey(int, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.CylinderKey
- CylinderWrapping - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- CylinderWrapping() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CylinderWrapping
- CylindricalCoupling - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
Implements a one DOF cylindrical coupling.
- CylindricalCoupling() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.CylindricalCoupling
- CylindricalJoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a 2 DOF cylindrical joint, in which frame C rotates
clockwise about the z axis of frame D by an angle theta
, and
also translates along the z axis of D by a distance z
- CylindricalJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Creates a CylindricalJoint
which is not attached to any bodies.
- CylindricalJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Creates a CylindricalJoint
connecting two rigid bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
- CylindricalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Creates a CylindricalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- CylindricalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Creates a CylindricalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- CylindricalJoint(ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Creates a CylindricalJoint
connecting a single connectable body,
, to ground.
- CylindricalJoint(RigidBody, ConnectableBody, Point3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Creates a CylindricalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- CylindricalJointDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- CylindricalJointDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.CylindricalJointDemo
- GARBAGE - Static variable in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveManager
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectManager
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectManager
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArrayManager
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLGarbageBin
- garbage(GL) - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLGarbageSource
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceList
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
- garbage(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- GaussianFunction1x1 - Class in maspack.function
- GaussianFunction1x1(double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.function.GaussianFunction1x1
- GaussianFunction3x1 - Class in maspack.function
- GaussianFunction3x1(Point3d, Matrix3d) - Constructor for class maspack.function.GaussianFunction3x1
- GaussianWeighting - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Computes a non-normalized weight for a SkinConnection between a point and a
master body based using a Gaussian.
- GaussianWeighting() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.GaussianWeighting
- GaussianWeighting(double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.GaussianWeighting
- GeneralWrapTest - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
Model that tests MultiPointSpring wrapping in a static setting,
with a single strand moving around a stationary object.
- GeneralWrapTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- GeneralWrapTest.GeometryType - Enum in artisynth.demos.wrapping
- generate() - Method in class maspack.matrix.GenerateMulAdd
- generate(GL) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PipelineRenderer
- generate(GL3, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
- generate(GL3, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ClipPlanesUBO
- generate(GL3) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ElementArray
- generate(GL3, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
- generate(GL3, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3LinesVertexBuffer
- generate(GL3, GL3SharedObject) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Object
- generate(GL3, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PipelineRenderer
- generate(GL3, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PointsVertexBuffer
- generate(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Primitive
- generate(GL3, GL3SharedRenderInstances) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderInstances
- generate(GL3, GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives, GL3SharedVertexIndexArray) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectElements
- generate(GL3, GL3LinesVertexBuffer, GL3SharedRenderObjectLines) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
- generate(GL3, GL3PointsVertexBuffer, GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPoints
- generate(GL3, GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPrimitives
- generate(GL3, RenderInstances, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderInstances
- generate(GL3, RenderObject, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectLines
- generate(GL3, RenderObject, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints
- generate(GL3, RenderObject, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives
- generate(GL3, RenderObject, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectVertices
- generate(GL3) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
- generate(GL3) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferObject
- generate(GL3, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.LightsUBO
- generate(GL3, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.MaterialsUBO
- generate(GL3, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.MatricesUBO
- generate(GL3, int, String, String[], int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
- generate(GL3) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexArrayObject
- generate(GL3) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexBufferObject
- generate(GL) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- generate(GL, GLPipelineRenderer, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextRenderer
- generate(GL, GLPipelineRenderer) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextRenderer
- generate(GL, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
- generateBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.GenerateMulAdd
- generateData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDifferenceProbe
- generateData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
Generates data for this probe by evaluating a vectored-valued function of
time and storing the result in vec
- generateData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactForceProbe
- generateData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactMomentProbe
- generateData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ForceErrorProbe
- generateData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ForceProbe
- generateData(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.MomentProbe
- generateKeyFromPassphrase(String) - Static method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
Create an AES key from a SHA-2 hash of a passphrase
- generateKnotVectorUniform(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- generateKnotVectorUniformClose(int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- generateKnotVectorUniformOpen(int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- generateMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- generateMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- GenerateMulAdd - Class in maspack.matrix
Code generator to create MatrixMulAdd.java, MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd.java,
and MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd.java
- generateMulStatement(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.GenerateMulAdd
- generatePointLocations(PolygonalMesh, int[], int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- generateRandomCubics(int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.util.CubicSolverTest
- generateRandomQuartics(int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.util.QuarticSolverTest
- generateSplineBasisUniformOpen(int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- generateWidgets(LabeledComponentPanel) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbeRangeSelectorDialog
- GenericCryptor - Class in maspack.crypt
- GenericCryptor() - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.GenericCryptor
- GenericCryptor(Cipher) - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.GenericCryptor
- GenericCryptor(Cipher, SecretKeySpec) - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.GenericCryptor
- GenericCryptor(Cipher, SecretKeySpec, IvParameterSpec) - Constructor for class maspack.crypt.GenericCryptor
- GenericFileFilter - Class in maspack.util
- GenericFileFilter(List<String>, String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
- GenericFileFilter(String[], String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
- GenericFileFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
- GenericKeyHandler - Class in artisynth.core.driver
- GenericKeyHandler(Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.GenericKeyHandler
Create a KeyHandler using a handle to Main
- GenericMarker - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- GenericMarker(Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- GenericMarker(PointAttachment) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- GenericMeshReader - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- GenericMeshReader(String) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- GenericMeshReader(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- GenericMeshWriter - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- GenericMeshWriter(String) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- GenericMeshWriter(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- GenericMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
A generic muscle material
- GenericMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- GenericMuscle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- GenericPropertyHandle - Class in maspack.properties
- GenericPropertyHandle(HasProperties, PropertyDesc) - Constructor for class maspack.properties.GenericPropertyHandle
- genKeyPair(int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- genKeyPair(int, int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- GeomagicObjReader - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- GeomagicObjReader(Reader) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GeomagicObjReader
- Geometry - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Geometry() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Geometry
- GeometryChangeEvent - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Reports changes in component geometry.
- GeometryChangeEvent(ModelComponent, GeometryTransformer) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.GeometryChangeEvent
- GeometryFactory<E extends Geometry> - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GeometryInertiaPanel - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
A panel that allows an application to select a specified mesh geometry.
- GeometryInertiaPanel(GeometryInertiaPanel.GeometrySettings, RigidBody, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- GeometryInertiaPanel.GeometrySettings - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- GeometryList - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GeometryList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryList
- GeometryListFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GeometryListFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryListFactory
- GeometryPath - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GeometryPath() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryPath
- GeometryPathFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GeometryPathFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryPathFactory
- GeometrySet - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GeometrySet() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometrySet
- GeometrySetFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GeometrySetFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometrySetFactory
- GeometrySettings() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel.GeometrySettings
- GeometrySettings(GeometryInertiaPanel.GeometrySettings) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel.GeometrySettings
- GeometryTransformer - Class in maspack.geometry
Implements geometric transformations associated with a generalized
deformation mapping, under which points p
are mapped
to deformed points p'
using a function
- GeometryTransformer() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
- GeometryTransformer.Constrainer - Interface in maspack.geometry
Implements constraint operations on rigid or affine transform objects.
- GeometryTransformer.UndoState - Enum in maspack.geometry
Describes the current undo state of this transformer.
- GeometryTransformer.UniformScalingConstrainer - Class in maspack.geometry
Constrains an affine transform so that it results in
uniform scaling with no translation
- GeometryTransformerTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- GeometryTransformerTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformerTest
- GeometryUtils - Class in maspack.geometry
Utility methods for geometric computation.
- GeometryUtils() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.GeometryUtils
- GeometryUtilsTest - Class in maspack.geometry
Test class for GeometryUtils.
- GeometryUtilsTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.GeometryUtilsTest
- get(FemElement3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler
Gets the appropriate sampler for a given FEM
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
Get the component at the specified position.
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
name or string representation of the subcomponent's number
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
name or string representation of the subcomponent's number
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidablePair
- get(CollidablePair) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehaviorList
- get(CollidableBody, CollidableBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTable
- get(CollidablePair) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponseList
- get(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
- get(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- get(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
name or string representation of the subcomponent's number
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Get the component with particular name, or null if there is no such
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- get(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListView
Get the component at a particular index, or null if there is no such
- get(String) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListView
Get the component with particular name, or null if there is no such
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- get(String) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponent
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
name or string representation of the subcomponent's number
- get(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponent
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
name or string representation of the subcomponent's number
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- get(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.IndexedComponentList
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ListBase
- get(OpenSimObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
Gets a model component by OpenSimObject
- get(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
- get(int) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfaceProperties.Representation
- get(int) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase.DisplayPreference
- get(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns the waypoint at time t
, or null
if none exists.
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
name or string representation of the subcomponent's number
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
name or string representation of the subcomponent's number
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
name or string representation of the subcomponent's number
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- get(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
name or string representation of the subcomponent's number
- get(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- get(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- get(File, URIx, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Returns a file handle to a local version of the requested file.
- get(File, URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Downloads a file using the default options.
- get(String, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Downloads a file using same relative path for source and destination.
- get(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Downloads a file using same relative path for source and destination
and default options
- get(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Downloads a file from an absolute or relative URI, with default options
- get(String, String, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Converts the supplied destination path and source URI to a File and URI
object, respectively, and downloads the remote file according to the
supplied options.
- get(String, String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Downloads a file with default options
- get(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.VertexMap
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.VertexSet
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- get(char, char) - Static method in enum maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement.VR
Find VR element based on 2-character representation
- get(DTIVoxel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIColorComputer
- get(DTIVoxel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.EigenvalueColorComputer
- get(DTIVoxel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.PrincipalDiffusionColorComputer
- get(DTIVoxel) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- get(DTIVoxel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- get(DTIVoxel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Copies the elements of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Copies the elements of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- get(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Gets the quaternion associated with this axis angle.
- get(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Gets the values associated with this AxisAngle.
- get(double[], double[], int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Copies the elements of this AxisAngle into an array of doubles.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Gets the values associated with this AxisAngle.
- get(double[], double[], int, RotationRep, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Get a specified rotation representation from this AxisAngle.
- get(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Gets the lower-triangular matrix L associated with the Cholesky
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Fills the 8-element vector of values
- get(DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Copies this dual quaternion to supplied d
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Gets the value at the supplied index, 1-4 are real parameters,
5-7 are dual.
- get(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Copies values to d
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Fills in dual values v[0]+e*v[1]
- get(Vector, DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
- get(Vector, Vector, DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Gets the eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with the decomposition.
- get(MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
Gets the components associated with this signed Cholesky decomposition.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Gets the values associated with this Line3d.
- get(MatrixNd, MatrixNd, int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LUDecomposition
Gets the matrices associated with the LU decomposition.
- get(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Copies the elements of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Gets the contents of this Matrix1x3 into a Vector3d.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Gets the contents of this Matrix1x6 into two Vector3ds.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Copies the elements of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Copies the elements of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Gets the contents of this Matrix3x1 into a Vector3d.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Copies the elements of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Copies the elements of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- get(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Gets the contents of this matrix into a MatrixNd.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Gets the contents of this Matrix6x1 into two Vector3ds.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Copies the elements of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- get(double[][]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Copies the elements of this matrix into a 2-dimensional array of doubles.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockColList
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockRowList
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Copies the elements of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- get(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
- get(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Gets the Q and R matrices associated with this QR decomposition.
- get(MatrixNd, MatrixNd, int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Gets the Q and R matrices, and the column permutation, associated with
this QR decomposition.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Gets a single element of this quaternion.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Copies the elements of this quaternion into an array of doubles.
- get(double[], double[], int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Copies the elements of this quaternion into an array of doubles.
- get(double[], double[], int, RotationRep, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Get a specified rotation representation from this Quaternion.
- get(MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Gets the components associated with this decomposition.
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Copies the contents of this matrix into a dense MatrixNd
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(DenseMatrix, Vector, DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Gets the matrices associated with the SVD.
- get(int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(Vector) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Copies the elements of this vector into another vector object.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Copies the values of this vector into a general length vector v1, starting
at a specified index.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles,
starting at a particular location.
- get(float[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of floats.
- get(VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Copies the values of this vector into a general length vector v1, starting
at a specified index.
- get(Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Copies the elements of this vector into a Matrix3x1.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Gets the first three values of this vector.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Copies the values of this vector into a general length vector v1, starting
at a specified index.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Copies the elements of this vector into another vector object.
- get(int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(int[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles,
starting at a particular location.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Gets a single element of this vector.
- get(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of doubles.
- get(int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Copies the elements of this vector into an array of int,
starting at a particular location.
- get() - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- get() - Method in class maspack.properties.GenericPropertyHandle
- get(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.LocalPropertyList
- get() - Method in interface maspack.properties.Property
Returns the value associated with this property.
- get(String) - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfoList
Gets information for a specific named property.
- get(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Gets a descriptor for a specific named propertreturn myProps;y.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Gets a descriptor for a specific property by index, where index describes
the numeric location of the property within this list.
- get(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeMap
- get() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceBox
Gets the held item.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
Returns the idx
-th renderable in this list.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
- get(TextImageStore.Glyph) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Checks to see if the glyph is already in the backing image, returning the
storage information if present, or null otherwise.
- get(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition
Gets the lower-triangular matrix L associated with the Cholesky
- get(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteLUDecomposition
Gets the lower and upper triangular matrices L and U associated with this
- get(int, int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Gets a single element of this matrix.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Gets a single element of this spatial vector.
- get(double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Copies the elements of this spatial vector into an array of doubles.
- get(Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Copies the value of this spatial vector into a Matrix6x1.
- get(Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Copies the value of this spatial vector into a Matrix1x6.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Retrieves the item at the given index.
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- get() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList.Link
- get(int) - Method in interface maspack.util.ListView
Get the element at a particular index, or null if there is no such
- get() - Static method in class maspack.util.RandomGenerator
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.util.SubListView
Get the element at a particular index, or null if there is no such
- get(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VoidVector
- get1DCoords() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
- get1DFrictionForce(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- get1DFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- get1DIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
- get2dCoordinate(Point3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- get2DFrictionForce(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- get2DFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- get2dVector(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- get3dCoordinate(Point2d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- get3DFish() - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPDTest
- get_scaling_parameters(double[], int, double[], int, double[], boolean[]) - Method in class maspack.ipopt.JipoptExample
- getA(int) - Method in class maspack.function.PolyFunction1x1Base
- getA() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getA0() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
- getA0() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d.Knot
- getA1() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
- getA2() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- getA2() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
- getA3() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- getA3() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
- getABError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getAbortOnInvertedElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getAbortOnInvertedElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.dicom.DicomTest
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ArticulatedFem
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.AttachDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeamMech
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FishDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadFishDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.HydrostatInvDemo
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedBeamBody
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.ArticulatedDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.AttachedBeamBody
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MechModelCollide
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MechModelDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.RigidBodyDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getAbout() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.RollingFem
Returns a text string giving a short description of this model.
- getABPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
- getABPointColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries the color to be used for rendering A/B points.
- getAbsoluteDestFile(File) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Converts a relative file to an absolute one using the object's download
- getAbsoluteDestFile(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Converts a relative file to an absolute one using the object's download
- getAbsoluteSourceURI(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Converts a relative URI to an absolute one, using the remoteSource as a
- getAbsoluteSourceURI(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Converts a relative URI to an absolute one, using the remote source as a
- getAcceleration() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Returns the desired collision acceleration.
- getAcceleration() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Returns the desired collision acceleration.
- getAccelerationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getAccelerationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getAConsString() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getAcquired() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceBox
Increments the reference count before
returning the object, for convenience.
- getAcquiredAxes(GL3, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredAxes(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.AxesKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredAxes(GL3, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredAxes(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.AxesKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCone(GL2, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCone(GL2, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
- getAcquiredCone(GL3, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCone(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.ConeKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCone(GL3, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCone(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.ConeKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCube(GL2) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCube(GL2) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
- getAcquiredCube(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCube(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.CubeKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCube(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.CubeKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCylinder(GL2, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCylinder(GL2, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
- getAcquiredCylinder(GL3, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCylinder(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.CylinderKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCylinder(GL3, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredCylinder(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.CylinderKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredSphere(GL2, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredSphere(GL2, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
- getAcquiredSphere(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
Returns a sphere object
- getAcquiredSphere(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.SphereKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredSphere(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
Returns a sphere object
- getAcquiredSphere(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.SphereKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredSpindle(GL2, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredSpindle(GL2, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
- getAcquiredSpindle(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredSpindle(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.SpindleKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredSpindle(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredSpindle(GL3, GL3SharedPrimitive.SpindleKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- getAcquiredTexture(GL, TextureContent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
Load a texture with one held reference to prevent garbage collection
- getActingBehavior(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getActingBehavior(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- getActingCollisionBehavior(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Returns the behavior that controls collisions for a pair of specific
collidables c0
and c1
- getActionDescription() - Method in enum maspack.widgets.MouseBindings.MouseAction
- getActionMap(SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorManager
- getActionMask(MouseBindings.MouseAction) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- getActionNames() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
- getActions() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- getActions() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- getActivation(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getActivation1() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- getActivation1() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- getActivation2() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- getActivation2() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- getActivations() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getActivations(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getActivations() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getActivations(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getActivationTimeConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getActivationTimeConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- getActivationTimeConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getActive() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.Manager
Returns the currently "active" managed object.
- getActiveDampingMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getActiveDynamicComponents() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getActiveForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
Queries the active force length curve for this material.
- getActiveForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- getActiveForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.RigidTendonMuscle
- getActiveForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- getActiveForces(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns the generalized forces acting on all the active components in this
- getActiveForces(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Returns the generalized forces acting on all the active components in this
- getActiveLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Computes the active length of this spring, corresponding to
the length of all the active segments.
- getActiveLengthDot() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Computes the derivative of the active length of this spring.
- getActiveMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getActiveMassMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getActivePosDerivative(VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Gets the current value of the position derivative for all active
- getActivePosDerivative(VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getActivePosState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Gets the current position state for all active components.
- getActivePosState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Gets the current position state for all active components.
- getActivePosStateSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns the size of the position state for all active components.
- getActivePosStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Returns the size of the position state for all active components.
- getActiveStiffnessMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getActiveStiffnessMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getActiveVelState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Gets the current velocity state for all active components.
- getActiveVelState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Gets the current velocity state for all active components.
- getActiveVelState(VectorNd, int, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getActiveVelStateSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns the size of the velocity state for all active components.
- getActiveVelStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Returns the size of the velocity state for all active components.
- getActivity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTarget
- getActivity() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getAD() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
Axial diffusivity
- getAdaptivelyRebuildA() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Queries whether A should be adaptively rebuilt at the beginning of each
- getAdaptiveStepping() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getAddConstraintForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getAddedComponents() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionEvent
- getAddFrameMarkerStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Queries whether frame marker rotational effects are added to
the stiffness matrix.
- getAddIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getAdjacentElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns all elements (either shell or volumetric)
that reference this node.
- getAdjacentNodes(FemNode3d, FemMeshComp, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemQuery
Returns all the nodes in an FEM model that are adjacent to a given
- getAdjacentShellElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns all shell elements that reference this node.
- getAdjacentVolumeElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns all volumetric elements that reference this node.
- getAdvanceX() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
Distance to advance baseline after printing character
- getAdvanceY() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
Distance to advance baseline after printing character
- getAf() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getAf() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getAf() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getAffine(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the affine stored with supplied index
- getAffines() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the full list of Affines.
- getAffinesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns the latest affines version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getAffinesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesVersion
- getAfter(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns the next waypoint immediately after time t
, or null
if none exists.
- getAjlCollision() - Static method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshCollider
Queries whether AJL collisions are enabled by default.
- getAlgName() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.IdentityFile
Returns the name of the key algorithm.
- getAlias(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Gets the first alias found that references a given name, or null if no
such alias is found.
- getAlias(Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
- getAliases() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Returns a list of all the aliases in this table.
- getAliasOrName(Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
- getAlignDraggersToPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- getAlignDraggersToPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- getAlignDraggersToPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getAlignedBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
If a specified element column index is aligned with the beginning of a
block column, then this method returns the corresponding block column
- getAlignedBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
If a specified element row index is aligned with the beginning of a block
row, then this method returns the corresponding block row index.
- getAlignedWidth(int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Utilities
For buffer objects, attributes need to be aligned to multiples of 4-bytes.
- getAllABPoints(ArrayList<Point>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns all the AB points which are currently active on the
- getAllABPoints() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
- getAllABPoints() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
- getAllCurrentText() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
- getAllDraggers() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getAllDraggers() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns a list of all draggers currently active for this viewer,
including those that are application-defined as well as those those that
are created internally.
- getAllElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getAllElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Returns a list of all elements, volumetric and shell.
- getAllFiles(File, Pattern, boolean) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomReader
- getAllInfos(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
Returns an array containing the PropertyInfo structures corresponding to
for each host.
- getAllIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getAllMasterBodyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns the information structures of all master bodies that are
currently registered with this SkinMeshBody.
- getAllMouseBindings() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getAllowedTypes() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns a list of allowed classes that should be used for creating
instances of this property.
- getAllowedTypes() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns a list of allowed classes that should be used for creating
instances of this property.
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MaintenancePrefs
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dList
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.GaussianWeighting
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDescList
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeDisplacementRenderer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointToPointMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns a list giving static information about all properties exported by
this object.
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElemFieldBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExciterComp
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
Returns a list giving static information about all properties exported by
this object.
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a list giving static information about all properties exported by
this object.
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialTendon
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointConditionalMarker
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponentList
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns a list giving static information about all properties exported by
this object.
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleMeshConstraint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringList
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RenderableConstrainerBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMesh
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJointBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgentBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableModelBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.WeightedReferenceComp
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJoint
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJointTest.JointMonitor
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PointTracingProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TextExportProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceComponent
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceList
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ImageViewer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeamMech
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemSkinDemo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FishDemo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.MultiCollisionTest
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadFishDemo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanBowl
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanDemo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EFCForceTest
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FemBeamTest
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FourBar
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.PointMeshTest
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.PressureShell
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithProperties
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.CylinderBounceTest
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.Manager
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.EigenvalueColorComputer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.PrincipalDiffusionColorComputer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in interface maspack.properties.HasProperties
Returns a list giving static information about all properties exported by
this object.
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.BumpMapProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.color.JetColorMap
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.color.RainbowColorMap
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.FaceRenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.LineEdgeRenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.LineFaceRenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.LineRenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.MeshRenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.NormalMapProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.PointEdgeRenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.PointFaceRenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.PointLineRenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.PointRenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseClickField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
- getAllPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
- getAllTraceInfo(Object[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- getAllValues(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
Returns an array containing the values corresponding to cell
for each host.
- getAlpha() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
- getAlpha() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- getAlpha() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getAlpha() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getAlpha() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
- getAlpha1() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha1(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha1Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha1Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha2() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha2(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha2Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha2Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha3() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha3(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha3Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha3Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha4() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha4(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha4Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha4Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha5() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha5(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha5Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha5Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha6() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha6(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha6Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlpha6Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getAlphaMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getAlwaysAnalyze() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getAmbient() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getAmbient() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getAmbientPower() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getAmplitude() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- getAnalysisMemoryUsage() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the amount of permanent memory (in kbytes) that was allocated
during the most recent analyze()
- getAncestor() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
Returns the ancestor component associated with this component list.
- getAncestorFem(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getAncestorFem(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- getAncestorFem(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getAncestorNetExcitation(ModelComponent, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationUtils
- getAngle() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- getAngle() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- getAnimator() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getAppearance() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasAppearance
Returns visibility properties in OpenSim 4.0
- getAppearance() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasVisibleObjectOrAppearance
Returns visibility properties in OpenSim 4.0
- getAppliesForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceBase
- getApplyEuler() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
- getApplyEuler() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
- getApplyEuler() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FreeCoupling
- getApplyEuler() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- getApplyListeners() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
- getApplyScaling() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns whether or not matrix scaling is enabled.
- getApplyWeightedMatchings() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns whether or not weighted matchings are enabled.
- getArea() - Method in class maspack.collision.AhoIntersectionContour
Return the area of this (approximately planar) contour.
- getArea() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns the surface area for this penetration region.
- getAreaWeightedNormals(Vector3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
Compute the area-weighted normals for this tetrahedron.
- getArgs() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- getArgs() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.TaskManager
- getArgs() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.RunScriptDialog
- getArgs() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- getArgsString() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- getArray(String, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- getArray() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Provides direct access to the underlying array.
- getArray() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
Provides direct access to the underlying array.
- getArray() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
Provides direct access to the underlying array.
- getArray() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
Provides direct access to the underlying array.
- getArray() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
Provides direct access to the underlying array.
- getArrowSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
- getArrowSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- getArticulatedTransforms() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- getArticulatedTransforms() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- getArticulatedTransformsEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getArtisynthLocals() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.JythonInit
Returns a copy of the base set of local symbols used by ArtiSynth jython,
including an import of maspack.matrix and the definitions needed for
matrix operator overloading.
- getArtiSynthVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
display key bindings
- GetAsByte(Image) - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImageDecoderGDCM
- GetAsShort(Image) - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImageDecoderGDCM
- getAttachedBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- getAttachedFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getAttachedFileName() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getAttachedGeometry() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Frame
- getAttachedProperties() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getAttachFrameA() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getAttachFrameB() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getAttachment() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- getAttachment() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.AttachingComponent
- getAttachment() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Returns the slave attachment associated with this component, if any.
- getAttachment() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- getAttachment() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- getAttachment() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- getAttachment() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- getAttachmentConstraints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Returns the transpose of the attachment constraint matrix.
- getAttachmentDerivatives() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFem3dAttachment
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFrameAttachment
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasAttachments
Returns the attachments contained by this component.
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Marker
Returns the attachments contained by this component.
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getAttachments(List<DynamicAttachment>, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- getAttachPointsToMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- getAttenuation() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectManager
- getAttribute(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
- getAttributeInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- getAttributeLocation(GL2GL3, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLShaderProgram
- getAttributes(ModelComponent, TransformGeometryTest.AttributeSet) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.TransformGeometryTest
- getAudioFileName() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the path name of the current audio file.
- getAudioSampleRate() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the audio sampling rate in Hz.
- getAugmentingMaterials() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getAugmentingMaterials() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Returns a list of augmenting materials which are applied to all
elements, or null
if there are none.
- getAuthority() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the encoded authority string
- getAutoDetectField() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- getAutoRangingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- getAutoRangingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- getAutoRangingEnabled() - Method in interface maspack.widgets.NumericFieldSlider
- getAutoRepackEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
Queries whether auto repacking is enabled.
- getAutoSwapBufferMode() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Indicates whether automatic buffer swapping is enabled
- getAutoSwapBufferMode() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Check whether or not the GL canvas is set to auto swap buffers
- getAutoSwapBufferMode() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getAutoWrite() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns true if auto-writing is enabled for this property.
- getAutoWrite() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns true if auto-writing is enabled for this property.
- getAuxAdvanceState(DataBuffer) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- getAuxAdvanceState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getAuxFile() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getAuxiliaryMaterials() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getAuxMaterialBundles() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getAuxStateComponents(List<HasNumericState>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getAuxStateComponents(List<HasNumericState>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getAuxStateComponents(List<HasNumericState>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getAuxStateComponents(List<HasNumericState>, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- getAuxVarDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
If this component has auxiliary variables, returns the current values of
their derivatives in buf
, starting at the location idx
- getAuxVarDerivative(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- getAuxVarDerivative(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getAuxVarDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
If this component has auxiliary variables, returns the current values of
their derivatives in buf
, starting at the location idx
- getAuxVarDerivative(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasNumericState
If this component has auxiliary variables, returns the current values of
their derivatives in buf
, starting at the location idx
- getAuxVarState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
If this component has auxiliary variables, returns their values in buf
, starting at the location idx
- getAuxVarState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- getAuxVarState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getAuxVarState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
If this component has auxiliary variables, returns their values in buf
, starting at the location idx
- getAuxVarState(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasNumericState
If this component has auxiliary variables, returns their values in buf
, starting at the location idx
- getAuxVarStateSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- getAuxVarStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getAverageDetF() - Method in interface artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPoint
- getAverageDetF() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getAverageMasterInertia() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
Returns the average rotational inertia of the master components as seen
by the attached frame.
- getAverageMasterInertia() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Returns the average rotational inertia of the master components as seen
by the attached frame.
- getAverageMasterInertia() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
Returns the average rotational inertia of the master components as seen
by the attached frame.
- getAverageMasterMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
Returns the average mass of the master components as seen by the attached
- getAverageMasterMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Returns the average mass of the master components as seen by the attached
- getAverageMasterMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
Returns the average mass of the master components as seen by the attached
- getAveragePressure() - Method in interface artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPoint
- getAveragePressure() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getAvgAnalyzeTime() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getAvgFactorTime() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getAvgSolveTime() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getAxes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
- getAxes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
- getAxes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
- getAxes() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FreeCoupling
- getAxes() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- getAxes() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
- getAxialView() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the current axis-aligned view.
- getAxialView() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the current axis-aligned view.
- getAxis() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.TransformAxis
- getAxis() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling.TAxis
- getAxisAngle() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- getAxisAngle() - Method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
- getAxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
- getAxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Returns the AxisAngle associated with this quaternion.
- getAxisAngle(AxisAngle, AxisAngle, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Returns an AxisAngle associated with this quaternion.
- getAxisAngle() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Returns the axis-angle parameters corresponding to this rotation.
- getAxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Returns the axis-angle parameters corresponding to this rotation.
- getAxisAngle(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Gets the rotation axis-angle representation for this rotation.
- getAxisAngleValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.AxisAngleField
- getAxisDrawStyle() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getAxisDrawStyle() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getAxisDrawStyle() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- getAxisDrawStyle() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getAxisDrawStyle() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getAxisLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getAxisLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getAxisLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- getAxisLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getAxisLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getAxisLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getAxisLength() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries the length used for rendering coordinate axes in this viewer.
- getAxisLength() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the length used for rendering coordinate axes in this viewer.
- getAxisRadiusRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getAxisRadiusRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getAxisRadiusRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getAxisRadiusRatio() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the axis radius ratio.
- getAxisRadiusRatio() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the axis radius ratio.
- getAxisRadiusRatio() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
Returns the axis radius ratio.
- getB() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getB() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- getB() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getB() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getBackColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getBackColor(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the RGB or RGBA values for the back color as a float array,
or null
if no back color is set.
- getBackColor() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getBackColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the RGB values for the back color as a float array,
or null
if no back color is set.
- getBackColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getBackColorF() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the internal float array used to store the back color RGB
- getBackColorMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getBackCoordinates(FemNode3d.CoordType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getBackForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getBackgroundAlpha() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Transparency of the background for this probe
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the background color for this viewer.
- getBackgroundColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the background color for this viewer.
- getBackgroundColor(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the background color for this viewer.
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- getBackHeight() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getBackingStore() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
Backing storage so that characters can be uploaded.
- getBackInternalForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getBackNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- getBackNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getBackNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getBackPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getBackRenderPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getBackRestPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getBackSolveIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getBackVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getBackwardEdges() - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- getBarycentric(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- getBaseCoords(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
Get the coordinates of the base vertex in grid coordinates.
- getBaseFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MultiplierFunction
- getBaselineLocation() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
Location of character baseline relative to the baseline of the first
- getBaselineOffsetX() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphLoc
- getBaselineOffsetY() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphLoc
- getBaselineX() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
Offset of baseline from bottom-left
- getBaselineY() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
Offset of baseline from bottom-left
- getBaseMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- getBaseMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- getBaseName(File) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Returns the base name of a file.
- getBaseName(String) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Returns the base name of a file given a pathname.
- getBasePose() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo
Returns the current base pose for this frame.
- getBasePose(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Queries the base pose of a
based master body.
- getBasePosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Gets the base position for this attachment.
- getBaseURI() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the base URI for nested URIs, or the current URI if it is non-zip type
- getBaseURI(URIx) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Determines the base URI, representing the lowest file or relative path in a set of nested URIs
- getBaseVertex(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.GridEdge
- getBaseVertex(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
Returns the indices of the base vertex for this tet.
- getBaseWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Gets the base weight for this attachment.
- getBehavior(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getBehavior(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getBilateralConstraints(List<ContactConstraint>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Obtains the transpose of the current bilateral constraint matrix G for
this system.
- getBilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getBilateralConstraints(ArrayList<RigidBodyConstraint>) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Collects the bilateral constraints for this coupling by appending them to
the list bilterals
- getBilateralConstraintSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getBilateralForceG() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the most recently computed bilateral constraint forces, expressed
as a wrench in frame G.
- getBilateralForceInA(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
If body A is a Frame, computes the wrench acting on body A in response to
the most recent bilateral constraint forces.
- getBilateralForceInA() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
If body A is a Frame, computes and returns the wrench acting on body A in
response to the most recent bilateral constraint forces.
- getBilateralForceInB(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
If body B is a Frame, computes the wrench acting on body B in response to
the most recent bilateral constraint forces.
- getBilateralForceInB() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
If body B is a Frame, computes and returns the wrench acting on body B in
response to the most recent bilateral constraint forces.
- getBilateralForceInC(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Gets the most recent bilateral constraint wrench acting on constraint
frame C.
- getBilateralForceInC() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the most recent bilateral constraint wrench acting on constraint
frame C.
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns from the system the most recently computed bilateral constraint
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimpleCoordinateCoupler
- getBilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Gets the bilateral constraint forces (i.e., Lagrange multipliers) that
have most recently set in this coupling.
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns constraint information for each row of the bilateral
constraint system
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Returns constraint information for each row of the bilateral
constraint system
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[]) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getBilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimpleCoordinateCoupler
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the sizes of each block column in the bilateral force constraint
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Returns the sizes of each block column in the bilateral force constraint
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getBilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimpleCoordinateCoupler
- getBilateralVertexContact() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Returns whether bilateral constraints should be used for vertex-based
- getBilateralVertexContact() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Returns whether bilateral constraints should be used for vertex-based
- getBilateralVertexContactMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getBilateralVertexContactMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getBinary(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getBindings() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- getBindings() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MouseSettingsDialog
- getBindings() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
- getBindings() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- getBindingsField() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- getBindVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedDrawable
A version number corresponding to the necessary bound state
of the drawable's attributes.
- getBindVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- getBindVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderInstances
- getBindVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectBase
- getBindVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitivesDrawable
- getBitCount() - Method in class maspack.util.BitInputStream
The number of bits read
- getBitPix() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getBlendDestFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getBlendDestFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- getBlendDestFactor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getBlendQuaternion() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo
- getBlendSourceFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getBlendSourceFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- getBlendSourceFactor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getBlock(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockByNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
- getBlockCCSIndices(MatrixBlock, int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockCCSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockCCSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
- getBlockCol() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- getBlockCol() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
- getBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Returns the block column index corresponding to an element column index.
- getBlockColOffset(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockColSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockColSizes() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(MatrixBlock, int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Stores the column indices of the non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockCRSIndices(int[], int, int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Stores the values of non-zero entries for this matrix block.
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockCRSValues(double[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockName() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
- getBlockNumber() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- getBlockNumber() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
- getBlockPattern() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockPattern(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockPivotFailCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Returns the number of times that block pivoting failed during the most
recent solve.
- getBlockPivoting() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- getBlockPivoting() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
- getBlockRow() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- getBlockRow() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
- getBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Returns the block row index corresponding to an element row index.
- getBlockRowOffset(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockRowSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlockRowSizes() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getBlue(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getBlueIndex(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getBlueInput() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getBlueValueIndex() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getBodies() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Returns the bodies associated with this IKSolver.
- getBodiesNonDynamicIfActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Queries whether the dynamic
property of the bodies associated
with this probe is set false/true
depending on whether the probe
is active/inactive.
- getBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.BodyInfo
- getBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FemModelInfo
- getBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo
- getBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- getBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathPoint
- getBody1() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getBody1() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- getBody2() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getBody2() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- getBodyA() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the first body associated with this constrainer.
- getBodyB() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the second body associated with this constrainer, or null if there
is no such body.
- getBodyFaceContact() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getBodyFaceContact() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getBodyFaceContact() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.MultiCollisionTest
- getBodyForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getBodyIndex(Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
Returns 0 if a specified collidable is associated with this handler's
first collidable body, 1 if it is associated with the second body,
and -1 if it is associated with neither.
- getBodyOrSocketParentFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- getBodyOrSocketParentFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathPoint
- getBodySet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- getBodySet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
Returns the body set, if present
- getBodySet(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
Return the list of rigid bodies.
- getBodyTransform(Point3d, AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
Transform from body to spring (OpenSim 3)
- getBodyVel(double[], int, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- getBodyVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getBodyVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Gets the velocity of the frame in body coordinates.
- getBodyVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getBoolean() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getBooleanValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
- getBooleanValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledToggleButton
- getBorderColor() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getBorderColorMode() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getBorderInsets(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ThinBevelBorder
- getBottom() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
Bottom coordinate in image, assuming bottom-left origin
- getBottomObject() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- getBoundaryMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getBoundBuffer(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getBoundFramebuffer(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getBoundingBoxCenter() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- getBoundingBoxWidths() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- getBoundNormals() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.SphericalJointForceBound
Returns a list of all the vectors forming the spherical
joint force bound, in global coordinates.
- getBounds() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- getBounds(Point2d, Point2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getBounds(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- getBounds(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getBounds(IsRenderable, Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderableUtils
Computes the bounds for a Renderable.
- getBoundsTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the standard excitation bounds term for this controller.
- getBoxVisible() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithProperties
- getBranchMassDamping() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- getBranchStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- getBreakPointAfter(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns the next breakpoint immediately after time t
or null
if none exists.
- getBreakSpeed() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the minimum speed normal to the constraint surface required to
disengage a unilateral constraint.
- getBrightness(double) - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
Interpolates a brightness value with parameter a in [0,1]
- getBrightness() - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
Constant brightness used by map
- getBrightnessRange() - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
Gets the brightness range
- getBrowseButton() - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
Returns the JButton used to initiate file browsing on this control.
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.BytePixelBuffer
- getBuffer() - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.RGBPixelBuffer
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.ShortPixelBuffer
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.UBytePixelBuffer
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.UShortPixelBuffer
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Returns the internal buffer used to store the elements in this matrix.
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the internal buffer used to store the elements in this vector.
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Returns the internal buffer used to store the elements in this vector.
- getBuffer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
- getBufferBase() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Returns the internal buffer base index of this matrix, used for computing
the index necessary to reference a particular element.
- getBufferSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Returns maximum size of line buffer
- getBufferStorage(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getBufferWidth() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
- getBufferWidth() - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
- getBufferWidth() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Returns the internal buffer width of this matrix, used for computing the
index necessary to reference a particular element.
- getBufferWidth() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
- getBuildArgs() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.LoadModelDialog
- getBuildArgs() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- getBuildArgs() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- getBuildMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getBuildMode() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
- getBulkModulus() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- getBulkModulus(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- getBulkModulusField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- getBulkModulusMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- getBulkPotential() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- getBulkPotentialMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- getBumpMap() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- getBumpMap() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- getBumpMap() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getBumpMap() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the most recently set bump mapping properties, or
if no bump mapping has been set or bump mapping
is not supported.
- getBumpMap() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getBumpMap() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getBundleAncestor(MuscleBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleBundleEditor
- getButton() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseClickField
- getButton(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- getButtons() - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- getButtonSize() - Static method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
- getButtonSize() - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
- getButtonString() - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- getBvhToWorld() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns the transform that converts points from the local coordinates of
this tree to world coordinates.
- getBvhToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns the transform that converts points from the local coordinates of
this tree to world coordinates.
- getBVTree() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Return BV tree for those who know what to do with it
- getBVTree() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- getBVTree() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns a bounding volume tree to be used for proximity queries
involving this mesh.
- getBVTree() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
- getBVTree() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- getBVTree() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
- getByIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns the waypoint at a specified positional index.
- getByNameOrNumber(String, IndexedComponentList) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Get the component with the specified number, or null if there is no such
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
get (int idx) is provided by ScannableList
- getByNumber(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListView
Get the component with the specified number, or null if there is no such
- getByNumber(int, IndexedComponentList) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- getByNumber(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponent
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- getByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
Returns a specific subcomponent of this ModelComponent, identified by
- getByte() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getByte(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getByte(int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getByte() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getByteCount() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
Returns the total number of bytes that have been read by this stream.
- getByteData() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelData
- getByteOffset(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
- getC() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getC(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getC01() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC01(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC01Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC01Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC02() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC02(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC02Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC02Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC1() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- getC1(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- getC1() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC1(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC10() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC10(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC10Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC10Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC11() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC11(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC11Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC11Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC1Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- getC1Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC1Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- getC1Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC2() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- getC2(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- getC2() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC2(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC20() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC20(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC20Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC20Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getC2Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- getC2Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC2Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- getC2Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC3() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC3(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC3Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC3Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC4() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC4(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC4Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC4Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC5() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC5(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC5Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getC5Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- getCacheDir() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Finds the Artisynth cache directory.
- getCacheFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
- getCalendar() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Returns a calender representation of the date/time
(only includes up to floor(seconds)).
- getCalMax() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getCalMin() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getCanvas() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent.GLDrawableCanvas
- getCanvas() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getCapacity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
- getCapacity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
- getCaptureArea() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the area defining the movie region.
- getCC() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getCC(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getCCField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getCCMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getCCSIndices(int[], int[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) indices for this matrix.
- getCCSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) indices for this matrix.
- getCCSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) indices for a principal
sub-matrix of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the first numCols
- getCCSIndices(int[], int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) indices for this matrix.
- getCCSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) indices for this matrix.
- getCCSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) indices for a principal
sub-matrix of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the first numCols
- getCCSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) indices for a principal
sub-matrix of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the first numCols
- getCCSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) indices for a principal
sub-matrix of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the first numCols
- getCCSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) indices for a principal
sub-matrix of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the first numCols
- getCCSValues(double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) values for this matrix, in
column-major order.
- getCCSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) values for this matrix, in
column-major order.
- getCCSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) values for a principal
sub-matrix of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the first numCols
- getCCSValues(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) values for this matrix, in
column-major order.
- getCCSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) values for this matrix, in
column-major order.
- getCCSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) values for a principal
sub-matrix of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the first numCols
- getCCSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) values for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCCSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) values for a principal
sub-matrix of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the first numCols
- getCCSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Gets the compressed column storage (CCS) values for a principal
sub-matrix of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the first numCols
- getCell(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
- getCell() - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- getCellDivisions() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getCellDivisions() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Returns the number of subdivisions for each cell.
- getCells() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
- getCellSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getCellSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Returns the cell size for this grid.
- getCellVertex(Vector3i, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the x, y, z indices of the minimum vertex of the cell containing
a given point in local coordinates.
- getCellWidths() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the grid cell widths along each axis.
- getCenter(IsRenderable) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditingAgent
Returns the center point of a renderable object.
- getCenter() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- getCenter() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getCenter() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- getCenter() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- getCenter(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- getCenter(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns a center point for this bounding volume.
- getCenter(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns a center point for this bounding volume hierarchy.
- getCenter(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the center of this grid with respect to its local coordinates.
- getCenter(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- getCenter() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Sphere
- getCenter() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getCenter() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the current center point
- getCenter() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getCenterAndOrientation() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the transform TCL that describes the center and orientation of
this grid with respect to local coordinates.
- getCenterOfMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
Returns the center of mass of this body (in body coordinates).
- getCenterOfMass(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getCenterOfMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getCenterOfMass(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Gets the center of mass for this spatial inertia.
- getCenterOfMass() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Gets the center of mass for this spatial inertia.
- getCenterToWorld() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getCenterToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns a transform from world coordinates to center coordinates, with the
axes aligned to match the current eyeToWorld transform.
- getCenterToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns a transform from world coordinates to center coordinates, with the
axes aligned to match the current eyeToWorld transform.
- getCenterToWorld() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns a transform from world coordinates to center coordinates.
- getCentroid() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
Returns the centroid of this mesh body.
- getCentroid(Point2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getCField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getChar() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getCharacter() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
- getCharacteristicLength(Collection<Point3d>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryUtils
Finds the characteristic length of a collection of points.
- getCharacteristicLength() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
- getCharacteristicLength() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Returns a characteristic length associated with this inertia,
determined from the rotation inertia and the center of mass.
- getCharacteristicRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns a typical "radius" that should be expected for this wrappable,
defined as the distance for a surface point to the center.
- getCharacteristicRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidCylinder
Returns a typical "radius" that should be expected for this wrappable,
defined as the distance for a surface point to the center.
- getCharacteristicRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidEllipsoid
Returns a typical "radius" that should be expected for this wrappable,
defined as the distance for a surface point to the center.
- getCharacteristicRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMesh
Returns a typical "radius" that should be expected for this wrappable,
defined as the distance for a surface point to the center.
- getCharacteristicRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidSphere
Returns a typical "radius" that should be expected for this wrappable,
defined as the distance for a surface point to the center.
- getCharacteristicRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidTorus
Returns a typical "radius" that should be expected for this wrappable,
defined as the distance for a surface point to the center.
- getCharacteristicRadius() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Wrappable
Returns a typical "radius" that should be expected for this wrappable,
defined as the distance for a surface point to the center.
- getCharacteristicSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getCharSetting(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Gets the setting associated with a character.
- getCharSettings(String) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Gets the settings associated with a set of characters specified by a
string and returns them in an array.
- getCharSettings(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Gets the settings associated with a set of characters specified by the
range low <= ch <= high
- getChaseTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Queries the chase time.
- getCheckBox() - Method in class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
Returns the JToggleButton associated with this control.
- getCheckLocalValue(ScalarGrid, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridTest
- getCheckLocalValue(VectorGrid<T>, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGridTest
- getCheckOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Queries whether element orientations are checked and fixed.
- getChecksPerRun() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
get the number of files to check per run.
- getCheckState() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
- getCheckWorldValue(ScalarGrid, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridTest
- getCheckWorldValue(VectorGrid<T>, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGridTest
- getChild(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager.PrefNode
- getChild(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager.PrefNode
- getChild(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
- getChild(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
- getChild(Object, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- getChild(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- getChild(int) - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Gets a child at a particular index
- getChild(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- getChildCount(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager.PrefNode
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getChildren() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- getChildren() - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Return the children of Node<T>
- getChildren() - Method in interface maspack.properties.HierarchyNode
- getChildren() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getCholesky(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes the Cholesky decomposition of this matrix, which is assumed to be
positive definite.
- getChooserDirectory() - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
- getChosenGLCapabilities() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getClamped() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- getClassFilter() - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
- getClassName() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- getClassName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelDialogBase
- getClassName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- getClassName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- getClassNameOrFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- getClassNameRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- getClassNames() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelDialogBase
- getClassNames() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- getClassRelativePath(Object, String) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Returns a complete file path from a path relative to the class
directory for a specified class.
- getClassTag(Scannable) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
- getClickCount() - Method in class maspack.render.PointTool
- getClippedVirtualTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getClipPlane(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the idx
-th clip plane held by this viewer.
- getClipPlane(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the idx
-th clip plane held by this viewer.
- getClipPlanes() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns all the clip planes currently held by this viewer.
- getClipPlanes() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns all the clip planes currently held by this viewer.
- getClipPlaneValues(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- getClipToGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldBase
Queries whether clip-to-grid is enabled for this grid field.
- getClosestFace(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.SignedDistanceGrid
Returns the closest face to the vertex indexed by idx
- getClosestFeature(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Returns the closest Feature to the vertex indexed by idx
- getClosestVertex(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the vertex index of the nearest vertex to a point in local
- getClosingLength() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
For closed splines, queries the parameter length of the closing segment
between the last and first knots.
- getCMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getCode() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeEvent
- getCoefficents() - Method in class maspack.function.PolyFunction1x1Base
- getCoefficients() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.LinearFunction
- getCoefficients() - Method in class maspack.function.LinearFunctionNx1
Returns the coefficients of this function.
- getCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
- getColIdxs() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- getCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- getCollidable() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable
- getCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Group
- getCollidable(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionComponent
- getCollidable(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getCollidableAncestor() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getCollidableAncestor() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getCollidableAncestor() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns the most immediate Collidable ancestor of this Collidable,
if any.
- getCollidableAncestor() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable
Returns the most immediate Collidable ancestor of this Collidable,
if any.
- getCollidableAncestor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Group
- getCollidableAncestor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getCollidableAncestor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getCollidableIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getCollidableIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- getCollidableIndex() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableBody
- getCollidableIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getCollidableIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getCollidablePair() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionComponent
- getCollidablePair() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getCollidables(List<Collidable>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getCollidables(List<Collidable>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getCollidables(List<Collidable>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getCollidables(List<Collidable>, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- getCollider(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- getColliderType() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getColliderType() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getColliderType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Returns the collider type to be used for determining collisions.
- getColliderType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Returns the collider type to be used for determining collisions.
- getColliderTypeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getColliderTypeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getColliderTypeRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getColliderTypeRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getCollision() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- getCollisionArenaRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getCollisionBehavior(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Returns the collision behavior that was previously set using one of the
- getCollisionManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getCollisionMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getCollisionMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns the mesh that should be used for computing collisions, or
if there is no such mesh.
- getCollisionMesh() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableBody
Returns the mesh that should be used for computing collisions, or
if there is no such mesh.
- getCollisionMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getCollisionMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getCollisionResponse(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getCollisionResponse(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Returns the collision response that was previously set using one of the
- getCollisions() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
- getColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- getColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase
- getColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- getColor(double, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getColor(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the color corresponding to index idx
- getColor() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getColor() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getColor(double) - Method in interface maspack.render.color.ColorMap
Returns an interpolated color
- getColor(double) - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- getColor(double) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
- getColor(double) - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- getColor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeMap
- getColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Gets a copy of the current diffuse "color"
- getColor(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the color at the supplied index.
- getColor(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Retrieves the color at the supplied index.
- getColor(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the color at the supplied index.
- getColor(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the color at the supplied index in a given set.
- getColor(Logger.LogLevel) - Method in class maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger
- getColor() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
- getColor3Value(Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- getColor4Value(Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- getColorArray(String) - Static method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
Parses a string listing colors in hex format to generate
an array of Color
- getColorChooser() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
Returns the JColorChooser associated with this control.
- getColOrdering(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
- getColorIndex() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.VertexIndexSet
- getColorIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the color indices associated with this mesh, or null
if this mesh does not have colors.
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the interpolation method to be used for vertex-based coloring.
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the color interpolation currently being used by this Renderer.
- getColorInterpolation() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- getColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- getColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Gets the map used for interpolating colors in stress/strain plots
- getColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getColorMap() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getColorMap() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the properties for the most recently set color map, or
if no color map is currently set or color mapping
is not supported.
- getColorMap() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getColorMap() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getColorMapCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getColorMapCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getColorMapInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getColorMapInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getColorMapInterpolationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getColorMapInterpolationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getColorMapMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getColorMapMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getColorMapMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getColorMapMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getColorMapRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getColorMapRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getColorMixing() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- getColorMixing() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getColorMixingMode() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getColorMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getColors() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the colors associated with this mesh, or null
this mesh does not have colors.
- getColors() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the full list of Colors.
- getColors() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Retrieves the full list of Colors.
- getColors() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the full list of Colors.
- getColors(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the full list of colors in a given set.
- getColorSetIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the index of the currently active color set.
- getColorSetIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectState
- getColorString() - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- getColorString(Color[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
Creates a string listing an array of colors of the
form "0x________ 0x________ ..."
- getColorsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns the latest colors version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getColorsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesVersion
- getColorsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the latest colors version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getColorsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectVersion
- getColorsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the latest committed colors version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getColorsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- getColorSwatch() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
Returns the JLabel used to provide the color swatch for this control.
- getColSpacing() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getColSpacing() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getColumn() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getColumn() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getColumn() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, Vector) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Copies a column of this matrix into a
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into a 2-vector.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into a 3-vector.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Copies a column of this matrix into a 3-vector.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Copies a column of this matrix into a 3-vector.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into a 4-vector.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Copies a column of this Matrix6x2 into two specified vectors.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Copies a column of this matrix into a
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getColumn(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Copies a column of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getColumn(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Copies a column of this matrix into a
- getColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getColumn(int, double[], int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getColumns() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
Gets the number of visible columns in each text field.
- getColumns() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Gets the number of visible columns in this component's text field.
- getColumns() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseClickField
Gets the number of visible columns in this component's text field.
- getColumns() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Gets the number of columns in this layout.
- getCombinationRule() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
Return the combination rule for excitations.
- getCombinationRule() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Return the combination rule for excitations.
- getCombinationRule() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
Return the combination rule for excitations.
- getCombinationRule() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- getCombinationRule() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- getCombinationRule() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent
Return the combination rule for excitations.
- getCombinationRule() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Return the combination rule for excitations.
- getCombinationRule() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Return the combination rule for excitations.
- getCombinationRule() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
Return the combination rule for excitations.
- getCombinationRule() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
Return the combination rule for excitations.
- getComboBox() - Method in class maspack.widgets.FontField
Returns the JComboBox associated with this control.
- getComboBox() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComboBox
Returns the JComboBox associated with this control.
- getComboLabels() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComboBox
- getComboValues() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComboBox
- getCommand() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptActionEvent
- getCommonEdge(IntersectionPoint) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
If this point and the specified intersection point p1
are degenerate such that they both lie on a common triangle edge,
return that edge.
- getCommonMode(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- getCommonRange(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- getCommonValue(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- getCommonValues(PropTreeCell, boolean) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
Gets the common values of the properties represented by the children of a
specified host node.
- getComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState.DataFrame
- getComp(int[], int) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getCompact() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- getComplex128Imaginary(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getComplex128Real(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getComplexPairs() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
- getCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the compliance settings for all the constraints in this
- getCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Gets the contact compliance associated with this behavior.
- getCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Gets the default contact compliance associated will all collision
- getCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FourBar
- getCompliance() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getCompliance() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the compliances for all this coupling's constraint directions.
- getComplianceMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getComplianceMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getComponent(JComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SelectableComponentPanel
- getComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionEvent
- getComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSource
- getComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeEvent
- getComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.LabelEntry
- getComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- getComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- getComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- getComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.SeparatorEntry
- getComponent() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Returns the AWT Component
- getComponent() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries the AWT component associated with this viewer.
- getComponent() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the AWT component associated with this viewer.
- getComponentIndex(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getComponentMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
Returns the ModelComponentMap for the most recently created model,
or {#code null} if no model has been created yet.
- getComponents() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentsCommand
Returns the components added by this command.
- getComponentSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4
- getComponentTreePath(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- getCompStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- getCompStiffnessMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- getComputeEnergyDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Queries whether strain energy density computation has been explicitly
enabled for this node.
- getComputeIncrementally() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getComputeLmDotFromLDot() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getComputeLmDotFromLDot() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getComputeNodalEnergyDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Queries whether nodal strain energy densities are computed for this
- getComputeNodalStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Queries whether nodal strains are computed for this model.
- getComputeNodalStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Queries whether nodal stresses are computed for this model.
- getComputeResidual() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- getComputeResidual() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- getComputeStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Queries whether strain computation has been explicitly enabled
for this node.
- getComputeStrainEnergy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Queries whether strain energy is computed for this model.
- getComputeStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Queries whether stress computation has been explicitly enabled
for this node.
- getConditionNum() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getConfigExcitationColoring() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getConfigFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.StartupModel
- getConfigFile(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Finds a file in the user's config directory.
- getConfigFolder() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns the user configuration folder.
- getConfigString() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- getConnected() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
- getConnection(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getConnectionWeight(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getConnector() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- getConnectors() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getConnectors() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConnectableBody
- getConnectors() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getConnectors() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Returns the connectors associated with this IKSolver.
- getConsole() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ArtisynthJythonConsole
- getConsoleProgressPrinting() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Returns true if default printing of file transfer progress to the
console is enabled.
- getConstantAttenuation() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Collected all the dynamic components constrained by this constrainer.
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getConstrainedComponents(HashSet<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Collected all the dynamic components constrained by this constrainer.
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getConstrainedComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimpleCoordinateCoupler
- getConstrainer() - Method in class maspack.render.Transrotator3d
- getConstrainers(List<Constrainer>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getConstrainers() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Returns a list of Constrainers associated with this component.
- getConstrainers() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- getConstrainers(List<Constrainer>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getConstrainers(List<Constrainer>, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- getConstraint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
For debugging.
- getConstraint(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
- getConstraintFlags() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns flags for all this connector's constraints.
- getConstraintFlags() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns flags for all this coupling's constraint directions.
- getConstraintForce(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the current force for the idx
-th constraint in this
- getConstraintForce(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the constraint force currently acting on the idx
- getConstraintForceSources() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns all the BodyConnectors whose constraint forces are being
- getConstraintForceTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the ConstraintForceTargets for all the body connectors being
- getConstraintForceTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the constraint force target term, allocating it if necessary.
- getConstraintForceTermWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the weight of the constraint force term.
- getConstraintSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- getConstraintSet(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
Return the list of constraints.
- getContact(HashMap<ContactPoint, ContactConstraint>, ContactPoint, ContactPoint, boolean, boolean, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getContactArea(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponse
Returns the total collision contact area associated with either the first
or second collidable (as indicated by cidx
- getContactArea() - Method in class maspack.collision.EdgeEdgeContact
Returns the average area associated with this contact, or -1
if this information is not available.
- getContactArea() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint
Returns the average area associated with this contact, or -1
if this information is not available.
- getContactCount() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
When profiling is enabled, returns the total number of times that the
wrap path was in contact.
- getContactDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries the the contact damping for this spring.
- getContactData() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponse
Returns a list of the most recently computed contacts between the
- getContactDistance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
Returns the contact distance if this knot is in contact.
- getContactForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- getContactForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Returns the contact force associated with this contact.
- getContactForceLenScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getContactForces(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponse
Returns a map of the most recenty computed contact forces acting on the
vertices of the collision meshes associated with either the first or
second collidable (as indicated by cidx
- getContactForceScalar() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Returns the value of the contact force along the contact normal.
- getContactingKnotsColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries the color, if any, used for rendering knots that are in contact,
or null
if no such color is specified.
- getContactNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
Returns the contact normal for this knot.
- getContactNormalLen() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getContactPlanes() - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns a set of contact planes for this contact.
- getContactPlaneTol() - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns the tolerance used to compute contact planes.
- getContactPoint0() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Returns the first point of this contact.
- getContactPoint1() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Returns the second point of this contact.
- getContactPressures(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponse
Returns a map of the most recently computed contact pressures acting on
the vertices of the collision meshes associated with either the first or
second collidable (as indicated by cidx
- getContacts(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in interface maspack.collision.AbstractCollider
- getContacts(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.collision.MeshCollider
- getContacts(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.collision.SignedDistanceCollider
- getContacts(PolygonalMesh, DistanceGrid, PolygonalMesh, DistanceGrid) - Method in class maspack.collision.SignedDistanceCollider
- getContacts(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshCollider
- getContactsCalls - Variable in class maspack.collision.CollisionMetrics
- getContactStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries the contact stiffness for this spring.
- getContent() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
Grab a copy of the content (raw or file)
- getContext() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getContext() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Gets the "currently active" context.
- getContext() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getContextClassLoader() - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassFinder
Returns the class loader to be used by this class.
- getContextCreationFlags() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getContextMenuMask() - Static method in class maspack.widgets.ButtonMasks
- getContinuity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.SplineWeightFunction
- getContinuousAdd() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AxialSpringAgent
- getContours() - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns the intersection contours associated with this contact.
- getContours() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns the contours which bound this region.
- getContours(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshCollider
- getContours(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshContourIxer
- getContours() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshContourIxer
- getContoursOnly() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- getContourState(DataBuffer, ArrayList<IntersectionContour>) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
- getController() - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.QPTerm
Returns the controller using this term.
- getController() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
Returns the controller using this term.
- getControllers() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getControlPanels() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getControlPanelTabs() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getControlPoint(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- getControlPoints() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- getControlPoints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
Returns the control points used by this curve.
- getControlWrappable() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- getConvergedCount() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
When profiling is enabled, returns the total number of times that the
wrap path solution converged.
- getConvergenceTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries the convergence tolerance for this spring.
- getConvergenceTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Queries the convergance tolerance used in each IK solve step.
- getConvergenceTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Queries the convergance tolerance used in each solve step.
- getConversionChar() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Returns the conversion character for this format.
- getCoordinate(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getCoordinate(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the idx
-th coordinate value for this joint.
- getCoordinate() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeShapeFunction
Current coordinate to be used for evaluation
- getCoordinate() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- getCoordinate() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConditionalPathPoint
- getCoordinate() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- getCoordinate(int, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the current value for the idx
-ith coordinate supported by
this coupling.
- getCoordinateArray() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
Works for both CoordinateSet (OpenSim 3) and
CoordinateList (OpenSim 4)
- getCoordinateDeg(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the idx
-th coordinate value for this joint.
- getCoordinateFunctions() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBasedMovingMarker
- getCoordinateHandles() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBasedMovingMarker
- getCoordinateHandles() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
Returns the coordinate handles used by this coupling.
- getCoordinateIndex(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the index for the coordinate with a given name.
- getCoordinateIndex(String) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the index for the coordinate with a given name.
- getCoordinateMotionType(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the motion type of the idx
-th coordinate for this joint.
- getCoordinateMotionType(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the motion type for the idx
-th coordinate supported by
this coupling.
- getCoordinateName(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the name for the idx
-th coordinate for this
- getCoordinateName() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getCoordinateName(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the name for the idx
-th coordinate supported by this
- getCoordinateRange(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Queries the range for the idx
-th coordinate.
- getCoordinateRange(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the range for the idx
-ith coordinate supported by this
- getCoordinateRangeDeg(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Queries the range for the idx
-th coordinate.
- getCoordinates() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- getCoordinates(FemNode3d.CoordType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getCoordinates() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getCoordinates(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the current coordinates, if any, for this joint.
- getCoordinates() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getCoordinates() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.TransformAxis
- getCoordinates(VectorNd, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns (and possibly updates) the current coordinate values for this
coupling, if coordinates are supported.
- getCoordinateSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getCoordinateSpeed(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the current speed of the idx
-th coordinate for this joint.
- getCoordinateSpeed(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the current speed for the idx
-ith coordinate supported by
this coupling.
- getCoordinateValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the current stored value of the idx
-th coordinate for
this joint.
- getCoordinateWrench(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the wrench used to apply forces to the idx
-ith coordinate
supported by the coupling, or null
if the coordinate does not
have a limit constraint.
- getCoordinateWrenchG(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling
- getCoordinateWrenchG(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJoint
- getCoordIndex(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling
- getCoordIndex(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJoint
- getCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- getCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- getCopyActions(LinkedList<ModelComponent>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- getCopyExpandedSelection() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
Returns a list of the currently selected components, expanded to include
components which also referenced by the current selection.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Does nothing and returns false
, since copying of MultiPointSpring
is not currently implemented.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CopyableComponent
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCopyReferences(List<ModelComponent>, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
Collects external references which must also be copied in order to
duplicate this component.
- getCoreCompsOnly() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelFileChooser
- getCornerPoints() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
- getCornerPoints(double) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Return the subset of points that form the corners of this contour.
- getCorotatedMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- getCorrespondingPixel(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
- getCorrespondingTime(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
- getCost() - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedEdge
- getCost() - Method in class maspack.graph.Path
- getCost() - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- getCostTerms() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Retrieves a list of all costs terms, including the standard ones.
- getCount() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- getCount() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray
- getCount() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray.IBOInfo
- getCount() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- getCount() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- getCount() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- getCount(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.CountedList
- getCoupledCoordinatesFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- getCoupling() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the coupling used by this connector.
- getCoupling() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
- getCoupling() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
- getCoupling() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJoint
- getCredits() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- getCRSIndices(int[], int[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) indices for this matrix.
- getCRSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) indices for this matrix.
- getCRSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) indices for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCRSIndices(int[], int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) indices for this matrix.
- getCRSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) indices for this matrix.
- getCRSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) indices for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCRSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) indices for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCRSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) indices for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCRSIndices(int[], int[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) indices for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCRSValues(double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) values for this matrix, in
row-major order.
- getCRSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) values for this matrix, in
row-major order.
- getCRSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) values for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCRSValues(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) values for this matrix, in
row-major order.
- getCRSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) values for this matrix, in
row-major order.
- getCRSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) values for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCRSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) values for a principal sub-matrix of
this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCRSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) values for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCRSValues(double[], Matrix.Partition, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Gets the compressed row storage (CRS) values for a principal sub-matrix
of this matrix delimited by the first numRows
rows and the
first numCols
- getCryptor() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Gets the current en/de-cryptor to be used for storing passwords.
- getCryptor() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.EncryptedUserAuthenticator
- getCSGMesh() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- getCSGOperation() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- getCSGOperation() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- getCurrentAttributes(MechSystemBase) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.TransformGeometryTest
- getCurrentColor() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns the index associated with the current color, or -1
if there is no current color.
- getCurrentColor() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the index associated with the current color, or -1
if there is no current color.
- getCurrentCursor() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getCurrentCursor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- getCurrentCursor() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLMouseListener
- getCurrentlyEnteredTrack() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getCurrentNormal() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the index associated with the current normal, or -1
if there is no current normal.
- getCurrentPixel() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
- getCurrentPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getCurrentPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getCurrentPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
Returns the current position of the attached point, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- getCurrentPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- getCurrentPosition() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the index associated with the current position, or -1
if there is no current position.
- getCurrentResolution() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
Returns the currently computed grid resolution for the display.
- getCurrentScale() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns the index associated with the current scale, or -1
if there is no current scale.
- getCurrentSelection() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
Returns a list of the currently selected components.
- getCurrentSurfaceScale(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getCurrentTCD(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Queries the current transform from frame C to D.
- getCurrentTCW() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the current pose of the C frame, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentTCW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the current pose of the C frame, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentTCW() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Returns the current pose of the C frame, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentTCW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Returns the current pose of the C frame, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentTDW() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the current pose of the D frame, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentTDW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the current pose of the D frame, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentTDW() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Returns the current pose of the D frame, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentTDW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Returns the current pose of the D frame, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentTextureCoord() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the index associated with the current texture coordinate, or -1
if there is no current texture coordinate.
- getCurrentTFW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getCurrentTFW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Returns the current pose of the attached frame, in world coordinates.
- getCurrentTFW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- getCurrentTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getCurrentVel(Twist, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getCurrentVel(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getCurrentVel(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getCurrentVel(Twist, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Returns the current velocity of the attached frame, in frame coordinates.
- getCurrentVel(Twist, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- getCurrentVel(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- getCurrentVelX(Twist, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
For testing only ...
- getCurrentWorldVel(Twist, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getCurrentWorldVelX(Twist, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
For testing only ...
- getCurrentWrappable() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase
- getCursor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Get the cursor image for the underlying AWT component
- getCursorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getCurve() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- getCurve() - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- getCurveFile() - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- getCurveList() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getCurves() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- getCustomPixelBufferProvider() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getCutPlane(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getCutPlanes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getCylinderLength() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getCylinderRadius() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getD() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- getD(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Returns the D matrix associated with this decomposition.
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the damping settings for all the constraints in this
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Gets the contact damping associated with this behavior.
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Gets the default contact damping associated with all collision
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Queries the damping force term for this PointMeshForce.
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FourBar
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
- getDamping() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getDamping() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getDamping() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getDamping() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the dampings for all this coupling's constraint directions.
- getDampingFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Queries the damping factor for this material.
- getDampingMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Queries the damping method for this material.
- getDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- getDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- getDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- getDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDampingMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getDampingTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getData(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getData() - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedEdge
- getData() - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
- getData() - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- getData() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelData
- getData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getData(Rectangle, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getData(Rectangle, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getData(Rectangle, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getData(Rectangle, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getData() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
- getData(Rectangle, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Retrieves all bytes for the given region in a rasterized way, row-major,
starting with bottom left.
- getData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Retrieves image data for the entire backing array, rasterized row-major
with pixels starting at bottom-left of image
- getData(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
Get raw byte data of content, rasterized in
row-major form, with (0,0) in the bottom-left
- getData(Rectangle, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
Get raw byte data for a region, rasterized in row-major
form with (0,0) in the bottom-left corner.
- getData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- getData(Rectangle, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- getData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- getData(Rectangle, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- getData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- getData(Rectangle, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- getDataBuffer() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getDataFormat() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- getDataFormat() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.PlyReader
- getDataFormat() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.PlyWriter
- getDataFormat() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.StlReader
Gets the data format that was determined for the file.
- getDataFrame(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- getDataFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDataFunctionProbe
- getDataList() - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Returns the list of words in the dictionary
- getDataType() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getDataType() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getDataType() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getDateTime() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getDateTime(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Determines the data/time value of a given header element (if represents valid date/time)
- getDeactivationTimeConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getDeactivationTimeConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- getDeactivationTimeConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getDebug() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries whether or not debug messages are enabled.
- getDebug() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc
- getDebug() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
- getDebug() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- getDebug() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
- getDebug() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- getDebug() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getDebugLevel() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Gets the debug level for this spring.
- getDecimalValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getDecimalValue(int, double) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Determines the decimal value of a given header element (if represents valid decimal number)
- getDefault() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ColorBufferPutter
- getDefault() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferPutter
Creates an integer-based index putter
- getDefault(int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferPutter
Creates the most compact putter given a maximum index
- getDefault() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.NormalBufferPutter
- getDefault() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.PositionBufferPutter
- getDefault() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.TextureCoordBufferPutter
- getDefault() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexArrayObject
- getDefaultActivation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getDefaultActivation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- getDefaultActivation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- getDefaultActivation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getDefaultActiveForceLengthCurve() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- getDefaultAdaptivelyRebuildA() - Static method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getDefaultAxialView() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getDefaultAxialView() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getDefaultAxisLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getDefaultBehavior(Collidable.Group, Collidable.Group) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDefaultCloseOperation() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getDefaultColliderType() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDefaultCollisionBehavior(Collidable.Group, Collidable.Group) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Gets the default collision behavior for a specified pair of primary
collidable groups.
- getDefaultContactNormalLen() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDefaultDisplayMax() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getDefaultDisplayMin() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getDefaultDisplayRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getDefaultDividerLoc() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- getDefaultDrawAxes() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getDefaultDrawBuffer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getDefaultDrawFramebuffer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getDefaultDrawGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getDefaultFiberLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getDefaultFiberLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- getDefaultFiberLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- getDefaultFiberLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getDefaultFileExtension() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.MeshFileChooser
Returns the file extension currently associated with this chooser's file
- getDefaultFont() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getDefaultFont() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Retrieves the default font.
- getDefaultFont() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getDefaultForceVelocityCurve() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- getDefaultFormat() - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Returns the default format string used in
- getDefaultFormat() - Static method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Returns the default format string used in
- getDefaultFormat() - Static method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Returns the default format string used in
- getDefaultFormat() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Returns the default format string used to convert numeric values into
- getDefaultIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getDefaultLogger() - Static method in class maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger
- getDefaultLogger() - Static method in class maspack.util.StreamLogger
- getDefaultMarkerList() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerHandler
- getDefaultMassDistribution(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- getDefaultMatrixSolver() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getDefaultMaxStepSize() - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Queries the default value used to initialize the maximum step
size for a model when it is created.
- getDefaultMenuFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu
- getDefaultMethodInfo(MovieMaker.Method) - Static method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- getDefaultMinFlcValue() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- getDefaultMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns the default inheritance mode for the property.
- getDefaultMode() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns the default inheritance mode for the property.
- getDefaultMovieFolderPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the path name of the default working folder
- getDefaultNumericRange() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns a default numeric range for this property, if any.
- getDefaultNumericRange() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns a default numeric range for this property, if any.
- getDefaultNumThreads() - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.ArtiSynthThreadManager
- getDefaultNumThreads() - Static method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- getDefaultNumThreads() - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the default number of threads that Pardiso is assigned when a
is created.
- getDefaultOrthographicView() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getDefaultPassiveForceLengthCurve() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- getDefaultReadBuffer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getDefaultReadFramebuffer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getDefaultRegionHeight() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getDefaultRegionMargin() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getDefaultRegionThickening() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getDefaultRegionUnthickening() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getDefaultRigidPointTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDefaultRigidRegionTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDefaultScale() - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getDefaultShellThickness() - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- getDefaultSpeedValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- getDefaultStabilization() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getDefaultStartTime() - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getDefaultStopTime() - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getDefaultTendonForceLengthCurve() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialLigament
- getDefaultTendonForceLengthCurve() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- getDefaultTendonForceLengthCurve() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialTendon
- getDefaultThickness() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- getDefaultUnits() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getDefaultUpdateInterval() - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getDefaultUseImplicitFriction() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
Returns the default value for this field.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
Returns the default value for this field.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
Returns the default value for this field.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
Returns the default value for this field.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns the default value for the property, or
if there is not default value.
- getDefaultVertexColor() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the default color used for rendering vertices when a color map is
- getDefaultViewOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Obtains the default orientation that should be used for viewing this
- getDefaultXRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getDefaultYRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getDeformation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the deformation matrix H of this element, computing it if
- getDeformation(PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the deformation matrix H of this element, computing it if
- getDeformation(Vector3d, Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemGeometryTransformer
Computes the deformed position f(r)
and deformation
gradient F
for a given reference point r
undeformed coordinates.
- getDeformation(Vector3d, Matrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Computes the deformed position f(r)
and deformation
gradient F
for a given reference point r
undeformed coordinates.
- getDegeneracies() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
Returns flags describing the degeneracies, if any,
for intersection associated with this point.
- getDegree() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- getDegree() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Returns the degree of this curve.
- getDegreeU() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Returns the degree of this surface in the u direction.
- getDegreeV() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Returns the degree of this surface in the v direction.
- getDelegatedDrawable() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getDeltaPose() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo
Returns the displacement from the base pose to the Frame's
current pose.
- getDeltaVolume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessTest
- getDemoClassName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- getDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- getDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns the density of this body.
- getDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Returns the density of this RigidMeshComp.
- getDensity() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getDensity() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getDensityMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getDensityMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getDensityMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getDensityRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getDependentCoordinateName() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- getDependentNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- getDependentNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getDependentNodes() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreePoint3d
- getDepth() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
- getDepth(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns the depth of a component within the component hierarchy.
- getDepth() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns the depth of this bounding volume within a tree.
- getDepth() - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBBTree
- getDepthOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
The current depth offset level.
- getDepthOffset() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
The current depth offset level.
- getDepthOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getDerivative() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- getDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- getDerivSize() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the size of the derivative vector associated with this list.
- getDerror() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolveMatrixTest
- getDescendant(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- getDescription() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimFileFilter
- getDescription() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe.ImportExportFileInfo
- getDescription() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AmiraLandmarkReader.AmiraLandmarkFileFilter
- getDescription() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ExtensionFileFilter
- getDescription() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getDescription() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns a text description of the property.
- getDescription() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns a text description of the property.
- getDescription() - Method in class maspack.util.FolderFileFilter
- getDescription() - Method in class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
- getDestinationFile() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent
- getDestinationFile() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitorAgent
- getDestinationSize() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent
- getDet() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getDetF() - Method in interface artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPoint
- getDetF() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getDetJ0() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- getDetTarget() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getDiagnosticName(Object) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns name information for an object suitable for diagnostic
- getDialog() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsBase
Returns the settings dialog, or null
if one has not been created.
- getDicomVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- getDiffuse() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getDiffuse() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getDiffuse(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getDiffuse() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getDiffuseColoring() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getDiffuseColoringMode() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getDiffusePower() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getDim() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getDim(int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getDimension() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeVariable
- getDimension() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
- getDimension(Object) - Static method in class maspack.properties.NumericConverter
- getDimension(Object, RotationRep) - Static method in class maspack.properties.NumericConverter
- getDimension() - Method in class maspack.properties.NumericConverter
- getDimension() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns the numeric dimension of this property, or -1 if the property is
not numeric or does not have a fixed dimension.
- getDimension() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns the numeric dimension of this property, or -1 if the property is
not numeric or does not have a fixed dimension.
- getDimensions() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapEllipsoid
- getDimInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getDir() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getDir() - Method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Axis
- getDir() - Method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Hemisphere
- getDirectedEdge(int) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- getDirectedEdgeIndex(DirectedEdge<A, B>) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- getDirection() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- getDirection() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Gets the anisotropic direction.
- getDirection(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- getDirection() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- getDirection() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getDirection() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.LineSegment
Determine the line segment direction
- getDirection(int) - Method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
- getDirection(int, Vector3d) - Method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
- getDirection() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- getDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Gets the direction vector for the line
- getDirection() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getDirectionField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- getDirectionRenderLen() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getDirectionRenderLen() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getDirectionRenderLen() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getDirectionRenderLenMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getDirectionRenderLenMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getDirectionRenderLenMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getDirectionRenderType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getDirectionRenderType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getDirectionRenderType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getDirectionRenderTypeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getDirectionRenderTypeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getDirectionRenderTypeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getDirections() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- getDirector() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getDirector(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getDirectorAttachment() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFem3dAttachment
- getDirectorAttachment() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFrameAttachment
- getDirectories() - Method in class maspack.util.FileSearchPath
- getDirectorRenderLen() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getDirectorVel() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getDirName() - Method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Axis
- getDirty() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getDirty() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getDirty() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getDirty() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getDirty() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Get the region marked as dirty
- getDirty() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
The portion of the texture that has been modified (marked "dirty")
- getDirty() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- getDirty() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- getDirty() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- getDirtyData(ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Get bytes from the dirty region in a rasterized way, row-major, starting
with bottom-left;
- getDisplacement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getDisplacement() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- getDisplacement() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getDisplacement() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- getDisplacementNorm() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- getDisplay(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.Displayable
- getDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameBasedEditingAgent
- getDisplay(int, int, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getDisplayArea() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getDisplayList() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Object
- getDisplayName() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent
Returns the display name.
- getDisplayPreference() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase
- getDisplayPreference() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- getDisplayRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FrameGeometry
- getDisposeObserver() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getDisposeObserver() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getDisposeObserver() - Method in class maspack.render.VertexIndexArray
- getDisposeObserver() - Method in interface maspack.util.DisposeObservable
Return an "observer" object that tracks the dispose status
of this object.
- getDistance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- getDistance() - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
Returns the distance to the nearest feature, or -1 if no feature has been
determined yet.
- getDistance() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceEntry
- getDistance() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dFeature
Returns the distance to the nearest feature, or -1 if no feature has been
determined yet.
- getDistance() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getDistance() - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Retrieves a vector of the current distances
- getDistanceGrid() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasDistanceGrid
- getDistanceGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns a signed distance grid that can be used with a
SignedDistanceCollider, or null
if a grid is not available.
- getDistanceGridComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getDistanceGridComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns a
object that in turn contains
a signed distance grid that can be used with a SignedDistanceCollider,
if this Collidable
does not support a signed distance grid (i.e., if
- getDistanceGridComp() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableBody
Returns a
object that in turn contains
a signed distance grid that can be used with a SignedDistanceCollider,
if this Collidable
does not support a signed distance grid (i.e., if
- getDistanceGridComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getDistanceGridComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns a
object that in turn contains
a signed distance grid that can be used with a SignedDistanceCollider,
if this Collidable
does not support a signed distance grid (i.e., if
- getDistanceGridComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getDistanceGridDensity() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getDistanceGridMaxRes() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasDistanceGrid
Returns the default maximum cell resolution that should be used when
constructing a signed distance grid for this component.
- getDistanceGridRenderRanges() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasDistanceGrid
Returns a string describing the x, y, z vertex ranges used when rendering
this component's signed distance grid.
- getDistanceGridRes() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasDistanceGrid
Returns the cell resolutions (in the x, y, and z directions) that should
be used when constructing a signed distance grid for this component.
- getDistanceGridRes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getDistanceHeap() - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Retrieves an associated distance binary heap.
- getDistanceMethod() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Returns the method used to compute distance values from polygonal meshes.
- getDistanceTolerance() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersector
Gets the distance tolerance.
- getDivBlk() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- getDivisor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- getDivisor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
Compute 1st derivative of shape function of particular node.
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
Compute 1st derivative of shape function of particular node.
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getdNds(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getDotWrenchG() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getDouble() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getDoubleArray() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- getDoubleValue() - Method in interface maspack.widgets.NumericSlider
- getDown() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
Returns next handler in a column of a CollisionHandlerTable.
- getDownloadDir() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getDownstreamGL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getDQBlendTolerance() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Queries the tolerance used for iterative dual-quaternion frame blending.
- getDQMaxBlendSteps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Queries the maximum number of steps used for iterative dual-quaternion
frame blending.
- getDragBox() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries information about any drag box currently being displayed.
- getDragBox() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries information about any drag box currently being displayed.
- getDragger() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Returns the dragger type
- getDragger() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getDragger() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- getDraggerConstrainMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- getDraggerDragMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- getDraggerRepositionMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- getDraggers() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getDraggers() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns a list of all application-defined draggers currently added to
this viewer.
- getDraggerToolBar() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- getDraggerToWorld() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- getDragMode() - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- getDragMode() - Method in class maspack.render.DragToolBase
- getDrawable() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Returns the auto-drawable component
- getDrawABPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries whether drawing A/B points is enabled for this spring.
- getDrawAxes() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getDrawBox() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getDrawBox() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getDrawColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawColorMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawColorMapMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawColorMapMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawContactForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawContactForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawContactForcesMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawContactForcesMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawContactNormals() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawContactNormals() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawContactNormalsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawContactNormalsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawControlShape() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- getDrawDisplacements() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- getDrawEdges() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getDrawEdgesMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getDrawEllipsoid() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
- getDrawEllipsoid() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
- getDrawFrameC() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getDrawFrameC() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getDrawFrameD() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getDrawFrameD() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getDrawFrictionForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawFrictionForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawFrictionForcesMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawFrictionForcesMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getDrawGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getDrawIntersectionContours() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawIntersectionContours() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawIntersectionContoursMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawIntersectionContoursMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawIntersectionFaces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawIntersectionFaces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawIntersectionFacesMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawIntersectionFacesMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawIntersectionPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawIntersectionPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawIntersectionPointsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawIntersectionPointsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getDrawIntersections() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Gets whether we are computing/drawing intersection of mesh with plane
- getDrawIntersections() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
Returns whether we are drawing intersections with the plane
- getDrawKnots() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries whether knot rendering is enabled for this spring.
- getDrawPenetrationDepth() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getDrawPoints() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Returns the list of draw points.
- getDrawRotAxes() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJoint
- getDrawTool() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getDrawTool() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the draw tool, if any, for this viewer.
- getDrawToolFrameBinding() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- getDrawToolFrameOffset() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- getDrawTransAxes() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJoint
- getDrawType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- getDrawXY() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getDrawXY() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getDrawXZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getDrawXZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getDrawYZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getDrawYZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getDrivers() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getDShape(Matrix3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
- getDShape(Matrix3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getDShape(Matrix3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- getDTMap() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBodySolver
- getDual() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Gets the dual (translation) quaternion associated with this
- getDual(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Gets the dual (translation) quaternion associated with this
- getDual() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
- getDuration() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TracingProbePanel
- getDuration() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getDv() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- getDy() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- getDy2() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- getDy3() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- getDynamicComponents(List<DynamicComponent>, List<DynamicComponent>, List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getDynamicComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getDynamicComponents(List<DynamicComponent>, List<DynamicComponent>, List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getDynamicComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getDynamicComponents(List<DynamicComponent>, List<DynamicComponent>, List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getDynamicComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getDynamicComponents() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Returns a list of the dynamic components in this model.
- getDynamicComponents(List<DynamicComponent>, List<DynamicComponent>, List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- getDynamicComponents(List<DynamicComponent>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- getDynamicDOFs(int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Returns in sizes
the number of (velocity) degrees of freedom
for the dynamic components in the system.
- getDynamicsEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getE1() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- getE2() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- getE3() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- getEBlockKey() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Queries the key used for writing EBLOCKs.
- getEdge() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshContourIxer.EdgeFacePair
- getEdge(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Returns a specific edge associated with this face, or null is the edge
does not exist.
- getEdge() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex2d
- getEdgeColor() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getEdgeColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the RGB values for the edge color as a float array,
or null
if no edge color is set.
- getEdgeColorF() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the internal float array used to store the edge color RGB
- getEdgeColorMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getEdgeEdgeContacts() - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns the edge-edge contacts for this contact.
- getEdgeFeature() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.GridEdge
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getEdgeIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getEdgeOrLineColorF() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getEdges() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns the edges contained in this region.
- getEdges() - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- getEdges() - Method in class maspack.graph.Path
- getEdgeWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getEdgeWidthMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getEditCSGMeshVisible() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- getEditing() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns information describing the conditions under which this property
should be interactively edited.
- getEditing() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns information describing the conditions under which this property
should be interactively edited.
- getEditingPanel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
- getEditMesh0Visible() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- getEditMesh1Visible() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- getEditor(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
- getEditorManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Get the EditorManager
- getEffectiveBindings() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- getEffectiveFace(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- getEffectiveInertia() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- getEffectiveInertia() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getEffectiveMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
Gets the effective mass of this component at a particular time.
- getEffectiveMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
Gets the effective scalar mass of this component.
- getEffectiveMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
Gets the effective mass of this component at a particular time.
- getEffectiveMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
Gets the effective scalar mass of this component.
- getEffectiveMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getEffectiveMass(Matrix, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Gets the effective mass of this component at a particular time.
- getEffectiveMass() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Gets the effective scalar mass of this component.
- getEffectiveMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- getEffectiveMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
Gets the effective scalar mass of this component.
- getEffectiveMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getEffectiveMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getEffectiveMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- getEffectiveMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- getEffectiveMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getEffectiveMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getEffectiveMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getEffectiveMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
Gets the mass forces for this component at a particular time.
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
Gets the mass forces for this component at a particular time.
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Gets the mass forces for this component at a particular time.
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, FrameState, SpatialInertia, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getEffectiveMassForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getEffectiveMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getEffectiveMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getEffectiveModulus(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
Returns the effective bulk modulus for a given nominal (linear) bulk
modulus K and Jacobian determinant J.
- getEffectiveMouseBindings() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getEffectiveMouseBindings() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Effective mouse bindings are those which are actually passed to the
- getEffectivePressure(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
Returns the effective pressure for a given nominal (linear) bulk
modulus K and Jacobian determinant J.
- getEigenValues(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
- getEigenValues(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Quickly computes the eigenvalues of this symmetric matrix, as described
- getEigenValues(Vector3d, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
- getEigenValues_old(Vector3d, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Quickly computes the eigenvalues of this symmetric matrix.
- getEigImag() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Returns the imaginary parts of the current eigenvalues associated with
this decomposition.
- getEigReal() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Returns the real parts of the current eigenvalues associated with this
- getElasticForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getElasticPos() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getElasticPos(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getElasticPos(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getElasticVel() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getElasticVel(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getElasticVel(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getElement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- getElement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FaceNodes3d
- getElement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- getElement(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getElement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getElement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
- getElement(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- getElement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- getElement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getElement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- getElement() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory.FemElementTreeNode
- getElement(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Query DICOM header information
- getElementArray(GL3, VertexIndexArray) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArrayManager
- getElementAt(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
Get the string name of the component at the specified location in the
- getElementBlock(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getElementBVTree() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
The element bv tree bounds integration points contained by the element, which may be
slightly smaller than the true element bounds
- getElementByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getElementClass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getElementClass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getElementClass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- getElementDependencies() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getElementMaterial(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getElementNeighbors(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getElementNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodalFieldPoint
- getElementNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getElementNumber() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.FemFieldPoint
Returns the number of the element containing the point.
- getElementRestVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Returns a list of element-value pairs describing the rest volumes of all
the volumetric elements in this model.
- getElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- getElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getElements() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns the boundable elements directly contained by this bounding
- getElements(GL3, RenderObject, VertexIndexArray) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectManager
- getElementSubIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodalFieldPoint
- getElementSubIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getElementSubIndex() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.FemFieldPoint
Returns the index of the integration point within the element.
- getElementType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodalFieldPoint
- getElementType() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getElementType() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.FemFieldPoint
Returns an integer describing the type of element containing the point.
- getElementValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Returns the value at the volumetric element specified by the given
- getElementValue(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Returns the value at an integration point of a volumetric
- getElementValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Returns the value at the volumetric element specified by the given
- getElementValue(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Returns the value at an integration point of a volumetric
- getElementWidgetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getElementWidgetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getElementWidgetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dList
- getElementWidgetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getElementWidgetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- getElementWidgetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getElementWidgetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- getElementWidgetSizeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getElementWidgetSizeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getElementWidgetSizeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dList
- getElementWidgetSizeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getElementWidgetSizeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- getElementWidgetSizeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getElemToken() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemReader
- getElemToken() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- getEllipsoidRadii() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getEllipticCursorActive() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries whether an elliptic cursor is active for this viewer.
- getEllipticCursorActive() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries whether an elliptic cursor is active for this viewer.
- getEllipticCursorResizeMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- getEllipticCursorSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getEllipticCursorSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getEllipticCursorSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries the elliptic cursor size for this viewer.
- getEllipticCursorSize() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the elliptic cursor size for this viewer.
- getEllipticDeselectMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Gets the modifier mask that enables deselection when using elliptic
- getEllipticSelection() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Returns true if elliptic selection is enabled for the viewers.
- getEllipticSelection() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getEllipticSelection() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries whether elliptic selection is enabled for this viewer.
- getElongStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- getElongStiffnessMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- getElsNear(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.SpatialHashTable
Return an iterator which iterates through 27 cells.
- getEmission(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getEmission(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getEmission() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getEmission(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the RGB values for the emission color as a float array.
- getEmission(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getEmissionColoring() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getEmissionColoringMode() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getEmissionPower() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getEmptyMark(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- getEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Queries whether this PointMeshForce is enabled.
- getEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJointTest.JointMonitor
- getEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- getEnabledMode() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getEnd() - Method in class maspack.graph.Path
- getEnergy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getEnergyDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the average strain energy density for this node.
- getEngaged() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- getEngaged() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- getEngaged() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getEngagedCnt() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getEnterValueOnFocusLost() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
Queries whether the current field value is ``entered'' when focus is
- getEnterValueOnFocusLost() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Queries whether the current field value is ``entered'' when focus is
- getEntries() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
- getEolIsSignificant() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if end-of-line is treated as a token by this tokenizer.
- getEpsilon() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- getEpsilon() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleIntersector
- getEpsilon() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- getEqualityConstraints() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Retrieves a list of all equality constraint terms, including the standard
- getError() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterface
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
get error message
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerPanel
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns a message describing the reason for failure of
the most recent call to any of the analyze()
, or iterativeSolve()
or null
if the method succeeded.
- getEuler(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Gets the Euler angles corresponding to this rotation.
- getEventTime() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent
Returns the system time in milliseconds that the event
was created.
- getExactForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getExactForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactForceProbe
- getExactForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ForceErrorProbe
- getExactMoment() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactMomentProbe
- getExactStrandLength() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getExactStrandLengthDot() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getExceptions() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
Returns the primary excitation for this component.
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Returns the primary excitation for this component.
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
Returns the primary excitation for this component.
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointToPointMuscle
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExciterComp
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- getExcitation(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the current excitation value of the k
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- getExcitation() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent
Returns the primary excitation for this component.
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Returns the primary excitation for this component.
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Returns the primary excitation for this component.
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
Returns the primary excitation for this component.
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
Returns the primary excitation for this component.
- getExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getExcitation0() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- getExcitation1() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- getExcitationBounds() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExciterComp
- getExcitationBounds() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the current default bounds for the excitation values.
- getExcitationBounds(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the excitation bounds for a specific excitation component.
- getExcitationBoundsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExciterComp
- getExcitationBoundsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the property inheritance mode for the excitation bounds.
- getExcitationColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getExcitationColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getExcitationColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getExcitationColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getExcitationColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getExcitationColor() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleComponent
- getExcitationColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getExcitationColorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getExcitationColorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getExcitationColorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getExcitationColorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getExcitationColorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getExcitationColorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getExcitationDampingTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the excitation damping term, or null
if it is not present.
- getExcitationDampingWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Return the weight assocation with excitation damping, or 0 if
damping is not present.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
Gets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- getExcitations(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Fills the supplied values
vector with current excitation
values starting at index idx
- getExcitations(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the current excitation values in the vector values
- getExcitations() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a vector containing all the current excitation values.
- getExcitationSources() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getExciter() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExciterComp
- getExciter(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the idx-th excitation component used by the controller.
- getExciters() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a list of the excitation components used by the inverse routine
- getExclusiveContextThread() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getExitValue() - Method in class maspack.util.ProcessMonitor
Exit value of the process
- getExpandState() - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
- getExplicitElements(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Returns the explicit element values in row-major order.
- getExplicitGridRes() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getExplicitValue(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Gets the explicit value, if possible, within a specfic host for the
property path defined by this cell.
- getExponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.ExponentialWeightFunction
- getExportFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getExportFileInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getExportFileInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getExportFileName() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getExportProps(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getExportProps(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getExpression() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeDriver
- getExpStressCoeff() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getExpStressCoeff() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getExpStressCoeff(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getExpStressCoeff() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getExpStressCoeff(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getExpStressCoeff() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getExpStressCoeff(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getExpStressCoeffField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getExpStressCoeffField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getExpStressCoeffField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getExpStressCoeffMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getExpStressCoeffMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getExpStressCoeffMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getExpStressCoeffMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getExt() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe.ImportExportFileInfo
- getExtendData() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Returns true if data is to be extended past the last knot point
- getExtendData() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Returns true if data is to be extended past the last knot point
- getExtension(File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimFileFilter.Utils
- getExtension(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getExtension(File) - Static method in class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
- getExtension(String) - Static method in class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
- getExtensions() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ExtensionFileFilter
- getExtensions() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getExternalElasticForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getExternalForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getExternalForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getExternalRenderList() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getExternalRenderList() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the external render list for this viewer, or null
if the viewer does not have an external render list.
- getExtFilePathNames(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Launcher
Returns a list of the path names of the external jar files and class
directories as specified in the file <USER_HOME>/ArtiSynthConfig/EXTCLASSPATH
- getEye() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getEye() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the eye position.
- getEyeToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getEyeToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Gets the eye-to-world transform for this viewer.
- getEyeZDirection() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getEyeZDirection() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Gives the direction, in world coordinates, of a vector that
is perpendicular to the screen and points towards the viewer.
- getEyeZDirection() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getF() - Method in interface artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPoint
- getF() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getFA() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
Fractional anisotropy
- getFace() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceComponent
- getFace() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- getFace() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint
- getFace() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshContourIxer.EdgeFacePair
- getFace() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Returns the face associated with this half-edge.
- getFace(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Returns the face with a specified index
- getFace0Coords() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriTriIntersection
- getFace1Coords() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriTriIntersection
- getFaceColor() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getFaceColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the RGB values for the face color as a float array.
- getFaceColorF() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the internal float array used to store the face color RGB
- getFaceColorMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getFaceComponent(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditablePolygonalMeshComp
- getFaceCoords(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getFaceCoords() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriLineIntersection
- getFaceCoords() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriPlaneIntersection
- getFaceElement(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getFaceElement(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getFaceForInsideOrientedTest(Point3d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
- getFaceForInsideOrientedTest(Point3d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery
- getFaceIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceComponent
- getFaceIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getFaceIndices(Collection<Face>) - Static method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getFaceIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getFaceLines(int[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshRenderer
- getFaceList() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditablePolygonalMeshComp
- getFaceList() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getFaceNeighbors() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getFaces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns an array of FaceNodes3d describing a set of faces
associated with this element.
- getFaces(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
Returns a list of all faces that use this vertex
- getFaces() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns the faces contained in this region.
- getFaces() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Returns this mesh's faces.
- getFacesClockwise() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontWriter
- getFaceStyle() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getFaceStyle() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the current mode for rendering faces.
- getFaceStyle() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getFaceStyle() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getFaceStyleMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getFaceToken() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemReader
- getFaceToken() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- getFaceTriangles(int[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshRenderer
- getFactorSolveMemoryUsage() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the total memory consumption (in kbytes) required for the
and solve()
- getFactory(Class<C>) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObjectFactoryStore
Gets a factory for parsing the given component type
- getFactory() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getFalseDisplacement(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getFalseDisplacement() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getFalsePosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getFalseVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getFarPlaneDistance() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getFarPlaneDistance() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the distance, in model coordinates, from the eye to the far clip
- getFarPlaneDistance() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getFarthest() - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Gets the index of the farthest point, -1 if distances are not
- getFascicles() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getFastForwardIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getFBO() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLFrameCapture
- getFBO() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
- getFCC(double[], int[], Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getFeature(int) - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
Returns the feature number at the provided index
- getFeatureColor(int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the color associated with the k-th vertex of the feature indexed
by fidx
, or null
if there is no such color.
- getFeatureColoringEnabled() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- getFeatureIndexOffsets() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the index offsets for each geometric feature (face, line segment,
etc.) associated with this mesh.
- getFeatureLength(int) - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
The number of vertex indices that define a given feature
- getFeatureNormal(int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the normal associated with the k-th vertex of the feature indexed
by fidx
, or null
if there is no such normal.
- getFeatureOffset(int) - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
Returns the offset into the vertex index array for the start
of the ith feature
- getFeatures() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Returns the features, if any, associated with this distance
grid Features will be associated with the field if they were used to
compute it, via
DistanceGrid.computeFromFeatures(java.util.List<? extends maspack.geometry.Feature>, double, maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d, int, boolean)
DistanceGrid.computeFromFeaturesOBB(java.util.List<? extends maspack.geometry.Feature>, double, int, boolean)
, or one of the associated constructors.
- getFeatureTextureCoords(int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the texture coordinate associated with the k-th vertex of the
feature indexed by fidx
, or null
if there is no
such coordinate.
- getFem() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getFem() - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMesh
- getFem() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getFem() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getFem() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getFem() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Gets the examined FEM
- getFemConnection(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getFemConnections() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getFemConnectionType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Queries the connection type to be used when creating subsequent
connections to FEM master bodies.
- getFemModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getFemModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getFemModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- getFemModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- getFemModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FemModelInfo
- getFemModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldComp
- getFiber_damping() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- getFiberRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getFiberRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getFibreDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getFibreDamping() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getFibreModulus() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getFibreRestDirections() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getFibreRestDirections(MuscleBundle...) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Utility method to create a list of fibre rest directions for one or more
muscle bundles.
- getFibreRestDistanceInterpolator() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getFibreRestDistanceInterpolator(MuscleBundle...) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Utility method to create a rest distance interpolator for one or more
muscle bundles.
- getFibres() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getFibresActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getField(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getField(HasProperties) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyDesc
- getFieldNames() - Method in enum maspack.matrix.RotationRep
Returns appropriate names for the numeric values of this RotationRep.
- getFieldNames(Object) - Static method in class maspack.properties.NumericConverter
- getFieldNames(Object, RotationRep) - Static method in class maspack.properties.NumericConverter
Returns labels for the individual fields of a numeric type,
if any.
- getFields() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getFields() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getFieldWidth() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Returns the field width associated with this format.
- getFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- getFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.DemoFileEntry
- getFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptDialogBase.ScriptDesc
- getFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- getFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderEntry
- getFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ImageViewer
- getFile(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Get file with path relative to storage root.
- getFile(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Get file with path relative to storage root.
- getFile() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getFile() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- getFile() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryFileInputStream
- getFile() - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
Returns the file associated with this widget's value, or null
if no file is selected.
- getFileChooser() - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
Returns the JFileChooser associated with this control.
- getFileExtension(File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
- getFileExtension(File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ExtensionFileFilter
- getFileExtensions() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.AmiraMeshWriter.AmiraMeshWriterFactory
- getFileExtensions() - Method in interface maspack.geometry.io.MeshReaderFactory
- getFileExtensions() - Method in interface maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriterFactory
- getFileFromPath(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getFileManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Get underlying file manager
- getFileMustBeReadable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
- getFileMustExist() - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
- getFileName() - Method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager.ProbeID
- getFileName() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
Returns the file name, if any, associated with this mesh.
- getFileName() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- getFileName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- getFileName(String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Returns the system-specific file name for the named library.
- getFileName() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- getFileName() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getFileNameMode() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getFileSize(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
Returns the size of the specified file
- getFileSize(File) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- getFileTransferListener() - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Returns the application-specified file transfer listener for this library
manager, if any.
- getFileTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
Returns the file transform, if any, associated with this mesh.
- getFileTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
Returns the file transform associated with the mesh.
- getFilterForExtension(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.MeshFileChooser
- getFilters() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- getFingerPrint() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- getFingerPrint(HASH, byte[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.UtilTrim
- getFirst() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Returns the first point of this contour, or null if the contour is empty.
- getFirst() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the first knot in this list.
- getFirst() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- getFirstChild() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns the first child volume, if any, associated with this bounding
- getFirstChild() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- getFirstKnot() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
- getFirstKnot() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Returns the first knot in this spline, or null
if there
are no knots.
- getFirstKnot() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Returns the first knot in this spline, or null
if there
are no knots.
- getFirstKnot() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Returns the first knot in this spline, or null
if there
are no knots.
- getFirstNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointToPointMuscle
- getFirstPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getFirstProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager
- getFirstVertex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getFirstVertex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- getFitWithOBB() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Queries whether an OBB is used when automatically constructing a grid.
- getFixedSelectedFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.NodeNumberFileChooser
Fix problems with '.' in the path.
- getFlags() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberWriter
- getFlags(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
- getFlags() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.NodeNumberFileChooser
- getFlags() - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Returns the currently active flags for the library manager.
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getFlags() - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.render.DragToolBase
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
Returns the mode flags associated with the selection.
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.LambertProjector
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.OrthographicProjector
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
Gets the flags for this stream.
- getFlags() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryOutputStream
Gets the flags for this stream.
- getFlatView() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- getFlen() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getFlen() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getFlen() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getFlipped(PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- getFloat() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getFloat32() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getFloat32(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getFloat64() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getFloat64(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getFloatArray() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getFloatData() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelData
- getFloatType() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- getFloatType() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.PlyReader
- getFloatType() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.PlyWriter
- getFmaxMuscleStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getFmaxMuscleStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getFmaxMuscleStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getFmaxTendonStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getFmaxTendonStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialTendon
- getFmaxTendonStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getFmaxTendonStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getFont() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getFont() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
- getFont() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
- getFont() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.Glyph
- getFont() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
- getFontMetrics(Font) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
- getFontMetrics() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
- getFontName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getFontSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getFontSpec() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getFontStyle() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getFontStyle(Font) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- getForce(VectorNd, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getForce(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- getForce(VectorNd, boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceTargetComponent
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getForce(VectorNd, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Cpmputes and returns the current force along the plane normal.
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
Returns the force magnitude of this spring.
- getForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getForce0() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getForce1() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getForceBehavior() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getForceBehavior() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getForceComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- getForceComponents(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- getForceEffectors(List<ForceEffector>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getForceEffectors(List<ForceEffector>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getForceEffectors(List<ForceEffector>, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- getForceEffectorSources() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a list of all the force effector components being controlled.
- getForceEffectorTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a list of the ForceEffectorTargets for all the force effector
components being controlled.
- getForceEffectorTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the force effector target term, allocating it if necessary.
- getForceEffectorTermWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the weight of the force effector term.
- getForceError(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- getForceError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getForceError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getForceJacobian(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
XXX This Jacobian needs to be re-computed at each time step
OR it needs to be transformed to global co-ordinates so that the
tracking controller can use it properly, since it does not change
as the model moves
- getForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- getForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ligament
- getForceLengthRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getForceNorm() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getForceNorm() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getForces(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getForceScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getForceScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getForceScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getForceScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Special method that checks if the material is an instance of
AxialMuscleMaterial, and if it is, returns the forceScaling of that
- getForceScalingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getForceScalingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getForceSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- getForceSet(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
Return the force set list.
- getForceSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getForceSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceTargetComponent
- getForceSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getForceTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getForceTargetTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getForceTermNorm() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getForceTermWeight() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getForceTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Returns the force tolerance for this segment that corresponds to the
current convergence tolerance.
- getForceType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Queries the force type for this PointMeshForce.
- getForceType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getForceUnits() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- getForceVelocityCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
Queries the force velocity curve for this material.
- getForceVelocityCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- getForceVelocityCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.RigidTendonMuscle
- getFormat() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemWriterBase
Queries the format used for writing floating point numbers.
- getFormat() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the output format.
- getFormat() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- getFormat() - Method in interface maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriterBase
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIColorComputer
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.EigenvalueColorComputer
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.PrincipalDiffusionColorComputer
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiPixelGenerator
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getFormat() - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns the formatter used to convert numeric components of the property's
value into text.
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
- getFormat() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- getFormat() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Returns the format string used to convert numeric values into text.
- getFormatRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
- getFormatRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
- getFormatStr() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TextExportProps
- getFormatStrRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TextExportProps
- getForwardEdges() - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- getFraction() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- getFractionRenderRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getFractionRenderRadiusMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getFractionRenderType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getFractionRenderTypeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getFractions() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- getFragment() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the encoded fragment
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo
Returns the Frame component itself.
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ArtisynthJythonConsole
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonFrameConsole
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.SphericalJointForceBound
Returns the frame used by the spherical joint force bound
This frame should not be directly modified as it is used to
track the movement of the body that the joint is attached to.
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- getFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- getFrame() - Method in interface artisynth.core.workspace.DriverInterface
- getFrame() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- getFrame(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the frame stored with supplied index
- getFrameA() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getFrameAttachment() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getFrameAttachmentA() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the Frame
attachment which attaches connector frame C to the
coordinate frame of body A.
- getFrameAttachmentB() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the Frame
attachment which attaches connector frame D to
the coordinate frame of body B (or to world if body B is null
- getFrameB() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getFrameBinding() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- getFrameBlending() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Queries the blend type for that part of the skinning that depends on
- getFramebufferStatus(int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
Return a string representing the given fbo status code
- getFrameConnection(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getFrameConnections() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getFrameConstraint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getFrameDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getFrameDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getFrameDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getFrameDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getFrameFile(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the file of the frame specified by int n.
- getFrameFileName(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the absolute file path of the frame specified by int n.
- getFrameGeometryVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- getFrameMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns an array of all FrameMarkers currently associated with this rigid
- getFrameNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getFrameOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- getFrameRate() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- getFrameRate() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- getFrameRate() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getFrameRate() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- getFrameRate() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getFrameRate() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the current frame rate in Hz.
- getFrames() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getFrames() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getFrames() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the full list of Frames.
- getFramesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns the latest frames version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getFramesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesVersion
- getFrameTime(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
- getFrameTime(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- getFreezeFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getFrequency() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- getFriction() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Gets the Coulomb friction coefficient associated with this behavior.
- getFriction() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Gets the Coulomb friction coefficient
- getFriction() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Returns the global friction coefficient in the collision manager for this
- getFriction() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- getFriction() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.MultiCollisionTest
- getFriction() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- getFriction() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanBowl
- getFriction() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanDemo
- getFriction() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- getFriction() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Obtains the transpose of the current friction constraint matrix D for
this system.
- getFrictionConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getFrictionForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- getFrictionForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Returns the friction force associated with this contact.
- getFrictionForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getFrictionForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getFrictionForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getFrictionForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getFrictionForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
- getFrictionForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getFrictionForces(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns from the system the most recently computed friction constraint
- getFrictionForces(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getFrictionForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getFrictionIterations() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getFrictionMethod() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- getFrictionMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getFrictionMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
- getFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- getFrictionState(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getFrontColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getFrontColor(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the RGB or RGBA values for the front color as a float array.
- getFrontColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getFrustum(double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the bounds for the current frustum.
- getFTests(MaterialBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterialTest
- getFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Constant
- getFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FunctionBase
- getFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.LinearFunction
- getFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MultiplierFunction
- getFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.NaturalCubicSpline
- getFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PiecewiseLinearFunction
- getFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.TransformAxis
- getFunction() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- getFunction() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- getFvLinearExtrapThreshold() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getFvLinearExtrapThreshold() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getG1() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getG1(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getG10() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG10(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG10Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG10Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG1Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getG1Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getG2() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getG2(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getG20() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG20(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG20Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG20Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG2Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getG2Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getG30() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG30(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG30Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getG30Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- getGain() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSource
- getGain(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
- getGain(ExcitationSourceList, ExcitationComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationUtils
- getGain(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- getGamma() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- getGarbageCollectionInterval() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
- getGeometricStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessTest
- getGeometry() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getGeometryFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
- getGeometryManager() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getGeometryPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceSpringBase
- getGeometryPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- getGeometrySet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- getGeomObj() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getGL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- getGL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRenderer
The currently-active GL context if rendering.
- getGL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
- getGL() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLRenderer
- getGL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getGL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getGL2() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- getGL2() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL2ES1() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL2ES2() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL2ES3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL2GL3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL3bc() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL3ElementAttribute() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- getGL3ES3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL3VertexAttributes() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- getGL4() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL4bc() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGL4ES3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGLCapabilities() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
Returns the capabilities of the underlying GL context
- getGLES1() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGLES2() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGLES3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGLEventListener(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getGLEventListenerCount() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getGLEventListenerInitState(GLEventListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getGlobalFaceIndicesAndVertices(ArrayList<Point3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getGlobalLineIndicesAndVertices(ArrayList<Point3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getGlobalNormalIndicesAndVertices(ArrayList<Vector3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getGlobalTextureIndicesAndVertices(ArrayList<Vector3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getGlobalValueChangeListeners() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getGlobalValueChangeListeners() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- getGlobalValueChangeListeners() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- getGlobalValueChangeListeners() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- getGlobalValueChangeListeners() - Method in interface maspack.widgets.PropertyWindow
Get an array of all the global value change listeners defined for this
- getGLPanel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
get the GL panel
- getGLProfile() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getGLProfile() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getGLShadeModel() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- getGLType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage
- getGLType() - Method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage.StorageType
- getGLType(GL3AttributeStorage.StorageType) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Utilities
- getGLU() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- getGLViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- getGlyph() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
The Glyph itself
- getGlyphCode() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.Glyph
- getGlyphIndex() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.Glyph
- getGlyphVector() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.Glyph
Vector the Glyph is associated with
- getGNs() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- getGrabMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- getGrandParent(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- getGrandParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- getGraphics() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getGraphics() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getGraphics() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Creates a graphics context for the underlying component
- getGraphics() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
- getGravity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getGravity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getGravity() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- getGravityMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getGravityMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getGreen(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getGreenIndex(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getGreenInput() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getGreenValueIndex() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
- getGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- getGrid(double[], int[], Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- getGrid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getGrid() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns this viewer's grid.
- getGridHeight() - Method in class maspack.util.GridRectanglePacker
Height of a grid space
- getGridResolutionValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.GridResolutionField
- getGridSurfaceRendering() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Queries if grid surface rendering is enabled.
- getGridToLocalTransformer() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the transformer that maps from grid to local coordinates.
- getGridToWorld() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getGridToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getGridVisible() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries whether the viewer grid is visible.
- getGridVisible() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries whether the viewer grid is visible.
- getGridWidth() - Method in class maspack.util.GridRectanglePacker
Width of a grid space
- getGround() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4
- getGroup(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
- getGroupHierarchy(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getGroupNames() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getGroupNames() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getGroupParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- getGroupRenderProps(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getGrowLength() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getGT(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
Returns the transpose of the constraint matrix G associated
with the idx-th master component.
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
Returns the transpose of the constraint matrix G associated
with the idx-th master component.
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- getGT(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- getGUIVoidEnabled() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Returns true if void values can be set from the GUI.
- getH(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
Returns the value of the pressure shape function.
- getH(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
Returns the value of the pressure shape function.
- getH(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
Returns the value of the pressure shape function.
- getH() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getH() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- getH() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getH() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getH(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- getHalfEdge(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Returns the half-edge with a specified index.
- getHalfEdgeForNodes(FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
If nodeTail
and nodeHead
are directly attached to the
tail and head vertices of a half-edge on this mesh, return the
- getHalfWidths(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- getHalfWidths(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Sets the half-widths for this OBB.
- getHalfWidths() - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Gets the half-widths for this OBB.
- getHandle() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getHandlers() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getHandlers() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponse
Returns the CollisionHandlers for all currently active collisions
associated with the collidables of this response.
- getHandlerTable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getHandlerTableBodies() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getHardIncompMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
Redefine to use the node instead of the backNode as hard
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
Redefine to use the node instead of the backNode as hard
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Appends all hard references for this component to a list.
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.SourceFrameReference
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.SourcePointReference
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Appends all hard references for this component to a list.
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionComponent
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Marker
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Appends all hard references for this component to a list.
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Appends all hard references for this component to a list.
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Appends all hard references for this component to a list.
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Appends all hard references for this component to a list.
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceComp
Appends all hard references for this component to a list.
- getHardReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceComponent
Appends all hard references for this component to a list.
- getHasFeatureColoring() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- getHasNormals() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- getHasVertexColoring() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- getHead() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- getHeader() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getHeader() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getHeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Rectangle2d
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the pixel height of the underlying AWT component
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
Get the height of the physical texture
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Height of image
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphLoc
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
- getHeight() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
Number of pixels across height in content
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryTreeRectanglePacker
Height of bounding box
- getHeight() - Method in class maspack.util.GridRectanglePacker
Height of bounding box
- getHeight() - Method in interface maspack.util.RectanglePacker
- getHgap() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Gets the horizontal gap between components.
- getHideEmptyComponents() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- getHideEmptyComponents() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- getHighlightColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getHighlightColor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries the highlight color used by this viewer.
- getHighlightColor(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
- getHighlightColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getHighlightColor() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the highlight color used by this viewer.
- getHighlightColoredMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getHighlighting() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getHighlighting() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Queries whether or not highlighting is enabled.
- getHighlighting() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getHighlightStyle() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the highlight style used by this renderer.
- getHighlightStyle() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the highlight style used by this renderer.
- getHighlightStyle() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getHighlightStyle() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the highlighting style for this viewer.
- getHlamCol(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the j
-th column of most recently computed Hlam matrix for
the excitation response.
- getHomeDir() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getHomeDir() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns the Artisynth home directory, as specified by the ARTISYNTH_HOME
environment variable.
- getHomeRelativeFile(String, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns a file specified relative to the Artisynth home directory, as
specified by the environment variable ARTISYNTH_HOME.
- getHomeRelativePath(String, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Creates a full path from a path specified relative to the Artisynth home
directory, as specified by the environment variable ARTISYNTH_HOME.
- getHomogeneousPoints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
Gets the horizontal alignment
- getHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
Gets the horizontal alignment for the text fields in this control.
- getHost() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- getHost() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.PropertyChangeEvent
- getHost(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
Returns the host associated with the idx
-th property
in this probe, or null if there is no such property.
- getHost() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the encoded host
- getHost() - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
Assuming this is not needed ...
- getHost() - Method in class maspack.properties.GenericPropertyHandle
- getHost(int) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- getHost() - Method in interface maspack.properties.Property
Returns the host object exporting this property.
- getHost() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- getHostClass() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns the host class of the property.
- getHostClass() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns the host class of the property.
- getHostList() - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- getHosts() - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- getHoverColor(Color) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- getHSLComponents(Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.color.HSL
- getHSV(double, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.color.ColorMap
Fills an array with the interpolated color values
in HSV format
- getHSV(double, float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.color.ColorMap
Fills an array with the interpolated color values
in HSV format
- getHSV(double, byte[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.color.ColorMap
Fills an array with the interpolated color values
in HSV format
- getHSV(double, byte[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- getHSV(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- getHSV(double, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- getHSV(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
- getHSV(double, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
- getHSV(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- getHSV(double, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- getHSV(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.RainbowColorMap
- getHSV(double, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.RainbowColorMap
- getHuCol(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the j
-th column of most recently computed Hu matrix for
the excitation response.
- getHue(double) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
Computes the interpolated hue with a in [0,1]
- getHueRange() - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
Gets the range of hue values
- getHullDistance(Point2d, Vector4d, Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.QuadBezierDistance2d
- getHullFaces() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
- getHybridSolve() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getHybridSolveCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Returns the current count of hybrid solve solutions.
- getHybridSolves() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Queries whether hybrid solves are enabled.
- getHybridSolvesEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getHybridSolvesEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getHybridSolvesEnabled() - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Queries whether hybrid sparse matrix solves are enabled by default.
- getIBO() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray
- getIcon() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getId() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getId() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
- getId() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- getId() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLShaderProgram
- getId() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getId() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesIdentifier
Unique identifying number
- getId() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectIdentifier
Unique identifying number
- getId() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectIdentifier
Unique identifying number
- getIdentifier() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns a special identifier for this
RenderInstances object.
- getIdentifier() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns a special object to be used as a unique identifier for this
- getIdentifier() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns a special object to be used as a unique identifier for this
- getIdentities() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
- getIdentity(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
- getIdentity(int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
- getIdentityRepository() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleIdRepoFactory
- getIgnoreActivationDynamics() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getIgnoreDeselection() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
Returns true if deselection events are ignored.
- getIgnoreForceVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getIgnoreForceVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getIgnorePosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getIgnoreTendonCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getIgnoreTendonCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getIgnoreUpdateBounds() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getIgnoreValidator() - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- getImage() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- getImage() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getImage() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getImage() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
The backing image
- getImage() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- getImageMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- getImagePlane() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImageProbe
- getImagePose() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getImageRGBA(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- getImageSize(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ImageViewer
- getImageSpace() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getImageSpaceDesc() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getImageStore() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
- getImageType() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Type of image
- getImaginaryIndex(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getImplicitIterations() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getImplicitPrecision() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getImplicitVR(int) - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
Determines the default value representation for a tag
- getImportFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getImportFileInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getImportFileName() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getIncidentHalfEdges() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Returns an iterator for all the half-edges which are incident onto this
- getIncludeTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TextExportProps
- getIncompCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getIncompDerivative(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getIncompForces(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getIncompressConstraints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
Returns an array of MatrixBlocks to be used as constraints to make the
element incompressible.
- getIncompressible() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getIncompressibleComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
- getIncompressibleComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- getIncompressibleComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- getIncompressibleComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- getIncompressibleRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getIncompressIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
- getIncompressIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getIncrementalTransform() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dEvent
- getIndentation() - Method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
- getIndentColumn() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
- getIndependentCoordinateNames() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- getIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.BodyInfo
- getIndex(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
Returns the index of the specified child in this nodes child array.
- getIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- getIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getIndex(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Returns the index value for this faces.
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Returns an index for this half-edge, computed as
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
Returns the index value for this polyline.
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Returns the index value associated with this vertex.
- getIndex(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d.Knot
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d.Knot
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Returns the index of this cell with respect to its parent, or -1 if it has
no parent.
- getIndex() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getIndexArray() - Method in class maspack.util.Point3dGridUtility
- getIndexes(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- getIndexOfChild(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
- getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- getIndexOfLight(Light) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getIndexOfLight(Light) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Get the index of a specified light in this viewer.
- getIndexPath() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Returns a path of indices that locate this cell starting from the root of
the hierarchy.
- getIndices(Collection<Face>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getIndices(Collection<Vertex3d>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- getIndirectNeighbor(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getIndirectNeighborBySolveIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getIndirectNeighbors() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getInequalityConstraints() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Retrieves a list of all inequality constraint terms, including the
standard ones.
- getInertia(SpatialInertia) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- getInertia() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
Returns the spatial inertia described by the mass, ineria, and center of
mass fields.
- getInertia(SpatialInertia) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getInertia() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- getInertialDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getInertialDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getInertialDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getInertialDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getInertiaMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- getInertiaMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getInfluenceRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- getInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.GenericPropertyHandle
Gets static information about the property.
- getInfo() - Method in interface maspack.properties.Property
Gets static information about the property.
- getInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- getInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- getInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- getInitDraggersInWorld() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- getInitDraggersInWorld() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- getInitDraggersInWorldCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getInitErrorMessage() - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns a message describing an error that occurred during
initialization, or null
if no error occurred.
- getInitErrorMessage() - Static method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
- getInitialBackForce(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
- getInitialForce(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Retrieves the stiffness-induced initial force on node i
- getInitialPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SegmentSpec
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Gets an initial state for this component and returns the value in
- getInitialState(NumericState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase.ConstraintForceStateSaver
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState, List<? extends HasNumericState>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentStateUtils
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
Gets an initial state for this component and returns the value in
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasState
Gets an initial state for this component and returns the value in
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Gets an initial state for this component and returns the value in
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDataFunctionProbe
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getInitialState(ComponentState, ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FixedBallContact
Override the root model's getInitialState() method to get both the
initial root state and the initial attachment state (which has zero
- getInitialStiffness00(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Retrieves the K00 contribution between nodes i and j
- getInitialStiffness01(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Retrieves the K01 contribution between nodes i and j
- getInitialStiffness10(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Retrieves the K10 contribution between nodes i and j
- getInitialStiffness11(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
Retrieves the K00 contribution between nodes i and j
- getInitialT21() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getInnerRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidTorus
- getInnerRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapTorus
- getInput() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- getInput() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- getInputProbeData(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Gets the data associated with a numeric input probe and returns it as a
2-dimensional array of doubles.
- getInputProbeList() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- getInputProbes() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getInputStream(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- getInputStream(File, URIx, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Returns an input stream for the file located at either localCopy
or source
(according to options).
- getInputStream(URIx, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getInputStream(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getInputStream(String, String, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getInputStream(String, String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getInputStream(String, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getInputStream(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getInsertionBasePosition() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getInsertionInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getInsertionMotion() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- getInsertionPosition() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getInstance() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ColorBufferPutter.ByteColorBufferPutter
- getInstance() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferPutter.ByteIndexBufferPutter
- getInstance() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferPutter.IntegerIndexBufferPutter
- getInstance() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferPutter.ShortIndexBufferPutter
- getInstance() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.NormalBufferPutter.FloatNormalBufferPutter
- getInstance() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.NormalBufferPutter.ShortNormalBufferPutter
- getInstance() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.PositionBufferPutter.FloatPositionBufferPutter
- getInstance() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.TextureCoordBufferPutter.FloatTextureCoordBufferPutter
- getInstance() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.TextureCoordBufferPutter.ShortTextureCoordBufferPutter
- getInstanceColorOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getInstances(GL3, RenderInstances) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectManager
- getInstances(GL3, RenderInstances) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectManager
- getInstances(GL3, RenderInstances) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getInstances() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getInstanceScale(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getInstanceScaleOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getInstanceStride() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getInstancesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns the latest colors version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getInstancesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesVersion
- getInstanceTransformOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getInstanceType(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getInstanceTypeOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getInt() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getInt() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getInt() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GLSLGenerator.StringIntPair
- getInt16(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getInt32(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getInt64(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getInt8(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getIntArray(String, int[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- getIntArray() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the natural coordinates and weights for the default integration
points associated with this element.
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getIntegrationCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getIntegrationData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getIntegrationPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getIntegrationPointIndex(IntegrationPoint3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getIntegrationPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getIntegrationShapeMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Creates and returns a shape matrix for integration points of this
- getIntegrator() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the integrator used by the mechanical system.
- getIntegrator() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getIntegrator() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getIntegrator() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getIntentCode() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getIntentName() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getIntentP1() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getIntentP2() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getIntentP3() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getInternalForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getInternalForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getInternalValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.RectangleField
- getInternalValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.SymmetricMatrix3dField
- getInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Returns the interpolation method for this numeric input probe.
- getInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getInterpolation(double[], int[], Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DelaunayInterpolator
- getInterpolation() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the interpolation method for this list.
- getInterpolationOrder() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getInterpolationOrder() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Returns the interpolation order for this numeric probe.
- getInterpolationOrder() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the interpolation order for this list.
- getInterruptHandler() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel
- getIntersectingMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
Gets the associated mesh
- getIntersection(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- getIntersection(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.CSG
- getIntersection(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- getIntersections() - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns the triangle intersections for this contact.
- getIntersectionVolume(MFreeWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeWeightFunction
- getIntersectionVolume(RadialWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- getIntersectionVolume(MFreeWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- getInterval() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Returns the scroll interval in milliseconds
- getInterval() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getIntervalMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getIntValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
Determines the integer value of the header element (if represents valid integer)
- getIntValue(int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Determines the integer value of a given header element (if represents valid integer)
- getIntValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
- getIntValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- getInvB() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the inverse B matrix of this element, computing it if necessary.
- getInvB(PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the inverse B matrix of this element, computing it if necessary.
- getInverse() - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Returns a transformer that implements the inverse operation of this
- getInverse() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Returns null
by since this transformer is not by default
invertible; subclasses my override this.
- getInverse() - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
- getInverse() - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Returns a transformer that implements the inverse operation of this
- getInverse(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Computes the inverse of this spatial inertia matrix.
- getInverseMass(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
Inverts a mass for this component.
- getInverseMass(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- getInverseMass(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
Inverts a mass for this component.
- getInverseMass(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getInverseMass(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Inverts a mass for this component.
- getInverseMass(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- getInverseMass(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- getInverseMass(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getInverseMassMatrix(SparseBlockMatrix, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Sets Minv
to the inverse of the mass matrix M
- getInverseMassMatrix(SparseBlockMatrix, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns a node index reordering that inverts the element volume ( or
flips its orientation for shell elements).
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getInverseNodeOrdering() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getInvisibleIfInactive() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointConditionalMarker
- getInvJ0() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
Returns the inverse rest Jacobian.
- getIsDynamic() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- getIsEnforced() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConstraintBase
- getIsNormalized() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- getIsShadowValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getIterationCount() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
When profiling is enabled, returns the cummulative number of iterations
for updating all wrap paths.
- getIterationCount() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenEstimator
- getIterationCount() - Static method in class maspack.numerics.BisectionRootSolver
- getIterationCount() - Static method in class maspack.numerics.BrentRootSolver
- getIterationCount() - Static method in class maspack.numerics.NewtonRootSolver
- getIterationCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Returns the number of iterations that were used in the most recent
solution operation.
- getIterationCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Returns the number of iterations that were used in the most recent
solution operation.
- getIterationCount() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Returns the number of iterations that were used in the most recent
solution operation.
- getIterationCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Returns the number of iterations that were used in the most recent
solution operation.
- getIterationCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Returns the number of iterations that were used in the most recent
solution operation.
- getIterationLimit() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Gets the iteration limit for computations.
- getIterationLimit() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenEstimator
- getIterationLimit() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Gets the iteration limit for SVD computations.
- getIterationLimit() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Gets the iteration limit for SVD computations.
- getIterationLimit() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Gets the iteration limit for this solver.
- getIterationLimit() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Gets the iteration limit for this solver.
- getIterationLimit() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Gets the iteration limit for this solver.
- getIterationLimit() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Gets the iteration limit for this solver.
- getJ() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemDeformedPoint
- getJacobian(double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.LambertProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.LambertProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.LambertProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.LambertProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.OrthographicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.OrthographicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.OrthographicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.OrthographicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.SphericalProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.SphericalProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- getJacobian(double, double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Return Jacobian type for use as force effector
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getJacobianType() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffector
Returns a code indicating the matrix type that results when the Jacobian
terms of this force effector are added to the solve matrix.
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Returns a code indicating the matrix type that results when the Jacobian
terms of this force effector are added to the solve matrix.
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns a code indicating the matrix type that results when the Jacobian
terms of this force effector are added to the solve matrix.
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Returns a code indicating the matrix type that results when the Jacobian
terms of this force effector are added to the solve matrix.
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
Returns a code indicating the matrix type that results when the Jacobian
terms of this force effector are added to the solve matrix.
- getJacobianType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- getJCH() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- getJLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getJLimitMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- getJList() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
- getJoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getJoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- getJoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Joint
- getJointRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJointBase
Returns a radius used for rendering this joint as a sphere.
- getJointRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Returns a radius used for rendering this joint as a sphere.
- getJointSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4
- getJointSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
Returns the joint set, if present
- getJointTransformInChild() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
Joint pose relative to child body
- getJointTransformInChild() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- getJointTransformInParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
Joint pose relative to parent body (OpenSim 3)
- getJointTransformInParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
Joint pose relative to parent body (OpenSim 3)
- getJythonConsole() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getJythonLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getK() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolveMatrixTest
- getK() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- getK00() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- getK01() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- getK10() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- getK11() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- getKa() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SubSegment
Returns the index of the first knot contacting the wrappable that
terminates this subsegment, or numk
if the subsegment
terminates at the wrappable segment's end point, where numk
the number of knots in the wrappable segment.
- getKb() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SubSegment
Returns the index of the last knot contacting the wrappable the begins
this subsegment, or -1 if the subsegment begins at the wrappable
segment's start point.
- getKd() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Returns the Derivative gain for PD controller.
- getKeepVelocityJacobianConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getKerror() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolveMatrixTest
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns the key for the property associated with this descriptor,
or null
if there is no key.
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Primitive
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive
- getKey() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
A key for referring to this texture.
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
Uses the filename as a key so that multiple textures referring to the same file
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- getKey() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- getKeyBindings() - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.GenericKeyHandler
- getKeyBindings() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
get the key bindings from a file
- getKeyListeners() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getKeyListeners() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Returns an array of all key listeners registered with the underlying component
- getKeyListeners() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the key listeners currently added to this viewer.
- getKeyListeners() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the key listeners currently added to this viewer.
- getKeyPair() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.IdentityFile
Returns an instance of
used in this
- getKeySize() - Method in class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
- getKeySize() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairDSA
- getKeySize() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairRSA
- getKeyType() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- getKeyType() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairDSA
- getKeyType() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairRSA
- getKeyTypeName() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- getKeyTypeName() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairDSA
- getKeyTypeName() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairRSA
- getKineticEnergy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Queries the current kinetic energy in this FEM model, assuming lumped
nodal masses.
- getKnot(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the k
-th knot in the current segment indexed by segIdx
- getKnot(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Returns the idx
-th knot in this wrappable segment.
- getKnot(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Returns the i-th knot used by this curve.
- getKnot(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
- getKnot(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Returns the idx
-th knot in this spline.
- getKnot(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Returns the idx
-th knot in this spline.
- getKnot(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Returns the idx
-th knot in this spline.
- getKnot(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the idx-th knot in this list, or null
if so such
knot exists;
- getKnotForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getKnotForceError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getKnotIndex(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Gets the lower knot point index for the knot interval which contains the
parameter value u.
- getKnotMoment() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getKnotMomentError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getKnots() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Returns the knots used by this curve.
- getKnotSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getKnotsU() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Returns the knots in the u direction.
- getKnotsV() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Returns the knots in the v direction.
- getKnotsVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getKnotVectorSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- getKnownPackageNames() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
- getKnumeric() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolveMatrixTest
- getKp() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Returns the Proportional gain for PD controller.
- getKShapeActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getKshapeActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getKshapeActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getKShapePassive() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getKshapePassive() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getKshapePassive() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getL0variationPerc() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- getL11() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL11(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL11Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL11Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL12() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL12(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL12Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL12Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL22() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL22(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL22Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL22Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL23() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL23(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL23Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL23Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL2RegularizationTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the L2 regularization term, or null
if it is not
- getL2RegularizationWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Return the weight assocation with L2 regularization, or 0 if
regularization is not present.
- getL31() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL31(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL31Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL31Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL33() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL33(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL33Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getL33Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getLabel() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- getLabel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Returns the JLabel associated with this control.
- getLabel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledPanel
- getLabelColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getLabelColor() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getLabelFontColor() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- getLabelPositions() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getLabels() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getLabelSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getLabelSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getLabelSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.HasAlignableLabels
- getLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- getLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledPanel
- getLabelText() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
Returns the label text associated with this component.
- getLabelText() - Method in interface maspack.widgets.LabeledWidget
- getLabelWidth() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getLagrangePressures() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
Lagrange pressures array for use with incompressibility
- getLam0() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExcitationResponse
- getLam0() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the most recently computed lam0 vector for the excitation
- getLam11() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam11(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam11Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam11Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam12() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam12(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam12Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam12Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam22() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam22(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam22Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam22Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam23() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam23(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam23Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam23Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam31() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam31(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam31Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam31Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam33() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam33(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam33Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLam33Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getLambda() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getLambdaMax() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- getLambdaMax(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- getLambdaMaxField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- getLambdaMaxMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- getLargestNumActivePoints() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase.ABPointsMonitor
- getLargestProbeTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getLargestWayPointTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getLast() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Returns the last point of this contour, or null if the contour is empty.
- getLast() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the last knot in this list.
- getLast() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- getLastAddedComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionEvent
- getLastBlockPivoting() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- getLastBlockPivoting() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getLastCommand() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
- getLastContactInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getLastContactInfo() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getLastException() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- getLastException() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getLastFile() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Gets the last file retrieved.
- getLastIMesh() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getLastKnot() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
- getLastKnot() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Returns the last knot in this spline, or null
if there
are no knots.
- getLastKnot() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Returns the last knot in this spline, or null
if there
are no knots.
- getLastKnot() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Returns the last knot in this spline, or null
if there
are no knots.
- getLastMesh0() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getLastMesh1() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getLastMeshToWorld0() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getLastMeshToWorld1() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getLastNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointToPointMuscle
- getLastRenderTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- getLastSelected() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- getLastSolveTol() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Returns the numeric tolerance used to determine complementarity for the
most recent solution.
- getLastSolveTol() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Returns the numeric tolerance used to determine complementarity for the
most recent solution.
- getLastSolveTol() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Returns the numeric tolerance used to determine complementarity for the
most recent solution.
- getLastSolveTol() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Returns the numeric tolerance used to determine complementarity for the
most recent solution.
- getLastSolveTol() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getLastTimestamp() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitorAgent
- getLastTravelled() - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- getLastUMesh() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getLastValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns the last valid waypoint
- getLastVersionM() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getLastVertex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getLastVertex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- getLatitude() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries this joint's latitude angle.
- getLatitudeRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the latitude range limits for this joint.
- getLaunchDelay() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.ProgressBarTransferListener
Returns the time in seconds that we should wait before launching the
progress panel.
- getLaunchThreshold() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.ProgressBarTransferListener
Returns the ETA in seconds required to launch the progress panel.
- getLcpState() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBodySolver
- getLcpState() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- getLeafMassDamping() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- getLeafName(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
Returns the trailing part of a full package or class name that follows the
last '.'.
- getLeafNodes() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns all the leaf nodes in this tree.
- getLeafPropName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- getLeafStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- getLeafThickness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- getLeft() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
Left coordinate in image
- getLeftBorderWidth() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- getLeftInset(JComponent) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- getLeftInsetToTop() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getLegacyControl() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getLegend() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Computes the length of this spring.
- getLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.Segment
Returns the current length of this segment.
- getLength() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleComponent
- getLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapCylinder
- getLength() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getLength() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Get the length of the path.
- getLength() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
Returns the current length of the spring.
- getLength() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getLength() - Method in class maspack.geometry.LineSegment
- getLength() - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- getLength() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- getLength() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- getLength() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- getLengthDot() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getLengthDot() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Computes the derivative of the length of this spring.
- getLengthDot() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleComponent
- getLengthDot() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getLengthDot() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Returns time derivative of the length.
- getLengthDot() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
Returns the current length time derivative of the spring.
- getLengthDotError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getLengthError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getLengthError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getLengthScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- getLengthUnits() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- getLevels() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.SphereKey
- getLevels() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.SpindleKey
- getLibDir() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- getLibDir() - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Returns the main library directory which currently set (or
if no directory is set).
- getLigamentTransitionStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- getLigamentTransitionStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- getLigamentTransitionStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- getLight() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getLight(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
- getLight(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getLight(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Get a specified light by index in this viewer.
- getLights() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
- getLightSpace() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getLightSpace() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getLine(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
- getLine(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the line at the supplied index in a given group.
- getLinearAttenuation() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getLinearCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the uniform compliance value, if any, for the linear constraints
of this connector.
- getLinearLimitTol() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the penetration tolerance for linear limit constraints.
- getLinearMatrix() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- getLinearStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- getLinearStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- getLinearStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- getLinearStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- getLineColor() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getLineColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the RGB values for the line color as a float array.
- getLineColorF() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the internal float array used to store the line color RGB
- getLineColorMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getLineGroupIdx() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the index of the currently active line group.
- getLineGroupIdx() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectState
- getLineGroupIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the index of the currently active line group.
- getLineGroupIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectState
- getLineIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getLineList() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getLineRadius() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getLineRadiusMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getLines() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Returns this mesh's lines.
- getLines(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectManager
- getLines(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectManager
- getLines(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getLines() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns a list of vertex indices of all line primitives defined
in the current group.
- getLines(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns a list of vertex indices of all point primitives defined
in the requested group.
- getLines() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns a list of line primitives, identified by vertex index pairs.
- getLines(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the list of lines (vertex indices) for a given group
- getLineSearch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries whether line search is enabled for this spring.
- getLinesEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- getLineSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- getLineSpacing() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Gets the line spacing
- getLineStride() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getLineStyle() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getLineStyleMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getLinesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the latest lines version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getLinesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectVersion
- getLinesVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the latest committed lines version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getLinesVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- getLineWidth() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getLineWidth() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getLineWidth() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- getLineWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
Queries the line width of this dragger.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getLineWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Returns the line width used to render this grid.
- getLineWidth() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the current width for rendering lines, in pixels.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getLineWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getLineWidthMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getLink(int) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
Returns the link at the specified index
- getList() - Method in class maspack.util.ListRemove
- getListeners() - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
- getListeners() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Access method to get the current FileListener object notified when there
are changes with the files added.
- getListId() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- getLoc() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getLocal(File) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Retrieves a local file if it exists, null otherwise.
- getLocal(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Retrieves a local file if it exists, null otherwise.
- getLocalBounds(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the minimum and maximum coordinates for this mesh, in mesh local
- getLocalCoordinates(FemNode3d.CoordType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getLocalDistance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Calculates the distance at an arbitrary point in local coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getLocalDistanceAndGradient(Vector3d, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getLocalDistanceAndGradient(Vector3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Calculates the distance and gradient at an arbitrary point in local
coordinates using multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the
grid cell containing the point.
- getLocalDistanceAndNormal(Vector3d, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getLocalDistanceAndNormal(Vector3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Calculates the distance and normal at an arbitrary point in local
coordinates using multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the
grid cell containing the point.
- getLocalDistanceAndNormal(Vector3d, Matrix3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getLocalFaceIndicesAndVertices(ArrayList<Point3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getLocalForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getLocalHash(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Gets the sha1 hash of a local file
- getLocalHash(File) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Gets the sha1 hash of a local file
- getLocalLineIndicesAndVertices(ArrayList<Point3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getLocalNodeIndex(FemNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getLocalNodeIndex(FemNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getLocalNormalIndicesAndVertices(ArrayList<Vector3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getLocalPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getLocalRenderPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getLocalRestPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getLocalRoot() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Gets the local directory containing downloaded files
- getLocalSolveIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getLocalTextureIndicesAndVertices(ArrayList<Vector3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getLocalToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- getLocalToWorld() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- getLocalToWorld() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the transform that maps from local to world coordinates.
- getLocalToWorldTransformer() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the transformer that maps from local to world coordinates.
- getLocalValue(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Calculates the value at an arbitrary point in local coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getLocalValue(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Calculates the value at an arbitrary point in local coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getLocalValue(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Calculates the value at an arbitrary point in local coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getLocalValue(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Calculates the value at an arbitrary point in local coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getLocalVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getLocalVertexCoords(Vector3d, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Find the local coordinates of a vertex, as specified by its vertex index.
- getLocalVertexCoords(Vector3d, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Find the local coordinates of a vertex, as specified by its x, y, z
- getLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getLocation(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- getLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- getLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- getLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- getLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathPoint
- getLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
Rectangular location (x,y,width,height) of color bar.
- getLocation(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableCylinder
Get location of the point described by the given parameters, in some body
coordinate frame.
- getLocation(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableSphere
Get location of the point described by the given parameters, in some body
coordinate frame.
- getLocation(double[]) - Method in interface artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricEntity
Get location of the point described by the given parameters, in some body
coordinate frame.
- getLocation() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getLocation() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeInfo
- getLocation() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.Glyph
Location of the glyph's baseline w.r.t.
- getLocationBody1() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getLocationBody1() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- getLocationBody2() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getLocationBody2() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- getLocationInParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getLocationOnScreen() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the top-left corner location of the component
- getLocDir() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- getLocDir() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getLockAxesToWorld() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- getLogger() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Returns a logger to be used by this main application.
- getLogger() - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Gets the logger for printing message
- getLogger() - Static method in class maspack.util.Debug
- getLogLevel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getLogLevel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MaintenancePrefs
- getLogLevel() - Method in class maspack.util.Logger
Get the minimum log level that is being recorded
- getLogLevel() - Method in class maspack.util.StreamLogger
- getLong() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getLong() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getLongArray() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getLongitude() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries this joint's longitude angle.
- getLongitudeRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the longitude angle range limits for this joint.
- getLongName() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- getLookAndFeel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getLookAndFeel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getLowerBound() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getLowerBound() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns the lower bound for the interval of this NumericRange.
- getLowerBound() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleIntervalField
- getLowerBound() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
- getLowerCaseMode() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if lower-case mode is enabled for this tokenizer.
- getLowerDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Queries the damping parameter for the lower limit restoring force.
- getLowerLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Queries the lower limit for the joint coordinate.
- getLowerLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- getLowerStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Queries the stiffness for the lower limit restoring force.
- getLowerStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- getLowerTransition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Queries the transition region size for the lower limit restoring force.
- getMagFilter() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getMagFilterMode() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getMagic() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getMagnitude() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getMain() - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getMain() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
get main class instance
- getMain() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.StartFromMatlab
- getMain() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.TaskManager
- getMainComponent() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- getMainComponent() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledPanel
- getMainFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.GenericKeyHandler
- getMainFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getMainFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getMainViewer() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- getMainViewer() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getMajorCellSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GridResolution
- getMajorColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getMajorColor() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getMajorComponent(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Gets the major component located at a specific index.
- getMajorTickSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- getMajorTickSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- getMajorTickSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- getMajorTickSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- getMajorVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.GLVersionInfo
- getMajorVersion() - Method in enum maspack.render.GL.GLViewer.GLVersion
- getMajorVersion() - Method in enum maspack.render.GraphicsInterface
- getMapping() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- getMAPStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the principal strain with the maximum absolute value for this
- getMAPStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the principal stress with the maximum absolute value for this
- getMargin() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getMargin() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns the extra distance margin by which bounding volumes in this
tree should surround their elements.
- getMarginFraction() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Returns the margin fraction used when automatically constructing a grid.
- getMarkerCoordinates(VectorNd, Vector3d, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getMarkerCoordinates(VectorNd, Vector3d, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getMarkerCoordinates(VectorNd, Vector3d, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getMarkerIndex(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
- getMarkerIndex(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- getMarkerLabels() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
- getMarkerLabels() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- getMarkerPosition(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
- getMarkerPosition(int, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
- getMarkerPosition(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- getMarkerPosition(int, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- getMarkerPositions(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
- getMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Returns the markers used by this IKProbe
- getMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Returns the markers used by this IKSolver.
- getMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- getMarkerSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- getMarkerWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Returns the marker weights used by this IKSolver.
- getMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
This method is required by the interface, but is not currently used.
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
Returns the mass for this backnode.
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
This method is required by the interface, but is not currently used.
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
Returns the mass of this body.
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- getMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
Returns the scalar mass of this component at time t.
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
Gets the mass of this component at a particular time.
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns an estimate of the mass of this SkinMeshBody (as determined by
the underlying master bodies) for purposes of handling collisions.
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- getMass() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableBody
Returns the mass of the body.
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getMass(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Returns the scalar mass of this component at time t.
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Gets the mass of this component at a particular time.
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- getMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- getMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- getMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getMass(Matrix, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns the mass of this body.
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Returns the mass of this RigidMeshComp.
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- getMass() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Gets the mass for this spatial inertia.
- getMassCenter() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- getMassDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Gets the Rayleigh damping coefficient associated with the FEM's mass
- getMassDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getMassDistribution() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Queries the mass distribution for this RigidMeshComp.
- getMassMatrix(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Sets M
to the current value of the mass matrix for this
system, evaluated at time t
- getMassMatrix(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getMassMatrixValues(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getMassMatrixValues(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getMassMatrixValues(SparseNumberedBlockMatrix, VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- getMassRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getMassRegularization() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Queries the mass regulaization coefficient for this IKProbe.
- getMassRegularization() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Queries the mass regulaization coefficient for this solver.
- getMaster() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- getMasterAttachments() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Returns a list of the attachments for which this component is a master, or
null if there are no such attachments.
- getMasterAttachments() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
Returns a list of the attachments for which this component is a master, or
null if there are no such attachments.
- getMasterBlocks() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- getMasterBlocks() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getMasterBlocks() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Returns the most recently updated set of master blocks for this
- getMasterBlocks() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- getMasterBody(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Gets the idx
-th master body registered with this
- getMasterForces(VectorNd, Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
Computes the master forces that result when a wr is applied in the
attached coordinate frame.
- getMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- getMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- getMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- getMasters() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- getMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- getMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- getMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getMaterial() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleComponent
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringList
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FemBeamTest
- getMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
- getMaterial(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getMaterialBundles() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getMaterialNames() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getMatlabConnection() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getMatlabName() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getMatrix(String, double[][]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- getMatrix() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Returns the matrix assiciated with this affine transform.
- getMatrix() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Returns the matrix assiciated with this affine transform.
- getMatrix() - Method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
- getMatrix(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
- getMatrixChecking() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns true if matrix checking is enabled.
- getMatrixColSize() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MatrixNdGrid
Returns the column size of the matrics interpolated by this grid.
- getMatrixComponents(RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d, Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Returns the shear, scaling, and rotational components of this
- getMatrixNd() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getMatrixOfBoundNormals() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.SphericalJointForceBound
- getMatrixRowSize() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MatrixNdGrid
Returns the row size of the matrices interpolated by this grid.
- getMatrixSolver() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getMatrixSolver() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getMatrixSolver() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getMatrixSolver() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getMatrixSolver() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- getMatrixSolverRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getMatrixType(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolverTest
- getMatrixType() - Method in enum maspack.solvers.SparseSolverId
- getMatrixValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.RectangleField
- getMatrixValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.SymmetricMatrix3dField
- getMaxAbsEig() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Returns the maximum absolute value of all the eigenvalues.
- getMaxColoredExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getMaxColoredExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getMaxColoredExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getMaxColoredExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getMaxColoredExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getMaxColoredExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getMaxColoredExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- getMaxColoredExcitationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getMaxColoredExcitationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getMaxColoredExcitationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getMaxColoredExcitationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getMaxColoredExcitationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getMaxColoredExcitationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getMaxColumns() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberWriter
- getMaxColumns() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.NodeNumberFileChooser
- getMaxContractionVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getMaxContractionVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getMaxControl() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getMaxCoordinate(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Queries the maximum range value for the idx
-th coordinate.
- getMaxCoordinate() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getMaxCoordinate() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- getMaxCoordinateDeg(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Queries the maximum range value for the idx
-th coordinate.
- getMaxDegree() - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- getMaxDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemGeometryTransformer
Queries the maximum distance beyond which the deformation field is not
- getMaxExcitationJump() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the maximum jump in excitation values permitted between steps.
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointToPointMuscle
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- getMaxForce(PointSpringBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- getMaxForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ForceErrorProbe
- getMaxForceMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getMaxForceMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getMaxForceMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getMaxForceMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- getMaxForceMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- getMaxFriction(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
Returns the maximum friction value based on the most recent contact force
and the coefficient of friction.
- getMaxGLVersionSupported() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- getMaximum() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Gets the maximum value associated with this control.
- getMaximum() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Gets the maximum value associated with this control.
- getMaximum() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Gets the maximum value associated with this control.
- getMaximum() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Gets the maximum value associated with this control.
- getMaximumPennationAngle() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- getMaximumPennationAngle() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getMaximumRotation(double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
Returns the maximum total rotation for each axis.
- getMaximumRotation() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
Returns the maximum total rotation for this coupling.
- getMaximumSelections() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
Returns the maximum number of components that may be concurrently
- getMaximumSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the maximum size for the underlying AWT component
- getMaximumSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- getMaximumSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- getMaximumSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.SizableLabel
- getMaximumSurfaceScale(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getMaximumTilt() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- getMaximumTilt() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
Returns the maximum value of theta for this revolute coupling.
- getMaximumTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
- getMaximumZoomLevel() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
Returns maximum zoom level, which can be applied to this Timescale.
- getMaxIntensity() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getMaxIntensity() - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
- getMaxIntensity() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- getMaxIntensity() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getMaxIntensity() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
Intensity for scaling light parameters for HDR->LDR
- getMaxIsoForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
- getMaxIsoForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getMaxIsometricForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Queries the maximum number of iterations allowed in each IK solve step.
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Queries the maximum number of iterations allowed in each solve step.
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- getMaxIterations() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- getMaxIterations() - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
- getMaxLambda() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getMaxLambda(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getMaxLambda() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getMaxLambda(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getMaxLambda() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getMaxLambda(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getMaxLambdaField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getMaxLambdaField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getMaxLambdaField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getMaxLambdaMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getMaxLambdaMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getMaxLambdaMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getMaxLatitude() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the upper latitude range limit for this joint.
- getMaxLeafElements() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns the maximum number of elements that may be contained
in a leaf node.
- getMaxLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getMaxLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getMaxLengthMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getMaxLengthMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getMaxLongitude() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the upper longitude range limit for this joint.
- getMaxPennationAngle() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- getMaxPennationAngle() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getMaxPhi() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the upper phi range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxPitch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the upper pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxPitch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries the upper pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxPitch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries the upper pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxPosErr() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.CompareStateFiles
- getMaxPosErrTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.CompareStateFiles
- getMaxPreferredSize(Collection<? extends JComponent>) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Returns the maximum dimension for a set of components.
- getMaxQDiagIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
Returns the index of the maximum diagonal element of Q
- getMaxRayCasts() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
- getMaxRefinementSteps() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the maximum number of iterative refinement steps that Pardiso
should perform after a solve.
- getMaxRenderbufferSamples() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getMaxResolution() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Returns the default maximum cell resolution that should be used when
automatically constructing a grid.
- getMaxRoll() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the upper roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxRoll() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries the upper roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxRoll() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries the upper roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxRotation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- getMaxRows() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- getMaxShearStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the maximum shear atrain for this node.
- getMaxShearStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the maximum shear stress for this node.
- getMaxStep() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getMaxStepSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getMaxStepSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getMaxStepSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Model
Returns the maximum step by which this object should be advanced within a
simulation loop.
- getMaxStepSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Returns the maximum step size by which this model should be advanced
within a simulation loop.
- getMaxStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getMaxStress(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getMaxStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getMaxStress(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getMaxStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getMaxStress(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getMaxStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- getMaxStress(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- getMaxStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- getMaxStress(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- getMaxStressField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getMaxStressField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getMaxStressField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getMaxStressField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- getMaxStressField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- getMaxStressMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getMaxStressMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getMaxStressMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getMaxStressMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- getMaxStressMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- getMaxTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the upper theta range limit for this joint.
- getMaxTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Queries the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxTilt() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- getMaxValues() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns a vector giving the maximum values across all knots in this list.
- getMaxVelErr() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.CompareStateFiles
- getMaxVelErrTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.CompareStateFiles
- getMaxWrapDisplacement() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries the maximum wrap displacement for this spring.
- getMaxWrapIterations() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries the maximum number of wrap iterations for this spring.
- getMaxX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the upper x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the upper x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries the upper x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries the upper x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the upper x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the upper x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries the upper x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxYaw() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the upper yaw range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxYaw() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries the upper yaw range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries the upper z range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMaxZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Queries the upper z range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMD() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
Mean diffusivity
- getMean() - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction1x1
- getMean() - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction3x1
- getMech() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the mechanical system being controlled.
- getMechModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Returns the MechModel associated with this IKSolver.
- getMechModel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- getMenuBar() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
For debugging only
- getMenuBarHandler() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
get the menu bar handler
- getMenuItems(List<Object>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasMenuItems
Returns objects to be displayed under a "Model" menu in the main
ArtiSynth frame.
- getMenuItems(List<Object>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Returns objects to be displayed under a "Model" menu in the main
ArtiSynth frame.
- getMenuItems(List<Object>) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
- getMenuItems(List<Object>) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- getMenuItems(List<Object>) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- getMenuItems(List<Object>) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getMenuTree() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getMesh() - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMesh
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.BodyInfo
Returns the PolygonalMesh, if any, associated with this body.
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FemModelInfo
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleMeshConstraint
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Returns the mesh of the first vertex associated with this contact point,
or null
if there are no vertices.
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- getMesh(File) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshInfo
- getMesh(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns the first or second mesh associated with this contact
information, as indicated by meshNum
, which should be either
0 or 1.
- getMesh() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns the mesh associated with this region.
- getMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConstrainedTranslator3d
- getMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaMesh
- getMesh(File) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshInfo
- getMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshRendererBase
- getMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMeshRenderer
- getMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshRenderer
- getMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMeshRenderer
- getMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- getMesh0Visible() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- getMesh1Visible() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- getMeshComp(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getMeshComp(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getMeshComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
- getMeshComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Returns the mesh component containing the mesh.
- getMeshComp(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getMeshComp(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getMeshComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getMeshComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- getMeshComps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getMeshComps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getMeshFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Mesh
- getMeshFileName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- getMeshMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- getMeshToWorld() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- getMeshToWorld() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- getMeshToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the spatial transform this mesh.
- getMeshToWorld() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns a pointer to the current mesh to world transform.
- getMeshTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- getMessage() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- getMessageLevel() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the message level for the Pardiso native code.
- getMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- getMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent
- getMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
- getMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Returns the contact method to be used by this behavior.
- getMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Returns the contact method to be used for collisions.
- getMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns current movie making method.
- getMethod(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the method corresponding to a specific name, or
if there is no such method.
- getMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathWrap
- getMethodInfo(MovieMaker.Method) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns information for a specific method
- getMethodMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getMethodMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getMetrics() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.Glyph
Metrics of the glyph within the glyph vector
- getMiddleNodeOffsets() - Method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetID
- getMinAbsEig() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Returns the minimum absolute value of all the eigenvalues.
- getMinCellPixels() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getMinCellPixels() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Returns the desired minimum number of pixels per cell or divided cell.
- getMinControl() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getMinCoordinate(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Queries the minimum range value for the idx
-th coordinate.
- getMinCoordinateDeg(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Queries the minimum range value for the idx
-th coordinate.
- getMinFilter() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getMinFilterMode() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getMinForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
- getMinGLVersionSupported() - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- getMinimum() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Gets the minimum value associated with this control.
- getMinimum() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Gets the minimum value associated with this control.
- getMinimum() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Gets the minimum value associated with this control.
- getMinimum() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Gets the minimum value associated with this control.
- getMinimumAcivation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getMinimumActivation() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- getMinimumActivation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the minimum size for the underlying AWT component
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.SizableLabel
- getMinimumSurfaceScale(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getMinimumTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
- getMinIntensity() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getMinIntensity() - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
- getMinIntensity() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- getMinIntensity() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getMinLatitude() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the lower latitude range limit for this joint.
- getMinLongitude() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the lower longitude range limit for this joint.
- getMinMaxValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getMinMaxValues(double[]) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
- getMinMaxValues(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
- getMinNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- getMinNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- getMinNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- getMinorColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getMinorColor() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getMinorTickSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- getMinorTickSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- getMinorTickSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- getMinorTickSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- getMinorVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.GLVersionInfo
- getMinorVersion() - Method in enum maspack.render.GL.GLViewer.GLVersion
- getMinorVersion() - Method in enum maspack.render.GraphicsInterface
- getMinPhi() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the lower phi range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinPitch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the lower pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinPitch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries the lower pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinPitch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries the lower pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinRadius() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getMinRoll() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the lower roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinRoll() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries the lower roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinRoll() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries the lower roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getMinStepSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getMinTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the lower theta range limit for this joint.
- getMinTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Queries the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinThicknessRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Queries the minimum thickness ratio for this material.
- getMinValues() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns a vector giving the minimum values across all knots in this list.
- getMinX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the lower x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the lower x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries the lower x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries the lower x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the lower x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the lower x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries the lower x range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinYaw() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the lower yaw range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinYaw() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries the lower yaw range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries the lower z range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMinZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Queries the lower z range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- getMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- getMode() - Method in interface maspack.properties.InheritableProperty
Returns the current mode for this property.
- getMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.InheritablePropertyHandle
- getMode(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- getMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- getMode() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- getMode() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- getModeButton(Component) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- getModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getModel() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgent
- getModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgentBase
- getModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- getModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimDocument
- getModelComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- getModelComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- getModelDirectory() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getModelFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getModelFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- getModelInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory.ModelScriptHistoryInfo
- getModelInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.StartupModel
- getModelInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptActionEvent
- getModelMatrix(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getModelMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getModelMatrix(Matrix4d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getModelMatrix() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Gets the current model matrix.
- getModelMatrix(AffineTransform3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Gets the current model matrix.
- getModelMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getModelMatrix(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getModelName() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Returns the current model name.
- getModelSaveFormat() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getModelScriptHistory() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getModelState() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
- getModelTitle() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getModifiersEx() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dEvent
- getModifiersEx() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolEvent
- getModifiersEx() - Method in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
Returns the extended keyboard modifiers that were in play at the
time the selection was invoked.
- getMoment() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getMoment() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getMomentError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getMonitor() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitorAgent
- getMonitors() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getMostRecent(ModelScriptInfo.InfoType...) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory
Returns information for the most recently loaded model or script matching
the specified types, or null
if there is none
- getMotionData() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- getMotionSources() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a list of all motion source components.
- getMotionTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a list of all the motion target components.
- getMotionTargetTerm() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the standard motion term for this controller, responsible for
motion tracking.
- getMotionTargetTermWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the weight of the motion term.
- getMotionTargetWeight(MotionTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the weight for a specific motion target.
- getMotionTargetWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a vector of the individual weights for each motion target
- getMotionType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getMotionType() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- getMotionType() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getMouseBindings() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getMouseBindings() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getMouseHandler() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getMouseInputListeners() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the mouse input listeners currently added to this viewer.
- getMouseInputListeners() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the mouse input listeners currently added to this viewer.
- getMouseListeners() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getMouseWheelListeners() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getMouseWheelZoomScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getMouseWheelZoomScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getMouseWheelZoomScale() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
get the mouse wheel zoom amount default: 100
- getMouseWheelZoomScale() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLMouseListener
- getMovieFolder() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the working folder in which movies are made.
- getMovieFolderPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- getMovieFolderPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the path name of the working folder
- getMovieMaker() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getMovieMaker() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- getMPInt() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getMPIntBits() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getMu() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- getMu(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- getMu() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
- getMU1() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMU1(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMu1() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu1(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu1() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu1(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMU1Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMu1Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu1Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMU1Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMu1Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu1Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMU2() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMU2(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMu2() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu2(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu2() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu2(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMU2Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMu2Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu2Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMU2Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMu2Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu2Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMU3() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMU3(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMu3() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu3(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu3() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu3(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMU3Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMu3Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu3Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMU3Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- getMu3Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- getMu3Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu4() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu4(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu4Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu4Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu5() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu5(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu5Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu5Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu6() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu6(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu6Field() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMu6Mode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- getMuField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- getMultiDecimalValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
Determines the decimal array value of the header element (if represents valid decimal array)
- getMultiDecimalValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Determines the decimal array value of a given header element (if represents valid decimal array)
- getMultiIntValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
Determines the integer array value of the element (if represents valid integer array)
- getMultiIntValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Determines the integer array value of a given header element (if represents valid integer array)
- getMultipleAutoNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Returns true
if multiple vertex normals are allowed when
normals are computed automatically.
- getMultipleSelectionMask() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getMultipleSelectionMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Gets the modifier mask that enables multiple selection.
- getMultipleSelectionMask() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLMouseListener
- getMultiplier() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getMultiStringValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getMultiStringValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Determines the string values of a given header element
- getMuMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- getMuscleBundles() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getMuscleBundles() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getMuscleClassName() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getMuscleColor(int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- getMuscleDirection(IntegrationPoint3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- getMuscleDirection(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- getMuscleExciterColor(int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- getMuscleExciters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getMuscleExciters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getMuscleExciters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getMuscleLen0() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getMuscleLen1() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getMuscleLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getMuscleMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getMuscleMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getMuscleMaterial() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getMusclePanel() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- getMusclesAndSprings(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- getMyFMTratioLit() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- getMySarcomereLenLit() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- getN(int, double, SplineBasis) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
Compute shape function of particular node.
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
Compute shape function of particular node.
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getN(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getN(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
Return the diagonal elements of the matrix N
is used to flip rows or columns of Q
(or some
product thereof) in the event that Q
is not right-handed.
- getNagataInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleMeshConstraint
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentsCommand
- getName() - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.Command
Gets the name associated with this command.
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.DetachParticlesCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MoveFibresCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RemoveAddCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RemoveComponentsCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.SetDefaultCollisionsCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TransformComponentsCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ExtClassPathEditor.AddEntryCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ExtClassPathEditor.RemoveEntriesCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ExtClassPathEditor.ShiftEntriesCommand
- getName(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getName() - Method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager.ProbeID
- getName() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListView
Gets the name of this component list.
- getName() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Gets the name of this component.
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Gets the name of this component.
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor.AddNodesCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor.RemoveNodesCommand
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor.ShiftNodesCommand
- getName() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelmenu.PreferencesEditor.Agent
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptDialogBase.ScriptDesc
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- getName() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObject
- getName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Gets the name referenced by a given alias, or null if the alias has no
- getName() - Method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Hemisphere
- getName() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.IdentityFile
Returns the name of this identity.
- getName() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
- getName() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode
- getName() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- getName(int) - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
Determines the human-readable name of a tag
- getName() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTransferSyntax
- getName() - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- getName() - Method in class maspack.properties.GenericPropertyHandle
- getName() - Method in interface maspack.properties.Property
Returns the name associated with this Property.
- getName() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns the name of the property associated with this descriptor.
- getName() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns the name of the property.
- getName() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- getName() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getName() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeInfo
- getName() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- getNameRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- getNames() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Returns a list of all the names in this table.
- getNameStackDepth(GL2) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- getNativeSurface() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getNaturalCoordinates(Vector3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getNaturalCoordinates(Vector3d, Point3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Given point p, get its natural coordinates with respect to this element.
- getNaturalCoordinates(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
Computes "natural" coordinates (i.e.
- getNaturalCoordinates(Point3d, Point3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getNaturalCoordinates(Vector3d, Point3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
Given point p, get its natural coordinates with respect to this element.
- getNaturalCoordinates(Vector3d, Point3d, int, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
Given point p, get its natural coordinates with respect to this element.
- getNaturalCoordinatesGSS(Vector3d, Point3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Given point p, get its natural coordinates with respect to this element.
- getNaturalRestCoordinates(Vector3d, Point3d, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getNavBarIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getNavigationPanelLines() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- getNavigationPanelLines() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- getNavPanel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
get navigation panel instance
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponent
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
Returns the DisplayMode for this component.
- getNavpanelVisibility() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
- getNavpanelVisibility(int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- getNavpanelVisibility() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- getNearEdge(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- getNearest(RotationMatrix3d) - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
- getNearestFaceToPoint(Point3d, Vector2d, PolygonalMesh, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
Returns the nearest triangular mesh face to a point.
- getNearestFaceToPoint(Point3d, Vector2d, PolygonalMesh, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery
Returns the nearest triangular mesh face to a point.
- getNearestLocalFeature(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Determines nearest feature to an arbitray point in local coordinates.
- getNearestPoint() - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
Returns the nearest point on the nearest fearure, or null
if no feature has been determined yet.
- getNearestPoint(Point3d, Face, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshCollider
- getNearestPoint(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dFeature
Returns the nearest point on the nearest fearure, or null
if no feature has been determined yet.
- getNearestWorldFeature(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Determines nearest feature to an arbitray point in world coordinates.
- getNeighbour(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.util.FastMarcherUtility
- getNeighbour(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.Point3dGridUtility
- getNestedURI() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
If this is a zip-type URI, returns the nested URI
- getNetExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetExcitation() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetExcitation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
Returns the net excitation for this Excitable.
- getNetSize() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- getNewElementsNearFibres(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Returns a list of MuscleElementDesc identifying all elements that are (a)
within a specified distance of the fibres, and (b) not already referenced
by this bundle.
- getNewLengthError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- getNewMuscleProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeModel
- getNext() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- getNext() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- getNext() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
- getNext() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
Returns next handler in a row of a CollisionHandlerTable.
- getNext() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SubSegment
Returns the next subsegment, or null if there is none.
- getNext(IntersectionPoint) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Returns the next intersection point after p
on this
- getNext() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns the next sibling volume, if any, associated with the bounding
- getNext() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- getNext() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex2d
- getNext() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dNode
- getNext() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericListKnot
- getNext() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- getNextAdvanceTime(List<Probe>, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getNextCompleted() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- getNextCompleted() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- getNextKnot(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Find the knot immediately following x.
- getNextKnot(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Find the knot immediately following s.
- getNextKnot(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Find the knot immediately following x.
- getNextKnot(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Find the knot immediately following s.
- getNodalAveragingMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the nodal averaging matrix for this element, used for
extrapolating values from the integration points to the element nodes for
purposes of computing average nodal values.
- getNodalAveragingMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getNodalAveragingMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getNodalAveragingMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getNodalAveragingMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getNodalAveragingMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getNodalAveragingMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the nodal extrapolation matrix for this element.
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getNodalExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getNodalPlotRange(FemModel.SurfaceRender) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getNodalPlotRangeX(FemModel.SurfaceRender) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getNodalVertexIndices(Vector3i, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
- getNodalVolumeExtrapolationMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- getNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getNode(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getNode(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- getNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFem3dAttachment
- getNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFrameAttachment
- getNode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d.MFreeRestNode3d
- getNode() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetNode
- getNode(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- getNode(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestHierarchy
- getNodeBVTree() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
Gets a BV tree that surrounds nodes (both false and true positions)
Note: does not surround influence regions, since these may be quite deformed
if not at rest, only bounds the nodes themselves
- getNodeByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getNodeByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Locates a node within this FEM by number instead of index.
- getNodeComponent(Object) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
- getNodeCoordIdx(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- getNodeCoordinates() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- getNodeCoordinates() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getNodeCoordinates() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreePoint3d
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getNodeCoords(Vector3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getNodeCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getNodeForVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
Returns the node to which a specified vertex is directly attached,
or null
if no such node exists.
- getNodeForVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
Returns the node to which a specified vertex is directly attached,
or null
if no such node exists.
- getNodeMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getNodeMassWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getNodeNeighbor(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getNodeNeighborBySolveIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getNodeNeighbors() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getNodeNeighbors(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getNodeNeighbors() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getNodeNumbers() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodalFieldPoint
- getNodeNumbers() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getNodeNumbers() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.FemFieldPoint
Returns the node numbers of the element containing the point.
- getNodeOffset() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemReader
- getNodeOffset() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
Returns the set of nodes that are employed by this mesh.
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemDispConnection
- getNodes() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeShapeFunction
Current nodes used for evaluation
- getNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- getNodes() - Method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetID
- getNodeTets() - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc
- getNodeToken() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemReader
- getNodeToken() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- getNodeWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodalFieldPoint
- getNodeWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getNodeWeights() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.FemFieldPoint
Returns the nodal weights of the point within the element, with each
weight corresponding to the node whose number is returned by
- getNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- getNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Returns the normal associated with this contact.
- getNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- getNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- getNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- getNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceComponent
- getNormal(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- getNormal() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint
- getNormal() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getNormal(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the normal corresponding to index idx
- getNormal() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Returns the normal for this plane.
- getNormal() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeMap
- getNormal(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Retrieves the normal at the supplied index.
- getNormal(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the normal at the supplied index.
- getNormal(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the normal at the supplied index in a given set.
- getNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarCoupling
- getNormal() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarCoupling
Returns the normal associated with this coupling.
- getNormalComputeRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
Queries the radius around the marker used to collect vertices for
estimating its surface normal.
- getNormalComputeRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
Queries the radius around the marker used to collect vertices for
estimating its surface normal.
- getNormalComputeRadiusMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getNormalComputeRadiusMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- getNormalIndex() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.VertexIndexSet
- getNormalIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the normal indices associated with this mesh, or
if this mesh does not have normals.
- getNormalizeCostTerms() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getNormalizedDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- getNormalizedDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- getNormalizedDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- getNormalizeH() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getNormalLen() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.PointMeshTest
- getNormalLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getNormalList() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getNormalMap() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- getNormalMap() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- getNormalMap() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getNormalMap() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the most recently set normal mapping properties, or
if no normal mapping has been set or normal mapping
is not supported.
- getNormalMap() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getNormalMap() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getNormalRenderLen() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
- getNormals() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
Returns a list of all the normals on this curve.
- getNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the vertex normals associated with this mesh, or
if this mesh does not have normals.
- getNormals() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Retrieves the full list of normals.
- getNormals() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the full list of normals.
- getNormals(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the full list of normals in a given set.
- getNormalSetIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the index of the currently active normal set.
- getNormalSetIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectState
- getNormalsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the latest triangles version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getNormalsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectVersion
- getNormalsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the latest committed triangles version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getNormalsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- getNormalVelocityLimit() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
- getNormFiberLen() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- getNTFrictionActivity() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Queries whether the activity of NT
is fixed during friciton
- getNullSpace(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
- getNullSpace() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
- getNullValueEnabled() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Returns true if null values are enabled for this control.
- getNullValueOK() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns true if the property value may be null.
- getNullValueOK() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns true if the property value may be null.
- getNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Returns the number of this integration point.
- getNumber() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Gets the number of this component.
- getNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Gets the number of this component.
- getNumber() - Method in class maspack.collision.WindingCalculator
- getNumber() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns the number of this bounding volume.
- getNumber() - Method in class maspack.geometry.WindingCalculator
- getNumberBasis() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- getNumberFormat() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- getNumberFormat() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getNumberFormatString() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getNumbering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Queries how nodes and elements are numbered based on the input.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- getNumberLimit() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponent
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
Returns the current upper limit for numbers among all subcomponents in
this composite.
- getNumberNonZeroBasisPerKnotSpan() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- getNumberOfChildren() - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Returns the number of immediate children of this Node<T>
- getNumberOfParents() - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Returns the number of immediate parents of this Node<T>
- getNumberOfWayPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getNumberZeroKnotSpanInRange(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- getNumberZeroKnotSpanInRange(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- getNumBilateralForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getNumChannels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.BytePixelBuffer
- getNumChannels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getNumChannels() - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
Number of "color" channels in the buffer
- getNumChannels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
Number of channels in the slice
- getNumChannels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.RGBPixelBuffer
- getNumChannels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.ShortPixelBuffer
- getNumChannels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.UBytePixelBuffer
- getNumChannels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.UShortPixelBuffer
- getNumChannels() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIField
Channels correspond to the 6 diffusion tensor entries d00, d11, d22, d01, d02, d12
- getNumChannels() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getNumChannels() - Method in interface maspack.image.VolumeImage
Number of channels per the voxel (e.g.
- getNumClipPlanes() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries the number of clip planes currently held by this viewer.
- getNumClipPlanes() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the number of clip planes currently held by this viewer.
- getNumCols() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getNumCols() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getNumCols() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice.SliceInfo
- getNumCols() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIField
- getNumCols() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getNumCols() - Method in interface maspack.image.VolumeImage
Number of columns in the image, corresponds to image x-axis
- getNumConverged() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenEstimator
- getNumDisplayLines() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Maximum number of lines to display
- getNumDivisions() - Method in class maspack.render.GridResolution
- getNumElements() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns the number of boundable elements directly contained by this
bounding volume.
- getNumEntitiesPerValue() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
Returns the number of entities that make up a value.
- getNumericalGeometricStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessTest
- getNumericalMaterialStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessTest
- getNumericalStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessTest
- getNumericExtensionChars() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns a String specifying all characters which are enabled as numeric
- getNumericList() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getNumericOffsets() - Method in class maspack.util.DataBuffer
- getNumericRange(Property) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- getNumericSizes() - Method in class maspack.util.DataBuffer
- getNumericStateComponents(List<HasNumericState>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasNumericStateComponents
Returns the HasNumericState components contained by this component.
- getNumExpDigits() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Returns the number of exponent digits to be used with exponential
- getNumextremaaxes() - Static method in class maspack.collision.MeshCollider
See setter.
- getNumFaces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getNumFrames() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- getNumFrictionDirections() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- getNumInstances() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- getNumInverted() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getNumIterations() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
Returns the number of iterations associated with the last call to
- getNumIterations() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- getNumIterations() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- getNumIterations() - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
Returns the number of iterations associated with the last call to
- getNumKnots() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SegmentSpec
- getNumKnots() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the number of knots in this list.
- getNumMarkers() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- getNumNegEigenvalues() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the number of negative eigenvalues that were detected during the
most recent numeric factorization of a symmetric indefinite matrix (i.e.,
during the last factor()
- getNumNeighbours(int) - Method in interface maspack.util.FastMarcherUtility
- getNumNeighbours(int) - Method in class maspack.util.Point3dGridUtility
- getNumNonZerosInFactors() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- getNumNonZerosInFactors() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the number of non-zeros elements in the factorization.
- getNumParams() - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- getNumParams() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- getNumParams() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- getNumPerturbedPivots() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the number of pivot perturbations that were required
during the last recent numeric factorization (i.e., during
the last factor()
- getNumPixels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.BytePixelBuffer
- getNumPixels() - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
- getNumPixels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.RGBPixelBuffer
- getNumPixels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.ShortPixelBuffer
- getNumPixels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.UBytePixelBuffer
- getNumPixels() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.UShortPixelBuffer
- getNumPoints() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Get the number of points in this path.
- getNumPoints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleTessellator
Number of points in the resulting tessellation
- getNumPosEigenvalues() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the number of positive eigenvalues that were detected during the
most recent numeric factorization of a symmetric indefinite matrix (i.e.,
during the last factor()
- getNumRefinementSteps() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the number of iterative refinement steps that Pardiso
actually performed during the most call to
- getNumRows() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getNumRows() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getNumRows() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice.SliceInfo
- getNumRows() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIField
- getNumRows() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getNumRows() - Method in interface maspack.image.VolumeImage
Number of rows in the image, corresponds to image y-axis
- getNumSamples() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- getNumSegments() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Get the number of segments in this path.
- getNumSegments() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getNumSelected() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- getNumSlices() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getNumSlices() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIField
- getNumSlices() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getNumSlices() - Method in interface maspack.image.VolumeImage
Number of slices in the image, corresponds to image z-axis
- getNumSolverThreads() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getNumSolverThreads() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getNumThreads() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the number of threads that Pardiso should use.
- getNumTimes() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getNumTimes() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getNumTraceables() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getNumTriangles() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleTessellator
The number of triangles in the resulting tessellation
- getNumUnilateralForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getNumValuesPerVoxel() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getNumValuesPerVoxel() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getNumVoxels() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
Number of voxels per time instance
- getObject() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceEntry
Underlying object
- getObjectSize(Object) - Static method in class maspack.util.ObjectSizeAgent
- getObjToWorld() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
Returns the 3D transform from the coordinate frame of this
NURBS object to the world.
- getObjToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
Gets the 3D transform from the coordinate frame of this
NURBS object to the world.
- getOffset() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- getOffset() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- getOffset() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getOffSet() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getOffset() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Returns the offset vector assiciated with this affine transform.
- getOffset() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Returns the offset vector assiciated with this affine transform.
- getOffset() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Returns the offset for this plane.
- getOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray
- getOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray.IBOInfo
- getOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- getOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- getOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- getOffsetRotationalInertia() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Gets the rotational interia, offset by the center of mass, for this
spatial inertia.
- getOffsets() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState.DataFrame
- getOffsets() - Method in class maspack.util.DataBuffer
- getOffsetTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalOffsetFrame
- getOldName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NameChangeEvent
- getOldPropName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- getOneBasedNodeElementNumbering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Queries whether the numbering for the nodes, elements and shell elements
in this FEM is one-based.
- getOneBasedNumbering() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Queries if one-based numbering is enabled for this component list.
- getOneBasedNumbering() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- getOpacity() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- getOpacity() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase
- getOpaque(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
Returns the i
-th opaque renderable in this list.
- getOpaque() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
- getOpaque2d(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
Returns the i
-th 2d opaque renderable in this list.
- getOpaque2d() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
- getOppositeFace() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Returns the face opposite to this half-edge, if any
- getOptFibreLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getOptFibreLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getOptFibreLengthMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getOptimalFiberLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getOptimalForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getOptionPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- getOptionPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- getOptionPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- getOptions() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getOptLambda() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getOptLambda(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getOptLambda() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getOptLambda(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getOptLambdaField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getOptLambdaField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getOptLambdaMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getOptLambdaMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getOptLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getOptLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getOptLengthMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getOptLengthMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getOptPennationAngle() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getOrCreate(PolygonalMesh, double, double, double, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.VertexMap
- getOrCreate(PolygonalMesh, Point3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.VertexMap
- getOrCreateDefaultFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu
- getOrder() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- getOrder() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Returns the interpolation order for this list.
- getOrderedEntries() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
- getOrderedTraceIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getOrderedTraceIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- getOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
Queries the orientation of this body's coordinate frame relative to world.
- getOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalOffsetFrame
- getOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Gets the orientation of the display
- getOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
Gets the orientation of the display
- getOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
- getOrientation(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the orientation of this grid with respect to its local
- getOrientation() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurve2d
For closed curves, return 1 if it is oriented counter-clockwise and -1 if
- getOrientation() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.PrincipalDiffusionColorComputer
- getOrientation() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getOrientationBody1() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getOrientationBody2() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getOrientationInParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getOrientedPrincipalEigenvector(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
Computes an oriented principal vector, where the orientation
is nearest to the provided.
- getOrigin() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- getOrigin(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
- getOrigin(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
- getOrigin() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- getOriginBasePosition() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getOriginInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getOriginMotion() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- getOriginPosition() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getOrLoadTexture(GL, TextureContent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
- getOrthographicView() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getOther(Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidablePair
- getOtherCollidable(CollidableBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getOtherMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- getOuterRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidTorus
- getOuterRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapTorus
- getOutput() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- getOutput() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- getOutputProbeData(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Gets the data associated with a numeric output probe and returns it as a
2-dimensional array of doubles.
- getOutputProbeList() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- getOutputProbes() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getOutputSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeDriver
- getOutputStream(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- getOutputString(int) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- getP() - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- getP(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- getPackageName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelDialogBase
- getPackageName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- getPackageName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- getPackageNameRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- getPackageRelativeFile(Object, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Returns a file retrieved from the data storage server, specified relative to
a given package.
- getPackageRelativeFile(Package, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Returns a file retrieved from the data storage server, specified relative to
a given package.
- getPaintTicks() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- getPaintTicks() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- getPaintTicks() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- getPaintTicks() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- getPaletteColor(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- getPaletteColors() - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- getPanel() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbeDisplayLarge
- getPanel() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelmenu.PreferencesEditor.Agent
- getPanel() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent.GLDrawableJPanel
- getPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- getParam() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- getParameterizedClassTag(Scannable, Class<?>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
- getParameters() - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- getParameters() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- getParameters() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- getParameterType() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
Returns the base type for the class parameterization.
- getParameterType() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
Returns the base type for the class parameterization.
- getParameterType() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- getParameterType() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
For subclasses with parameterized typing, returns the type parameter.
- getParameterType() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridBase
For subclasses with parameterized typing, returns the type parameter.
- getParameterType() - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
For subclasses with parameterized typing, returns the type parameter.
- getParameterType() - Method in interface maspack.util.ParameterizedClass
Returns the base type for the class parameterization.
- getParametricForces(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Gets the forces associated with parametric components.
- getParametricForces(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Gets the forces associated with parametric components.
- getParametricPosState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Gets the current position state for all parametric components.
- getParametricPosState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Gets the current position state for all parametric components.
- getParametricPosStateSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns the size of the position state for all parametric components.
- getParametricPosStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Returns the size of the position state for all parametric components.
- getParametricPosTarget(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Obtains the desired target position for all parametric components at a
particular time.
- getParametricPosTarget(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Obtains the desired target position for all parametric components at a
particular time.
- getParametricVelState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Gets the current velocity state for all parametric components.
- getParametricVelState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Gets the current velocity state for all parametric components.
- getParametricVelStateSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns the size of the velocity state for all parametric components.
- getParametricVelStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Returns the size of the velocity state for all parametric components.
- getParametricVelTarget(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Obtains the desired target velocity for all parametric components at a
particular time.
- getParametricVelTarget(VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Obtains the desired target velocity for all parametric components at a
particular time.
- getParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager.PrefNode
- getParent() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Returns the current parent of this ModelComponent, if any.
- getParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Returns the current parent of this ModelComponent, if any.
- getParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObject
Returns parent component for use in navigating the model hierarchy
- getParent() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableGeometry
Get the parent of this wrap object.
- getParent() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Gets the parent volume, if any, for this bounding volume.
- getParent() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode
- getParent(int) - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
- getParent() - Method in interface maspack.properties.HierarchyNode
- getParent() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- getParent() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getParentBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getParentFile(File) - Static method in class maspack.util.FileSearchPath
- getParentName(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
Returns the "parent" part of a full package or class name that preceeds
the last '.'.
- getParents() - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
- getParentTrack() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getParity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getParsedValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getParseNumbers() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if number parsing is enabled for this tokenizer.
- getParticle(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getParticle() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- getParticleDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getPassiveForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getPassiveForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
Queries the passive force length curve for this material.
- getPassiveForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- getPassiveForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.RigidTendonMuscle
- getPassiveForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- getPassiveForceNorm() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getPassiveForceNorm() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getPassiveFraction() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getPassiveFractionMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getPassiveStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- getPassword() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the encoded password
- getPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ListBase
- getPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
Root path "/"
- getPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObject
Determine absolute paths of objects within the model hierarchy,
using URI rules for path resolution.
- getPath() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the encoded path
- getPathFromFile(File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Returns the path for a file.
- getPathName(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- getPathName(ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- getPathName(ModelComponent, ModelComponent, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns a path name from a reference component to a target component.
- getPathName(String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Returns the full path name for the specified library file on this
- getPathPointSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryPath
- getPathWrapSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryPath
- getPauseIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getPCSAForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ligament
- getPeakAnalysisMemoryUsage() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the peak amount of memory (in kbytes) that was used
during the most recent analyze()
- getPenAngleLit() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- getPenetratingPoints(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns the penetrating points of the mesh indicated by
(which should be 0 or 1).
- getPenetrationDepthRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Added for backwards compatibility.
- getPenetrationLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getPenetrationRegions(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponse
Returns the PenetrationRegions on all bodies associated with either the
first or second collidable (as indicated by cidx
) resulting
from contact with the other collidable.
- getPenetrationTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Queries the penetration tolerance for this connector.
- getPenetrationTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Gets the penetration tolerance associated with this behavior.
- getPenetrationTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Returns the default distance by which collidable bodies are allowed to
interpenetrate each other in order to preserve contact stability.
- getPenetrationTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getPenetrationTolMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getPenetrationTolMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getPenetrationTolMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getPennationAngle() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getPennationAngle() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getPennationAngle() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getPennationAngleMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getPeriod() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- getPhi() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries this joint's phi angle.
- getPhiRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the phi angle range limits for this joint.
- getPitch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries this joint's pitch value, in degrees.
- getPitch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries this joint's pitch value, in degrees.
- getPitch() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries this joint's pitch value, in degrees.
- getPitchRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the pitch range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getPitchRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries the pitch range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getPitchRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries the pitch range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getPivotCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Returns the number of pivots that were used in the most recent solution
- getPivotCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Returns the number of pivots that were used in the most recent solution
- getPivotCount() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Returns the number of pivots that were used in the most recent solution
- getPivotCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- getPivotCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Returns the number of pivots that were used in the most recent solution
- getPivotCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Returns the number of pivots that were used in the most recent solution
- getPivotLimit() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- getPivotPerturbation() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the size of the perturbation that should be used to resolve
zero-pivots, expressed as a negative power-of-ten exponent.
- getPixDim() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getPixelBuffer() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getPixelGenerator() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getPixelGenerator() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getPixelGenerator() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getPixelInterpolator() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- getPixelInterpolator() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, int, int, DicomPixelInterpolator, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Fills a buffer with pixel values from the image
- getPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, int, int, DicomPixelInterpolator, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Fills a buffer with pixel values from the image
- getPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, int, int, DicomPixelInterpolator, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Fills a buffer with pixel values from the image
- getPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, int, int, DicomPixelInterpolator, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Fills a buffer with pixel values from the image
- getPixels(int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, DicomPixelInterpolator, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
Populates a buffer of pixel values from those stored in this buffer,
using a supplied interpolator.
- getPixels(int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, DicomPixelInterpolator, int[], int) - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
Populates a buffer of pixel values from those stored in this buffer,
using a supplied interpolator.
- getPixels(int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, DicomPixelInterpolator, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- getPixels(int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, DicomPixelInterpolator, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- getPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, int, DicomPixelInterpolator, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
Populates a buffer of pixels from the slice,
interpolated using an interpolator
- getPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, int, DicomPixelInterpolator, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
Populates a buffer of pixels from the slice,
interpolated using an interpolator
- getPixels(int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, DicomPixelInterpolator, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.RGBPixelBuffer
- getPixels(int, int, int, DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType, DicomPixelInterpolator, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.RGBPixelBuffer
- getPixels(NiftiDataBuffer, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, NiftiPixelGenerator, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
Fills a buffer with pixel values from the image
- getPixels(NiftiDataBuffer, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiPixelGenerator
Fills a byte buffer with pixels
- getPixels(GL, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
- getPixelsARGB(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
Uses the current GL object to get the RGBA pixels as bytes
and converts them to ARGB pixels as integers.
- getPixelSize() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getPixelSize() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getPixelSize() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getPixelSize() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getPixelSize() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Size of a pixel in bytes
- getPixelSize() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
Size of pixels in bytes
- getPixelSize() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- getPixelSize() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- getPixelSize() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- getPixelType() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Determines the type of pixels stored in the image
- getPixelType() - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
- getPixelType() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- getPixelType() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getPixelType() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.RGBPixelBuffer
- getPixelValue(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
Gets raw pixel value from the slice
- getPlanarActivation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- getPlanarActivation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- getPlanarArea() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getPlanarComponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getPlane() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- getPlane() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getPlane(Plane) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Gets the plane along which the display lies
- getPlane() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Gets the plane along which the display lies
- getPlane(Plane) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getPlane() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getPlaneNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
Gets the current plane normal, in world coordinates.
- getPlanes() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
Returns a list of the planes in frame D.
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the size used to render this joint's tangent plane as a square.
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
Queries the size used to render this connector's plane as a square.
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the size used to render this joint's plane as a square.
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries the size used to render this joint's plane as a square.
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getPlaneSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- getPlaneToWorld() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarComponent
Returns the transform from plane coordinates to world coordinates.
- getPlaneToWorld() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getPlaneValues(double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getPlaneValues(float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getPlasticDeformation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getPlatformGLExtensions() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getPlayIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getPlotTraceInfo(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getPluecker(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- getPntB() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.Segment
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the idx
-th point associated with this element.
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the idx
-th point in this spring.
- getPoint(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleComponent
- getPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
- getPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Gets the idx
-th mesh-interacting point in this PointMeshForce.
- getPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d.MFreeRestNode3d
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getPoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Get a point on the path.
- getPoint() - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
Returns the reference point for which the nearest feature is determined.
- getPoint(int) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.Boundable
Returns the idx
-th point associated with this element.
- getPoint(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getPoint(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- getPoint(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.LineSegment
- getPoint(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- getPoint(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Gets a point on the line
- getPoint(int) - Method in class maspack.render.PointTool
- getPoint(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the point stored with supplied index
- getPoint(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the point at the supplied index in a given group.
- getPoint(double) - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- getPoint(double, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- getPoint(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- getPoint(double, double, double, double[]) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- getPoint(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- getPoint(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- getPoint(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- getPoint(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- getPoint0DotNormal() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getPointColor() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPointColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the RGB values for the face color as a float array.
- getPointColorF() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the internal float array used to store the point color RGB
- getPointColorMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPointCoords() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
- getPointCoords() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleTessellator
The 2D coordinates of points in the tesselation, interleaved.
- getPointDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getPointDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getPointDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- getPointDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getPointDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getPointDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- getPointGroupIdx() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the index of the currently active point group.
- getPointGroupIdx() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectState
- getPointGroupIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the index of the currently active point group.
- getPointGroupIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectState
- getPointNormalLen() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- getPointPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- getPointRadius() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPointRadiusMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getPoints(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- getPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns a Collection
view of the waypoints in this probe.
- getPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
Returns a list of all the points on this curve.
- getPoints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HashedPointSet
- getPoints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getPoints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- getPoints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
- getPoints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleTessellator
The final 2D points in the tessellation
- getPoints(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectManager
- getPoints(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectManager
- getPoints(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getPoints() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the full list of Points.
- getPoints() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns a list of vertex indices of all point primitives defined
in the current group.
- getPoints(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns a list of vertex indices of all point primitives defined
in a given point group.
- getPoints() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns a list of vertex indices of all point primitives defined.
- getPoints(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the list of points (vertex indices) for a given group
- getPointsAsDoubleArray() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HashedPointSet
- getPointSize() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- getPointSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getPointSize() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the current size for rendering points, in pixels.
- getPointSize() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPointSize() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getPointSizeMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPointStride() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the stride used within the point buffer.
- getPointStyle() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPointStyleMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPointsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns the latest points version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getPointsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesVersion
- getPointsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the latest points version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getPointsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectVersion
- getPointsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the latest committed points version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getPointsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- getPointTol() - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns the nearest point tolerance used to compute contact planes.
- getPointTracing() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PointTracingProbe
- getPoissonsRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
Queries Poisson's ratio for this material.
- getPoissonsRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- getPoissonsRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- getPoissonsRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- getPoissonsRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Returns the anisotropic Poisson's ratio (nu_xy, nu_xz=nu_yz)
- getPoissonsRatio() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- getPoissonsRatioMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- getPoissonsRatioMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- getPoissonsRatioMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- getPole() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- getPollSleep() - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
Time in milliseconds between polls when checking for an update
in the transfer status.
- getPollSleep() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Get the delay between runs.
- getPolygonalMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolygonalMesh(MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolygonalMesh(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolygonalMesh(String, MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolygonalMesh(Node<MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode>, MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolygonalMesh(Node<MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode>, MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo, String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolygonalMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.VtkXmlReader
- getPolyhedralGroupNames() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getPolylineGroupNames() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getPolylineMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolylineMesh(MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolylineMesh(String, String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolylineMesh(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolylineMesh(String, MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolylineMesh(String, MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo, String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolylineMesh(Node<MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode>, MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo, String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getPolylineMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.VtkXmlReader
- getPolynomialBasis(int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- getPolynomialDegree() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
- getPort() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the port
- getPos(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- getPos(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- getPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- getPos() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- getPosDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getPosDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getPosDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getPosDerivative(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- getPosDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getPosDerivative(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the pose of this connector, which is defined by its
D coordinate frame.
- getPose() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
Queries the pose of this body's coordinate frame relative to world.
- getPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- getPose() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getPose() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- getPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- getPose() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Wrappable
- getPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasCoordinateFrame
- getPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
Queries the position of this body's coordinate frame relative to world.
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- getPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Returns the current position of this point, in world coordinates.
- getPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getPosition() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreePoint3d
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Returns the position of this contact point, in world coordinates.
- getPosition() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.MeshFieldPoint
Returns the current spatial position.
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Gets the 3D position of the centre of the display
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
Gets the 3D position of the centre of the display
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Gets current 2D normalized coordinates, [0 1]x[0 1]
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
Returns position by reference
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
Returns position by reference
- getPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- getPosition(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableCylinder
Get position of the point described by the given parameters, in world
- getPosition(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableSphere
Get position of the point described by the given parameters, in world
- getPosition(double[]) - Method in interface artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricEntity
Get position of the point described by the given parameters, in world
- getPosition() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint
- getPosition() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex2d
- getPosition() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- getPosition() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
- getPosition() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeMap
- getPosition() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getPosition() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getPosition(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Retrieves the position at the supplied index.
- getPosition(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the position at the supplied index.
- getPosition(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the position at the supplied index in a given set.
- getPosition0() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Returns the position of the first point of this contact, in world
- getPosition1() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Returns the position of the second point of this contact, in world
- getPosition2d() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getPosition2d(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getPositionError() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getPositionIndex() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.VertexIndexSet
- getPositions() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Retrieves the full list of positions.
- getPositions() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the full list of positions.
- getPositions(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the full list of positions in a given set.
- getPositionSetIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the index of the currently active position set.
- getPositionSetIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectState
- getPositionsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the latest positions version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getPositionsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectVersion
- getPositionsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the latest committed positions version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getPositionsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- getPositionTol() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns the position tolerance that was used to create this region.
- getPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getPosState(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- getPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getPosStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getPosStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getPosStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getPosStateSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- getPosStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getPosStateSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTargetComponent
- getPosStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getPower(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getPower() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getPreceedingKnot(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Find the knot immediately preceeding s.
- getPreceedingKnot(double, IntHolder) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Find the knot immediately preceeding s.
- getPreceedingKnot(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Find the knot immediately preceeding x.
- getPreceedingKnot(double, IntHolder) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Find the knot immediately preceeding x.
- getPreceedingKnot(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Find the knot immediately preceeding s.
- getPreceedingKnot(double, IntHolder) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Find the knot immediately preceeding s.
- getPrecision() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- getPrecision() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Returns the precision associated with this format.
- getPreferences() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsBase
Returns the preferences (if any) associated with these settings.
- getPreferencesManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getPreferredLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.HasAlignableLabels
- getPreferredLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- getPreferredLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getPreferredLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledPanel
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the preferred size for the underlying AWT component
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.SizableLabel
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.Slider
- getPreferredWidth() - Method in class maspack.widgets.SizableLabel
- getPrefix(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
Given a list of strings, finds the greatest common prefix
- getPrefix() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Gets the prefix associated with this format.
- getPrefix(ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Given a list of strings, finds the greatest common prefix
- getPrefs() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager.PrefNode
- getPrescribed() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- getPrescribedFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- getPressure() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.PressureShell
- getPressureWeightMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
Returns the pressure weight matrix for this element.
- getPressureWeightMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getPressureWeightMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getPressureWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- getPrev(IntersectionPoint) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Returns the previous intersection point after p
on this
- getPrev() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex2d
- getPrev() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dNode
- getPrev() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericListKnot
- getPreviousKnot(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Find the knot immediately preceeding x.
- getPrevWrappable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
Returns the wrappable this knot was previously in contact with, or
- getPrimary() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- getPrimitive(GL2, GL2Primitive.PrimitiveType) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
Return a primitive object
- getPrimitives(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectManager
- getPrimitives(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectManager
- getPrimitives(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getPrincipalAxes(PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getPrintFormat() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns a format string used to convert numeric components of the
property's value into text.
- getPrintFormat() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns a format string used to convert numeric components of the
property's value into text.
- getPrintProfiling() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries whether printing profile timing information is enabled for this
- getPrintState() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getPrintString(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.AliasTable
Add quotes to a string if it contains white space.
- getProbe() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getProbeDirectory() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getProbeDuration() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getProbeIndex(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- getProbeInfos() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- getProbeName() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TracingProbePanel
- getProbesFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
get the file with probes
- getProbeShadow() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getProbeTrack(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getProbeTrack() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getProbeTrackHeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getProbeUpdateInterval() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getProfileCount() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
When profiling is enabled, returns the total number of times a wrap
path has been updated.
- getProfileSolve() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- getProfileTime() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getProfileTimeUsec() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
When profiling is enabled, returns the averge compute time required
to update each wrap path.
- getProfiling() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getProfiling() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries whether the collection of profiling information is enabled for
this spring.
- getProfiling() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getProgram(GL3, GLProgramInfo) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- getProgram(GL3, Object, String[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- getProgram(GL3, Object) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- getProgram(GL3, Object, File[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- getProgramParameter(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3Sample
Gets a program parameter value
- getProgress() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent
Fractional progress, -1 if cannot be determined
- getProgressBar() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProgressFrame
- getProjection(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- getProjectionMatrix(Matrix4d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getProjectionMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getProjectionParameter(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- getProjectionParameter(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.LineSegment
- getProjector() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- getProjectToMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getPrompt() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel
- getProp(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- GetPropDim(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
finds the number of dimensions of numeric property.
- getPropDim(Property) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsBase
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TextExportProps
- getProperty() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.PropertyToken
- getProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- getProperty(String) - Method in interface maspack.properties.HasProperties
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getProperty(String, HasProperties) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Recursively locates a property within this list and creates a handle for
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.render.BumpMapProps
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.render.NormalMapProps
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getProperty() - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
Returns the property handle for thecomposite property.
- getProperty() - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyWidget
- getProperty(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
Returns a property associated with a specified path name.
- getProperty() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropChangeListener
- getProperty() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropCheckListener
- getProperty() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
- getProperty(LabeledComponentBase) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- GetPropertyAction - Class in maspack.util
Taken from gnu.java.security.action.
- GetPropertyAction() - Constructor for class maspack.util.GetPropertyAction
- GetPropertyAction(String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.GetPropertyAction
- GetPropertyAction(String, String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.GetPropertyAction
- getPropertyComponent(Property) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns the ModelComponent, if any, associated with a given property.
- getPropertyComponent(HasProperties) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns the ModelComponent, if any, associated with a given property
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- getPropertyHost() - Method in interface maspack.properties.CompositeProperty
Returns the host for this property
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPropertyHost() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
Returns the host for this property
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in interface maspack.properties.CompositeProperty
If this object is a property, returns the corresponding information
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getPropertyInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
If this object is a property, returns the corresponding information
- getPropertyName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.PropertyChangeEvent
- getPropertyPanel() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getPropertyPanel() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.PanelFileChooser
Returns the property panel, or null
if the panel has not been
created or has been removed.
- getPropertyPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- getPropertyPanel() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- getPropertyPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- getPropertyPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- getPropertyPathName(Property, ModelComponent, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- getPropertyPathName(Property) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- getPropertySelector() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getPropertyWidget(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- getPropertyWidget(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- getPropertyWindows() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
For diagnostic purposes.
- getPropertyWindows() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
For diagnostic purposes.
- getPropNameFieldText() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- getPropPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- getPublications() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- getPublicKeyBlob() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.IdentityFile
Returns the public-key blob.
- getPublicKeyBlob() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- getPublicKeyBlob() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairDSA
- getPublicKeyBlob() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairRSA
- getPublicKeyComment() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- getPullController() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getQ() - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- getQ(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- getQ() - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Returns the Q matrix associated with this QR decomposition.
- getQ(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition3d
- getQFormCode() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getQOffset() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DampingTerm
Adds the contribution of this term to the quadratic cost
components Q and p.
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.L2RegularizationTerm
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.L2RegularizationTermForDeltas
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ProportionalTerm
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.QPCostTerm
Adds the contribution of this term to the quadratic cost
components Q and p.
- getQP(MatrixNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getQuadCellInfo(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getQuadDistance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getQuadDistanceAndGradient(Vector3d, Matrix3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Calculates the distance and gradient at an arbitrary point in local
coordinates using quadratic interpolation.
- getQuadFaces() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getQuadrant() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- getQuadraticAttenuation() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getQuadraticNodes(HexElement) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getQuadraticNodes(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getQuadraticNodes(PyramidElement) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getQuadraticNodes(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getQuadraticNodes(TetElement) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getQuadraticNodes(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getQuadraticNodes(WedgeElement) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getQuadraticNodes(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getQuadTet(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMesh
- getQuadTet(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Used for debugging
- getQuaternion() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getQuery() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Gets the encoded query string
- getQuotedString(String, char) - Static method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Creates a quoted string with the specified quote character that can
later be parsed by this tokenizer.
- getQuotedString(String) - Static method in class maspack.util.Write
Converts a String to a double-quoted format.
- getQuotient() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getR() - Method in interface artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPoint
- getR() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getR() - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- getR(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- getR() - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Returns the R matrix associated with this QR decomposition.
- getR(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition3d
- getR() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
- getRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Returns an estimate of the radius of components of this MechModel.
- getRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidCylinder
- getRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidSphere
- getRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- getRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapCylinder
- getRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapSphere
- getRadius(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- getRadius() - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- getRadius() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns an approximate "radius" for this bounding volume.
- getRadius() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns an approximate "radius" for this bounding volume hierarchy.
- getRadius() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the radius of this grid, defined as half the distance across its
maximal diagonal.
- getRadius() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Computes an approximate radius for this mesh, determined as
half the diagonal of the corners of its bounding box.
- getRadius() - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- getRadius() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Sphere
- getRadius(IsRenderable) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderableUtils
Returns a "radius" for a Renderable.
- getRadiusAndCenter(Point3d, IsRenderable) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderableUtils
Returns a "radius" and a center for a Renderable.
- getRand() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getRandomPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NaturalCoordsComputeTest
- getRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConditionalPathPoint
- getRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- getRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathWrap
- getRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getRange(double[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Gets the range of the curve parameter u.
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.EigenvalueColorComputer
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer
- getRange(int, int) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.properties.GenericPropertyHandle
- getRange() - Method in interface maspack.properties.Property
Returns a range that indicates what values are legal for
for this property, or
if the
property does not have any range limits (i.e., if
any value of appropriate type specified to
is valid.
- getRange(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns the upper bound minus the lower bound of this NumericRange
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
- getRange() - Method in interface maspack.widgets.NumericFieldSlider
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
- getRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
- getRangeSpace(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
- getRangeSpace() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
- getRangeType() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
- getRangeU(double[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Gets the range of the u parameter.
- getRangeV(double[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Gets the range of the v parameter.
- getRangeValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleIntervalField
- getRangeValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
- getRasterizedStiffnessTensor() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- getRawFragment() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the raw fragment
- getRawHost() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the raw host
- getRawPassword() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the raw decoded password
- getRawPath() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the raw path
- getRawQuery() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Gets the raw query string
- getRawUserName() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the decoded username
- getRay() - Method in class maspack.render.MouseRayEvent
- getRayCastTangent() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMesh
- getRD() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
Radial diffusivity
- getReader() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns the Reader which supplies the input for this tokenizer.
- getReal() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Gets the real (rotation) quaternion associated with this
- getReal(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Gets the real (rotation) quaternion associated with this
- getReal() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
- getRealIndex(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getRealTimeAdvance() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Queries whether real-time model advancement is enabled.
- getRealTimeAdvance() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- getRealTimeScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- getRealTimeScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- getRealTimeScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Returns the scale factor used to control the visualized simulation
speed in the viewer.
- getRealTimeScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- getRebuildARatio() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Queries the rebuild A ratio.
- getRecent(int, ModelScriptInfo.InfoType...) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory
Returns information for the max
most recently loaded
models or scripts matching the specified types.
- getRecursiveCSG() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- getRed(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getRedIndex(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
- getRedInput() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getReduceConstraints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Queries whether constraint reduction is enabled for this behavior.
- getReduceConstraints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Queries whether constraint reduction is enabled.
- getReduceConstraintsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getReduceConstraintsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getReducibleSize() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- getReductionTransform() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
- getRedValueIndex() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getReference() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceComp
- getReference() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceComponent
- getReference(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
- getReferenceCount() - Method in interface maspack.util.ReferenceCounted
Number of active references
- getReferenceCount() - Method in class maspack.util.ReferenceCountedBase
- getReferences(Collection<C>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
- getReferenceStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- getReferenceStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- getReferenceStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- getRefPoint() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Get reference point.
- getRefPos() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- getRegions(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns the contact penetration regions associated with the mesh
indicated by meshNum
(which should be 0 or 1).
- getRegionsType(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Returns which type of penetration regions (inside, outside, or none) have
been computed for the mesh indicated by meshNum
should be 0 or 1).
- getRelativeOrAbsolutePath(File, File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
If file
is located beneath the directory dir
, return its
relative path with respect to dir
- getRelativeResidual() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
Returns the relative residual ||A x - b||/||b|| at the end of the last
call to
- getRelativeResidual() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- getRelativeResidual() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- getRelativeResidual() - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
Returns the relative residual ||A x - b||/||b|| at the end of the last
call to
- getRelativeResource(Object, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns a URL resource specified by a path relative to a given reference
- getRemeshRes() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getRemote(File, URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Retrieves a remote file if it exists, null otherwise.
- getRemote(String, String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Retrieves a remote file if it exists, null otherwise.
- getRemote(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getRemote(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getRemoteHash(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Fetches a hash file from a remote location.
- getRemoteHash(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Fetches a hash file from a remote location.
- getRemoteRoot() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Gets the root directory of the remove filesystem
- getRemoteSource() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- getRemoteSource() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getRemoved() - Method in class maspack.util.ListRemove
- getRemovedComponents() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionEvent
- getRemoveZeroAreaFaces() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
Queries whether zero area faces should be removed when constructing CSG
- getRenderable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- getRenderAsPush() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- getRenderColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getRenderColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getRenderColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getRenderCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getRenderCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Returns the cached copy of this point's position coordinates
that should be used for rendering.
- getRenderCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- getRenderCoords() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderablePoint
- getRenderCSGMesh() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- getRenderDistanceGrid() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasDistanceGrid
Queries whether this component's signed distance grid should be rendered.
- getRenderer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.GLVersionInfo
- getRenderer() - Method in class maspack.render.RendererEvent
- getRenderFlags() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getRenderFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getRenderFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Returns the cached copy of this frame's pose that should be
used for rendering.
- getRenderGrid() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
Queries whether or not grid rendering is enabled.
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldComp
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RenderableConstrainerBase
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableCompositeBase
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableModelBase
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
- getRenderHints() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.apps.IntersectorTestViewer
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshCollisionViewer
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.apps.NagataDistanceTest
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns a bit code giving rendering hints about this renderable.
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns a bit code giving rendering hints about this renderable.
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns a bit code giving rendering hints about this renderable.
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns a bit code giving rendering hints about this renderable.
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Returns a bit code giving rendering hints about this renderable.
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
Returns a bit code giving rendering hints about this renderable.
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GLHSVShaderTest
- getRenderHints() - Method in interface maspack.render.IsRenderable
Returns a bit code giving rendering hints about this renderable.
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.render.IsRenderableBase
Returns a bit code giving rendering hints about this renderable.
- getRenderHints() - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewerTesterBase.SimpleSelectableBase
- getRenderInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getRenderInfo() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getRenderingCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getRenderingCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getRenderingCollidableMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getRenderingCollidableMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getRenderInterval() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- getRenderList() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getRenderListeners() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getRenderListeners() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns an array of all render listeners held by this viewer.
- getRenderMeshComp(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- getRenderMeshComp(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getRenderNormal() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getRenderNormal(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- getRenderObject() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshRendererBase
- getRenderObjectIdentifier() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectBase
- getRenderOutward() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getRenderPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getRenderPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getRenderProbe() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldComp
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RenderableConstrainerBase
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
- getRenderProps() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentListView
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableCompositeBase
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableModelBase
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- getRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- getRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.apps.NagataDistanceTest
- getRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the render properities for this object.
- getRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the render properities for this object.
- getRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
Returns the render properities for this object.
- getRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getRenderProps() - Method in interface maspack.render.HasRenderProps
Returns the render properities for this object.
- getRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderableBase
Returns the render properities for this object.
- getRenderProps() - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewerTesterBase.SimpleSelectableBase
- getRenderRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- getRenderRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getRenderRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- getRenderRanges() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
Returns a string describing the x, y, z vertex ranges used when rendering
this grid.
- getRenderRanges() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
- getRenderRangesRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- getRenderScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
Queries the renderScale
property for this vector mesh field.
- getRenderScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Queries the renderScale
property for this vector grid field.
- getRenderScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
Queries the renderScale
property for this vector mesh field.
- getRenderSkip() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
- getRenderSurface() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Queries whether or not iso-surface rendering is enabled for this grid.
- getRenderSurface() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Queries whether or not iso-surface rendering is enabled for this grid.
- getRenderVector(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getRenderVector(Vector3d, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
For grid subclasses wishing to render 3D vector information, this method
should be overridden to optionally returns a vector quantity associated
with the vertex at indices xi
, yj
, and zk
- getRenderVector(Vector3d, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
- getRenderVectorScale() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getRenderVectorScale() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
- getRenderVectorScale() - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
- getRenderVertices() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
Queries whether or not vertex rendering is enabled.
- getReorderMethod() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Gets the reorder method that is used during the analyze phase to
reduced factorization fill-in.
- getReportNegContactForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Queries whether negative contact forces should be used in force
pressure maps and collision reporting.
- getReportNegContactForces() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Queries whether negative contact forces should be used in force
pressure maps and collision reporting.
- getReportNegContactForcesMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getReportNegContactForcesMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getRepresentation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfaceProperties
- getRequestedGLCapabilities() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getRequestedStopTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- getRequestedSurfaceScale(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getRescaledValue(int) - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
Returns the raw rescaled value within the buffer at location x
- getRescaledValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- getRescaleIntercept() - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
- getRescaleIntercept() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- getRescaleSlope() - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
- getRescaleSlope() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- getResetIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getResetNumbering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- getResidual() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- getResidual() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- getResolution() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
Gets the grid resolution of the display, in units of distance.
- getResolution() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Returns the cell resolutions (in the x, y, and z directions) that should
be used when automatically constructing a grid.
- getResolution() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Gets the resolution of the display, integers (nx,ny) corresponding
to the number of divisions along the x and y axes
- getResolution() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
Gets the resolution of the display, integers (nx,ny) corresponding
to the number of divisions along the x and y axes
- getResolution() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- getResolution() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getResolution() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the resolution of this grid along each axis.
- getResolution() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Returns the resolution used for rendering this curve.
- getResolution() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive
- getResolution() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive.PrimitiveKey
- getResolution() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Retuns the resolution for this grid.
- getResolutionU() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Returns the resolution used for rendering this surface along the u
- getResolutionUsec() - Method in class maspack.util.FunctionTimer
Returns the resolution of this timer, in microseconds.
- getResolutionV() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Returns the resolution used for rendering this surface along the v
- getResource(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns a URL resource specified by an absolute path with respect to the
ArtiSynth package hierarchy.
- getResourceName() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns the name of the resource (e.g., File or URL) associated
with this ReaderTokenizer.
- getResponse(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getResponse(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getRestDir() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- getRestDir(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- getRestDirector() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getRestDirector(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getRestDirField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- getRestingLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ligament
- getRestLength() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleComponent
- getRestLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getRestLength() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
- getRestNodeBVTree() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
BV Tree that bounds the nodes at rest, and their spherical influence regions.
- getRestPos() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemDeformedPoint
- getRestPos() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodalFieldPoint
- getRestPos() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getRestPos() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.FemFieldPoint
Returns the point's rest position.
- getRestPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getRestPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- getRestPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- getRestPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getRestPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- getRestPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- getRestPosition() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreePoint3d
- getRestVolume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getRestVolume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getRestVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
Returns the partial rest volumes.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSelector
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.EnumSelector
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSelector
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledToggleButton
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.StringField
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.StringSelector
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getResultHolder() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Returns the current result holder for this control.
- getReturnValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- getReturnValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- getReturnValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- getReturnValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- getReverse() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getRewindIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getRGB(double, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.color.ColorMap
Fills an array with the interpolated color values
in RGB format
- getRGB(double, float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.color.ColorMap
Fills an array with the interpolated color values
in RGB format
- getRGB(double, byte[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.color.ColorMap
Fills an array with the interpolated color values
in RGB format
- getRGB(double, byte[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- getRGB(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- getRGB(double, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- getRGB(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
- getRGB(double, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
- getRGB(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- getRGB(double, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- getRGB(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.RainbowColorMap
- getRGB(double, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.RainbowColorMap
- getRGBA(DTIVoxel, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIColorComputer
- getRGBA(DTIVoxel, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.EigenvalueColorComputer
- getRGBA(DTIVoxel, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.PrincipalDiffusionColorComputer
- getRGBA(DTIVoxel, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- getRGBA(DTIVoxel, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer
- getRigidBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- getRigidPart(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
- getRigidPointTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Gets the rigid point tolerance associated with this behavior.
- getRigidPointTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Gets the default rigid point tolerance associated with all collision
- getRigidPointTolMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getRigidPointTolMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getRigidRegionTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Gets the rigid region tolerance associated with this behavior.
- getRigidRegionTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Gets the default rigid region tolerance associated with all collision
- getRigidRegionTolMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getRigidRegionTolMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getRigidTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
- getRigidTransform3d(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Fills trans with the rigid transformation implied
by this dual quaternion
- getRoll() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries this joint's roll value, in degrees.
- getRoll() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries this joint's roll value, in degrees.
- getRoll() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries this joint's roll value, in degrees.
- getRollPitchRad() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Returns the roll and pitch angles for this joint, in radians.
- getRollRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the roll range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getRollRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries the roll range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getRollRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries the roll range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getRoot() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- getRoot(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Find the most immediate RootModel, if any, that is an ancestor of a
specified component.
- getRoot() - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABBTree
- getRoot() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns the root bounding volume for this tree
- getRoot() - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBBTree
- getRoot() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestHierarchy
- getRootElement() - Method in class maspack.graph.Tree
Return the root Node of the tree.
- getRootGL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getRootMessage() - Method in exception maspack.fileutil.FileTransferException
- getRootModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getRootModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns the RootModel associated with this probe.
- getRootModel() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- getRootModelManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Get the RootModelManager
- getRootPath() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- getRootRelativeFile(Object, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns a File specified relative to the root directory associated
with a class.
- getRootRelativePath(Object, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns a file path specified relative to the root directory
associated with a class.
- getRoots(double[], double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.util.CubicSolver
- getRoots(double[], double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.util.CubicSolver
- getRoots(double[], double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.util.QuadraticSolver
Find the real roots of the quadratic equation
- getRoots(double[], double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.util.QuadraticSolver
Find the real roots of the quadratic equation
- getRoots(double[], double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.util.QuarticSolver
- getRoots(double[], double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.util.QuarticSolver
- getRootsAlgebraic(double[], double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.util.CubicSolver
- getRootsAlgebraic(double[], double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.util.CubicSolver
- getRootThrowable(Throwable) - Static method in exception maspack.fileutil.FileTransferException
- getRotaryCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the uniform compliance value, if any, for the rotary constraints
of this connector.
- getRotaryDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- getRotaryDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- getRotaryDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- getRotaryDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- getRotaryDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- getRotaryDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getRotaryDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getRotaryDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getRotaryDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getRotaryLimitTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Queries the rotary limit tolerance for this connector.
- getRotaryLimitTol() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Queries the rotary limit tolerance for this MechModel.
- getRotaryLimitTol() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the penetration tolerance for rotary limit constraints.
- getRotaryLimitTolMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getRotaryLimitTolMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getRotaryStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- getRotaryStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- getRotaryStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- getRotaryStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- getRotaryStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- getRotateButtonMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Gets the mouse button mask that enables rotation.
- getRotated(Matrix6d, RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Transforms this inertia into a different frame and returns the rotated
- getRotation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the rotation of this element, computing it if necessary.
- getRotation(PolarDecomposition3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the rotation of this element, computing it if necessary.
- getRotation() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Gets current warping rotation matrix
- getRotation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- getRotation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getRotation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- getRotation() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
Gets the text angle
- getRotation(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
- getRotation(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
- getRotationalDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getRotationalInertia() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
Returns the rotational inertia of this body (in body coordinates).
- getRotationalInertia(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getRotationalInertia() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns the rotational inertia of this body.
- getRotationalInertia(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Gets the rotational inertia (with respect to the center of mass) for this
spatial inertia.
- getRotationalInertia() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Gets the rotational interia (with respect to the center of mass) for this
spatial inertia.
- getRotationalStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getRotationAngle() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- getRotationField() - Method in class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
- getRotationMatrix(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Gets the rotation matrix associated with this quaternion.
- getRotationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getRotationMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getRotationMode() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries the rotation mode that controls how the viewer responds to
interactive rotation requests.
- getRotationMode() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the rotation mode that controls how the viewer responds to
interactive rotation requests.
- getRotationRep() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getRotationRep() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the representation associated with rotation subvectors of this
list, or null if there are no rotation subvectors.
- getRotationSubvecOffsets() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getRotationSubvecOffsets() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns an array giving the offsets of any rotation subvectors associated
with this list.
- getRotDamping() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getRotStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- getRotStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getRotWeight() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getRotXyz(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Returns the successive x-y-z rotations that correspond to this
- getRotZyx(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Returns the successive z-y-x rotations that correspond to this
- getRoundedPoints() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getRoundingTolerance() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- getRoundingTolerance() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- getRow() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getRow() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getRow() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, Vector) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Copies a row of this matrix into a
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into a 2-vector.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Copies a row of this Matrix6x2 into two specified vectors.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into a 3-vector.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into a 4-vector.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Copies a row of this matrix into a 3-vector.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Copies a row of this matrix into a 3-vector.
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Copies a row of this matrix into a
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles.
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Copies a row of this matrix into an array of doubles, starting at a
specified offset.
- getRow(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Copies a row of this matrix into a
- getRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getRow(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
- getRowIdxs() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- getRowOffs() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- getRowOrdering(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
- getRows() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Gets the number of rows in this layout.
- getRowSpacing() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Width of a row
- getRowSpacing() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getRpy(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Gets the roll-pitch-yaw angles corresponding to this rotation.
- getRpy(double[], double[], int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Gets the roll-pitch-yaw angles corresponding to this rotation.
- getRpyRad() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
- getRpyRad() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
- getRQ(RotationMatrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpringTest
- getS() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Returns the current singular values associated with this
- getS(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Gets the singular values associated with this SVD.
- getS0() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Returns the start value of the parameter controlling this spline.
- getS0() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
- getS0() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Returns the start value of the parameter controlling this spline.
- getS0() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d.Knot
- getSampledValues(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Creates and returns a list of values sampled uniformly along this spline.
- getSamplerIndex(GL2GL3, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLShaderProgram
- getSaturation() - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
Constant saturation used by map
- getSaveCoreOnly() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getSaveTestResults() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getSaveWayPointData() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getSaveWayPointData() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelFileChooser
- getSavitzkyGolayWeights(double) - Method in class maspack.numerics.PolynomialFit
- getScalar() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- getScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MultiplierFunction
- getScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getScale() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getScale() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- getScale() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- getScale() - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Returns the scale factor
- getScale() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- getScale(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the scale stored with supplied index
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction1x1
- getScaleFactor() - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction3x1
- getScaleFactors() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
- getScaleFactors() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Geometry
- getScaleFactors() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- getScaleField() - Method in class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
- getScaleMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- getScales() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the full list of Scales.
- getScalesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns the latest scales version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getScalesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesVersion
- getScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Queries the x-y-z scale factors which are applied to nodal coordinates.
- getScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- getScaling(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- getScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- getScaling(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
- getScaling(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
- getScaling() - Method in class maspack.render.BumpMapProps
- getScaling() - Method in class maspack.render.NormalMapProps
- getScalingField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- getScalingMode() - Method in class maspack.render.BumpMapProps
- getScalingMode() - Method in class maspack.render.NormalMapProps
- getScapulaWingingAxisDirection() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- getScapulaWingingAxisOrigin() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- getScheduler() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Get the Scheduler
- getScheme() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the scheme of this URI
- getSchemeSpecificPart() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the encoded scheme-specific part
- getSchemeStr(String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Extracts the scheme string from a URI
- getSclInter() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getSclSlope() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getScreenBounds(Component) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Gets the current screen bounds of a component.
- getScreenCursor() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries the screen cursor for this viewer.
- getScreenCursor() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the screen cursor for this viewer.
- getScreenHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the screen height, in pixels
- getScreenHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.MouseRayEvent
- getScreenHeight() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the screen height, in pixels
- getScreenHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getScreenLocation(Component, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Gets the current screen location of a specified point within a reference
- getScreenLocX() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getScreenLocY() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getScreenWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the screen width, in pixels
- getScreenWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.MouseRayEvent
- getScreenWidth() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the screen width, in pixels
- getScreenWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getScreenX() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the x component of the origin of the component implementing this
- getScreenX() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the x component of the origin of the component implementing this
- getScreenY() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the y component of the origin of the component implementing this
- getScreenY() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the y component of the origin of the component implementing this
- getScrewParameters(Vector3d, Vector3d, double[], DualQuaternion) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Extracts screw parameters from the dual quaternion q
- getScrewParameters(Vector3d, Vector3d, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Extracts screw parameters from this dual quaternion
- getScript() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptDialogBase
- getScriptFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Returns a file handle for any Jythin script file that is currently
- getScriptFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ArtisynthJythonConsole
- getScriptFolder() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptDialogBase
- getScriptInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- getScripts() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptDialogBase
- getscrollCount() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Returns the number of items in the scrolling portion of the menu.
- getScrollOffset() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Gets the current scroll offset
- getSD() - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction1x1
- getSearchPath() - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
- getSecondPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- getSegment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the curren segment indexed by segIdx
in this spring.
- getSegment(int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Get a segment from the path.
- getSegmentPoints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
Returns a list of points describing the piecewise linear curve in the D
frame x-z plane which defines the plane segments.
- getSegments() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
Creates a list of line segments
- getSegmentSpec(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the segment indexed by segIdx
in this spring.
- getSegmentVertex() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
If this intersection is degenerate and associated with one of the
segment vertices (but not both), return that vertex.
- getSelectCompPanelHandler() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
- getSelectedExt() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProbeExportChooser
- getSelectedExt() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProbeImportChooser
- getSelectedFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.DemoFileDialog
- getSelectedFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderDialog
- getSelectedFileExtension() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
Returns the extension that should be associated with the selected
- getSelectedFileExtension() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.MeshFileChooser
Returns the extension that should be associated with the selected
- getSelectedFileWithExtension() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelFileChooser
Returns the selected file, appending a .art extension if there is no
extension and the .art filter is selected.
- getSelectedFileWithExtension() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- getSelectedFileWithExtension() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.MeshFileChooser
- getSelectedFileWithExtension() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.NodeNumberFileChooser
Returns the selected file, appending a .art extension if there is no
extension and the .art filter is selected.
- getSelectedFileWithExtension(JFileChooser) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ExtensionFileFilter
- getSelectedKnot(int) - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- getSelectedObjects() - Method in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
Returns an array of object lists for each selection query that resulted
in a selection.
- getSelectedProbes() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getSelectedWidgets() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getSelectingColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDescList
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dList
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDescList
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldComp
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpringList
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponentList
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RenderableConstrainerBase
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableCompositeBase
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableModelBase
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceList
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConstrainedTranslator3d
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Append to list
the component (or components) associated with
the qid
-th selection query issued by this component's render
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
Append to list
the component (or components) associated with
the qid
-th selection query issued by this component's render
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.IsSelectable
Append to list
the component (or components) associated with
the qid
-th selection query issued by this component's render
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.render.Jack3d
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderableBase
Append to list
the component (or components) associated with
the qid
-th selection query issued by this component's render
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.render.Rotator3d
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.render.Scaler3d
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.render.Translator3d
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.render.Transrotator3d
- getSelection(LinkedList<Object>, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewerTesterBase.SimpleSelectableBase
- getSelectionButtonMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Gets the mouse button mask that enables selection.
- getSelectionColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getSelectionColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getSelectionEvent() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getSelectionFilter() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getSelectionFilter() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the current selection filter for the viewer, if any.
- getSelectionHighlightStyle() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getSelectionListeners() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getSelectionListeners() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns a list of all the selection listener in this viewer.
- getSelectionListeners() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getSelectionManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getSelectionManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SelectableComponentPanel
- getSelectionMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getSelectionMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemNodeSelectionAgent
- getSelectionProgram(GL3, GLProgramInfo) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- getSelectOnPress() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Returns true if "select on press" is enabled for the viewers.
- getSelectOnPress() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getSelectOnPress() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns true if "select on press" is enabled for the viewers.
- getSemiAxisLengths() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the semi-axis lengths for this ellipsoid.
- getSemiAxisLengths(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidEllipsoid
Returns the lengths of the semi-axes of this ellipsoid.
- getSemiAxisLengths() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidEllipsoid
Returns the lengths of the semi-axes of this ellipsoid.
- getSemiAxisLengths() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
- getSemiAxisLengths() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3d
- getSequence(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
- getSequenceItemValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getSequenceValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getSetButton() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
Returns the JButton used to initiate color selectiion on this control.
- getSettings() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- getSFormCode() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getShaderInfoLog(GL3, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3Sample
Retrieves the info log for the shader
- getShaderProgram(GL2) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GLHSVShader
- getShaderScripts(GLProgramInfo) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GLSLGenerator
- getShading() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- getShading() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getShading() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the current shading model used by this renderer.
- getShading() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getShading() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getShadingMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getShaftLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns a length used for rendering shafts or axes associated with this
- getShaftRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns a radius used for rendering shafts or axes associated this
- getShape(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
- getShape(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getShape(Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- getShapeCoordinate(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- getShapeFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getShapeGradient() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Returns the gradient dN/dx of the shape functions.
- getShapeGradient() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessTest
- getShapeWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- getShared() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Object
- getSharedAttributeLocation(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- getSharedPrimitiveManager() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getSharedPrimitives(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectManager
- getSharedRenderObjectManager() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getSharedTextureLocation(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- getShearField() - Method in class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
- getShearModulus() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- getShearModulus(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- getShearModulus() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Gets the shear modulus between the anisotropic direction and the plane
perpendicular to it.
- getShearModulus(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- getShearModulusField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- getShearModulusField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- getShearModulusMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- getShellElement(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getShellElementByNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getShellElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getShellElementValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Returns the value at the shell element specified by the given number.
- getShellElementValue(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Returns the value at an integration point of a shell element.
- getShellElementValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Returns the value at the shell element specified by the given number.
- getShellElementValue(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Returns the value at an integration point of a shell element.
- getShellElemsVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- getShellElemsVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
- getShellElemsVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElemFieldBase
- getShellSurfaceElement(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getShellThickness() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- getShellThickness() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Queries the default thickness value for shell and membrane
- getShellThickness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- getShellThickness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
- getShellThickness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
- getShellType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Queries the default type to use for shell elements when this can not
be inferred from the input.
- getShine() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getShineMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getShininess() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getShininess() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getShininess() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the current shininess parameter.
- getShininess() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getShininess() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getShininessMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getShort() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getShortArray() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getShortData() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelData
- getShortName() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- getShortName() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- getShortName() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListView
Gets the short name of this component list.
- getShowAxes() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- getShowHeader() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- getShowHeader() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- getShowIllConditionedSolves() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getShowIllConditionedSolves() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getShowPerturbedPivots() - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Queries whether the "num perturbed pivots" message is enabled.
- getShowTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- getShowTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- getSI() - Method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.AngleUnit
- getSI() - Method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.LengthUnit
- getSI() - Method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.TimeUnit
- getSig(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- getSigma() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.GaussianWeighting
- getSigmoidMean() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- getSignature(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.IdentityFile
Signs on data with this identity, and returns the result.
- getSignature(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- getSignature(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairDSA
- getSignature(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairRSA
- getSignature() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getSignature(boolean) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getSignedDistanceGrid() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- getSignedDistanceGrid(double, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- getSilent() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
- getSilent() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- getSilent() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- getSilent() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getSilent() - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- getSimulationException() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getSingleVariable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeDriver
- getSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionNdSampler
Size of the output
- getSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
Returns the number of components in the list.
- getSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- getSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Gets the size of the display grid
- getSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
Returns the size of the plane
- getSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
Gets the size of the display grid
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
- getSize() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Returns a string indicating the size of this matrix.
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Returns a string indicating the size of this matrix.
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
- getSize() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the size of the underlying AWT component
- getSizeOfHeader() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getSizes() - Method in class maspack.util.DataBuffer
- getSizeScale() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- getSkewAngle() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkewedUniversalJoint
- getSkewAngle() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
- getSkinMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Finds the SkinMeshBody, if any, associated with this attachment.
- getSkip() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.XyzbReader
- getSkipGLOrientationVerticalFlip() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getSlackLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- getSlackLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- getSlashSlashComments() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if C++-style slash-slash comments are enabled.
- getSlashStarComments() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if C-style slash-star comments are enabled.
- getSLast() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Returns the last value of the parameter controlling this spline.
- getSLast() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Returns the last value of the parameter controlling this spline.
- getSlave() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- getSlave() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- getSlave() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- getSlave() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- getSlave() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
Returns the slave DynamicMechComponent associated with this attachment.
- getSlave() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
Returns the slave DynamicMechComponent associated with this attachment.
- getSlave() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- getSlave() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
- getSlaveObjectComponents(List<HasSlaveObjects>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Should be overridden in subclasses to return all the HasSlaveObjects
components within this model.
- getSlaveObjectComponents(List<HasSlaveObjects>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Should be overridden in subclasses to return all the HasSlaveObjects
components within this model.
- getSlaveObjectComponents(List<HasSlaveObjects>, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Should be overridden in subclasses to return all the HasSlaveObjects
components within this model.
- getSlaveObjectComponents(List<HasSlaveObjects>, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- getSlaveSolveIndex(DynamicAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentWorker
- getSLength() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Returns the length of the parameter interval controlling this spline.
- getSLength() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Returns the length of the parameter interval controlling this spline.
- getSlice(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Extracts a DICOM slice at a given index
- getSlice(int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Extracts a DICOM slice at a given time point and slice index
- getSlice() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getSlice() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getSlice() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getSliceCode() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getSliceDuration() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getSliceEnd() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getSlices() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.ConeKey
- getSlices() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.CylinderKey
- getSlices() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.SphereKey
- getSlices() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.SpindleKey
- getSliceSpacing() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Spacing between slices, assuming constant fixed spacing
- getSliceStart() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getSlider() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
Returns the JSlider associated with this control.
- getSlider() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
Returns the JSlider associated with this control.
- getSlider() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
Returns the JSlider associated with this control.
- getSlider() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
Returns the JSlider associated with this control.
- getSliderMaximum() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- getSliderMinimum() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- getSliderRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- getSliderRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- getSliderRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- getSliderRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- getSliderRange() - Method in interface maspack.widgets.NumericSlider
- getSliderRangeRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- getSliderRangeRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- getSliderRangeRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- getSliderRangeRange() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- getSlotDepth() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
- getSlotDepth() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Returns the slot render depth.
- getSlotRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
- getSlotWidth() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
- getSmartDirections() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- getSmoothingCount() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getSmoothingCount() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- getSmoothingLambda() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getSmoothingLambda() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- getSmoothingMu() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- getSmoothingMu() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- getSmoothInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMesh
- getSmoothIters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- getSmoothLambda() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- getSmoothMu() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- getSnap() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getSocketBody1() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- getSocketBody2() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- getSocketChildFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getSocketFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Geometry
- getSocketFrame1() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getSocketFrame2() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getSocketParent() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalOffsetFrame
- getSocketParentFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- getSocketParentFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- getSocketParentFrame() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathPoint
- getSoftIncompMethod() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getSoftIncompMethodRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSoftReferences(List<ModelComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
Appends all soft references for this component to a list.
- getSolveBlock() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getSolveCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Returns the number of solves of A that were used in the most recent
solution operation.
- getSolveIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- getSolveIndex() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- getSolveIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- getSolveIndex() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getSolveMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Returns the solve matrix.
- getSolveMatrixType() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns information about the solve matrix for this system.
- getSolveMatrixType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getSolver() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getSolver() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Returns the IKSolver used by this probe.
- getSolver() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolverTest
- getSolver() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolverTest
- getSolver() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LCPSolverTestBase
- getSolver() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolverTest
- getSolverClass() - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Check sparse matrix solver type for use in computing best-fitting node values
- getSor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Gets the successive overrelaxation parameter for this spring.
- getSortedAxes(Vector3d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Returns the axes of the box, sorted in order from largest to smallest.
- getSource() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptActionEvent
- getSource() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dEvent
- getSource() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolEvent
- getSourceComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- getSourceComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- getSourceComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
- getSourceComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- getSourceComp() - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingTarget
Returns the source component associated with this target.
- getSourceFile() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent
- getSourceFile() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitorAgent
- getSourceFrame(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getSourcePoint(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getSourceRelativePath(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Finds and returns the path name of a file whose location is specified
relative to the source directory for this RootModel.
- getSourceRelativePath(Object, String) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Returns a complete file path from a path relative to the source directory
for a specified class.
- getSourceRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Render props for the sources
- getSourceRootPaths() - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Returns a list of the paths used for detecting root source
directories relative to the parent of the root class directory.
- getSources() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getSources() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Returns a list of the ForceTargetComponents being controlled.
- getSources() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Returns list of source points/frames that are part of the model
that will move to the targets
- getSourceSize() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent
- getSourceSize() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitorAgent
- getSourcesVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries whether the motion sources are being rendered.
- getSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Gets the spacing associated with this component.
- getSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentLayout
- getSpacing() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getSpatialInterpolation() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
Checks if spatial interpolation between voxels is enabled
- getSpatialInterpolation() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getSpatialPos() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemDeformedPoint
- getSpatialPos() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodalFieldPoint
- getSpatialPos() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- getSpatialPos() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.FemFieldPoint
Returns the point's current spatial position.
- getSpatialTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CustomJoint
- getSPDZeroPivot() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
If the solver detects a zero or negative pivot for an SPD matrix,
this method returns the row number where the first zero or negative
pivot was detected.
- getSpecular() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getSpecular(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getSpecular() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getSpecular(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getSpecular() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getSpecular(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the RGB values for the specular color as a float array.
- getSpecular() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getSpecular(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the RGB values for the specular color as a float array,
or null
if no specular color is set.
- getSpecular(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getSpecularColoring() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getSpecularColoringMode() - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- getSpecularF() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Returns the internal float array used to store the specular RGB
- getSpecularMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getSpecularPower() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- getSpeed() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getSpeed() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns the video speed.
- getSpeedDeg() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getSphereRadius() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getSphericalCapMidpointCubature(Point3d, double, double, int, int, int, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getSphericalCapMidpointCubature(Point3d, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getSphericalCapMidpointCubature(Point3d, double, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getSphericalLensMidpointCubature(Point3d, double, Point3d, double, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getSphericalLensMidpointCubature(Point3d, double, Point3d, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getSphericalMidpointCubature(Point3d, double, int, int, int, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getSphericalMidpointCubature(Point3d, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getSphericalMidpointCubature(Point3d, double, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getSplineFile() - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- getSplineToolMaxDegree() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- getSplitNode(Node<MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode>, String[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getSpotCutoff() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getSpotCutoff() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getSpotExponent() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getSpotExponent() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getSpring() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getSpringForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- getSpringForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getSpringLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- getSpringPos() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getSpringStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EFCForceTest
- getSquareSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
Gets the size of the square.
- getSrcRelativeFile(Object, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns a File specified relative to the source directory for a specified
- getSrcRelativePath(Object, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns a complete file path from a path relative to the source directory
for a specified class.
- getSRow() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getStabilization() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getStabilization() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getStabilization() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getStabilization() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getStart() - Method in class maspack.graph.Path
- getStart() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- getStartTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TracingProbePanel
- getStartTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getStartTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getStartTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
In development: specifies the simulation start time for a root model.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Get the current state of this component.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVState
Stores the state data in a DataBuffer
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticState
Stores the state data in a DataBuffer
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Saves state information for this component by adding data to the
supplied DataBuffer.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
Saves state information for this component by adding data to the
supplied DataBuffer.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTable
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Saves the information of this ContactContraintData into a data buffer.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Saves state information for this component by adding data to the
supplied DataBuffer.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase.ConstraintForceStateSaver
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Saves state information for this component by adding data to the
supplied DataBuffer.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Saves state information for this component by adding data to the
supplied DataBuffer.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Saves state information for this component by adding data to the
supplied DataBuffer.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- getState(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- getState(DataBuffer, ContactPoint) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Save the information of contact point cpnt
into a data buffer.
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
Get the current state of this component.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasNumericState
Saves state information for this component by adding data to the
supplied DataBuffer.
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasState
Get the current state of this component.
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Get the current state of this component.
- getState(HasNumericState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- getState(NumericState.DataFrame, NumericState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDataFunctionProbe
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getState() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPoint
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Get the current state of this component.
- getState(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Convenience method that creates and returns a
containing the current state of the root model.
- getState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FixedBallContact
Override the root model's getState() method to get both the root state
and the current attachment state.
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
- getState(DataBuffer, PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
- getState(DataBuffer, ArrayList<TriTriIntersection>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.TriTriIntersection
- getState() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns the current stateface for this solver.
- getState() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getState(DataBuffer) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Stores the state for this coupling.
- getStateA() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getStateInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getStateInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getStateInfo() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
- getStateObjects() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- getStates() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- getStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVState
- getStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticState
- getStateVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- getStateVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getStateVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns a version number for this component's state.
- getStateVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Returns a version number for this component's state.
- getStateVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Returns a version number for this component's state.
- getStateVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Returns a version number for this component's state.
- getStateVersion() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasNumericState
Returns a version number for this component's state.
- getStaticIncrements() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getStaticIncrements() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getStaticManager() - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- getStaticOnly() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- getStaticSolveIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getStaticStepIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getStaticTikhonovFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getStaticTikhonovFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getStatus() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
- getStatus() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- getStatus(GL2, long, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GLHSVShader
- getStepForwardIcon() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getStictionCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Gets the stiction compliance associated with this behavior.
- getStictionCompliance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Gets the default stiction compliance.
- getStictionComplianceMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getStictionComplianceMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getStictionCreep() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Gets the stiction creep associated with this behavior.
- getStictionCreep() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Returns the default stiction creep.
- getStictionCreepMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getStictionCreepMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getStictionDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Gets the stiction damping associated with this behavior.
- getStictionDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Gets the default stiction damping.
- getStictionDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getStictionDampingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Queries the stiffness force term for this PointMeshForce.
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
- getStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getStiffness() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getStiffnessDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Gets the Rayleigh damping coefficient associated with the FEM's stiffness
- getStiffnessDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getStiffnessMatrix(MechSystemBase, StabilityTerm.StiffnessType, ArrayList<SolveMatrixModifier>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
Returns the negated stiffness matrix, determined from the MechSystem
according to the stiffness type and the modifiers (if any).
- getStiffnessMatrix(List<SolveMatrixModifier>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Returns the regular active stiffness matrix used by the
ArtiSynth solver.
- getStiffnessMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- getStiffnessMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- getStiffnessMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- getStiffnessModifier(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getStiffnessTensor() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- getStiffnessTensor() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- getStiffnessType() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getStiffnessWarper(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Retrieves the current stiffness warper.
- getStopAll() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- getStopRequest() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getStopTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getStopTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getStorageId() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
ID for identifying valid glyph stores.
- getStorageId() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
An ID number that corresponds to the storage version number in the
backing image.
- getStorageVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Version number for checking if backing image has been updated
- getStoredCoordinates(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the coordinate values currently stored for this joint.
- getStoredTCD(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Returns the value of the TCD transform based on the coordinate values
currently stored for this joint.
- getStoredTCD() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
- getStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the average strain for this node.
- getStrainEnergy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Returns the most recently computed strain energy for this element.
- getStrainEnergy() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Returns the strain energy for this model.
- getStrandLength() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getStrandLengthDot() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getStrandTension() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.CylinderBounceTest
- getStream(Logger.LogLevel) - Method in class maspack.util.StreamLogger
- getStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the average stress for this node.
- getStressPlotRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getStressPlotRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getStressPlotRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getStressPlotRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Gets the stress plot range
- getStressPlotRangeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getStressPlotRangeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getStressPlotRangeMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getStressPlotRanging() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getStressPlotRanging() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getStressPlotRanging() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getStressPlotRanging() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Gets the stress/strain plot range type (auto or fixed)
- getStressPlotRangingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getStressPlotRangingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getStressPlotRangingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getStressStrainMeasure() - Method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel.SurfaceRender
- getStressStrainMeasure(FemModel.StressStrainMeasure) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the specified stress-strain measure.
- getStride() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray
- getStride() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray.IBOInfo
- getStride() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- getStride() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- getString() - Method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader.ElemType
- getString() - Method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter.ElemType
- getString() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getString() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getString() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GLSLGenerator.StringIntPair
- getStringValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ClassField
- getStringValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
Determines the string representation of the header element
- getStringValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Determines the string representation of a given header element
- getStringValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.StringField
- getStructureVersion() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns the current structure version of this system.
- getStructureVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getStyle() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getStyleMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- getSubActions(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinWeightingFunction
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterial
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.ContactForceBehavior
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FrameMaterial
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIColorComputer
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiPixelGenerator
- getSubClasses() - Static method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- getSubData() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- getSubdivisionMesh() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Generates and returns a subdivided version of this mesh interpolated using
cubic patches.
- getSubdivisions() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- getSubMatrix(int, int, DenseMatrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Gets a submatrix of this matrix object.
- getSubMatrix(int, int, DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Gets a submatrix of this matrix object.
- getSubMatrix(int, int, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Gets a submatrix of this matrix.
- getSubMatrix(int[], int[], MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Gets a submatrix of this matrix.
- getSubMatrix(int, int, int, int, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Gets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
- getSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Gets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
- getSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Gets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
- getSubMatrix03(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Gets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 3).
- getSubMatrix03(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Gets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 3).
- getSubMatrix30(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Gets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 0).
- getSubMatrix30(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Gets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 0).
- getSubMatrix33(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Gets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 3).
- getSubMatrixColSize(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getSubMatrixColumn(int, double[], int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getSubMatrixRow(int, double[], int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getSubMatrixRowSize(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- getSubmeshesSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getSubtraction(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- getSubtraction(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.CSG
- getSubtraction(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- getSubTypes() - Method in enum maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager.SystemType
Returns the system types which are immediate subtypes of a given type
- getSubVector(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Gets a subset of the values of this vector, beginning at a specified
offset, and places them in v1
- getSubVector(int[], Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Gets a subset of the values of this vector, whose indices are
specified by idxs
, and places them in v1
- getSubVector(int, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Gets a subset of the values of this vector, beginning at a specified
offset, and places them in v1
- getSubWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- getSubWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- getSubWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
- getSubWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- getSubWeights() - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingTarget
Queries the subweights of this target.
- getSuffix() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Gets the suffix associated with this format.
- getSuggestions(String, ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Finds the set of words in dict that begin with 'word'
- getSumSquaredValues(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the sum of the square of each vector element over all the knots.
- getSupportsNONE() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.Manager
Returns whether the NONE value of Enums is supported.
- getSuppressWarnings() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- getSuppressWarnings() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter
- getSuppressWarnings() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Queries whether or not warning messages are suppressed.
- getSurface() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getSurface() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- getSurfaceDistance() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Returns the distance value used for creating this grid's iso-surface.
- getSurfaceDistance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Returns the distance value used for creating this grid's iso-surface.
- getSurfaceElement(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getSurfaceHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the real pixel height of the underlying GLAutoDrawable.
- getSurfaceHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getSurfaceList() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getSurfaceMesh() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasSurfaceMesh
Returns the surface mesh associated with this component, or
if no mesh exists.
- getSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns the surface mesh for this rigid body.
- getSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- getSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
- getSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- getSurfaceMeshComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getSurfaceMeshComp() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns the mesh component, if any, associated with the surface
mesh for this body.
- getSurfaceMeshes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getSurfaceMeshes() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasSurfaceMesh
Returns an array listing all the (non-null) surface meshes associated
with this component, or a zero-length array if there are none.
- getSurfaceMeshes(MeshComponentList<?>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- getSurfaceMeshes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getSurfaceMeshes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- getSurfaceMeshes() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
- getSurfaceMeshes() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getSurfaceMeshes() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getSurfaceMeshes() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- getSurfaceNode(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Returns the FEM node (if any) associated with a specified
surface mesh vertex.
- getSurfaceProperties() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- getSurfaceRendering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getSurfaceRendering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getSurfaceRendering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getSurfaceRendering() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Gets the surface rendering mode
- getSurfaceRenderingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- getSurfaceRenderingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getSurfaceRenderingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getSurfaceResolution() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getSurfaceResolution() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- getSurfaceResolution() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getSurfaceResolution() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the resolution used for creating mesh representations
of curved solids.
- getSurfaceResolution() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getSurfaceType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Queries the type of interpolation used when creating the iso-surface
for this grid.
- getSurfaceVertex(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Returns the surface mesh vertex (if any) associated with a specified
- getSurfaceWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the real pixel width of the underlying GLAutoDrawable.
- getSurfaceWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getSValues() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Returns an array giving the values of s at each knot.
- getSVD(Matrix3dBase, Vector3d, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Quickly computes the singular value decomposition U S V' of this symmetric
- getSwapInterval() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- getSWrapping() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getSWrappingMode() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getSynchronizeObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getSynchronizeObject() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropChangeListener
- getSynchronizeObject() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- getSynchronizeObject() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- getSynchronizeObject() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- getSynchronizeObject() - Method in interface maspack.widgets.PropertyWindow
Gets the object (if any) with which property widget value changes are
- getSystemLogger() - Static method in class maspack.util.Logger
- getSystemType(String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
- getSystemType() - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Returns the current system type.
- getT() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
Normalized time to use
- getT() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Normalized time to use
- getT() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Normalized time to use
- getTabSize() - Method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
- getTag() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getTagId(String) - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
Determines the tag identifier for a DICOM tag with a specified name
- getTail() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- getTangent(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
Returns the curve tangent for the
-th point on this curve,
should be in the range 0 to
-1; The
tangent is computed by numerically differencing adjacent points.
- getTangent(double, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- getTangent(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- getTangent(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- getTangent(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- getTangentDirection(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- getTarget() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getTarget(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- getTarget() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
- getTargetActivity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getTargetActivity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getTargetActivity() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTargetComponent
- getTargetActivity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getTargetAxisAngle(FrameState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- getTargetDisplacement() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- getTargetForce(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getTargetForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- getTargetFrames() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getTargetLambda() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- getTargetOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getTargetPointRadius() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- getTargetPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getTargetPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns a list of all points which are being used as motion targets.
- getTargetPointsRadius() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getTargetPos(double[], double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getTargetPos(double[], double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getTargetPos(FrameState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- getTargetPos(Vector3d, Quaternion, double, double, FrameState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- getTargetPos(double[], double, double, FrameState, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- getTargetPos(double[], double, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTargetComponent
- getTargetPos(double[], double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getTargetPos(PointState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetPos(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetPos(Vector3d, double, double, PointState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetPos(Vector3d, double, double, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetPos(double[], double, double, PointState, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetPos(double[], double, double, Point3d, Vector3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetPose() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getTargetPose(FrameState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- getTargetPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getTargetPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getTargetRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Render props for targets
- getTargetRot(FrameState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- getTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Returns a list of the ForceEffectorTargets for all the
ForceTargetComponents being controlled.
- getTargets() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Returns list of target points/frames
- getTargetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- getTargetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- getTargetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
- getTargetSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- getTargetSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingTarget
Queries the number of DOFs in the target.
- getTargetsVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries whether the motion targets are being rendered.
- getTargetVel(double[], double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getTargetVel(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getTargetVel(double[], double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getTargetVel(FrameState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- getTargetVel(Twist, double, double, FrameState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- getTargetVel(double[], double, double, FrameState, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- getTargetVel(double[], double, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTargetComponent
- getTargetVel(double[], double, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getTargetVel(PointState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetVel(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetVel(Vector3d, double, double, PointState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetVel(Vector3d, double, double, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetVel(double[], double, double, PointState, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetVel(double[], double, double, Point3d, Vector3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- getTargetVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getTargetVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getTargetView() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- getTargetWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getTargetWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- getTargetWeights(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Returns target weights, one per force.
- getTargetWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Gets weights for targets.
- getTaskManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Returns the task manager associated with this root model, if any.
- getTau() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- getTDC0() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Returns the TDC transform "rest" position.
- getTempDir() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Finds the Artisynth temporary directory.
- getTendonForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
Queries the tendon force length curve for this material.
- getTendonForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
Queries the tendon force length curve for this material.
- getTendonForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- getTendonForceLengthCurve() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- getTendonLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getTendonRatio() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getTendonRatioMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- getTendonSlackLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
- getTendonSlackLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- getTendonSlackLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getTendonSlackLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- getTendonSlackLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- getTendonSlackLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- getTendonSlackLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- getTendonSlackLengthMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- getTerm(MatrixNd, VectorNd, int, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.BoundsTerm
Appends the constraints for this term to the constraint matrix A and
offset vector b.
- getTerm(MatrixNd, VectorNd, int, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Fills H
and b
with this motion term
- getTerm(MatrixNd, VectorNd, int, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Fills H
and b
with this motion term
- getTerm(MatrixNd, VectorNd, int, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Fills H
and b
with this motion term
- getTerm(MatrixNd, VectorNd, int, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.NonuniformBoundsTerm
- getTerm(MatrixNd, VectorNd, int, double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.QPConstraintTerm
Appends the constraints for this term to the constraint matrix A and
offset vector b.
- getTerm(MatrixNd, VectorNd, int, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.SphericalJointForceBound
- getTerm(MatrixNd, VectorNd, int, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
Fills H
and b
with this motion term
- getTest(CollisionHandlerTable, ArrayList<CollidableBody>, ArrayList<CollidablePair>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTableTest
- getTest(CollisionHandlerTableTest.HashMapHandlerTable, ArrayList<CollidableBody>, ArrayList<CollidablePair>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTableTest
- getTestFailFileName() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getTestSaveRestoreState() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MaintenancePrefs
- getTestSaveRestoreState() - Static method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getTetAspectRatios() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Returns a list of element-value pairs describing the aspect ratios of all
the tet elements in this model.
- getTetElement(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getTets() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellator
Returns the vertex indices of all the tetrahedra in this tessallation.
- getTexcoord() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeMap
- getText() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
- getText() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
- getText() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- getText(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
Returns the current text stored in a specific JTextField.
- getText() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Returns the current text stored in this control's JTextField.
- getText() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseClickField
Returns the current text stored in this control's JTextField.
- getTextBounds(Font, String, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getTextBounds(Font, String, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Computes and returns the logical bounding box of the supplied
- getTextBounds(Font, String, double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getTextBounds(Font, String, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.TextRenderer
Bounding rectangle.
- getTextBounds(Font, String, float) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
- getTextField(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
Returns a specific JTextField associated with this control.
- getTextField() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Returns the JTextField associated with this control.
- getTextField() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseClickField
Returns the JTextField associated with this control.
- getTextOffset() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getTextOffset() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
Sets space to add to the left/bottom
- getTextOrError(File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.TextFromFile
Reads the contents of a file and returns them as a String.
- getTextOrError(URL) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.TextFromFile
Reads the contents of a URL and returns them as a String.
- getTextRenderer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- getTextRenderer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- getTextRenderer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getTextSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
Gets the size of the text
- getTextSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
Returns the text scaling
- getTexture() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfaceProperties
- getTexture(GL, TextureContent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
- getTexture() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextRenderer
- getTextureByNameAcquired(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- getTextureColorMixing() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- getTextureColorMixMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- getTextureCoord(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Retrieves the texture coordinate at the supplied index.
- getTextureCoord(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the texture coordinate at the supplied index.
- getTextureCoord(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the texture coordinate at the supplied index in a given set.
- getTextureCoordinates() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
Texture coordinates, starting with the
bottom-left corner and working around clockwise.
- getTextureCoordinates(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getTextureCoordinates(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getTextureCoordinates(int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getTextureCoordinateScaling() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getTextureCoordIndex() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.VertexIndexSet
- getTextureCoords() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns all the texture coordinates associated with this mesh, or
if this mesh does not have texture coordinates.
- getTextureCoords(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the texture coordinate corresponding to index
- getTextureCoords() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Retrieves the full list of texture coordinates.
- getTextureCoords() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the full list of texture coordinates.
- getTextureCoords(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the full list of texture coordinates in a given set.
- getTextureCoordSetIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the index of the currently active texture coordinate set.
- getTextureCoordSetIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectState
- getTextureCoordsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the latest texture coordinates version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getTextureCoordsVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectVersion
- getTextureCoordsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the latest committed texture coordinates version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getTextureCoordsVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- getTextureFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
- getTextureFile() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getTextureId() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
Get the GL texture ID
- getTextureIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getTextureIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the texture indices associated with this mesh, or
if this mesh does not have texture coordinates.
- getTextureMap() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- getTextureMap() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- getTextureMapMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- getTextureMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getTextureMatrix(AffineTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getTextureMatrix() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Gets the current texture matrix.
- getTextureMatrix(AffineTransform2d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Gets the current texture matrix.
- getTextureMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getTextureMatrix(AffineTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getTextureUnit() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
Returns the used texture unit, i.e.
- getTextureUnit() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLSLTextureRaster
- getTextureVertexList() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getTFM() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getTFM() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- getTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- getTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries this joint's theta angle.
- getTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- getTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Queries this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- getTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- getTheta() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- getTheta() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Queries this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- getThetaRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getThetaRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries the theta angle range limits for this joint.
- getThetaRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getThetaRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Queries the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getThetaRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getThetaRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getThickenBackSide() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getThickening() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getThickness() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Queries the thickness of the foundation layer.
- getThickness() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice
- getThicknessField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Queries the field, if any, associated with the foundation thickness.
- getThoracicEllipsoidRadii() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- getThread() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- getThread() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonFrameConsole
- getThreeVectorValue(Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorObject
Where possible, maps or projects this VectorObject onto a 3-vector.
- getThreshRat() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableCylinder
Get the threshold ratio for breaking contact.
- getThreshRat() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableSphere
Get the threshold ratio for breaking contact.
- getTickFraction() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getTickLength() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getTightBox(PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getTightBox(Point3d[], RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getTightOBB(PolygonalMesh, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getTightOBB(Point3d[], RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- getTilt() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- getTilt(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
- getTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory.ModelScriptHistoryInfo
- getTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- getTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.WayPointInfo
- getTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPoint
- getTime() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getTime() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getTime() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getTimeIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- getTimeIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getTimeIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getTimeIndexRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- getTimeIndexRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getTimeIndexRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getTimeline() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
get the timeline controller
- getTimelineHeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getTimelineLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getTimelineRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getTimelineTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getTimelineWidth() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getTimeOffset() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- getTimePerPixel(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
- getTimescale() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getTimeScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- getTimeScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- getTimescaleCursorTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
- getTimeUsec() - Method in class maspack.util.FunctionTimer
Returns the elapsed time in microseconds.
- getTitle() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getTitle() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- getTitle() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- getTitle() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getTitle() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getTOffset() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getToggleButton() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledToggleButton
- getTokenizer() - Method in class maspack.json.JSONReader
- getTokenPrinting() - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
if token printing is enabled in the
- getTolerance() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemIntersector
- getTolerance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.StlReader
Gets tolerance to use when merging vertices
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.VtkAsciiReader
Gets tolerance to use when merging vertices
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Returns the numeric tolerence for this solver.
- getTolerance() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Returns the numeric tolerance for this solver.
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Returns the numeric tolerence for this solver.
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Returns the numeric tolerence for this solver.
- getTolerance() - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
- getToleranceType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getToleranceType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getToleranceType() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
- getToleranceType() - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- getToleranceType() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- getToleranceType() - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
- getToolTipText() - Method in interface maspack.widgets.LabeledWidget
- getToolToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- getTopCollidables(List<Collidable>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getTopObject() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- getTopPanel(Component) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getTorusRadii() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getTotalAnalyzeCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getTotalFactorCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getTotalSolveCount() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- getTraceable() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TracingProbePanel
- getTraceablePositionProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
For a given traceable property, returns the name of a property (if any)
which provides a reference position to be used for the traceable property.
- getTraceablePositionProperty(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
For a given traceable property, returns the name of a property (if any)
which provides a reference position to be used for the traceable property.
- getTraceablePositionProperty(String) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Traceable
For a given traceable property, returns the name of a property (if any)
which provides a reference position to be used for the traceable property.
- getTraceables() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Returns a list of all traceable properties in this Traceable.
- getTraceables() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Returns a list of all traceable properties in this Traceable.
- getTraceables() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Traceable
Returns a list of all traceable properties in this Traceable.
- getTraceColor(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getTraceColor(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- getTraceInfo(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- getTraceLabel(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getTraceLabel(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- getTraceManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getTraceOrder(NumericProbePanel.TraceOrdering) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
Finds the trace indices required for a particular ordering based on the
display's current values.
- getTraceSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getTracingProbe(Traceable, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getTracingProbes() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getTrack() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getTrack(int, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getTrack() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Returns the Timeline track number associated with this probe.
- getTrackAtYCoor(int, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getTrackGroup(Track) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Get the group of tracks that has the specified track as the first one in
the group.
- getTrackNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- getTrackNumber() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
get the track number of the current track
- getTransDir() - Method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Hemisphere
- getTransferedSize() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitorAgent
- getTransferListeners() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Gets the set of listeners for all transfers handled by this FileManager
- getTransferMonitor() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Returns the FileTransferMonitor object that is is responsible for
detecting changes to the destination file and firing FileTransferEvents to
the set of
- getTransferSyntax() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
- getTransferSyntax(String) - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Determines the appropriate transfer syntax based on the syntax's uid
- getTransferTime() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent
- getTransForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
- getTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- getTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
Creates a transform representation of the translation and rotation components
- getTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- getTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getTransform() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getTransform(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransform
- getTransform() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- getTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Gets the transform associated with this OBB.
- getTransform() - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Returns the transform associated with this OBB.
- getTransform() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Spatial location of the first slice
- getTransform() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dEvent
- getTransformableDescendents(List<TransformableGeometry>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- getTransformables() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns a set view of all the transformable components contained in this
- getTransformAxes() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SpatialTransform
- getTransformAxisArray() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SpatialTransform
- getTransformDGeometryOnly() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Queries whether geometry transforms applied to this connector change only
the D frame.
- getTransformer() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TransformComponentsCommand
- getTransformer() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GeometryChangeEvent
- getTransformer() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
- getTransformFromWorld() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableGeometry
Get transform from world frame to the geometry's frame.
- getTransformPositionOnly() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Queries whether geometry transforms applied to this connector change only
the origins of the transforms TDW and/or TDC.
- getTransformToParent() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableGeometry
Get transform of geometry in parent's frame.
- getTransformToWorld() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableGeometry
Get transform of geometry in world frame.
- getTransformTypes() - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- getTransformValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
- getTransition() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- getTransitionStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- getTranslateButtonMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Gets the mouse button mask that enables translation.
- getTranslation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalOffsetFrame
- getTranslation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- getTranslationalDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getTranslationalStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- getTranslationField() - Method in class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
- getTransparencyBlending() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getTransparencyBlending() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- getTransparencyBlending() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getTransparencyFaceCulling() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getTransparencyFaceCulling() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- getTransparencyFaceCulling() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getTransparent(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
Returns the i
-th transparent renderable in this list.
- getTransparent() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
- getTransparent2d(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
Returns the i
-th 2d transparent renderable in this list.
- getTransparent2d() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
- getTransWeight() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- getTree() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager
- getTree() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- getTree() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelRenderer
- getTriangle(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the triangle at the supplied index in a given group.
- getTriangleEdge() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
If this intersection is degenerate and associated with one of the
triangle edges (but not a vertex), return that edge.
- getTriangleGroupIdx() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the index of the currently active triangle group.
- getTriangleGroupIdx() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectState
- getTriangleGroupIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the index of the currently active triangle group.
- getTriangleGroupIdx() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectState
- getTriangles() - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleTessellator
Returns the vertex indices of all the triangles in this tessellation.
- getTriangles() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns a list of vertex indices of all triangle primitives defined
in the current group.
- getTriangles(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns a list of vertex indices of all triangle primitives defined
in the requested group.
- getTriangles() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns a list of triangle primitives, identified by vertex index triples.
- getTriangles(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the list of triangles (vertex indices) for a given group
- getTriangleStride() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getTrianglesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the latest triangles version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getTrianglesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectVersion
- getTrianglesVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the latest committed triangles version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getTrianglesVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- getTriangleVertex() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
If this intersection is degenerate and associated with one of the
triangle vertices, return that vertex.
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getTriangulatedFaceIndices() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getTriVertices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Returns the vertices of this Face, using a priori knowledge that the
the face is a triangle and therefore has three vertices.
- getTrueDisplacement() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getTruePosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getTrueStiffnessMatrix() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getTrueVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getTVar(double, double) - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- getTVar(double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- getTVar(double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- getTWrapping() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getTWrappingMode() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter.ElemTypeList
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemDispConnection
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
Returns a short string describing the type for this connection.
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPConstraintTermBase
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPCostTermBase
Queries whether this is a cost, inequality, or equality term.
- getType() - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.QPTerm
Queries whether this is a cost, inequality, or equality term.
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CInfinityWeightFunction
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.ExponentialWeightFunction
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.SplineWeightFunction
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.LabelEntry
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.SeparatorEntry
- getType() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- getType() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent
- getType() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- getType() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
- getType() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelData
- getType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive
- getType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive.PrimitiveKey
- getType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray
- getType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray.IBOInfo
- getType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.PrimitiveKey
- getType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- getType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- getType() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
- getType() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- getType() - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- getType() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- getType() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- getType() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.LambertProjector
- getType() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.OrthographicProjector
- getType() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- getType() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- getType() - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.SphericalProjector
- getType() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- getTypeCode(Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- getTypeDescription(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimFileFilter
- getTypeName() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- getTypeParameter() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- getU() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Returns the current U matrix associated with this decomposition.
- getU() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Returns the U matrix associated with this SVD, or null if no such matrix
has been set.
- getU0() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExcitationResponse
- getU0() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the most recently computed u0 vector for the excitation response.
- getUid() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTransferSyntax
- getUInt() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- getUncrimpingFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactor(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactor(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactor() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactor(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactorField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactorField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactorField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- getUncrimpingFactorMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- getUndeformedPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- getUndeformedTFW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- getUndeformedTFW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Returns the current undeformed pose of the attached frame, in world
- getUndeformedTFW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- getUndoDataSize() - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Return the current size of the undo data buffer, or -1 if the buffer is
- getUndoManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getUndoTransformsWithInverse() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getUniformBlockIndex(GL2GL3, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLShaderProgram
- getUniformBlockLocation(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- getUniformLocation(GL2GL3, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLShaderProgram
- getUnilateral() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Queries whether the point-mesh interactions are unilateral.
- getUnilateral() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- getUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Obtains the transpose of the current unilateral constraint matrix N for this
- getUnilateralConstraints(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUnilateralConstraints(ArrayList<RigidBodyConstraint>, boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Collects the engaged unilateral constraints for this coupling by
appending them to the list unilterals
- getUnilateralConstraintSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUnilateralForceG() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Returns the most recently computed unilateral constraint forces,
expressed as a wrench in frame G.
- getUnilateralForceInA(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
If body A is a Frame, computes the wrench acting on body A in response to
the most recent unilateral constraint forces.
- getUnilateralForceInA() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
If body A is a Frame, computes and returns the wrench acting on body A in
response to the most recent unilateral constraint forces.
- getUnilateralForceInB(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
If body B is a Frame, computes the wrench acting on body B in response to
the most recent unilateral constraint forces.
- getUnilateralForceInB() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
If body B is a Frame, computes and returns the wrench acting on body B in
response to the most recent unilateral constraint forces.
- getUnilateralForceInC(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Gets the most recent unilateral constraint wrench acting on constraint
frame C.
- getUnilateralForceInC() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the most recent unilateral constraint wrench acting on constraint
frame C.
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Returns from the system the most recently computed unilateral constraint
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getUnilateralForces(VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Gets the unilateral constraint forces (i.e., Lagrange multipliers) that
have most recently been set for the currently engaged unilateral
constraints in this coupling.
- getUnilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getUnilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns constraint information for each row of the unilateral
constraint system
- getUnilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getUnilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getUnilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Returns constraint information for each row of the unilateral
constraint system
- getUnilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getUnilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[]) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- getUnilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUnilateralInfo(MechSystem.ConstraintInfo[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getUnilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getUnilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the sizes of each block column in the unilateral force constraint
- getUnilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getUnilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getUnilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Returns the sizes of each block column in the unilateral force constraint
- getUnilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getUnilateralSizes(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
- getUnion(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- getUnion(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.CSG
- getUnion(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- getUnique(ArrayList<Point2d>, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- getUniqueVariableName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- getUnnamedVisibleLimit() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- getUnthickening() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getUpdateABetweenSolves() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Queries whether the solver should attempt to update A, instead of always
rebuilding it, between solves.
- getUpdateContactsCount() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
When profiling is enabled, returns the cummulative number of contact
detection operations for all wrappable segment updates.
- getUpdateForcesAtStepEnd() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUpdateForcesAtStepEnd() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getUpdateForcesAtStepEndMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUpdateInterval() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TracingProbePanel
- getUpdateInterval() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getUpdating() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getUpdatingMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getUpperBound() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- getUpperBound() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns the upper bound for the interval of this NumericRange.
- getUpperBound() - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleIntervalField
- getUpperBound() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
- getUpperDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Queries the damping parameter for the upper limit restoring force.
- getUpperLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Queries the upper limit for the joint coordinate.
- getUpperLimit() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- getUpperStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Queries the stiffness for the upper limit restoring force.
- getUpperStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- getUpperTransition() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Queries the transition region size for the upper limit restoring force.
- getUpstreamLock() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getUpstreamWidget() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- getUpVector() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getUpVector() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the ``up'' vector which this viewer uses in some instances to
determine the direction of the y axis of the eye coordinate system.
- getURIStack() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns a stack-representation of nested URIs with the base at the end of the stack
- getURIStack(URIx) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Creates a stack representation of a nested URI with the base at the end of the stack
- getUsage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
- getUse2x2Pivoting() - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns whether or not 2 x 2 pivoting is enabled.
- getUseConsistentMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- getUseEtBlock() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Queries whether the ETBLOCK command is used for defining
element types.
- getUseFemRestPositions() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldBase
Queries whether or not rest positions are used when determining values
for points within an FEM mesh.
- getUseImplicitFriction() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- getUseImplicitFriction() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- getUseImplicitFriction() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- getUseImplicitFriction() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- getUseKKTFactorization() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getUseLocalContactArea() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Queries whether local contact areas are used for computing
contact pressure.
- getUseLocalValuesForField() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldBase
Queries whether or local values should be used for field queries.
- getUseLogDistance() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Queries whether log distances are used for computing contact
- getUseMomentError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ForceErrorProbe
- getUseNormalZScaling() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getUseOpenSimApprox() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
- getUseOpenSimApprox() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3d
- getUsePDControl() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getUseRDC() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- getUseRDC() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
- getUserHomeFolder() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Returns the user's home folder, or null
if this cannot
be found.
- getUserInfo() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the encoded user info string
- getUserName() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Returns the encoded username
- getUseSymmetricPart() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- getUseTimestepScaling() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- getUseTrapezoidalSolver() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries the use of a trapezoidal solver for setting up the excitation
- getUseWorldOrigin() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getV() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- getV() - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Returns the current eigenvector matrix V associated with this
- getV() - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- getV() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Returns the current V matrix associated with this decomposition.
- getV() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Returns the V matrix associated with this SVD, or null if no such matrix
has been set.
- getV1(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- getV2(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- getV3(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- getVal() - Method in class maspack.function.ConstantFunction1x1
- getVal() - Method in class maspack.function.ConstantFunction3x1
- getValidAfter(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns the next valid waypoint immediately after time t
or null
if none exists.
- getValidator() - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- getValidBefore(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns the previous valid waypoint immediately before time t
, or null
if none exists.
- getValidEnums() - Method in class maspack.util.EnumRange
- getValidEnumsString() - Method in class maspack.util.EnumRange
- getValidExtensions() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- getValidExtensionsString() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- getValidOnOrBefore(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns the valid waypoint immediately at or before time t
, or null
if none exists.
- getValidStrings() - Method in class maspack.util.StringRange
- getValue(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Returns the value at an element (either volumetric or shell).
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Returns the value at the face specified by a given index.
- getValue(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Returns the value at a face.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified mesh field point.
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified mesh field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Queries the field value associated with this grid at a specified
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Returns the value at the node specified by the given number.
- getValue(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Returns the value at a node.
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(int[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
- getValue(FemElement3dBase, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Returns the value at an integration point of an element (either
volumetric or shell).
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Returns the value at the vertex specified by a given index.
- getValue(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Returns the value at a vertex.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified mesh field point.
- getValue(int[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dNodalField
- getValue(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Returns the value at an element (either volumetric or shell).
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Returns the value at the face specified by a given index.
- getValue(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Returns the value at a face.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified mesh field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified mesh field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Queries the field value associated with this grid at a specified position.
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Returns the value at the node specified by the given number.
- getValue(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Returns the value at a node.
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(int[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
- getValue(FemElement3dBase, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Returns the value at an integration point of an element (either
volumetric or shell).
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Returns the value at the vertex specified by a given index.
- getValue(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Returns the value at a vertex.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Returns the value of the this field at a specified mesh field point.
- getValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ScalarFieldComponent
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ScalarFieldComponent
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ScalarFieldComponent
Returns the value of the this field at a specified mesh field point.
- getValue(Point3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.VectorFieldComponent
Returns the value of the this field at a specified spatial position.
- getValue(FemFieldPoint) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.VectorFieldComponent
Returns the value of the this field at a specified FEM field point.
- getValue(MeshFieldPoint) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.VectorFieldComponent
Returns the value of the this field at a specified mesh field point.
- getValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Constant
- getValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- getValue() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeVariable
- getValue() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FishDemo
- getValue() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadFishDemo
- getValue() - Method in class maspack.graph.BiNode
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.BytePixelBuffer
- getValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- getValue(int) - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
Return the internal pixel value at x.
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
Return the internal pixel value at idx.
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.RGBPixelBuffer
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.ShortPixelBuffer
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.UBytePixelBuffer
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.UShortPixelBuffer
- getValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIField
Channels correspond to the 6 diffusion tensor entries d00, d11, d22, d01, d02, d12
- getValue(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiDataBuffer
Gets a value from the buffer
- getValue(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.image.VolumeImage
Voxel raw value at a given column, row, slice
- getValue(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- getValue() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- getValue() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
- getValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
- getValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ValueChangeEvent
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
- getValue(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
- getValueChangeListeners() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Returns a list of all the ValueChangeListeners currently held by this
- getValueChangeListeners() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
Returns a list of all the ValueChangeListeners currently held by this
- getValueCheckListeners() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Returns a list of all the ValueCheckListeners currently held by this
- getValueClass() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns the class type for the property's value.
- getValueClass() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns the class type for the property's value.
- getValueDeg() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getValueDeg() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- getValueForHost() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- getValueRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
Returns the range of all values in this field, including
the default value.
- getValueRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Returns the range of all values in this field, including
the default value.
- getValueRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
Returns the range of all values in this field, including
the default value.
- getValueRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getValueRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- getValueRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- getValueRangeDeg() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getValues(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- getValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Returns the values of this probe as a two dimensional array of
- getValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeVariable
- getValues(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeVariable
- getValues() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the values of this numeric list as a two dimensional array of
- getValues() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- getVariables() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getVariableSize() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- getVariance() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.ExponentialWeightFunction
- getVarianceMatrix() - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction3x1
- getVBO() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- getVCurve() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Returns the NURBS curve controlling this surface in the v direction.
- getVector() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getVector() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- getVector() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer
- getVectorNd() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- getVectorSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getVectorSize() - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorNdGrid
Returns the size of the vectors interpolated by this grid.
- getVectorSize() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns the size of the vectors associated with this list.
- getVectorSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Returns the size of the vector value associated with this control.
- getVectorSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Returns the size of the vector value associated with this control.
- getVectorSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Returns the size of the vector value associated with this control.
- getVectorSize() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Returns the size of the vector value associated with this control.
- getVectorValue() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getVectorValue(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomHeader
Determines the vector value of a given header element (if represents valid vector)
- getVectorValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
- getVectorValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
- getVectorValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
- getVectorValue() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
- getVel(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- getVel(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- getVel(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- getVel() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- getVelDerivative(double[], int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- getVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Returns the velocity of the frame in world coordinates.
- getVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Gets the velocity of the frame in world coordinates.
- getVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getVelocity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getVelocity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getVelocity2d() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getVelocity2d(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getVelocityError() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- getVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getVelState(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- getVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- getVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getVelStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- getVelStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- getVelStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- getVelStateSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- getVelStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getVelStateSize() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTargetComponent
- getVelStateSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- getVerifier() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- getVerifier() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairDSA
- getVerifier() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPairRSA
- getVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState.DataFrame
- getVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
OpenSim model version
- getVersion() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimDocument
- getVersion() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
A version number that changes for ANY modifications,
including vertex position changes
- getVersion() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIColorComputer
- getVersion() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Retrieves the version of the object, for use in detecting
whether any information has changed since last use.
- getVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesVersion
- getVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Retrieves the version of the object, for use in detecting
whether any information has changed since last use.
- getVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectVersion
- getVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the version of the object, for use in detecting
whether any information has changed since last use.
- getVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- getVersion() - Method in class maspack.util.ModifiedVersionBase
- getVersion() - Method in interface maspack.util.Versioned
- getVersionedObject(RenderKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
- getVersionedObject(GL2, RenderKey, Object, BooleanHolder) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
Gets or allocates a "versioned object" given a key, and a "fingerprint" used
to determine if the stored object has different content
- getVersionInfo(GLProfile) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- getVersionInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.GLVersionListener
- getVersionInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns an immutable copy of all version information in this RenderInstances,
safe for sharing between threads.
- getVersionInfo() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns an immutable copy of all version information in this RenderObject,
safe for sharing between threads.
- getVersionInfo() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns an immutable copy of all version information in this RenderObject,
safe for sharing between threads.
- getVersionString() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.GLVersionInfo
- getVertex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- getVertex() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- getVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
Returns the idx
-th polygon vertex associated with this
- getVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the idx-th vertex in this mesh.
- getVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dFeature
Returns the idx
-th polygon vertex associated with this
- getVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
- getVertex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dNode
- getVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedEdge
- getVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- getVertex(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Retrieves the index set that identifies a vertex
- getVertexAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- getVertexAttachment(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getVertexAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- getVertexAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns the attachment associated with the idx-th mesh vertex of this
- getVertexAttachment(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns the attachment associated with a specific mesh vertex of this
- getVertexAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicMeshComponent
Retrieves (or creates) a vertex attachment component associated with
vertex vidx, describing how its motion is driven by the underlying
physical system.
- getVertexAttachment(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicMeshComponent
Retrieves (or creates) a vertex attachment component associated with
vertex vtx, describing how its motion is driver by the underlying
physical system.
- getVertexAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- getVertexAttachment(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- getVertexAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
- getVertexAttachment(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getVertexAttachment(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- getVertexAttribute(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getVertexBasePosition(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns the base (i.e., initial) position for a specified vertex in this
- getVertexBaseWeight(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns the base weight for a specified vertex in this SkinMeshBody.
- getVertexBuffer() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Raw pointer to vertex data (mainly used by renderers).
- getVertexColor(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the color used for rendering a specific vertex when using a color
- getVertexColor(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the color of the supplied vertex
- getVertexColor(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the color of the supplied vertex
- getVertexColorAttribute() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getVertexColoringEnabled() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- getVertexColorMixing() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- getVertexColorMixing() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the color mixing method to be used for vertex-based coloring.
- getVertexColorMixing() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- getVertexColorMixing() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getVertexColorMixing() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the method used for combining vertex coloring and material
- getVertexColorMixing() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getVertexColorMixMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- getVertexColorOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getVertexComponents() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- getVertexCoords(Point3d[], DistanceGrid.TetDesc) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc
Compute the locations (in local coordinates) of the nodes of the
indicated tet.
- getVertexDistance(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Queries the distance value at a specified vertex, as specified by x, y, z
- getVertexDistances() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Returns the full array of distances at each vertex.
- getVertexEnergyDensity(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
Computes the energy density value for a particular vertex in this mesh.
- getVertexForNode(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
Returns a vertex which is directly attached to the specified
node, or null
if no such vertex exists.
- getVertexForNode(MFreeNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
Returns a vertex which is directly attached to the specified
node, or null
if no such vertex exists.
- getVertexIndex() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- getVertexIndex(Vertex<A, B>) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- getVertexIndexArray(GL3, VertexIndexArray) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getVertexIndices(PenetrationRegion) - Static method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- getVertexIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Returns an array of the vertex indices associated with this face.
- getVertexIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
- getVertexList() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getVertexMergeDist() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- getVertexNode() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dFeature
- getVertexNormal(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the normal of the supplied vertex
- getVertexNormal(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the normal of the supplied vertex
- getVertexNormalAttribute() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getVertexNormalIndices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getVertexNormalOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getVertexNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getVertexOffsets() - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
- getVertexPenetrations() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Queries when two-way contact is enabled.
- getVertexPenetrations() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Queries when two-way contact is enabled.
- getVertexPenetrationsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- getVertexPenetrationsMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- getVertexPoints() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getVertexPosition(int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Gets the position of the vertex indexed by its indices along the x, y,
and z axes.
- getVertexPosition(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Gets the position of the vertex indexed by vi
- getVertexPosition(int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Gets the position of the vertex indexed by its indices along the x, y,
and z axes.
- getVertexPosition(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Gets the position of the vertex indexed by vi
- getVertexPosition(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the position of the supplied vertex
- getVertexPosition(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the position of the supplied vertex
- getVertexPositionAttribute() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getVertexPositionOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getVertexStrain(SymmetricMatrix3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
Computes the strain value for a particular vertex in this mesh.
- getVertexStress(SymmetricMatrix3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
Computes the stress value for a particular vertex in this mesh.
- getVertexStride() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getVertexTexcoordAttribute() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- getVertexTextureCoord(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the texture coordinate of the supplied vertex
- getVertexTextureCoord(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the texture coordinate of the supplied vertex
- getVertexTextureCoordOffset() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- getVertexValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Returns the value at the grid vertex indexed by vi
- getVertexValue(int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Returns the value at the grid vertex indexed by its indices along the x,
y, and z axes.
- getVertexValue(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Returns the value at the grid vertex indexed by vi
- getVertexValue(int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Returns the value at the grid vertex indexed by its indices along the x,
y, and z axes.
- getVertexValue(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Queries the value for the vertex indexed by vi
- getVertexValue(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Queries the value at a specified vertex, as specified by x, y, z indices.
- getVertexValue(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Queries the value at a specified vertex, as specified by x, y, z indices.
- getVertexValue(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Queries the value for the vertex indexed by vi
- getVertexValue(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Queries the value at a specified vertex, as specified by x, y, z indices.
- getVertexValue(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Queries the value at a specified vertex, as specified by x, y, z indices.
- getVertexValues() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Returns an array of the values at each vertex.
- getVertexValues() - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Returns the internal array of the values at each vertex.
- getVerticalAlignment() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
Gets the vertical alignment
- getVerticalFieldOfView() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns the default vertical field of view in degrees.
- getVerticalFieldOfView() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns the default vertical field of view in degrees.
- getVertices() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Returns the mesh vertices associated with this contact, if any.
- getVertices() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.MeshFieldPoint
Returns the vertices whose positions determine the point position.
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetrationRegion
Returns the vertices contained in this region.
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetDesc
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns this mesh's vertices.
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
Do not replace individual vertices in this array
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.graph.Path
- getVertices() - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
Concatenated list of vertex indices for all contained features.
- getVertices() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the full set of vertex identifiers
- getVerticesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns the latest vertices version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getVerticesVersion() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject.RenderObjectVersion
- getVerticesVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns the latest committed vertices version number,
for use in detecting if changes are present.
- getVerticesVersion() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectVersion
- getVgap() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Gets the vertical gap between components.
- getViaPoints() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
Returns via points that should be used when initializing a strand
around the object.
- getViewControlMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries the view control mask.
- getViewControlMask() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the view control mask.
- getViewer() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getViewer() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
get the GLviewer instance
- getViewer(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- getViewer() - Method in interface artisynth.core.workspace.DriverInterface
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
Returns a reference to the viewer which is handling this dragger.
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dEvent
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
Returns a reference to the viewer which is handling this drawTool.
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolEvent
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerEvent
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerFrame
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerPanel
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.render.MouseRayEvent
- getViewer() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerPopupManager
- getViewerCenter() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getViewerEye() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getViewerFromComponent(Component) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Find the Viewer (if any) associated with a particular component
- getViewerHeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getViewerManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getViewerManager() - Method in interface artisynth.core.workspace.DriverInterface
- getViewerManager() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- getViewerMultiSelection() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
Queries whether viewer multiple selection has been set.
- getViewerSelectionFilter() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- getViewerSelectionHandler() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- getViewerSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getViewerUp() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getViewerWidth() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- getViewMatrix(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getViewMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getViewMatrix(Matrix4d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getViewMatrix() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Gets the current view matrix.
- getViewMatrix(RigidTransform3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Gets the current view matrix.
- getViewMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getViewMatrix(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getViewOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawBase
- getViewOrientation() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- getViewPlaneDistance() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getViewPlaneDistance() - Method in class maspack.render.MouseRayEvent
- getViewPlaneDistance() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the distance, in model coordinates, from the eye to view plane
(which corresponds to the far clip plane).
- getViewPlaneDistance() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getViewPlaneHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getViewPlaneHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.MouseRayEvent
- getViewPlaneHeight() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the height of the view plane, in model coordinates.
- getViewPlaneHeight() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getViewPlaneWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- getViewPlaneWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.MouseRayEvent
- getViewPlaneWidth() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns the width of the view plane, in model coordinates.
- getViewPlaneWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- getVirtualScreenBounds() - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- getVirtualTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- getViscoBehavior() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- getVisible() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- getVisibleBound() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Returns the bounds for which the timeline is visible.
- getVisibleMinMaxValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getVisibleMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getVisibleObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasVisibleObject
Returns visibility properties pre OpenSim 4.0
- getVisibleRange(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- getVisibleRange(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getVisibleRange(PlotTraceManager, NumericList) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getVisibleRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getVisibleYRange(NumericList) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- getVisualization() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- getVisualization() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getVisualization() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- getVisualizationRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- getVisualizationRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
- getVisualizationRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- getVisualizationRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- getVisualizationRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- getVisualizationRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
- getVisualizationRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
- getVisualizationRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
- getVmax() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getVmax() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getVmax0() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- getVmax0() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- getVoidValueEnabled() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Returns true if void values are enabled for this control.
- getVolume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Returns the most recently computed volume for this element, as determined
by computeVolume().
- getVolume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- getVolume() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- getVolume() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Returns the volume of this RigidMeshComp.
- getVolumeElemsVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- getVolumeElemsVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
- getVolumeElemsVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElemFieldBase
- getVolumes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
Returns the partial volumes.
- getVonMisesStrain() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the von Mises strain for this node.
- getVonMisesStress() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Returns the von Mises stress for this node.
- getVoronoi() - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Gets the voronoi region assignments.
- getVoxel(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIField
- getVoxelSpacing() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIField
- getVoxelSpacing() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getVoxelTransform() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
Transform for converting integer voxel locations into spatial locations
Assumes regular fixed slice spacing
- getVoxelTransform() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIField
- getVoxelTransform() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
Determines the most likely transform, checking if Quaternion-based
exists first, then Affine, then None.
- getVoxelTransform(NiftiImage.ImageSpace) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getVoxelTransform() - Method in interface maspack.image.VolumeImage
Transform that converts voxels [col, row, slice] to world-coordinates of the center of the voxel
- getVoxelTransformCode(NiftiImage.ImageSpace) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- getVoxOffset() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getVR() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement
- getVsize() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- getW() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Returns the w vector associated with the most recent solve.
- getWarningsEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberReader
- getWarping() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- getWarpingData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BSpline3dElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns the special warping integration point which is located at
the center of the element and is used for computing stiffness warping and
other specialized applications.
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- getWarpingPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- getWayPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- getWayPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getWayPoint(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getWayPointChecking() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getWayPointFromUser() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Gets waypoint information from the user and adds the waypoint to
the waypoint probe.
- getWayPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- getWayPointsFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
get the file for the wayPoints, if any
- getWaypointsFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.StartupModel
- getWaypointsFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.LoadModelDialog
- getWaypointsFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- getWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- getWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
Returns the weight for this connection.
- getWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- getWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- getWeight() - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.QPTerm
Queries the weight for this term.
- getWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
Queries the weight for this term.
- getWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
- getWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- getWeight() - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingTarget
Queries the weight of this target.
- getWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CubaturePoint3d
- getWeight(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getWeight() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.WeightedReferenceComp
- getWeightFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- getWeightingFunction() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns the weighting function used to compute connections.
- getWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- getWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Returns the mesh vertex weight associated with this contact, if any.
- getWeights() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.MeshFieldPoint
Returns the weights used to combine the vertex positions to obtain
the point's position.
- getWheelZoom() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MouseSettingsDialog
- getWheelZoom() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
- getWheelZoom() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- getWheelZoomField() - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- getWheelZoomScale() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- getWidget(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SelectableComponentPanel
- getWidget(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getWidget(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getWidget(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- getWidget(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- getWidget() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
- getWidget(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- getWidgetExpandState() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- getWidgetExpandState() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
- getWidgetProperty(LabeledComponentBase) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- getWidgets() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- getWidgets() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- getWidgets() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- getWidth() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Rectangle2d
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.FrameBufferObject
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the pixel width of the underlying AWT component
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
Get the width of the physical texture
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Width of image
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphLoc
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphStore
Width of storage
- getWidth() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
Number of pixels across width in content
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryTreeRectanglePacker
Width of bounding box
- getWidth() - Method in class maspack.util.GridRectanglePacker
Width of bounding box
- getWidth() - Method in interface maspack.util.RectanglePacker
- getWidthMode() - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- getWidths() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the widths of this grid along the x, y, and z axes.
- getWidths(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the widths of this grid along the x, y, and z axes.
- getWidths(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Gets the widths for this OBB.
- getWindow() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- getWindowCenter() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- getWindowCenter() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getWindowConverter() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- getWindowConverter() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- getWindowNames() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- getWindowNames() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getWindowNames() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- getWindowRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- getWindowRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getWindowRange() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- getWindows() - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- getWindowSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
- getWindowWidth() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- getWindowWidth() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- getWorkingDir() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
- getWorkingDirPath() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Gets the canonical path name for the working directory.
- getWorkingFolder() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Gets the current working folder.
- getWorkingFolder() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Returns the working folder for this root model.
- getWorkspace() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
get the root model, static method for the entire program to reference to,
so do not pass root model around, because its stored in main and could be
accessed using this method
- getWorldBounds(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns the minimum and maximum coordinates for this mesh, in world
- getWorldCenter(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the center of this grid with respect to world coordinates.
- getWorldDistance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Calculates the distance at an arbitrary point in world coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getWorldDistanceAndGradient(Vector3d, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getWorldDistanceAndGradient(Vector3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Calculates the distance and gradient at an arbitrary point.
- getWorldDistanceAndNormal(Vector3d, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getWorldDistanceAndNormal(Vector3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getWorldNormal() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceComponent
- getWorldNormal() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getWorldNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- getWorldOrientation(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns the orientation of this grid with respect to world coordinates.
- getWorldPoint() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Returns the point value of this vertex in world coordinates.
- getWorldPoint(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Returns the point value of this vertex in world coordinates.
- getWorldPosition() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- getWorldQuadDistance(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getWorldQuadDistanceAndGradient(Vector3d, Matrix3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
- getWorldValue(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Calculates the value at an arbitrary point in world coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getWorldValue(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Calculates the value at an arbitrary point in world coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getWorldValue(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Calculates the value at an arbitrary point in world coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getWorldValue(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Calculates the value at an arbitrary point in world coordinates using
multilinear interpolation of the vertex values for the grid cell
containing the point.
- getWorldVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- getWorldVertexCoords(Vector3d, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Find the world coordinates of a vertex, as specified by its
vertex index.
- getWorldVertexCoords(Vector3d, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Find the world coordinates of a vertex, as specified by its x, y, z
- getWrapDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries the wrap damping for this spring.
- getWrapForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getWrapForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactForceProbe
- getWrapForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactMomentProbe
- getWrapForce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ForceErrorProbe
- getWrapForceError() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- getWrapGeometry() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
- getWrapKnotDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getWrapKnotDensity() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the default knot density for wrapping strands.
- getWrapKnotDensityMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- getWrapKnotDensityMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- getWrapMethod() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- getWrapObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathWrap
- getWrapObjects(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- getWrapObjectSet() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalFrame
- getWrappable(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the idx-th wrappable in this spring.
- getWrappable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
Returns the wrappable this knot is in contact with, or null.
- getWrappable() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase
- getWrappable() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- getWrappableIdx() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
Gets the index of the wrappable this knot is contacting, or -1 if
there is no contact.
- getWrappableRange(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the point indices defining the wrappable range for the idx-th
wrappable in this spring.
- getWrapped(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Get with wrapping implemented for closed contours.
- getWrappedIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Takes an arbitrary index value for a contour point returns either its
wrapped value (for closed contours), or checks its range and returns
either the index itself or -1 if it is out of range (for open
- getWrapStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries the wrap stiffness for this spring.
- getWrench() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- getWrenchG() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- getWriteColors() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriterBase
- getWriteErrorFiles() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
- getWriteFlags() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
- getWriteNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- getWriteNormals() - Method in interface maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter
- getWriteNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriterBase
- getWriteNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns true
if this mesh's normals should be written
to a file.
- getWriteNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
Returns true
if this mesh's normals should be written
to a file.
- getWriteNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Returns true
if this mesh's normals should be written
to a file.
- getWriteNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Returns true
if this mesh's normals should be written
to a file.
- getWritePathName(CompositeComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- getWritePropertyPathName(Property, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- getWritePropertyPathName(String, HasProperties, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- getX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the x range limits for this joint.
- getX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries this joint's x value.
- getX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the x range limits for this joint.
- getX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries the x range limits for this joint.
- getX() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries this joint's x value.
- getX() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getX() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getX() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Queries this joint's x value.
- getX() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Rectangle2d
- getX() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Normalized row-slice plane position within volume
- getX() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
Normalized row-slice plane position within volume
- getX() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Normalized row-slice plane position within volume
- getX() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- getX() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the x component of the origin of the underlying AWT component
- getX() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphLoc
- getX0() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Returns the firxt x value of this spline.
- getX0() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d.Knot
- getXAxisColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getXAxisColor() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getXAxisLabeling() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getXAxisLabeling() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getXCoordinate() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- getXforce() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- getXLast() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Returns the last x value of this spline.
- getXLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- getXMeshToWorldRender() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- getXRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getXRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the x range limits for this joint.
- getXRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the x range limits for this joint.
- getXRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the x range limits for this joint.
- getXRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries the x range limits for this joint.
- getXRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries the x range limits for this joint.
- getXRange() - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Queries the x range limits for this joint.
- getXRangeRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getXValues() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Returns an array giving the values of x at each knot.
- getXyz(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Gets the x-y-z rotation angles (rx, ry, rz) corresponding to this
- getXyz(double[], double[], int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Gets the x-y-z rotation angles (rx, ry, rz) corresponding to this
- getXYZBodyRotation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- getXYZDirections() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Returns an array of vectors giving the normalized directions of the x, y
and z axes of this rotation.
- getXYZDirections(Vector3d[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Returns an array of vectors giving the normalized directions of the x, y
and z axes of this rotation.
- getXyztUnits() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- getY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries this joint's y value.
- getY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries this joint's y value.
- getY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries this joint's y value.
- getY() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries this joint's y value.
- getY() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getY() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getY() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Rectangle2d
- getY() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Normalized col-slice plane position within volume
- getY() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
Normalized col-slice plane position within volume
- getY() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Normalized col-slice plane position within volume
- getY() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- getY(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- getY() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Gets the y component of the origin of the underlying AWT component
- getY() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphLoc
- getY0() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d.Knot
- getYaw() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries this joint's yaw value, in degrees.
- getYaw() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries this joint's yaw value, in degrees.
- getYawRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the yaw range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getYawRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries the yaw range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- getYAxisColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getYAxisColor() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getYAxisLabeling() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getYAxisLabeling() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getYCoordinate() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- getYCoorUpToTrack(Track) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
compute Y coordinate to track
- getYLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- getYoungsModulus() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
Queries Young's modulus for this material.
- getYoungsModulus() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- getYoungsModulus(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- getYoungsModulus() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- getYoungsModulus(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- getYoungsModulus() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- getYoungsModulus(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- getYoungsModulus() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Gets the anisotropic Young's modulus.
- getYoungsModulus(FemFieldPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- getYoungsModulus() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- getYoungsModulusField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
Queries the field, if any, associated with Young's modulus.
- getYoungsModulusField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- getYoungsModulusField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- getYoungsModulusField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- getYoungsModulusField() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- getYoungsModulusMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- getYoungsModulusMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- getYoungsModulusMode() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- getYPRStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolveMatrixTest
- getYPRStiffnessMatrix(List<SolveMatrixModifier>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Returns the true active stiffness matrix with frame orientation
expressed using yaw-pitch-roll coordinates.
- getYRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getYRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Queries the y range limits for this joint.
- getYRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the y range limits for this joint.
- getYRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries the y range limits for this joint.
- getYRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries the y range limits for this joint.
- getYRangeRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- getYScale() - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- getZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries this joint's z value.
- getZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries this joint's z value.
- getZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Queries this joint's z value.
- getZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- getZ() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- getZ() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Normalized col-row plane position within volume
- getZ() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
Normalized col-row plane position within volume
- getZ() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Normalized col-row plane position within volume
- getZAxisColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- getZAxisColor() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- getZCoordinate() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- getZeroBasedNumbering() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- getZeroIndexed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- getZeroIndexed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- getZeroIndexed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- getZeroIndexed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontWriter
- getZLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- getZoomButtonMask() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Gets the mouse button mask that enables zooming.
- getZoomForTimePerPixel(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
Returns the zoom level that best achieves a certain time per pixel.
- getZoomLevel() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- getZOrder() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getZOrderMode() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- getZRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries the z range limits for this joint.
- getZRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries the z range limits for this joint.
- getZRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Queries the z range limits for this joint.
- GimbalCoupling - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
Implements a three DOF spherical coupling, parameterized by roll, pitch and
yaw angles.
- GimbalCoupling() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- GimbalCoupling(GimbalCoupling.AxisSet) - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- GimbalCoupling.AxisSet - Enum in maspack.spatialmotion
- GimbalCouplingTest - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
- GimbalCouplingTest() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCouplingTest
- GimbalJoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a 3 DOF spherical joint parameterized by roll-pitch-yaw
- GimbalJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Creates a GimbalJoint
which is not attached to any bodies.
- GimbalJoint(GimbalJoint.AxisSet) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
- GimbalJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Creates a GimbalJoint
connecting two rigid bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
- GimbalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Creates a GimbalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- GimbalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Creates a GimbalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- GimbalJoint(ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Creates a GimbalJoint
connecting a single connectable body,
, to ground.
- GimbalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Creates a GimbalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
- GimbalJoint - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GimbalJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GimbalJoint
- GimbalJoint.AxisSet - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Specifies whether the roll-pitch-yaw angles of this joint describe
instrinic rotations about the Z-Y-X or X-Y-Z axes.
- GimbalJointDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- GimbalJointDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.GimbalJointDemo
- GimbalJointFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GimbalJointFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GimbalJointFactory
- GL2DisplayList - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2DisplayList(int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- GL2DisplayList(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- GL2Drawable - Interface in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2Object - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2Object(GL2DisplayList) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Object
- GL2PipelineRenderer - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2Primitive - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2Primitive(GL2Primitive.PrimitiveKey, GL2DisplayList) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive
- GL2Primitive.PrimitiveKey - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2Primitive.PrimitiveType - Enum in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2PrimitiveFactory - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2PrimitiveFactory() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveFactory
- GL2PrimitiveManager - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2PrimitiveManager() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2PrimitiveManager
- GL2Resource - Interface in maspack.render.GL.GL2
Resource used by GL2
- GL2ResourceBase - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2SharedResources - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2SharedResources(GLCapabilities) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2SharedResources
- GL2Tester - Class in maspack.test.GL
- GL2Tester() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.GL2Tester
- GL2VersionedObject - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
A GL2 renderable object that additionally stores a finger-print, to be used
for detecting whether or not the internal object has been updated to a new
- GL2VersionedObject(GL2DisplayList, Object) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2VersionedObject
- GL2Viewer - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GL2Viewer(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
Creates a new GLViewer with default capabilities.
- GL2Viewer(GL2Viewer, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
Creates a new GLViewer with default capabilities that shares resources
(e.g., diplay lists and textures) with an existing GLViewer.
- GL2Viewer(GLCapabilities, GL2SharedResources, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
Creates a new GLViewer with specified capabilities and size.
- GL2vsGL3Tester - Class in maspack.test.GL
- GL2vsGL3Tester() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.GL2vsGL3Tester
- GL3AttributeStorage - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3AttributeStorage(GL3AttributeStorage.StorageType, int, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage
- GL3AttributeStorage(GL3AttributeStorage.StorageType, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage
- GL3AttributeStorage.StorageType - Enum in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3Debug - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3Debug(GL3) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GL3Drawable - Interface in maspack.render.GL.GL3
GL resource that can be drawn
- GL3ElementAttributeArray - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3ElementAttributeArray(IndexBufferObject, GL3ElementAttributeArray.IBOInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray
- GL3ElementAttributeArray(IndexBufferObject, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray
- GL3ElementAttributeArray.IBOInfo - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3FlexObject - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Flexible object, creates an internal dynamic vertex buffer that can store positions
- GL3JPanelTest - Class in maspack.test.GL
- GL3JPanelTest() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.GL3JPanelTest
- GL3LinesVertexBuffer - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3Object - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Standard VAO-based object, CANNOT be shared between multiple contexts
- GL3PipelineRenderer - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3PointsVertexBuffer - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3PointsVertexBuffer(VertexBufferObject, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PointsVertexBuffer
- GL3Primitive - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Standard VAO-based primitive, CANNOT be shared between multiple contexts
- GL3PrimitiveFactory - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3PrimitiveFactory(GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveFactory
- GL3PrimitiveManager - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Manager for UNSHARED primitive resources
- GL3PrimitiveManager(GL3SharedPrimitiveManager) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PrimitiveManager
- GL3ProgramManager - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3ProgramManager() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- GL3RenderInstances - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
VAO-based object associated with RenderInstances, CANNOT be shared between multiple contexts
- GL3RenderObjectElements - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
VAO-based object associated with a RenderObject, CANNOT be shared between multiple contexts
- GL3RenderObjectLines - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
VAO-based object associated with a RenderObject, CANNOT be shared between multiple contexts
- GL3RenderObjectManager - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3RenderObjectManager(GL3SharedResources) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectManager
- GL3RenderObjectPoints - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
VAO-based object associated with a RenderObject, CANNOT be shared between multiple contexts
- GL3RenderObjectPrimitives - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
VAO-based object associated with a RenderObject, CANNOT be shared between multiple contexts
- GL3Resource - Interface in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Resource used by GL3
- GL3ResourceBase - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3Sample - Class in maspack.render.GL
inspired from http://www.lighthouse3d.com/cg-topics/code-samples/opengl-3-3-glsl-1-5-sample/
- GL3Sample() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3Sample
- GL3SharedDrawable - Interface in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedObject - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Holds pointers to VBOs, attribute info, to be used in creating VAOs.
- GL3SharedObject(GL3VertexAttributeArray[], GL3ElementAttributeArray) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- GL3SharedObject(GL3VertexAttributeArray[], GL3ElementAttributeArray, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- GL3SharedObject(GL3VertexAttributeArray[], GL3ElementAttributeArray, VertexBufferObject[], IndexBufferObject, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- GL3SharedObject.DrawType - Enum in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedObjectFactory - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Convenience routines for generating objects
- GL3SharedObjectFactory(GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObjectFactory
- GL3SharedPrimitive - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedPrimitive(GL3SharedPrimitive.PrimitiveKey, GL3VertexAttributeArray[], GL3ElementAttributeArray, VertexBufferObject[], IndexBufferObject, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive
- GL3SharedPrimitive.AxesKey - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedPrimitive.ConeKey - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedPrimitive.CubeKey - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedPrimitive.CylinderKey - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedPrimitive.PrimitiveKey - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedPrimitive.PrimitiveType - Enum in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedPrimitive.SphereKey - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedPrimitive.SpindleKey - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedPrimitiveManager - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Manages the lifetime of primitive GLObjects, keeping track of usage (incremented when grabbing)
so that unused objects can be detected and cleared.
- GL3SharedPrimitiveManager(GL3PrimitiveFactory) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitiveManager
- GL3SharedRenderInstances - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Allows drawing of instances with point, frame, affine transforms
- GL3SharedRenderObjectBase - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedRenderObjectLines - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Allows easy switching between lines as GL_LINES and as cylinders/ellipsoids/etc...
- GL3SharedRenderObjectManager - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedRenderObjectManager(GL3VertexAttributeMap) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectManager
- GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
Allows easy switching between points as GL_POINTS and as spheres
- GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints(RenderObject, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, VertexBufferObject, VertexBufferObject) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints
- GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitivesDrawable - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitivesDrawable(GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitivesDrawable
- GL3SharedRenderObjectVertices - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedResources - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedResources(GLCapabilities, GL3VertexAttributeMap) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedResources
- GL3SharedVertexIndexArray - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedVertexIndexArray(ElementArray) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
- GL3SharedVertexIndexArrayManager - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3SharedVertexIndexArrayManager() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArrayManager
- GL3Tester - Class in maspack.test.GL
- GL3Tester() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.GL3Tester
- GL3Utilities - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3Utilities() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Utilities
- GL3VertexAttributeArray - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3VertexAttributeArray(VertexBufferObject, GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo(String, int, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo(GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo(GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3AttributeStorage, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- GL3VertexAttributeInfo - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3VertexAttributeInfo(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeInfo
- GL3VertexAttributeMap - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3VertexAttributeMap(GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo, GL3VertexAttributeInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeMap
- GL3Viewer - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GL3Viewer(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
Creates a new GLViewer with default capabilities.
- GL3Viewer(GL3Viewer, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
Creates a new GLViewer with default capabilities that shares resources
(e.g., diplay lists and textures) with an existing GLViewer.
- GL3Viewer(GLCapabilities, GL3SharedResources, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
Creates a new GLViewer with specified capabilities and size.
- glActiveShaderProgram(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glActiveTexture(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glAttachShader(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBeginConditionalRender(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBeginQuery(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBeginQueryIndexed(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBeginTransformFeedback(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindAttribLocation(int, int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindBuffer(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindBufferBase(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindBufferRange(int, int, int, long, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindFragDataLocation(int, int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindFragDataLocationIndexed(int, int, int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindFramebuffer(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindImageTexture(int, int, int, boolean, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindProgramPipeline(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindRenderbuffer(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindSampler(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindTexture(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindTransformFeedback(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindVertexArray(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBindVertexBuffer(int, int, long, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendBarrier() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendEquation(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendEquationi(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendEquationSeparate(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendEquationSeparatei(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendFunc(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendFunci(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendFuncSeparate(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlendFuncSeparatei(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBlitFramebuffer(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBufferAddressRangeNV(int, int, long, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBufferData(int, long, Buffer, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBufferPageCommitmentARB(int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glBufferSubData(int, long, long, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLCanvasTest - Class in maspack.test.GL
- GLCanvasTest() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.GLCanvasTest
- glCheckFramebufferStatus(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClampColor(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClear(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearBufferData(int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearBufferfi(int, int, float, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearBufferfv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearBufferfv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearBufferiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearBufferiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearBufferSubData(int, int, long, long, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearBufferuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearBufferuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearDepth(double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearDepthf(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearNamedBufferDataEXT(int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT(int, int, int, int, long, long, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClearStencil(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glClientWaitSync(long, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLClipPlane - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLClipPlane() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- glColorFormatNV(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glColorMask(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glColorMaski(int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glColorP3ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glColorP3uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glColorP3uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glColorP4ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glColorP4uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glColorP4uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLColorSelector - Class in maspack.render.GL
GLSelector that works using the traditional GL_SELECT mechanism (now
- GLColorSelector(GLViewer) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLColorSelector
- glCompileShader(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompileShaderIncludeARB(int, int, String[], int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompileShaderIncludeARB(int, int, String[], IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCompressedTexSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCopyBufferSubData(int, int, long, long, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCopyImageSubData(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCopyTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCopyTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCopyTexSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCopyTexSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCopyTexSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCreateProgram() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCreateShader(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCreateShaderProgramv(int, int, String[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCreateSyncFromCLeventARB(long, long, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glCullFace(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDebugMessageControl(int, int, int, int, int[], int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDebugMessageControl(int, int, int, int, IntBuffer, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDebugMessageEnableAMD(int, int, int, int[], int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDebugMessageEnableAMD(int, int, int, IntBuffer, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDebugMessageInsert(int, int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDebugMessageInsertAMD(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteBuffers(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteBuffers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteFramebuffers(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteFramebuffers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteNamedStringARB(int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteProgram(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteProgramPipelines(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteProgramPipelines(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteQueries(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteQueries(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteRenderbuffers(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteRenderbuffers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteSamplers(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteSamplers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteShader(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteSync(long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteTextures(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteTextures(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteTransformFeedbacks(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteTransformFeedbacks(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteVertexArrays(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDeleteVertexArrays(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDepthFunc(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDepthMask(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDepthRange(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDepthRangeArrayv(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDepthRangeArrayv(int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDepthRangef(float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDepthRangeIndexed(int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDetachShader(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDisable(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDisableClientState(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDisablei(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDisableVertexAttribArray(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDispatchCompute(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDispatchComputeIndirect(long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLDrawableCanvas(GLCanvas) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent.GLDrawableCanvas
- GLDrawableComponent - Class in maspack.render.GL
Wrapper for either GLCanvas or GLJPanel, since
the two do not have a sufficient common interface
to act as both an AWT Component and a GLAutoDrawable interface
- GLDrawableComponent.GLDrawableCanvas - Class in maspack.render.GL
Wrapper for a GLCanvas
- GLDrawableComponent.GLDrawableJPanel - Class in maspack.render.GL
Wrapper for a GLJPanel
- GLDrawableJPanel(GLJPanel) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent.GLDrawableJPanel
- glDrawArrays(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawArraysIndirect(int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawArraysIndirect(int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawArraysInstanced(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawBuffer(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawBuffers(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawBuffers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElements(int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElementsBaseVertex(int, int, int, long, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElementsBaseVertex(int, int, int, Buffer, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElementsIndirect(int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElementsIndirect(int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElementsInstanced(int, int, int, long, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(int, int, int, long, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(int, int, int, long, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(int, int, int, Buffer, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(int, int, int, long, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawRangeElements(int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(int, int, int, int, int, long, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(int, int, int, int, int, Buffer, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawTransformFeedback(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawTransformFeedbackStream(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glEdgeFlagFormatNV(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glEnable(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glEnableClientState(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glEnablei(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glEnableVertexAttribArray(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glEndConditionalRender() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glEndQuery(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glEndQueryIndexed(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glEndTransformFeedback() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFenceSync(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFinish() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFlush() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFlushMappedBufferRange(int, long, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFogCoordFormatNV(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferParameteri(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferRenderbuffer(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferTexture(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferTexture1D(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferTexture2D(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferTexture3D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferTextureARB(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferTextureEXT(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferTextureFaceARB(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferTextureLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glFramebufferTextureLayerARB(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLFrameCapture - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLFrameCapture(int, int, int, boolean, File, String) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLFrameCapture
- GLFrameCapture(int, int, int, int, int, boolean, File, String) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLFrameCapture
- glFrontFace(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLGarbageBin<T extends GLResource> - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLGarbageBin() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLGarbageBin
- GLGarbageCollector - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLGarbageCollector() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLGarbageCollector
- GLGarbageSource - Interface in maspack.render.GL
- glGenBuffers(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenBuffers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenerateMipmap(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenFramebuffers(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenFramebuffers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenProgramPipelines(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenProgramPipelines(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenQueries(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenQueries(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenRenderbuffers(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenRenderbuffers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenSamplers(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenSamplers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenTextures(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenTextures(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenTransformFeedbacks(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenTransformFeedbacks(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenVertexArrays(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGenVertexArrays(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveAttrib(int, int, int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveAttrib(int, int, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveSubroutineName(int, int, int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveSubroutineName(int, int, int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv(int, int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv(int, int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName(int, int, int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName(int, int, int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniform(int, int, int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniform(int, int, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniformBlockName(int, int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniformBlockName(int, int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniformName(int, int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniformName(int, int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniformsiv(int, int, int[], int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetActiveUniformsiv(int, int, IntBuffer, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetAttachedShaders(int, int, int[], int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetAttachedShaders(int, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetAttribLocation(int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBooleani_v(int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBooleani_v(int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBooleanv(int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBooleanv(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBoundBuffer(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBufferParameteri64v(int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBufferParameteri64v(int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBufferParameteriv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBufferParameteriv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBufferParameterui64vNV(int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBufferParameterui64vNV(int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBufferSize(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetBufferSubData(int, long, long, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetCompressedTexImage(int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetCompressedTexImage(int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetDebugMessageLog(int, int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetDebugMessageLog(int, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetDebugMessageLogAMD(int, int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetDebugMessageLogAMD(int, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetDoublei_v(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetDoublei_v(int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetDoublev(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetDoublev(int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetError() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFloati_v(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFloati_v(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFloatv(int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFloatv(int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFragDataIndex(int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFragDataLocation(int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFramebufferParameteriv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetFramebufferParameteriv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetGraphicsResetStatus() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetInteger64i_v(int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetInteger64i_v(int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetInteger64v(int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetInteger64v(int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetIntegeri_v(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetIntegeri_v(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetIntegerui64i_vNV(int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetIntegerui64i_vNV(int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetIntegerui64vNV(int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetIntegerui64vNV(int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetIntegerv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetIntegerv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetInternalformati64v(int, int, int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetInternalformati64v(int, int, int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetInternalformativ(int, int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetInternalformativ(int, int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetMultisamplefv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetMultisamplefv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetNamedBufferParameterui64vNV(int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetNamedBufferParameterui64vNV(int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetNamedStringARB(int, String, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetNamedStringARB(int, String, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetNamedStringivARB(int, String, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetNamedStringivARB(int, String, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnCompressedTexImage(int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnTexImage(int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnUniformdv(int, int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnUniformdv(int, int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnUniformfv(int, int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnUniformfv(int, int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnUniformiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnUniformiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnUniformuiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetnUniformuiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetObjectLabel(int, int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetObjectLabel(int, int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetObjectPtrLabel(Buffer, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetObjectPtrLabel(Buffer, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramBinary(int, int, int[], int, int[], int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramBinary(int, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramInfoLog(int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramInfoLog(int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramInterfaceiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramInterfaceiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog(int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog(int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramPipelineiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramPipelineiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramResourceIndex(int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramResourceIndex(int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramResourceiv(int, int, int, int, int[], int, int, int[], int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramResourceiv(int, int, int, int, IntBuffer, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramResourceLocation(int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramResourceLocation(int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramResourceName(int, int, int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramResourceName(int, int, int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramStageiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetProgramStageiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryIndexediv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryIndexediv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryObjecti64v(int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryObjecti64v(int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryObjectiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryObjectiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryObjectui64v(int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryObjectui64v(int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryObjectuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetQueryObjectuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSamplerParameterfv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSamplerParameterfv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSamplerParameterIiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSamplerParameterIiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSamplerParameterIuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSamplerParameterIuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSamplerParameteriv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSamplerParameteriv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetShaderInfoLog(int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetShaderInfoLog(int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetShaderiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetShaderiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(int, int, int[], int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(int, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetShaderSource(int, int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetShaderSource(int, int, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetString(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetStringi(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSubroutineIndex(int, int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSubroutineUniformLocation(int, int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSynciv(long, int, int, int[], int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetSynciv(long, int, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexImage(int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexImage(int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexLevelParameterfv(int, int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexLevelParameterfv(int, int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexLevelParameteriv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexLevelParameteriv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexParameterfv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexParameterfv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexParameterIiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexParameterIiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexParameterIuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexParameterIuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexParameteriv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTexParameteriv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTransformFeedbackVarying(int, int, int, int[], int, int[], int, int[], int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetTransformFeedbackVarying(int, int, int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformBlockIndex(int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformdv(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformdv(int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformfv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformfv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformIndices(int, int, String[], int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformIndices(int, int, String[], IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformLocation(int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformSubroutineuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformSubroutineuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformui64vNV(int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformui64vNV(int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetUniformuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribdv(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribdv(int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribfv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribfv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribIiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribIiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribIuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribIuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribLdv(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glGetVertexAttribLdv(int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glHint(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLHSVShader - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GLHSVShader() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GLHSVShader
- GLHSVShaderTest - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
- GLHSVShaderTest() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GLHSVShaderTest
- glImportSyncEXT(int, long, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIndexFormatNV(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glInvalidateBufferData(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glInvalidateBufferSubData(int, long, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glInvalidateFramebuffer(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glInvalidateFramebuffer(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glInvalidateSubFramebuffer(int, int, int[], int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glInvalidateSubFramebuffer(int, int, IntBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glInvalidateTexImage(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glInvalidateTexSubImage(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsBuffer(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsBufferResidentNV(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsEnabled(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsEnabledi(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsFramebuffer(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsNamedBufferResidentNV(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsNamedStringARB(int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsPBOPackBound() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsPBOUnpackBound() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsProgram(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsProgramPipeline(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsQuery(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsRenderbuffer(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsSampler(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsShader(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsSync(long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsTexture(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsTransformFeedback(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsVBOArrayBound() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsVBOElementArrayBound() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glIsVertexArray(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLJPanel - Class in maspack.render.GL.jogl
A lightweight Swing component which provides OpenGL rendering support.
- GLJPanel() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
Creates a new GLJPanel component with a default set of OpenGL
capabilities and using the default OpenGL capabilities selection
- GLJPanel(GLCapabilitiesImmutable) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
Creates a new GLJPanel component with the requested set of OpenGL
capabilities, using the default OpenGL capabilities selection mechanism.
- GLJPanel(GLCapabilitiesImmutable, GLCapabilitiesChooser) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
Creates a new GLJPanel component.
- GLJPanelTest - Class in maspack.test.GL
- GLJPanelTest() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.GLJPanelTest
- GLLightManager - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLLightManager() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
- glLineWidth(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glLinkProgram(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glLogicOp(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMakeBufferNonResidentNV(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMakeBufferResidentNV(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMakeNamedBufferNonResidentNV(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMakeNamedBufferResidentNV(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMapBuffer(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMapBufferRange(int, long, long, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLMatrixToTransform(AffineTransform3dBase, double[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- glMemoryBarrier(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMemoryBarrierByRegion(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMinSampleShading(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLMouseAdapter - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLMouseAdapter(GLViewer) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- GLMouseListener - Interface in maspack.render.GL
- glMultiDrawArrays(int, int[], int, int[], int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiDrawArrays(int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiDrawArraysIndirect(int, long, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiDrawArraysIndirectAMD(int, Buffer, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiDrawElements(int, IntBuffer, int, PointerBuffer, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(int, IntBuffer, int, PointerBuffer, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiDrawElementsIndirect(int, int, Buffer, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiDrawElementsIndirectAMD(int, int, Buffer, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP1ui(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP1uiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP1uiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP2ui(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP2uiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP2uiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP3ui(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP3uiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP3uiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP4ui(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP4uiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glMultiTexCoordP4uiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glNamedBufferPageCommitmentARB(int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glNamedBufferPageCommitmentEXT(int, long, long, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glNamedFramebufferParameteriEXT(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glNamedStringARB(int, int, String, int, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glNormalFormatNV(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glNormalP3ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glNormalP3uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glNormalP3uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glObjectLabel(int, int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glObjectLabel(int, int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glObjectPtrLabel(Buffer, int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glObjectPtrLabel(Buffer, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GlobTools - Class in maspack.fileutil
- GlobTools() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.GlobTools
- globToRegex(String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.GlobTools
Converts a wildcard glob to regular expression
- GLOcclusionSelector - Class in maspack.render.GL
GLSelector that uses occlusion queries, so will select everything,
including occluded objects within the supplied range.
- GLOcclusionSelector(GLViewer) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLOcclusionSelector
- glPatchParameterfv(int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPatchParameterfv(int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPatchParameteri(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPauseTransformFeedback() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLPipelineRenderer - Interface in maspack.render.GL
Allows pipeline rendering of primitives.
- GLPipelineRendererBase - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLPipelineRendererBase() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
- glPixelStoref(int, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPixelStorei(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPointParameterf(int, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPointParameterfv(int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPointParameterfv(int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPointParameteri(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPointParameteriv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPointParameteriv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPointSize(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPolygonMode(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPolygonOffset(float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPopDebugGroup() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPrimitiveBoundingBox(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPrimitiveRestartIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramBinary(int, int, Buffer, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLProgramInfo - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLProgramInfo() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- GLProgramInfo.RenderingMode - Enum in maspack.render.GL
- glProgramParameteri(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramParameteriARB(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1d(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1dv(int, int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1dv(int, int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1f(int, int, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1fv(int, int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1fv(int, int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1i(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1iv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1iv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1ui(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1uiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform1uiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2d(int, int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2dv(int, int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2dv(int, int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2f(int, int, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2fv(int, int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2fv(int, int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2i(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2iv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2iv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2ui(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2uiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform2uiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3d(int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3dv(int, int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3dv(int, int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3f(int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3fv(int, int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3fv(int, int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3i(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3iv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3iv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3ui(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3uiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform3uiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4d(int, int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4dv(int, int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4dv(int, int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4f(int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4fv(int, int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4fv(int, int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4i(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4iv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4iv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4ui(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4uiv(int, int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniform4uiv(int, int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2dv(int, int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2dv(int, int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2fv(int, int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2fv(int, int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv(int, int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv(int, int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv(int, int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv(int, int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv(int, int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv(int, int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv(int, int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv(int, int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3dv(int, int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3dv(int, int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3fv(int, int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3fv(int, int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv(int, int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv(int, int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv(int, int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv(int, int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv(int, int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv(int, int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv(int, int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv(int, int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4dv(int, int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4dv(int, int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4fv(int, int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4fv(int, int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv(int, int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv(int, int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv(int, int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv(int, int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv(int, int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv(int, int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv(int, int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv(int, int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformui64NV(int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformui64vNV(int, int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProgramUniformui64vNV(int, int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glProvokingVertex(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPushDebugGroup(int, int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glPushDebugGroup(int, int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glQueryCounter(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glReadBuffer(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glReadnPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glReadPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glReadPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLRedBleedDebug - Class in maspack.test.GL
Added March 2021 to help find the red bleed problem that has started to
occur under GL3 on certain GPUS.
- GLRedBleedDebug() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.GLRedBleedDebug
- glReleaseShaderCompiler() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLRenderBuffer - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLRenderBuffer(int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- glRenderbufferStorage(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLRenderer - Interface in maspack.render.GL
- GLRenderObject - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL2
Associates a render object with a display list
- GLRenderObject() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GLRenderObject
- GLResource - Interface in maspack.render.GL
Resource used by GL
- GLResourceBase - Class in maspack.render.GL
Resource used by GL
- GLResourceBase() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceBase
- GLResourceBox<S extends GLResource> - Class in maspack.render.GL
Holds a reference to a resource so that it will
not be destroyed before the resource has a chance
to be acquired by something else.
- GLResourceBox(S) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceBox
- GLResourceList<T extends GLResource> - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLResourceList() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceList
- glResumeTransformFeedback() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSampleCoverage(float, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSampleMaski(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameterf(int, int, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameterfv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameterfv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameteri(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameterIiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameterIiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameterIuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameterIuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameteriv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSamplerParameteriv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glScissor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glScissorArrayv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glScissorArrayv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glScissorIndexed(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glScissorIndexedv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glScissorIndexedv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSecondaryColorFormatNV(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSecondaryColorP3ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSecondaryColorP3uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSecondaryColorP3uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLSelector - Class in maspack.render.GL
Base class for helper classes that enable GLViewer to perform selection
- GLSelector(GLViewer) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
- glSetMultisamplefvAMD(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glSetMultisamplefvAMD(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glShaderBinary(int, int[], int, int, Buffer, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glShaderBinary(int, IntBuffer, int, Buffer, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLShaderProgram - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLShaderProgram(int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLShaderProgram
- glShaderSource(int, int, String[], int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glShaderSource(int, int, String[], IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLSharedResources - Class in maspack.render.GL
Container class for resources tied to a particular context.
- GLSharedResources(GLCapabilities) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
- GLSLGenerator - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GLSLGenerator() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GLSLGenerator
- GLSLGenerator.StringIntPair - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- GLSLTextureRaster - Class in maspack.render.GL.jogl
- GLSLTextureRaster(int, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLSLTextureRaster
- GLSparkleDebug - Class in maspack.test.GL
- GLSparkleDebug() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.GLSparkleDebug
- glStencilFunc(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glStencilFuncSeparate(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glStencilMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glStencilMaskSeparate(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glStencilOp(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glStencilOpSeparate(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glStencilOpValueAMD(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLSupport - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLSupport() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- GLSupport.GLVersionInfo - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLSupport.GLVersionListener - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLSupport.ImagePanel - Class in maspack.render.GL
Simple class to help debug storage
- glTessellationFactorAMD(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTessellationModeAMD(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexBuffer(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexBufferRange(int, int, int, long, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordFormatNV(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP1ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP1uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP1uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP2ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP2uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP2uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP3ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP3uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP3uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP4ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP4uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexCoordP4uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage2DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage2DMultisampleCoverageNV(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage3DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexImage3DMultisampleCoverageNV(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexPageCommitmentARB(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameterf(int, int, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameterfv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameterfv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameteri(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameterIiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameterIiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameterIuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameterIuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameteriv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexParameteriv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexStorage1D(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexStorage2D(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexStorage2DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexStorage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexStorage3DMultisample(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexSubImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexSubImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Buffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTexSubImage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLTextRenderer - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLTextRenderer(GLTexture, GLPipelineRenderer, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLTextRenderer
- GLTextRenderer(GLTexture, GLPipelineRenderer, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLTextRenderer
- GLTexture - Class in maspack.render.GL
A texture to be bound within JOGL.
- GLTexture(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
Create a new texture
- glTextureBufferRangeEXT(int, int, int, int, long, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTextureImage2DMultisampleCoverageNV(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTextureImage2DMultisampleNV(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTextureImage3DMultisampleCoverageNV(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTextureImage3DMultisampleNV(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLTextureLoader - Class in maspack.render.GL
A utility class to load textures for JOGL.
- GLTextureLoader() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
Create a new texture loader based on the game panel
- glTextureStorage1D(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTextureStorage1DEXT(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTextureStorage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTextureStorage2DEXT(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTextureStorage3D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTextureStorage3DEXT(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glTransformFeedbackVaryings(int, int, String[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform(GLUniformData) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1d(int, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1dv(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1dv(int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1f(int, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1fv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1fv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1i(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1iv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1iv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1uiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform1uiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2d(int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2dv(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2dv(int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2f(int, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2fv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2fv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2i(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2iv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2iv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2ui(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2uiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform2uiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3d(int, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3dv(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3dv(int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3f(int, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3fv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3fv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3i(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3iv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3iv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3ui(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3uiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform3uiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4d(int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4dv(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4dv(int, int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4f(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4fv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4fv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4i(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4iv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4iv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4ui(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4uiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniform4uiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformBlockBinding(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2dv(int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2dv(int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2fv(int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2fv(int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2x3dv(int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2x3dv(int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2x3fv(int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2x3fv(int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2x4dv(int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2x4dv(int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2x4fv(int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix2x4fv(int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3dv(int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3dv(int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3fv(int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3fv(int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3x2dv(int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3x2dv(int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3x2fv(int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3x2fv(int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3x4dv(int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3x4dv(int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3x4fv(int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix3x4fv(int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4dv(int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4dv(int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4fv(int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4fv(int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4x2dv(int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4x2dv(int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4x2fv(int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4x2fv(int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4x3dv(int, int, boolean, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4x3dv(int, int, boolean, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4x3fv(int, int, boolean, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformMatrix4x3fv(int, int, boolean, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformSubroutinesuiv(int, int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformSubroutinesuiv(int, int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformui64NV(int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformui64vNV(int, int, long[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUniformui64vNV(int, int, LongBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUnmapBuffer(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUseProgram(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glUseProgramStages(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glValidateProgram(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glValidateProgramPipeline(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glValue() - Method in enum maspack.render.GL.GLViewer.BlendFactor
- GLVersionInfo(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.GLVersionInfo
- GLVersionListener() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.GLVersionListener
- glVertexArrayBindVertexBufferEXT(int, int, int, long, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexArrayVertexAttribBindingEXT(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexArrayVertexAttribFormatEXT(int, int, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexArrayVertexAttribIFormatEXT(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexArrayVertexAttribLFormatEXT(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexArrayVertexBindingDivisorEXT(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib1d(int, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib1dv(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib1dv(int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib1f(int, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib1fv(int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib1fv(int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib1s(int, short) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib1sv(int, short[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib1sv(int, ShortBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib2d(int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib2dv(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib2dv(int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib2f(int, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib2fv(int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib2fv(int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib2s(int, short, short) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib2sv(int, short[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib2sv(int, ShortBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib3d(int, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib3dv(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib3dv(int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib3f(int, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib3fv(int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib3fv(int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib3s(int, short, short, short) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib3sv(int, short[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib3sv(int, ShortBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4bv(int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4bv(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4d(int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4dv(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4dv(int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4f(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4fv(int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4fv(int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4iv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4iv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nbv(int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nbv(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Niv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Niv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nsv(int, short[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nsv(int, ShortBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nub(int, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nubv(int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nubv(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nuiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nuiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nusv(int, short[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4Nusv(int, ShortBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4s(int, short, short, short, short) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4sv(int, short[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4sv(int, ShortBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4ubv(int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4ubv(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4usv(int, short[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttrib4usv(int, ShortBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribBinding(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribDivisor(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribFormat(int, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribFormatNV(int, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI1i(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI1iv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI1iv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI1ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI1uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI1uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI2i(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI2iv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI2iv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI2ui(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI2uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI2uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI3i(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI3iv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI3iv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI3ui(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI3uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI3uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4bv(int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4bv(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4i(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4iv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4iv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4sv(int, short[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4sv(int, ShortBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4ubv(int, byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4ubv(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4ui(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4usv(int, short[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribI4usv(int, ShortBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribIFormat(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribIFormatNV(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribIPointer(int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL1d(int, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL1dv(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL1dv(int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL2d(int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL2dv(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL2dv(int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL3d(int, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL3dv(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL3dv(int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL4d(int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL4dv(int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribL4dv(int, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribLPointer(int, int, int, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP1ui(int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP1uiv(int, int, boolean, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP1uiv(int, int, boolean, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP2ui(int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP2uiv(int, int, boolean, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP2uiv(int, int, boolean, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP3ui(int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP3uiv(int, int, boolean, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP3uiv(int, int, boolean, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP4ui(int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP4uiv(int, int, boolean, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribP4uiv(int, int, boolean, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribPointer(GLArrayData) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexAttribPointer(int, int, int, boolean, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexBindingDivisor(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexFormatNV(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexP2ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexP2uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexP2uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexP3ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexP3uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexP3uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexP4ui(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexP4uiv(int, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glVertexP4uiv(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GLViewer - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLViewer() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- GLViewer.BlendFactor - Enum in maspack.render.GL
- GLViewer.GLVersion - Enum in maspack.render.GL
- GLViewerEvent - Class in maspack.render.GL
Event classreturned whenever the GLViewer executes a render operation.
- GLViewerEvent(GLViewer) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerEvent
- GLViewerFrame - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLViewerFrame(String, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerFrame
- GLViewerFrame(String, int, int, GraphicsInterface) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerFrame
- GLViewerFrame(GLViewer, String, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerFrame
- GLViewerFrame(GLViewer, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerFrame
- GLViewerPanel - Class in maspack.render.GL
- GLViewerPanel(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerPanel
- GLViewerPanel(int, int, GraphicsInterface) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerPanel
- glViewport(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glViewportArrayv(int, int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glViewportArrayv(int, int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glViewportIndexedf(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glViewportIndexedfv(int, float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glViewportIndexedfv(int, FloatBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- glWaitSync(long, int, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- GlyphLoc(Rectangle, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.render.TextImageStore.GlyphLoc
- GmshReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Reads FEM mesh geometry from a Gmsh .msh
- GmshReader(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.GmshReader
Creates a GmshReader to read from a specified file.
- GmshReader(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.GmshReader
Creates a GmshReader to read from a specified file.
- GmshReader(Reader) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.GmshReader
Creates a GmshReader to read from a specified Reader.
- GmshReaderWriterTest - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- GmshReaderWriterTest(boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.GmshReaderWriterTest
- GmshWriter - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Writes FEM mesh geometry to a Gmsh .msh
- GmshWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.GmshWriter
Creates a GmshWriter to write to a specified PrintWriter.
- GmshWriter(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.GmshWriter
Creates a GmshWriter to write to a specified file.
- GmshWriter(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.GmshWriter
Creates a GmshWriter to write to a specified file.
- GnomonicProjector - Class in maspack.spatialmotion.projections
- GnomonicProjector() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- GOLD - Static variable in class maspack.render.Material
- GoldenSectionSearch - Class in maspack.numerics
- GoldenSectionSearch() - Constructor for class maspack.numerics.GoldenSectionSearch
- grab() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Grabs rectangle and writes to disk.
- grab(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Grabs rectangle and writes to disk.
- grabPending() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- grabPending() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- grabPending() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- grabScreenShot(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- Graph<A,B> - Class in maspack.graph
- Graph() - Constructor for class maspack.graph.Graph
- GraphicsInterface - Enum in maspack.render
Describes the graphics interface used to supprt the rendering.
- GRAY - Static variable in class maspack.render.Material
- greater(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns true if all the elements of this vector are greater than those of
- greaterEquals(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns true if all the elements of this vector are greater than or equal
to those of vectorv1
- GREEN - Static variable in class maspack.render.Material
- GreyscaleColorMap - Class in maspack.render.color
Interpolates greyscale color values
- GreyscaleColorMap() - Constructor for class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
Creates a default grayscale color map
- GreyscaleColorMap(double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
Creates a grayscale map with specified min and max
brightness values
- GridCompBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Base class for components that contain interpolation grids.
- GridCompBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- GridCompBase(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- GridDisplay - Class in maspack.widgets
- GridDisplay(String, GridPlane) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.GridDisplay
- GridFieldBase - Class in artisynth.core.fields
Base component for grid-based fields
- GridFieldTest - Class in artisynth.core.fields
- GridFieldTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldTest
- GridPlane - Class in artisynth.core.renderables
- GridPlane(RigidTransform3d, Vector2d, Vector2d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
- GridPlane - Class in maspack.render
- GridPlane() - Constructor for class maspack.render.GridPlane
- GridPlane.AxisLabeling - Enum in maspack.render
- GridRectanglePacker - Class in maspack.util
- GridRectanglePacker(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.GridRectanglePacker
- GridResolution - Class in maspack.render
- GridResolution(double, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GridResolution
- GridResolution(GridResolution) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GridResolution
- GridResolutionField - Class in maspack.widgets
- GridResolutionField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.GridResolutionField
Creates a default GridResolutionField with an empty label.
- GridResolutionField(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.GridResolutionField
Creates a new GridResolutionField with specified label text.
- GridResolutionField(String, GridResolution) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.GridResolutionField
Creates a new GridResolutionField with specified label text and initial
- Ground - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Ground() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ground
- GroundFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- GroundFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GroundFactory
- groupHalfEdgesByHardEdge - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- groups() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
- groupTracks() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- growSize(Dimension, Dimension) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Grow size0 as needed to to accommodate size1
- GtsReader - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- GtsReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GtsReader
- GtsReader(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GtsReader
- GtsReader(String) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GtsReader
- GtsToObj - Class in maspack.apps
- GtsToObj() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.GtsToObj
- GtsWriter - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- GtsWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GtsWriter
- GtsWriter(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GtsWriter
- GtsWriter(String) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.GtsWriter
- GuiStorage - Class in artisynth.core.gui.timeline
- GuiStorage() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.GuiStorage
- GuiUtils - Class in maspack.widgets
- GuiUtils.RelativeLocation - Enum in maspack.widgets
- GZ - Static variable in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIxScheme
- i - Variable in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixCell
- i - Variable in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorCell
- i - Variable in class maspack.solvers.PardisoThreadTest.SparseElement
- IBOInfo(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray.IBOInfo
- ICPRegistration - Class in maspack.geometry
Class to perform interative closest point (ICP) registration of one mesh
onto another.
- ICPRegistration() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- ICPRegistration.Prealign - Enum in maspack.geometry
Specifies whether to prealign the mesh using principal component analysis
(PCA), and if so, which of the resulting PCA axes to try.
- id - Variable in enum artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase.DisplayPreference
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Global identity transform.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Global identity transform.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Global identity matrix.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Global identity matrix.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Global identity matrix.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Global identity transform.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Global identity transform.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
Global identity rotation.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Global identity rotation.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Global identity transform.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Global identity matrix.
- IdentityFile - Class in maspack.fileutil.jsch
Holds contents of a private ssh key.
- IdentityVector3dTransform - Class in maspack.matrix
Vector3dTransform that does nothing.
- IdentityVector3dTransform() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.IdentityVector3dTransform
- idString() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
- idx - Variable in class maspack.geometry.Face
- idx - Variable in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
- IKProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
- IKProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Empty constructor required for write/scan.
- IKProbe(String, MechModel, Collection<FrameMarker>, VectorNd, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- IKProbe(String, MechModel, Collection<FrameMarker>, VectorNd, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- IKSolver - Class in artisynth.core.probes
Performs inverse kinematics computations to compute rigid body positions
from marker data, while enforcing constraints between the bodies imposed by
joints and other body connectors.
- IKSolver() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Creates an empty IKSolver.
- IKSolver(MechModel, Collection<FrameMarker>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Creates an IKSolver for a set of markers contained within a prescribed
- IKSolver(MechModel, Collection<FrameMarker>, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Creates an IKSolver for a set of markers contained within a prescribed
- IKSolver(IKSolver) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Creates an IKSolver which is a copy of another IKSolver.
- IKSolverTest - Class in artisynth.core.probes
- IKSolverTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolverTest
- IKToyMuscleArm - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Uses inverse kinematics to control ToyMuscleArm, using one or several
- IKToyMuscleArm() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.IKToyMuscleArm
- IllegalValue - Static variable in interface maspack.properties.Property
Special class type indicating an invalid value.
- illegalValue(String, StringHolder) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
- IllegalValue - Static variable in interface maspack.util.Range
Special object to indicate an illegal value,
- IllegalValueException - Exception in maspack.widgets
- IllegalValueException(String) - Constructor for exception maspack.widgets.IllegalValueException
- IllegalValueException() - Constructor for exception maspack.widgets.IllegalValueException
- IMAGE_NUMBER - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- IMAGE_ORIENTATION_PATIENT - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- IMAGE_POSITION_PATIENT - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- IMAGE_TIME - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- ImageFileChooser - Class in artisynth.core.gui.widgets
File chooser specialized for image files
- ImageFileChooser(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- ImageFileChooser(File, List<ExtensionFileFilter>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- ImagePanel(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent.ImagePanel
- ImagePanel(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent.ImagePanel
- ImagePanel(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent.ImagePanel
- ImagePanel(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent.ImagePanel
- ImagePanel(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.ImagePanel
- ImagePlaneProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
- ImagePlaneProbe(ModelComponent, String, String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- ImageProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
- ImageProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.ImageProbe
- ImageProbe(ModelComponent, RigidBody, String, String, String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.ImageProbe
- ImageViewer - Class in artisynth.core.renderables
- ImageViewer(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.ImageViewer
- ImageViewer() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.ImageViewer
- ImageViewer(String, File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.ImageViewer
- importData(File, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Still being implemented
- importData(File, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Still being implemented
- ImportExportFileInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.Probe.ImportExportFileInfo
- importFemFromAnsys() - Method in class artisynth.models.fez2021.MyFEMonster
- importOverlay(Probe, Window) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- importSparseMatrix(String, Vector<PardisoThreadTest.SparseElement>, Integer) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoThreadTest
- importText(File, boolean, boolean, char) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Still being implemented
- ImproperSizeException - Exception in maspack.matrix
- ImproperSizeException() - Constructor for exception maspack.matrix.ImproperSizeException
- ImproperSizeException(String) - Constructor for exception maspack.matrix.ImproperSizeException
- ImproperStateException - Exception in maspack.matrix
- ImproperStateException() - Constructor for exception maspack.matrix.ImproperStateException
- ImproperStateException(String) - Constructor for exception maspack.matrix.ImproperStateException
- inactiveColor - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.NumericProbeEditor
- inactiveColor - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.PopupListener
- InactiveMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
A muscle material that does nothing
- InactiveMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.InactiveMuscle
- incAll(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
- incIndentColumn(int) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
- incIndices(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
- INCLUDE_HIDDEN - Static variable in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
- includesCollidables(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidablePair
- includesDeformable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Group
- includesRigid() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Group
- includesSelf() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Group
- IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition - Class in maspack.solvers
Constructs the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive definite
- IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition
Creates an uninitialized CholeskyDecomposition.
- IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition(SparseMatrixNd) - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition
Creates a CholeskyDecomposition for the Matrix specified by M.
- IncompleteCholeskyDecompositionTest - Class in maspack.solvers
- IncompleteCholeskyDecompositionTest() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecompositionTest
- IncompleteLUDecomposition - Class in maspack.solvers
Constructs the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive definite
- IncompleteLUDecomposition() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.IncompleteLUDecomposition
Creates an uninitialized CholeskyDecomposition.
- IncompleteLUDecomposition(SparseMatrixNd) - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.IncompleteLUDecomposition
Creates a CholeskyDecomposition for the Matrix specified by M.
- IncompleteLUDecompositionTest - Class in maspack.solvers
- IncompleteLUDecompositionTest() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.IncompleteLUDecompositionTest
- IncompNeoHookeanMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- IncompNeoHookeanMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- IncompNeoHookeanMaterial(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- IncompressDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- IncompressDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.IncompressDemo
- IncompressibleMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- IncompressibleMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterial
- IncompressibleMaterial(double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterial
- IncompressibleMaterialBase - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- IncompressibleMaterialBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- IncompressibleMaterialBase.BulkPotential - Enum in artisynth.core.materials
- inContact() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionResponse
Queries if the collidables associated with this response are in
- inContact() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
Returns true if this knot is in contact.
- inContact() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Returns true if this wrappable segment is in contact with one or
more wrappables.
- increaseDisplayRanges() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Increase the display range of each numeric probe panel.
- increaseXRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
Increase the x range that is being viewed.
- increaseYRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
Increase the y range that is being viewed.
- incrementIndices() - Method in class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- incrementNumbering(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Increments the component numbers for all components in this
list by inc
- incrementNumbering(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- INDEFINITE - Static variable in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Identifies a matrix as regular indefinite.
- indent() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
- indentationString() - Method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
- IndentingPrintWriter - Class in maspack.util
- IndentingPrintWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Create a new IndentingPrintWriter, without automatic line flushing.
- IndentingPrintWriter(Writer, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Create a new IndentingPrintWriter.
- IndentingPrintWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Create a new IndentingPrintWriter, without automatic line flushing, from
an existing OutputStream.
- IndentingPrintWriter(OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Create a new IndentingPrintWriter from an existing OutputStream.
- IndentingPrintWriter(String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Creates a new IndentingPrintWriter, without automatic line flushing, with
the specified file name.
- IndentingPrintWriter(String, String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Creates a new IndentingPrintWriter, without automatic line flushing, with
the specified file name and charset.
- IndentingPrintWriter(File) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Creates a new IndentingPrintWriter, without automatic line flushing, with
the specified file.
- IndentingPrintWriter(File, String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
Creates a new IndentingPrintWriter, without automatic line flushing, with
the specified file and charset.
- index(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Adds vertices to the index buffer
- index(int...) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
- IndexBufferObject - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- IndexBufferObject(int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferObject
- IndexBufferPutter - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- IndexBufferPutter.ByteIndexBufferPutter - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- IndexBufferPutter.IntegerIndexBufferPutter - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- IndexBufferPutter.ShortIndexBufferPutter - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- IndexComparator() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint.IndexComparator
- IndexedBinaryHeap - Class in maspack.util
- IndexedBinaryHeap(int, Comparator<Integer>) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Creates a minimum BinaryHeap
with given data capacity/maximum data
array size
- IndexedBinaryHeap(int, Comparator<Integer>, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Creates a BinaryHeap
according to the supplied parameters
- IndexedComponentList - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
Describes anything that allows us to get a component by index.
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
Returns the index of a specified subcomponent, or -1 if that the
component is not present.
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Returns the index of a specified subcomponent, or -1 if that the
component is not present.
- indexOf(ExcitationComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns the index of a specified subcomponent, or -1 if that the
component is not present.
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Get the index of a particular component in this list, or -1 if the
specified component is not present.
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListView
Get the index of a particular component in this list, or -1 if the
specified component is not present.
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponent
Returns the index of a specified subcomponent, or -1 if that the
component is not present.
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
Returns the index of a specified subcomponent, or -1 if that the
component is not present.
- indexOf(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Returns the index of a specified subcomponent, or -1 if that the
component is not present.
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
Returns the index of a specified subcomponent, or -1 if that the
component is not present.
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Returns the index of a specified subcomponent, or -1 if that the
component is not present.
- indexOf(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
Returns the index of a specified subcomponent, or -1 if that the
component is not present.
- indexOf(T) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Searches the array to find the index of the first element that matches the
one provided.
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- indexOfComponent(Container, Component) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- indexOfEdge(HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Returns the index of a specified HalfEdge, or -1 if the half edge
does not belong to this face.
- indexOfLight(Light) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
- indexOfMajor(Component) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Gets the index of a specified major component, or -1 if the component is
not present.
- indexOfMenuComponent(JMenu, Component) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- indexOfPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the index of a specified point in this spring, or -1 if the
point is not present.
- indexOfReference(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
- indexOfVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Returns the vertex associated with a specified vertex, or -1
if the vertex is not found in this face.
- indexOfWrappable(Wrappable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the index of a wrappable in this spring which is applied to
all segments, or -1 if such a wrappable is not present.
- indexOfWrappable(Wrappable, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns the index of a wrappable in this spring which is applied to the
segments between the points indexed by pntIdx0
and pntIdx1
- indexRange(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Adds vertices to the index buffer
- IndianRed - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- indices - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Curve
- indices - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- inertiaTest() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshTest
- INF - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- INF - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQueryTest
- INF - Static variable in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
- infinityNorm() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Returns the infinity norm of this matrix.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Returns the infinity norm of this matrix.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Returns the infinity norm of this matrix.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Returns the infinity norm of this matrix.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Returns the infinity norm of this matrix.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Returns the infinity norm of this matrix.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Returns the infinity norm of this matrix.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Returns the infinity norm of this quaternion.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Returns the infinity norm of this vector.
- infinityNorm() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Returns the infinity norm of this spatial vector.
- info(String) - Static method in class maspack.util.Debug
- info(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.Logger
Log information at the `INFO' level
- info(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.StreamLogger
- INHERITABLE - Static variable in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- InheritableProperty - Interface in maspack.properties
- InheritablePropertyHandle - Class in maspack.properties
- InheritablePropertyHandle(HasProperties, PropertyDesc) - Constructor for class maspack.properties.InheritablePropertyHandle
- inheritsTransform() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransform
- inheritTreeValuesFromHierachy(HierarchyNode) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Climbs a hierarchy to determine all inherited values for the property tree
defined by this cell.
- inheritTreeValuesFromHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Sets cell values within this property tree from any explicitly-set
matching properties in a specific host.
- init() - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.JythonInit
- init(Point3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
Initializes this NearestPolygon3dFeature to input one or more polygons
- init(Point3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dSegment
- init(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.WindingCalculator
- init - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
- init(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.WindingCalculator
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- init(GL3, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3Sample
GL Init
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLGarbageCollector
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.GLVersionListener
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Called any time GL context is switched! e.g.
- init(GL2ES2) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLSLTextureRaster
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.JOGLTest
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.GL3JPanelTest
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.GLCanvasTest
- init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.GLJPanelTest
- initBuffers(GL3) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.GL3JPanelTest
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- initialize(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Initializes the warper, clears any cached values
- initialize(List<CollidableBody>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTable
- initialize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- initialize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
stub implementation of RequiresInitialize which can be overridden
as needed by subclasses.
- initialize(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.RequiresInitialize
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- initialize(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Model
Causes this model to initialize itself at time t.
- initialize(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgent
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgentBase
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Causes this model to initialize itself at time t.
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.RigidTransformInputProbe
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Causes this model to initialize itself at time t.
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeDemo
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- initialize(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.CylinderBounceTest
- initialize() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- initialize(PropertyDesc, String, Object, Class<?>, String, Object, String, int) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- initialize(PropertyDesc, String, String, Object, Class<?>, String, Object, String, int) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- initialize() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- initialize() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- initializeArrays() - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Creates distance and voronoi arrays if required, and fills them with their
default values (distance=infinity, voronoi=-1).
- initializeBackend(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
Attempts to initialize the backend, if not initialized yet.
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.CylindricalCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3d
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FixedAxisCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FreeCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FullPlanarCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.HingeCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarTranslationCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Called inside the
constructor to allocate
constraint and coordinate information, using calls to the
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SliderCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SlottedHingeCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SolidCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
- initializeConstraints() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
- initializeExcitations() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Initialize the controller excitations with values currently stored in the
exciter components, to allow for non-zero starting excitations.
- initializeLmPrevFromLdot(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- initializeProperties(MeshCurve) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshCurveAgent
- initializePropertyValues(FemMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
If possible, initializes the baseMaterial property in this
ScaledFemMaterial from another FemMaterial.
- initializePropertyValues(FemMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
If possible, initializes the baseMaterial property in this
ViscoelasticMaterial from another FemMaterial.
- initializeSegment(int, Point3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Initializes the wrap path for the wrappable segment indexed by segIdx
, using a specified set of initialization points.
- initializeSelection(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
- initializeSelection(Class<?>[], Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
- initializeStrand(Point3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Initialize the knots in the strand so that they are distributed evenly
along the piecewise-linear path specified by the start and end points
and any initialization points that may have been specified.
- initializeStrand(ArrayList<Point3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Initialize the knots in the strand so that they are distributed evenly
along a specified list of points.
- initializeTDC0() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Initializes the TDC transform "rest" position to correspond to the
current locations of the C and D frames.
- initializeViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- initializeWidget(LabeledComponentBase, Property) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- initSourceRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- initStatics() - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Reinitializes static variables.
- initTargetRenderProps(TrackingController) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- initToolbar() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- initTransform(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- InputNumericProbeEditor - Class in artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor
- InputNumericProbeEditor() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
- InputNumericProbeEditor(NumericInputProbe) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.InputNumericProbeEditor
Constructor for an Input Probe Editor based on an existing probe.
- InputProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
- InputProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.InputProbe
- InputProbe(ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.InputProbe
- inputSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PolynomialBasisFunction
- inputSize() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- inputSize() - Method in class maspack.function.ConstantFunction3x1
- inputSize() - Method in interface maspack.function.Function1x1
- inputSize() - Method in interface maspack.function.Function3x1
Queries the number of inputs expected by this function.
- inputSize() - Method in class maspack.function.Function3x3
- inputSize() - Method in interface maspack.function.FunctionNx1
Queries the number of inputs expected by this function.
- inputSize() - Method in interface maspack.function.FunctionNxM
Queries the input size of this function
- inputSize() - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction3x1
- inputSize() - Method in class maspack.function.LinearFunctionNx1
Queries the number of inputs expected by this function.
- inputSize() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- inputSize() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- insertChild(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
Insert the specified child into this nodes list of children if the child
list has been initialized.
- insertChildAt(int, Node<T>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Adds a child to the list of children for this Node<T>
at a particular
- insertChildAtPathEnd(Object, TreePath) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
Insert a child object to the node at the end of the specified path, if the
path does not end with a leaf node
- insertionAttachmentNodes - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointToPointMuscle
- insertKnot(int, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
- INSIDE - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- insideTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- insideTriangleTolerance - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.Face
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalHexSampler
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalPyramidSampler
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalTetSampler
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalWedgeSampler
- InstancedRenderingTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- InstancedRenderingTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.InstancedRenderingTest
- InstanceTest - Class in maspack.test.GL
- InstanceTest() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.InstanceTest
- int2double(int[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
- INTEGER_SIZE - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- IntegerField - Class in maspack.widgets
- IntegerField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
Creates a default IntField with an empty label.
- IntegerField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
Creates an IntField with specified label text and initial value.
- IntegerField(String, int, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
Creates an IntField with specified label text, initial value, and format
for converting numeric values to text.
- IntegerField(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
Creates an IntField with specified label text.
- IntegerFieldSlider - Class in maspack.widgets
- IntegerFieldSlider() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
Creates a default IntFieldSlider with an empty label and a range of 0 to
- IntegerFieldSlider(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
Creates an IntFieldSlider with specified label text, initial value, and
- IntegerFieldSlider(String, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
Creates an IntFieldSlider with specified label text, initial value, range,
and format for converting numeric values to text.
- IntegerFieldSlider(String, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
Creates an IntFieldSlider with specified label text and range.
- IntegerInterval - Class in maspack.util
A Range object which inspects a number to make sure it lies within a
prescribed interval.
- IntegerInterval() - Constructor for class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Creates a IntRange which accepts any integer value.
- IntegerInterval(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Creates a new IntRange that accepts any value in the closed interval
[lower, upper].
- IntegerInterval(IntegerInterval) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Creates a new IntRange which is a copy of an existing one.
- IntegerInterval(NumericInterval) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Creates a new IntegerRange which is a copy of an existing NumericRange one.
- IntegerInterval(String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Creates a new IntRange from a specification string.
- IntegerIntervalField - Class in maspack.widgets
- IntegerIntervalField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
Creates a default IntRangeField with an empty label.
- IntegerIntervalField(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
Creates a new IntRangeField with a specified label.
- IntegerIntervalField(String, IntegerInterval) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
Creates a new IntRangeField with specified label text and initial value.
- IntegerIntervalField(String, IntegerInterval, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
Creates a new IntRangeField with specified label text and initial value.
- IntegerMultiField - Class in maspack.widgets
- IntegerMultiField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Creates a new IntMultiField with specified label text and number of
- IntegerMultiField(String, int[], String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Creates a new IntMultiField with specified label text and initial value.
- IntegerMultiField(String, String[], int[], String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Creates a new IntMultiField with specified label text, labels for each
field, and initial value.
- IntegerSelector - Class in maspack.widgets
- IntegerSelector(String, int, int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerSelector
Creates an IntSelector with specified label text, initial value, and
values to choose from.
- IntegerSelector(String, int, int[], String[]) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerSelector
Creates an IntSelector with specified label text, initial value, and
values to choose from.
- IntegerSelector(String, int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerSelector
Creates an IntSelector with specified label text and values to choose
- IntegerSelector(String, int[], String[]) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerSelector
Creates an IntSelector with specified label text and values to choose
- IntegerSlider - Class in maspack.widgets
- IntegerSlider(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
Creates an IntSlider with specified label text, initial value, and range.
- IntegerSlider(String, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
Creates an IntSlider with specified label text and range.
- IntegerToken - Class in artisynth.core.util
Parsing token that holds an integer value.
- IntegerToken(int, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.IntegerToken
- IntegerToken(int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.IntegerToken
- integrate(FemElement3d, Function3x1) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementIntegrator
Integrates a function defined over the finite element
- integrate(FemElement3d, Function3x1) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.IPointFemElementIntegrator
- integrate(FemElement3d, VectorNd) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.IPointFemElementIntegrator
Integrate the function provided values at the integration points
- integrate(FemElement3d, Function3x1) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloFemElementIntegrator
- integrate(MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionSampler, int, int, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
Integrates the provided function using importance-sampling
- integrate(MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionNdSampler, int, int, double, VectorNd) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
Integrates the provided N-dimensional function using importance-sampling
- integrate(MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionSampler) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
Integrates the supplied random sampler function
- integrate(MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionSampler, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
Integrates the supplied random sampler function, normalizing the error
estimate threshold by the provided volume
- integrate(MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionNdSampler, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
Integrates the supplied random sampler function
- integrate(MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionNdSampler, double, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
Integrates the supplied random sampler function, normalizing the error
estimate threshold by the provided volume
- integrate(Function3x1) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- integrateMass() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- integrateRest(FemElement3d, Function3x1) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementIntegrator
Integrates a function defined over the finite element at rest coordinates
- integrateRest(FemElement3d, Function3x1) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.IPointFemElementIntegrator
- integrateRest(FemElement3d, VectorNd) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.IPointFemElementIntegrator
Integrate the function provided values at the integration points
- integrateRest(FemElement3d, Function3x1) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloFemElementIntegrator
- integrateShapeFunctionProduct(FemElement3d, Function3x1, VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementIntegrator
Integrates a function times the shape functions
- integrateShapeFunctionProduct(FemElement3d, Function3x1, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.IPointFemElementIntegrator
- integrateShapeFunctionProduct(FemElement3d, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.IPointFemElementIntegrator
Integrate provided values at the integration points
- integrateShapeFunctionProduct(FemElement3d, Function3x1, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloFemElementIntegrator
- integrateShapeFunctionProductRest(FemElement3d, Function3x1, VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementIntegrator
Integrates a function times the shape functions at rest coordinates
- integrateShapeFunctionProductRest(FemElement3d, Function3x1, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.IPointFemElementIntegrator
- integrateShapeFunctionProductRest(FemElement3d, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.IPointFemElementIntegrator
Integrate provided values at the integration points
- integrateShapeFunctionProductRest(FemElement3d, Function3x1, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloFemElementIntegrator
- integrateVolume() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_GAUSS_27 - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_GAUSS_64 - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_GAUSS_8 - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_GAUSS_8 - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_GAUSS_9 - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_LOBATTO_27 - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_LOBATTO_64 - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_LOBATTO_8 - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_MEMBRANE - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- INTEGRATION_COORDS_MEMBRANE - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- IntegrationData3d - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
This class stores element-specific information related to each integration
point within a 3D element.
- IntegrationData3d() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- IntegrationPoint3d - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
This class stores readonly and transient information for each integration
point within a 3D element.
- IntegrationPoint3d(int, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- IntegrationPoint3d(int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- IntegrationPoint3d(int, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- integrationPointsInterpolateToNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Queries whether there is an interpolation mapping between integration points
and nodes.
- integrationPointsMapToNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Queries whether there is a one-to-one mapping between integration points
and nodes.
- integrationPointsMapToNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
Queries whether there is a one-to-one mapping between integration points
and nodes.
- integrationPointsMapToNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
Queries whether there is a one-to-one mapping between integration points
and nodes.
- integrationPointsMapToNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
Queries whether there is a one-to-one mapping between integration points
and nodes.
- interact() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ArtisynthJythonConsole
- interact(String, PyObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonConsoleImpl
- interact(String, PyObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonInteractiveConsole
- interact(String, PyObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonJLineConsole
- interact(String, PyObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonPanelConsole
- interact() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonPanelConsole
- InteractionPrefs - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to maintenance settings
- InteractionPrefs(InteractionSettings) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- InteractionSettings - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to maintenance settings
- InteractionSettings(Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- INTERNAL_METHOD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- InternalErrorException - Exception in maspack.util
- InternalErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception maspack.util.InternalErrorException
- InternalErrorException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception maspack.util.InternalErrorException
- interpGrayscale(double, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
Interpolates a new grayscale value
- interpGrayscale(double, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomRawPixelInterpolator
- interpGrayscale(double, int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- interpGrayscaleToRGB(double, int, int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
Interpolates a grayscale value to RGB
- interpGrayscaleToRGB(double, int, int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomRawPixelInterpolator
- interpGrayscaleToRGB(double, int, int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- interpolate(Point3d, Face, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Smoothly interpolate a face using barycentric coordinates.
- interpolate(double, Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- interpolate(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicSpline
- interpolate(int, double[], double[], double) - Static method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicSpline
- interpolate(VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Interpolates the value associated with a particular value of t, based on
the current contents of this list.
- interpolate(VectorNd, double, Interpolation, NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
- interpolate(VectorNd, double, Interpolation.Order, boolean, NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Interpolates the value associated with a particular value of t, based on
the current contents of this list.
- interpolate(double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.ParabolicInterpolation
- interpolate(Quaternion, double, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Computes the interpolation (1-r) q1 + r q2
and places the
result in this quaternion.
- interpolate(double, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Computes the interpolation (1-r) this + r q1
and places the
result in this quaternion.
- interpolate(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Interpolate between two transforms T0
and T1
according to
a parameter s
that is assumed to vary between 0 and 1, and places
the result in this transform.
- interpolate(RotationMatrix3d, RotationMatrix3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Computes a "spherical linear interpolation" (slerp, named after Ken
Shoemake's 1985 paper "Animating Rotations with Quaternion Curves")
between two orientations R0
and R1
- interpolate(SparseVectorNd, double, SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Computes the interpolation (1-s) v1 + s v2
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(double, SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Computes the interpolation (1-s) this + s v1
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(Vector2d, double, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Computes the interpolation (1-s) v1 + s v2
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(double, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Computes the interpolation (1-s) this + s v1
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(Vector3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the interpolation (1-s) v1 + s v2
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the interpolation (1-s) this + s v1
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(Vector4d, double, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Computes the interpolation (1-s) v1 + s v2
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(double, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Computes the interpolation (1-s) this + s v1
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(VectorNd, double, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Computes the interpolation (1-s) v1 + s v2
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(double, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Computes the interpolation (1-s) this + s v1
and places the
result in this vector.
- interpolate(Twist, double, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Computes the interpolation (1-s) tw1 + s tw2 and places the result in this
- interpolate(double, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Computes the interpolation (1-s) this + s tw1 and places the result in
this twist.
- interpolate(Wrench, double, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Computes the interpolation (1-s) wr1 + s wr2 and places the result in this
- interpolate(double, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Computes the interpolation (1-s) this + s wr1 and places the result in
this wrench.
- interpolateColor(float[], float[], float[], double) - Static method in class maspack.render.color.ColorUtils
Computes (1-s) color0 + s color1
and places the result
in result
- interpolateCubic(VectorNd, NumericListKnot, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
- interpolateCurve(Point3d, double, Point3d, Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- interpolateDeriv(VectorNd, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Finds the derivative associated with a particular value of t, by
differentiating the function implied by the knot points and the list's
interpolation method, as returned by
- interpolateDeriv(VectorNd, double, Interpolation, NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
- interpolateDeriv(VectorNd, double, Interpolation.Order, NumericListKnot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Finds the derivative associated with a particular value of t, by
differentiating the function implied by the knot points and the
interpolation order specified by order
- interpolateDirection(DelaunayInterpolator, Vector3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- interpolateIpntDirection(DelaunayInterpolator, Vector3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- interpolateNormal(Vector3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- interpolatePosition(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
Interpolate point along polyline
- interpolateTangent(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
Interpolate tangent vector to polyline at specified point
- interpolateVertex(Point3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- InterpolatingColorMap - Class in maspack.render.color
- InterpolatingColorMap() - Constructor for class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- InterpolatingGridBase - Class in maspack.geometry
Base class for regular 3D grids that interpolate values using trilinear
- InterpolatingGridBase(InterpolatingGridBase) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Creates a new grid base that is a copy of an existing one.
- InterpolatingGridTestBase - Class in maspack.geometry
Base class for testing subclasses of InterpolatingGridBase
- InterpolatingGridTestBase() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridTestBase
- Interpolation - Class in maspack.interpolation
Describes how a numeric list should be interpolated.
- Interpolation() - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Creates a new Interpolation with LINEAR interpolation and no extension of
end data.
- Interpolation(Interpolation) - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Creates a new Interpolation which is a copy of an existing one.
- Interpolation(Interpolation.Order, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Creates a new Interpolation with a specified order and data extension
- Interpolation.Order - Enum in maspack.interpolation
Order of the interpolation.
- interpRGB(double[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
Interpolates a new rgb value
- interpRGB(double[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomRawPixelInterpolator
- interpRGB(double[], int, int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- interpRGBToGrayscale(double[], int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
Interpolates an RGB value to grayscale
- interpRGBToGrayscale(double[], int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomRawPixelInterpolator
- interpRGBToGrayscale(double[], int, int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- interrupt() - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel.InterruptHandler
- interruptRequestPending() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ArtisynthJythonConsole
- interruptRequestPending() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonPanelConsole
- interruptThread() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonPanelConsole
- intersect(BSPTree) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- intersect(ConvexPolygon2d, ConvexPolygon2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersector
- intersect(Polygon2d, Polygon2d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonIntersector
Intersects two 2D polygons and returns an array of the results.
- intersect(Polygon3d, Polygon3d, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonIntersector
Intersects two 3D polygons in a given plane and returns an array of the
- intersect(Point3d, double, Point3d, double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.SphereIntersector
Intersects two spheres, finding the distance along
the line from c1 to c2 for the intersection plane
- intersect(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleIntersector
Determines the bary centric coordinates of a ray hitting a triangle.
- intersect(Range) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
- intersect(Range) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericIntervalRange
Intersects the set of valid values of this Range with those of
- intersect(Range) - Method in interface maspack.util.Range
Intersects the set of valid values of this Range with those of
- intersect(Range) - Method in class maspack.util.RangeBase
Intersects the set of valid values of this Range with those of
- intersect(Range) - Method in class maspack.util.StringRange
- intersectClipPlane(Line, GLClipPlane) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditingAgent
Intersects a ray with a viewer clip plane and returns the corresponding
- intersectEdgeTriangle(Point3d, HalfEdge, Face, double, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.RobustPreds
Tests for the intersection of an edge and a triangle described by a
- intersectHalfPlane(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
Intersects this convex polygon with a half plane defined by
n^T x - d >= 0
- intersectHalfSpace(Plane) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
- intersectionCode - Variable in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- IntersectionContour - Class in maspack.collision
- IntersectionContour() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
- IntersectionFactory - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- IntersectionFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.IntersectionFactory
- IntersectionPoint - Class in maspack.collision
- IntersectionPoint() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- intersections - Variable in class maspack.collision.ContactPlane
- IntersectionTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- IntersectionTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTest
- IntersectionTester - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- IntersectionTester(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- intersectLine(ArrayList<BVNode>, Point3d, Vector3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns a list of all leaf nodes in this tree which intersect a line.
- intersectLine(double[], ConvexPolygon2d, Point2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersector
- intersectLine(Point3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Intersects this plane with a line.
- intersectLineLine(Point2d, Vector2d, Point2d, Vector2d, ArrayList<Point2d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- intersectLineLineSegment(Point2d, Vector2d, Point2d, Point2d, ArrayList<Point2d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- intersectLineSegment(ArrayList<BVNode>, Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns a list of all leaf nodes in this tree which intersect a line
- intersectLineSegmentLineSegment(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, ArrayList<Point2d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- intersectMeshLine(ArrayList<TriLineIntersection>, PolygonalMesh, Line) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVIntersector
Intersects the faces of a triangular mesh with a line.
- intersectMeshLine(ArrayList<TriLineIntersection>, BVTree, Line) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVIntersector
Intersects the faces of a triangular mesh with a line.
- intersectMeshMesh(ArrayList<TriTriIntersection>, PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVIntersector
Intersects the faces of two triangular meshes.
- intersectMeshMesh(ArrayList<TriTriIntersection>, BVTree, BVTree) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVIntersector
Intersects the faces of two triangular meshes, whose faces are contained
within supplied bounding volume hierarchies.
- intersectMeshPlane(ArrayList<TriPlaneIntersection>, PolygonalMesh, Plane) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVIntersector
Intersects the faces of a triangular mesh with a plane.
- intersectMeshPlane(ArrayList<TriPlaneIntersection>, BVTree, Plane) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVIntersector
Intersects the faces of a triangular mesh with a plane.
- intersectMeshPlane(PolygonalMesh, Plane, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVIntersector
Intersects a
with a plane, returning the set of
intersection contours.
- Intersector2d - Class in maspack.geometry
Used to perform 2D intersections, or solve intersection problems on the plane
- Intersector2d() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- IntersectorTestViewer - Class in maspack.apps
- IntersectorTestViewer(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.apps.IntersectorTestViewer
- intersectPlane(FemModel3d, Plane) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemIntersector
Intersects the volumetric elements of an FEM model with a plane,
returning a Polygonal mesh on the plane corresponding to the element
- intersectPlane(ArrayList<BVNode>, Plane) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns a list of all leaf nodes in this tree which intersect a plane.
- intersectPlane(Point3d, Plane) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
Finds the intersection of this line with a plane.
- intersectPlane(Point3d, Vector3d, Plane) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Intersects this plane with another plane.
- intersectPoint(ArrayList<BVNode>, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns a list of all leaf nodes in this tree which contain
a specified point.
- intersectPolygons(Polygon2d, Polygon2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonIntersector
Intersects two 2D polygons and returns an array of the results.
- intersectPolygons(Polygon3d, Polygon3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonIntersector
Intersects two 3D polygons in a given plane and returns an array of the
- intersectRay(Point2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
Intersects this polygon with a ray defined by p + s u, using O(n) search
of all edges.
- intersectRay(Point3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Intersects this plane with a directed ray.
- intersects(MFreeNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- intersects(MFreeWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeWeightFunction
- intersects(RadialWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- intersects(MFreeWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- INTERSECTS - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.RobustPreds
segment and triangle intersect
- intersects(Sphere) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Sphere
- intersectSegmentTriangle(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Face, double, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.RobustPreds
Tests for the intersection of a line segment and a triangle described by
a face.
- intersectSegmentTriangle(Point3d, int, Vector3d, int, Vector3d, int, Vector3d, int, Vector3d, int, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.RobustPreds
Tests for the intersection of a line segment and a triangle.
- intersectSegmentTriangleFast(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.RobustPreds
Tests for the intersection of a line segment and a triangle described by
a face using double precision arithmetic.
- intersectsLine(double[], Point3d, Vector3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- intersectsLine(double[], Point3d, Vector3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns true if this bounding volume intersects a line.
- intersectsLine(double[], Point3d, Vector3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- intersectsLineSegment(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- intersectsLineSegment(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns true if this bounding volume intersects a line segment.
- intersectsLineSegment(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- intersectSphere(ArrayList<BVNode>, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns a list of all leaf nodes in this tree which intersect a sphere.
- intersectsPlane(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- intersectsPlane(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns true if this bounding volume intersects a plane
described by
- intersectsPlane(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- intersectsSegment(Point3d, Point3d, Vertex3dList, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- intersectsSphere(Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- intersectsSphere(Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns true if this bounding volume intersects a sphere.
- intersectsSphere(Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- intersectTetAndPlane(DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetPlaneIntersection, DistanceGrid.TetDesc, Point3d[], Plane) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc
- intersectTree(ArrayList<BVNode>, ArrayList<BVNode>, BVTree) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns all intersecting pairs of leaf nodes between this tree and
another tree.
- intersectTree(ArrayList<BVNode>, ArrayList<BVNode>, BVTree, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Returns all intersecting pairs of leaf nodes between this tree and
another tree.
- intersectTriangleLineSegment(Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, Point2d, ArrayList<Point2d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- intersectTrianglePlane(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Plane) - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleIntersector
- intersectTriangleTriangle(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleIntersector
- intersectViewPlane(Line, Point3d, Viewer) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditingAgent
Intersect a ray with a view plane defined by the current eye direction and
a reference point.
- intersectWithPlane(RigidTransform3d, MouseRayEvent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorUtils
Intersect a mouse ray with a plane that goes through the specified
- intersectWithPlane(Point3d, MouseRayEvent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorUtils
- IntHolder - Class in maspack.util
Wrapper class which ``holds'' an integer value, enabling methods to return
integer values through arguments.
- IntHolder() - Constructor for class maspack.util.IntHolder
Constructs a new IntHolder
with an initial value of 0.
- IntHolder(int) - Constructor for class maspack.util.IntHolder
Constructs a new IntHolder
with a specific initial value.
- intValue() - Method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetID
- invalidate() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ElementRotationData
- invalidate() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderKeyImpl
To be called when the associated renderable is no longer valid.
- invalidate() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Invalidates the object.
- invalidateAfterTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Invalidates all waypoints after a specified time.
- invalidateBoundingInfo() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
- invalidateChildNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- invalidateChildNodes() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderEntry
- invalidateComponents() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Invalidate the center of mass and inertia components of this spatial
- invalidateEigenvectors() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- invalidateElementRotationData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- invalidateInitialState() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
- invalidateInitialState() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- invalidateMassIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- invalidateMassIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- invalidateMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- invalidateMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- invalidateMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- invalidateMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- invalidateMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- invalidateMasters() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- invalidateMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- invalidateMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- invalidateMasters() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
- invalidateMenu() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- invalidateMenusToRoot() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
Invalidate the menu for this MenuEntry, along with the menus of all its
- invalidateMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- invalidateNumbers() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Invalidates stored numbers in cases where component numbers have been
manually changed
- invalidateNumbers() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
Force update of numbering (for example, if a component's number
has been manually changed)
- invalidateRenderObject() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
- invalidateRestData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Invalidate data that relies on the element's rest position,
such as rest Jacobians and the base stiffness for co-rotated
- invalidateRestData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- invalidateRestData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- invalidateRestData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- invalidateRestData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- invalidateRestData() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeShapeFunction
Invalidate any stored rest information
- invalidateRestData() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- invalidateRestDirectorIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- invalidateRotationData() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- invalidateStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- invalidateStressAndStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- invalidateStressAndStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- invalidateSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- INVB_VALID - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ElementRotationData
- inverse() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- inverse(DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Computes the inverse of the original matrix M associated with this
decomposition, and places the result in R.
- inverse(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Computes the inverse of the original matrix M associated this
decomposition, and places the result in MI.
- inverse(DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
Computes the inverse of the original matrix M associated with this
decomposition, and places the result in R.
- inverse(DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LUDecomposition
Computes the inverse of the original matrix M associated with this
decomposition, and places the result in R.
- inverse(DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Computes the inverse of the original matrix M associated with this
decomposition, and places the result in X.
- inverse(DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Computes the inverse of the original matrix M associated with this
decomposition, and places the result in R.
- inverse(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Computes the inverse of the original matrix M associated this SVD, and
places the result in R.
- inverse(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Computes the inverse of the original matrix M associated this SVD, and
places the result in R.
- InverseControlPanel() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager.InverseControlPanel
- InverseControlPanel(TrackingController) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager.InverseControlPanel
- InverseDistanceWeights - Class in maspack.geometry
Computes normalized weights for point-based interpolation based on
inverse-distance weighting, given a reference point p
and a set
of support points p_i
- InverseDistanceWeights(double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.InverseDistanceWeights
Creates an InverseDistanceWeightGenerator with specified parameters.
- InverseFrameExciterArm - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Uses a tracking controller to make the tip marker in ToyMuscleArm follow a
prescribed trajectory, using translational forces applied to each link.
- InverseFrameExciterArm() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.InverseFrameExciterArm
- InverseManager - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Helper class for creating probes and a control panel for use with a
- InverseManager() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
- InverseManager.InverseControlPanel - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
- InverseManager.ProbeID - Enum in artisynth.core.inverse
Identifiers for the probes created by this InverseManager
- InverseMuscleArm - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Uses a tracking controller to make the tip marker in ToyMuscleArm follow a
prescribed trajectory, using the model's muscles as exciters.
- InverseMuscleArm() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.InverseMuscleArm
- InverseMuscleFem - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Uses a tracking controller to make the frame in ToyMuscleFem follow a
prescribed trajectory, using the model's muscles as exciters.
- InverseMuscleFem() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.InverseMuscleFem
- InverseMuscleFemGen - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Generates tracking target data for InverseMuscleFem
- InverseMuscleFemGen() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.InverseMuscleFemGen
- InverseParticle - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Demo of a particle controlled by a set of surrounding muscles
- InverseParticle() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.InverseParticle
- InverseSpringForce - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Demo using the tracking controller to control the tension in a spring.
- InverseSpringForce() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.InverseSpringForce
- InverseSquareWeighting - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Computes a non-normalized weight for a SkinConnection between a point and a
master body based on the inverse square of the distance.
- InverseSquareWeighting() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.InverseSquareWeighting
- InverseTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- InverseTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- InverseTest(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CubaturePoint3d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to this point, in place.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CubaturePoint3d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to the point p1, and places the
result in this vector.
- inverseTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceRecord
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Applies an inverse affine transformation to the vertices of this mesh, in
local mesh coordinates.
- inverseTransform(VectorTransformer3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Applies an inverse transform to the vertices and normals of this mesh, in
local mesh coordinates.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to the vertices of this polygon.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to the vertices of this polygon.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Applies an inverse affine transformation to the vertices of this mesh.
- inverseTransform(VectorTransformer3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Applies an inverse vector transformation to the vertices of this mesh.
- inverseTransform(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
- inverseTransform(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Transforms a vector v1 by the rotation implied by the
inverse of this axis-angle using Rodriguez's rotation formula
- inverseTransform(Point3d, DualQuaternion, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Performs the inverse of the rigid transformation implied by the dual
quaternion q to point p and places the result in pr.
- inverseTransform(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Performs the inverse of the rigid transformation implied by this dual
quaternion to point p and places the result in pr.
- inverseTransform(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Performs the inverse of the rigid transformation implied by this dual
quaternion to point p
- inverseTransform(Vector3d, DualQuaternion, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Performs the inverse of the rotation implied by the dual quaternion q to
vector v and places the result in vr.
- inverseTransform(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Performs the inverse of the rotation implied by this dual quaternion to
vector v and places the result in vr.
- inverseTransform(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Performs the inverse of the rotation implied by this dual quaternion to
vector v and places the result in vr.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
Applies an inverse affine transformation to this line, in place.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase, Line) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
Applies an inverse affine transformation to a specified line and places
the result in this line.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Applies an inverse rotational transformation R to this matrix, in place.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Applies an inverse rotational transformation R to a matrix M, and place
the result in this matrix.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Applies an inverse rotational transformation R to a matrix M1 and place
the result in this matrix.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Applies an inverse rotational transformation R to this matrix, in place.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Matrix6d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Applies an inverse rotational transformation R to a matrix M1 and place
the result in this matrix.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Applies an inverse affine transformation to this plane, in place.
- inverseTransform(VectorTransformer3d, Plane) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Applies an inverse vector transform to a plane and places
the result in this plane.
- inverseTransform(VectorTransformer3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Applies an inverse vector transform to this place.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase, Plane) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Applies an inverse affine transformation to a specified plane and places
the result in this plane.
- inverseTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Applies an inverse rigid transformation to this plane, in place.
- inverseTransform(RigidTransform3d, Plane) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Applies an inverse rigid transformation to a specified plane and places
the result in this plane.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Point2d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to this point, in place.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform2dBase, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Point2d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to the point p1, and places the
result in this vector.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Point3d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to this point, in place.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Point3d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to the point p1, and places the
result in this vector.
- inverseTransform(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Transforms a vector v1 by the inverse rotation implied by this
- inverseTransform(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- inverseTransform(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Applies an inverse rotational transformation to this vector, in place.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Applies an inverse rotational transformation to the vector v1, and stores
the result in this vector.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to this vector, in place.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform2dBase, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to the vector v1, and places the
result in this vector.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Applies an inverse rotational transformation to this vector, in place.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Applies an inverse rotational transformation to the vector v1, and stores
the result in this vector.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to this vector, in place.
- inverseTransform(AffineTransform3dBase, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Applies an inverse affine transformation to the vector v1, and places the
result in this vector.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
- inverseTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
- inverseTransform(RigidTransform3d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
- inverseTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Transforms this inertia into a new coordinate frame, given an inverse
spatial transformation matrix.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Rotates this inertia into a new coordinate frame, given by the inverse of
a rotation matrix.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Applies an inverse rotational transformation to this spatial vector, in
- inverseTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Applies an inverse rigid spatial transformation to this vector, in place.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Applies an inverse rotational transformation to the twist tw1, and stores
the result in this twist.
- inverseTransform(RigidTransform3d, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Applies an inverse rigid spatial transformation to the twist tw1, and
places the result in this twist.
- inverseTransform(RotationMatrix3d, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Applies an inverse rotational transformation to the wrench wr1, and stores
the result in this wrench.
- inverseTransform(RigidTransform3d, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Applies an inverse rigid spatial transformation to the wrench wr1, and
places the result in this wrench.
- inverseTransformCovec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
Applies an inverse transform to covector c0
and places the
result in cr
- inverseTransformCovec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
Applies an inverse transform to covector c0
and places the
result in cr
- inverseTransformCovec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Applies an inverse transform to covector c0
and places the
result in cr
- inverseTransformCovec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.IdentityVector3dTransform
Applies an inverse transform to covector c0
and places the
result in cr
- inverseTransformCovec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorTransformer3d
Applies an inverse transform to covector c0
and places the
result in cr
- inverseTransformNormal(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector3dTransform
Applies an inverse transform to normal n0
and places the
result in nr
- inverseTransformPnt(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
Applies an inverse transform to point p0
and places the
result in pr
- inverseTransformPnt(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
Applies an inverse transform to point p0
and places the
result in pr
- inverseTransformPnt(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Applies an inverse transform to point p0
and places the
result in pr
- inverseTransformPnt(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.IdentityVector3dTransform
Applies an inverse transform to point p0
and places the
result in pr
- inverseTransformPnt(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Applies an inverse transform to point p0
and places the
result in pr
- inverseTransformPnt(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorTransformer3d
Applies an inverse transform to point p0
and places the
result in pr
- inverseTransformPoint(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector3dTransform
Applies an inverse transform to point p0
and places the
result in pr
- inverseTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
Applies an inverse transform to vector v0
and places the
result in vr
- inverseTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
Applies an inverse transform to vector v0
and places the
result in vr
- inverseTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Applies an inverse transform to vector v0
and places the
result in vr
- inverseTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.IdentityVector3dTransform
Applies an inverse transform to vector v0
and places the
result in vr
- inverseTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Applies an inverse transform to vector v0
and places the
result in vr
- inverseTransformVec(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorTransformer3d
Applies an inverse transform to vector v0
and places the
result in vr
- inverseTransformVector(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector3dTransform
Applies an inverse transform to vector v0
and places the
result in vr
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Inverts this transform in place.
- invert(AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Inverts transform X and places the result in this transform.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Inverts this transform in place.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Inverts this transform in place.
- invert(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Inverts transform X and places the result in this transform.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Inverts this transform in place.
- invert(DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Computes the inverse qinv = q^(-1) s.t.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Inverts this dual quaternion s.t.
- invert(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Computes 1/d and places this result in this
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Inverts this matrix in place, returning false if the matrix is detected to
be singular.
- invert(Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Inverts the matrix M and places the result in this matrix, return false if
M is detected to be singular.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Inverts this matrix in place, returning false if the matrix is detected to
be singular.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Inverts this matrix in place, returning false if the matrix is detected to
be singular.
- invert(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Inverts the matrix M and places the result in this matrix, return false if
M is detected to be singular.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Inverts this matrix in place, returning false if the matrix is detected to
be singular.
- invert(Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Inverts the matrix M and places the result in this matrix, return false if
M is detected to be singular.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Inverts this matrix in place, returning false if the matrix is detected to
be singular.
- invert(Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Inverts the matrix M and places the result in this matrix, return false if
M is detected to be singular.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Inverts this matrix in place, returning false if the matrix is detected to
be singular.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Inverts this matrix in place, returning false if the matrix is detected to
be singular.
- invert(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Inverts the matrix M1 and places the result in this matrix, returning
false if the matrix is detected to be singular.
- invert(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to the inverse of q1.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Inverts this quaternion in place.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Inverts this transform in place.
- invert(RigidTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Inverts transform X and places the result in this transform.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Inverts this transform in place.
- invert(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Inverts transform X and places the result in this transform.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- invert(RotationMatrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Inverts this rotation in place.
- invert(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Inverts rotation R1 and places the result in this rotation.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Inverts this transform in place.
- invert(ScaledRigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Inverts transform X and places the result in this transform.
- invert() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Inverts this matrix in place, returning false if the matrix is detected to
be singular.
- invert(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Inverts the matrix M and places the result in this matrix, return false if
M is detected to be singular.
- invert(Matrix6d, Matrix6d) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Computes the inverse of a spatial inertia, stored in M, and
return the result in MI.
- invoke(boolean, GLRunnable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- invoke(boolean, List<GLRunnable>) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- IPointFemElementIntegrator - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Uses the element's integration points to integrate a function
- IPointFemElementIntegrator() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.IPointFemElementIntegrator
- IpoptExample - Class in maspack.ipopt
Ipopt Interface implementing example problem HS071 from documentation
- IpoptExample() - Constructor for class maspack.ipopt.IpoptExample
- IpoptInterface - Class in maspack.ipopt
Java side of JNI to the Ipopt "C" interface
- IpoptInterface() - Constructor for class maspack.ipopt.IpoptInterface
- IpoptTest - Class in maspack.ipopt
- IpoptTest() - Constructor for class maspack.ipopt.IpoptTest
- is2DRendering() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- is2DRendering() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Check whether the Renderer is currently in 2D rendering mode.
- is2DRendering() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- IS_TRANSFORMED - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
- isAbortOnInvertedElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- isActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns true if this connector is enabled and at least one of
it's underlying master components is active.
- isActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- isActive() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Returns true if this component is active.
- isActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- isActive(DynamicComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- isActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscleVia.ViaPoint
- isActive() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgent
Returns true if this agent is active.
- isActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgentBase
- isActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- isActive() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- isActiveLocal() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- isActiveProbeExist() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- isActiveWayPointExist() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- isAffine() - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Returns true
, since this transformer does implement a
linear affine transform.
- isAffine() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Returns false
since this transformer does not implement a
linear affine transform.
- isAffine() - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear affine
- isAffine() - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Returns true
, since a rigid transform is a special case of
an affine transform.
- isAffine() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear affine
- isAffine() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear affine
- isAffine() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear affine
- isAffine() - Method in class maspack.matrix.IdentityVector3dTransform
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear affine
- isAffine() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorTransformer3d
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear affine
- isAlwaysOnTop() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- isAMatrixFactored() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- isample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalFemElementSampler
- isample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.EulerianFemElementSampler
- isample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementSampler
Generates a sample point from within the previously used or assigned finite element,
returns probability density of point, used mainly for numerical integration
- isample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.LagrangianFemElementSampler
- isample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.RegularFemElementSampler
- isAncestorOf(ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns true if comp0 is an ancestor of comp1.
- isAncestorSelected(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- isAnnotated() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentState
Queries whether or not this state is annotated.
- isAnnotated() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
Queries whether or not this state is annotated.
- isAnnotated() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
Queries whether or not this state is annotated.
- isAntialiasing() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
Whether or not antialiasing is enabled
- isArtFilterSelected() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelFileChooser
- isAttached() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Returns true if this component is attached.
- isAttached() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- isAttachedFileRelative() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- isAudioNormalized() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns true if audio must be normalized.
- isAutoGeneratingSurface() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isAutoRanging() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- isAutoResizeEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isAutoSized() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Returns true is cell sizes for this grid are computed automatically.
- isAutoViewportEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isAvailable() - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Returns true if the Pardiso solver is available.
- isAvailable() - Static method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
- isAxisAligned(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Returns true if this rotation transformtion is axis-aligned - that is, if
all entries consist of either 1, -1, or 0.
- isAxisAligned() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Returns true if this rotation transformtion is axis-aligned - that is, if
all entries consist of either 1, -1, or 0.
- isBaseProperty(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Returns true if a given property name is a property of the
RootModel class proper.
- isBezier() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Returns true if this curve represents a piecewise bezier
- isBilateral() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- isBilateralStructureConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Queries whether or not the matrix structure of the bilateral constraints
returned by this system is constant for a given structure version.
- isBilateralStructureConstant() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Queries whether or not the matrix structure of the bilateral constraints
returned by this system is constant for a given structure version.
- isBilateralStructureConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Queries whether or not the matrix structure of the bilateral constraints
returned by this system is constant for a given structure version.
- isBinary() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.StlWriter
- isBLCPSupported() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Queries whether this solver supported the solution of bounded linear
complementarity problems (BLCPs).
- isBLCPSupported() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Queries whether this solver supported the solution of bounded linear
complementarity problems (BLCPs).
- isBLCPSupported() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Queries whether this solver supported the solution of bounded linear
complementarity problems (BLCPs).
- isBLCPSupported() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Queries whether this solver supported the solution of bounded linear
complementarity problems (BLCPs).
- isBLCPSupported() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- isBodyInstance(Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Group
- isBorderOpaque() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ThinBevelBorder
- isBorderVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- isBound() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexArrayObject
- isBounded() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns true if this range is bounded; i.e., neither the upper
nor the lower bounds are infinite.
- isBreakPoint() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPoint
- isBSpline() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Returns true if this curve represents a B-spline (i.e.,
if all control points have unity weights).
- isCacheEmpty() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Checks if warper contains any cached data
- isCanonical() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
- isCanonicalPath(TreePath) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
Returns true if a TreePath corresponds to an actual path in the
model component hierarchy.
- isCapped() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive
- isCapped() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive.PrimitiveKey
- isCapped() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.ConeKey
- isCapped() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.CylinderKey
- isCheckEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- isChildListExpanded() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
- isClassValid(Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
- isClassValid(Object) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
Checks a component to see if its class is valid according to any class
filter which has been set.
- isClipped() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- isClipped() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
Returns whether we are clipped to a mesh
- isClipped(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
Returns true if a specified point is clipped by this plane; i.e.,
if it lies in the half space defined by the positive z axis.
- isClippingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- isCloneable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDataFunctionProbe
- isCloneable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- isCloneable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- isClose(Point3d, Point) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- isClosed() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- isClosed - Variable in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
- isClosed() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
Query if this contour is closed.
- isClosed - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Curve
- isClosed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Returns true if this curve is closed.
- isClosed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Queries if this mesh is closed.
- isClosed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- isClosed() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Queries whether or not this spline is closed.
- isClosed() - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleViewerApp
- isClosed() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns true if this interval is closed, which is true if
both the lower and upper bounds are closed.
- isCoded(byte[]) - Static method in class maspack.crypt.Base16
True if array looks to be hex coded
- isCoded(String) - Static method in class maspack.crypt.Base16
True if string looks to be hex coded
- isCoincident() - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- isCollidable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Queries whether or not this RigidMeshComp is collidable.
- isColorsDynamic() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns whether or not colors are considered dynamic.
- isColorsEnabled() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRenderer
- isColorsEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
- isColorsFixed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- isColumnVectorStringsVertical() - Static method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Returns true if the string representation of column vectors is vertical.
- isCommentChar(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if the specified character is a comment character.
- isCommitted() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Indicates whether or not the object is complete and ready
for rendering.
- isCompatible(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
- isCompatible(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- isCompatible(int) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- isCompatible(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
- isCompatible(int) - Method in enum maspack.solvers.SparseSolverId
Queries if this solver type is compatible with the indicated matrix type.
- isComplete() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- isComplete() - Method in class maspack.util.ProcessMonitor
Whether or not the process has completed
- isComplex() - Method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.DataType
- isCompliant() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- isCompound() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- isCompound() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isCompound() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Queries whether or not this collidable has sub-collidables.
- isCompound() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Group
- isCompound() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable
Queries whether or not this collidable has sub-collidables.
- isCompound() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- isCompound() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- isConnected() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterface
- isConnectedToBodies() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Queries whether or not this connector is connected to its bodies
via a component hierarchy.
- isConnectedToHierarchy(Property) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
- isConnectionException(Exception) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- isConsistent() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- isConstant() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- isContained(FaceNodes3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FaceNodes3d
Returns true if all the nodes of this face are contained
within a given face.
- isContained(Boundable[], double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- isContained(Boundable[], double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns true if an entire set of elements is contained within this
bounding volume.
- isContained(Boundable[], double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- isContiguousTrack(Track) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Determine if a track is part of the list of contiguous tracks or not.
- isContinuable - Variable in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
- isContravariant() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Returns true if this spatial vector is contravariant.
- isControllable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- isControllable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- isControllable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- isControllable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- isControllable() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactMaster
Queries whether at least one of the underlying dynamic components is
- isControllable() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Returns true is this component is active, or it is attached to one
or more other components which ultimately are attached to at least
one active component.
- isControllable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- isControllable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- isControllable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
- isConvex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
Returns true
if this 2d polygon is convex.
- isConvex(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
Returns true
if this 2d polygon is convex, within a presribed
angular tolerance.
- isConvex(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
Returns true
if this 3d polygon is convex with respect
to the plane defined by the normal vector nrml
- isConvex(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
Returns true
if this 3d polygon is convex, within a presribed
angular tolerance, with respect to the plane defined by the normal vector
- isConvex(Vertex3dList) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- isCoordinateLocked(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Queries whether the idx
-th coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isCoordinateLocked(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Queries whether the idx
-th coordinate is locked.
- isCorotated() - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxiliaryMaterial
Deformation is computed by first removing a rotation component
(either explicit or computed from strain)
- isCorotated() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- isCorotated() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- isCorotated() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Deformation is computed by first removing a rotation component
(either explicit or computed from strain)
- isCorotated() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- isCorotated() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NullMaterial
- isCorotated() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- isDataExtended() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Returns true if the extension of data values beyond the last knot point is
- isDeformable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- isDeformable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isDeformable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns true
if this collidable is deformable.
- isDeformable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Group
- isDeformable() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable
Returns true
if this collidable is deformable.
- isDeformable() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConnectableBody
- isDeformable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- isDeformable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- isDeformable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- isDeformable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- isDepthEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isDepthWriteEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterial
Returns true if computeDFdldot() always returns zero.
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
Returns true if computeDFdldot() always returns zero.
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMuscle
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
Returns true if computeDFdldot() always returns zero.
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMuscle
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.PaiAxialMuscle
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.PeckAxialMuscle
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimmSplineLigamentMaterial
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UnidirectionalLinearAxialMaterial
- isDFdldotZero() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- isDirect() - Method in enum maspack.solvers.SparseSolverId
Queries whether the solver is direct.
- isDirty() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- isDirty() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- isDirty() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- isDirty() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- isDirty() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
All or part of the texture has been marked as "dirty" (i.e.
- isDirty() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- isDirty() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- isDirty() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- isDisabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceBase
- isDisjoint(BVNode, BVNode, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester
Returns true if node1 and node2 are disjoint.
- isDisjoint(AABB, AABB, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester
- isDisjoint(AABB, OBB, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester
- isDisjoint(OBB, AABB, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester
- isDisjoint(OBB, OBB, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester
- isDisjoint(OBB, OBB) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester
- isDisjoint(AABB, AABB) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester
- isDisjoint(Vector3d, Vector3d, RotationMatrix3d, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester
Determines if two bounding boxes with half widths hw1
are disjoint.
- isDisjoint(Vector3d, Vector3d, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester
Determines if two bounding boxes with half widths hw1
are disjoint.
- isDisjoint(BVNode, BVNode, RigidTransform3d) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.BVNodeTester
Returns true if node1 and node2 are disjoint.
- isDisplayable() - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.Displayable
Queries whether this component is currently displayable.
- isDisplayable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- isDisposed() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2DisplayList
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Object
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ElementArray
- isDisposed() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Drawable
Whether or not the drawable has been disposed.
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3LinesVertexBuffer
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Object
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PointsVertexBuffer
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderInstances
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectElements
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPoints
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPrimitives
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderInstances
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectBase
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitivesDrawable
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexArrayObject
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- isDisposed() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLResource
Returns true if resource has been disposed
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceBase
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLShaderProgram
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.render.VertexIndexArray
- isDisposed() - Method in interface maspack.util.DisposeObservable
Whether or not the current object is disposed
- isDisposed() - Method in class maspack.util.DisposeObserver.DisposeObserverImpl
- isDisposed() - Method in interface maspack.util.DisposeObserver
- isDistanceGridVisible() - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- isDjCalls - Variable in class maspack.collision.CollisionMetrics
- isDragging() - Method in class maspack.render.DragToolBase
- isDragValid(ProbeInfo, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
is this a valid drag? this function determines if we have performed a
valid drag
- isDualDistancingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Returns false
, since copying of MultiPointSpring is not currently
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointAttachment
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.CopyableComponent
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDataFunctionProbe
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
Returns true if this component can be duplicated.
- isDuplicatable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- isDynamic() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Returns true if this component is dynamic.
- isDynamic() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- isDynamic() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Checks whether this render object has any dynamic components.
- isEditable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- isEditable(CompositeComponent, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
Returns true if a composite component is editable, meaning that its
subcomponents can be removed via the GUI.
- isEditable() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.MutableCompositeComponent
Queries whether or not this component is editable from the ArtiSynth
- isEditable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Returns true
if this probe can be edited using the ProbeEditor
- isEditable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
Returns true
if this probe can be edited using the ProbeEditor
- isEditable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Returns true
if this probe can be edited using the ProbeEditor
- isEditLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorManager
- isEmpty() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- isEmpty() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- isEmpty() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
- isEmpty() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns true if this mesh is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns true if this list is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockColList
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockRowList
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- isEmpty() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRenderer
Checks whether or not pipeline is empty
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Returns true if set is empty
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Returns whether or not the heap is empty
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns true if this range is empty - i.e., if there are no valid
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericIntervalRange
Returns true if this range is empty - i.e., if there are no valid
- isEmpty() - Method in interface maspack.util.Range
Returns true if this range is empty - i.e., if there are no valid
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.util.RangeBase
Returns true if this range is empty - i.e., if there are no valid
- isEmpty() - Method in class maspack.util.StringRange
- isEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
Check if a track is enabled or not.
- isEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- isEnabled() - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.QPTerm
Queries the enabled status of this term.
- isEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
Queries the enabled status of this term.
- isEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Queries whether or not this controller is enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Queries whether this connector is enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Returns true if collisions are enabled in this behavior.
- isEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- isEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- isEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- isEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- isEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- isEnabledAll() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Returns true if this control, and all its components, are enabled.
- isEncoded() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTransferSyntax
- isEncrypted() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.IdentityFile
Returns true if this identity is cyphered.
- isEncrypted() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- isEngaged(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- isEOF() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if the current token marks the end of the file
- isEqual(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabelSpacing
- isEventTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Queries whether time t
is an event time for this probe.
- isEventTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Queries whether time t
is an event time for this probe.
- isExpandable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- isExpanded() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- isExpanded() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- isExplicit() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidablePair
- isExplicit() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTransferSyntax
- isExtensionAvailable(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isFactored() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- isFeatureColored() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns true
if the colors for this mesh are assigned on a
per-feature basis.
- isFileTransformRigid() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- isFirstQuadTriangle() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Check to see if this face is the first triangle of a triangulated quad.
- isFixed() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Returns true if this model component is fixed.
- isFixed() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Returns true if this model component is fixed.
- isFixed() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- isFixed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns whether or not this mesh is considered ``fixed'', as described in
- isFixedSize() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Returns true if this matrix is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Returns true if this matrix is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Returns true if this matrix is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Returns true if this matrix is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Returns true if this matrix is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Returns true if this vector is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Returns true if this vector is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Returns true if this vector is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Returns true if this vector is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Returns true if this vector is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns true if this vector is of fixed size.
- isFixedSize() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Returns true if this vector is of fixed size.
- isFlexible() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- isFlexible() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Indicates that this attachment is flexible.
- isFlexible() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- isFlipped(int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EulerFilter
- isFloatingPoint() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Returns true if this number format corresponds to one
of the floating point formats ('eEfgaA')
- isFocusable() - Static method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- isFollowingEye() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
Checks whether the text is following the viewer's eye
- isFrameRelative() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isFreeBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isFreeBody() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConnectableBody
- isFreeBody() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- isFreeToSatisfyConstraints() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- isFrictionEnabled() - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- isFullPathValid(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
see if a full path entered into the component box is valid.
- isFullPrecisionDouble() - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Returns true if this number format corresponds to '%g'.
- isFullscreen() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
- isFunctionAvailable(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGarbageTimerEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
- isGeneratedSurface() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
Returns true
is this mesh was generated by one of the createSurface
- isGL() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL2() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL2ES1() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL2ES2() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL2ES3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL2GL3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL3bc() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL3core() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL3ES3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL4() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL4bc() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL4core() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGL4ES3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLcore() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLES() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLES1() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLES2() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLES2Compatible() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLES3() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLES31Compatible() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLES32Compatible() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLES3Compatible() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isGLOriented() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- isGrabbing() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns true if currently grabbing frames.
- isGridVisible() - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- isGrounded() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isGrounded() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConnectableBody
- isGrounded() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- isGroupStart(HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Start of a half edge group.
- isHard() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- isHidden() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FaceNodes3d
- isHorizontal() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- isIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Returns true if this transform equals the identity.
- isIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Returns true if this matrix equals the identity.
- isImageFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- isIncompressible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
- isIncompressible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- isIncompressible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- isIncompressible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- isInDomain(Point3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- isInDomain(Point3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeWeightFunction
- isInDomain(Point3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- isInheritable() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns true if the property is a
- isInheritable() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns true if the property is a
- isInput() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.InputProbe
Returns true if this probe is an input probe, and false otherwise.
- isInput() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- isInput() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- isInput() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Returns true if this probe is an input probe, and false otherwise.
- isInputTrack() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- isInRestDomain(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- isInside(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Tests whether or not a point is inside an element.
- isInside(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
Tests whether or not a point is inside an element.
- isInside(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PyramidElement
- isInside(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- isInside(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- isInside(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.WedgeElement
- isInside(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- isInsideExec() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonConsoleImpl
- isInsideMesh(PolygonalMesh, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
Determines if a point is on or inside a closed triangular mesh.
- isInsideMesh(PolygonalMesh, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
Determines if a point is on or inside a closed triangular mesh.
- isInsideMesh(PolygonalMesh, BVTree, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
Determines if a point is on or inside a closed triangular mesh, the faces
of which are contained within a specified bounding volume hierarchy.
- isInsideMesh(PolygonalMesh, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery
Determines if a point is on or inside a closed triangular mesh.
- isInsideMesh(PolygonalMesh, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery
Determines if a point is on or inside a closed triangular mesh.
- isInsideMesh(PolygonalMesh, DistanceGrid, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery
Determines if a point is on or inside a closed triangular mesh, the faces
of which are contained within a specified signed distance grid.
- isInsideOrientedMesh(PolygonalMesh, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
Returns true if a point is on or inside an oriented triangular
- isInsideOrientedMesh(PolygonalMesh, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
Returns true if a point is on or inside an oriented triangular
- isInsideOrientedMesh(BVTree, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
Returns true if a point is on or inside an oriented triangular mesh, the
faces of which are contained within a specified bounding volume
- isInsideOrientedMesh(PolygonalMesh, Point3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery
Returns true if a point is on or inside an oriented triangular
- isInsideOrientedMesh(PolygonalMesh, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery
Returns true if a point is on or inside an oriented triangular
- isInsideOrientedMesh(DistanceGrid, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery
Returns true if a point is on or inside an oriented triangular mesh, the
faces of which are contained within a specified distance grid.
- isInsideOrOnMesh(PolygonalMesh, BVTree, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
- isInsideOrOnMesh(PolygonalMesh, DistanceGrid, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery
- isInstanceOf(NativeLibraryManager.SystemType) - Method in enum maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager.SystemType
Returns true if this system type is an instance of the (possibly
more general) system type specified by sysType
- isInterior(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- isInternal() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
- isInverted() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Returns true if this element has been marked as inverted by the FEM code.
- isInverted() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
- isInvertedAtRest() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Returns true if the rest position for this element results in a negative
Jacobian determinant for at least one integration point.
- isInvertedAtRest() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- isInvertible() - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxiliaryMaterial
- isInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- isInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- isInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Returns true if this material is defined for a deformation gradient
with a non-positive determinant.
- isInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.InactiveMuscle
- isInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterial
- isInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- isInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- isInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
Returns true if this material is defined for a deformation gradient
with a non-positive determinant.
- isInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NullMaterial
- isInvertible() - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Returns true
, since this transformer is invertible.
- isInvertible() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Returns false
since this transformer is not by default
invertible; subclasses my override this.
- isInvertible() - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Returns true
if this transformer is invertible.
- isInvertible() - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Returns true
, since this transformer is invertible.
- isInvertible() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Queries whether this spline is invertible.
- isJacobianSymmetric() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- isJythonFrameVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- isLabelStretchable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- isLargeDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- isLatitudeLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries whether the latitude coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isLeaf(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- isLeaf() - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Returns true if this bounding volume is a leaf node; i.e.,
if it has no children.
- isLightingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isLinear() - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxiliaryMaterial
Linear stress/stiffness response to deformation, allows tangent
to be pre-computed and stored.
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Returns true if the shape functions for this element are linear or
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElement
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElement
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElement
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Linear stress/stiffness response to deformation, allows tangent
to be pre-computed and stored.
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NullMaterial
- isLinear() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- isLinear() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- isLittleEndian() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.XyzbReader
- isLittleEndian() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTransferSyntax
- isLittleEndian() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
Returns true
if this stream converts its input from
little-endian where appropriate.
- isLittleEndian() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryOutputStream
Returns true
if this stream converts it's output to
little-endian where appropriate.
- isLittleEndian() - Method in class maspack.util.BitInputStream
- isLive() - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- isLiveUpdateEnabled() - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- isLiveUpdatingEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- isLiveUpdatingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- isLiveUpdatingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- isLiveUpdatingEnabled() - Method in interface maspack.widgets.PropertyWindow
If true, then the workspace should continuously update the property values
whenever the model is rerendered.
- isLongitudeLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries whether the longitude coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isLowerBoundClosed() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns true if the lower bound for the interval of this NumericRange is
- isManifold() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Queries if this mesh is manifold.
- IsMarkable - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Can add a marker to this component
- isMarked() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Returns true if this model component is marked.
- isMarked() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Returns true if this model component is marked.
- isMassConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- isMassConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- isMassConstant() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- isMassConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- isMassConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- isMassConstant() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- isMassExplicit() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Queries whether the mass for this element has been explicitly set.
- isMassExplicit() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
Queries whether the mass for this node has been explicitly set.
- isMatrix() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage
- isMaxHeap() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Returns true if this is a max-heap
- isMaxHeap() - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Returns true if this is a max-heap
- isMenuValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- isMeshModified() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- isMeshPolygonal() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- isMeshPolygonal() - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMesh
- isMeshPolygonal() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- isMeshTriangular() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- isMinHeap() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Returns true if this is a min-heap
- isMinHeap() - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Returns true if this is a min-heap
- isMixTextureColorDiffuse() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- isMixTextureColorEmission() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- isMixTextureColorSpecular() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- isMixVertexColorDiffuse() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- isMixVertexColorEmission() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- isMixVertexColorSpecular() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- isMultipleProbeSelecting() - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- isMultisample() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLRenderBuffer
- isMultiSampleEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isNextValidWayAvailable(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Checks to see if there are any valid waypoints after the current time.
- isNormalBoundary(HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Returns true if he is a boundary half-edge for purposes of computing
- isNormalized() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage
- isNormalized() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- isNormalized() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- isNormalsDynamic() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns whether or not normals are considered dynamic.
- isNormalsEnabled() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRenderer
- isNormalsEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
- isNotAttached() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns true if this connector is enabled and at least one of
it's underlying master components is not attached.
- isNPOTTextureAvailable() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isNumeric(PropertyInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- isNumeric(Object) - Static method in class maspack.properties.NumericConverter
Returns true if a specified object or class is compatible with a numeric
- isNumericExtensionChar(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if the specified character is a numeric extension character.
- isNumericOnly() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.PropertyField
Returns true if this field accepts only numeric properties.
- ISOLATED_VERTICES - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- isOpen() - Method in class maspack.collision.AhoIntersectionContour
- isOpenSimCompatible() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
- isOpenSimCompatible() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
- isOrdinaryChar(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if the specified character is an ordinary character.
- isOrthogonal() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns true
if this renderer is currently configured for
orthogonal projection.
- isOrthogonal() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns true
if this renderer is currently configured for
orthogonal projection.
- isOrthogonal() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- isOrthogonal() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns true if the current viewing projection is orthogonal.
- isOutside(boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
Determines if the reference point is ''outside'' its nearest feature,
based on whether the polygons are assumed to be oriented clockwise or
- isOutside(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dFeature
- isOverlapping() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FaceNodes3d
- isOverlapping(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
Returns true if the time interval specified by [t0, t1] overlaps
with the start and stop times of this probe, within the precision
of TimeBase.
- isOverlapping(Probe) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
Returns true if the time interval of a specified probe overlaps
with the start and stop times of this probe, within the precision
of TimeBase.
- isParametric() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Returns true if the state of this component is determined parametrically;
i.e., it is neither dynamic nor attached.
- isParametric() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- isPBOPackBound() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isPBOUnpackBound() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isPhiLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries whether the phi coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isPitchLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries whether the pitch coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isPitchLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries whether the pitch coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isPitchLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries whether the pitch coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isPlaying() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- isPnt0OnCollidable1() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- isPointActive() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConditionalPoint
- isPointActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointConditionalMarker
- isPointInside(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- isPopupMenuEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- isPositionActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTarget
- isPositionsDynamic() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns whether or not positions are considered dynamic.
- isPositionValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- isPrimary() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- isPrintable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- isPrintable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- isProbeSelected() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- isQuad() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Returns true if this is a quad mesh.
- isQuoteChar(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if the specified character is a quote character.
- isRadial() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- isRational - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Curve
- isRational - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- isReadOnly() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns true if the property is read-only.
- isReadOnly() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns true if the property is read-only.
- isRealized() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- isReflecting() - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Returns true
if this transformer is reflecting.
- isReflecting() - Method in interface maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer.Constrainer
Returns true if the constrainer transform is reflecting.
- isReflecting() - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Returns true
if this transformer globally implements a
reflection (i.e., the determinant of the deformation gradient
at all transformation points is negative).
- isReflecting() - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer.UniformScalingConstrainer
- isReflecting() - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Returns false
, since a rigid transform cannot be
- isRelative() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Checks if the URI is relative (i.e.
- IsRenderable - Interface in maspack.render
Specifies objects that can be rendered by a Viewer implementing
- IsRenderableBase - Class in maspack.render
- IsRenderableBase() - Constructor for class maspack.render.IsRenderableBase
- IsRenderableEditor - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- IsRenderableEditor(Main, EditorManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.IsRenderableEditor
- IsRenderableHolder - Class in artisynth.core.renderables
- IsRenderableHolder(IsRenderable, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- IsRenderableHolder(IsRenderable) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- isRenderBuffered() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- isRenderingAudioToFile() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns true if currently rendering audio to a file.
- isRenderingAudioToText() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns true if currently rendering audio to text.
- isRenderNormalReversed() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- isRestDirectorExplicit() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- isRestoring() - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Returns true
if the undo state of this transformer is set to
restore primitive values.
- isRestPositionExplicit() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- isRestPositionValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- isRightHanded() - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
- isRigid() - Method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformer
Returns false
, since this transformer does not implement a
linear rigid transform.
- isRigid() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformer
Returns false
since this transformer does not implement a
linear rigid transform.
- isRigid() - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear
rigid transform.
- isRigid() - Method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformer
Returns true
, since this transformer does implement a linear
rigid transform.
- isRigid() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear
rigid transform.
- isRigid() - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear
rigid transform.
- isRigid() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear
rigid transform.
- isRigid() - Method in class maspack.matrix.IdentityVector3dTransform
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear
rigid transform.
- isRigid() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear
rigid transform.
- isRigid() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorTransformer3d
Returns true
if this transformer implements a linear
rigid transform.
- isRollLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries whether the roll coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isRollLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries whether the roll coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isRollLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Queries whether the roll coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isRotary() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- isRotationLimited() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- isRowVector() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- isRowVector() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
- isRunningUnderMatlab() - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- isSaving() - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Returns true
if the undo state of this transformer is set to
save primitive values.
- isScalable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- isScanning() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- isScanning() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
Queries if this component is in the process of being scanned.
- isSchemeSupported(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Checks if the provided scheme is supported.
- isScrollable() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- isScrollable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- isScrollable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- isScrolling() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- isSegmentPassive(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Queries whether the segment indexed by segIdx
is passive.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDescList
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dList
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDescList
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldComp
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpringList
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponentList
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RenderableConstrainerBase
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableCompositeBase
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableModelBase
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceList
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- isSelectable() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- isSelectable() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- isSelectable() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- isSelectable() - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- isSelectable() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable(IsSelectable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- IsSelectable - Interface in maspack.render
- isSelectable() - Method in interface maspack.render.IsSelectable
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderableBase
Returns true if this object is in fact selectable.
- isSelectable(IsSelectable) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns true if s
is selectable in the current selection
- isSelectable(IsSelectable) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- isSelectable(IsSelectable) - Method in interface maspack.render.ViewerSelectionFilter
- isSelectable() - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewerTesterBase.SimpleSelectableBase
- isSelected() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- isSelected() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Returns true if this model component is selected.
- isSelected() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Returns true if this model component is selected.
- isSelected(CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot) - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- isSelected() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderablePoint
- isSelected() - Method in interface maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleSelectable
- isSelected() - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewerTesterBase.SimpleSelectableBase
- isSelected() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- isSelecting() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- isSelecting() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- isSelecting() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Returns true if the renderer is currently performing a selection
- isSelecting() - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Returns true if the renderer is currently performing a selection
- isSelecting() - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- isSelectionEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Returns true if viewer selection is enabled.
- isSelectionEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isSelectionEnabled() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Returns true
if viewer-based selection is enabled.
- isSelectionManagementEnabled() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
Returns true if selection management is enabled.
- isSelectVisibleOnly() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- isSelectVisibleOnly() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLMouseListener
- isSelfAttachedToFace() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FaceNodes3d
Queries if at least one of this face's nodes is itself attached to a face
belonging to the same mesh
- isSelfInstance(Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Group
- isSettable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- isSettable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- isSettable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- isSettable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- isSharable() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- isSharable() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns true if the value of this property is sharable among several
- isShifted(int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EulerFilter
- isShutdown() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- isShutdown() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- isSigned() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Queries whether or not this grid is signed.
- isSigned() - Method in interface maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer
- isSigned() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- isSimple() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu
- isSimulating() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- isSingleNodeMapped() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
Returns true
if every vertex in this mesh is
directly attached to a single FEM node.
- isSingleNodeMapped() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
Returns true
if every vertex in this mesh is
directly attached to a single FEM node.
- isSlicingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- isSliderAllowed() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Returns true
if a slider is allowed to be used in
the interactive editing widget created for this property.
- isSliderAllowed() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns true
if a slider is allowed to be used in
the interactive editing widget created for this property.
- isSliderSelected() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- isSmallDisplayVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- isSpecialRenderFlagsSet() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Used to see if rendering with special flags has been performed yet.
- isStarted() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- isStaticOnly() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- isStopRequestPending() - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns true if a stop has been requested.
- isStreaming() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
A streaming object has a short life-span, and cannot be modified once committed.
- isStretchable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Returns true if this component is horizontally stretchable.
- isStretchable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentLayout
- isStretchable() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- isStrictlyMonotone(CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
Returns true if y(x) is strictly monotone on the interval between this
knot and the next.
- isSubMatrix() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Returns true if the this matrix is a submatrix; i.e., is a member of the
- isSubMatrix() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SubMatrixNd
- isSurfaceEdge(FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
If node0
and node1
are directly attached to vertices of
the mesh, return true
if they are connected by a half-edge.
- isSurfaceEdge(FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- isSurfaceMesh() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- isSurfaceMeshValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isSurfaceNode(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isSymmetric(double) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Returns true if this matrix is symmetric within a given absolute
- isSymmetric(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Returns true if this matrix is symmetric within a given absolute
- isSymmetric(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Returns true if this matrix is symmetric within a given absolute
- isSymmetric(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- isTerminated() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- isTerminated() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- isTexCoordsEnabled() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRenderer
- isTexCoordsEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
- isTextureCoordsDynamic() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns whether or not texture coordinates are considered dynamic.
- isTextureCoordsFixed() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- isTextureFormatBGRA8888Available() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isTextureMappingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isTextureValid(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- isThetaClockwise() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.CylindricalCoupling
- isThetaClockwise() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.HingeCoupling
- isThetaLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isThetaLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Queries whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isThetaLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Queries whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isThetaLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isThetaLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isThreadGLCapable() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- isTiltLimited() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- isTimelineVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- isTimeManuallyDragged() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Timescale
- isTraceVisible(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- isTraceVisible(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- isTracing(HasProperties, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
Returns true if this tracing probe is tracing the single property
associated with the specified host.
- isTracing(Traceable) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- isTransformed(TransformableGeometry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Returns true
if a specified transformable component
is marked as having been transformed.
- isTransient() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Checks if the render object is labelled as "transient".
- isTransparencyEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isTransparent() - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- isTransparent() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- isTriangle() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- isTriangular() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Returns true if this mesh is triangular.
- isTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.UnsafeTrustStrategy
- isTxtFilterSelected() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.NodeNumberFileChooser
- isTypeCompatible(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns true if a specified object is an instance of Number.
- isUndefined() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel.ScreenTransform
- isUnilateral() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- isUnilateral() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- isUnilateral() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- isUnilateral() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarCoupling
- isUnilateral() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- isUnilateral() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
- isUnnamedVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
- isUpperBoundClosed() - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Returns true if the upper bound for the interval of this NumericRange is
- isUsingDiagonals() - Method in class maspack.util.Point3dGridUtility
- isUsingExciters() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- isUsingRestCoordinates() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- isValid(Object, StringHolder) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NameRange
- isValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeDriver
- isValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPoint
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImageDecoderGDCM
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImageDecoderImageMagick
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Object
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.RenderInstancesKey
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.RenderObjectKey
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ElementArray
- isValid() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Drawable
Checks if the drawable is still valid (can be drawn), usually checking if
any internal GL resources are still valid.
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ElementAttributeArray
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3LinesVertexBuffer
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Object
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PointsVertexBuffer
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderInstances
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectElements
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPoints
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPrimitives
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
Checks whether all internal GL resources are still valid
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderInstances
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectBase
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectLines
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectVertices
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArray
- isValid() - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLResource
Returns true if resource can be used (i.e.
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLResourceBase
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.GLVersionListener
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Returns whether or not this RenderObject is valid.
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances.RenderInstancesIdentifier
- isValid() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderKey
Whether the renderable this key is associated with is still valid.
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderKeyImpl
- isValid() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Returns whether or not this RenderObject is valid.
- isValid() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Returns whether or not this RenderObject is valid.
- isValid() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface.RenderObjectIdentifier
Whether the associated RenderObject is still valid.
- isValid(TextImageStore.GlyphStore) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Checks whether glyph storage is still valid
- isValid(Class<?>) - Method in interface maspack.util.ClassAliases.ClassFilter
- isValid(Object, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.util.EnumRange
- isValid(Object, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
- isValid(Object, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericIntervalRange
Returns true if the specified object is valid for this Range,
and false otherwise.
- isValid(Object, StringHolder) - Method in interface maspack.util.Range
Returns true if the specified object is valid for this Range,
and false otherwise.
- isValid(Object, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.util.RangeBase
Returns true if the specified object is valid for this Range,
and false otherwise.
- isValid(Object, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.util.StringRange
- isValid(Object, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.FormatRange
- isValidExtension(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- isValidExtension(String) - Method in class maspack.util.GenericFileFilter
- isValidFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- isValidVariableName(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- isValueSet(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Queries whether a value has been seen at a given element (either
volumetric or shell).
- isValueSet(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Queries whether a value has been seen at a given face.
- isValueSet(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Queries whether a value has been seen at a given node.
- isValueSet(FemElement3dBase, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Queries whether a value has been seen at an integration point of an
element (either volumetric or shell).
- isValueSet(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Queries whether a value has been seen at a given vertex.
- isValueSet(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Queries whether a value has been seen at a given element (either
volumetric or shell).
- isValueSet(Face) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Queries whether a value has been seen at a given face.
- isValueSet(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Queries whether a value has been seen at a given node.
- isValueSet(FemElement3dBase, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Queries whether a value has been seen at an integration point of an
element (either volumetric or shell).
- isValueSet(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Queries whether a value has been seen at a given vertex.
- isVBOArrayBound() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isVBOElementArrayBound() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- isVelocityActive() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTarget
- isVerbose() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- isVertexColored() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns true
if the colors for this mesh are assigned on a
per-vertex basis.
- isVertexColoringEnabled() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- isVertexRenderingEnabled() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Queries whether rendering of vertices is enabled.
- isVertical() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
- isVerticallyLinked() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- isVerticesCommitted() - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Checks whether vertex information has been committed
- isVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- isVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameBasedEditingAgent
- isVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonFrameConsole
- isVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- isVisible(RenderableComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- isVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- isVisible() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- isVisible() - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- isVisible() - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- isVisible() - Method in interface maspack.render.DrawTool
- isVisible() - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- isVisible() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Visibility of underlying Java AWT component
- isVisible(HasRenderProps) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderableUtils
Returns true if a Renderable is visible.
- isVisible() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- isVisited() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- isVolumeValid() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isWarmStartSupported() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Queries whether this solver supports warm starts.
- isWarmStartSupported() - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Queries whether this solver supports warm starts.
- isWarmStartSupported() - Method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Queries whether this solver supports warm starts.
- isWarmStartSupported() - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Queries whether this solver supports warm starts.
- isWarnOnInvertedElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- isWatertight() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Queries if this mesh is watertight.
- isWhitespaceChar(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if the specified character is an whitespace character.
- isWidgetableOnly() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.PropertyField
Returns true if this field accepts only widgetable properties.
- isWildcard() - Method in class maspack.util.StringRange
- isWithin(double, double) - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- isWithin(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- isWithin(double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- isWithin(double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- isWithin(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- isWithin(double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- isWordChar(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Returns true if the specified character is an word character.
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.StartupModel
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.EmptyState
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- isWritable() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
Returns false; prevents this component from being writing out as
part of a RootModel file.
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.function.Diff1Function1x1Base
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.function.Diff1FunctionNx1Base
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Rectangle2d
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in class maspack.util.RangeBase
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isWritable() - Method in interface maspack.util.Scannable
Returns true
if this component should in fact be written to
secondary storage.
- isXLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries whether the x coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isXLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries whether the x coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isXLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries whether the x coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isXLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Queries whether the x coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isYawLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries whether the yaw coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isYawLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Queries whether the yaw coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isYLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries whether the y coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isYLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Queries whether the y coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isYLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Queries whether the y coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isZetIndexed() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetGenWriter
- isZipType() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Checks if the current URI is of zip-type, which allows for nested URIs.
- isZipType() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIxScheme
- isZLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Queries whether the z coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isZLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Queries whether the z coordinate for this joint is locked.
- isZLocked() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Queries whether the z coordinate for this joint is locked.
- ITEM - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- ITEM_DELIMINATION - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- itemsSelected(ViewerSelectionEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- itemsSelected(ViewerSelectionEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.ViewerSelectionListener
- iterativeSolve(VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
- iterativeSolve(double[], double[], int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Attempts to use preconditioned CGS iteration to solve M x = b for a given
right-hand side b
- iterativeSolve(double[], double[], double[], int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Attempts to use preconditioned CGS iteration to solve M x = b for a given
right-hand side b
- IterativeSolver - Interface in maspack.solvers
- IterativeSolver.ToleranceType - Enum in maspack.solvers
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- iterator() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListView
Return an iterator over all components in this list.
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ListBase
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Returns an interator for the waypoints in this probe
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- iterator() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HashedPointSet
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Returns an iterator for the knots in this spline.
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Returns an iterator for the knots in this spline.
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Returns an iterator for the knots in this spline.
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Returns an iterator over all the knots in this numeric list.
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.properties.LocalPropertyList
- iterator() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfoList
Returns an iterator over all PropertyInfo structures contained in this
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Returns an iterator over all PropertyInfo structures contained in this
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Returns an iterator for looping through elements
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- iterator() - Method in interface maspack.util.ListView
Return an iterator over all elements in this list.
- iterator() - Method in class maspack.util.SubListView
Return an iterator over all elements in this list.
- m - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Moment (rotational force)
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Matrix element (0,0)
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Matrix element (0,0)
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (0,0)
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (0,0)
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m00 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Matrix element (0,1)
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Matrix element (0,1)
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (0,1)
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (0,1)
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m01 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Matrix element (0,2)
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (0,2)
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (0,2)
- m02 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m03 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
- m03 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m03 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m03 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m03 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (0,3)
- m03 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (0,3)
- m04 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
- m04 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m04 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m04 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (0,4)
- m05 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
- m05 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m05 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m05 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (0,5)
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Matrix element (1,0)
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Matrix element (1,0)
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (1,0)
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (1,0)
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m10 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Matrix element (1,1)
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Matrix element (1,1)
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (1,1)
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (1,1)
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m11 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m12 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
- m12 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m12 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Matrix element (1,2)
- m12 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m12 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m12 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (1,2)
- m12 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m12 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (1,2)
- m12 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m13 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m13 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m13 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m13 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (1,3)
- m13 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (1,3)
- m14 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m14 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m14 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (1,4)
- m15 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- m15 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m15 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (1,5)
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Matrix element (2,0)
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (2,0)
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (2,0)
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m20 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m21 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Matrix element (2,1)
- m21 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- m21 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m21 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m21 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (2,1)
- m21 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m21 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (2,1)
- m21 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m21 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m22 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Matrix element (2,2)
- m22 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m22 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m22 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (2,2)
- m22 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m22 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (2,2)
- m22 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m23 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- m23 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m23 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (2,3)
- m23 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (2,3)
- m24 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m24 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (2,4)
- m25 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- m25 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (2,5)
- m30 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (3,0)
- m30 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m30 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (3,0)
- m30 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
- m30 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m30 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m31 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (3,1)
- m31 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m31 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (3,1)
- m31 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m31 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m32 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (3,2)
- m32 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
- m32 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (3,2)
- m32 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m33 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Matrix element (3,3)
- m33 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (3,3)
- m34 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (3,4)
- m35 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (3,5)
- m40 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (4,0)
- m40 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
- m40 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m40 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m41 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (4,1)
- m41 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m41 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m42 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (4,2)
- m42 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m43 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (4,3)
- m44 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (4,4)
- m45 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (4,5)
- m50 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (5,0)
- m50 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
- m50 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m50 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m51 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (5,1)
- m51 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
- m51 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m52 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (5,2)
- m52 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
- m53 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (5,3)
- m54 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (5,4)
- m55 - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Matrix element (5,5)
- Mac - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- MAGENTA - Static variable in class maspack.render.Material
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Launcher
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- Main - Class in artisynth.core.driver
main class for running the ArtiSynth application.
- Main() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- Main(String, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Creates a new Main instance
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
the main entry point
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManagerTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Sizeof
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReaderWriterTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReader
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbReaderWriterTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysReaderWriterTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachmentTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCondTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBaseTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMonteCarloTests
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemSkinDerivTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachmentTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachmentTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.GmshReaderWriterTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloSampler
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NaturalCoordsComputeTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachmentTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachmentTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadhexElementTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadpyramidElementTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadratureGaussLegendre
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadwedgeElementTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StressStrainSettingsTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetGenReader
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetrahedralizerTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.JListTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ArtisynthJythonConsole
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonFrameConsole
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonInteractiveConsole
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonJLineConsole
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonPanelConsole
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericDisplayTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.PlotLabelFormatTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProgressFrame
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMaterialTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscleTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterialTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscleTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012ForceCurves
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.PeckAxialMuscle
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtilsTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscleTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpringTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTableTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DualQuaternionDerivTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBodyTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpringTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTargetTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpringTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.NodalFrameTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachmentTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachmentTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTargetTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBodyTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.YPRStiffnessTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPointTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableListTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.AnimatedGifWriter
Main function
Usage: java artisynth.core.moviemaker.AnimatedGifWriter [options] <list of input files> <output file>
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.Merge
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.NaturalCubicSpline
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.TRCReader
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbeTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.AudioPlayer02
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.BuildInfoCenterToc
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.CompareStateFiles
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ConvertRawToWav
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.MdlToObj
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ObjToMdl
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.TimeBase
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedWeighting
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.AttachmentReferenceTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.demos.test.TransformGeometryTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.CreateConvexHull
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.FlipMeshNormals
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.GtsToObj
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.IntersectorTestViewer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.JFrameTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.KajToObj
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MayaJointToMatlab
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MayaToWavefront
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MeshCat
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MeshCollisionViewer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MeshInfo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MeshMaker
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MeshMerger
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MeshSeparator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MeshTransform
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.NagataDistanceTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.NURBSCurve2dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.NURBSViewer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.ObjToGts
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.ObjToPly
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.PlyToObj
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.PlyToPly
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.PropertyGuiTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.StlToObj
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.VtkMeshToWavefrontConverter
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.WavefrontToMaya
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.XyzbToPly
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.XyzbToXyz
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.apps.XyzToXyzb
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.collision.MeshColliderTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeatureTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.collision.RobustPredsTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.collision.Test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.collision.WindingCalculatorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManagerExamples
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManagerTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManagerTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.RSAIdentityTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIxMatcherTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIxTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.function.ConstantFunction1x1Test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.function.LinearFunctionNx1Test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.function.PolyFunction1x1Test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.AffineTransformerTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTesterTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQueryTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVIntersectorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.BVTreeTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersectorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPDRigidAligner
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CPDTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CSG
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.CVReconstruction3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DeformationTransformerTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DelaunayInterpolator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DelaunayInterpolatorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridTester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.EllipsoidTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.FaceTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryUtilsTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdgeTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.PlyReaderWriterTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.PolylineObjCorrector
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReaderTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.KDTree3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactoryTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshICPAligner
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshInfo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshRayIntersectionTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolatorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.PointMeshTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalcTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonIntersectorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMeshTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.QuadraticUtilsTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.RigidTransformerTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.RobustPredsTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenConvexHullTest
Runs a set of tests on the TetgenTessellator class, and
prints Passed
if all is well.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellatorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleTessellator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGridTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dListTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.WindingCalculatorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.interpolation.ParabolicInterpolation
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.ipopt.IpoptTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.ipopt.JipoptExample
Main function for running this example.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.ipopt.JipoptTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.json.Test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterfaceTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.AffineOrthogonalTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
Print out nearest AxisAlignedRotation for all rpy angles than are n*PI/2.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotationTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngleTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.ConeTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.EigenEstimatorTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.GenerateMulAdd
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.ObjectSizes
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrixTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignatureTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrixTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.SparseTiming
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.TimeTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.numerics.BisectionRootSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.numerics.BrentRootSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.numerics.NewtonRootSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.numerics.PolynomialFit
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.numerics.PolynomialFitTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.properties.EditTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.color.HSLTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GLHSVShaderTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GLSLGenerator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3Sample
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.JOGLTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigQPSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecompositionTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteLUDecompositionTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoThreadTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.TriDiagonalSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3dTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCouplingTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCouplingTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.TwistTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCouplingTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.ColouredSphereTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.DebuggingGL3Test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.GL2Tester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.GL2vsGL3Tester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.GL3JPanelTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.GL3Tester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.GLCanvasTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.GLJPanelTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.GLRedBleedDebug
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.GLSparkleDebug
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.InstanceTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiGL2Tester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiGL3Tester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.PrimitivesTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.SingleGL2Tester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.SingleGL3Tester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.TextTester
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.TextureEgyptianTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.TextureHeartTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.TriangleLightingTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.VolumePrimitivesTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySortTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupportTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.BinaryStreamTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassFinder
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.CubicSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.DataBufferTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.DynamicArrayTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.EnumRange
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ListRemoveTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.QuarticSolverTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.RandomGenerator
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizerTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.RoundTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.StreamLogger
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.StringRange
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.TemplateTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.Test
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.AxisAngleField
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentLayout
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControlDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControlOptionPaneDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControlVoidDemo
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.LayoutTest
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.RenderPropsPanel
- main(String[]) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.Slider
- Main.LookAndFeel - Enum in artisynth.core.driver
- Main.ManipulatorFrameSpec - Enum in artisynth.core.driver
Describes different ways to determine the frame for a manipulator.
- Main.SelectionMode - Enum in artisynth.core.driver
- MainFrame - Class in artisynth.core.driver
the main frame to initialize all the panels and viewers.
- MainFrame(String, Main, int, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
create main frame
- MaintenancePrefs - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to maintenance settings
- MaintenancePrefs(Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.MaintenancePrefs
- makeButton(ImageIcon, String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimeToolbar
- makeMenuItem(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
- makeMovie(String[], String, String, MovieMaker) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MakeMovieFromData
make movie from a collection of frame files
- MakeMovieFromData - Class in artisynth.core.moviemaker
Take data in a given directory, in format is dictated by MovieMaker class,
and make a movie out of it.
- MakeMovieFromData() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MakeMovieFromData
- makeRightHanded(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.PolarDecomposition3d
Flip an axis of R in order to make it right-handed.
- makeValid(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NameRange
- makeValid(double) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
- makeValid(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Projects an object to lie within the range allowed by this Range, if
- makeValid(Object) - Method in interface maspack.util.Range
Projects an object to lie within the range allowed by this Range, if
- makeValid(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.RangeBase
Projects an object to lie within the range allowed by this Range, if
- makeValid(Object) - Method in class maspack.util.StringRange
- makeValidName(String, ModelComponent, CompositeComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Makes a valid component name from the string provided.
- makeValidName(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Makes a valid component name from the string provided.
- Manager<T> - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
A Manager
manages objects.
- Manager(Manager.Creator<T>, Manager.Updatable) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.Manager
- Manager(String, Manager.Creator<T>, Manager.Updatable) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.Manager
- Manager.Creator<T> - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
Every time this
is called, if the managed
object does not yet exist, it is created using a
- Manager.Updatable - Interface in artisynth.demos.wrapping
- mapBuffer(GL3, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
Retrieve a mapped buffer to the underlying Buffer data
- mapBuffer(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- mapBufferRange(GL3, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
Maps only a portion of the underlying buffer
- mapBufferRange(int, long, long, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- mapComponent(ModelComponent, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentMap
- mapCubeToSphere(Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Maps a 2x2x2 cube to a unit sphere
- mapICoordsToNodes(double[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- mapIPointsToNodes(IntegrationPoint3d[], MatrixNd, FemNode3d[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- mapNewBuffer(GL3) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.BufferObject
First orphans the original buffer, potentially causing a re-allocation,
then returns a mapped buffer ready for writing.
- MappedPixelGenerator - Class in maspack.image.nifti
- MappedPixelGenerator() - Constructor for class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- MappedPixelGenerator(MappedPixelGenerator.VoxelInput, int, MappedPixelGenerator.VoxelInput, int, MappedPixelGenerator.VoxelInput, int) - Constructor for class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- MappingDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MappingDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo
- MappingDemo.DrawMappings - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MappingTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MappingTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MappingTest
- mapSphereToCube(Point3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Maps a unit sphere to a 2x2x2 cube
- mapWidgetToComponent(JComponent, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SelectableComponentPanel
- march(int[]) - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Performs the fast marching algorithm starting at points with indices given
in start
- march(int) - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Performs the fast marching algorithm starting at data point with index
- march(int, int[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Performs the fast marching algorithm starting at data point with index
, using the supplied voronoi and distance arrays instead of
this object's internal versions.
- march(int[], int[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Performs the fast marching algorithm starting at data points with indices
given by start
, using the supplied voronoi and distance arrays
instead of this object's internal version.
- MarchingTetrahedra - Class in maspack.geometry
Implements MarchingTetrahedra to generate a mesh from a scalar field defined
on a grid.
- MarchingTetrahedra() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MarchingTetrahedra
- MarchingTetrahedra.GridPointData - Class in maspack.geometry
- MarchingTetrahedra.GridPointGenerator - Class in maspack.geometry
- mark(int) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
- mark(int) - Method in class maspack.util.BitInputStream
- markClean() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- markClean() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- markClean() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- markClean() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- markClean() - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Mark the dirty region as now cleaned
- markClean() - Method in interface maspack.render.TextureContent
Mark the entire texture as being clean
- markClean() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentImage
- markClean() - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- markDirty(Rectangle) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Mark a region of the backing image as "dirty" (i.e.
- Marker - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- Marker() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Marker
- Marker - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Marker() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- MarkerFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MarkerFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MarkerFactory
- MarkerMotionData - Class in artisynth.core.probes
Data structure that contains motion data for a set of markers over a series
of frames.
- MarkerMotionData() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
- markers() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- markers() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Returns the list of markers associated with this SkinMeshBody.
- MarkerSet - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MarkerSet() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MarkerSet
- MarkerSetFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MarkerSetFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MarkerSetFactory
- markInvalidSubcomps(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- markInvertedRestElements() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- markOutsideQuadtets(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Marks all tets whose nodes all have distance values > mindist
being "outside".
- markSupported() - Method in class maspack.util.BitInputStream
- markTransformed(TransformableGeometry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.TransformGeometryContext
Mark a specified transformable component as having been transformed.
- maskFocusStealing(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Attempts to prevent artisynth form stealing focus when it
pops up windows, etc, especially while running a script.
- maskValueChangeListeners(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Enables or disables the value change listeners.
- maskValueChecks(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Enables or disables value checking from within
- MasoudMillardLAM - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- MasoudMillardLAM() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- MasoudMillardLAM(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- maspack.apps - package maspack.apps
- maspack.collision - package maspack.collision
- maspack.concurrency - package maspack.concurrency
- maspack.crypt - package maspack.crypt
- maspack.fileutil - package maspack.fileutil
- maspack.fileutil.jsch - package maspack.fileutil.jsch
- maspack.fileutil.uri - package maspack.fileutil.uri
- maspack.fileutil.vfs - package maspack.fileutil.vfs
- maspack.function - package maspack.function
- maspack.geometry - package maspack.geometry
- maspack.geometry.io - package maspack.geometry.io
- maspack.graph - package maspack.graph
- maspack.image - package maspack.image
- maspack.image.dicom - package maspack.image.dicom
- maspack.image.dti - package maspack.image.dti
- maspack.image.nifti - package maspack.image.nifti
- maspack.interpolation - package maspack.interpolation
- maspack.ipopt - package maspack.ipopt
- maspack.json - package maspack.json
- maspack.matlab - package maspack.matlab
- maspack.matrix - package maspack.matrix
- maspack.numerics - package maspack.numerics
- maspack.properties - package maspack.properties
- maspack.render - package maspack.render
- maspack.render.color - package maspack.render.color
- maspack.render.GL - package maspack.render.GL
- maspack.render.GL.GL2 - package maspack.render.GL.GL2
- maspack.render.GL.GL3 - package maspack.render.GL.GL3
- maspack.render.GL.jogl - package maspack.render.GL.jogl
- maspack.solvers - package maspack.solvers
- maspack.spatialmotion - package maspack.spatialmotion
- maspack.spatialmotion.projections - package maspack.spatialmotion.projections
- maspack.test.GL - package maspack.test.GL
- maspack.util - package maspack.util
- maspack.widgets - package maspack.widgets
- MASS_INERTIA_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Specifies a string representation of this spatial inertia consisting of a
mass, a center of mass point, and a 3 x 3 rotational inertia matrix with
respect to the center of mass.
- MassDistribution - Enum in maspack.geometry
Indicates how mass is distributed across the features of a geometric object
for purposes of computing its inertia.
- MassSpringDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- MassSpringDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.MassSpringDemo
- matches(IntersectionPoint) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- matches(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.AnyMatcher
- matches(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.ExactMatcher
- matches(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- matches(URIx) - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.uri.URIxMatcher
- matches(GL3SharedPrimitive.PrimitiveKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Primitive
- matches(GL3SharedPrimitive.PrimitiveKey) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive
- matchMinorTest(NativeLibraryManager.SystemType, String, String, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManagerTest
- Material - Class in maspack.render
- Material() - Constructor for class maspack.render.Material
- Material(Material) - Constructor for class maspack.render.Material
- Material(float[], float[], float[], float) - Constructor for class maspack.render.Material
- Material(Color, Color, Color, float) - Constructor for class maspack.render.Material
- MaterialBase - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- MaterialBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- MaterialBundle - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- MaterialBundle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- MaterialBundle(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- MaterialBundle(String, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- MaterialBundle(String, FemMaterial, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- MaterialBundleDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- MaterialBundleDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.MaterialBundleDemo
- MaterialBundleList - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- MaterialBundleList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundleList
- MaterialBundleList(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundleList
- MaterialChangeEvent - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Class for reporting changes in Material settings within model subcomponents.
- MaterialChangeEvent(ModelComponent, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialChangeEvent
- MaterialChangeEvent(HasProperties, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialChangeEvent
- MaterialChangeEvent(ModelComponent, MaterialChangeEvent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialChangeEvent
- materialsAreInvertible() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Queries if the effective material for this element, and all auxiliary
materials, are defined for non-positive deformation gradients.
- MaterialStateObject - Interface in artisynth.core.materials
- MaterialsUBO - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- MatlabInterface - Class in artisynth.core.util
- MatlabInterface - Class in maspack.matlab
- MatlabInterface() - Constructor for class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- MatlabInterfaceException - Exception in artisynth.core.util
- MatlabInterfaceException(String) - Constructor for exception artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterfaceException
- MatlabInterfaceException(MatlabInvocationException) - Constructor for exception artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterfaceException
- MatlabInterfaceException(MatlabConnectionException) - Constructor for exception artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterfaceException
- MatlabInterfaceTest - Class in maspack.matlab
- MatlabInterfaceTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterfaceTest
- MatlabSolver - Class in maspack.matlab
- MatlabSolver() - Constructor for class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
- MatlabSolverTest - Class in maspack.matlab
- MatlabSolverTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolverTest
- matlabTests() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigQPSolverTest
- MatricesUBO - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- Matrix - Interface in maspack.matrix
General interface for matrices.
- Matrix.Partition - Enum in maspack.matrix
Describes different partitions of a matrix object.
- Matrix.WriteFormat - Enum in maspack.matrix
Describes the general format for writing matrix values.
- Matrix1x1 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 1 x 1 matrix.
- Matrix1x1() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Creates a new Matrix1x1.
- Matrix1x1Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 1 x 1 matrix block
- Matrix1x1Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Creates a new Matrix1x1Block.
- Matrix1x3 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 1 x 3 matrix
- Matrix1x3() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Creates a new Matrix1x3Block.
- Matrix1x3Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 2 matrix block
- Matrix1x3Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Creates a new Matrix1x3Block.
- Matrix1x3Block(Vector3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Creates a new Matrix1x3Block initialized by a 3-vector.
- Matrix1x6 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 1 x 6 matrix
- Matrix1x6() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Creates a new Matrix1x6.
- Matrix1x6Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 1 x 6 matrix block
- Matrix1x6Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Creates a new Matrix1x6Block.
- Matrix2d - Class in maspack.matrix
A general 3 x 3 matrix with the elements stored as explicit fields.
- Matrix2d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Creates a matrix and initializes it to zero.
- Matrix2d(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Creates a matrix and initializes to provided values
- Matrix2d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements from an array of values.
- Matrix2d(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements to those of the matrix M.
- Matrix2d(Matrix2dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements to those of the matrix M.
- Matrix2dBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base class for 2 x 2 matrices in which the elements are stored as explicit
- Matrix2dBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
- Matrix2x2Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 3 matrix block using a single Matrix3d object.
- Matrix2x2Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Creates a new Matrix2x2Block.
- Matrix2x3 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 2 x 3 matrix
- Matrix2x3() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Creates a new Matrix2x3Block.
- Matrix2x3Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 2 x 3 matrix block
- Matrix2x3Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Creates a new Matrix2x3Block.
- Matrix2x6 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 2 x 6 matrix
- Matrix2x6() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Creates a new Matrix2x6.
- Matrix2x6Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 6 matrix block using two Matrix3d objects.
- Matrix2x6Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Creates a new Matrix2x6Block.
- Matrix3d - Class in maspack.matrix
A general 3 x 3 matrix with the elements stored as explicit fields.
- Matrix3d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Creates a matrix and initializes it to zero.
- Matrix3d(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements to those of the matrix M.
- Matrix3d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements from an array of values.
- Matrix3d(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements from the specified values.
- Matrix3d(Matrix3dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements to those of the matrix M.
- Matrix3dBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base class for 3 x 3 matrices in which the elements are stored as explicit
- Matrix3dBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
- Matrix3x1 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 1 matrix.
- Matrix3x1() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Creates a new Matrix3x1.
- Matrix3x1Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 1 matrix block
- Matrix3x1Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Creates a new Matrix3x1Block.
- Matrix3x1Block(Vector3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Creates a new Matrix3x1Block initialized by a 3-vector.
- Matrix3x2 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 2 matrix
- Matrix3x2() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Creates a new Matrix3x2.
- Matrix3x2Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 2 matrix block
- Matrix3x2Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Creates a new Matrix3x2Block.
- Matrix3x3Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 3 matrix block using a single Matrix3d object.
- Matrix3x3Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Creates a new Matrix3x3Block.
- Matrix3x3Block(Matrix3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Creates a new Matrix3x3Block and initializes to the value of a Matrix3d
- Matrix3x3DiagBlock - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 3 matrix block using a single Matrix3d object.
- Matrix3x3DiagBlock() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Creates a new Matrix3x3DiagBlock.
- Matrix3x3DiagBlock(double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Creates a new Matrix3x3DiagBlock with specufied diagnonal elements.
- Matrix3x4 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 4 matrix
- Matrix3x4() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Creates a new Matrix3x4.
- Matrix3x4Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 4 matrix block using two Matrix3d objects.
- Matrix3x4Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Creates a new Matrix3x4Block.
- Matrix3x6 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 6 matrix
- Matrix3x6() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Creates a new Matrix3x6.
- Matrix3x6Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 6 matrix block using two Matrix3d objects.
- Matrix3x6Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Creates a new Matrix3x6Block.
- Matrix4d - Class in maspack.matrix
A general 4 x 4 matrix with the elements stored as explicit fields.
- Matrix4d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Creates a matrix and initializes it to zero.
- Matrix4d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements from an array of values.
- Matrix4d(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements to those of the matrix M.
- Matrix4dBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base class for 4 x 4 matrices in which the elements are stored as explicit
- Matrix4dBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
- Matrix4x3 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 6 x 3 matrix
- Matrix4x3() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Creates a new Matrix4x3.
- Matrix4x3Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 4 x 3 matrix block using two Matrix3d objects.
- Matrix4x3Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Creates a new Matrix4x3Block.
- Matrix4x4Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 4 x 4 matrix block using a single Matrix4d object.
- Matrix4x4Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Creates a new Matrix4x4Block.
- Matrix6d - Class in maspack.matrix
A general 4 x 4 matrix with the elements stored as explicit fields.
- Matrix6d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Creates a matrix and initializes it to zero.
- Matrix6d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements from an array of values.
- Matrix6d(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Creates a matrix and initializes its elements to those of the matrix M.
- Matrix6dBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base class for 6 x 6 matrices in which the elements are stored as explicit
- Matrix6dBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
- Matrix6dBlock - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 6 x 6 matrix block using a single Matrix6d object.
- Matrix6dBlock() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Creates a new Matrix6dBlock.
- Matrix6dDiagBlock - Class in maspack.matrix
- Matrix6dDiagBlock() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Creates a new Matrix6dDiagBlock.
- Matrix6dDiagBlock(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Creates a new Matrix6dDiagBlock with specified diagonal elements.
- Matrix6x1 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 6 x 1 matrix
- Matrix6x1() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Creates a new Matrix6x1.
- Matrix6x1Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 6 x 1 matrix block
- Matrix6x1Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Creates a new Matrix6x1Block.
- Matrix6x2 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 6 x 2 matrix
- Matrix6x2() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Creates a new Matrix6x2.
- Matrix6x2Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 2 x 6 matrix block using two Matrix3d objects.
- Matrix6x2Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Creates a new Matrix6x2Block.
- Matrix6x3 - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 6 x 3 matrix
- Matrix6x3() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Creates a new Matrix6x3.
- Matrix6x3Block - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 6 matrix block using two Matrix3d objects.
- Matrix6x3Block() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Creates a new Matrix6x3Block.
- MATRIX_3X4_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as a 3 x 4 matrix
(i.e., with the 4th row ommitted).
- MATRIX_3X4_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as a 3 x 4 matrix
(i.e., with the 4th row ommitted).
- MATRIX_3X4_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as a 3 x 4 matrix
(i.e., with the 4th row ommitted).
- MATRIX_4X4_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as a 4 x 4
- MATRIX_4X4_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as a 4 x 4
- MATRIX_4X4_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Specifies a string representation of this transformation as a 4 x 4
- MATRIX_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Specifies a string representation of this rotation as a 3 x 3 matrix.
- MATRIX_STRING - Static variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Specifies a string representation of this spatial inertia as a 6 x 6
- MatrixBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base implementation of
- MatrixBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
- MatrixBlock - Interface in maspack.matrix
An extension to matrix that supports inclusion in a block matrix.
- MatrixBlockBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a matrix based on an array of 3x3 sub matrices.
- MatrixBlockColList - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a single linked list of MatrixBlocks, sorted by their index
- MatrixBlockColList() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockColList
- MatrixBlockRowList - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a single linked list of MatrixBlocks, sorted by their index
- MatrixBlockRowList() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockRowList
- matrixFromMatlab(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterface
Takes the MATLAB array named by
and returns a
- MatrixMulAdd - Class in maspack.matrix
Provides static methods to implement MatrixBlock.mulAdd()
NOTE: This code is machine generated by GenerateMulAdd
- MatrixMulAdd() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd - Class in maspack.matrix
Provides static methods to implement MatrixBlock.mulTransposeLeftAdd()
NOTE: This code is machine generated by GenerateMulAdd
- MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd - Class in maspack.matrix
Provides static methods to implement MatrixBlock.mulTransposeRightAdd()
NOTE: This code is machine generated by GenerateMulAdd
- MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- MatrixNd - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements general m x n matrices, along with most the commonly used
operations associated with such matrices.
- MatrixNd() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Creates a matrix will initial row and column sizes of zero.
- MatrixNd(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Creates a matrix of a specific size, and initializes its elements to 0.
- MatrixNd(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Creates a matrix whose size and elements are the same as an existing
- MatrixNd(Vector) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Creates a matrix whose size and elements correspond to a Vector.
- MatrixNd(MatrixNd) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Creates a matrix which is a copy of an existing one.
- MatrixNd(double[][]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Creates a matrix from a two dimensional array of doubles.
- MatrixNd(int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Creates a matrix of specific size and initializes its elements from an
array of values.
- MatrixNdBlock - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 x 3 matrix block using a single Matrix3d object.
- MatrixNdBlock() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Creates a new MatrixNdBlock.
- MatrixNdBlock(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Creates a new MatrixNdBlock with a specificed number of rows and columns.
- MatrixNdElementField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over an FEM
model, using values set at the elements.
- MatrixNdElementField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdElementField
- MatrixNdElementField(int, int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdElementField(int, int, FemModel3d, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- MatrixNdElementField(String, int, int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdElementField(String, int, int, FemModel3d, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- MatrixNdFaceField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over a
triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at the mesh's vertices.
- MatrixNdFaceField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdFaceField
- MatrixNdFaceField(int, int, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdFaceField(int, int, MeshComponent, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- MatrixNdFaceField(String, int, int, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdFaceField(String, int, int, MeshComponent, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- MatrixNdGrid - Class in maspack.geometry
Implements a regular 3D grid that interpolates
values using
trilinear interpolation.
- MatrixNdGrid() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MatrixNdGrid
Default constructor.
- MatrixNdGrid(int, int, Vector3d, Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MatrixNdGrid
Creates a new grid with specified matrix size, widths, and resolution,
centered on the local coordinate system.
- MatrixNdGrid(int, int, Vector3d, Vector3i, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MatrixNdGrid
Creates a new grid with specified matrix size, widths, resolution, and
position and orientation of the center given by TCL
- MatrixNdGrid(int, int, Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MatrixNdGrid
Creates a new grid, axis-aligned and centered on the origin, with the
specified resolution and x, y, z widths set to 1.
- MatrixNdGrid(MatrixNdGrid) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MatrixNdGrid
Creates a new grid that is a copy of an existing grid.
- MatrixNdNodalField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over an FEM
model, using values set at the nodes.
- MatrixNdNodalField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdNodalField
- MatrixNdNodalField(int, int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdNodalField(int, int, FemModel3d, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- MatrixNdNodalField(String, int, int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdNodalField(String, int, int, FemModel3d, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- MatrixNdSubElemField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over an FEM
model, using values set at the element integration points.
- MatrixNdSubElemField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdSubElemField
- MatrixNdSubElemField(int, int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdSubElemField(int, int, FemModel3d, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- MatrixNdSubElemField(String, int, int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdSubElemField(String, int, int, FemModel3d, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- MatrixNdVertexField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over a
triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at the mesh's vertices.
- MatrixNdVertexField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdVertexField
- MatrixNdVertexField(int, int, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdVertexField(int, int, MeshComponent, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- MatrixNdVertexField(String, int, int, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- MatrixNdVertexField(String, int, int, MeshComponent, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MatrixNdVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- MatrixTest - Class in maspack.matrix
- MatrixTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.MatrixTest
- max(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Computes the element-wise maximum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- max(Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Computes the element-wise maximum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- max(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the element-wise maximum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- max(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Computes the element-wise maximum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- max(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Computes the element-wise maximum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- max(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Computes the element-wise maximum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- max(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Computes the element-wise maximum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- MAX_COLOR_QUERIES - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLColorSelector
- MAX_COLUMNS - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
- MAX_COLUMNS - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.MouseClickField
- MAX_ITER - Static variable in class maspack.numerics.BisectionRootSolver
- MAX_ITER - Static variable in class maspack.numerics.BrentRootSolver
Maximum number of iterations.
- MAX_ITER - Static variable in class maspack.numerics.NewtonRootSolver
- MAX_MENU_ROWS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- MAX_OCCLUSION_QUERIES - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLOcclusionSelector
- MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION - Static variable in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model3Factory
- MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION - Static variable in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4Factory
- maxAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Returns the index (0 or 1) of the element of v with the largest absolute
- maxAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Returns the index (0, 1, or 2) of the element of this vector with the
largest absolute value.
- maxAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns the index (0, 1, or 2) of the element of this vector with the
largest absolute value.
- maxAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Returns the index (0, 1, or 2) of the element of this vector with the
largest absolute value.
- maxAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Returns the index (0, 1, 2, or 3) of the element of v with the largest
absolute value.
- maxClipSurfaces() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Queries the maximum number of clip surfaces available to this viewer.
- maxClipSurfaces() - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Queries the maximum number of clip surfaces available to this viewer.
- maxDistance(LinearMaterialCache) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Returns the maximum element value of this matrix.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Returns the maximum element value of this vector.
- maxElement() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Returns the maximum element value.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Returns the maximum element value of this vector.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Returns the maximum element value.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns the maximum element value of this vector.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Returns the maximum element value.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Returns the maximum element value of this vector.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Returns the maximum element value.
- maxElement() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Returns the maximum element value.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Returns the maximum element value.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the maximum element value of this vector.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Returns the maximum element value.
- maxElement() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Returns the maximum element value of this spatial vector.
- maxErr - Static variable in class maspack.collision.MeshCollider
- maxEventTime() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Queries the maximum event time in this probe.
- maxForceNorm - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- maxFrictionConstraintSets() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- maxFrictionConstraintSets() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Returns the maximum number of friction constraint sets that can be
expected for this constraint.
- maxFrictionConstraintSets() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- maxFrictionConstraintSets() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- maxFrictionConstraintSets() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Returns the maximum number of friction constraint sets that can be
expected for this constraint.
- maxFrictionConstraintSets() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- maxFrictionConstraintSets() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- maxFrictionConstraintSets() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- maximumDeviation(VectorNd, double[], int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.numerics.PolynomialFit
- maximumDeviation(VectorNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class maspack.numerics.PolynomialFit
- maxIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the index of the maximum element of this vector.
- maxLengthErr - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- maxLights() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
- maxMuscleForce - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeModel
- maxNorm() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Returns the max-norm of this matrix.
- maxNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
- maxNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- maxNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
- maxNorm() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
- maxProjectedDistance - Variable in class maspack.collision.ContactPlane
- maxStretch - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- MaxwellAxialMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- MaxwellAxialMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- MaxwellAxialMaterial(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- MaxwellElement - Class in artisynth.demos.test
Program to test a Maxwell element implemented two ways: by two AxialSprings
in series, one with stiffness and the other with damping, and by using a
- MaxwellElement() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MaxwellElement
- MayaAsciiReader - Class in maspack.geometry.io
Antonio, 2018:
MayaAsciReader imports fibre meshes and basic polygonal meshes from maya
ascii text files.
- MayaAsciiReader() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- MayaAsciiReader(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- MayaAsciiReader.AngleUnit - Enum in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAsciiReader.LengthUnit - Enum in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAsciiReader.MayaMesh - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransform - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder.RotationOrder - Enum in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAsciiReader.TimeUnit - Enum in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAsciiReader.UnitUtility - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- MayaAttribute() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MayaJointToMatlab.MayaAttribute
- MayaJointToMatlab - Class in maspack.apps
- MayaJointToMatlab() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MayaJointToMatlab
- MayaJointToMatlab.MayaAttribute - Class in maspack.apps
- MayaMesh(MayaAsciiReader.MayaNodeInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaMesh
- MayaNode(MayaAsciiReader.MayaNodeInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaNode
- MayaToWavefront - Class in maspack.apps
- MayaToWavefront() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MayaToWavefront
- MayaTransform(MayaAsciiReader.MayaNodeInfo) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransform
- MayaTransformBuilder() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- maybeCollect(GL, long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLGarbageCollector
Will collect garbage as long as the last collection time
was at least the supplied elapsed period
- maybeCopy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>, CopyableComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- maybeGetCopy(int, Map<ModelComponent, ModelComponent>, CopyableComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentUtils
- maybeInitializeValues(Property, CompositeProperty) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
- maybeRunGarbageCollection(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
Runs garbage collection if sufficient time has
passed since the last collection, as specified
by the garbage collection interval
- maybeUpdate(GL3, float, float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3LinesVertexBuffer
- maybeUpdate(GL3, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3PointsVertexBuffer
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderInstances) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderInstances
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderObject, VertexIndexArray) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectElements
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPoints
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPrimitives
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderInstances) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderInstances
Potentially update the internal VBOs
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectLines
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPoints
Potentially update the internal VBOs
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitives
- maybeUpdate(GL3, RenderObject) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectVertices
- maybeUpdate(GL3, VertexIndexArray) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
- maybeUpdateMaterials() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- maybeUpdateMaterials(GL2) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- maybeUpdateMaterials() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- maybeUpdateMaterials() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- maybeUpdateMatrices(GL2) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- maybeWritePropertyField(PrintWriter, HasProperties, NumberFormat, CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyDesc
- MD5 - Static variable in class maspack.crypt.Hasher
- md5(File) - Static method in class maspack.crypt.Hasher
- md5(String) - Static method in class maspack.crypt.Hasher
- MDLHeader(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.MDLMeshIO.MDLHeader
- MDLMeshIO - Class in artisynth.core.util
A class to read an PolygonalMesh described from Yohan Payan MDL file format.
- MDLMeshIO() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.MDLMeshIO
- MDLMeshIO.MDLHeader - Class in artisynth.core.util
- MdlToObj - Class in artisynth.core.util
- MdlToObj() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.MdlToObj
- mean() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the mean value of the elements of this vector.
- MechModel - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MechModel() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- MechModel(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- MechModelAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for adding MechModels to a RootModel
- MechModelAgent(Main, RootModel) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MechModelAgent
- MechModelCollide - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- MechModelCollide() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.MechModelCollide
- MechModelDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- MechModelDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.MechModelDemo
- MechModelEditor - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Provides editing actions for MechModel
- MechModelEditor(Main, EditorManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MechModelEditor
- MechModelState - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MechModelState(int, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModelState
- MechModelState() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModelState
- MechSystem - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Interface to a second order mechanical system that can be integrated by
a variety of integrators.
- MechSystem.ConstraintInfo - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Contains information for a single constraint direction
- MechSystemBase - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MechSystemBase(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- MechSystemBase.ConstraintForceStateSaver - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Special class to save/restore constraint forces as state
- MechSystemModel - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MechSystemSolver - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements implicit integration for MechSystem
- MechSystemSolver(MechSystem) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Create a new MechSystem solver for a specified MechSystem.
- MechSystemSolver(MechSystem, MechSystemSolver) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Create a new MechSystem solver for a specified MechSystem,
with settings imported from an existing MechSystemSolver.
- MechSystemSolver.Integrator - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MechSystemSolver.PosStabilization - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Indicates the method by which positions should be stabilized.
- members() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ObjectGroup
- MENCODER_METHOD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- MENCODER_OSX_METHOD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- MENU_TAG - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- MENU_TAG_MAX_ROWS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- MENU_TAG_SCROLLING - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- MenuAdapter - Class in maspack.widgets
Adapter class for swing.MenuListener.
- MenuAdapter() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.MenuAdapter
- MenuBarHandler - Class in artisynth.core.driver
to create a class that handles the main menu interactions responds to the
events and calls appropriate functions to deal with the events
- MenuBarHandler(Main, MainFrame) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MenuAdapter
- MenuCompareByNameButDemosFirst - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- MenuCompareByNameButDemosFirst() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuCompareByNameButDemosFirst
- MenuCompareByNameButDemosLast - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- MenuCompareByNameButDemosLast() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuCompareByNameButDemosLast
- menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MenuAdapter
- MenuEntry - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- MenuEntry() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- MenuEntry(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- MenuNode - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- MenuNode() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- MenuNode(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- MenuNode.FontStyle - Enum in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MenuAdapter
- merge(String, String) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelmenu.MergeTitleFunction
- Merge - Class in artisynth.core.moviemaker
Merged the tracks from different inputs and generate a QuickTime file
with the all the merged tracks.
- Merge(String[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.Merge
- merge(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Merges this NumericRange with another, updating the bounds for
this range to enclose both values.
- mergeAllControlPanels(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- mergeArgs(String[]) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- mergeCloseVertices(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Merge vertices that are within a prescribed distance of each other.
- mergeCollapsedNodes(FemModel3d, FemModel3d, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
- mergeControlPanel(boolean, ControlPanel) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- mergeCoplanarFaces(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Merges adjacent faces whose normals satisfy n1.dot(n2) >
- mergeHoles(Vertex3dList, List<Vertex3dList>, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- mergeTest() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshTest
- MergeTitleFunction - Interface in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- mergeVertices(PolygonalMesh, Vertex3d, Vertex3d) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Merge vertex vtx0 and vtx1, keeping vtx1.
- Mesh - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Mesh() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Mesh
- mesh0 - Variable in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshContourIxer
- mesh1 - Variable in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshContourIxer
- MeshBase - Class in maspack.geometry
A "mesh" is a geometric object defined by a set of vertices, which are then
connected in some specific way.
- MeshBase() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Creates an empty polyline mesh.
- meshBodies() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Returns the list used to store mesh component in this model.
- MeshBodyEditor - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
This class is responsible for actions associated with a MeshComopnent.
- MeshBodyEditor(Main, EditorManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshBodyEditor
- MeshBodyTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MeshBodyTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MeshBodyTest
- MeshCat - Class in maspack.apps
Simple program to concatenate a bunch of meshes into a single
- MeshCat() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshCat
- MeshCollider - Class in maspack.collision
- MeshCollider() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.MeshCollider
- MeshColliderTest - Class in maspack.collision
- MeshColliderTest() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.MeshColliderTest
- MeshCollisionViewer - Class in maspack.apps
- MeshCollisionViewer(PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshCollisionViewer
- MeshComponent - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Contains information about a mesh, including the mesh itself, and it's
possible file name and transformation with respect to the original file
- MeshComponent(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- MeshComponent() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- MeshComponent(MeshBase, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- MeshComponentList<P extends MeshComponent> - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MeshComponentList(Class<P>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponentList
- MeshComponentList(Class<P>, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponentList
- MeshContourPair - Class in maspack.collision
- MeshContourPair(IntersectionContour, IntersectionContour) - Constructor for class maspack.collision.MeshContourPair
- MeshConverter - Class in maspack.apps
Base class for mesh conversion applications.
- MeshConverter(String, String) - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshConverter
- MeshCurve - Class in artisynth.core.renderables
Component for representing a curve on the surface of a mesh.
- MeshCurve() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- MeshCurve(MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- MeshCurve.Interpolation - Enum in artisynth.core.renderables
- MeshCurveAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for adding MeshMarkers to a MeshCurve.
- MeshCurveAgent(Main, MeshCurve, MeshComponent, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshCurveAgent
- MeshCurveAgent(Main, MeshCurve, RenderableComponentList<MeshMarker>, MeshComponent, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshCurveAgent
- MeshCurveTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MeshCurveTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MeshCurveTest
- MeshDemo - Class in maspack.geometry
Demonstration class which illustrates how to build a PolygonalMesh using its
and addFace
- MeshDemo() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshDemo
- meshDir - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- meshDir - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
- MeshEditTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MeshEditTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MeshEditTest
- MeshFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MeshFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MeshFactory
- MeshFactory - Class in maspack.geometry
Creates specific instances of polygonal meshes.
- MeshFactory() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- MeshFactory.FaceType - Enum in maspack.geometry
Used by some factory methods to specify the face type
- MeshFactory.VertexMap - Class in maspack.geometry
- MeshFactory.VertexSet - Class in maspack.geometry
- MeshFactoryTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- MeshFactoryTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshFactoryTest
- MeshFieldComp - Class in artisynth.core.fields
- MeshFieldComp() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
- MeshFieldPoint - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
Provides information about a point on a mesh that can be used to evaluate
the value of a
at that point.
- MeshFieldTest - Class in artisynth.core.fields
- MeshFieldTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldTest
- MeshFileChooser - Class in artisynth.core.gui.widgets
File chooser specialized for surface mesh files
- MeshFileChooser(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.MeshFileChooser
- MeshFileChooser(File, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.MeshFileChooser
- MeshFileChooser(File, boolean, List<ExtensionFileFilter>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.MeshFileChooser
- MeshICP - Class in maspack.geometry
Performs basic ICP alignment of meshes
- MeshICP() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshICP
- MeshICP.AlignmentType - Enum in maspack.geometry
- MeshICPAligner - Class in maspack.geometry
- MeshICPAligner() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshICPAligner
- MeshInfo - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Contains information about a mesh, including the mesh itself, and it's
possible file name and transformation with respect to the original file
- MeshInfo() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- MeshInfo - Class in maspack.apps
- MeshInfo() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshInfo
- MeshInfo - Class in maspack.geometry
- MeshInfo() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshInfo
- MeshIntersectingProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
A basic display probe that shows the intersection of a rigid body
with the display probe's plane
- MeshIntersectingProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
- MeshIntersectingProbe(Point3d, AxisAngle, Vector2d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
Creates a probe with a display plane
- MeshIntersectingProbe(PolygonalMesh) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
- meshIntersector - Variable in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshCollider
- MeshMaker - Class in maspack.apps
An application front end to MeshFactory.
- MeshMaker() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshMaker
- MeshMarker - Class in artisynth.core.renderables
- MeshMarker() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- MeshMarker(MeshComponent, int, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- MeshMarker(MeshComponent, Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- MeshMerger - Class in maspack.apps
Simple program to read in a bunch of meshes and combine them
into a single mesh.
- MeshMerger() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshMerger
- MeshRayIntersectionTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- MeshRayIntersectionTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshRayIntersectionTest
- MeshReader - Interface in maspack.geometry.io
Interface for a simple mesh reader utility
Reads a single mesh from a file provided
- MeshReaderBase - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- MeshReaderFactory - Interface in maspack.geometry.io
- MeshRegistrationAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- MeshRegistrationAgent(Main, ModelComponent, ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent
- MeshRegistrationAgent.Method - Enum in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- MeshRendererBase - Class in maspack.geometry
- MeshRendererBase(MeshBase) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshRendererBase
- MeshRenderProps - Class in maspack.render
- MeshRenderProps() - Constructor for class maspack.render.MeshRenderProps
- MeshSeparator - Class in maspack.apps
Simple program to read in a mesh and separate it into disconnected parts.
- MeshSeparator() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshSeparator
- MeshTestBase - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MeshTestBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- MeshTestBase - Class in maspack.geometry
- MeshTestBase() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshTestBase
- MeshThicken - Class in maspack.apps
- MeshThicken(String, String) - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- MeshThicken.Region - Class in maspack.apps
- meshToWorldIsIdentity() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Returns true if the mesh to world transform is the identity.
- MeshTransform - Class in maspack.apps
Class to transform a mesh from one type to another
- MeshTransform() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshTransform
- MeshUtilities - Class in maspack.geometry
Methods that modify a mesh, XXX many of these methods are broken
- MeshUtilities() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshUtilities
- MeshViewer - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MeshViewer() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MeshViewer
- MeshViewer - Class in maspack.apps
- MeshViewer(ArrayList<? extends MeshBase>, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- MeshViewer(String, ArrayList<MeshViewer.MeshInfo>, int, int, GraphicsInterface) - Constructor for class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- MeshWriter - Interface in maspack.geometry.io
- MeshWriter.DataFormat - Enum in maspack.geometry.io
- MeshWriter.FloatType - Enum in maspack.geometry.io
- MeshWriterBase - Class in maspack.geometry.io
- MeshWriterFactory - Interface in maspack.geometry.io
- META - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
Meta key: usually bound to the Command or Windows key
- MethodDialog - Class in artisynth.core.moviemaker
Dialog which allows the command to be set for a particular movue
making method.
- MethodDialog(Window, MovieMaker.MethodInfo) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MethodDialog
- MethodInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker.MethodInfo
- MethodInfo(MovieMaker.MethodInfo) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker.MethodInfo
- MFreeElement3d - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MFreeElement3d(MFreeShapeFunction, FemNode3d[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- MFreeFactory - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MFreeFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory
- MFreeFactory.FemElementTreeNode - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
Class for storing node make-up of elements
- MFreeIntegrationPoint3d - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MFreeIntegrationPoint3d() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- MFreeIntegrationPoint3d(FemNode3d[], VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- MFreeMeshComp - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
Describes a surface mesh that is "skinned" onto an FEM, such that its vertex
positions are determined by weighted combinations of FEM node positions.
- MFreeMeshComp() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- MFreeMeshComp(MFreeModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- MFreeMeshComp(MFreeModel3d, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- MFreeModel3d - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MFreeModel3d() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- MFreeModel3d(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- MFreeModel3d.MFreeRestNode3d - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
Wrapper boundable class around MFreeNode3d that considers the node
at rest, as well as its influence radius.
- MFreeMuscleModel - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MFreeMuscleModel() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- MFreeMuscleModel(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- MFreeNode3d - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MFreeNode3d() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- MFreeNode3d(Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- MFreeNode3d(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- MFreePoint3d - Interface in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MFreeRestNode3d(MFreeNode3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d.MFreeRestNode3d
- MFreeShapeFunction - Interface in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MFreeWeightFunction - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MFreeWeightFunction() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeWeightFunction
- microseconds() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomDateTime
Returns the number of MICROseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC
- Millard2012AxialLigament - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- Millard2012AxialLigament() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialLigament
- Millard2012AxialLigament(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialLigament
- Millard2012AxialMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Implements the Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle from OpenSim.
- Millard2012AxialMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- Millard2012AxialMuscle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- Millard2012AxialMuscleTest - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Tests AxialMaterials by checking that their computed derivatives are
consistent with the values determined via numeric differentiation.
- Millard2012AxialTendon - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- Millard2012AxialTendon() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialTendon
- Millard2012AxialTendon(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialTendon
- Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- Millard2012EquilibriumMuscleFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Millard2012EquilibriumMuscleFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscleFactory
- Millard2012ForceCurves - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- Millard2012ForceCurves() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012ForceCurves
- min(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Computes the element-wise minimum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- min(Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Computes the element-wise minimum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- min(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes the element-wise minimum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- min(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Computes the element-wise minimum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- min(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Computes the element-wise minimum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- min(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Computes the element-wise minimum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- min(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Computes the element-wise minimum of this vector and vector v and places
the result in this vector.
- MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION - Static variable in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model3Factory
- MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION - Static variable in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4Factory
- minAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Returns the index (0 or 1) of the element of v with the smallest absolute
- minAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Returns the index (0, 1, or 2) of the element of this vector with the
smallest absolute value.
- minAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns the index (0, 1, or 2) of the element of this vector with the
smallest absolute value.
- minAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Returns the index (0, 1, or 2) of the element of this vector with the
smallest absolute value.
- minAbsIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Returns the index (0, 1, 2, or 3) of the element of v with the smallest
absolute value.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Returns the minimum element value of this matrix.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Returns the minimum element value of this vector.
- minElement() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Returns the minimum element value.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Returns the minimum element value of this vector.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Returns the minimum element value.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns the minimum element value of this vector.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Returns the minimum element value.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Returns the minimum element value of this vector.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Returns the minimum element value.
- minElement() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Returns the minimum element value.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Returns the minimum element value.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the minimum element value of this vector.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Returns the minimum element value.
- minElement() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Returns the minimum element value of this spatial vector.
- minimize(Function1x1, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.numerics.GoldenSectionSearch
Performs a Golden Section Search to find the minimum of a function f
in the range [a, b]
- MinimizeAxialSpringForce - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MinimizeAxialSpringForce() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
- MinimizeFrameSpringForce - Class in artisynth.demos.test
Model to test the use of inverse control force minimization applied to a
- MinimizeFrameSpringForce() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentLayout
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LayoutTest
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Determines the minimum size of the container argument using this grid
- minIndex() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the index of the minimum element of this vector.
- minProjectedDistance - Variable in class maspack.collision.ContactPlane
- minStretch - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- minXval - Variable in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel.ScreenTransform
- miscTests() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- MIX_DIFFUSE_FLAG - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- MIX_EMISSION_FLAG - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- MIX_SPECULAR_FLAG - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- mixedCaseName() - Method in enum artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu.Type
- MLSShapeFunction - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- MLSShapeFunction() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- MLSShapeFunction(int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- MLSShapeFunction(MFreeNode3d[], int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- MMB - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
Middle mouse button
- Model - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
Basic interface requirements for all Artisynth models
- Model3 - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Model3() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model3
- Model3Factory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Model3Factory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model3Factory
- Model4 - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Model4() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4
- Model4Factory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Model4Factory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4Factory
- MODEL_TAG - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- MODEL_TAG_BUILD_ARGS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- MODEL_TAG_CLASS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- ModelAgent - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
General interface that identifies Probes, Controllers, and Monitors.
- ModelAgentBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Base class for Probes, Controllers, and Monitors.
- ModelAgentBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgentBase
- ModelBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Base class providing some default implementations of the Model interface.
- ModelBase(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
- ModelBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
- ModelBase - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ModelBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- ModelComponent - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
Basic interface for all Artisynth elements
- ModelComponent.NavpanelVisibility - Enum in artisynth.core.modelbase
Controls the visibility of this component in the navigation panel.
- ModelComponentBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Base class providing some default implementations of the ModelComponent
- ModelComponentBase(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- ModelComponentBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- ModelComponentGenerator<E extends ModelComponent> - Interface in artisynth.core.opensim.components
Creates Artisynth model components
- ModelComponentMap - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
Helper class for relating OpenSimObjects to ArtiSynth ModelComponents, for use in
building models
- ModelComponentMap() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
- ModelComponentSelector - Class in artisynth.core.gui.widgets
- ModelComponentSelector() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ModelComponentSelector
Creates a default ModelComponentSelector with an empty label and an empty set of
- ModelComponentSelector(String, ModelComponent, ModelComponent[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ModelComponentSelector
Creates a ModelComponentSelector with specified label text, initial value, and
values to choose from.
- ModelComponentSelector(String, ModelComponent[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ModelComponentSelector
Creates a ModelComponentSelector with specified label text and values to choose
- ModelDialog - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
Dialog that lets a user choose models to add to the model menu.
- ModelDialog(Frame, ModelEntry, String, String, String, RootModelManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelDialog
- ModelDialogBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
Base class for dialogs that let users choose model classes
- ModelEntry - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelEntry() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- ModelEntry(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- ModelFactoryBase<E extends ModelBase> - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ModelFileChooser - Class in artisynth.core.driver
File chooser with an extra panel for selecting options related
to saving components or models to files.
- ModelFileChooser(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ModelFileChooser
- ModelFileChooser(File, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ModelFileChooser
- ModelFileChooser(File, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ModelFileChooser
- ModelMenuCommand() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor.ModelMenuCommand
- models() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- models() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- models() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- ModelScriptActionEvent - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptActionEvent(String, Object, ModelScriptInfo) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptActionEvent
- ModelScriptActionForwarder - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptActionForwarder(ModelScriptActionListener, String, ModelScriptInfo) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptActionForwarder
- ModelScriptActionListener - Interface in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptHistory - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Class for storing model load history, useful for recent items in menu
- ModelScriptHistory(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory
- ModelScriptHistory.ModelScriptHistoryInfo - Class in artisynth.core.driver
- ModelScriptHistoryInfo(ModelScriptInfo, Date) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory.ModelScriptHistoryInfo
- ModelScriptInfo - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Contains the info associated with loading a model or running a script
- ModelScriptInfo(ModelScriptInfo.InfoType, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- ModelScriptInfo.InfoType - Enum in artisynth.core.driver
- ModelScriptMenu - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
Class that generates a model menu from an underlying model tree structure,
that can be either read from a file or adjusted within an editor.
- ModelScriptMenu(ModelScriptMenu.Type, JMenu, ModelScriptActionListener, RootModelManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu
- ModelScriptMenu.Type - Enum in artisynth.core.modelmenu
Describes whether this menu is for models or scripts.
- ModelScriptMenuEditor - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptMenuEditor(ModelScriptMenu, UndoManager, File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor
- ModelScriptMenuEditor.AddNodesCommand - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptMenuEditor.ModelMenuCommand - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptMenuEditor.RemoveNodesCommand - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptMenuEditor.ShiftNodesCommand - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptMenuParser - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptMenuParser() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- ModelScriptMenuParser.MenuType - Enum in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ModelScriptMenuParser.SimpleErrorHandler - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- modifiedGoldenSection(double, double, double, double, double, double, Function1x1) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Implementation of a modified Golden section search for minimizing |f(s)|,
guaranteeing that the final call to func is at the returned minimum
- ModifiedVersionBase - Class in maspack.util
Simple class to track a "modification" version
- modify(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, ArrayList<DynamicComponent>) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolveMatrixModifier
Modifies in place a solve or stiffness matrix K
, along with an
(optional) force vector f
and component list comps
- modify(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, ArrayList<DynamicComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.StiffnessMatrixScaler
Modifies in place a solve or stiffness matrix K
, along with an
(optional) force vector f
and component list comps
- modulo(double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.TimeBase
- mOInvert(MatrixBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- MomentProbe - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
Probe to record the moment of a frame.
- MomentProbe(Frame, String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.MomentProbe
- mOMul(MatrixBase, MatrixBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- mOMul(MatrixBase, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- Monitor - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
- monitor(FileObject, FileObject) - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
Informs this monitor object to monitor a file transfer.
- monitor(FileObject, FileObject, long, String) - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
Informs this monitor object to monitor a file transfer.
- monitor(FileObject, long) - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
Informs this monitor object to monitor a file transfer.
- monitor(FileObject, FileObject) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
- monitor(FileObject, FileObject, long) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
- monitor(FileObject, long) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
- monitor(FileObject, FileObject, long, String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Informs this monitor object to monitor a file transfer.
- MonitorBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- MonitorBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.MonitorBase
- MonteCarloElementTests - Class in artisynth.demos.test
Tests the EulerianFemElementSampler for tet, pyramid, wedge and hex
- MonteCarloElementTests() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MonteCarloElementTests
- MonteCarloFemElementIntegrator - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Monte-Carlo integration over FEM element
- MonteCarloFemElementIntegrator(FemElementSampler) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloFemElementIntegrator
- MonteCarloIntegrator - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Integrates generic functions using Monte-Carlo sampling
- MonteCarloIntegrator() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
- MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionNdSampler - Interface in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Samples a function, producing the value and probability (or 'importance')
of selecting the sampled point
- MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionSampler - Interface in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Samples a function, producing the value and probability (or 'importance')
of selecting the sampled point
- MonteCarloSampler - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels.integration
Helper class for uniformly sampling from some basic shapes
- MonteCarloSampler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloSampler
- MonteCarloTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
Tests the MonteCarloSampler for tets, pyramids, and wedges.
- MonteCarloTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MonteCarloTest
- MooneyRivlinMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- MooneyRivlinMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- MooneyRivlinMaterial(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- MotionTarget - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Contains motion target information for a point.
- MotionTarget() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTarget
- MotionTarget.TargetActivity - Enum in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MotionTargetComponent - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Indicates a dynamic component for which motion targets can be set.
- MotionTargetComponentAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- MotionTargetComponentAgent(Main, TrackingController) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MotionTargetComponentAgent
- MotionTargetTerm - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Cost term that minimizes the tracking error for one or more motion targets.
- MotionTargetTerm() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- MotionTargetTerm(TrackingController) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- mOTranspose(MatrixBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- mOTranspose(VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- MouseBindings - Class in maspack.widgets
Contains information about what combinations of mouse buttons and modifier
keys should be used to perform certain GUI operations.
- MouseBindings() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- MouseBindings(MouseBindings) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- MouseBindings.MouseAction - Enum in maspack.widgets
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.PopupListener
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- mouseClicked(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- mouseClicked(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- mouseClicked(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.DrawTool
- mouseClicked(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- mouseClicked(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.PointTool
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- mouseClicked(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- MouseClickField - Class in maspack.widgets
A LabeledControl that uses a JTextField to input its data.
- MouseClickField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.MouseClickField
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConstrainedTranslator3d
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.DrawTool
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.FreehandTool
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Jack3d
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.RotatableScaler3d
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Rotator3d
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Scaler3d
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Translator3d
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Transrotator3d
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- mouseDragged(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.PopupListener
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.PopupListener
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConstrainedTranslator3d
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.DrawTool
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Jack3d
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Rotator3d
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Scaler3d
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Translator3d
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Transrotator3d
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- mouseMoved(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- MousePrefs - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to mouse settings.
- MousePrefs(Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.PopupListener
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConstrainedTranslator3d
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.DrawTool
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.FreehandTool
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.RotatableScaler3d
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Rotator3d
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Scaler3d
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Translator3d
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Transrotator3d
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- mousePressed(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- MouseRayEvent - Class in maspack.render
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.PopupListener
- mouseReleased() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
When the left mouse button is released on a track this function is called
to move the tracks around accordingly.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConstrainedTranslator3d
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in interface maspack.render.DrawTool
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.FreehandTool
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Jack3d
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Rotator3d
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Scaler3d
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Translator3d
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.Transrotator3d
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- mouseReleased(MouseRayEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- MouseSettingsDialog - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Dialog used to set operational settings.
- MouseSettingsDialog(String, Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.MouseSettingsDialog
- MouseSettingsDialog - Class in maspack.widgets
- MouseSettingsDialog(String, MouseBindings, List<MouseBindings>, double) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
- MouseSettingsPanel - Class in maspack.widgets
- MouseSettingsPanel(MouseBindings, List<MouseBindings>, double) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
to get the zoom function going through the mouse wheel which is easier to
navigate, then by using key combination CTRL + mouse click + mouse drag.
- moveChild(MenuNode, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- moveDirectory(File, File, int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
Moves a file.
- moveDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
- moveDisplay(long, long) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
Move the display around when it is zoomed in on.
- MoveFibresCommand - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- MoveFibresCommand(String, MuscleBundle, LinkedList<Muscle>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MoveFibresCommand
- moveFile(File, File, int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
Moves a file.
- moveFile(File, File) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
- moveUnusedJars() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- MovieMaker - Class in artisynth.core.moviemaker
- MovieMaker(GLViewer) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- movieMaker - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
- MovieMaker.Method - Enum in artisynth.core.moviemaker
Describes the method used to make movies
- MovieMaker.MethodInfo - Class in artisynth.core.moviemaker
Information about a particular movie making method.
- MovieMakerDialog - Class in artisynth.core.moviemaker
- MovieMakerDialog(MovieMaker, Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
Create a dialog box to set the movie making options.
- MovieOptions - Class in artisynth.core.moviemaker
Used to manage various movie rendering options.
- MovieOptions() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
- MoviePrefs - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to movie generation
- MoviePrefs(MovieMaker) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- MovingMarker - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Describes a marker point whose location with respect to its master
components varies with the model configration.
- MovingPathPoint - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MovingPathPoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- MovingPathPointFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MovingPathPointFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPointFactory
- mPoints - Variable in class maspack.collision.ContactPlane
- mu - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
Friction coefficient
- mu - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
- mul(AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Multiplies this transformation transformation X and places the result in
this transformation.
- mul(AffineTransform2dBase, AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Multiplies transformation X1 by transformation X2 and places the result in
this transformation.
- mul(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by this transform and places the result in
- mul(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by this transform and places the result
back in vr.
- mul(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Multiplies this transformation transformation X and places the result in
this transformation.
- mul(AffineTransform3dBase, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Multiplies transformation X1 by transformation X2 and places the result in
this transformation.
- mul(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by this transform and places the result in
- mul(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by this transform and places the result
back in vr.
- mul(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
- mul(DualQuaternion, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Multiplies two dual quaternions and places the result in this.
- mul(DualScalar, DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Multiplies dual numbers d1*d2 and places the result in this
- mul(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Multiplies by the supplied dual number
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.LinearTransformNd
Applies this transformation to vector v1 and returns the result in vr.
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and places the result in
the vector vr.
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies a submatrix of this matrix by the column vector v1
and places the result in the vector vr
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies a submatrix of this matrix by the column vector v1
and places the result in the vector vr
- mul(Matrix1x6, Matrix6d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Forms the product of a 1x6 matrix with a 6x6 matrix and places
the result in this matrix.
- mul(Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies this matrix by M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and places the result in
the vector vr.
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and places the result in
the vector vr.
- mul(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector vr and places the result back
into vr.
- mul(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies this matrix by M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and places the result in
the vector vr.
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and places the result in
the vector vr.
- mul(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector vr and places the result back
into vr.
- mul(Vector3d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- mul(Point3d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Multiples this matrix by the vector v1 and places the result in vr
- mul(Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies this matrix by M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and places the result in
the vector vr.
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and places the result in
the vector vr.
- mul(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector vr and places the result back
into vr.
- mul(Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies this matrix by M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and places the result in
the vector vr.
- mul(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector vr and places the result back
into vr.
- mul(Matrix6d, Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Forms the product of a 6x6 matrix with a 6x1 matrix and places
the result in this matrix.
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Applies this transformation to vector v1 and returns the result in vr.
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies a submatrix of this matrix by the column vector v1
and places the result in the vector vr
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies a submatrix of this matrix by the column vector v1
and places the result in the vector vr
- mul(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Multiplies this matrix by M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Multiplies matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(DenseMatrixBase, DenseMatrixBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Multiplies matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Multiplies this quaternion by quaternion q1 and places the result in this
- mul(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Multiplies quaternion q1 by quaternion q2 and places the result in this
- mul(RigidTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Post-multiplies this transformation by another and places the result in
this transformation.
- mul(RigidTransform2d, RigidTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Multiplies transformation X1 by X2 and places the result in this
- mul(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by another and places the result in
this transformation.
- mul(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Multiplies transformation X1 by X2 and places the result in this
- mul(RotationMatrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- mul(RotationMatrix2d, RotationMatrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- mul(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by another and places the result in this
- mul(RotationMatrix3d, RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Multiplies rotation R1 by R2 and places the result in this rotation.
- mul(ScaledRigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by another and places the result in
this transformation.
- mul(ScaledRigidTransform3d, ScaledRigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Multiplies transformation X1 by X2 and places the result in this
- mul(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Computes the product
- mul(SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Multiplies this matrix by M and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(SparseCRSMatrix, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Multiplies matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Computes the product
- mul(SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Multiplies this matrix by M and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(SparseMatrixNd, SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Multiplies matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mul(Matrix3dBase, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Multiplies matrix X by vector v1 and places the result in this vector.
- mul(Matrix4dBase, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Multiplies matrix X by vector v1 and places the result in this vector.
- mul(Matrix, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Multiplies matrix M by the vector b and places the result in this vector.
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition
- mul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteLUDecomposition
- mul(Wrench, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Multiplies a twist by this spatial inertia and places the result in a
- mul(Matrix6d, SpatialVector) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Multiplies a spatial vector v1 by a Matrix6d and places the result
in this spetial vector.
- mulActiveInertias(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- mulAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and adds the result to
the vector vr.
- mulAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies a submatrix of this matrix by the column vector v1
and adds the result to the vector vr
- mulAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies a submatrix of this matrix by the column vector v1
and adds the result to the vector vr
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1, adds the vector v2, and
places the result in the vector vr.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1, adds the vector v2, and
places the result in the vector vr.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(Matrix4d, Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Multiplies the 4x4 matrix M1 by the 4x3 matrix M2 and adds the result to
this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies this matrix by the column vector v1 and adds the result to
the vector vr.
- mulAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies a submatrix of this matrix by the column vector v1
and adds the result to the vector vr
- mulAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies a submatrix of this matrix by the column vector v1
and adds the result to the vector vr
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Multiplies M1 by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
- mulAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Pre-multiplies a column vector by this matrix block and adds the result to
a set of existing values.
- mulAdd(Matrix3dBase, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Multiplies matrix X by vector v1, adds vector v2, and places the result in
this vector.
- mulAdd1x1(Matrix1x1, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd1x3(Matrix1x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd1x6(Matrix1x6, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd2x2(Matrix2dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd2x3(Matrix2x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd2x6(Matrix2x6, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd3x1(Matrix3x1, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd3x2(Matrix3x2, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd3x3(Matrix3dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd3x4(Matrix3x4, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd3x6(Matrix3x6, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd4x3(Matrix4x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd4x4(Matrix4dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd6x1(Matrix6x1, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd6x2(Matrix6x2, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd6x3(Matrix6x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAdd6x6(Matrix6dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulAdd
- mulAddK(int, int, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
- mulAddK(int, int, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.LinearMaterialCache
- mulAffineLeft(AffineTransform3dBase, Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Premultiplies this transform by an affine transform, and places the rigid
body component in this transform and the stretch and shear component in S.
- mulAffineLeft(AffineTransform3dBase, RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Premultiplies this transform by the rigid body component of an
affine transform.
- mulAngle(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- mulAxisAngle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, expressed as an axis-angle, and places the
result in this transformation.
- mulAxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, expressed as an axis-angle, and places the
result in this transformation.
- mulAxisAngle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation expressed as
an axis-angle, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulAxisAngle(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation expressed as
an axis-angle, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulAxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation expressed as
an axis-angle, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulAxisAngle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, expressed as an axis-angle, and places the
result in this transformation.
- mulAxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, expressed as an axis-angle, and places the
result in this transformation.
- mulCols(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiples the columns of this matrix by the values specified by
and places the result in this matrix.
- mulCols(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiples the columns of this matrix by the values specified by
, d11
, and d22
and places the
result in this matrix.
- mulDiagonalLeft(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Pre-multiplies, in place, this matrix by a diagonal matrix whose
(diagonal) elements are specified by a vector.
- mulDiagonalLeft(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Pre-multiplies, in place, this matrix by a diagonal matrix whose
(diagonal) elements are specified by the leading elements of an array of
- mulDiagonalRight(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Post-multiplies, in place, this matrix by a diagonal matrix whose
(diagonal) elements are specified by a vector.
- mulDiagonalRight(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Post-multiplies, in place, this matrix by a diagonal matrix whose
(diagonal) elements are specified by the leading elements of an array of
- mulDiagTransposeRight(Matrix3dBase, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes M D M', where D is a diagonal matrix given be a vector, and
places the result in this matrix.
- mulEuler(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, expressed by Euler angles, and places the
result in this transformation.
- mulEuler(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation described by
Euler angles, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulEuler(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, expressed by Euler angles, and places the
result in this transformation.
- mulInverse(AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Multiplies this transformation by the inverse of transformation X and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverse(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this transform and
places the result in vr.
- mulInverse(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse of this transform and
places the result back in vr.
- mulInverse(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Multiplies this transformation by the inverse of transformation X and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverse(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Post-multiplies this transformation by the inverse of the rigid
transformation T and places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverse(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this transform and
places the result in vr.
- mulInverse(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse of this transform and
places the result back in vr.
- mulInverse(Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies this matrix by the inverse of M1 and places the result in this
- mulInverse(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result in vr.
- mulInverse(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result back in vr.
- mulInverse(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies this matrix by the inverse of M1 and places the result in this
- mulInverse(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result in vr.
- mulInverse(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result back in vr.
- mulInverse(Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies this matrix by the inverse of M1 and places the result in this
- mulInverse(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result in vr.
- mulInverse(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result back in vr.
- mulInverse(Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies this matrix by the inverse of M1 and places the result in this
- mulInverse(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result in vr.
- mulInverse(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result back in vr.
- mulInverse(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Post-multiplies this quaternion by the inverse of quaternion q1 and places
the result in this quaternion.
- mulInverse(RigidTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Post-multiplies this transformation by the inverse of transformation X and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverse(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this transform and
places the result in vr.
- mulInverse(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this transform and
places the result in vr.
- mulInverse(RotationMatrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- mulInverse(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result in vr.
- mulInverse(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result back in vr.
- mulInverse(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by the inverse of rotation R1 and places the
result in this rotation.
- mulInverse(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result in vr.
- mulInverse(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse of this matrix and places
the result back in vr.
- mulInverse(ScaledRigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by the inverse of transformation X and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverse(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse of this transform and
places the result in vr.
- mulInverse(Twist, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Multiplies a wrench by the inverse of this spatial inertia and places the
result in a twist.
- mulInverse(SpatialVector, SpatialVector) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Multiplies a spatial vector by the inverse of this spatial inertia and
places the result in another spatial vector.
- mulInverseBoth(AffineTransform2dBase, AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Multiplies the inverse of transformation X1 by the inverse of
transformation X2 and places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseBoth(AffineTransform3dBase, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Multiplies the inverse of transformation X1 by the inverse of
transformation X2 and places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseBoth(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies the inverse of matrix M1 by the inverse of M2 and places the
result in this matrix.
- mulInverseBoth(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies the inverse of matrix M1 by the inverse of M2 and places the
result in this matrix.
- mulInverseBoth(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies the inverse of matrix M1 by the inverse of M2 and places the
result in this matrix.
- mulInverseBoth(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies the inverse of matrix M1 by the inverse of M2 and places the
result in this matrix.
- mulInverseBoth(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Multiplies the inverse of quaternion q1 by the inverse of quaternion q2
and places the result in this quaternion.
- mulInverseBoth(RigidTransform2d, RigidTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Multiplies the inverse of transformation X1 by the inverse of
transformation X2 and places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseBoth(RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Multiplies the inverse of transformation X1 by the inverse of
transformation X2 and places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseBoth(RotationMatrix2d, RotationMatrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- mulInverseBoth(RotationMatrix3d, RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Multiplies the inverse of rotation R1 by the inverse of rotation R2 and
places the result in this rotation.
- mulInverseBoth(ScaledRigidTransform3d, ScaledRigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Multiplies the inverse of transformation X1 by the inverse of
transformation X2 and places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseEffectiveMass(Matrix, double[], double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- mulInverseEffectiveMass(Matrix, double[], double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- mulInverseEffectiveMass(Matrix, double[], double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- mulInverseEffectiveMass(Matrix, double[], double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- mulInverseEffectiveMass(Matrix, double[], double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- mulInverseEffectiveMass(Matrix, double[], double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- mulInverseEffectiveMass(Matrix, double[], double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- mulInverseEffectiveMass(Matrix, double[], double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- mulInverseEffectiveMass(SpatialInertia, double[], double[], int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- mulInverseLeft(AffineTransform2dBase, AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Multiplies the inverse of transformation X1 by transformation X2 and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseLeft(AffineTransform3dBase, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Multiplies the inverse of transformation X1 by transformation X2 and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseLeft(RigidTransform3d, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Multiplies the inverse of the rigid transformation T1 by the
transformation X2 and places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseLeft(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies the inverse of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulInverseLeft(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies the inverse of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulInverseLeft(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies the inverse of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulInverseLeft(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies the inverse of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulInverseLeft(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Multiplies the inverse of quaternion q1 by quaternion q2 and places the
result in this quaternion.
- mulInverseLeft(RigidTransform2d, RigidTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Multiplies the inverse of transformation X1 by transformation X2 and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseLeft(RotationMatrix2d, RotationMatrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- mulInverseLeft(RotationMatrix3d, RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Multiplies the inverse of rotation R1 by rotation R2 and places the result
in this rotation.
- mulInverseLeft(ScaledRigidTransform3d, ScaledRigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Multiplies the inverse of transformation X1 by transformation X2 and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseMass(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- mulInverseMass(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- mulInverseMass(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- mulInverseMass(SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemModel
- mulInverseRight(AffineTransform2dBase, AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Multiplies transformation X1 by the inverse of transformation X2 and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseRight(AffineTransform3dBase, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Multiplies transformation X1 by the inverse of transformation X2 and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseRight(AffineTransform3dBase, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Multiplies transformation X1 by the inverse of the rigid transformation
T2 and places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseRight(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies matrix M1 by the inverse of M2 and places the result in this
- mulInverseRight(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies matrix M1 by the inverse of M2 and places the result in this
- mulInverseRight(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies matrix M1 by the inverse of M2 and places the result in this
- mulInverseRight(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies matrix M1 by the inverse of M2 and places the result in this
- mulInverseRight(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Multiplies quaternion q1 by the inverse of quaternion q2 and places the
result in this quaternion.
- mulInverseRight(RigidTransform2d, RigidTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform2d
Multiplies transformation X1 by the inverse of transformation X2 and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseRight(RotationMatrix2d, RotationMatrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- mulInverseRight(RotationMatrix3d, RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Multiplies rotation R1 by the inverse of rotation R2 and places the result
in this rotation.
- mulInverseRight(ScaledRigidTransform3d, ScaledRigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Multiplies transformation X1 by the inverse of transformation X2 and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result back in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result back in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result back in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Multiplies the column vector vr by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result back in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
Multiplies vector vr by the inverse transpose of this matrix, in place.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Multiplies the column vector v1 by the inverse transpose of this matrix
and places the result in vr.
- mulInverseTranspose(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Multiplies vector vr by the inverse transpose of this matrix, in place.
- mulLeft(DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Multiplies this on the left by the dual quaternion q
- mulLeft(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Computes the product
- mulLeft(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Computes the product
- mulLeftAndTransposeRight(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes M T M', where T is this matrix, and M' is the transpose of M, and
places the result in this matrix.
- mulLeftFactor(SpatialVector, SpatialVector) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Multiplies a spatial vector by the left Cholesky factor of this spatial
- mulLeftFactorInverse(SpatialVector, SpatialVector) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Multiplies a spatial vector by the inverse of the left Cholesky factor of
this spatial inertia.
- mulModelMatrix(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- mulModelMatrix(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
- mulModelMatrix(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- mulPivotedMatrix(double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Multiplies the pivoted system matrix, produced by the last solve, by a
- mulPivotedMatrix(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Multiplies the pivoted system matrix, produced by the last solve, by
another matrix.
- mulRight(DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Multiplies this on the right by the dual quaternion q
- mulRightFactor(SpatialVector, SpatialVector) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Multiplies a spatial vector by the right Cholesky factor of this spatial
- mulRightFactorInverse(SpatialVector, SpatialVector) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Multiplies a twist by the inverse of the right Cholesky factor of this
spatial inertia.
- mulRotation(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, and places the result in this
- mulRotation(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, and places the result in this
- mulRotX(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation about the x axis, and places the result in
this transformation.
- mulRotX(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting of
a rotation about the x axis, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulRotX(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting of
a rotation about the x axis, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulRotX(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation about the x axis, and places the result in
this transformation.
- mulRotX180() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting
of a rotation of 180 degrees about the x axis, and places the result in
this rotation.
- mulRotX270() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting
of a rotation of 270 degrees about the x axis, and places the result in
this rotation.
- mulRotX90() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting
of a rotation of 90 degrees about the x axis, and places the result in
this rotation.
- mulRotY(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation about the y axis, and places the result in
this transformation.
- mulRotY(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting of
a rotation about the y axis, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulRotY(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting of
a rotation about the y axis, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulRotY(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation about the y axis, and places the result in
this transformation.
- mulRotY180() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting
of a rotation of 180 degrees about the y axis, and places the result in
this rotation.
- mulRotY270() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting
of a rotation of 270 degrees about the y axis, and places the result in
this rotation.
- mulRotY90() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting
of a rotation of 90 degrees about the y axis, and places the result in
this rotation.
- mulRotZ(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation about the z axis, and places the result in
this transformation.
- mulRotZ(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting of
a rotation about the z axis, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulRotZ(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting of
a rotation about the z axis, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulRotZ(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation about the z axis, and places the result in
this transformation.
- mulRotZ180() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting
of a rotation of 180 degrees about the z axis, and places the result in
this rotation.
- mulRotZ270() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting
of a rotation of 270 degrees about the z axis, and places the result in
this rotation.
- mulRotZ90() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation consisting
of a rotation of 90 degrees about the z axis, and places the result in
this rotation.
- mulRows(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiples the rows of this matrix by the values specified by
and places the result in this matrix.
- mulRows(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiples the rows of this matrix by the values specified by
, d11
, and d22
and places the
result in this matrix.
- mulRpy(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, expressed by roll-pitch-yaw angles, and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulRpy(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation expressed by
roll-pitch-yaw angles, and places the result in this rotation.
- mulRpy(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure rotation, expressed by roll-pitch-yaw angles, and
places the result in this transformation.
- mulScaledTransposeRightAdd(Matrix3d, double, Matrix3x1, Matrix3x1) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
- mulScaledTransposeRightAdd(Matrix3d, Matrix3x2, double[], Matrix3x2) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- mulScaledTransposeRightAdd(Matrix3d, Matrix3x4, double[], Matrix3x4) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- mulSubGT(double[], int, double[], int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- mulSubGTM(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- mulSubMatrixVec(double[], double[], int[], int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFem3dAttachment
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.DirectorFrameAttachment
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- mulSubMG(MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- mulSymmetric(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes the symmetric product (AB + B'A')/2 and places the result in this matrix
- mulTangent(SymmetricMatrix3d, Matrix6d, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
- MultiCollisionTest - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- MultiCollisionTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.MultiCollisionTest
- MultiFileTransferMonitor - Class in maspack.fileutil
Adapted from org.apache.commons.vfs2.impl.FileTransferMonitor
- MultiFileTransferMonitor() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
- MultiGL2Tester - Class in maspack.test.GL
- MultiGL2Tester() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.MultiGL2Tester
- MultiGL3Tester - Class in maspack.test.GL
- MultiGL3Tester() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.MultiGL3Tester
- MultiMuscleDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- MultiMuscleDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.MultiMuscleDemo
- MultiplierFunction - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MultiplierFunction() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MultiplierFunction
- MultiplierFunction(double, FunctionBase) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MultiplierFunction
- MultiplierFunctionFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MultiplierFunctionFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MultiplierFunctionFactory
- MultiPointMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MultiPointMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- MultiPointMuscle(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- MultiPointMuscle(String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- MultiPointMuscleVia - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MultiPointMuscleVia() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscleVia
- MultiPointMuscleVia.ViaPoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MultiPointSpring - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Multi-segment point-based spring that supports supports wrapping of selected
- MultiPointSpring() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Constructs an empty multipoint spring.
- MultiPointSpring(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Constructs an empty multipoint spring with a name.
- MultiPointSpring(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Constructs an empty multipoint spring with a name and initialized with a
linear axial material.
- MultiPointSpring(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Constructs an empty multipoint spring initialized with a linear axial
- MultiPointSpring.Segment - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Stores information for the segments of this spring.
- MultiPointSpring.SegmentSpec - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Stores specification information for the segments of this spring.
- MultiPointSpring.SubSegment - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Contains subsegment information.
- MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Stores information for a single knot point in a wrappable segment.
- MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a wrappable segment.
- MultiPointSpringList<S extends MultiPointSpring> - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MultiPointSpringList(Class<S>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpringList
- MultiPointSpringList(Class<S>, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpringList
- multiPointSprings() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- MultiPointSpringTest - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MultiPointSpringTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpringTest
- MultiSpringDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- MultiSpringDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.MultiSpringDemo
- MultiSpringTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- MultiSpringTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.MultiSpringTest
- MultiThreadManager - Class in maspack.concurrency
Manager of multiple threads, with primary and secondary thread pools.
- MultiThreadManager(String, int, int, long) - Constructor for class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
Creates primary and secondary thread pools
- MultiViewer - Class in maspack.test.GL
Class for creating multiple viewers, with potentially shared contexts
between them in order to help debugging viewer-related issues
- MultiViewer() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- MultiViewer.SimpleSelectable - Interface in maspack.test.GL
- MultiViewer.SimpleViewerApp - Class in maspack.test.GL
- MultiViewer.ViewSyncThread - Class in maspack.test.GL
- MultiViewerTesterBase - Class in maspack.test.GL
- MultiViewerTesterBase() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewerTesterBase
- MultiViewerTesterBase.SimpleSelectableBase - Class in maspack.test.GL
- mulTransform(GL2, RigidTransform3d) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- mulTransform(GL2, AffineTransform3d) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- mulTranspose(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector v1 and places the
result in vr.
- mulTranspose(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies a submatrix of the transpose of this matrix by the column
vector v1
and places the result in the vector
- mulTranspose(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies a submatrix of the transpose of this matrix by the column
vector v1
and places the result in the vector
- mulTranspose(Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies this matrix by the transpose of M1 and places the result in
this matrix.
- mulTranspose(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector v1 and places the
result in vr.
- mulTranspose(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector vr and places the
result back in vr.
- mulTranspose(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies this matrix by the transpose of M1 and places the result in
this matrix.
- mulTranspose(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector v1 and places the
result in vr.
- mulTranspose(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector vr and places the
result back in vr.
- mulTranspose(Vector2d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- mulTranspose(Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies this matrix by the transpose of M1 and places the result in
this matrix.
- mulTranspose(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector v1 and places the
result in vr.
- mulTranspose(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector vr and places the
result back in vr.
- mulTranspose(Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies this matrix by the transpose of M1 and places the result in
this matrix.
- mulTranspose(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector v1 and places the
result in vr.
- mulTranspose(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector vr and places the
result back in vr.
- mulTranspose(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector v1 and places the
result in vr.
- mulTranspose(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies a submatrix of the transpose of this matrix by the column
vector v1
and places the result in the vector
- mulTranspose(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies a submatrix of the transpose of this matrix by the column
vector v1
and places the result in the vector
- mulTranspose(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Multiplies this matrix by the transpose of M1 and places the result in
this matrix.
- mulTranspose(SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Multiplies this matrix by the transpose of M and places the result in this
- mulTranspose(SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Multiplies this matrix by the transpose of M and places the result in this
- mulTranspose(Matrix3dBase, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix X by vector v1 and places the result in
this vector.
- mulTranspose(Matrix, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M by the vector b and places the result
in this vector.
- mulTransposeAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector v1 and adds the
result to vr.
- mulTransposeAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies a submatrix of the transpose of this matrix by the column
vector v1
and adds the result to the vector
- mulTransposeAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Multiplies a submatrix of the transpose of this matrix by the column
vector v1
and adds the result to the vector vr
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector v1, adds the vector
v2, and places the result in vr.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by the vector v1 and adds the
result to vr.
- mulTransposeAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies a submatrix of the transpose of this matrix by the column
vector v1
and adds the result to the vector
- mulTransposeAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Multiplies a submatrix of the transpose of this matrix by the column
vector v1
and adds the result to the vector vr
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Post-multiplies a row vector by this matrix block and adds the result to a
set of existing values.
- mulTransposeAdd(Matrix3dBase, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix X by vector v1, adds vector v2, and
places the result in this vector.
- mulTransposeBoth(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places
the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeBoth(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places
the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeBoth(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places
the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeBoth(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places
the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeBoth(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places
the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeBoth(SparseCRSMatrix, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places
the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeBoth(SparseMatrixNd, SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places
the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeft(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeLeft(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeLeft(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeLeft(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeLeft(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeLeft(SparseCRSMatrix, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeLeft(SparseMatrixNd, SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Multiplies the transpose of matrix M1 by M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeLeft(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes M' M, where M is a supplied matrix and M' is its transpose, and
places the (symmetric) result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Multiplies M1^T by M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd1x1(Matrix1x1, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd1x3(Matrix1x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd1x6(Matrix1x6, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd2x2(Matrix2dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd2x3(Matrix2x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd2x6(Matrix2x6, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd3x1(Matrix3x1, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd3x2(Matrix3x2, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd3x3(Matrix3dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd3x4(Matrix3x4, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd3x6(Matrix3x6, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd4x3(Matrix4x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd4x4(Matrix4dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd6x1(Matrix6x1, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd6x2(Matrix6x2, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd6x3(Matrix6x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAdd6x6(Matrix6dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeLeftAdd
- mulTransposeLeftAndRight(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes M' T M, where T is this matrix, and M' is the transpose of M, and
places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeLeftSymmetric(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes the symmetric product (A'B + B'A)/2 and places the result in this matrix
- mulTransposeRight(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Multiplies matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeRight(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Multiplies matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeRight(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Multiplies matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeRight(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeRight(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Multiplies matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeRight(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Computes the product
- mulTransposeRight(SparseCRSMatrix, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Multiplies matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeRight(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Computes the product
- mulTransposeRight(SparseMatrixNd, SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Multiplies matrix M1 by the transpose of M2 and places the result in this
- mulTransposeRight(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes M M', where M is a supplied matrix and M' is its transpose, and
places the (symmetric) result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Multiplies M1 by M2^T and places the result in this matrix.
- mulTransposeRightAdd(Matrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
- mulTransposeRightAdd1x1(Matrix1x1, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd1x3(Matrix1x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd1x6(Matrix1x6, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd2x2(Matrix2dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd2x3(Matrix2x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd2x6(Matrix2x6, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd3x1(Matrix3x1, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd3x2(Matrix3x2, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd3x3(Matrix3dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd3x4(Matrix3x4, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd3x6(Matrix3x6, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd4x3(Matrix4x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd4x4(Matrix4dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd6x1(Matrix6x1, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd6x2(Matrix6x2, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd6x3(Matrix6x3, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightAdd6x6(Matrix6dBase, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixMulTransposeRightAdd
- mulTransposeRightSymmetric(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes the symmetric product (AB' + BA')/2 and places the result in this matrix
- mulXyz(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure translation, and places the result in this
- mulXyz(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Post-multiplies this rotation by an implicit second rotation expressed by
a sequence of intrinsic rotations about the x-y-z axes.
- mulXyz(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transformation by an implicit second transformation
consisting of a pure translation, and places the result in this
- MurtyLCPSolver - Class in maspack.solvers
Solves linear complementarity problems (LCPs) and bounded linear
complementarity problems (BLCPs) for symmetric positive definite (SPD)
matrices using Murty's method.
- MurtyLCPSolver() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- MurtyLCPSolverTest - Class in maspack.solvers
- MurtyLCPSolverTest() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolverTest
- MurtyMechSolver - Class in maspack.solvers
- MurtyMechSolver() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- MurtyMechSolverTest - Class in maspack.solvers
- MurtyMechSolverTest() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolverTest
- Muscle - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- Muscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- Muscle(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- Muscle(String, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- Muscle(Point, Point) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- MuscleArm - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- MuscleArm() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- MuscleBase - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MuscleBaseFactory<E extends MuscleBase> - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- MuscleBundle - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- MuscleBundle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- MuscleBundle(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- MuscleBundle.DirectionRenderType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
- MuscleBundleEditor - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- MuscleBundleEditor(Main, EditorManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleBundleEditor
- MuscleBundleList - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- MuscleBundleList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundleList
- MuscleBundleList(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundleList
- MuscleComponent - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MuscleEditor - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
This class is responsible for actions associated with a Muscle.
- MuscleEditor(Main, EditorManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleEditor
- MuscleElementAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for adding Muscles to a Model.
- MuscleElementAgent(Main, MuscleBundle, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleElementAgent
- MuscleElementDesc - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
A class wrapping the description of each FEM element belonging to a
- MuscleElementDesc() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- MuscleElementDesc(FemElement3dBase, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- MuscleElementDesc(FemElement3dBase) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- MuscleElementDescList - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- MuscleElementDescList() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDescList
- MuscleElementDescList(String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDescList
- MuscleExciter - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- MuscleExciter() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- MuscleExciter(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- MuscleExciterEditor - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
This class is responsible for actions associated with a MuscleExciter.
- MuscleExciterEditor(Main, EditorManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleExciterEditor
- muscleExciters - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.EmbeddedTongue
- MuscleFibreAgent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for adding Muscles to a Model.
- MuscleFibreAgent(Main, MuscleBundle, CompositeComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleFibreAgent
- MuscleMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Base class for Muscle materials.
- MuscleMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- MutableCompositeComponent<C extends ModelComponent> - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
- muteProbe() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- muteTrack(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- muteTracks(boolean, ArrayList<Track>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- myAdjustTime - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- myAlwaysAnalyze - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- MyComponentListener() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel.MyComponentListener
- myDebug - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- myDefaultFont - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- myDefaultHybridSolveP - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- myDefaultMaxLeafElems - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.OBBTree
- myDefaultMethod - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.OBBTree
- myDistanceTime - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- myDrawWrapPoints - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- myEnabled - Variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- MyFEMonster - Class in artisynth.models.fez2021
- MyFEMonster() - Constructor for class artisynth.models.fez2021.MyFEMonster
- MyFinishedMonster - Class in artisynth.models.fez2021
- MyFinishedMonster() - Constructor for class artisynth.models.fez2021.MyFinishedMonster
- myForce - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
- myForceError - Variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- myFrameGeometryVisible - Static variable in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- myGrid - Variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TangentProblem
- myH - Variable in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVState
- myIgnoreCoriolisInJacobian - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- MyKeyListener() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel.MyKeyListener
- myLegacyControl - Variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- myLocPos - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
- myMaxBrightness - Variable in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- myMech - Variable in class artisynth.demos.mech.MechModelDemo
- myMenuDefaultFont - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- myMeshX - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- myMeshX - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
- myMeshX - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
- myMeshXDiv - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- myMeshXDiv - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
- myMeshXDiv - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
- myMeshY - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- myMeshY - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
- myMeshY - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
- myMeshYDiv - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- myMeshYDiv - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
- myMeshYDiv - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
- myMessage - Variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- myMinBrightness - Variable in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- MyMonster - Class in artisynth.models.fez2021
- MyMonster() - Constructor for class artisynth.models.fez2021.MyMonster
- myMurtyVelSolveRebuild - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- myMuscleColors - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.FemControlPanel
- myNodes - Variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemDispConnection
- myNrm - Variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TangentProblem
- myNumber - Variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- myNumSegs - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- myNumSides - Variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetPlaneIntersection
- myNumX - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedShellFem
- myNumX - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellMembraneDemo
- myNumY - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedShellFem
- myNumY - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellMembraneDemo
- myNumZ - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedShellFem
- myNumZ - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellMembraneDemo
- myOpenSimCompatible - Static variable in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- myOpenSimCompatible - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
- myOptions - Variable in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- myP0 - Variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TangentProblem
- myP0 - Variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetPlaneIntersection
- myP1 - Variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetPlaneIntersection
- myP2 - Variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetPlaneIntersection
- myP3 - Variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetPlaneIntersection
- myPa - Variable in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TangentProblem
- myParametricsInSystemMatrix - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- myPCATime - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- myPntA - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.Segment
- myPntB - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.Segment
- myPointFaceCalc - Variable in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
- myPos - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
- myProfiling - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.GaussianWeighting
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDescList
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeDisplacementRenderer
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointToPointMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElemFieldBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.BoundsTerm
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExciterComp
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialTendon
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointConditionalMarker
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponentList
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleMeshConstraint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringList
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RenderableConstrainerBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMesh
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJointBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgentBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceListBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableModelBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.WeightedReferenceComp
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJoint
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.PointTracingProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.TextExportProps
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceComponent
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceList
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.ImageViewer
- myProps - Variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeamMech
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemSkinDemo
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FishDemo
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadFishDemo
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanBowl
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanDemo
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.EFCForceTest
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.FourBar
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.PointMeshTest
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.PolygonalMeshTest
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.PressureShell
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.CylinderBounceTest
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.KnotDensityTest3
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.Manager
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- myProps - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.image.dti.PrincipalDiffusionColorComputer
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.BumpMapProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.color.JetColorMap
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.color.RainbowColorMap
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.FaceRenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.LineEdgeRenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.LineFaceRenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.LineRenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.MeshRenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.NormalMapProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.PointEdgeRenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.PointFaceRenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.PointLineRenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.PointRenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.MouseClickField
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
- myProps - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
- myPrune - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- myQPTestCaseFile - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- myRadius - Variable in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- myRenderCoords - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- myRenderFrame - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- myRenderPnt - Variable in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- mySaveForcesAsState - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- myScaling - Variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- myShellMargin - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedShellFem
- myShellMargin - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellMembraneDemo
- mySilentP - Variable in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
- mySizeX - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- mySizeY - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- mySmallDisplay - Variable in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- mySymmetricJacobian - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- myT1 - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- myTreeFont - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PreferencesEditor
- myUseConfigDir - Static variable in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- myUseImplicitFriction - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- myUseOpenSimApprox - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3d
- myUseRootModelManager - Static variable in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- myVolX - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedShellFem
- myVolX - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellMembraneDemo
- myVolY - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedShellFem
- myVolY - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellMembraneDemo
- myVolZ - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedShellFem
- myVolZ - Variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellMembraneDemo
- myVtx0 - Variable in class maspack.geometry.LineSegment
- myVtx1 - Variable in class maspack.geometry.LineSegment
- myWorldCoordCnt - Variable in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
- myWrapGeometry - Variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests.WrappableGeometryPair
- myWrappable - Variable in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests.WrappableGeometryPair
- myWrappableA - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SubSegment
- myWrappableB - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SubSegment
- myXScale - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- s - Variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelData
- s - Variable in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Scalar element
- s - Variable in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Scale factor associated with this transform
- s0 - Variable in class maspack.collision.EdgeEdgeContact
- s1 - Variable in class maspack.collision.EdgeEdgeContact
- SafeFileUtils - Class in maspack.fileutil
- SafeFileUtils() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
- sagittalProjection - Static variable in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- sample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalFemElementSampler
- sample(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalHexSampler
- sample(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalPyramidSampler
- sample(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalTetSampler
- sample(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalWedgeSampler
- sample(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler
Spatial position within canonical element
- sample(Point3d, Matrix3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.EulerianFemElementSampler
- sample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.EulerianFemElementSampler
- sample() - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementSampler
Generates a random point from within the previously used or assigned element
- sample(Point3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementSampler
Generates a sample point from within the previously used or assigned finite element
- sample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementSampler
Generates a sample point from within the previously used or assigned finite element
- sample() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementSamplerBase
- sample(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementSamplerBase
- sample(Point3d, Matrix3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.LagrangianFemElementSampler
- sample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.LagrangianFemElementSampler
- sample(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionNdSampler
Produces an Nd-function sample, with associated importance probability
- sample(Vector2d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator.FunctionSampler
Produces a function sample and importance probability weight
- sample() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.RegularFemElementSampler
- sample(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.RegularFemElementSampler
- sample(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.RegularFemElementSampler
- SAMPLE_POINTS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexTrimmer
- SAMPLE_RES - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexTrimmer
- sampleCoord(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalPyramidSampler
- sampleCoord(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler
Natural coordinate within canonical element
- sampleElementRejection(FemElement3d, CanonicalSampler, double, Point3d, Matrix3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.EulerianFemElementSampler
Uses a sample rejection technique to compute a random sample within an element.
- sampleElementRejection(FemElement3d, CanonicalSampler, double, Point3d, Matrix3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.LagrangianFemElementSampler
Uses a sample rejection technique to compute a random sample within an element.
- sampleHex(Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloSampler
Generates a uniform random sample from the canonical hexahedron.
- samplePyramid(Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloSampler
Generates a uniform random sample from the canonical pyramid,
- SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- sampleSphere(Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloSampler
Generates a uniform random sample from inside a unit sphere
- sampleTet(Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloSampler
Generates a uniform random sample from the canonical tetrahedron.
- sampleTet2(Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloSampler
Generates a uniform random sample from the canonical tetrahedron.
- sampleWedge(Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloSampler
Generates a uniform random sample from the canonical wedge.
- save() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory
- save() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager
- save() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.StartupModel
- save() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
When called (perhaps by the Artsynth timeline), causes information about
this probe to be written to the attached file.
- save() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
When called (perhaps by the Artsynth timeline), causes information about
this probe to be written to the attached file.
- save() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
When called (perhaps by the Artsynth timeline), causes information about
this probe to be written to its attached file.
- save() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
When called (perhaps by the Artsynth timeline), causes information about
this probe to be written to its attached file.
- save() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- save() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Writes all waypoints and their state as binary data to the attached
file if it exists.
- save(Scannable, File, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthIO
- saveAllInputData(RootModel, Window) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- saveAllOutputData(RootModel, Window) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- saveas(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
- saveBackupForHost(HasProperties, PropTreeData, PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
Save backup property values
- saveBackupValues(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
Save backup property values corresponding to the children of a particular
- saveCacheIfModified() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
- saveComponent(File, String, ModelComponent, boolean, ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Saves a component (and its subcomponents, if any) to a file.
- saveComponent(ModelComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorUtils
- saveComponentNames(Collection<? extends ModelComponent>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorUtils
- saveData(Probe, Window) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- saveDataAs(Probe, Window) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- savedFilesAreEqual(ModelComponent, ModelComponent, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentTestUtils
- saveFirstFrame(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Saves the first image file in the same folder as the movie.
- saveImage(String, File) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Save backing image to a file (convenience method)
- saveMesh(MeshBase, AffineTransform3dBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorUtils
- saveMeshAsAnsysFile(FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditorUtils
- saveModelFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- saveModelFile(File, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Saves the current root model to a file.
- saveModelState() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Saves the current state of the MechModel.
- saveObject(Object) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
- saveProbes(Main, Window) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- saveProbesAs(Main, Window) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- saveProbesFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
to save the probes file
- saveRegions(File) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- saveRenderCoords() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- saveRenderInfo(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- saveRenderInfo() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- saveRootModel(File, String, RootModel, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- saveStateAndExecute(Command) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
- saveToMatlab(NumericProbeBase, MatlabInterface, Window) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- saveToMatlab(MatlabInterface, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- saveViewerImage(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- saveWayPointData(RootModel, Window) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ProbeEditor
- saveWayPoints(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Save the waypoints, in binary form, to the specified file.
- saveWayPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- saveWayPointsAs() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- ScalableUnits - Interface in artisynth.core.util
- ScalarColorComputer - Class in maspack.image.dti
Computes scalar values from the field
- ScalarColorComputer() - Constructor for class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- ScalarColorComputer(ScalarColorComputer.Scalar) - Constructor for class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- ScalarColorComputer.Scalar - Enum in maspack.image.dti
- ScalarElementField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A scalar field defined over an FEM model, using values set at the
- ScalarElementField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- ScalarElementField(FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- ScalarElementField(FemModel3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- ScalarElementField(String, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of
- ScalarElementField(String, FemModel3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- ScalarElementFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple ScalarElementField.
- ScalarElementFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ScalarElementFieldDemo
- ScalarFaceField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A scalar field defined over a triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at
the mesh's faces.
- ScalarFaceField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
- ScalarFaceField(MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- ScalarFaceField(MeshComponent, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- ScalarFaceField(String, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- ScalarFaceField(String, MeshComponent, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- ScalarFaceFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple ScalarFaceField.
- ScalarFaceFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ScalarFaceFieldDemo
- ScalarFemField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
Base class for scalar field defined over an FEM model.
- ScalarFemField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- ScalarFemField(FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- ScalarFemField(FemModel3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- ScalarFemField.Visualization - Enum in artisynth.core.fields
- ScalarFieldComponent - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
Base definition for scalar field components.
- ScalarFieldUtils - Class in artisynth.core.fields
Utility methods for implementing ScalarFields and rendering in particular.
- ScalarFieldUtils() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFieldUtils
- ScalarFieldVisualization - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Illustrates visualization of a scalar nodal field.
- ScalarFieldVisualization() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ScalarFieldVisualization
- ScalarGrid - Class in maspack.geometry
Implements a regular 3D grid that interpolates scalar values using
trilinear interpolation.
- ScalarGrid() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Default constructor.
- ScalarGrid(Vector3d, Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Creates a new grid with specified widths and resolution, centered on the
local coordinate system.
- ScalarGrid(Vector3d, Vector3i, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Creates a new grid with specified widths, resolution, and position and
orientation of the center given by TCL
- ScalarGrid(Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Creates a new grid, axis-aligned and centered on the origin, with the
specified resolution and x, y, z widths set to 1.
- ScalarGrid(ScalarGrid) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Creates a new grid that is a copy of an existing grid.
- ScalarGridBase - Class in maspack.geometry
Base class for a regular 3D grid that interpolates scalar values using
trilinear interpolation.
- ScalarGridBase() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridBase
- ScalarGridField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A scalar field defined over a regular 3D grid, using values set at the
grid's vertices, with values at other points obtained using trilinear
- ScalarGridField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- ScalarGridField(ScalarGrid) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Constructs a field using a given grid.
- ScalarGridField(String, ScalarGrid) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Constructs a named field using a given grid.
- ScalarGridField.Visualization - Enum in artisynth.core.fields
- ScalarGridFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple ScalarGridField.
- ScalarGridFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ScalarGridFieldDemo
- ScalarGridTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- ScalarGridTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridTest
- ScalarMeshField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
Base class for scalar field defined over a mesh.
- ScalarMeshField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- ScalarMeshField(MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- ScalarMeshField(MeshComponent, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- ScalarMeshField.Visualization - Enum in artisynth.core.fields
- ScalarNodalField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A scalar field defined over an FEM model, using values set at the
- ScalarNodalField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
- ScalarNodalField(FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- ScalarNodalField(FemModel3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- ScalarNodalField(String, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of
- ScalarNodalField(String, FemModel3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- ScalarNodalFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple ScalarNodalField.
- ScalarNodalFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ScalarNodalFieldDemo
- ScalarRange - Class in artisynth.core.util
Encapsulates scalar range and range updating information.
- ScalarRange() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- ScalarRange(ScalarRange.Updating) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- ScalarRange(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- ScalarRange.Updating - Enum in artisynth.core.util
- ScalarSubElemField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A scalar field defined over an FEM model, using values set at the element
integration points.
- ScalarSubElemField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
- ScalarSubElemField(FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- ScalarSubElemField(FemModel3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- ScalarSubElemField(String, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of
- ScalarSubElemField(String, FemModel3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- ScalarSubElemFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple ScalarSubElemField.
- ScalarSubElemFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ScalarSubElemFieldDemo
- ScalarVertexField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A scalar field defined over a triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at
the mesh's vertices.
- ScalarVertexField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
- ScalarVertexField(MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- ScalarVertexField(MeshComponent, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- ScalarVertexField(String, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- ScalarVertexField(String, MeshComponent, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- ScalarVertexFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple ScalarVertexField.
- ScalarVertexFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.ScalarVertexFieldDemo
- scale(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- scale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- scale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CubaturePoint3d
Scales the elements of this vector by s
- scale(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CubaturePoint3d
Scales the elements of this vector by the values in the given direction.
- scale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
Scales this bounding volume node by the indicated scale factor
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Scales the vertices of this mesh.
- scale(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Scales the vertices of this mesh in the given directions.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Scales this bounding volume node by the indicated scale factor
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
Uniform scaling of diffusion tensor, diffusivity scales with distance-squared
- scale(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
Non-uniform scaling of diffusion tensor, e.g.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Uniformly scales all the values in this list
- scale(DualScalar, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Scales q by the dual scalar s and places the result in this
- scale(double, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Scales the dual quaternion q by s and places the result in this
- scale(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Scales this by the supplied dual scalar
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Scales this by the supplied value
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double, Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Scales the elements of matrix M1 by s
and places the
results in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Scales the elements of matrix M1 by s
and places the
results in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Scales the elements of matrix M1 by s
and places the
results in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Scales the elements of matrix M1 by s
and places the
results in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Computes s M and places the result in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Scales the elements of this matrix block by a scale factor.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Scales the elements of this matrix block by a scale factor.
- scale(double, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Scales the elements of matrix M1 by s
and places the
results in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Scales the units of this plane by the specified scale factor.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Scales the elements of this quaternion by r
- scale(double, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Scales the elements of quaternion q1 by r
and places the
results in this quaternion.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Post-multiplies this transform by a uniform scaling transform:
[ s I 0 ]
[ 0 1 ]
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Scales the elements of matrix M1 by s
and places the
results in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.SparseMatrix
- scale(double, SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Scales the elements of matrix M1 by s
and places the
results in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Scales the elements of this vector by s
- scale(double, SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Scales the elements of this matrix by s
- scale(double, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Scales the elements of matrix M1 by s
and places the
results in this matrix.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Scales the elements of this vector by s
- scale(double, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Scales the elements of this vector by s
- scale(double, Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Scales the elements of this vector by s
- scale(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Scales the elements of this vector by the values in the given direction.
- scale(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Scales the elements of this vector by s
- scale(double, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Scales the elements of this vector by s
- scale(double, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Scales the elements of this vector by s
- scale(double, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Scales the elements of this vector by s
- scale(double, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Scales the elements of vector v1 by s
and places the
results in this vector.
- scale(double, SpatialInertia) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Scales the spatial inertia M1 by s
and places the results
in this spatial inertia.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Scales this spatial inertia by s
in place.
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Scales the elements of this spatial vector by s
- scale(double, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Scales the elements of twist tw1 by s and places the results in this
- scale(double, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Scales the elements of wrench wr1 by s and places the results in this
- scale(double) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
- scaleColumn(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Scale a column
- scaledAdd(double, PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- scaledAdd(double, DualQuaternion, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Computes the scaled addition s*q1+q2 and places the result in this
- scaledAdd(double, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Adds s*q1 to this
- scaledAdd(DualScalar, DualQuaternion, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Computes the scaled addition s*q1+q2 and places the result in this
- scaledAdd(DualScalar, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Adds s*q to this
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix1x1, Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix1x1 to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix1x3, Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix1x3 to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix1x6 to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix1x6, Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Computes s M1 and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix2x3 to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix2x3, Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Computes s M and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix2x6, Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Computes s M1 and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix3x1 to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3x1, Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix3x2 to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Computes s M and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3x4, Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Computes s M and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix3x6, Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Computes s M1 and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Computes s M and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix4x3, Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Computes s M1 and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix6x1 to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix6x1, Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Computes s M and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix6x2, Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Computes s M and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix6x3, Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Scales the matrix M and add the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Adds the scaled contents of a Matrix to this matrix block.
- scaledAdd(double, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Computes r q1
and add the result to this quaternion.
- scaledAdd(double, Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Computes r q1 + q2
and places the result in this
- scaledAdd(double, SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- scaledAdd(double, SparseBlockMatrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- scaledAdd(double, SparseCRSMatrix, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, SparseVectorNd, SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Computes s v1 + v2
and places the result in this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, SymmetricMatrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes s M1 + M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Computes s M1 and adds the result to this matrix.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Computes s v1 + v2
and places the result in this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector2i, Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Computes s v1 + v2
and places the result in this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes s v1 + v2
and places the result in this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector3i, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Computes s v1 + v2
and places the result in this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Computes s v1 + v2
and places the result in this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Computes s v1 + v2
and places the result in this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, VectorNi, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Computes s v1 + v2
and places the result in this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Computes s v1
and adds the result to this vector.
- scaledAdd(double, Twist, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Computes s tw1 + tw2 and places the result in this twist.
- scaledAdd(double, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Computes s tw1 and adds the result to this twist.
- scaledAdd(double, Wrench, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Computes s wr1 + wr2 and places the result in this wrench.
- scaledAdd(double, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Computes s wr1 and add the result to this wrench.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix6d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddObj(double, T) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorObject
Scales v1
by s
and adds it to this vector.
- scaledAddPos(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- scaledAddVel(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- ScaledDiff1Function1x1 - Class in maspack.function
- ScaledDiff1Function1x1() - Constructor for class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- ScaledDiff1Function1x1(double, Diff1Function1x1) - Constructor for class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1 - Class in maspack.function
- ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1() - Constructor for class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1(double, Diff1FunctionNx1) - Constructor for class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer - Class in maspack.image.dti
RGB color of eigenvalues
- ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer() - Constructor for class maspack.image.dti.ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer
- ScaledFemMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- ScaledFemMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- ScaledFemMaterial(FemMaterial, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundleList
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
Nothing to do for scale distance, since attachment is based
on weights.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.GaussianWeighting
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundleList
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundleList
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemDispConnection
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinWeightingFunction
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Scales all distance coordinates.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffectorList
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Scales all distance coordinates.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleMeshConstraint
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringList
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.util.ScalableUnits
Scales all distance coordinates.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Scales the distance units of the grid, which entails scaling the widths,
distances and coordinate transform information.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Scales the distance units of the grid, which entails
scaling the widths and coordinate transform information.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
Scale the distance units associated with this transformer.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
Scale the distance units associated with this transformer.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Scales the properties that are associated with distance.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Scales the distance units of this constraint.
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
- scaleDistance(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Scale the distance units associated with this SpatialInertia.
- scaleDraggerSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- ScaledRigidTransform3d - Class in maspack.matrix
A specialized 4 x 4 matrix that implements a three-dimensional rigid body
transformation with scaling in homogeneous coordinates.
- ScaledRigidTransform3d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Creates a new transformation initialized to the identity.
- ScaledRigidTransform3d(Vector3d, RotationMatrix3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Creates a new transformation with the specified translation vector and
rotation matrix.
- ScaledRigidTransform3d(double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Creates a new transformation with the specified translation vector.
- ScaledRigidTransform3d(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Creates a new transformation with the specified translation and rotation.
- ScaledRigidTransform3d(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Creates a new transformation with the specified translation and rotation.
- ScaledRigidTransform3d(ScaledRigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Creates a new transformation which is a copy of an existing one.
- ScaledRigidTransform3d(Vector3d, AxisAngle) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Creates a new transformation with the specified translation vector and
- ScaledRigidTransformer3d - Class in maspack.geometry
Implements an affine transformation defined in homogeneous coordinates by
- ScaledRigidTransformer3d(Vector3d, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
- ScaledRigidTransformer3d(Vector3d, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
- ScaledTranslation3d - Class in maspack.geometry
Implements an affine transformation defined in homogeneous coordinates by
- ScaledTranslation3d(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
- ScaleField - Class in maspack.widgets
This is a field that can contain either one number representing a uniform
scaling, or three numbers representing scaling along the x, y, and z axes.
- ScaleField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ScaleField
Creates a default ScaleField with an empty label.
- ScaleField(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ScaleField
Creates a new ScaleField with specified label text.
- ScaleField(String, double) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ScaleField
Creates a new ScaleField with specified label text and initial uniform
scale value.
- ScaleField(String, Vector3d) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ScaleField
Creates a new ScaleField with specified label text and initial
3-dimensional scaling.
- scaleGains(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
Scale the gains for all the targets controller by this excitation
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundleList
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundleList
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundleList
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinWeightingFunction
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Nothing to do for scale mass.
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ForceEffectorList
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Nothing to do for scale mass.
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Scales all mass units.
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleMeshConstraint
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringList
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
- scaleMass(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.util.ScalableUnits
Scales all mass units.
- scaleMass(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Scale the mass units associated with this SpatialInertia.
- scaleMesh(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- scaleMesh(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- scaleMesh(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- scaleMesh(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- scaleModelMatrix(double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- scaleModelMatrix(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- scaleModelMatrix(double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Scales the current model matrix.
- scaleModelMatrix(double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- scaleModelMatrix(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- scaleNumericList(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Scales the values of a numberic probe.
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Scales this vector by s
- scaleObj(double) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorObject
Scales this vector by s
- scalePosition(double, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- Scaler3d - Class in maspack.render
- Scaler3d() - Constructor for class maspack.render.Scaler3d
- Scaler3d(Viewer, double) - Constructor for class maspack.render.Scaler3d
- scaleRestPosition(double, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- scaleRow(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Scale a row by a particular value
- scaleSize(double) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- scaleSurfaceMesh(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- scaleWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
Scales the weight for this connection.
- scaleX(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Scales the x values of this spline.
- scaleY(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Scales the y values of this spline.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.PreferencesManager
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.StartupModel
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.ElementConnection
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemDispConnection
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, String, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationUtils
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.EmptyState
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.MDLMeshIO.MDLHeader
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.TestInfo
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.function.ConstantFunction1x1
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.function.Diff1Function1x1Base
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.function.Diff1FunctionNx1Base
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Class<T>) - Static method in class maspack.function.FunctionUtils
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.function.LinearFunctionNx1
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.function.PolyFunction1x1Base
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TangentProblem
- scan(String) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TangentProblem
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- scan(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Rectangle2d
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Rectangle2d
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Scans this spline from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Scans this spline from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Scans this spline from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Scans this spline from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- scan(String) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CRSValues
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
Sets this line to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Sets the contents of this matrix to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Sets the contents of this matrix to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Sets the contents of this plane to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Reads the contents of this transformation from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Reads the contents of this rotation from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Reads the contents of this transformation from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Sets the contents of this vector to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the contents of this vector to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the contents of this vector to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the contents of this vector to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Sets the contents of this vector to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Sets the contents of this vector to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Sets the contents of this vector to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the contents of this vector to values read from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- scan(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Reads the contents of this spatial inertia from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.util.DoubleInterval
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.util.EnumRange
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericIntervalRange
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.util.RangeBase
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- Scan - Class in maspack.util
A set of static methods to help scan values from a ReaderTokenizer.
- Scan() - Constructor for class maspack.util.Scan
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in interface maspack.util.Scannable
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.util.StringRange
- scan(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Method in class maspack.widgets.FormatRange
Scans this element from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scanAndDiscard(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Scans and discards the input associated with a component, which is
assumed to be enclosed within square brackets.
- scanAndStoreComponent(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- scanAndStoreComponent(ReaderTokenizer, String, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Attempts to scan a class-qualified component associated with a given
attribute name.
- scanAndStoreComponentByName(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- scanAndStorePropertyPath(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
If the next input token is a quoted string or word, then assume that
it corresponds to property path, store its value
in the token queue as a StringToken
, and return
- scanAndStorePropertyPath(ReaderTokenizer, String, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Attempts to scan a property path associated with a given attribute name.
- scanAndStorePropertyPaths(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Assumes that the next set of input tokens are a set of property
paths enclosed between square brackets.
- scanAndStorePropertyPaths(ReaderTokenizer, String, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Attempts to scan a set of property paths associated with a given attribute
- scanAndStorePropertyValue(ReaderTokenizer, HasProperties, String, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Attempts to scan and store a specific property value for a specified
- scanAndStorePropertyValues(ReaderTokenizer, HasProperties, String[], Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Attempts to scan and store a specific set of property values
for a specified host.
- scanAndStoreReference(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
If the next input token is a quoted string or word, then assume that
it corresponds to component reference path, store its value
in the token queue as a StringToken
, and return
- scanAndStoreReference(ReaderTokenizer, String, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Attempts to scan a reference path associated with a given attribute name.
- scanAndStoreReferences(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Assumes that the next set of input tokens are a set of component
reference paths enclosed between square brackets.
- scanAndStoreReferences(ReaderTokenizer, String, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Attempts to scan a set of reference paths associated with a given
attribute name.
- scanAsVector(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
- scanAttributeName(ReaderTokenizer, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
- scanBegin() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- scanBlocks(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Sets the sizing and contents of the matrix to values read from
a ReaderTokenizer.
- scanBoolean() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and checks that it represents a boolean.
- scanCharacter(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and verifies that it matches a specified character.
- scanClass(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Scans a class name (or known class name alias) and then returns the class
associated with that name.
- scanClassAndObject(ReaderTokenizer, Object) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Scans a class name, creates an instance of that class, and then, if the
class is Scannable, scans the instance.
- scanClassAndObject(ReaderTokenizer, Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Scans a class name, creates an instance of that class, and then, if the
class is Scannable, scans the instance.
- scanClassInfo(ReaderTokenizer, Class<C>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Scans a class tag that either consists of a simple class
name or alias, such as ModelComponent
, or a parameterized
class name, such as ModelList<FemModel3d>
, and returns
the associated class information.
- scanColor(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads and returns a Color from a tokenizer.
- scanComponentsAndWeights(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
- scanContours(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.TestInfo
- scanDoubles(double[], ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of double values, enclosed in square brackets [
- scanDoubles(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of double values, enclosed in square brackets [
and returns them in an array.
- scanEnd() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- scanEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token, check that it represents a specified
enumerated type, and return the corrsponding type.
- scanFloats(float[], ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of float values, enclosed in square brackets [
- scanFloats(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of float values, enclosed in square brackets [
and returns them in an array.
- scanFont(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
- scanFromString(Scannable, Object, String) - Static method in class maspack.util.ScanTest
Reads a Scannable from a string using its scan method.
- scanfull(ReaderTokenizer, ModelComponent, CompositeComponent) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Performs both a scan and a postscan for a specific component.
- scanInstance(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
For a property whose class type implements
, attempts to
create and return a class instance based on input from a tokenizer.
- scanInstance(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
For a property whose class type implements
, attempts to
create and return a class instance based on input from a tokenizer.
- scanInstance(ReaderTokenizer, Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Attemptes to create and return a class instance based on a defaultClass
and input from a tokenizer.
- scanInteger() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and checks that it is an integer.
- scanIntegers(int[], int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads a series of numeric tokens and returns their values.
- scanInts(int[], ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of integer values, enclosed in square brackets [
- scanInts(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of integer values, enclosed in square brackets [
and returns them in an array.Values which exceed the allowed range for
integers will be truncated in the high order bits.
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceComp
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceComponent
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
- scanItem(ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.TransparencyProbe
- scanLong() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and checks that it is an integer.
- scanLongs(long[], ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of long integer values, enclosed in square brackets
[ ]
- scanLongs(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of long integer values, enclosed in square brackets
[ ]
, and returns them in an array.
- scanMesh(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- scanMesh(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- scanMesh(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- scanMesh(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- scanMLCP(ReaderTokenizer, KKTSolverTest.MLCP) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolverTest
- Scannable - Interface in maspack.util
- ScannableList<C extends Scannable> - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ScannableList(Class<C>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- ScannableList(Class<C>, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- ScannableListTest - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ScannableListTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableListTest
- scanNamedProp(HasProperties, String, ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
- scanNumber(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MayaJointToMatlab
- scanNumber(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MayaToWavefront
- scanNumber(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.apps.WavefrontToMaya
- scanNumber() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and checks that it is a number.
- scanNumbers(ReaderTokenizer, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MayaJointToMatlab
- scanNumbers(ReaderTokenizer, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.apps.MayaToWavefront
- scanNumbers(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads a series of numeric tokens and returns their values.
- scanProbes(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- scanProbes(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
Reads probe data from a tokenizer
- scanProbes(ReaderTokenizer, RootModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
Reads probe data from a tokenizer into the root model
- scanProblem(String, PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.TestInfo) - Static method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- scanProblem(ReaderTokenizer, PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh, SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.TestInfo) - Static method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- scanProp(HasProperties, ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Scans a property from a ReaderTokenizer.
- scanProperty(ReaderTokenizer, HasProperties, Deque<ScanToken>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Attempts to scan and set a property value for a specified host.
- scanPropertyField(ReaderTokenizer, HasProperties, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyList
- scanPropertyToken(ReaderTokenizer, HasProperties, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Scans a specific property value for a host, ecapsulated inside a
PropertyToken, assuming that the property name has already been scanned
and matched.
- scanQuotedString(char) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and checks that it is a quoted string delimited by
the specified quote character.
- scanQuotedStrings(ReaderTokenizer, char) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of quoted strings, enclosed in square brackets
[ ]
, and returns them as an array of Strings.
- scanRecord(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersectorTest
- scanRegionAreas(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.TestInfo
- scanRegions(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.TestInfo
- scanShort() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and checks that it is an integer.
- scanShorts(short[], ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of short integer values, enclosed in square brackets
[ ]
- scanShorts(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of short integer values, enclosed in square brackets
[ ]
, and returns them in an array.
- scanSurfaceMesh(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- scanSurfaceMesh(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- ScanTest - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Provides a method to test the scan/write methods of a Scannable object
- ScanTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanTest
- ScanTest - Class in maspack.util
Provides a method to test the scan/write methods of a Scannable object
- ScanTest() - Constructor for class maspack.util.ScanTest
- scanTime - Variable in class maspack.collision.CollisionMetrics
- ScanToken - Class in artisynth.core.util
Base class for tokens used in postscaning.
- ScanToken() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ScanToken
- ScanToken(int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.ScanToken
- scanToken(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and verifies that it is of the specified type.
- scanValue(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Scans and returns an instance of the vector type associated with this
grid from a reader tokenizer.
- scanValue(ReaderTokenizer, PropertyDesc.TypeCode, Class<?>) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- scanValue(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Scans a value of the type associated with the property from a
- scanValue(ReaderTokenizer) - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Scans a value of the type associated with the property from a
- scanVector3dList(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
- scanWidget(String, ReaderTokenizer, Deque<ScanToken>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- scanWord() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and checks that it is a word.
- scanWord(String) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and checks that it is a specific word.
- scanWordOrQuotedString(char) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Reads the next token and checks that it is either a word or a quoted
string delimited by the specified quote character.
- scanWords(ReaderTokenizer) - Static method in class maspack.util.Scan
Reads a set of words values, enclosed in square brackets [ ]
and returns them as an array of Strings.
- ScanWriteTemplate - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Template ModelComponent instance illustrating the code needed to implement
scan and write.
- ScanWriteTemplate() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteTemplate
- ScanWriteTemplate(ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteTemplate
- ScanWriteUtils - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ScanWriteUtils() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
- ScanWriteUtils.ClassInfo<C> - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
- ScapulothoracicJoint - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ScapulothoracicJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- ScapulothoracicJointFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- ScapulothoracicJointFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJointFactory
- Scheduler - Class in artisynth.core.driver
- Scheduler(Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- Scheduler.Action - Enum in artisynth.core.driver
- schedulerActionPerformed(Scheduler.Action) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- schedulerActionPerformed(Scheduler.Action) - Method in interface artisynth.core.driver.SchedulerListener
- schedulerActionPerformed(Scheduler.Action) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- SchedulerListener - Interface in artisynth.core.driver
- Schutte1993Muscle - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Schutte1993Muscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- Schutte1993MuscleFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- Schutte1993MuscleFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993MuscleFactory
- screenShot(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- screwLinearInterpolate(DualQuaternion, double, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Screw Linear Interpolation ScLERP between two dual quaternions t represent
the normalized distance between the two (t=0.5 is half-way), q =
- SCRIPT_FOLDER_TAG - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- SCRIPT_FOLDER_TAG_FILE - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- SCRIPT_FOLDER_TAG_MAX_ROWS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- SCRIPT_FOLDER_TAG_SCROLLING - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- SCRIPT_TAG - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- SCRIPT_TAG_ARGS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- SCRIPT_TAG_FILE - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser
- ScriptDialog - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
Dialog that lets a user choose scripts to add to the script menu.
- ScriptDialog(ModelScriptMenuEditor, ScriptEntry, File, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptDialog
- ScriptDialogBase - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
Base class for dialogs that let users choose Jython scripts
- ScriptDialogBase.ScriptDesc - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ScriptEntry - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ScriptEntry() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- ScriptEntry(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- ScriptFolderDialog - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
Dialog that lets a user add or edit a scriptFolder entry for the model menu.
- ScriptFolderDialog(ModelScriptMenuEditor, ScriptFolderEntry, File, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderDialog
- ScriptFolderEntry - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- ScriptFolderEntry(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderEntry
- scrollDown() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Scroll down by one line
- ScrollPaneLayout - Class in maspack.widgets
This is an override of ScrollPaneLayout which fixes a bug that occurs when a
window containing a scroll pane is repacked.
- ScrollPaneLayout() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ScrollPaneLayout
- scrollUp() - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Scroll up by one line
- SDGridTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- SDGridTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.SDGridTest
- second - Variable in class maspack.util.Pair
- second() - Method in class maspack.util.Pair
- secondPKToCauchyStress(SymmetricMatrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d, DeformedPoint) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.FemMaterial
Computes the Cauchy stress from the second Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor,
according to the formula
sigma = 1/J F sigma F^T
- SegmentedPlanarConnector - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a 5 DOF connector in which the origin of C is constrained to lie
on a piecewise linear surface defined by a piecewise linear curve in the x-z
plane of D.
- SegmentedPlanarConnector() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
Creates a SegmentedPlanarConnector
which is not attached to any
- SegmentedPlanarConnector(RigidBody, Vector3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, double[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
Creates a SegmentedPlanarConnector
connecting two rigid bodies,
and bodyB
- SegmentedPlanarConnector(RigidBody, Vector3d, RigidTransform3d, double[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
Creates a SegmentedPlanarConnector
connecting a single rigid
body, bodyA
, to ground.
- SegmentedPlanarConnector(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, double[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
Creates a SegmentedPlanarConnector
connecting two connectable
bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
- SegmentedPlanarCoupling - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
- SegmentedPlanarCoupling() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
- SegmentedPlanarCoupling(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
- SegmentedPlaneDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- SegmentedPlaneDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.SegmentedPlaneDemo
- segmentsIntersect(Polygon3dCalc.PolyNode, Polygon3dCalc.PolyNode, Polygon3dCalc.PolyNode, Vertex3dNode, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- segmentsIntersect(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, double, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- segmentsOverlap(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- SegmentSpec() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.SegmentSpec
- select() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
Select a track for moving it around or grouping it with others.
- SelectableComponentPanel - Class in artisynth.core.gui
- SelectableComponentPanel() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.SelectableComponentPanel
- SelectComponentPanelHandler - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Create a class that handles selecting components through a panel in the main
- SelectComponentPanelHandler(Main, MainFrame) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.SelectComponentPanelHandler
- selectControlPoint(int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleBodyAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleFemAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AxialSpringAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ExcitationTargetAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemNodeSelectionAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MotionTargetComponentAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleElementAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyConnectorAgent
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SelectableComponentPanel
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionListener
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
- selectionChanged(SelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- SelectionEvent - Class in artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager
- SelectionEvent(ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionEvent
- SelectionEvent(LinkedList<ModelComponent>, LinkedList<ModelComponent>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionEvent
- SelectionFilter - Interface in artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager
- SelectionListener - Interface in artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager
- SelectionManager - Class in artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager
- SelectionManager() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- SelectionPopup - Class in artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager
- SelectionPopup(SelectionManager, Component) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionPopup
- SelectionPopup(SelectionManager, Component, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionPopup
- SelectionToolbar - Class in artisynth.core.driver
- SelectionToolbar(Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.SelectionToolbar
- selectKnot(CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot) - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- selectPath(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- selectWidget(JComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SelectableComponentPanel
- selectWidget(JComponent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- Self - Static variable in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable
Group specifying self-collision
- SelfCollision - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SelfCollision() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SelfCollision
- SeparatorEntry - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- SeparatorEntry() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.SeparatorEntry
- SeparatorEntry(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.SeparatorEntry
- sepAxisHist - Variable in class maspack.collision.CollisionMetrics
- SEQUENCE_DELIMINATION - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- SERIES_NUMBER - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- SERIES_TIME - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- set(GeometryInertiaPanel.GeometrySettings) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel.GeometrySettings
- set(float[], Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer.LineInfo
- set(QLVBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- set(CollisionBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- set(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameBlock
- set(Frame, Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- set(Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- set(FrameState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- set(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- set(JointCoordinateHandle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- set(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModelState
- set(MeshBase, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- set(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- set(RigidBody, Vector3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
Sets this PlanarConnectorX to connect two rigid bodies.
- set(RigidBody, Vector3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
Sets this PlanarConnectorX to connect a rigid body with the world frame.
- set(RigidBody, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- set(PointState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- set(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- set(RigidBody, Vector3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
Sets this SegmentedPlanarConnector to connect two rigid bodies.
- set(RigidBody, Vector3d, RigidTransform3d, double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
Sets this SegmentedPlanarConnector to connect a rigid body with the world
- set(int, C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- set(int, C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- set(ComponentState) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentState
Sets this state by copying the value from an existing state object.
- set(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- set(CompositeState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
- set(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Sets this contact point to correspond to a specific position in world
coordinates, with no mesh vertices.
- set(Vertex3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Sets this contact point to correspond to a single mesh vertex.
- set(ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Sets this contact point to be identical to another contact point.
- set(Point3d, Face, Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Sets this contact point to correspond to point on a mesh face, with
specified barycentric coordinates.
- set(Point3d, HalfEdge, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Sets this contact point to correspond to a point on a mesh half edge.
- set(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.EmptyState
Sets this state by copying the value from an existing state object.
- set(PropertyDesc, Class<?>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyDesc
- set(NumericState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- set(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- set(int, C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- set(double, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- set(DemoFileEntry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.DemoFileEntry
- set(MenuEntry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- set(MenuNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- set(ModelEntry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- set(PackageEntry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- set(ScriptEntry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- set(ScriptFolderEntry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderEntry
- set(double[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.NaturalCubicSpline
Sets the spline knot locations
- set(double[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PiecewiseLinearFunction
Sets the knot locations
- set(Property[], String[], String[], int[], PlotTraceInfo[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- set(Property[], String[], String[], int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- set(Property[], String[], String[], int[], PlotTraceInfo[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- set(Property[], String[], String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- set(Property[], String[], String[], PlotTraceInfo[], boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- set(Point3d, Point3d, int) - Method in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- set(Point3d, Point3d, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- set(int, int, int, LinkedHashSet<T>) - Method in class maspack.collision.AccelerationGrid
- set(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets this URI to the provided one
- set(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets this URI to the encoded string representation
- set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.function.CubicFunction1x1
- set(double, double) - Method in class maspack.function.LinearFunction1x1
- set(Boundable[], int, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- set(AABB, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- set(DistanceGrid) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Sets this distance grid to be a copy of an existing grid.
- set(Point3d, Point3d, Vector3d, DistanceGrid) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.TangentProblem
- set(Vertex3d[], int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Creates a face from a counter-clockwise list of vertices.
- set(InterpolatingGridBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Sets this grid base to be a copy of an existing one.
- set(int, boolean, int, boolean, double[], int[], double, double, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Curve
For testing ...
- set(MatrixNdGrid) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MatrixNdGrid
- set(int, int, Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.VertexSet
- set(int, int, Vector4d[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurve2d
Sets this NURBS curve to either an open or closed curve with a specified
degree, knots, and control points.
- set(NURBSCurve2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurve2d
- set(NURBSCurve3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurve3d
- set(int, Vector4d[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Sets this NURBS curve to an open curve with a specified degree, knot
points, and control points.
- set(int, int, Vector4d[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Sets this NURBS curve to either an open or closed curve with a specified
degree, knots, and control points.
- set(WavefrontReader.Curve, Vector4d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
- set(NURBSSurface, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSMesh
- set(int, double[], int, double[], Vector4d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Sets this NURBS surface using degree and knot values in the u and v
directions, along with control points.
- set(int, int, double[], int, int, double[], Vector4d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Sets this NURBS surface using degree and knot values in the u and v
directions, along with control points.
- set(WavefrontReader.Surface, Vector4d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
- set(MeshBase, double, OBB.Method) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Sets this OBB to contain the points for a mesh.
- set(Point3d[], double, OBB.Method) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- set(Boundable[], int, double, OBB.Method) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- set(Point3d[], Vector3d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
Sets the vertex points and normals associated with this mesh.
- set(Polygon2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- set(Point2d[], int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- set(Collection<? extends Point2d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- set(Collection<? extends Point3d>, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- set(Polygon3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- set(Point3d[], int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- set(Collection<P>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3d
- set(Point3d[], int[][]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Sets the vertex points and faces associated with this mesh.
- set(double[][], int[][]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Sets the vertex points and faces associated with this mesh.
- set(Vertex3d[], int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polyline
Creates a line a list of vertices.
- set(Point3d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Sets this mesh to a single polyline indicated by the specified
vertex points.
- set(Point3d[], int[][]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Sets the vertex points and lines associated with this mesh.
- set(Rectangle2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Rectangle2d
- set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Rectangle2d
- set(ScalarGrid) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
- set(Vector3d, RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledRigidTransformer3d
- set(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScaledTranslation3d
- set(VectorGrid<T>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Sets this grid to be a copy of an existing grid.
- set(VectorNdGrid) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorNdGrid
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- set(Collection<Vector3d>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- set(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- set(CubicHermiteSpline1d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Sets this spline to be a copy of another spline.
- set(double, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
- set(double[], ArrayList<? extends Vector3d>, ArrayList<Vector3d>) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Sets this spline from specified values of s, x and dxds at each knot
- set(CubicHermiteSpline3d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Sets this spline to be a copy of another spline.
- set(Interpolation) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Sets this interpolation to the value of another interpolation.
- set(double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d.Knot
- set(double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Sets this spline from specified values of x and y at each knot point.
- set(LinearSpline1d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d
Sets this spline to be a copy of another spline.
- set(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d.Knot
- set(double[], List<? extends Vector3d>) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Sets this spline from specified values of s and x at each knot point.
- set(LinearSpline3d) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Sets this spline to be a copy of another spline.
- set(RigidTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
Sets this affine transform to the rigid body transform described by X.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(RigidTransform2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Sets this affine transform to the rigid body transform described by X.
- set(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Sets this affine transform to the rigid body transform described by X.
- set(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Sets this AxisAngle to the prescribed values.
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Sets this AxisAngle to the prescribed values.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Sets this AxisAngle to the prescribed values.
- set(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Sets this AxisAngle to the prescribed values.
- set(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Sets this AxisAngle to the values of another AxisAngle.
- set(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Sets this AxisAngle to the values appropriate for the specified rotation
- set(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Sets this AxisAngle to the values appropriate for the specified
- set(double[], int, RotationRep, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Sets this AxisAngle from a set of doubles implementing a given rotation
- set(int, int, double) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.DenseMatrix
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(Vector) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.DenseMatrix
Sets the size and values of this matrix to correspond to those of vector
- set(double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.DenseMatrix
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(double[][]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets the elements of this matrix from a 2-dimensional array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of another matrix.
- set(Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets the size and values of this matrix to correspond to those of vector
- set(double[], int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles and a list of
- set(double, Vector3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Sets parameters according to supplied values
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Sets parameters based on the 8-element array of vals:
- set(DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Copies an existing dual quaternion
- set(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Sets the values of this dual quaternion to represent the supplied rigid
- set(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Sets values based on real and dual quaternions
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Sets the value at the supplied index, 1-4 are real parameters,
5-7 are dual.
- set(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Assigns to dual number a+e*b
- set(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Copies values from d
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Assigns to dual number v[0]+e*v[1]
- set(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- set(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- set(Line) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- set(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Sets this Line3d to the prescribed values.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Sets this Line3d to the prescribed values.
- set(Vector3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Sets this Line3d to the prescribed values.
- set(Line3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
Sets this Line3d to the values of another Line3d.
- set(Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of another matrix.
- set(double[], int[], int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles and a list of
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
- set(Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Sets the contents of this Matrix1x1 to those of a specified block.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
- set(Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Sets the contents of this Matrix1x3Block to those of a specified block.
- set(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Sets the contents of this Matrix1x3 from a Vector3d.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
- set(Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Sets the contents of this Matrix1x6 to those of a specified block.
- set(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Sets the contents of this Matrix1x6 from two Vector3ds.
- set(Matrix2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets this vector to v1
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Sets the matrix elements
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Sets the values of this matrix to those of matrix M.
- set(Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Sets the values of this matrix to those of matrix M.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
- set(Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Sets the contents of this Matrix2x3Block to those of a specified block.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
- set(Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Sets the contents of this Matrix2x6 to those of a specified block.
- set(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets the values of this matrix.
- set(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets this vector to v1
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Sets the values of this matrix to those of matrix M.
- set(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Sets the values of this matrix to those of matrix M.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
- set(Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Sets the contents of this Matrix3x1 to those of a specified block.
- set(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Sets the contents of this Matrix3x1 from a Vector3d.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
- set(Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Sets the contents of this Matrix3x2 to those of a specified block.
- set(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
- set(Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Sets the contents of this Matrix3x4 to those of a specified block.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
- set(Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Sets the contents of this Matrix3x6 to those of a specified block.
- set(Matrix4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets this vector to v1
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Sets the values of this matrix to those of matrix M.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of another matrix.
- set(Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Sets the contents of this Matrix4x3 to those of a specified block.
- set(Matrix6d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets this vector to v1
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of another matrix.
- set(Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Sets the values of this matrix to those of matrix M.
- set(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of another matrix.
- set(Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Sets the contents of this Matrix6x1 to those of a specified block.
- set(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Sets the contents of this Matrix6x1 from two Vector3ds.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of another matrix.
- set(Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Sets the contents of this Matrix6x2 to those of a specified block.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of another matrix.
- set(Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Sets the contents of this Matrix6x3 to those of a specified block.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of another matrix.
- set(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of matrix M.
- set(Plane) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Sets this plane to the values of another plane.
- set(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Sets the plane to the indicated normal direction and offset.
- set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Sets the plane to the indicated normal direction and offset.
- set(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Sets this plane to pass through a particular point with a specified normal
- set(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Sets this plane to the x-y plane defined by a RigidTransformation.
- set(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
Sets this plane to pass through three non-colinear points arranged
counter-clockwise around the normal.
- set(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition3d
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets a single element of this quaternion.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets the elements of this quaternion from an array of doubles.
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets the elements of this quaternion from an array of doubles, starting
from a particular location.
- set(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets the values of this quaternion to those of q1.
- set(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
- set(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to a unit quaternion corresponding to a specified
- set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets the elements of this quaternion to the prescribed values.
- set(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets the elements of this quaternion to the prescribed values.
- set(double[], int, RotationRep, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets this Quaternion from a set of doubles implementing a given rotation
- set(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one represented by the quaternion q.
- set(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation explicitly from the supplied matrix entries.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
- set(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- set(double[], int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- set(SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Sets this SparseBlockMatrix to a copy of another SparseBlockMatrix.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets a single element of this matrix.
- set(double[], int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles and a list of
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets the values of this matrix from an existing general matrix M.
- set(SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets the values of this matrix from an existing SparseCRSMatrix M.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixBase
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of another matrix.
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
- set(double[], int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles and a list of
- set(int[], int[], double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix from two index arrays and an array of
doubles that contain, respectively, the row index, column index, and
numeric value for each non-zero entry.
- set(SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets the size and values of this matrix to those of matrix M.
- set(SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles,
starting from a particular location.
- set(SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the size and values of this vector to those of v1.
- set(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix from the the diagonal and upper
off-diagonal elements of M.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- set(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets the values of this matrix from the specified diagonal and uppper
off-diagonal values.
- set(int, double) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(double[], int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles,
starting from a particular location.
- set(Vector) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Sets the values of this vector to those of another vector.
- set(Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Sets the values of this vector to those of a matrix object.
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles,
starting from a particular location.
- set(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the values of this vector to those of v1.
- set(VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the values of this vector from the elements of a general length
vector v1, starting at a specified index.
- set(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector to the prescribed values.
- set(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of ints.
- set(Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the values of this vector to those of v1.
- set(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector to the prescribed values.
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles,
starting from a particular location.
- set(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the values of this vector to those of v1.
- set(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the values of this vector to those of v1.
- set(VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the values of this vector from the elements of a general length
vector v1, starting at a specified index.
- set(Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector from a Matrix3x1.
- set(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector to the prescribed values.
- set(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of ints.
- set(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the values of this vector to those of v1.
- set(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the values of this vector to those of v1, converting to integer
using regular cast conversion.
- set(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector to the prescribed values.
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles,
starting from a particular location.
- set(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the values of this vector to those of v1.
- set(VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the values of this vector from the elements of a general length
vector v1, starting at a specified index.
- set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to the prescribed values.
- set(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to the prescribed values.
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Sets the values of this vector to those of another vector.
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Sets the values of this vector to those of a matrix object.
- set(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(int[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(Vectori) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Sets the values of this vector to those of another vector.
- set(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(Vectori) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Sets the values of this vector to those of another vector.
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(float[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of floats.
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles,
starting from a particular location.
- set(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the size and values of this vector to those of v1.
- set(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets a single element of this vector.
- set(int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of doubles.
- set(int[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector from an array of ints,
starting from a particular location.
- set(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the size and values of this vector to those of v1.
- set(T) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorObject
Sets this vector to v1
- set(Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- set(Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.GenericPropertyHandle
- set(HasProperties[]) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- set(Iterable<? extends HasProperties>) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- set(Object) - Method in interface maspack.properties.Property
Sets the value associated with this property.
- set(PropertyDesc, Class<?>) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Sets this PropertyDesc from an existing one and a
a specified host class.
- set(PropertyInfo, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- set(PropertyInfo, Object, PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- set(PropTreeData) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- set(TestRenderInfo) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- set(BumpMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.BumpMapProps
- set(ColorMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- set(GL3, ByteBuffer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.UniformBufferObject
- set(GridResolution) - Method in class maspack.render.GridResolution
- set(double, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GridResolution
Sets the resolution.
- set(float[], float[], float[], float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- set(Color, Color, Color, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- set(Material) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- set(NormalMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.NormalMapProps
- set(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- set(TextureMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- SET - Static variable in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
Flag indicating that selected objects should be set to the
current selection.
- set(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
- set(ContactInfo) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
- set(FrictionInfo) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
- set(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets a single element of this spatial inertia.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
- set(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
- set(Matrix6d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to be identical to be identical to another one.
- set(Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to be identical to be identical to another one.
- set(SpatialInertia) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to be identical to be identical to another one.
- set(double, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to have a specific mass and rotational inertia.
- set(double, SymmetricMatrix3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to have a specific mass, rotational inertia, and
center of mass.
- set(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to have a specific mass and a diagonal
rotational inertia with the indicated element values.
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets a single element of this spatial vector.
- set(double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets the elements of this spatial vector from an array of doubles.
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets the elements of this spatial vector from an array of doubles,
starting from a particular location.
- set(Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets the value of this spatial vector from the contents of a Matrix6x1.
- set(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Sets the values of this twist to the specified component values.
- set(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Sets the values of this twist to the specified component values.
- set(Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Sets the values of this twist to those of twist tw.
- set(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Sets this twist to a representation of a rigid spatial transformation.
- set(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Sets the values of this wrench to the specified component values.
- set(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Sets the values of this wrench to the specified component values.
- set(Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Sets the values of this wrench to those of wrench tw.
- set(E[]) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
Initializes a heap from an array
- set(Collection<E>) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
- set(DataBuffer) - Method in class maspack.util.DataBuffer
- set(double, double) - Method in class maspack.util.DoubleInterval
Sets this DoubleRange so that it accepts any value in the closed interval
[lower, upper].
- set(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.util.DoubleInterval
Sets this DoubleRange to the value of any NumericRange.
- set(double, double, String) - Method in class maspack.util.DoubleInterval
Sets this DoubleRange so that it accepts any value within a specified
- set(int, T) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Sets the value at the given index.
- set(int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
Sets the value at index idx
to the provided e
- set(int, byte) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
Sets the value at index idx
to the provided e
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
Sets the value at index idx
to the provided e
- set(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
Sets the value at index idx
to the provided e
- set(int[]) - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Initializes a heap from an array of data indices
- set(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Sets this IntRange so that it accepts any value in the closed interval
[lower, upper].
- set(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Sets this IntRange from the value of an existing NumericInterval.
- set(T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList.Link
- set(int, T) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- set(String) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Sets the format characteristics according to the supplied String.
- set(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Sets this formatter to have the same settings as the formatter supplied by
the argument.
- set(Random) - Static method in class maspack.util.RandomGenerator
- set(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabelSpacing
- set(int, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabelSpacing
- set(MouseBindings) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- set(int, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VoidVector
- set(double[], int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VoidVector
- set1DFrictionForce(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- set1DFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- set2D(int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
- set2DFrictionForce(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- set2DFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- SET_OPTION - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- setA(int, int) - Method in class maspack.function.PolyFunction1x1Base
- setA(RotationMatrix3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Sets the A matrix of this transformation from rotation, scale, and shear
components, so that
- setAbortOnInvertedElements(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setAbortOnInvertedElements(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- setAbortOnInvertedElements(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setABPointColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the color to be used for rendering A/B points.
- setAcceleration(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets a desired acceleration for collision response which will be used to
automatically compute collision compliance if the specified compliance
(as returned by
) is zero.
- setAcceleration(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets a desired acceleration for collision response which will be used to
automatically compute collision compliance if the specified compliance
(as returned by
) is zero.
- setAccelerationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setAccelerationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setAction(MouseBindings.MouseAction, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- setActivation1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- setActivation1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- setActivation2(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- setActivation2(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- setActivations(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setActivations(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setActivations(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setActivations(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setActivationTimeConstant(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setActivationTimeConstant(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- setActivationTimeConstant(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgentBase
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- setActiveForceLengthCurve(CubicHermiteSpline1d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
Sets the active force length curve for this material, or removes it if
is set to null
- setActiveForceLengthCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- setActiveForceLengthCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.RigidTendonMuscle
- setActiveForceLengthCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- setActiveForces(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Sets the generalized forces acting on all the active components in this
- setActiveForces(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Sets the generalized forces acting on all the active components in this
- setActivePosState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Sets the current position state for all active components.
- setActivePosState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Sets the current position state for all active components.
- setActiveProbeExist(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setActiveVelState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Sets the current velocity state for all active components.
- setActiveVelState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Sets the current velocity state for all active components.
- setActiveWayPointExist(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setActivity(MotionTarget.TargetActivity) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTarget
- setActivity(int) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setAdaptivelyRebuildA(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Sets whether A should be adaptively rebuilt at the beginning of each
- setAdaptiveStepping(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setAddConstraintForces(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setAddFrameMarkerStiffness(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets whether frame marker rotational effects are added to the stiffness
- setAf(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- setAf(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setAf(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setAffine(int, AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Sets the affine position by reference
- setAjlCollision(boolean) - Static method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshCollider
Enables the default use of AJL collisions.
- setAlignDraggersToPoints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- setAlignDraggersToPoints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- setAlignDraggersToPoints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setAll(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to a specific value.
- setAll(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector to a specific value.
- setAll() - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Initializes a heap, adding all entries
- setAllInputProbes() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setAllMutable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setAllNodes(FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FaceNodes3d
- setAllowedTypes(List<Class<?>>) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setAllSegmentsWrappable(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets all segments in this spring to be wrappable with a specified number
of knots.
- setAllTracksExpanded(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- setAllTracksExpanded(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setAllTracksMuted(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setAlpha(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- setAlpha(double) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setAlpha(double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setAlpha(Renderable, double) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setAlpha(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
- setAlpha1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha1Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha1Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha2(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha2Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha2Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha3(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha3Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha3Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha4(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha4Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha4Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha5(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha5Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha5Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha6(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha6Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlpha6Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setAlphaMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setAlphaMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setAlternate(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Enables 'alternate' formatting.
- setAlwaysAdjustBodyA(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the connector to explicitly adjust body A's pose only when
pose needs to be manually corrected to account for constraints.
- setAlwaysAnalyze(boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setAlwaysOnTop(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- setAmbient(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setAmbient(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setAmbient(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setAmbientPower(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setAmplitude(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- setAncestor(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
Sets the ancestor component associated with this component list.
- setAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- setAngle(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- setAnimator(GLAnimatorControl) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setAnnotated(boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentState
Requests that this state be annotated.
- setAnnotated(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeState
Requests that this state be annotated.
- setAnnotated(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
Requests that this state be annotated.
- setAntialiasing(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
Enable or disable antialiasing in the graphics pipeline
- setAntialiasing(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentText
- setAntialiasing(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
Enable or disable antialiasing in the backing image store
- setAntiAliasingSamples(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- setAppearance(Appearance) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasAppearance
Sets visibility properties in OpenSim 4.0
- setAppearance(Appearance) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasVisibleObjectOrAppearance
Sets visibility properties in OpenSim 4.0
- setAppliesForce(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceBase
- setApplyEuler(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
- setApplyEuler(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
- setApplyEuler(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FreeCoupling
- setApplyEuler(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- setApplyScaling(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets whether or not Pardiso should apply matrix scaling to its
- setApplyWeightedMatchings(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets whether or not Pardiso should apply weighted matching to its
- setAppropriateColor() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setAppropriateShadow(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setAppropSizeAndLocation(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setArgs(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.RunScriptDialog
- setArgs(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- setArrowSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorForceRenderer
- setArrowSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- setArticulatedTransforms(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- setArticulatedTransforms(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- setArticulatedTransformsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setAttached(DynamicAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- setAttached(DynamicAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setAttached(DynamicAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- setAttached(DynamicAttachment) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Attach this component to another via a DynamicAttachment object.
- setAttached(DynamicAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- setAttached(DynamicAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- setAttached(DynamicAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GenericMarker
- setAttachedBody(RigidBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
Attaches this geometry panel to a specified RigidBody, so that changes in
this panel will directly modify the geometry and inertia settings of that
- setAttachedFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- setAttachedFileName(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- setAttachedFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- setAttachedFileName(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- setAttachedFileName(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- setAttachedFileName(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- setAttachedFileName(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- setAttachedFileName(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- setAttachedFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setAttachedGeometry(GeometryList) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Frame
- setAttachFrameA(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setAttachFrameB(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setAttachment(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- setAttachPointsToMesh(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- setAttenuation(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setAttenuation(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setAudioFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets the path name for the audio save file.
- setAudioNormalized(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets whether audio must be normalized.
- setAudioOptions(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- setAudioSampleRate(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets the audio sampling rate in Hz.
- setAuthenticator(FileSystemOptions, UserAuthenticator) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- setAuthority(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the encoded authority string
- setAutoGenerateSurface(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setAutoRanging(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setAutoRangingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- setAutoRangingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- setAutoRangingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.NumericFieldSlider
- setAutoRepackEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
Sets whether auto repacking is enabled.
- setAutoResizeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Allows you to explicitly enable or disable resizing of viewer
(may want to disable while recording video or while selecting)
- setAutoSized(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Enables or disables auto cell sizing for this grid.
- setAutoSwapBufferMode(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Enables or disables automatic buffer swapping
- setAutoSwapBufferMode(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Enable or disable the GL Canvas auto-swap mode
- setAutoSwapBufferMode(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setAutoViewportEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Allows you to explicitly enable or disable automatic viewport
adjustment based on screen width/height
(may want to disable while recording video or while selecting)
- setAutoWrite(boolean) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setAuxAdvanceState(DataBuffer) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- setAuxAdvanceState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setAuxFile(String) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setAuxVarState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
If this component has auxiliary variables, sets them from the values in
, starting at the location idx
- setAuxVarState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- setAuxVarState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setAuxVarState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
If this component has auxiliary variables, sets them from the values in
, starting at the location idx
- setAuxVarState(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasNumericState
If this component has auxiliary variables, sets them from the values in
, starting at the location idx
- setAverageDetF(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- setAveragePressure(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- setAxes(GimbalCoupling.AxisSet) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.FreeCoupling
- setAxes(GimbalCoupling.AxisSet) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- setAxes(UniversalCoupling.AxisSet) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
- setAxialMuscleMaterialProps(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setAxialView(AxisAlignedRotation) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets an axial (or axis-aligned) view.
- setAxialView(AxisAlignedRotation) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets an axial (or axis-aligned) view.
- setAxialView(AxisAlignedRotation) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- setAxis(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.TransformAxis
- setAxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to a unit quaternion corresponding to a specified
- setAxisAngle(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to a unit quaternion corresponding to a specified
axis-angle rotation.
- setAxisAngle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to a unit quaternion corresponding to a specified
axis-angle rotation.
- setAxisAngle(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by rotating about an axis.
- setAxisAngle(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by rotating about an axis.
- setAxisAngle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets the rotation to one produced by rotating about an axis.
- setAxisAngle(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets the rotation to one produced by rotating about an axis.
- setAxisAnglePrecise(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by rotating about an axis.
- setAxisDrawStyle(Renderer.AxisDrawStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setAxisDrawStyle(Renderer.AxisDrawStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setAxisDrawStyle(Renderer.AxisDrawStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- setAxisDrawStyle(Renderer.AxisDrawStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setAxisDrawStyle(Renderer.AxisDrawStyle) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setAxisLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setAxisLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- setAxisLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- setAxisLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setAxisLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setAxisLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setAxisLength(double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the length used for rendering coordinate axes in this viewer.
- setAxisLength(double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the length used for rendering coordinate axes in this viewer.
- setAxisRadiusRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setAxisRadiusRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setAxisRadiusRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setAxisRadiusRatio(double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets a ratio which can be used to determine the radius for an axis when
the radius is not explicitly specified.
- setAxisRadiusRatio(double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets a ratio which can be used to determine the radius for an axis when
the radius is not explicitly specified.
- setAxisRadiusRatio(double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
Sets a ratio which can be used to determine the radius for an axis when
the radius is not explicitly specified.
- setBackColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setBackColor(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Optionally sets the diffuse and ambient colors used for the subsequent
rendering of the back faces of triangles.
- setBackColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBackColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBackColor(Renderable, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBackColor(Renderable, float[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBackColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setBackColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBackColorMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBackForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setBackgroundAll(Color) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Sets the background of this control and all its subcomponents, except for
JTextFields, where setting the background would obscure the text field.
- setBackgroundAlpha(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Sets the transparency for the background of this probe
- setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- setBackgroundColor() - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- setBackgroundColor(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setBackgroundColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the background color for this viewer.
- setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the background color for this viewer.
- setBackgroundColor(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the background color for this viewer.
- setBackgroundColor(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the background color for this viewer.
- setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- setBackgroundColor() - Method in class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- setBackHeight(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- setBackPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setBackRestPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setBackVelocity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- SetBase<E extends OpenSimObject> - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- SetBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
- SetBaseFactory<F extends SetBase<C>,C extends OpenSimObject> - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
Factory for creating instance of a given Set
- setBaseFunction(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MultiplierFunction
- setBaseMaterial(FemMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- setBaseMaterial(FemMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- setBasePose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo
Sets the base pose for this frame.
- setBasePose(Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the base pose of a
based master body.
- setBasePosition(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Sets the base position for this attachment.
- setBaseTitle(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
set the main frame title
- setBaseURI(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the nested base URI to the provided one.
- setBaseWeight(double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment
Sets the base weight for this attachment.
- setBasisFunctions(Diff2Function3x1[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- setBehavior(Collidable, Collidable, CollisionBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setBehavior(Collidable, Collidable, boolean, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- setBehavior(MechModel, Collidable, Collidable, boolean, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- setBezier(int, Vector4d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Sets this curve to a piecewise Bezier curve with a prescribed degree and
set of control points.
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the bilateral forces that were computed to enforce this
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Sets the bilateral forces that were computed to enforce this
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Supplies to the system the most recently computed bilateral constraint
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimpleCoordinateCoupler
- setBilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets the bilateral constraint forces (i.e., Lagrange multipliers) that
have been computed for this coupling.
- setBilateralVertexContact(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Set whether bilateral constraints should be used for vertex-based
- setBilateralVertexContact(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Set whether bilateral constraints should be used for vertex-based
- setBilateralVertexContactMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setBilateralVertexContactMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setBinary(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.StlWriter
- setBindings(MouseBindings) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- setBindings(MouseBindings) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MouseSettingsDialog
- setBindings(MouseBindings) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
- setBindings(MouseBindings) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- setBitPix(short) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setBlendDestFactor(GLViewer.BlendFactor) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setBlendDestFactor(GLViewer.BlendFactor) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- setBlendDestFactor(GLViewer.BlendFactor) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setBlendSourceFactor(GLViewer.BlendFactor) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setBlendSourceFactor(GLViewer.BlendFactor) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- setBlendSourceFactor(GLViewer.BlendFactor) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- setBlockCol(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- setBlockNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
- setBlockPivoting(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- setBlockPivoting(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
- setBlockRow(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
- setBlueInput(MappedPixelGenerator.VoxelInput) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setBlueValueIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setBodies(RigidBody, RigidBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyConnectorAgent
- setBodies(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Attaches two rigid bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
, to this
- setBodies(ConnectableBody, FrameAttachment, ConnectableBody, FrameAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Attaches two connectable bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
, to this
connector, using explicitly specified Frame
attachments to attach
the connector frames C and D to the coordinate frames A and B of the two
- setBodies(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Attaches two connectable bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
, to this
- setBodies(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Attaches two connectable bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
, to this
- setBodiesDynamic(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Sets the dynamic
property of all the bodies associated
with this probe.
- setBodiesDynamic(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Sets the dynamic
property of all the bodies associated
with this solver.
- setBodiesNonDynamicIfActive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Sets whether the dynamic
property of the bodies associated with
this probe is set false/true
depending on whether the probe is
- setBody(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- setBody(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathPoint
- setBody1(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setBody1(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- setBody2(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setBody2(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- setBodyFaceContact(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setBodyFaceContact(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setBodyFaceContact(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.MultiCollisionTest
- setBodyInertia(RigidBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
Sets the inertia of a rigid body based on the settings in this panel.
- setBodySet(BodySet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- setBodyVel(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- setBodyVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setBodyVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Sets the velocity of the frame in body coordinates.
- setBoolean(boolean) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setBorderColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
- setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setBorderColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setBottomObject(SimpleCollide.ObjectType) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- setBoundaryMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setBounds(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setBounds(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.NonuniformBoundsTerm
- setBounds(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setBounds(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerPanel
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerPanel
- setBoundsForCurve(double[], Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- setBox(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to correspond to the center of an axis-aligned
box of uniform density.
- setBoxVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithProperties
- setBranchMassDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- setBranchStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- setBreakPoint(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPoint
- setBreakSpeed(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets the minimum speed normal to the constraint surface required to
disengage a unilateral constraint.
- setBrightness(double) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
Brightness value to use for interpolation
- setBrightnessRange(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
Sets the greyscale range [min, max].
- setBrightnessRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class maspack.render.color.GreyscaleColorMap
Sets the greyscale range [min, max].
- setBuffer(int, int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Explicitly sets the size and internal buffer associated with this matrix.
- setBuffer(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Explicitly sets the size and internal buffer associated with this vector.
- setBuffer(int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Explicitly sets the size and internal buffer associated with this vector.
- setBufferSize(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Sets maximum number of lines to store
- setBuildArgs(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.LoadModelDialog
- setBuildArgs(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- setBuildArgs(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- setBulkModulus(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- setBulkModulusField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- setBulkModulusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- setBulkPotential(IncompressibleMaterialBase.BulkPotential) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- setBulkPotentialMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase
- setBumpMap(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- setBumpMap(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- setBumpMap(BumpMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setBumpMap(BumpMapProps) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
If bump mapping is supported, sets up bump mapping according
to the properties specified by props
, or removes
bump mapping if props
is null
- setBumpMap(BumpMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBumpMap(Renderable, BumpMapProps) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBumpMap(BumpMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setBumpMapEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setBumpMapEnabled(Renderable, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBumpMapEnabledMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBumpMapFileName(Renderable, String) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBumpMapFileNameMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setBundlesActive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setBundlesActive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setBvhToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Sets the transform that converts points from the local coordinates of
this tree to world coordinates.
- setByte(byte) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setByteChar(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
Sets whether or not this stream uses byte-length characters as opposed to
2-byte word characters.
- setByteChar(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryOutputStream
Sets whether or not this stream uses byte-length characters as opposed to
2-byte word characters.
- setC(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setC01(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC01Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC01Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC02(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC02Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC02Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- setC1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC10(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC10Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC10Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC11(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC11Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC11Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC1Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- setC1Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC1Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- setC1Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC2(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- setC2(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC20(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC20Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC20Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setC2Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- setC2Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC2Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- setC2Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC3(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC3Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC3Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC4(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC4Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC4Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC5(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC5Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setC5Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.YeohMaterial
- setCacheFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.RootModelManager
- setCalMax(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setCalMin(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setCanonical(boolean) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Ensure that singular values are positive and sorted from largest to
- setCapacity(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
- setCapacity(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
- setCaptureArea(Rectangle, Dimension) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets the rectangle defining the movie region and what dimensions
to capture the movie to; resizeDim should only be set if rendering
from a GL canvas, otherwise null.
- setCC(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setCCField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setCCMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setCCSValues(double[], int[], int[], int, int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets the contents of this matrix given a set of values in compressed
column storage (CCS).
- setCCSValues(double[], int[], int[], int, int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Sets the contents of this matrix given a set of values in compressed
column storage (CCS).
- setCCSValues(double[], int[], int[], int, int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixBase
Sets the contents of this matrix given a set of values in compressed
column storage (CCS).
- setCenter(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- setCenter(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setCenter(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- setCenter(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- setCenter(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Sets the center of this grid with respect to its local coordinates.
- setCenter(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Sphere
- setCenter(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the center point for the viewer, and adjusts the eye coordinates so
that the eye's -z axis is directed at the center point.
- setCenter(Point3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the center point for the viewer, and adjusts the eye-to-world
transform so that the eye's -z axis is directed at the center point.
- setCenterAndOrientation(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Sets the center and orientation of this grid with respect to local
coordinates, by means of the transform TCL
whose rotation
matrix R
gives the orientation and offset vector
gives the center.
- setCenterOfMass(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setCenterOfMass(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets the center of mass for this spatial inertia.
- setCenterOfMass(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets the center of mass for this spatial inertia.
- setCField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setChar(char) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setCharSetting(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Assigns the settings for a character.
- setCharSettings(String, int[]) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Assigns settings for a set of characters specified by a string.
- setCharSettings(int, int, int[]) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Assigns settings for a set of characters specified by the range
low <= ch <= high
- setChaseTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Sets the chase time.
- setCheckEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setCheckErrors(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- setCheckOrientation(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Sets whether or not element orientation should be checked, and if
possible fixed.
- setChecksPerRun(int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
set the number of files to check per run.
- setCheckState(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
- setChildren(List<Node<T>>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
Sets the children of a Node<T>
- setChooserDirectory(File) - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
- setCipher(Cipher) - Method in class maspack.crypt.GenericCryptor
- setCipher(String) - Method in class maspack.crypt.GenericCryptor
- setCircle(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Sets this curve to an eight-point circle formed using rational cubics.
- setClamped(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setClassFilter(ClassAliases.ClassFilter) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassAliases
- setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Static method in class maspack.util.ClassFinder
Explicitly sets the class loader to be used by this class.
- setClassName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- setClickCount(int) - Method in class maspack.render.PointTool
- setClippingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- setClipPlanes(GL3, Plane[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setClipPlanes(GL3, GLClipPlane[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setClipPlanes(GL3, List<GLClipPlane>) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setClipToGrid(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldBase
Sets whether clip-to-grid is enabled for this grid field.
- setClosed(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- setClosed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- setClosed(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Sets whether or not this spline is closed.
- setCMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setCoefficients(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.LinearFunction
- setCoefficients(double, double) - Method in class maspack.function.LinearFunctionNx1
Sets this function to one with a single argument defined by
- setCoefficients(double[]) - Method in class maspack.function.LinearFunctionNx1
Sets the coefficients of this function.
- setColCapacity(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- setCollidable(Collidable.Collidability) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- setCollidable(Collidable.Collidability) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setCollidable(Collidable.Collidability) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- setCollidable(Collidable.Collidability) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setCollidable(Collidable.Collidability) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- setCollidableIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- setCollidableIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- setCollidableIndex(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableBody
- setCollidableIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setCollidableIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- setCollidablePair(CollidablePair) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionComponent
- setCollidablePair(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionComponent
- setColliderType(CollisionManager.ColliderType) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setColliderType(CollisionManager.ColliderType) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- setColliderType(CollisionManager.ColliderType) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Set the collider type to be used for determining collisions.
- setColliderType(CollisionManager.ColliderType) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Set the collider type to be used for determining collisions.
- setColliderTypeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setColliderTypeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setCollision(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- setCollisionArenaRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setCollisionBehavior(Collidable, Collidable, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Enables or disables collisions for a specified pair of collidables
and c1
, overriding the default behavior or
any behavior specified for the pair with previous
- setCollisionBehavior(Collidable, Collidable, boolean, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the collision behavior for a specified pair of collidables
and c1
, overriding the default behavior and
any behavior specified for the pair with previous
- setCollisionBehavior(Collidable, Collidable, CollisionBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the collision behavior for a specified pair of collidables
and c1
, overriding the default behavior and
any behavior specified for the pair with previous
- setCollisionProperties(MechModel) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SkinCollisionTest
- setCollisionResponse(Collidable, Collidable) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets and returns a collision response for a specified pair of collidables
and c1
, removing any response that has been
previoulsy specified for the same pair.
- setCollisionResponse(Collidable, Collidable, CollisionResponse) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the collision response for a specified pair of collidables
and c1
, removing any response that has been
previoulsy specified for the same pair.
- setCollisions(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemMuscleArm
- SetCollisionsDialog - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
Responsible for editing collsion settings within a MechModel.
- SetCollisionsDialog(Frame, MechModel, ArrayList<Collidable>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.SetCollisionsDialog
- setColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- setColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase
- setColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- setColor(int, float[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets the color corresponding to index idx
- setColor(int, Color) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets the color corresponding to index idx
- setColor(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets the color corresponding to index idx
- setColor(int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets the color corresponding to index idx
- setColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- setColor(float[], boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setColor(float[], boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to the value specified by
, and enables or disables highlighting
according to the value of highlight
- setColor(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to the value specified by
- setColor(Color) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to be used for subsequent rendering
of primitives.
- setColor(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to be used for subsequent rendering
of primitives.
- setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to be used for subsequent rendering
of primitives.
- setColor(int, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, byte[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Updates the values of the color, by reference, with index cidx.
- setColor(int, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, byte[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the color, by reference, with index cidx.
- setColor(int, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(int, byte[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Updates the values of the color with index cidx.
- setColor(float[], boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
- setColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
- setColorArray(Color[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
Sets the list of colors within which to interpolate.
- setColorArray(Color[]) - Method in class maspack.render.color.RainbowColorMap
Sets the list of colors within which to interpolate.
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets the interpolation method to be used for vertex-based coloring.
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the color interpolation method to be used
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the color interpolation to be used by this renderer.
- setColorInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setColorMap(ColorMapBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setColorMap(ColorMapBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- setColorMap(ColorMapBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setColorMap(ColorMapBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- setColorMap(ColorMapBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- setColorMap(ColorMapBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- setColorMap(ColorMapBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setColorMap(ColorMapBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Sets the color mapping for stress/strain plots
- setColorMap(ColorMapBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setColorMap(ColorMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setColorMap(ColorMapProps) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
If color mapping is supported, sets up a color map according
to the properties specified by props
, or removes
any color map if props
is null
- setColorMap(ColorMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setColorMap(Renderable, ColorMapProps) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setColorMap(ColorMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setColorMapCollidable(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setColorMapCollidable(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setColorMapEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setColorMapEnabled(Renderable, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setColorMapEnabledMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setColorMapFileName(Renderable, String) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setColorMapFileNameMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setColorMapInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setColorMapInterpolation(Renderer.ColorInterpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setColorMapInterpolationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setColorMapInterpolationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setColorMapMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setColorMapMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- setColorMapMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setColorMapMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setColorMapRange(ScalarRange) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setColorMapRange(ScalarRange) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setColorMixing(Renderer.ColorMixing) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- setColorMixing(Renderer.ColorMixing) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- setColorMixingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- setColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- setColors(List<float[]>, int[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Explicitly sets the colors and associated indices for this mesh.
- setColorsDynamic(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets whether or not colors should be considered dynamic.
- setColorsFixed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets whether or not colors should be considered ``fixed''.
- setColorsTest() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshTest
- setColorString(String) - Method in class maspack.render.color.InterpolatingColorMap
- setColour(Logger.LogLevel, ANSIColorLogger.ANSIColor) - Method in class maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger
- setColumn(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
column to use for the row-slice plane
- setColumn(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
column to use for the row-slice plane
- setColumn(int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
column to use for the row-slice plane
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.DenseMatrix
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, Vector) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.DenseMatrix
Sets a column of this matrix from a
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets a column of this matrix from a
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Sets a column of this matrix to the specified 2-vector.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Sets a column of this matrix to the specified 3-vector.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Sets a column of this matrix to the specified 3-vector.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Sets a column of this matrix to the specified 3-vector.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Sets a column of this matrix to the specified 4-vector.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Sets a column of this Matrix6x2 from two specified vectors.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumn(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets a column of this matrix from a
- setColumn(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Sets a column of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setColumns(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets the columns of this matrix to the vectors v0 and v1.
- setColumns(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets the columns of this matrix to the vectors v0, v1, and v2.
- setColumns(Vector4d, Vector4d, Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets the columns of this matrix to the vectors v0, v1, v2, and v3.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
Sets the number of visible columns in each text field.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Sets the number of visible columns in this component's text field.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseClickField
Sets the number of visible columns in this component's text field.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Sets the number of columns in this layout to the specified value.
- setColumnVectorStringsVertical(boolean) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Sets the string representation of column vectors to be vertical.
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
Sets the rule for combining excitations.
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Sets the rule for combining excitations.
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
Sets the rule for combining excitations.
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent
Sets the rule for combining excitations.
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Sets the rule for combining excitations.
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Sets the rule for combining excitations.
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
Sets the rule for combining excitations.
- setCombinationRule(ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
Sets the rule for combining excitations.
- setCommands(String, String) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImageDecoderImageMagick
Set the command-line command to call ImageMagick's "identify" and
"convert" utilities.
- setCompact(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- setCompletionKey(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Sets the keyboard key to be used for triggering a completion
- setCompliance(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the compliance settings for the constraints in this connector,
including bilateral and unilateral constraints.
- setCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets the contact compliance associated with this behavior.
- setCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets the default contact compliance associated with all collision
- setCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- setCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- setCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FourBar
- setCompliance(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setCompliance(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets compliances for this coupling's constraints.
- setComplianceMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setComplianceMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setCompliantContact() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the default behavior for collisions to be compliant, using estimated
values for the compliance, damping, and stiction creep.
- setCompliantContact(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the default behavior for collisions to be compliant, with a
specified compliance, damping, and stiction creep.
- setComponentFilter(Class) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SelectComponentPanelHandler
- setComponentSet(ComponentSet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4
- setComponentType(Class) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
Called whenever the specific class type of the components being added by
this agent is changed.
- setCompPath(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- setCompStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- setCompStiffnessMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- setComputeEnergyDensity(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Explicitly enables or disables strain energy density computation for this
node, regardless of whether it is needed for surface rendering.
- setComputeIncrementally(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables incremental computation.
- setComputeLmDotFromLDot(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setComputeLmDotFromLDot(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- setComputeNodalEnergyDensity(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Sets whether nodal strain energy densities are computed for this
- setComputeNodalStrain(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Sets whether nodal strains are computed for this model.
- setComputeNodalStress(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Sets whether nodal stresses are computed for this model.
- setComputeNodalStressStrain(FemModel.StressStrainMeasure) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Explicitly enables the collection of nodal stress, strain or energy
density values for this model, as required for the specified
stress/strain measure.
- setComputeResidual(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- setComputeResidual(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- setComputeStrain(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Explicitly enables or disables strain computation for this node,
regardless of whether it is needed for surface rendering.
- setComputeStrainEnergy(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Sets whether strain energy is computed for this model.
- setComputeStrainEnergy(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setComputeStress(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
Explicitly enables or disables stress computation for this node,
regardless of whether it is needed for surface rendering.
- setConfigExcitationColoring(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables the automatic configuration of excitation coloring for exciters
that support this capability.
- setConfigFolder(File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Allows user configuration folder to be explicitly specified.
- setConnected(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.Fem3dBlock
- setConnector(BodyConnector) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- setConsoleProgressPrinting(boolean) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Enables or disables default printing of file transfer progress to the
- setConstantAttenuation(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setConstantMuscleMaterial(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setConstantMuscleMaterial(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setConstrainer(Dragger3dConstrainer) - Method in class maspack.render.Transrotator3d
- setConstraintForceTermWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the weight of the constraint force term.
- setConstraintSet(ConstraintSet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- setContactConstraint(double[], double, Vector3d, ContactPoint) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollidableDynamicComponent
Computes the values for the block matrix which defines this component's
contribution to a contact constraint matrix.
- setContactConstraint(double[], double, Vector3d, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setContactConstraint(double[], double, Vector3d, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setContactConstraint(double[], double, Vector3d, ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setContactDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the contact damping for this spring.
- setContactForceLenScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setContactingKnotsColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets a special color that should be used for rendering knots that are in
- setContactNormalLen(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setContactPlaneTol(double) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Sets the tolerance used to compute contact planes.
- setContactPoint0(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- setContactPoints(ContactPoint, ContactPoint, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- setContactStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the contact stiffness for this spring.
- setContent(TextureContent) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setContext(GLContext, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setContextCreationFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setContextMenuMask(int) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.ButtonMasks
- setContinuity(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.SplineWeightFunction
- setContinuousAdd(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AxialSpringAgent
- setContoursOnly(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- setContourState(DataBuffer) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
- setControlPoints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- setControlWrappable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- setConvergenceTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the convergence tolerance tol
for this spring.
- setConvergenceTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Sets the convergance tolerance tol
used in each IK solve step.
- setConvergenceTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Sets the convergance tolerance tol
used in each solve step.
- setCoordinate(int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Sets the idx
-th coordinate for this joint.
- setCoordinate(Point3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeShapeFunction
Set the evaluation coordinate
- setCoordinate(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- setCoordinate(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConditionalPathPoint
- setCoordinate(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- setCoordinateDeg(int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Sets the idx
-th coordinate for this joint.
- setCoordinateLocked(int, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Sets whether the idx
-th coordinate for this joint is locked,
meaning that it will hold its current value.
- setCoordinateLocked(int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets whether the idx
-th coordinate is locked.
- setCoordinateName(int, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Sets the name for the idx
-th coordinate supported by this
- setCoordinateName(int, String) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets the name for the idx
-th coordinate supported by this
- setCoordinateRange(int, DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Sets the range for the idx
-th coordinate.
- setCoordinateRange(int, DoubleInterval) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets the range for the idx
-ith coordinate supported by this
- setCoordinateRangeDeg(int, DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Sets the range for the idx
-th coordinate.
- setCoordinates(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Sets the current coordinates, if any, for this joint.
- setCoordinates(CoordinateList) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setCoordinates(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.TransformAxis
- setCoordinateSet(CoordinateSet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setCoordinateValue(int, double, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets the value for the idx
-ith coordinate supported by this
- setCoordinateValues(VectorNd, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets the coordinate values for this coupling, if coordinates are
- setCoords(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- setCoords(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- setCoordsOnly(IntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, FemElement3dBase, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemDeformedPoint
- setCoreCompsOnly(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelFileChooser
- setCorotated(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- setCorotatedMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterialBase
- setCost(double) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedEdge
- setCost(double) - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- setCostIfSmaller(double) - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- setCount(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- setCoupledCoordinatesFunction(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- setCredentials(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Set username and password credentials.
- setCredits(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- setCrsFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setCRSValues(double[], int[], int[], int, int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets the contents of this matrix given a set of values in compressed row
storage (CRS).
- setCRSValues(double[], int[], int[], int, int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Sets the contents of this matrix given a set of values in compressed row
storage (CRS).
- setCRSValues(double[], int[], int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Sets the contents of this matrix given a set of values in compressed row
storage (CRS).
- setCRSValues(double[], int[], int[], int, int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets the contents of this matrix given a set of values in compressed row
storage (CRS).
- setCRSValues(double[], int[], int[], int, int, Matrix.Partition) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixBase
Sets the contents of this matrix given a set of values in compressed row
storage (CRS).
- setCryptor(Cryptor) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Set an en/de-cryptor to be used for storing passwords
- setCryptor(Cryptor) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.EncryptedUserAuthenticator
Set Cryptor for encrypting/decrypting password
- setCSGOperation(SurfaceMeshIntersector.CSG) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- setCSGOperation(SurfaceMeshIntersector.CSG) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- setCubePoints(Renderable, double, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setCurrentColor(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Sets the current color to be used in following instances
based on color index.
- setCurrentColor(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Sets the current color to be used in following vertices
based on color index.
- setCurrentCursor(Cursor) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setCurrentNormal(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Sets the current normal to be used in following vertices,
based on normal index.
- setCurrentPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- setCurrentPosition(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Sets the current position to be used in following vertices,
based on position index.
- setCurrentScale(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Sets the current scale to be used in following instances
based on scale index.
- setCurrentTCW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the current pose of the C frame, in world coordinates, and
updates the attachment between C and body A accordingly.
- setCurrentTDW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the current pose of the D frame, in world coordinates, and
updates the attachment between D and body B accordingly.
- setCurrentTextureCoord(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Sets the current texture coordinates to be used in following vertices,
based on texture coordinate index.
- setCurrentTFW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- setCurrentTFW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameAttachment
Sets the current pose of the attached frame, in world coordinates.
- setCurrentTFW(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Set the cursor on all the viewers.
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Sets the cursor image for the underlying AWT component
- setCursorMode(NumericProbePanel.CursorMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setCurve(NURBSCurve2d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.QuadBezierDistance2d
- setCurve(BoundaryCurve2D) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- setCurve(NURBSCurve2d) - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- setCurveFile(File) - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- setCycleChecking(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- setCylinder(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to correspond to the center of a cylinder of
uniform density aligned with the z axis.
- setCylinderLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- setCylinderRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- setCylindricalLines(Renderable, double, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setDamping(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setDamping(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setDamping(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setDamping(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- setDamping(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- setDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- setDamping(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the damping settings for the constraints in this connector,
including bilateral and unilateral constraints.
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets the contact damping associated with this behavior.
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets the default contact damping associated with all collision behaviors.
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Sets the damping force term for this PointMeshForce.
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setDamping(PointSpringBase, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FourBar
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
- setDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- setDamping(double) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setDamping(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setDamping(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets dampings for this coupling's constraints.
- setDampingFactor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Sets the damping factor for this material.
- setDampingMethod(ElasticContactBase.DampingMethod) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Sets the damping method for this material, which determines how damping
forces are compute.
- setDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- setDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- setDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- setDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setData(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FrameTrackingProbe
- setData(double[], double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FrameTrackingProbe
- setData(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
- setData(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- setData(double[], double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Sets the data points in this probe's numeric data.
- setData(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- setData(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setData(A, B) - Method in class maspack.graph.BiNode
- setData(B) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedEdge
- setData(T) - Method in class maspack.graph.Node
- setData(A) - Method in class maspack.graph.Vertex
- setData(PropertyInfo, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- setData(PropTreeData) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- setDataExtended(boolean) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Enables the extension of data values beyond the last knot point.
- setDataFormat(MeshWriter.DataFormat) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.PlyWriter
- setDataFunction(DataFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDataFunctionProbe
- setDataList(Collection<String>) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Sets the list of words from which to autocomplete
- setDataType(NiftiHeader.DataType) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setDeactivationTimeConstant(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setDeactivationTimeConstant(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- setDeactivationTimeConstant(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setDebug(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables the printing of debug messages.
- setDebug(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc
- setDebug(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
- setDebug(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- setDebug(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
- setDebug(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- setDebug(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- setDebug(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- setDebugLevel(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the debug level for this spring.
- setDecorated(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- setDefaultActivation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setDefaultActivation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- setDefaultActivation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- setDefaultActivation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setDefaultAdaptivelyRebuildA(boolean) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- setDefaultAxialView(AxisAlignedRotation) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setDefaultAxialView(AxisAlignedRotation) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setDefaultAxisLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setDefaultBehavior(Collidable.Group, Collidable.Group, CollisionBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDefaultBehavior(Collidable.Group, Collidable.Group, boolean, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- setDefaultBehavior(MechModel, Collidable.Group, Collidable.Group, boolean, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- setDefaultBrightColours() - Method in class maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger
- setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowClosingProtocol.WindowClosingMode) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setDefaultColliderType(CollisionManager.ColliderType) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDefaultCollisionBehavior(boolean, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Specifies the default collision behavior for all primary collidable group
pairs (Rigid-Rigid, Rigid-Deformable, Deformable-Deformable,
Deformable-Self) associated with this MechModel.
- setDefaultCollisionBehavior(CollisionBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Specifies a default collision behavior for all primary collidable group
pairs (Rigid-Rigid, Rigid-Deformable, Deformable-Deformable,
Deformable-Self) associated with this MechModel.
- setDefaultCollisionBehavior(Collidable.Group, Collidable.Group, CollisionBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the default collision behavior, for this MechModel, for a specified
pair of collidable groups.
- setDefaultCollisionBehavior(Collidable.Group, Collidable.Group, boolean, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the default collision behavior, for this MechModel, for a specified
pair of generic collidable groups.
- SetDefaultCollisionsCommand - Class in artisynth.core.gui.editorManager
- SetDefaultCollisionsCommand(String, HashMap<CollidablePair, CollisionBehavior>, MechModel) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.SetDefaultCollisionsCommand
- setDefaultDarkColours() - Method in class maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger
- setDefaultDisplayRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setDefaultDisplayRange(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setDefaultDrawAxes(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setDefaultDrawGrid(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setDefaultFiberLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setDefaultFiberLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- setDefaultFiberLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- setDefaultFiberLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setDefaultFont(Font) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setDefaultFont(Font) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets default font for text rendering
- setDefaultFont(Font) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setDefaultFormat(String) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Sets the default format string used in
- setDefaultFormat(String) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Sets the default format string used in
- setDefaultFormat(String) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Sets the default format string used in
- setDefaultFsOptions(FileSystemOptions) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- setDefaultHandler() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
Resets handler to default
- setDefaultLights() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setDefaultLights() - Static method in class maspack.test.GL.GL3JPanelTest
- setDefaultMatrixSolver(SparseSolverId) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setDefaultMaxStepSize(double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Sets default value used to initialize the maximum step
size for a model when it is created.
- setDefaultMinFlcValue(double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- setDefaultModes(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
- setDefaultNumThreads(int) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the default number of threads that Pardiso is assigned when a
is created.
- setDefaultOptions(int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.SafeFileUtils
- setDefaultOrthographicView(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setDefaultRegionHeight(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setDefaultRegionMargin(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setDefaultRegionThickening(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setDefaultRegionUnthickening(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setDefaults() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- setDefaults() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- setDefaults() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
- setDefaultShellThickness(double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- setDefaultSpeedValue(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setDefaultStabilization(MechSystemSolver.PosStabilization) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setDefaultStreams() - Method in class maspack.util.StreamLogger
Sets streams to defaults (warn, err, fatal use System.err, others use System.out)
- setDefaultThickness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- setDefaultUnits(MayaAsciiReader.UnitInfo) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- setDefaultUseImplicitFriction(boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
Sets the default value for this field.
- setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
Sets the default value for this field.
- setDefaultValue(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
Sets the default value for this field.
- setDefaultValue(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
Sets the default value for this field.
- setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setDefaultValue(Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setDefaultValue(String, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
- setDefaultValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- setDefaultValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setDefaultValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setDefaultValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setDefaultValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setDefaultValues() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setDefaultValues(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
- setDefaultValuesAndModes(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
- setDefaultVertexColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Sets the default color used for rendering vertices.
- setDefaultViewOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Sets the default orientation that should be used for viewing
this model to REW
- setDefaultViewOrientation(AxisAlignedRotation) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Sets the default orientation that should be used for viewing this model
, where
is specified as an
- setDefaultXRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setDefaultYRange() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- setDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- setDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Sets the density for the mesh, which is defined at the mass divided
by the mesh volume.
- setDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Explicitly sets a density value for this RigidMeshComp if d >= 0
- setDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- setDensity(double) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setDensityMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- setDensityMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setDensityMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setDependentCoordinateName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- setDependentNodes(FemNode3d[], VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- setDependentNodes(FemNode3d[], VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- setDependentNodes(FemNode3d[], VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreePoint3d
- setDepth(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.UndoManager
- setDepthEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setDepthOffset(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Set a depth offset for the projection matrix.
- setDepthOffset(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Set a depth offset for the projection matrix.
- setDepthOffset(int) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setDepthWriteEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setDescription(String) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setDescription(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Sets a text description for the property.
- setDetTarget(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- setDiagonal(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified by diag.
- setDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified by the
array vals.
- setDiagonal(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified.
- setDiagonal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified by diag.
- setDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified by the
array vals.
- setDiagonal(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified.
- setDiagonal(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets the diagonal elements of this matrix to s.
- setDiagonal(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified by diag.
- setDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified by the
array vals.
- setDiagonal(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified.
- setDiagonal(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
- setDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified by the
array vals.
- setDiagonal(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified.
- setDiagonal(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are
specified by an array.
- setDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are
specified by the leading elements of an array of doubles
- setDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are
specified by an array.
- setDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are
specified by an array.
- setDiagonal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified by diag.
- setDiagonal(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets this matrix to a diagonal matrix whose values are specified by the
array vals.
- setDicomVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
- setDiffuse(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setDiffuse(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setDiffuse(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setDiffuse(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setDiffuse(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setDiffuse(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setDiffuseColoring(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- setDiffuseColoringMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- setDiffusePower(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setDim(long[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setDimension(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeVariable
- setDimension(int) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setDimensionLabel(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- setDimensions(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapEllipsoid
- setDimensions(int, int, int, int, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SubMatrixNd
- setDimInfo(char) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Sets the anisotropic direction.
- setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- setDirection(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- setDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
- setDirection(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setDirectionField(VectorFieldComponent<Vector3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- setDirectionRenderLen(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setDirectionRenderLen(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setDirectionRenderLen(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setDirectionRenderLenMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setDirectionRenderLenMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setDirectionRenderLenMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setDirectionRenderType(MuscleBundle.DirectionRenderType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setDirectionRenderType(MuscleBundle.DirectionRenderType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setDirectionRenderType(MuscleBundle.DirectionRenderType) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setDirectionRenderTypeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setDirectionRenderTypeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setDirectionRenderTypeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setDirections(Vector3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
Sets a list of directions for this MuscleElementDesc, one for each
integration point in the element.
- setDirector(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setDirectories(File[]) - Method in class maspack.util.FileSearchPath
- setDirectorRenderLen(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setDirectorVel(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceBase
- setDisplacement(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- setDisplacement(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- setDisplacementsFromFile(String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- setDisplayMode(CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
Sets the display mode for this component.
- setDisplayMode(CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Sets the display mode for this component.
- setDisplayMode(CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponentBase
Sets the display mode for this component.
- setDisplayMode(CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets the display mode for this component.
- setDisplayMode(CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
Sets the display mode for this component.
- setDisplayMode(CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets the display mode for this component.
- setDisplayMode(CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TexturePlaneBase
Sets the display mode for this component.
- setDisplayPreference(VisibleBase.DisplayPreference) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase
- setDisplayPreference(VisibleBase.DisplayPreference) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- setDisplayRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.FrameGeometry
- setDisplaySize(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- setDistance(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setDistance(double[]) - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Sets the distance vector to use
- setDistanceGridDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase
- setDistanceGridDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setDistanceGridMaxRes(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasDistanceGrid
Sets the default maximum cell resolution that should be used when
constructing a signed distance grid for this component.
- setDistanceGridRenderRanges(String) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasDistanceGrid
Specifies the x, y, z vertex ranges used when rendering this component's
signed distance grid.
- setDistanceGridRes(Vector3i) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasDistanceGrid
Sets the cell resolution (in the x, y, and z directions) that should be
used when constructing a signed distance grid for this component.
- setDistanceGridRes(Vector3i) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setDistanceGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase
- setDistanceGridVisible(Wrappable, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setDistanceGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setDistanceHeap(IndexedBinaryHeap) - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Useful for farthest point sampling, sets a heap to be updated every time a
distance value is assigned.
- setDistanceMethod(DistanceGrid.DistanceMethod) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Sets the method used to compute distance values from polygonal meshes.
- setDistancesAndFeatures(double[], List<? extends Feature>, int[], boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Explicitly sets the distance field and features for this grid.
- setDistanceTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygonIntersector
Sets the distance tolerance.
- setDivBlk(Matrix3x1Block) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
- setDivisor(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- setDomain(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.EncryptedUserAuthenticator
- setDomain(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleUserAuthenticator
- setDotWrenchG(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setDotWrenchG(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setDotWrenchG(Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setDouble(double) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setDoubleArray(double[]) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setDown(CollisionHandler) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
Sets next handler in a column of a CollisionHandlerTable.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDown(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix column.
- setDownloadDir(File) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Sets directory where files are downloaded
- setDownloadDir(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Sets directory where files are downloaded
- setDQBlendTolerance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the tolerance used for iterative dual-quaternion frame blending.
- setDQMaxBlendSteps(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the maximum number of steps used for iterative dual-quaternion
frame blending.
- setDragBox(Rectangle) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets a drag box to be displayed by the viewer.
- setDragBox(Rectangle) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets a drag box to be displayed by the viewer.
- setDragger(Dragger3d.DraggerType) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Sets the dragger type for manipulating the display
- setDragger(Dragger3d.DraggerType) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- setDragger(Dragger3d.DraggerType) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setDraggerConstrainMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- setDraggerDragMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- setDraggerListener(Dragger3dListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- setDraggerRepositionMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- setDraggerToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- setDragMode(Dragger3d.DragMode) - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- setDragMode(Dragger3d.DragMode) - Method in class maspack.render.DragToolBase
- setDrawABPoints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Enables or disables drawing A/B points for this spring.
- setDrawAxes(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setDrawBox(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets whether or not to draw the 3D bounding box outline
- setDrawBox(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets whether or not to draw the 3D bounding box outline
- setDrawColorMap(CollisionBehavior.ColorMapType) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawColorMap(CollisionBehavior.ColorMapType) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawColorMapMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawColorMapMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawContactForces(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawContactForces(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawContactForcesMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawContactForcesMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawContactNormals(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawContactNormals(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawContactNormalsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawContactNormalsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawControlShape(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- setDrawDisplacements(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- setDrawEdges(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setDrawEdges(Renderable, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setDrawEdgesMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setDrawEdgesMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setDrawEllipsoid(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
- setDrawEllipsoid(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
- setDrawFrameC(Renderer.AxisDrawStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- setDrawFrameC(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setDrawFrameD(Renderer.AxisDrawStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- setDrawFrameD(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setDrawFrictionForces(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawFrictionForces(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawFrictionForcesMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawFrictionForcesMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawGrid(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setDrawGrid(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setDrawGroups(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedRenderObjectPrimitivesDrawable
Sets draw groups, -1 to deactivate
- setDrawInfo(int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- setDrawInfo(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject
- setDrawIntersectionContours(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawIntersectionContours(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawIntersectionContoursMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawIntersectionContoursMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawIntersectionFaces(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawIntersectionFaces(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawIntersectionFacesMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawIntersectionFacesMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawIntersectionPoints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawIntersectionPoints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawIntersectionPointsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawIntersectionPointsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setDrawIntersections(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Sets whether to draw an outline of the intersection of this
mesh with the plane
- setDrawIntersections(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
Enable/disable drawing of intersections of mesh with the plane
- setDrawKnots(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Enables or disables knot rendering for this spring.
- setDrawPenetrationDepth(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setDrawRotAxes(Renderer.AxisDrawStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJoint
- setDrawTool(Dragger3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setDrawTool(Dragger3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the draw tool for this viewer.
- setDrawToolFrameBinding(DrawToolBase.FrameBinding) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- setDrawToolFrameOffset(double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- setDrawToolListener(DrawToolListener) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- setDrawTransAxes(Renderer.AxisDrawStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJoint
- setDrawXY(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets whether or not to draw the XY plane (at the current 'z' coordinate)
- setDrawXY(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets whether or not to draw the XY plane (at the current 'z' coordinate)
- setDrawXZ(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets whether or not to draw the XZ plane (at the current 'y' coordinate)
- setDrawXZ(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets whether or not to draw the XZ plane (at the current 'y' coordinate)
- setDrawYZ(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets whether or not to draw the YZ plane (at the current 'x' coordinate
- setDrawYZ(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets whether or not to draw the YZ plane (at the current 'x' coordinate)
- setDual(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Gets the dual (translational) quaternion associated with this
- setDualDistancingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration
- setDv(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- setDy(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
Cannot set target frame as dynamic
- setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setDynamicsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setEBlockKey(AnsysCdbWriter.EBlockKey) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Sets the key used for writing EBLOCKs.
- setEdgeColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEdgeColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEdgeColor(Renderable, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEdgeColor(Renderable, float[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEdgeColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setEdgeColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to the edge color in
, and enables or disables highlighting
according to the value of highlight
- setEdgeColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setEdgeColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEdgeColorMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEdgeEdgeContacts(ArrayList<EdgeEdgeContact>) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Directly set edge-edge contacts for the contact.
- setEdgeWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEdgeWidth(Renderable, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEdgeWidthMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEdgeWidthMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- setEditCSGMeshVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- setEditing(PropertyInfo.Edit) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setEditMesh0Visible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- setEditMesh1Visible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- setEffectiveFace(int, Face) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- setElasticForce(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setElasticPos(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setElasticPos(int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setElasticVel(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setElasticVel(int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setElement(FemElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- setElement(FemElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.EulerianFemElementSampler
- setElement(FemElement3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementSampler
Sets the element to sample from
- setElement(FemElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.FemElementSamplerBase
- setElement(FemElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.LagrangianFemElementSampler
- setElement(FemElement3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.RegularFemElementSampler
- setElement(FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
- setElement(FemElement) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeFactory.FemElementTreeNode
- setElements(Boundable[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Sets the boundable elements directly contained by this bounding
- setElementWidgetSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- setElementWidgetSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- setElementWidgetSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dList
- setElementWidgetSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setElementWidgetSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- setElementWidgetSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setElementWidgetSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- setElementWidgetSizeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- setElementWidgetSizeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- setElementWidgetSizeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dList
- setElementWidgetSizeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setElementWidgetSizeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- setElementWidgetSizeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setElemToken(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemReader
- setElemToken(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- setEllipsoid(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to correspond to the center of an axis-aligned
ellispoid of uniform density.
- setEllipsoidRadii(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- setEllipticCursorActive(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets whether an elliptic cursor is active for this viewer.
- setEllipticCursorActive(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets whether an elliptic cursor is active for this viewer.
- setEllipticCursorResizeMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- setEllipticCursorSize(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setEllipticCursorSize(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setEllipticCursorSize(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the elliptic cursor size for this viewer.
- setEllipticCursorSize(Vector2d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the elliptic cursor size for this viewer.
- setEllipticDeselectMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Sets the modifier mask that enables deselection when using elliptic
- setEllipticSelection(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Set whether or not elliptic selection is enabled in all the viewers.
- setEllipticSelection(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setEllipticSelection(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Set whether elliptic selection is enabled for this viewer.
- setElongStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- setElongStiffnessMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- setEmission(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setEmission(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setEmission(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setEmission(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setEmission(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the emission color to be used for subsequent rendering
of primitives.
- setEmission(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setEmissionColoring(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- setEmissionColoringMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- setEmissionPower(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setEmptyMark(int, int) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
Set whether a track is enabled or not.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets whether or not this connector is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Enables or disabled collisions for this behavior.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Sets whether this PointMeshForce is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.customjoint.OpenSimCustomJointTest.JointMonitor
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setEnabledAll(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
- setEnabledAll(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Enables or disables this control by enabling or disabling all its
- setEnabledAll(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.RigidTransformWidget
- setEnabledMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setEnaged(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setEncryptedCredentials(String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Set the username and password credentials.
- setEncryptedPassword(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.EncryptedUserAuthenticator
Set an already encrypted password, which must be able to be decrypted
using this authenticator's Cryptor
- setEnterValueOnFocusLost(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
Sets whether the current field value is ``entered'' when focus is
- setEnterValueOnFocusLost(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Sets whether the current field value is ``entered'' when focus is
- setEpsilon(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Intersector2d
- setEpsilon(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.TriangleIntersector
- setEpsilon(double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- setError(StringHolder, String) - Static method in class maspack.util.RangeBase
- setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
set the error message
- setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerPanel
- setEuler(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by Euler angles.
- setEuler(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by Euler angles.
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
SetsJust reiterating the primary excitation for this component.
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
SetsJust reiterating the primary excitation for this component.
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
SetsJust reiterating the primary excitation for this component.
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointToPointMuscle
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExciterComp
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- setExcitation(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent
SetsJust reiterating the primary excitation for this component.
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
SetsJust reiterating the primary excitation for this component.
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
SetsJust reiterating the primary excitation for this component.
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
SetsJust reiterating the primary excitation for this component.
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
SetsJust reiterating the primary excitation for this component.
- setExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- setExcitation0(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- setExcitation1(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- setExcitationBounds(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExciterComp
- setExcitationBounds(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the default bounds for the excitation values.
- setExcitationBounds(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the default bounds for the excitation values.
- setExcitationBounds(ExcitationComponent, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the excitation bounds for a specific excitation component.
- setExcitationBoundsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ExciterComp
- setExcitationBoundsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the property inheritance mode for the excitation bounds.
- setExcitationColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setExcitationColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setExcitationColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setExcitationColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- setExcitationColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setExcitationColor(Color) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleComponent
- setExcitationColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setExcitationColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setExcitationColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setExcitationColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setExcitationColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- setExcitationColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setExcitationColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setExcitationDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables excitation damping with a specified weight.
- setExcitationDamping() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables excitation damping with a default weight of 1e-5.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleElementDesc
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitationGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
Sets the gain for an excitation source in this component.
- setExcitations(VectorNd, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets excitations provided in the ex
vector starting at index
- setExcitations(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets excitations to the values provided in the vector
- setExclusiveContextThread(Thread) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setExp(double, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
- setExpandable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- setExpandState(PropertyInfo.ExpandState) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
- setExplicitElements(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets the existing explicit element values, in row-major order.
- setExplicitGridRes(Vector3i) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryTests
- setExplicitGridRes(Vector3i) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setExplicitMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Sets the mass for this element to an explicit value.
- setExplicitMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
Sets the mass for this node to an explicit value.
- setExplicitMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setExponent(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.ExponentialWeightFunction
- setExportFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setExpression(String, HashMap<String, NumericProbeVariable>, RotationRep) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeDriver
- setExpStressCoeff(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setExpStressCoeff(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setExpStressCoeff(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setExpStressCoeff(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setExpStressCoeffField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setExpStressCoeffField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setExpStressCoeffField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setExpStressCoeffMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setExpStressCoeffMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setExpStressCoeffMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setExpStressCoeffMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setExtendData(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
Enables extension of data past the last knot point.
- setExtendData(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
Enables extension of data past the last knot point.
- setExtensions(NiftiHeader.Extension[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setExternalElasticForce(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setExternalForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setExternalForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setExternalRenderList(RenderList) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setExternalRenderList(RenderList) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the external render list for this viewer.
- setEye(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Moves the eye coordinates to a specifed location in world coordinates, and
adjusts the orientation so that the eye's -z axis is directed at the
center point.
- setEye(Point3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the eye coordinates to a specified location in world coordinates,
and adjusts the eye-to-world transform so that the eye's -z axis is
directed at the center point.
- setEyeToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Directly sets the eye coordinate frame.
- setEyeToWorld(Point3d, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the eyeToWorld transform for this viewer, using the canonical
parameters used by the GL lookat
- setEyeToWorld(Point3d, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the eye-to-world transform for this viewer, using the canonical
parameters used by the GL lookat
- setEyeToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the eye-to-world transform for this viewer.
- setF(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- setFace(Face, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- setFaceColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceColor(Renderable, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceColor(Renderable, float[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setFaceColoring(RenderProps, float[], boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setFaceColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to the face color in
, and enables or disables highlighting
according to the value of highlight
- setFaceColoring(RenderProps, float[], boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to rgba
, and enables or
disables highlighting according to the value of
- setFaceColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setFaceColoring(RenderProps, float[], boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setFaceColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceColorMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceNeighbors(HexElement[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- setFacesClockwise(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontWriter
- setFaceStyle(Renderer.FaceStyle) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setFaceStyle(Renderer.FaceStyle) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the style for rendering faces.
- setFaceStyle(Renderer.FaceStyle) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceStyle(Renderable, Renderer.FaceStyle) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceStyle(Renderer.FaceStyle) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setFaceStyleMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceStyleMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setFaceToken(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemReader
- setFaceToken(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- setFactory(Class<C>, OpenSimObjectFactory<? extends C>) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObjectFactoryStore
Sets the factory to use for parsing specific components
- setFalsePosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- setFalseVelocity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- setFeatureColoringEnabled() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Enables feature coloring for this mesh.
- setFem(FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Sets the fem model to examine
- setFemConnectionType(SkinMeshBody.FemConnectionType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the connection type to be used when creating subsequent connections
to FEM master bodies.
- setFiberDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- setFiberRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setFiberRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setFibreDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setFibreDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- setFibresActive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setField(HasProperties, FieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.FieldPropertyDesc
- setFieldWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Sets the field width associated with this format.
- setFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.DemoFileEntry
- setFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- setFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderEntry
- setFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ImageViewer
- setFile(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setFile(File) - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
Sets the file associated with this widget's value.
- setFileMustBeReadable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
- setFileMustExist(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
- setFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
Sets a file name for this mesh, or clears it if name
is null
- setFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshInfo
- setFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- setFileName(String) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureContentFile
- setFileName(String) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setFileNameMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setFileTransferListener(FileTransferListener) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Sets a file transfer listener for the library manager, to monitor the
progress of file transfers from the server.
- setFileTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
Sets a file transform for this mesh, or clears it if name
- setFilters(TextureMapProps.TextureFilter, TextureMapProps.TextureFilter) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
- setFirstPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- setFirstQuadTriangle(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Sets a flag indicating that this face is the first triangle of a
triangulated quad.
- setFitWithOBB(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Enables OBB fitting to be used when automatically constructing a grid.
- setFixed(boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Fixes or unfixes this component.
- setFixed(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Fixes or unfixes this component.
- setFixed(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- setFixed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets whether or not this mesh to is to be considered ``fixed''.
- setFixedHeight(Component, int) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Sets the height of a component to a rigidly fixed value
- setFixedSize(Collection<? extends JComponent>, Dimension) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Sets the size of a set of components to be as rigidly fixed as we
possibly can.
- setFixedSize(Component, Dimension) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Sets the size of a component to be as rigidly fixed as we possibly can.
- setFixedSize(Component, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Sets the size of a component to be a rigidly fixed as we possibly can.
- setFixedWidth(Component, int) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
Sets the width of a component to a rigidly fixed value
- setFlag(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- setFlag(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- setFlag(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setFlags(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberWriter
- setFlags(int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Sets the currently active flags for the library manager.
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
- setFlags(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.Dragger3d
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.render.DragToolBase
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.LambertProjector
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.OrthographicProjector
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
Sets the flags for this stream.
- setFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryOutputStream
Sets the flags for this stream.
- setFlatView(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- setFlen(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- setFlen(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setFlen(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setFloat(float) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setFloatArray(float[]) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setFloatType(PlyWriter.DataType) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.PlyWriter
- setFmaxMuscleStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- setFmaxMuscleStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setFmaxMuscleStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setFmaxTendonStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- setFmaxTendonStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialTendon
- setFmaxTendonStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setFmaxTendonStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setFocusable(boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setFocusableWindowState(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setFollowEye(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
Sets whether to have the text follow the user's eye
- setFont(Font) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.DemoFileEntry
- setFont(Font) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- setFont(Font) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- setFont(Font) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptFolderEntry
- setFont(Font) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
Explicitly set the font for this text component
- setFont(Font) - Method in class maspack.render.TextImageStore
- setFont(Font) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
Default font to use for methods in which the font
is not specified
- setFontName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- setFontSize(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- setFontSpec(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- setFontStyle(MenuNode.FontStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- setForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ConstantAxialMaterial
- setForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setForce(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- setForce(Wrench) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setForce(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setForceBehavior(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setForceBehavior(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setForceComp(ForceTargetComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- setForceEffectorTermWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the weight of the force effector term.
- setForceLengthCurve(Diff1Function1x1Base) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- setForceLengthCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ligament
- setForceLengthRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setForces(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setForceScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setForceScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setForceScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setForceScalingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setForceScalingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setForceSet(ForceSet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- setForceTermWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- setForceType(PointMeshForce.ForceType) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Sets the force type for this PointMeshForce.
- setForceType(PointPlaneForce.ForceType) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setForceUnits(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- setForceVelocityCurve(CubicHermiteSpline1d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
Sets the force velocity curve for this material, or removes it if
is set to null
- setForceVelocityCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- setForceVelocityCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.RigidTendonMuscle
- setFormat(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemWriterBase
Sets the format used for writing floating point numbers, using a string
specification as described in the documentation for
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemWriterBase
Sets the format used for writing floating point numbers, as described by
- setFormat(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets the output format.
- setFormat(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setFormat(GenericMeshReader) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- setFormat(String) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriterBase
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriterBase
- setFormat(String) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Directly sets the formatter used to convert numeric components of the
property's value into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert the position field into
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleIntervalField
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleIntervalField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledTextField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.RigidTransformWidget
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert the position field into
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Directly sets the formatter used used to convert numeric values into text.
- setFormatStr(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TextExportProps
- setForMechModel(String, MechModel, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
- setForMechModel(String, MechModel, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.FemModelDeformer
- setFraction(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- setFractionRenderRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- setFractionRenderRadiusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- setFractionRenderType(AuxMaterialBundle.FractionRenderType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- setFractionRenderTypeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- setFractions(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialElementDesc
- setFragment(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.ExactMatcher
- setFragment(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the encoded fragment
- setFragmentPattern(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- setFrame(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Set reference frame information for this element.
- setFrame(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- setFrame(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- setFrame(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo
- setFrame(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- setFrame(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- setFrame(int, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Sets the frame position by reference
- setFrameA(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setFrameB(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setFrameBinding(DrawToolBase.FrameBinding) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- setFrameBlending(SkinMeshBody.FrameBlending) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the blend type for that part of the skinning that
depends on frames.
- setFrameDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setFrameDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setFrameDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setFrameDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setFrameGeometry(FrameGeometry) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Frame
- setFrameGeometryVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- setFrameNode(FrameNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setFrameOffset(double) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- setFrameRate(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- setFrameRate(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- setFrameRate(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setFrameRate(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- setFrameRate(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setFrameRate(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets the current frame rate in Hz.
- setFrameRelative(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setFrames(Frame, Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setFrames(Frame, RigidTransform3d, Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setFrames(FrameList) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setFrames(FrameList) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setFreeToSatisfyConstraints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setFreezeFrame(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setFrequency(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- setFriction(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets the Coulomb friction coefficient associated with this behavior.
- setFriction(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets the Coulomb friction coefficent
- setFriction(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the global friction coefficient in the collision manager for this
- setFriction(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- setFriction(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.MultiCollisionTest
- setFriction(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- setFriction(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanBowl
- setFriction(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanDemo
- setFriction(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.LaymanModel
- setFriction(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setFrictionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- setFrictionForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Sets the friction forces that were computed to enforce this
- setFrictionForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the friction forces that were computed to enforce this
- setFrictionForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
Sets the friction forces that were computed to enforce this
- setFrictionForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets the friction forces that were computed to enforce this
- setFrictionForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Sets the friction forces that were computed to enforce this
- setFrictionForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
Sets the friction forces that were computed to enforce this
- setFrictionForces(VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Supplies to the system the most recently computed friction constraint
- setFrictionForces(VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setFrictionForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setFrictionIterations(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setFrictionMethod(FemFrictionBeam.FrictionMethod) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- setFrictionMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setFrictionMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- setFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- setFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
- setFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- setFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- setFrictionState(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setFrictionState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MaintenancePrefs
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Preferences
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- setFromCurrent() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setFromElement(FemElement) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- setFromElement(RigidTransform3d, FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- setFromElement(RigidTransform3d, FemElement3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dConstraint
- setFromElement(Point3d, FemElement) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- setFromElement(Point3d, FemElement, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- setFromElement(Point3d, FemElement, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFem3dAttachment
- setFromFem(FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- setFromFem(RigidTransform3d, FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- setFromFem(RigidTransform3d, FemModel3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- setFromFem(Point3d, FemModel3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- setFromFem(Point3d, FemModel3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- setFromHomogeneous(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the values of this vector from a homogeneous representation stored in
the 4-vector v1.
- setFromIntegrationPoint(IntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, RotationMatrix3d, FemElement3dBase, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemDeformedPoint
- setFromMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- setFromNodes(Collection<? extends FemNode>, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- setFromNodes(FemNode[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- setFromNodes(Collection<? extends FemNode>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- setFromNodes(FemNode[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMarker
- setFromNodes(RigidTransform3d, Collection<FemNode3d>, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- setFromNodes(RigidTransform3d, Collection<FemNode3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- setFromNodes(RigidTransform3d, FemNode3d[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- setFromNodes(RigidTransform3d, FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameFem3dAttachment
- setFromNodes(Collection<? extends FemNode>, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- setFromNodes(Point3d, Collection<? extends FemNode>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- setFromNodes(FemNode[], double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- setFromNodes(Point3d, FemNode[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointFem3dAttachment
- setFromPolylines(PolylineMesh, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dElementField
Sets the values for this field from a polyline mesh which specifies a
direction field.
- setFromPolylines(PolylineMesh, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dNodalField
Sets the values for this field from a polyline mesh which specifies a
direction field.
- setFromPolylines(PolylineMesh, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dSubElemField
Sets the values for this field from a polyline mesh which specifies a
direction field.
- setFromRestPoint(IntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d, RotationMatrix3d, FemElement3dBase, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemDeformedPoint
- setFrontAlpha(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setFrontAlpha(float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the alpha value for the front material.
- setFrontAlpha(float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setFrontColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setFrontColor(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to be used for subsequent rendering
of primitives.
- setFrontColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
- setFullscreenCombo(int, char, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudKeyListener
Set key combination for toggling fullscreen, executed in the keyTyped
- setFunction(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.TransformAxis
- setFunction(Diff1Function1x1) - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- setFunction(Diff1FunctionNx1) - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- setFvLinearExtrapThreshold(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- setFvLinearExtrapThreshold(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setG1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setG10(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- setG10Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- setG10Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- setG1Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setG1Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setG2(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setG20(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- setG20Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- setG20Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- setG2Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setG2Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setG30(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- setG30Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- setG30Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.CubicHyperelastic
- setGain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSource
- setGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationSourceList
- setGain(ExcitationSourceList, ExcitationComponent, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationUtils
- setGain(int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- setGain(ExcitationComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- setGamma(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- setGamma(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- setGarbageCollectionInterval(long) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
- setGarbageTimerEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSharedResources
Enables or disables an automatic garbage timer.
- setGaussianWeighting(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the weighting function to be used in computing connections to an
inverse square weighting implemented by
- setGen(int, boolean, int[], int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
For testing ...
- setGeneratingMeshes(Collection<MeshComponent>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- setGeometry(AnalyticGeometryManager.Geometry) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
Changes the currently "active" object.
- setGeometryFile(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
- setGeometryPath(GeometryPath) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ForceSpringBase
- setGeometryPath(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- setGeometrySet(GeometrySet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- setGeomObj(PropertyDescTest.GeomObj) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setGetMethod(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setGetModeMethod(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setGL(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setGLEventListenerInitState(GLEventListener, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setGlobalRenderFlags(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setGLViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- setGrabbing(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets whether the MovieMaker is currently grabbing frames.
- setGraphics(GraphicsInterface) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setGravity(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setGravity(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setGravity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- setGravityMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setGravityMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setGreenInput(MappedPixelGenerator.VoxelInput) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setGreenValueIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setGrid(ScalarGrid) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Sets the grid for this ScalarGridField.
- setGrid(VectorGrid<T>) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Sets the grid for this VectorGridField.
- setGrid(DistanceGrid) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Explicitly sets the grid for this DistanceGridComp.
- setGrid(InterpolatingGridBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- setGridRes(RigidBody, double, Vector3i) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
Sets the distance grid resolution of the given
using the
given density.
- setGridSizeAndPosition(Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setGridSizeAndPosition(Point3d, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the position and minimum size of the viewer grid.1`
- setGridSurfaceRendering(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Enables or disables grid surface rendering.
- setGridToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Sets the transform between the display grid and World
- setGridToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
Sets the transform between the display grid and World
- setGridToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the viewer grid to be visible.
- setGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setGridVisible(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the viewer grid to be visible.
- setGround(Ground) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4
- setGrounded(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setGrounded(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setGroup(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setGrouped(Track) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
Set whether or not a track is part of a group.
- setGrowLength(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setGUIVoidEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
- setGUIVoidEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleIntervalField
- setGUIVoidEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
- setGUIVoidEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerIntervalField
- setGUIVoidEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
- setGUIVoidEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComboBox
- setGUIVoidEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
- setGUIVoidEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
- setGUIVoidEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
- setHalfWidths(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
- setHandler(AddMarkerHandler) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.AddMarkerTool
Set custom handler for adding markers
- setHard(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- setHardEdge(int, int, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Sets the edge between the vertices indexed by
to be hard, as described for
- setHardEdge(Vertex3d, Vertex3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Sets the edge between the vertices
be hard, as described for
- setHardEdgesFromFaceNormals(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Sets edges to be "hard" based on angle between faces.
- setHardEdgesFromNormals() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- setHasDataFrames(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.NumericState
- setHasFeatureColoring(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- setHasMass(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Sets whether or not this RigidMeshComp has mass.
- setHasNormals(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- setHasNormals(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.PolygonalMeshTest
- setHasVertexColoring(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MeshTestBase
- setHeight(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- setHeight(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
Set the height of the image
- setHexKey(String) - Method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
- setHgap(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Sets the horizontal gap between components to the specified value.
- setHidden(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FaceNodes3d
- setHideEmptyComponents(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- setHideEmptyComponents(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- setHighlight(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- setHighlightColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the highlight color used by this viewer.
- setHighlightColor(Color) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the highlight color used by this viewer.
- setHighlightColoredMesh(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setHighlighting(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Enables or disables highlighting.
- setHighlighting(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Enables or disables highlighting.
- setHighlighting(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setHighlightStyle(Renderer.HighlightStyle) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setHighlightStyle(Renderer.HighlightStyle) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the highlighting style for this viewer.
- setHorizontal(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setHorizontalAlignment(TextComponentBase.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setHorizontalAlignment(TextComponentBase.HorizontalAlignment) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
Sets the horizontal alignment, one of LEFT, CENTRE, RIGHT
- setHorizontalAlignment(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledMultiTextField
Sets the horizontal alignment for all the text fields in this control.
- setHost(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.ExactMatcher
- setHost(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the encoded host
- setHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- setHostList(HostList, boolean) - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
Resets the host list within this EditingProperty.
- setHostPattern(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- setHueRange(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
Sets the hue range.
- setHueRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
Sets the hue range.
- setHybridSolve(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setHybridSolves(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Enables hybrid solves.
- setHybridSolvesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setHybridSolvesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- setHybridSolvesEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Set hybrid sparse matrix solves to be enabled or disabled by default.
- setIcon(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- setIcon(Icon) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledToggleButton
- setId(int) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Sets the transformation to the identity.
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the transformation to the identity.
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Sets to the identity dual quaternion 1 + 0e
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Sets this matrix to the identity.
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Sets this matrix to the identity.
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Sets this matrix to the identity.
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Sets this matrix to the identity.
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets this matrix to the identity matrix.
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets this matrix to the identity matrix.
- setIdentity() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets this matrix to the identity matrix.
- setIdentityFactory(FileSystemOptions, IdentityRepositoryFactory) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileCacher
- setIdentityRepository(SimpleIdentityRepository) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleIdRepoFactory
- setIgnoreActivationDynamics(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setIgnoreDeselection(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
Sets this control to ignore deselection events.
- setIgnoreForceVelocity(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setIgnoreForceVelocity(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- setIgnorePosition(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- setIgnoreTendonCompliance(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setIgnoreTendonCompliance(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setIgnoreUpdateBounds(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- setIgnoreValidator(WidgetDialog.Validator) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- setImage(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- setImage(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImageProbe
- setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent.ImagePanel
- setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent.ImagePanel
- setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent.ImagePanel
- setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent.ImagePanel
- setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport.ImagePanel
- setImageFromViewer(DicomViewer, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
Sets the texture image from a dicom viewer.
- setImageSpace(NiftiImage.ImageSpace) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- setImplicitIterations(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setImplicitPrecision(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setImportFileName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setIncludeTime(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TextExportProps
- setIncompCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setIncompForces(double[], double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setIncompressible(FemModel.IncompMethod) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setIncompressIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3d
- setIncompressIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setIncrement(int) - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Sets the size to grow the array when we read capacity
- setIndentation(int) - Method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
- setIndentColumn(int) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
- setIndependentCoordinateNames(String[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- setIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- setIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.BodyInfo
- setIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Sets the index value for this face.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Sets the index value for this vertex.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- setIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d.Knot
- setIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline1d.Knot
- setIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d.Knot
- setInertia(SpatialInertia) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModelFrame
- setInertia(SpatialInertia) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Explicitly sets the spatial inertia of this body.
- setInertia(double, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Explicitly sets the mass and rotational inertia of this body.
- setInertia(double, SymmetricMatrix3d, Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Explicitly sets the mass, rotational inertia, and center of mass of this
- setInertia(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Explicitly sets the mass and rotational inertia of this body.
- setInertia(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setInertia(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setInertiaFromDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Causes the inertia to be automatically computed from the mesh volume
and a given density.
- setInertiaFromMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Causes the inertia to be automatically computed from the mesh volume
and a given mass (with the density computed by dividing the mass
by the mesh volume).
- setInertialDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setInertialDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setInertialDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setInertialDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setInertiaMethod(RigidBody.InertiaMethod) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Sets the
method used to
determine the inertia for this RigidBody.
- setInertiaXX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setInertiaXY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setInertiaXZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setInertiaYY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setInertiaYZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setInertiaZZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- setInheritedValue(PropertyInfo, HasProperties, Object) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
Sets the value of an inheritable property to an inherited value.
- setInitDraggersInWorld(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- setInitDraggersInWorld(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- setInitDraggersInWorldCoords(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setInitialExcitations(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets initial excitations to the supplied values.
- setInitializeBundle(ComponentList<MuscleBundle>) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MuscleFibreAgent
Used to indicate that the muscle bundle was newly created and this agent
should provide widgets to set its name and render properties.
- setInitialT21(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setInitialT21() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setInitialTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- setInnerRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidTorus
- setInnerRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapTorus
- setInputProbeData(String, double[][]) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Sets the data associated with a numeric input probe.
- setInputProbeData(RootModel, InverseManager.ProbeID, double[], double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
- setInputProperties(Property[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- setInsertionBasePosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setInsertionInterpolation(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setInsertionMotion(ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase.PointMotion) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- setInstance(int, RenderInstances.InstanceTransformType, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
- setInstanceColorsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setInt(int) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setIntArray(int[]) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setIntegrationData(ArrayList<IntegrationData3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setIntegrationLimits(int, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFieldApproximation
- setIntegrationPoints(IntegrationPoint3d[], MatrixNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- setIntegrationPoints(IntegrationPoint3d[], MatrixNd, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- setIntegrationPoints(ArrayList<MFreeIntegrationPoint3d>, ArrayList<IntegrationData3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setIntegrationPoints(MFreeIntegrationPoint3d[], IntegrationData3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setIntegrationPoints(ArrayList<MFreeIntegrationPoint3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setIntegrator(MechSystemSolver.Integrator) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setIntegrator(MechSystemSolver.Integrator) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setIntentCode(NiftiHeader.IntentCode) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setIntentName(String) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setIntentP1(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setIntentP2(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setIntentP3(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setInternal(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
- setInterpolation(Interpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Sets the interpolation method for this numeric input probe.
- setInterpolation(Interpolation.Order) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.RigidTransformInputProbe
Set the interpolation order of the interpolator.
- setInterpolation(Interpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.RigidTransformInputProbe
Set your own interpolation method
- setInterpolation(MeshCurve.Interpolation) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- setInterpolation(Interpolation) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Sets the interpolation method for this list.
- setInterpolationOrder(Interpolation.Order) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setInterpolationOrder(Interpolation.Order) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Sets the interpolation order for this numeric probe.
- setInterpolationOrder(Interpolation.Order) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Sets the interpolation order for this list.
- setInterruptHandler(ReadlinePanel.InterruptHandler) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel
- setIntersectingMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MeshIntersectingProbe
Sets the mesh to compute intersections with
- setInterval(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Sets the scroll interval in milliseconds
- setInterval(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setInterval(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- setIntervalMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- setInvalid() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeDriver
- setInverseSquareWeighting() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the weighting function to be used in computing connections to an
inverse square weighting implemented by
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
Used by the internal FEM code to mark whether or not this element is
- setInvisibleIfInactive(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointConditionalMarker
- setIsCollidable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Sets whether or not this RigidMeshComp is collidable.
- setIsDynamic(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- setIsEnforced(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConstraintBase
- setIsNormalized(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- setItalicFont(JComponent) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- setIterationLimit(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Sets the iteration limit for computations.
- setIterationLimit(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenEstimator
- setIterationLimit(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Sets the iteration limit for SVD computations.
- setIterationLimit(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Sets the iteration limit for SVD computations.
- setIterationLimit(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Sets the iteration limit for this solver.
- setIterationLimit(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Sets the iteration limit for this solver.
- setIterationLimit(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Sets the iteration limit for this solver.
- setIterationLimit(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Sets the iteration limit for this solver.
- setIterativeSolver(IterativeSolver) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setIV(IvParameterSpec) - Method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
Sets initialization vector for algorithm
- setIV(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
Sets initialization vector for algorithm
- setIV(byte[], int) - Method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
Sets initialization vector for algorithm with a given
- setIV(String) - Method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
Sets initialization vector
- setIVHex(String) - Method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
Sets initialization vector
- setJacobianSymmetric(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setJLimit(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setJLimitMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MooneyRivlinMaterial
- setJMenu(JMenu) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- setJoint(Joint) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setJoint(JointBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Joint
- setJointRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJointBase
Sets a radius used for rendering this joint as a sphere.
- setJointRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets a radius used for rendering this joint as a sphere.
- setJointSet(JointSet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Model4
- setJythonFrameVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setJythonLocation(GuiUtils.RelativeLocation) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setKd(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Derivative gain for PD controller
- setKeepVelocityJacobianConstant(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Disables recomputation of the velocity Jacobian.
- setKey(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
- setKey(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
- setKey(String) - Method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
- setKey(Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Sets a key for the property associated with this descriptor.
- setKeyFromPassphrase(String) - Method in class maspack.crypt.CryptorBase
- setKeySize(AESCryptor.KeySize) - Method in class maspack.crypt.AESCryptor
Sets the key size, in number of bytes
- setKnotPositions(int, Point3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the knot positions for a wrappable current segment
indxed by segIdx
- setKnotSize(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setKnotsVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setKp(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Proportional gain for PD controller
- setKShapeActive(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- setKshapeActive(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setKshapeActive(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setKShapePassive(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- setKshapePassive(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setKshapePassive(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setL0variationPerc(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LigamentAxialMaterial
- setL11(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL11Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL11Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL12(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL12Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL12Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL22(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL22Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL22Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL23(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL23Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL23Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL2Regularization(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables L2 regularization with a specified weight.
- setL2Regularization() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables L2 regularization with a default weight of 0.0001.
- setL31(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL31Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL31Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL33(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL33Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setL33Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setLabel(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- setLabel(int, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setLabelColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setLabelColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setLabelFontColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- setLabelFontColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- setLabelPositions(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setLabels(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setLabels(VectorNd, ArrayList<String>) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setLabels(String, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- setLabels(String, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- setLabels(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- setLabels(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- setLabelSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setLabelSize(double) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.HasAlignableLabels
- setLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- setLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- setLabelSpacing(LabelSpacing) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledPanel
- setLabelStretchable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
- setLabelStretchable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
- setLabelText(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Sets the label text associated with this component.
- setLabelText(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
Sets the label text associated with this component.
- setLabelText(String) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.LabeledWidget
- setLam11(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam11Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam11Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam12(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam12Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam12Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam22(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam22Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam22Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam23(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam23Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam23Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam31(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam31Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam31Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam33(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam33Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLam33Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setLambdaMax(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- setLambdaMaxField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- setLambdaMaxMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- setLaptopConfig() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- setLargeDisplay(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setLargeDisplayVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setLargeDisplayVisible(Probe, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- setLargeDisplayVisible(Probe, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setLastEntered(Track, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Set the value of the track that was last entered by the mouse.
- setLatitude(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets this joint's latitude angle.
- setLatitudeLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Set whether the latitude coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setLatitudeRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the range limits of the latitude for this joint.
- setLatitudeRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the latitude range limits for this joint.
- setLaunchDelay(double) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.ProgressBarTransferListener
Sets the time in seconds that we should wait before launching the
progress panel.
- setLaunchThreshold(double) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.ProgressBarTransferListener
Sets the ETA in seconds required to launch the progress panel.
- setLeafMassDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- setLeafStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- setLeafThickness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.LeafBranchDemo
- setLeafValuesVoid() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- setLegacyControl(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- setLegacyMotionControl() - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets property settings in the controller and motion control to those used
before PD and chase control were redesigned.
- setLegend(LegendDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setLegendLabels(List<String>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapCylinder
- setLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- setLengthScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- setLengthUnits(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- setLibDir(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- setLibDir(String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Sets the main library directory which contains the native directory.
- setLigamentTransitionStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- setLigamentTransitionStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- setLigamentTransitionStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- setLightingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setLights(GL3, List<Light>, float, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setLightSpace(Light.LightSpace) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setLightSpace(Light.LightSpace) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setLimits(int, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
Integrator will continue integrating until either the variance estimate
falls below maxVariance, or maxIterations is reached
- setLinearAttenuation(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setLinearCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets a uniform compliance for the linear constraints of this connector.
- setLinearLimitTol(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets the penetration tolerance for linear limit constraints.
- setLinearMaterial(double, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setLinearMaterial(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- setLinearMuscleMaterial(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setLinearStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- setLinearStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- setLinearStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- setLinearStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- setLineColor(int, Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setLineColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineColor(Renderable, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineColor(Renderable, float[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setLineColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to the line color in
, and enables or disables highlighting
according to the value of highlight
- setLineColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setLineColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineColorMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineColorsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setLineno(int) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Sets the current line number.
- setLineRadius(double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineRadius(Renderable, double) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineRadiusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineRadiusMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineScaleOffsetEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setLineSearch(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Enables or disables line search for this spring.
- setLinesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- setLineShading(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the shading appropriate to the line style specified in
- setLineShading(RenderProps) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the shading appropriate to the line style specified in
- setLineShading(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setLineSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleLineConstraint
- setLineSpacing(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Sets the line spacing, 1 for single-space
- setLineStyle(Renderer.LineStyle) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineStyle(Renderable, Renderer.LineStyle) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineStyleMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineStyleMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineText(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
Sets the line width of this dragger.
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Sets the line width used to render this grid.
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the width for rendering lines, in pixels.
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineWidth(Renderable, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineWidth(float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setLineWidthMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLineWidthMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setLittleEndian(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.XyzbReader
- setLittleEndian(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
Sets whether or not this stream converts its input from little-endian.
- setLittleEndian(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryOutputStream
Sets whether or not this stream converts its output to little-endian.
- setLittleEndian(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.BitInputStream
- setLiveUpdateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.OptionPanel
- setLocalForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setLocalPoints(Collection<? extends Vector3d>) - Method in class maspack.numerics.RigidPoseEstimator
Sets the local points for this estimator.
- setLocalRoot(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Sets the local directory to download files to
- setLocalToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- setLocalToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- setLocalToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
- setLocalToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Sets a transform that maps from local to world coordinates.
- setLocalToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Sets a transform that maps from local to world coordinates.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setLocation(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setLocation(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- setLocation(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointFrameAttachment
- setLocation(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setLocation(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- setLocation(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathPoint
- setLocation(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
Rectangular location (x,y,width,height) of color bar.
- setLocation(Rectangle2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
Rectangular location (x,y,width,height) of color bar.
- setLocation(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConstrainedTranslator3d
- setLocation(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- setLocation(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeInfo
- setLocation(int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleViewerApp
- setLocationBody1(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setLocationBody1(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- setLocationBody2(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setLocationBody2(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- setLocationInParent(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setLockAxesToWorld(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setLogger(Logger) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Sets an application-specific logger
- setLogger(Logger) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Sets the logger for printing messages, defaults
to printing to console.
- setLogger(Logger) - Static method in class maspack.util.Debug
- setLogLevel(Logger.LogLevel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Sets the current log level for this application.
- setLogLevel(Logger.LogLevel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MaintenancePrefs
- setLogLevel(Logger.LogLevel) - Static method in class maspack.util.Debug
- setLogLevel(Logger.LogLevel) - Method in class maspack.util.Logger
Set the minimum log level to record
- setLogLevel(Logger.LogLevel) - Method in class maspack.util.StreamLogger
- setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setLong(long) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setLongArray(long[]) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setLongitude(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets this joint's longitude angle.
- setLongitudeLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Set whether the longitude coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setLongitudeRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the range limits of the longitude for this joint.
- setLongitudeRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the longitude range limits for this joint.
- setLookAndFeel(Main.LookAndFeel) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setLower(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Set all the lower limit parameters.
- setLowerBound(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.NonuniformBoundsTerm
- setLowerBound(double) - Method in class maspack.util.DoubleInterval
Sets the lower bound for the interval of this DoubleRange.
- setLowerBound(int) - Method in class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Sets the lower bound for the interval of this IntRange.
- setLowerBoundClosed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.DoubleInterval
Sets the lower bound for the interval of this DoubleRange to be closed or
- setLowerDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Sets the damping parameter for the lower limit restoring force.
- setLowerLimit(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Sets the lower limit for the joint coordinate, beyond which a restoring
force will be applied.
- setLowerLimit(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- setLowerStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Sets the stiffness for the lower limit restoring force.
- setLowerStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- setLowerToUpper() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Makes this matrix symmetric by setting its lower triangular elements
equal to the corresponding upper triangular elements.
- setLowerTransition(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Sets the transition region size for the lower limit restoring force.
- setMagFilter(TextureMapProps.TextureFilter) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setMagFilterMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setMagic(char[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setMagnitude(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setMain(Main) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
For internal use only; be careful!!
- setMain(Main) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ArtisynthJythonConsole
- setMainFrame(MainFrame) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.GenericKeyHandler
- setMainViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setMajorColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setMajorColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setMajorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- setMajorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- setMajorTickSpacing(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- setMajorTickSpacing(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- setMapping(DynamicRegularizationTerm.Mapping) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- setMargin(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- setMargin(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Sets the extra distance margin by which bounding volumes in this tree
should surround their elements.
- setMarginFraction(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Sets the margin fraction used when automatically constructing a grid.
- setMarked(boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Marks or unmarks this component.
- setMarked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Marks or unmarks this component.
- setMarkerLabels(Collection<String>) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.MarkerMotionData
- setMarkerSet(MarkerSet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- setMarkerWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Sets the marker weights used by this IKSolver.
- setMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- setMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode
- setMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Particle
- setMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Sets the mass for the mesh.
- setMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Explicitly sets a mass value for this RigidMeshComp if mass >= 0
- setMass(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setMass(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets the mass for this spatial inertia.
- setMassCenter(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Body
- setMassDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Sets the Rayleigh damping coefficient associated with the FEM's mass
- setMassDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setMassDistribution(MassDistribution) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Sets the mass distribution for this RigidMeshComp.
- setMasses(FemModel3d, Function3x1, FemElementIntegrator) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Numerically integrates the density function over each element to compute
masses concentrated at the nodes.
- setMasses(FemModel3d, ScalarFemField, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Sets node and element masses based on a supplied density function by integrating over each
element to compute masses concentrated at the nodes.
- setMassRegularization(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Sets the mass regulaization coefficient for this IKProbe.
- setMassRegularization(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Sets the mass regularization coefficent c
for this solver.
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setMaterial(T) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleComponent
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- setMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringList
- setMaterial(FemMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FemBeamTest
- setMaterial(AxialMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
- setMaterial(float[], float[], float, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setMaterialDiffuse(GL3, float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setMaterials(GL3, Material, Material) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setMaterials(GL3, Material, float[], Material, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setMaterials(GL3, Material, Material) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.MaterialsUBO
- setMatrices(GL3, Matrix4d, RigidTransform3d, AffineTransform3dBase, Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setMatrices(GL3, Matrix4d, RigidTransform3d, AffineTransform3dBase, Matrix3d, AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setMatrixChecking(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Enables or disables checking of the integrity of the matrix data
structures passed to Pardiso.
- setMatrixNd(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setMatrixSolver(SparseSolverId) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setMatrixSolver(SparseSolverId) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- setMatrixSolver(SparseSolverId) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setMatrixSolver(SparseSolverId) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setMatrixType(String) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolverTest
- setMaxColoredExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setMaxColoredExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setMaxColoredExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setMaxColoredExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- setMaxColoredExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setMaxColoredExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setMaxColoredExcitation(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- setMaxColoredExcitationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setMaxColoredExcitationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setMaxColoredExcitationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setMaxColoredExcitationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- setMaxColoredExcitationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setMaxColoredExcitationMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setMaxColumns(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberWriter
- setMaxContractionVelocity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setMaxContractionVelocity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setMaxControl(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setMaxDegree(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- setMaxDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemGeometryTransformer
Set a maximum distance maxd
(in the rest configuration) beyond
which the deformation field is not applied.
- setMaxExcitationJump(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the maximum jump in excitation values permitted between steps.
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointToPointMuscle
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- setMaxForce(PointSpringBase, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- setMaxForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- setMaxForceMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setMaxForceMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setMaxForceMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setMaxForceMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- setMaxForceMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- setMaximumPennationAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- setMaximumPennationAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setMaximumRotation(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
Sets the maximum total rotation for this coupling.
- setMaximumRotation(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
Sets the maximum total rotation about the x, y, and z axes.
- setMaximums(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- setMaximumSelections(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
Sets the maximum number of components that may be concurrently selected.
- setMaximumSize(Dimension) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Sets the maximum size for the underlying AWT component
- setMaximumTilt(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- setMaximumTilt(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
Sets the maximum tilt for this coupling.
- setMaxIntensity(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
Intensity for scaling light parameters for HDR->LDR
- setMaxIsoForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
- setMaxIsoForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setMaxIsometricForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKProbe
Set the maximum number of iterations allowed in each IK solve step.
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Set the maximum number of iterations allowed in each solve step.
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
- setMaxLambda(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setMaxLambda(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setMaxLambda(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setMaxLambdaField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setMaxLambdaField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setMaxLambdaField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setMaxLambdaMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setMaxLambdaMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setMaxLambdaMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setMaxLatitude(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the upper latitude range limit for this joint.
- setMaxLeafElements(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVTree
Sets the maximum number of elements that may be contained in a leaf node.
- setMaxLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setMaxLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setMaxLengthMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setMaxLengthMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setMaxLights(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLLightManager
- setMaxLongitude(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the upper longitude range limit for this joint.
- setMaxPennationAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
- setMaxPennationAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- setMaxPhi(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the upper phi range limit for this joint.
- setMaxPitch(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the upper pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxPitch(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the upper pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxPitch(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets the upper pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxRayCasts(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery
- setMaxRefinementSteps(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the maximum number of iterative refinement steps that Pardiso should
perform after a solve.
- setMaxResolution(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Sets the default maximum cell resolution that should be used when
automatically constructing a distance grid.
- setMaxRoll(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the upper roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxRoll(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the upper roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxRoll(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets the upper roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxRotation(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- setMaxRotation(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- setMaxRotation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- setMaxRows(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- setMaxRows(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- setMaxSamples(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
- setMaxStep(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setMaxStepSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setMaxStepSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- setMaxStepSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Sets the maximum step size by which this model should be advanced within a
simulation loop.
- setMaxStepSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Sets the maximum step size by which this model should be advanced within a
simulation loop.
- setMaxStepSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setMaxStress(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setMaxStress(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setMaxStress(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setMaxStress(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- setMaxStress(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- setMaxStressField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setMaxStressField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setMaxStressField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setMaxStressField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- setMaxStressField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- setMaxStressMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setMaxStressMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setMaxStressMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setMaxStressMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- setMaxStressMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- setMaxTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the upper theta range limit for this joint.
- setMaxTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Sets the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets the upper theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxTilt(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- setMaxVariance(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
- setMaxWrapDisplacement(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the maximum wrap displacement for this spring.
- setMaxWrapIterations(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the maximum number of wrap iterations for this spring.
- setMaxX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the upper x range limit for this joint.
- setMaxX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the upper x range limit for this joint.
- setMaxX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets the upper x range limit for this joint.
- setMaxX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets the upper x range limit for this joint.
- setMaxY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the upper y range limit for this joint.
- setMaxY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the upper y range limit for this joint.
- setMaxY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets the upper y range limit for this joint.
- setMaxYaw(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the upper yaw range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxYaw(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the upper yaw range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMaxZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets the upper z range limit for this joint.
- setMaxZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Sets the upper z range limit for this joint.
- setMean(double) - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction1x1
- setMean(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction3x1
- setMech(MechSystemBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Set the mechanical system being controlled.
- setMenuTree(MenuEntry) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu
- setMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the mesh associated with the this SkinMeshBody.
- setMesh(MeshBase, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
Sets a mesh for this body.
- setMesh(MeshBase, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- setMesh(MeshBase, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- setMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- setMesh(PolygonalMesh, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleMeshConstraint
- setMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setMesh(PolygonalMesh, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setMesh(PolygonalMesh, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setMesh(MeshBase, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
- setMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- setMesh(PolygonalMesh, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- setMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConstrainedTranslator3d
- setMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setMesh(PolygonalMesh, String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setMesh(PointMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setMesh(PointMesh, String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setMesh(PolylineMesh) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setMesh(PolylineMesh, String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setMesh(MeshBase) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- setMesh0Visible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- setMesh1Visible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.AjlCollisionTest
- setMeshComp(MeshComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- setMeshFile(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Mesh
- setMeshFromFile(MeshBase, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- setMeshFromFile(MeshBase, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- setMeshFromInfo() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- setMeshQueue(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- setMeshToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- setMeshToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- setMeshToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets the spatial transform this mesh.
- setMeshToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- setMessage(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- setMessageLevel(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the message level for the Pardiso native code.
- setMethod(MovieMaker.Method) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- setMethod(MeshRegistrationAgent.Method) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent
- setMethod(CollisionBehavior.Method) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Set the contact method to be used by this behavior.
- setMethod(CollisionBehavior.Method) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Set the contact method to be used for collisions.
- setMethod(MovieMaker.Method, String, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets movie making method.
- setMethod(MovieMaker.Method) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets the current movie making method.
- setMethod(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathWrap
- setMethod(OBB.Method) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBBTree
Sets the method used to generate the OBBs within the tree.
- setMethodInfo(MovieMaker.Method, MovieMaker.MethodInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Returns information for a specific method
- setMethodMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setMethodMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setMinCellPixels(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setMinCellPixels(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Sets the desired minimum number of pixels per cell or divided cell.
- setMinControl(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setMinFilter(TextureMapProps.TextureFilter) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setMinFilterMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setMinimumActivation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Thelen2003AxialMuscle
- setMinimumActivation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle
- setMinimumActivation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setMinimums(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.AABB
- setMinimumSize(Dimension) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Sets the minimum size for the underlying AWT component
- setMinimumWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.SizableLabel
- setMinLatitude(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the lower latitude range limit for this joint.
- setMinLongitude(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the lower longitude range limit for this joint.
- setMinorColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setMinorColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setMinorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- setMinorTickSpacing(double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- setMinorTickSpacing(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- setMinorTickSpacing(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- setMinPhi(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the lower phi range limit for this joint.
- setMinPitch(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the lower pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinPitch(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the lower pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinPitch(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets the lower pitch range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinRoll(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the lower roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinRoll(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the lower roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinRoll(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets the lower roll range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinSamples(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloIntegrator
- setMinSize(double) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Sets the minimum grid size.
- setMinStepSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setMinTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the lower theta range limit for this joint.
- setMinTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Sets the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets the lower theta range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinThicknessRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Sets the minimum thickness ratio for this material.
- setMinX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the lower x range limit for this joint.
- setMinX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the lower x range limit for this joint.
- setMinX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets the lower x range limit for this joint.
- setMinX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets the lower x range limit for this joint.
- setMinY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the lower y range limit for this joint.
- setMinY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the lower y range limit for this joint.
- setMinY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets the lower y range limit for this joint.
- setMinYaw(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the lower yaw range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinYaw(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the lower yaw range limit for this joint, in degrees.
- setMinZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets the lower z range limit for this joint.
- setMinZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Sets the lower z range limit for this joint.
- setMixTextureColorDiffuse(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setMixTextureColorEmission(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setMixTextureColorSpecular(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setMixVertexColorDiffuse(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setMixVertexColorEmission(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setMixVertexColorSpecular(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.EditingProperty
- setMode(PropTreeCell, PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- setMode(PropertyMode) - Method in interface maspack.properties.InheritableProperty
Sets the mode for this property.
- setMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.InheritablePropertyHandle
- setMode(HasProperties, PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- setMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- setMode(GLProgramInfo.RenderingMode) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
- setModeAndUpdate(HasProperties, String, PropertyMode, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
- setModeAppearance(LabeledControl, Container, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- setModel(Model) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgent
- setModel(Model) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgentBase
- setModel(ModelScriptInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- setModel(ModelBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimDocument
- setModel(Model) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- setModelDirectory(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setModelFromComponent(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelAgentBase
- setModelInfo(ModelScriptInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.StartupModel
- setModelMatrix(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setModelMatrix(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the model matrix to the specified transform.
- setModelMatrix(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setModelMatrix2d(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the model matrix to perform scaling and translation in the
x-y plane so that the model coordinates (left,bottom) and
(right,top) map onto (-1,1) and (1,1) in world coordinates.
- setModelMatrix2d(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the model matrix to perform scaling and translation in the
x-y plane so that the model coordinates (left,bottom) and
(right,top) map onto (-1,1) and (1,1) in world coordinates.
- setModelMatrix2d(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setModelSaveFormat(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setModelTitle(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Sets a title for this model.
- setModifiersEx(int) - Method in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
Sets the extended keyboard modifiers that were in play at the
time the selection was invoked.
- setMonitorSleep(double) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Sets the sleep time between checking for transfer updates.
- setMotionRenderProps(RenderProps, RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the render properties used for rendering target and source components.
- setMotionTargetTermWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the weight of the motion term.
- setMotionTargetWeight(MotionTargetComponent, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the weight for a specific motion target.
- setMotionType(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setMotionType(Coordinate.MotionType) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setMouseBindings(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
set the mouse bindings
- setMouseBindings(MouseBindings) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setMouseBindings(MouseBindings) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Sets the mouse bindings to be used by the viewers.
- setMouseHandler(GLMouseListener) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setMouseWheelZoomScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setMouseWheelZoomScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setMouseWheelZoomScale(double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
set the mouse wheel zoom amount modified by Charles Krzysik on Apr 11th
2008 default: 100
- setMouseWheelZoomScale(double) - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLMouseListener
- setMovieFolder(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets the working folder in which movies are made.
- setMovieFolderPath(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- setMovieName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
Strips out white space and file separators before setting file name.
- setMu(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- setMu(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
- setMU1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setMu1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setMu1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMU1Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setMu1Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setMu1Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMU1Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setMu1Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setMu1Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMU2(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setMu2(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setMu2(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMU2Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setMu2Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setMu2Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMU2Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setMu2Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setMu2Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMU3(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setMu3(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setMu3(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMU3Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setMu3Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setMu3Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMU3Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungMaterial
- setMu3Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FungOrthotropicMaterial
- setMu3Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMu4(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMu4Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMu4Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMu5(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMu5Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMu5Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMu6(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMu6Field(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMu6Mode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- setMuField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- setMultipleAutoNormals(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
- setMultipleProbeSelecting(boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- setMultipleSelectionMask(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setMultipleSelectionMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Sets the modifier mask that enables multiple selection.
- setMultiplier(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setMultiSampleEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setMultiSegment(ArrayList<? extends Vector3d>, double[]) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Sets this spline to one consisting of n segments with n+1 knots, at s
values given by svals
, with the coeffcients computed to best fit
a set of x values uniformly placed along the entire interval.
- setMuMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ArrudaBoyceMaterial
- setMuscleLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setMuscleMaterial(MuscleMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setMuscleMaterial(T) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setMuscleMaterial(MuscleMaterial) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setMutable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
- setMyFMTratioLit(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- setMySarcomereLenLit(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- setNagataInterpolation(NagataInterpolator) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleMeshConstraint
- setName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setName(String) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Sets the name of this component.
- setName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Sets the name of this component.
- setName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObject
- setName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Sets the name of this component.
- setName(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- setName(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Sets the name of the property associated with this descriptor.
- setName(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- setName(String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeInfo
- setName(String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
- setNatural(double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Sets this spline to a natural cubic spline for a set of knot points whose
x and y positions are given.
- setNatural(double[], double[], double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Sets this spline to a natural cubic spline for a set of knot points whose
x and y positions are given.
- setNatural(ArrayList<? extends Vector3d>, double[]) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Sets this spline to a natural cubic spline for a set of knot points.
- setNavigationPanelLines(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- setNavigationPanelLines(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- setNavPanel(NavigationPanel) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- setNavpanelDisplay(CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
Sets the display mode for this component.
- setNavpanelDisplay(CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Sets the display mode for this component.
- setNavpanelVisibility(ModelComponent.NavpanelVisibility, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- setNavpanelVisibility(ModelComponent.NavpanelVisibility) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- setNearEdge(int, HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionPoint
- setNearestEdge(Point3d, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dFeature
- setNearestVertex(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dFeature
- setNeighborParities() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
Rescursively sets the partities of a nodes neighbors, starting with this
element, so as to try and obtain conforming tesselation.
- setNestedURI(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the nested URI for zip-type URIs
- setNext(PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- setNext(PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FrameConnection
- setNext(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
- setNext(CollisionHandler) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
Sets next handler in a row of a CollisionHandlerTable.
- setNext(HalfEdge) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Sets the next half-edge adjacent to this one (in a counter-clockwise
- setNext(Vertex3dNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dNode
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNext(MatrixBlock) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Sets the next matrix block in a block matrix row.
- setNextCompletionKey(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Sets the keyboard key to be used for triggering the next completion option
- setNodalAveragingMatrix(MatrixNd) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- setNode(FemNode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodalFieldPoint
- setNodeCoordinates(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- setNodeCoordinates(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- setNodeCoordinates(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreePoint3d
- setNodeOffset(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemReader
- setNodeOffset(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- setNodes(FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- setNodes(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- setNodes(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
- setNodes(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetElement
Sets the nodes of a TetraHedral element.
- setNodes(MFreeNode3d[]) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeShapeFunction
Set the rest nodes
- setNodes(MFreeNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- setNodeToken(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemReader
- setNodeToken(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- setNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- setNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- setNormal(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets the normal corresponding to index idx
- setNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
- setNormal(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setNormal(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setNormal(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the normal to be associated with the next vertex to be
added while in draw mode.
- setNormal(double, double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the normal to be associated with the next vertex to be
added while in draw mode.
- setNormal(Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the normal to be associated with the next vertex to be
added while in draw mode.
- setNormal(int, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the normal with index nidx.
- setNormal(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the normal with index nidx.
- setNormal(int, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the new normal, by reference, with index nidx.
- setNormal(int, float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Updates the values of the normal with index nidx.
- setNormal(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setNormal(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setNormal(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarCoupling
- setNormalColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.PopupListener
- setNormalComputeRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
Sets the radius around the marker used to collect vertices for estimating
its surface normal.
- setNormalComputeRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
Sets the radius around the marker used to collect vertices for estimating
its surface normal.
- setNormalComputeRadiusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- setNormalComputeRadiusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- setNormalizeCostTerms(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables or disbles normalization of the cost terms in the quadratic
- setNormalizedDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- setNormalizedDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- setNormalizedDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- setNormalizeH(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- setNormalLen(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.PointMeshTest
- setNormalLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- setNormalMap(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- setNormalMap(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- setNormalMap(NormalMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setNormalMap(NormalMapProps) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
If normal mapping is supported, sets up a normal map according
to the properties specified by props
, or removes
normal mapping if props
is null
- setNormalMap(NormalMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setNormalMap(Renderable, NormalMapProps) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setNormalMap(NormalMapProps) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setNormalMapEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setNormalMapEnabled(Renderable, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setNormalMapEnabledMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setNormalMapFileName(Renderable, String) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setNormalMapFileNameMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setNormalRenderLen(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PointMesh
- setNormals(List<Vector3d>, int[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Explicitly sets the normals and associated indices for this mesh.
- setNormalsDynamic(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets whether or not normals should be considered dynamic.
- setNormalVelocityLimit(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.ContactInfo
- setNTFrictionActivity(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Enables or disables activity of the NT
matrix during friction
solves, which occur in the friction iterations associated with solve()
- setNullValueEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ModelComponentSelector
- setNullValueOK(boolean) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
Used internally by the system to set the number for this integration
- setNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeIntegrationPoint3d
- setNumber(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Sets the number of this component.
- setNumber(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Sets the number of this component.
- setNumber(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Sets the number of this bounding volume.
- setNumbered(int, C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- setNumbered(int, C, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- setNumberFormat(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- setNumberFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- setNumberFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setNumberFormat(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setNumberFormatString(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setNumbering(FemReaderBase.Numbering) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Sets how nodes and elements are numbered based on the input.
- setNumClipPlanes(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setNumDisplayLines(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Sets maximum number of lines to display
- setNumericOnly(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.PropertyField
Sets this field to accept only numeric properties (i.e., those whose
values can be mapped onto a vector).
- setNumericProbeDisplay() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setNumericRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Sets a NumericRange for this property.
- setNumExpDigits(int) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Sets the number of exponent digits to be used with exponential notation
with the format types 'e', 'E', 'g' and 'G'.
- setNumextremaaxes(int) - Static method in class maspack.collision.MeshCollider
Set the number of axes along which to take the extrema points when
throwing out redundant contact points.
- setNumFrictionDirections(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- setNumLights(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setNumLSQSamples(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFieldApproximation
Number of samples to use when approximating function with least-squares
- setNumSegments(int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setNumSolverThreads(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setNumSolverThreads(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- setNumThreads(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the number of threads that Pardiso should use.
- setObjToWorld(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
Sets the 3D transform from the coordinate frame of this
NURBS object to the world.
- setOffset(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.FemConnection
- setOffset(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- setOffset(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setOffSet(int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- setOffset(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
- setOffset(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- setOffset(double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- setOldPropName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- setOneBasedNodeElementNumbering(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
Sets the numbering for the nodes, elements and shell elements in this FEM
to be one-based (as opposed to the default numbering, which is
- setOneBasedNumbering(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
Sets whether or not one-based numbering is enabled for this component
- setOneBasedNumbering(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListImpl
- setOpacity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- setOpacity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase
- setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setOpen(boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.AhoIntersectionContour
- setOpenSimCompatible(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
- setOptFibreLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setOptFibreLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setOptFibreLengthMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setOptimalFiberLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setOptimalForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setOptions(int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- setOptions(String, String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Sets options for a specifed property within this list.
- setOptLambda(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setOptLambda(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setOptLambdaField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setOptLambdaField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setOptLambdaMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setOptLambdaMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setOptLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setOptLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setOptLengthMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setOptLengthMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setOptPennationAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setOrder(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- setOrder(Interpolation.Order) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.Interpolation
Sets the interpolation order.
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
Sets the orientation of this body's coordinate frame relative to world.
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalOffsetFrame
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Sets the orientation of the display
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
Sets the orientation of the display
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
Orientation w.r.t.
- setOrientation(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Sets the orientation of this grid with respect to its local coordinates.
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.PrincipalDiffusionColorComputer
- setOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setOrientationBody1(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setOrientationBody2(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setOrientationInParent(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setOrientationXYZ(RotationMatrix3d, Point3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObjectFactory
- setOrientationXYZ(RotationMatrix3d, double, double, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObjectFactory
Set this rotations to represent a body-fixed rotation of X-Y-Z.
- setOrigin(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- setOrigin(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- setOriginBasePosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setOriginInterpolation(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setOriginMotion(ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase.PointMotion) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- setOrthogonal(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the viewing frustum to an orthogonal projection centered about the -z
- setOrthogonal(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setOrthogonal(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the viewing frustum to a general orthogonal projection.
- setOrthogonal(double, double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the viewing frustum to an orthogonal projection centered about the
-z axis.
- setOrthographicView(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setOrthographicView(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setOrthographicView(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
- setOuterRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidTorus
- setOuterRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapTorus
- setOutputProbeData(String, double[][]) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Sets the data associated with a numeric output probe.
- setOutputProperties(Property[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- setOverlapping(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FaceNodes3d
- setPackageName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- setPaintTicks(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- setPaintTicks(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- setPaintTicks(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- setPaintTicks(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- setParam(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- setParameters(VectorNd) - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D
- setParameters(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.EllipticBoundary
- setParameters(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.RectangularBoundary
- setParameters(String) - Method in class maspack.util.GetPropertyAction
- setParameters(String, String) - Method in class maspack.util.GetPropertyAction
- setParametricForces(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Sets the forces associated with parametric components.
- setParametricForces(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Sets the forces associated with parametric components.
- setParametricPosState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Sets the current position state for all parametric components.
- setParametricPosState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Sets the current position state for all parametric components.
- setParametricTargets(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setParametricVelState(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Sets the current velocity state for all parametric components.
- setParametricVelState(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
Sets the current velocity state for all parametric components.
- setParent(CompositeComponent) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Sets the parent for this component.
- setParent(CompositeComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Sets the parent for this component.
- setParent(OpenSimObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimObject
Sets parent component for use in navigating the model hierarchy
- setParent(BVNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BVNode
Sets the parent volume for this bounding volume.
- setParentBody(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setParentPath(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setParentTrack(Track) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setParities(List<HexElement>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- setParity(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.HexElement
- setParticle(Particle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointParticleAttachment
- setParticleDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setParticless(Particle, Particle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleAgent
- setPassiveForceLengthCurve(CubicHermiteSpline1d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
Sets the passive force length curve for this material, or removes it if
is set to null
- setPassiveForceLengthCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- setPassiveForceLengthCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.RigidTendonMuscle
- setPassiveForceLengthCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- setPassiveFraction(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setPassiveFractionMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setPassiveStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- setPassphrase(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.IdentityFile
Decrypts this identity with the specified pass-phrase.
- setPassphrase(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- setPassphrase(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- setPassword(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the encoded password, null to clear
- setPassword(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleUserAuthenticator
- setPath(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.ExactMatcher
- setPath(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the encoded path
- setPathPattern(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- setPathPointSet(PathPointSet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryPath
- setPathWrapSet(PathWrapSet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.GeometryPath
- setPCSAForce(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ligament
- setPeckMuscleMaterial(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setPenAngleLit(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MasoudMillardLAM
- setPenetratingPoints(ArrayList<PenetratingPoint>, int) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Directly set the penetrating points for the indicated mesh.
- setPenetrationLimit(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setPenetrationTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the penetration tolerance for this connector.
- setPenetrationTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets the penetration tolerance associated with this behavior.
- setPenetrationTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the default distance by which collidable bodies are allowed to
interpenetrate each other in order to preserve contact stability.
- setPenetrationTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- setPenetrationTolIfNecessary() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setPenetrationTolMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- setPenetrationTolMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setPenetrationTolMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setPennationAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setPennationAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setPennationAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- setPennationAngleMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setPeriod(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- setPerspective(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the viewing frustum to a general perspective projection.
- setPerspective(double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setPerspective(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the viewing frustum to a perspective projection centered about the -z
- setPerspective(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the viewing frustum to a general perspective projection.
- setPerspective(double, double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the viewing frustum to a perspective projection centered about the -z
- setPhi(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets this joint's phi angle.
- setPhiLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Set whether the phi coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setPhiRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the range limits of phi for this joint.
- setPhiRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the phi range limits for this joint.
- setPickMatrix(float, float, float, float, int[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- setPitch(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets this joint's pitch value, in degrees.
- setPitch(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets this joint's pitch value, in degrees.
- setPitch(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets this joint's pitch value, in degrees.
- setPitchLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Set whether the pitch coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setPitchLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Set whether the pitch coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setPitchLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Set whether the pitch coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setPitchRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the pitch range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setPitchRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the pitch range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setPitchRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the pitch range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setPitchRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the pitch range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setPitchRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets the pitch range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setPitchRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets the pitch range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setPivotCount(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- setPivotLimit(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- setPivotPerturbation(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the size of the perturbation that should be used to resolve
zero-pivots, expressed as a negative power-of-ten exponent.
- setPixDim(double[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setPixelBufferProvider(AWTGLPixelBuffer.AWTGLPixelBufferProvider) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setPixelGenerator(NiftiPixelGenerator) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
- setPixelGenerator(DTIColorComputer) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- setPixelGenerator(NiftiPixelGenerator) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- setPlainPassword(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.EncryptedUserAuthenticator
Will encrypt password for internal storage using this authenticator's
- setPlanarComponent(PlanarComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- setPlanarNodesFixed(FemModel, Point3d, Vector3d, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
- setPlane(Plane) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- setPlane(Plane) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setPlane(Plane) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Sets the plane along which the display lies
- setPlane(Vector3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Sets the plane along which the display lies
- setPlane(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- setPlaneSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the size used to render this joint's tangent plane as a square.
- setPlaneSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticlePlaneConstraint
- setPlaneSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
Sets the size used to render this connector's plane as a square.
- setPlaneSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the size used to render this joint's plane as a square.
- setPlaneSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets the size used to render this joint's plane as a square.
- setPlaneSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setPlaneSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- setPlasticDeformation(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- setPoint(Point3d, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointElem3dDistanceCalculator
- setPoint(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointElem3dDistanceCalculator
- setPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setPoint(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line3d
- setPoint(int, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Sets the point position
- setPoint(int, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Sets the point position by reference
- setPoint(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Sets the point position
- setPointColor(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointColor(Renderable, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointColor(Renderable, float[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setPointColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to the point color in
, and enables or disables highlighting
according to the value of highlight
- setPointColoring(RenderProps, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setPointColorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointColorMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setPointDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setPointDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- setPointDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setPointDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setPointDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointList
- setPointMass(double, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to correspond to a point mass at a specific
- setPointNormalLen(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- setPointRadius(double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointRadius(Renderable, double) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointRadiusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointRadiusMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPoints(Point, Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AxialSpringAgent
- setPoints(Point, Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- setPoints(Point, Point, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- setPoints(Point, Point) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
Set the points of this spring.
- setPoints(Point3d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DelaunayInterpolator
- setPoints(double[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DelaunayInterpolator
- setPoints(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Line
- setPointShading(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the shading appropriate to the point style specified in
- setPointShading(RenderProps) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the shading appropriate to the point style specified in
- setPointShading(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setPointSize(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
- setPointSize(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setPointSize(float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the size for rendering points, in pixels.
- setPointSize(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointSize(Renderable, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointSize(float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setPointSizeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointSizeMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointStyle(Renderer.PointStyle) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointStyle(Renderable, Renderer.PointStyle) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointStyleMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointStyleMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPointTol(double) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
Sets the nearest point tolerance used to compute contact planes.
- setPointTracing(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PointTracingProbe
- setPoissonsRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
Sets Poisson's ratio for this material.
- setPoissonsRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- setPoissonsRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- setPoissonsRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- setPoissonsRatio(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Sets the anisotropic Poisson's ratio.
- setPoissonsRatio(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Sets the anisotropic Poisson's ratio.
- setPoissonsRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- setPoissonsRatioMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- setPoissonsRatioMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- setPoissonsRatioMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- setPole(PolarProjector.Pole) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- setPollSleep(long) - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
Sets the polling period
- setPollSleep(long) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Set the delay between runs.
- setPolynomialDegree(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
- setPopupMenuEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
- setPort(int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.ExactMatcher
- setPort(int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the port
- setPortRange(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- setPortRange(int, int) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- setPos(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- setPos(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- setPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- setPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
Sets the pose of this body's coordinate frame relative to world.
- setPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- setPose(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setPosition(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
Sets the position of this body's coordinate frame relative to world.
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- setPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Sets the 3D position of the centre of the display
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
Sets the 3D position of the centre of the display
- setPosition(Point2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Sets the 2D normalized coordinates, [0 1]x[0 1]
- setPosition(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setPosition(Point2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
Sets world position to display text.
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
Sets the position to display text
- setPosition(Point3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
Sets world position to display text.
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
- setPosition(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- setPosition(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setPosition(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setPosition(int, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the position with index pidx.
- setPosition(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the position with index pidx.
- setPosition(int, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the position with index pidx, to the provide
values by reference.
- setPosition(int, float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Updates the values of the position with index pidx.
- setPosition2d(Point2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- setPosition2d(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- setPositionsDynamic(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets whether or not positions should be considered dynamic.
- setPositionToRest() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setPosState(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- setPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- setPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setPosState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Replace updatePosState() with updateSlavePosStates() so we don't update
attachments when doing general state uodates.
- setPower(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setPrecision(int) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Sets the precision associated with this format.
- setPreferences(Preferences) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsBase
Sets preferences to be associated with these settings
- setPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Sets the preferred size for the underlying AWT component
- setPreferredSize(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureTextRenderer
- setPrefix(String) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Sets the prefix associated with this format.
- setPrescribed(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setPrescribedFunction(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setPressure(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.PressureShell
- setPressureWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- setPrev(Vertex3dNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dNode
- setPreviousCompletionKey(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AutoCompleteStringField
Sets the keyboard key to be used for triggering the next completion option
- setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
- setPrintFormat(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
Sets the formatter used to convert numeric components of the property's
value into text.
- setPrintProfiling(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Enables or disables the printing of profile timing information for this
- setPrintState(String, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setPrintState(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setProbeDirectory(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setProbeDuration(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- setProbeFileName(RootModel, InverseManager.ProbeID, String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
Sets the attached file name for a specified probe within a root model.
- setProbes(NumericProbeBase, NumericProbeBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDifferenceProbe
- setProbesFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
set the file with probes
- setProbeUpdateInterval(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
- setProbeWithTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setProfileSolve(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam
- setProfileTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.WrapTestBase
- setProfiling(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setProfiling(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Enables or disables the collection of profiling information for this
- setProfiling(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setProjector(SphericalProjector) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- setProjectPoints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleBodyAgent
- setProjectPoints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AttachParticleFemAgent
- setProjectToMesh(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- setPrompt(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel
- setProperties() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel1d
- setProperty(Property) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyWidget
- setProperty(InheritableProperty) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in interface maspack.properties.CompositeProperty
Sets the host for this property.
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPropertyHost(HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
Sets the host for this property.
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelInterpolator
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in interface maspack.properties.CompositeProperty
Sets the property information for this property.
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class maspack.properties.CompositePropertyBase
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class maspack.render.color.ColorMapBase
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setPropertyInfo(PropertyInfo) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
Sets the property information for this property.
- setPropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- setPropNameEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- setPropNameField(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
- setPropsColoring(RenderProps, float[], boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setPropsColoring(RenderProps, float[], boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the diffuse and ambient colors to rgba
, and enables or
disables highlighting according to the value of
- setPropsColoring(RenderProps, float[], boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setPropsShading(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the shading to that shading specified by
- setPropsShading(RenderProps) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the shading to that shading specified by
- setPropsShading(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setPublications(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
- setPublicKeyComment(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.KeyPair
- setQFormCode(NiftiHeader.XFormCode) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setQOffset(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setQuadrant(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- setQuadraticAttenuation(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setQuaternion(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setQuery(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.ExactMatcher
- setQuery(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the encoded query string
- setQueryPattern(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- setR(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.DeformedPointBase
- setR(Vector3d, MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder.RotationOrder) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setRA(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidCylinder
- setRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidSphere
- setRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CInfinityWeightFunction
- setRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.ExponentialWeightFunction
- setRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction
- setRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.SplineWeightFunction
- setRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapCylinder
- setRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapSphere
- setRadius(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Sphere
- setRadius(GL3, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
- setRadius(GL3, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectPoints
- setRadiusOffsets(GL3, float, float[], float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3RenderObjectLines
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2d
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.AxisAngle
Sets this AxisAngle to a random one.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Plane
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets the elements of this quaternion to uniformly distributed random
values in the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets the elements of this quaternion to uniformly distributed random
values in a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets the elements of this quaternion to uniformly distributed random
values in a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- setRandom(Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix2d
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by rotating about a random axis by a
random angle.
- setRandom(Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by rotating about a random axis by a
random angle, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets this matrix to have a random sparsity structure and values,
with between one and ten nonzero elements per row.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixBase
Sets this matrix to have a random sparsity structure and values,
with between one and ten nonzero elements per row.
- setRandom(double, double, Random, boolean) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixBase
Sets this matrix to have a random sparsity structure and values,
with between one and ten nonzero elements per row.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets some randomly selected elements of this matrix to random values.
- setRandom(double, double, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets some randomly selected elements of this matrix to random values.
- setRandom(double, double, int, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets some randomly selected elements of this matrix to random values.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -1000 (inclusive) to 1000 (exclusive).
- setRandom(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(int, int, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -1000 (inclusive) to 1000 (exclusive).
- setRandom(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(int, int, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -1000 (inclusive) to 1000 (exclusive).
- setRandom(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(int, int, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets the components of this spatial inertia to uniformly distributed
random values in the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets the components of this spatial inertia to uniformly distributed
random values in a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets the components of this spatial inertia to uniformly distributed
random values in a specified range, using a supplied random number
- setRandom() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandom(double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range.
- setRandom(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets the elements of this vector to uniformly distributed random values in
a specified range, using a supplied random number generator.
- setRandomForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setRandomForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setRandomForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setRandomForce() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Sets the force of this component to a random value.
- setRandomForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Sets the force of this component to a random value.
- setRandomForce() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Sets the force of this component to a random value.
- setRandomOrthogonal() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets this matrix to a random orthogonal matrix.
- setRandomOrthogonal(Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets this matrix to a random orthogonal matrix, using a supplied random
number generator.
- setRandomPosState() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setRandomPosState() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setRandomPosState() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setRandomPosState() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Sets the position state of this component to a random value.
- setRandomPosState() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Sets the position state of this component to a random value.
- setRandomPosState() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Sets the position state of this component to a random value.
- setRandomSvd(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets this matrix to a random matrix with specified singular values.
- setRandomSvd(double[], Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets this matrix to a random matrix with specified singular values, using
a supplied random number generator.
- setRandomUnit() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to a random unit value.
- setRandomUnit(Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets this quaternion to a random unit value, using a supplied random
number generator.
- setRandomValues() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Sets the nonzero elements of this matrix to random values
in the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandomValues(boolean) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Sets the nonzero elements of this matrix to random values
in the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandomValues(double, double, Random, boolean) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
Sets the nonzero elements of this matrix to random values
in a specified range.
- setRandomValues() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets the nonzero elements of this matrix to random values
in the range -0.5 (inclusive) to 0.5 (exclusive).
- setRandomValues(double, double, Random) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets the nonzero elements of this matrix to random values
in a specified range.
- setRandomVelState() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setRandomVelState() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setRandomVelState() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setRandomVelState() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Sets the velocity state of this component to a random value.
- setRandomVelState() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Sets the velocity state of this component to a random value.
- setRandomVelState() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Sets the velocity state of this component to a random value.
- setRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConditionalPathPoint
- setRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ConditionalPathPoint
- setRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate
- setRange(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathWrap
- setRange(IntegerInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathWrap
- setRange(double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Sets the range of the curve parameter u.
- setRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.EigenvalueColorComputer
- setRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- setRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer
- setRange(double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
Sets the minimum and maximum values associated with this control.
- setRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
- setRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- setRange(int, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
Sets the minimum and maximum values associated with this control.
- setRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
- setRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- setRange(int, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Sets the minimum and maximum values associated with this control.
- setRange(IntegerInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
- setRange(NumericInterval) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.NumericFieldSlider
- setRange(double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Sets the minimum and maximum values associated with this control.
- setRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
- setRange(int, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Sets the minimum and maximum values associated with this control.
- setRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
- setRange(double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Sets the minimum and maximum values associated with this control.
- setRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
- setRangeType(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
- setRangeU(double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Sets the range of the u parameter.
- setRangeV(double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Sets the range of the v parameter.
- setRasterizedStiffnessTensor(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- setRawFragment(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
- setRawHost(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the raw host
- setRawPassword(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the raw password, null to clear
- setRawPath(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the raw path
- setRawQuery(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the raw query string
- setRawUserName(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the raw username
- setRayCastTangent(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMesh
- setReader(Reader) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Sets the Reader which supplies the input for this tokenizer.
- setReal(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Sets the real (rotation) quaternion associated with this
- setRealized(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setRealTimeAdvance(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Enables or disables real-time model advancement.
- setRealTimeAdvance(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- setRealTimeScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionPrefs
- setRealTimeScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.InteractionSettings
- setRealTimeScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Sets the scale factor used to control the visualized simulation speed in
the viewer, subject to computational constraints.
- setRealTimeScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- setRebuildARatio(double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Sets the rebuild A ratio r
- setRectangle(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
- setRecursiveCSG(int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- setRedInput(MappedPixelGenerator.VoxelInput) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setReduceConstraints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets whether or not constraint reduction is enabled for this behavior.
- setReduceConstraints(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets whether or not constraint reduction is enabled.
- setReduceConstraintsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setReduceConstraintsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setReducibleSize(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- setRedValueIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setReference(C) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceComp
- setReference(ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ReferenceComponent
- setReferenceStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- setReferenceStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- setReferenceStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- setRefPoint(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrapPath
Sets the reference point.
- setRefPos(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- setRegularization(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets both L2 regularization and excitation damping with supplied weights.
- setRemeshRes(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setRemoteRoot(URI) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Sets the root directory of the remote filesystem
- setRemoteRoot(URIx) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Sets the root directory of the remote filesystem
- setRemoteRoot(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthDataManager
Sets the root directory of the remote filesystem
- setRemoteSource(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
- setRemoteSource(URIx) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Sets the base URI for remote files, this is attached to any relative URIs
provided in the get(...) methods
- setRemoteSource(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Sets the base URI for remote files, this is attached to any relative URIs
provided in the get(...) methods
- setRemoveZeroAreaFaces(boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
Sets whether zero area faces should be removed when constructing CSG
- setRenderAsPush(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- setRenderAudioToFile(boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasAudio
called when switching between soundcard and file output for the model
- setRenderBuffered(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- setRenderCSGMesh(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- setRenderDistanceGrid(boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.HasDistanceGrid
Enables or disables rendering of this component's signed distance grid.
- setRenderGrid(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
Sets whether or not rendering is enabled for this grid.
- setRenderInfo(TestRenderInfo) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setRenderInfo(TestRenderInfo) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- setRenderingAudioToFile(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets whether the MovieMaker is currently rendering audio to a file.
- setRenderingAudioToText(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets whether the MovieMaker is currently rendering audio to text.
- setRenderingCollidable(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setRenderingCollidable(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setRenderingCollidableMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setRenderingCollidableMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setRenderInterval(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- setRenderNormalReversed(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- setRenderOutward(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setRenderPosition(Point3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- setRenderProbe(RenderProbe) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- setRenderProperties(FemModel3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.CombinedElemFem
- setRenderProperties(FemModel3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- setRenderProperties(FemModel3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HexCube
- setRenderProperties(FemModel3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.LockingDemo
- setRenderProperties(FemModel3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadraticLockingDemo
- setRenderProperties(FemModel3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TetCube
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.FemFieldComp
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.MeshFieldComp
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer.LineInfo
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConnectorBoundsRenderer.TriInfo
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointForce
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RenderableConstrainerBase
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentList
Sets the render properties for this object.
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentListView
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableCompositeBase
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableModelBase
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.ImagePlaneProbe
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.TracingProbe
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.IsRenderableHolder
- setRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.InverseTest
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.apps.NagataDistanceTest
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Assigns a new set of render properties to this object.
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Assigns a new set of render properties to this object.
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSObject
Assigns a new set of render properties to this object.
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in interface maspack.render.HasRenderProps
Assigns a new set of render properties to this object.
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderableBase
Assigns a new set of render properties to this object.
- setRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewerTesterBase.SimpleSelectableBase
- setRenderRange(ScalarRange) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- setRenderRange(ScalarRange) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- setRenderRange(ScalarRange) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- setRenderRanges(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
Specifies the x, y, z vertex ranges used when rendering this grid.
- setRenderRanges(String) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Sets the render ranges for this grid.
- setRenderScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
Set the renderScale
property for this vector mesh field.
- setRenderScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Set the renderScale
property for this vector grid field.
- setRenderScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
Set the renderScale
property for this vector mesh field.
- setRenderSkip(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Number of lines to skip while rendering
- setRenderSurface(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Sets whether or not iso-surface rendering is enabled for this grid.
- setRenderSurface(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Sets whether or not iso-surface rendering is enabled for this grid.
- setRenderVectorScale(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
- setRenderVertices(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.GridCompBase
Sets whether or not vertex rendering is enabled for this grid.
- setReorderMethod(PardisoSolver.ReorderMethod) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets the reorder method that should be used during the analyze phase to
reduced factorization fill-in.
- setReportNegContactForces(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets a whether negative contact forces should be used in force pressure
maps and collision reporting.
- setReportNegContactForces(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets a whether negative contact forces should be used in force pressure
maps and collision reporting.
- setReportNegContactForcesMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setReportNegContactForcesMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setRepresentation(SurfaceProperties.Representation) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfaceProperties
- setRequestedGLCapabilities(GLCapabilitiesImmutable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
Set a new requested GLCapabilitiesImmutable
for this GLJPanel
allowing reconfiguration.
- setRescale(double, double) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBufferBase
- setResetNumbering(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- setResolution(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
Sets the grid resolution of the display, in units of distance.
- setResolution(Vector3i) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Sets the cell resolution (in the x, y, and z directions) that should be
used when automatically constructing a grid.
- setResolution(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Sets the resolution fo teh display, integers (nx, ny) corresponding
to the number of divisions along the x and y axes.
- setResolution(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- setResolution(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
Sets the resolution fo teh display, integers (nx, ny) corresponding
to the number of divisions along the x and y axes.
- setResolution(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve
- setResolution(int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
Changes the currently "active" object.
- setResolution(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Sets the resolution for this grid along the x, y, and z axes.
- setResolution(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Sets the resolution for this grid along the x, y, and z axes.
- setResolution(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Sets the resolution used for rendering this curve.
- setResolution(double, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Sets the resolution for this grid.
- setResolution(GridResolution) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
Sets the resolution for this grid.
- setResolutionU(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Sets the resolution used for rendering this surface along the u parameter.
- setResolutionV(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Sets the resolution used for rendering this surface along the v parameter.
- setResourceName(String) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Sets the name of the resource (e.g., File or URL) associated
with this ReaderTokenizer.
- setResponse(Collidable, Collidable, CollisionResponse) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setResponses(Collidable[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- setResponses(MechModel, Collidable[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManagerTest
- setRestartTime(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Responsible for setting up the model after the mouse has been
used to drag the time to Tn.
- setRestDir(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- setRestDirector(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setRestDirField(VectorFieldComponent<Vector3d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MuscleMaterial
- setRestingLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Ligament
- setRestInverseJacobian(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- setRestInverseJacobian(Matrix3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- setRestJacobian(Matrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- setRestLength(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleComponent
- setRestLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- setRestLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
- setRestLengthFromPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- setRestLengthFromPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the rest length of the spring from the current point locations
- setRestLengthFromPoints() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Sets the rest length of the spring from the current point locations
- setRestPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setRestPosition(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setRestPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setRestVolume(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setResultHolder(BooleanHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(float[]) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ColorSelector
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(DoubleHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleField
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(DoubleHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSelector
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(DoubleHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(EnumHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.EnumSelector
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(IntHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerField
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(int[]) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerMultiField
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(IntHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSelector
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(IntHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(BooleanHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledToggleButton
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.StringField
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.StringSelector
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(Vector) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(Vectori) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated values are
- setResultHolder(Vector) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Sets the result holder for this control, into which updated` values are
- setReverse(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setReverse(boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint.DistanceComparator
- setRigid(RigidBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.RigidTransformInputProbe
Set the rigid body associated with this probe.
- setRigidPointTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets the rigid point tolerance associated with this behavior.
- setRigidPointTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets the default rigid point tolerance associated with all collision
- setRigidPointTolMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setRigidPointTolMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setRigidRegionTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets the rigid region tolerance associated with this behavior.
- setRigidRegionTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets the default rigid region tolerance associated with all collision
- setRigidRegionTolMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setRigidRegionTolMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setRigidTendon(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
Set whether the tendon for this muscle material is rigid.
- setRoll(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets this joint's roll value, in degrees.
- setRoll(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets this joint's roll value, in degrees.
- setRoll(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets this joint's roll value, in degrees.
- setRollLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Set whether the roll coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setRollLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Set whether the roll coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setRollLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Set whether the roll coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setRollPitchRad(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets the roll and pitch angles for this joint, in radians.
- setRollRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the roll range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setRollRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the roll range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setRollRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the roll range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setRollRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the roll range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setRollRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets the roll range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setRollRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint
Sets the roll range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setRootElement(Node<T>) - Method in class maspack.graph.Tree
Set the root Element for the tree.
- setRootModel(RootModel, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setRootModel(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- setRootModelDefaults(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
Should be called whenever this pull controller is assigned to a RootModel
- setRotaryCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets a uniform compliance for the rotary constraints of this connector.
- setRotaryDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setRotaryDamping(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setRotaryDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setRotaryDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- setRotaryDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setRotaryDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setRotaryDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setRotaryDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setRotaryLimitTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the rotary limit tolerance for this connector.
- setRotaryLimitTol(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
Sets the rotary limit tolerance for this MechModel.
- setRotaryLimitTol(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets the penetration tolerance for rotary limit constraints.
- setRotaryLimitTolMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- setRotaryLimitTolMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setRotaryStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setRotaryStiffness(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setRotaryStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setRotaryStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- setRotaryStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
- setRotateButtonMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Sets the mouse button mask that enables rotation.
- setRotation(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
Manually sets rotation to use for warping
- setRotation(Quaternion) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FixedMeshBody
- setRotation(Quaternion) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setRotation(Quaternion) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- setRotation(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
Sets the text angle, in degrees
- setRotation(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the matrix component of this affine transform to an explicit
- setRotation(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the matrix component of this affine transform to an explicit
- setRotation(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the matrix component of this affine transform to an explicit
- setRotation(AxisAngle) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
- setRotation(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
- setRotation(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
- setRotationalDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setRotationalInertia(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Explicitly sets the rotational inertia of this body.
- setRotationalInertia(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets the rotational interia for this spatial inertia.
- setRotationalInertia(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets the rotational interia for this spatial inertia, given the diagonal
and upper off-diagonal elements
- setRotationalStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setRotationAngle(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase
- setRotationLimited(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- setRotationMode(Viewer.RotationMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setRotationMode(Viewer.RotationMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setRotationMode(Viewer.RotationMode) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the rotation mode that controls how the viewer responds to
interactive rotation requests specified as horizontal and vertical
angular displacements in the view plane.
- setRotationMode(Viewer.RotationMode) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the rotation mode that controls how the viewer responds to
interactive rotation requests specified as horizontal and vertical
angular displacements in the view plane.
- setRotDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- setRotStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- setRotStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- setRotWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- setRotX(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by rotating about the x axis.
- setRotXyz(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Set this quaternion to a unit quaternion corresponding to successive
rotations about the x-y-z axes.
- setRotY(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by rotating about the y axis.
- setRotZ(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by rotating about the z axis.
- setRotZyx(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Set this quaternion to a unit quaternion corresponding to successive
rotations about the z-y-x axes.
- setRoundedPoints(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setRoundingTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- setRoundingTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- setRoundPointsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setRow(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Row to use for the column-slice plane
- setRow(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
Row to use for the column-slice plane
- setRow(int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Row to use for the column-slice plane
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform2dBase
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.DenseMatrix
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, Vector) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.DenseMatrix
Sets a row of this matrix from a
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets a row of this matrix from a
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2dBase
Sets a row of this matrix to the specified 2-vector.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Sets a row of this Matrix6x2 from two specified vectors.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Sets a row of this matrix to the specified 3-vector.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4dBase
Sets a row of this matrix to the specified 4-vector.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Sets a row of this matrix to the specified 3-vector.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBase
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Sets a row of this matrix to the specified 3-vector.
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRow(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets a row of this matrix from a
- setRow(int, double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Set a row of this matrix from an array of doubles.
- setRowCapacity(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- setRows(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.ReadlinePanel
- setRows(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets the rows of this matrix to the vectors v0 and v1.
- setRows(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets the rows of this matrix to the vectors v0, v1, and v2.
- setRows(Vector4d, Vector4d, Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets the rows of this matrix to the vectors v0, v1, v2, and v3.
- setRows(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Sets the number of rows in this layout to the specified value.
- setRowVector(boolean) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- setRowVector(boolean) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
- setRP(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setRpy(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Sets the rotation of the frame associated with this transform.
- setRpy(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by roll-pitch-yaw angles.
- setRpy(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by roll-pitch-yaw angles.
- setRpyDeg(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Sets the rotation of the frame associated with this transform.
- setRpyRad(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
- setRpyRad(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
- setRT(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setRunningUnderMatlab(boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setS(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setSampler(FemElementSampler) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFieldApproximation
- setSampler(FemElementSampler) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.MonteCarloFemElementIntegrator
- setSaturation(double) - Method in class maspack.render.color.HueColorMap
Saturation to use for interpolation
- setSaveCoreOnly(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setSaveTestResults(boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- setSaveWayPointData(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setSaveWayPointData(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelFileChooser
- setScalable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setScalar(ScalarColorComputer.Scalar) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer
- setScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MultiplierFunction
- setScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- setScale(double) - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1Function1x1
- setScale(double) - Method in class maspack.function.ScaledDiff1FunctionNx1
- setScale(double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.ScaledRigidTransform3d
Sets the scale factor to use in this transform
- setScale(double) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- setScale(int, Double) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderInstances
Sets the scale by reference
- setScaledExternalForce(double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setScaleFactor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateCoupling
- setScaleFactor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateCouplerConstraint
- setScaleFactor(double) - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction1x1
- setScaleFactor(double) - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction3x1
- setScaleFactors(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
- setScaleFactors(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Geometry
- setScaleFactors(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- setScaleMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- setScaling(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Sets the x-y-z scale factors which are applied to nodal coordinates.
- setScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- setScaling(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- setScaling(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3d
Sets A to diagonal scaling matrix.
- setScaling(float) - Method in class maspack.render.BumpMapProps
- setScaling(float) - Method in class maspack.render.NormalMapProps
- setScalingField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ScaledFemMaterial
- setScalingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.BumpMapProps
- setScalingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.NormalMapProps
- setScannedNodesInPostscan - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement
- setScanning(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
- setScanning(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
Sets whether or not this component is being scanned.
- setScapulaWingingAxisDirection(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- setScapulaWingingAxisOrigin(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- setScheme(URIxScheme) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.ExactMatcher
- setScheme(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.ExactMatcher
- setScheme(URIxScheme) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the scheme
- setScheme(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Tries to set the scheme
- setSchemePattern(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- setSchemeSpecificPart(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the encoded scheme-specific part
- setSclInter(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setSclSlope(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setScreenCursor(Cursor) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the screen cursor for this viewer.
- setScreenCursor(Cursor) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the screen cursor for this viewer.
- setScreenLocX(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setScreenLocY(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setScrewParameters(Vector3d, Vector3d, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Sets this quaternion based on screw parameters
- setScriptInfo(ModelScriptInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- setScrollCount(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Sets the number of items in the scrolling portion of the menu.
- setScrollDownCombo(int, char, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudKeyListener
Set key combination for scrolling down, executed in the keyPressed event.
- setScrollerFor(JMenu) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Registers a menu to be scrolled with the default number of items to
display at a time and the default scrolling interval.
- setScrollerFor(JPopupMenu) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Registers a popup menu to be scrolled with the default number of items to
display at a time and the default scrolling interval.
- setScrollerFor(JMenu, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Registers a menu to be scrolled with the default number of items to
display at a time and the specified scrolling interval.
- setScrollerFor(JPopupMenu, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Registers a popup menu to be scrolled with the default number of items to
display at a time and the specified scrolling interval.
- setScrollerFor(JMenu, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Registers a menu to be scrolled, with the specified number of items to
display at a time and the specified scrolling interval.
- setScrollerFor(JPopupMenu, int, int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.JMenuScroller
Registers a popup menu to be scrolled, with the specified number of items
to display at a time and the specified scrolling interval.
- setScrolling(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- setScrolling(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.PackageEntry
- setScrollOffset(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
Set number of lines to scroll up 0 <= offset <= # buffered lines - lines
on screen
- setScrollUpCombo(int, char, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudKeyListener
Set key combination for scrolling up, executed in the keyPressed event.
- setSD(double) - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction1x1
- setSearchPath(FileSearchPath) - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
Sets a search path to use for finding files that don't have absolute path
- setSecondPoint(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.AxialSpring
- setSeed(int) - Static method in class maspack.util.RandomGenerator
- setSegmentPassive() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the current spring segment (the one following the most recently
added point) to be passive, meaning that its length is not
included as part of the spring's active length.
- setSegmentPassive(int, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets whether or not the segment indexed by segIdx
passive, meaning that its length is not included as part of the
spring's active length.
- setSegments(double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
Sets the plane segments associated with this SegmentedPlanarCoupling.
- setSegmentWrappable(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the current spring segment (the one following the most recently
added point) to be wrappable, with a specified number of knots.
- setSegmentWrappable(int, Point3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the current spring segment (the one following the most recently
added point) to be wrappable, with a specified number of knots and
initialization points.
- setSegmentWrappable(int, int, Point3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the segment indexed by segIdx
to be wrappable, with a
specified number of knots and set of initialization points.
- setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.FaceList
- setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Selects or deselects this component.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Selects or deselects this component.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.EditableMeshComp
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleSelectable
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewerTesterBase.SimpleSelectableBase
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentBase
- setSelectedIcon(Icon) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledToggleButton
- setSelectedObjects(List<LinkedList<?>>) - Method in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
- setSelecting(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setSelectingColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Special color used for selection (primarily for color-based selection,
although since the renderbuffers are typically not drawn, can be
used for any selection method).
- setSelectingColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
The material color to use if the renderer is currently performing a
selection render.
- setSelectionButtonMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Sets the mouse button mask that enables selection.
- setSelectionButtons() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SelectionToolbar
- setSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setSelectionColor(GL3, GLShaderProgram, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setSelectionColorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- setSelectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Set whether or not selection is being allowed on all the existing viewers.
- setSelectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setSelectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Enables or disables viewer-based selection.
- setSelectionFilter(ViewerSelectionFilter) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setSelectionFilter(ViewerSelectionFilter) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets a selection filter for the viewer.
- setSelectionHighlightStyle(Renderer.HighlightStyle) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setSelectionManagementEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ComponentPropertyField
Enables the selection manager.
- setSelectionManager(SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
- setSelectionManager(SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- setSelectionManager(SelectionManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.SelectableComponentPanel
- setSelectionMode(Main.SelectionMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
Set the current selection mode.
- setSelections(ModelComponent[], ModelComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ModelComponentSelector
- setSelections(ModelComponent[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ModelComponentSelector
- setSelections(Enum[]) - Method in class maspack.widgets.EnumSelector
- setSelections(Enum[], Enum) - Method in class maspack.widgets.EnumSelector
- setSelections(Enum[], String[], Enum) - Method in class maspack.widgets.EnumSelector
- setSelections(String[], String) - Method in class maspack.widgets.StringSelector
- setSelections(String[]) - Method in class maspack.widgets.StringSelector
- setSelectOnPress(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
Set whether or not selection is done when the mouse is pressed.
- setSelectOnPress(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setSelectOnPress(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Set whether or not selection is done when the mouse is pressed.
- setSelectVisibleOnly(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
- setSelectVisibleOnly(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLMouseListener
Configures the selection handler to only select objects visible on the screen
- setSemiAxisLengths(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidEllipsoid
Sets the lengths of the semi-axes of this ellipsoid.
- setSemiAxisLengths(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling
- setSemiAxisLengths(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3d
- setSetMethod(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setSetModeMethod(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setSFormCode(NiftiHeader.XFormCode) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setSH(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setShaderOverride(Object, File[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- setShading(Renderer.Shading) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setShading(Renderer.Shading) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setShading(Renderer.Shading) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the shading model used by this renderer.
- setShading(Renderer.Shading) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setShading(Renderable, Renderer.Shading) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setShading(Renderer.Shading) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setShadingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setShadingMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setShaftLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Sets a length used for rendering shafts or axes associated with this
- setShaftRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointBase
Sets a radius used for rendering shafts or axes associated with this
- setShapeFunction(MFreeShapeFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setShapeGrad(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- setShapeWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- setSharedAutoDrawable(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setSharedContext(GLContext) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setShearModulus(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- setShearModulus(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Sets the shear modulus between the anisotropic direction and the plane
perpendicular to it.
- setShearModulusField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- setShearModulusField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- setShearModulusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.IncompNeoHookeanMaterial
- setShellElemsVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- setShellElemsVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
- setShellElemsVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElemFieldBase
- setShellThickness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- setShellThickness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Sets the default thickness value to be used for shell and membrane
elements, when it cannot otherwise be inferred from the input.
- setShellThickness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
- setShellThickness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
- setShellThickness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
- setShellType(FemReaderWriterBase.ShellType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Sets the default type to use for shell elements when this can not be
inferred from the input.
- setShine(double) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- setShineMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- setShininess(float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setShininess(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setShininess(float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
- setShininess(float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setShininess(Renderable, double) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setShininess(float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setShininessMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setShininessMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setShort(short) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setShortArray(short[]) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setShortName(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- setShowAxes(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- setShowHeader(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- setShowHeader(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- setShowIllConditionedSolves(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setShowIllConditionedSolves(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- setShowPerturbedPivots(boolean) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Enables/disables the "num perturbed pivots" message (which usually
indicates an ill-conditioned solve).
- setShowTime(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- setShowTime(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericOutputProbe
- setSigma(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.GaussianWeighting
- setSigmoidMean(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm
- setSilent(boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
- setSilent(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenConvexHullTest
- setSilent(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.TetgenTessellatorTest
- setSilent(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- setSilent(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolverTest
- setSilent(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- setSilent(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- setSilent(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.UnitTest
- setSingleEditDefaultValues() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Recursively descends this tree and, for any property whose editing
property is Single, sets its value to the default value.
- setSingleSegment(ArrayList<? extends Vector3d>, double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline3d
Sets this spline to one consisting of a single segment with two knots,
with the coeffcients computed to best fit a set of x values uniformly
placed along the interval s in [s0, s1].
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- setSize(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.CutPlaneProbe
Sets the size of the display grid
- setSize(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- setSize(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
Sets the widths of the plane
- setSize(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.GridPlane
Sets the size of the display grid
- setSize(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Sets the size of this matrix.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBase
Sets the size of this matrix.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the size of this matrix.
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets the size of this matrix.
- setSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the size of this vector.
- setSize(int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Sets the size of this vector.
- setSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Sets the size of this vector.
- setSize(int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Sets the size of this vector.
- setSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Sets the size of this vector.
- setSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the size of this vector.
- setSize(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the size of this vector.
- setSize(double) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Resizes the underlying AWT component
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
Resizes the underlying AWT component
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerPanel
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewerPanel
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleViewerApp
- setSizeScale(double) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- setSkewAngle(double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
- setSkewSymmetric(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets this matrix to the skew-symmetric matrix of vector v
- setSkip(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.XyzbReader
- setSkipGLOrientationVerticalFlip(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setSlackLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialLigament
- setSlackLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- setSlaveAffectsStiffness(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- setSlaveAffectsStiffness(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- setSlaveAffectsStiffness(boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- setSlaveAffectsStiffness(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- setSleepProbe(SleepProbe) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- setSlice(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Slice to use on col-row plane
- setSlice(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
Slice to use on col-row plane
- setSlice(int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Slice to use on col-row plane
- setSliceCode(NiftiHeader.SliceCode) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setSliceCoordinates(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets the normalized slice coordinates to display
- setSliceCoordinates(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets the normalized slice coordinates to display
- setSliceCoordinates(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets the normalized slice coordinates to display
- setSliceCoordinates(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets the normalized slice coordinates to display
- setSliceDuration(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setSliceEnd(long) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setSliceStart(long) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setSlicingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLClipPlane
- setSliderAllowed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setSliderRange(double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
Set the slider range for this control.
- setSliderRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleFieldSlider
- setSliderRange(double, double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
Sets the minimum and maximum values associated with this control.
- setSliderRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DoubleSlider
- setSliderRange(int, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
Set the slider range for this control.
- setSliderRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
- setSliderRange(int, int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
Sets the minimum and maximum values associated with this control.
- setSliderRange(NumericInterval) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerSlider
- setSliderRange(NumericInterval) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.NumericSlider
- setSlotDepth(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
- setSlotDepth(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Sets the slot render depth.
- setSlotRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
- setSlotWidth(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
- setSmallDisplayVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setSmartDirections(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- setSmoothingCount(int) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setSmoothingCount(int) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- setSmoothingLambda(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setSmoothingLambda(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- setSmoothingMu(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken
- setSmoothingMu(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- setSmoothInterpolation(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMesh
- setSmoothIters(int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- setSmoothLambda(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- setSmoothMu(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest
- setSnap(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
- setSocketBody1(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- setSocketBody2(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PointConstraint
- setSocketChildFrame(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setSocketFrame(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Geometry
- setSocketFrame1(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setSocketFrame2(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setSocketParent(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalOffsetFrame
- setSocketParentFrame(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.JointBase
- setSocketParentFrame(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Marker
- setSocketParentFrame(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathPoint
- setSoftIncompMethod(FemModel.IncompMethod) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setSolidArrowLines(Renderable, double, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setSolveIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- setSolveIndex(int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- setSolveIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicComponentBase
- setSolveIndex(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setSolver(DirectSolver) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- setSolverClass(Class<? extends DirectSolver>) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.EmbeddedFem
Set sparse matrix solver for use in computing best-fitting node values
- setSolverType(SparseSolverId) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- setSor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the successive overrelaxation parameter for this spring.
- setSourceRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Sets render props for sources
- setSourceRootPaths(Collection<String>) - Static method in class maspack.util.PathFinder
Sets the list of the paths used for detecting root source
directories relative to the parent of the root class directory.
- setSourcesVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables rendering of the motion sources.
- setSP(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setSpacing(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Sets the spacing associated with this component.
- setSpacing(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentLayout
- setSpacing(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- setSparse(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- setSparseIndices(double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- setSparseVals(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- setSparseValsTimed(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- setSpatialInterpolation(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
Sets whether to use spatial interpolation (tri-linear) or nearest neighbour
when computing voxels.
- setSpatialInterpolation(boolean) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
Linearly interpolate between voxels
- setSpatialTransform(SpatialTransform) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CustomJoint
- setSpecular(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setSpecular(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setSpecular(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setSpecular(float, float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setSpecular(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setSpecular(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setSpecular(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setSpecular(float[]) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the specular color to be used for subsequent rendering
of primitives.
- setSpecular(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setSpecular(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setSpecular(Renderable, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setSpecular(Renderable, float[]) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setSpecular(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setSpecularColoring(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- setSpecularColoringMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.ColorMapProps
- setSpecularMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setSpecularMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setSpecularPower(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Material
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Sets the video speed.
- setSpeeds(double[]) - Method in class maspack.util.FastDijkstraMarcher
Assigns a vector of 'speeds' associated with each node.
- setSphere(double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSSurface
Sets this surface to a 40-point sphere formed by sweeping a 5-point
rational quadratic semi-circle about the z axis.
- setSphere(double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to correspond to the center of a sphere of
uniform density.
- setSphereRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- setSphericalPoints(Renderable, double, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setSpindleLines(Renderable, double, Color) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setSplineFile(File) - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- setSplineToolMaxDegree(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar
- setSpotCutoff(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setSpotCutoff(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
Sets the angular cut-off
- setSpotExponent(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setSpotExponent(float) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setSpringLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- setSpringPos(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- setSpringStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EFCForceTest
- setSquareSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
Sets the size of the square.
- setSRow(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setST(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setStabilization(MechSystemSolver.PosStabilization) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setStabilization(MechSystemSolver.PosStabilization) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- setStabilization(MechSystemSolver.PosStabilization) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setStabilization(MechSystemSolver.PosStabilization) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setStartStopTimes(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setStartTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setStartTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setStartTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
In development: specifies the simulation start time for a root model.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleModel
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Set the state of this component.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVState
Sets the state data from a buffer of doubles.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticState
Sets the state data from a DataBuffer.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Restores the state for this component by reading from the supplied
data buffer, starting at the current buffer offsets.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
Restores the state for this component by reading from the supplied
data buffer, starting at the current buffer offsets.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTable
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- setState(DataBuffer, CollidableBody, CollidableBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint
- setState(DataBuffer, CollidableBody, CollidableBody) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactData
Loads the information of this ContactContraintData from a data buffer,
using the contact's collidable bodies to supply additional information.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- setState(Frame) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Restores the state for this component by reading from the supplied
data buffer, starting at the current buffer offsets.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase.ConstraintForceStateSaver
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscle
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Restores the state for this component by reading from the supplied
data buffer, starting at the current buffer offsets.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapSegment
Restores the state for this component by reading from the supplied
data buffer, starting at the current buffer offsets.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Muscle
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MuscleExciter
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- setState(Point) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
Restores the state for this component by reading from the supplied
data buffer, starting at the current buffer offsets.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMuscleModel
- setState(DataBuffer, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Creates a contact point for information stored in a data buffer, using
additional information supplied by the point's collision mesh.
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ControllerMonitorBase
Set the state of this component.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasNumericState
Restores the state for this component by reading from the supplied
data buffer, starting at the current buffer offsets.
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.HasState
Set the state of this component.
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelBase
Set the state of this component.
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericDataFunctionProbe
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericInputProbe
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setState(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPoint
- setState(CompositeState) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPoint
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Set the state of this component.
- setState(ComponentState) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FixedBallContact
Override the root model's setState() method to set both the root state
and restore node attachments as per the attachment state.
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class maspack.collision.ContactInfo
- setState(DataBuffer, PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Method in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
- setState(int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setState(DataBuffer) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Loads the state for the coupling.
- setStateArray(DataBuffer, PolygonalMesh, PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.TriTriIntersection
- setStateBeforeInit - Variable in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- setStateChanged(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeEvent
- setStateObjects(MaterialStateObject[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationData3d
- setStaticIncrements(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setStaticIncrements(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setStaticManager(FileManager) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
- setStaticOnly(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- setStaticTikhonovFactor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setStaticTikhonovFactor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Applies Tiknonov regularization for static solves, minimizing
- setStictionCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets the stiction compliance associated with this behavior.
- setStictionCompliance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets the default stiction compliance.
- setStictionComplianceMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setStictionComplianceMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setStictionCreep(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets the stiction creep associated with this behavior.
- setStictionCreep(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets the default stiction creep.
- setStictionCreepMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setStictionCreepMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setStictionDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets the stiction damping associated with this behavior.
- setStictionDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets the default stiction damping.
- setStictionDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setStictionDampingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setStiffness(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.HeuerOffLinFM
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NonlinearlyStiffFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OffsetLinearFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.RotAxisFrameMaterial
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BeamBody
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Sets the stiffness force term for this PointMeshForce.
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setStiffness(PointSpringBase, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointSpringBase
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.PullController
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.FrameSpringPendulum
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeAxialSpringForce
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- setStiffness(double) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setStiffnessDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
Sets the Rayleigh damping coefficient associated with the FEM's stiffness
- setStiffnessDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setStiffnessMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearAxialMaterial
- setStiffnessMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaxwellAxialMaterial
- setStiffnessMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestMaterial
- setStiffnessTensor(Matrix6d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AnisotropicLinearMaterial
- setStiffnessType(StabilityTerm.StiffnessType) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- setStiffnessWarper(StiffnessWarper3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement3dBase
Explicitly sets a stiffness warper
- setStopRequest(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
If set true, tells the scheduler to stop simulating this root model.
- setStopTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.ProbeInfo
- setStopTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setStorage(GL3AttributeStorage) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- setStrandTension(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.CylinderBounceTest
- setStream(Logger.LogLevel, PrintStream) - Method in class maspack.util.StreamLogger
Sets the stream for a given log level
- setStreaming(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
A streaming object has a short life-span, and cannot be modified once committed.
- setStressPlotRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setStressPlotRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- setStressPlotRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setStressPlotRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Sets the stress/strain plot range
- setStressPlotRangeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setStressPlotRangeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- setStressPlotRangeMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setStressPlotRanging(FemModel.Ranging) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setStressPlotRanging(FemModel.Ranging) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- setStressPlotRanging(FemModel.Ranging) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setStressPlotRanging(FemModel.Ranging) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Sets the stress/strain plot range type (auto or fixed)
- setStressPlotRangingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setStressPlotRangingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- setStressPlotRangingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setStretchable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponent
Specifies whether or not this component is horizontally stretchable.
- setStretchable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentLayout
- setStretchable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- setStride(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3VertexAttributeArrayInfo
- setString(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setStyle(int) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- setStyleMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestNode
- setSubData(PropTreeData[]) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- setSubdivisions(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Setting this generates a new mesh therefore any previous meshes are
invalidated and should be discarded.
- setSubHostsFromValue(PropTreeCell) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- setSubMatrix(int, int, Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.DenseMatrix
Sets a submatrix of this matrix object.
- setSubMatrix(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DenseMatrixBase
Sets a submatrix of this matrix object.
- setSubMatrix(int, int, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets a submatrix of this matrix.
- setSubMatrix(int[], int[], MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets a submatrix of this matrix.
- setSubMatrix(SparseBlockMatrix, int[], int[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- setSubMatrix(int, int, SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets a submatrix of this matrix.
- setSubMatrix00(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Sets the 3x1 sub-matrix starting at (0, 0) to v
- setSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
- setSubMatrix00(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Sets the 1x3 sub-matrix starting at (0, 0) to v
- setSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
- setSubMatrix00(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 0).
- setSubMatrix01(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix starting at (0, 1) to M
- setSubMatrix03(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 3).
- setSubMatrix03(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (0, 3).
- setSubMatrix10(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix starting at (1, 0) to M
- setSubMatrix30(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 0).
- setSubMatrix30(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 0).
- setSubMatrix33(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets the 3x3 sub-matrix of this matrix starting at (3, 3).
- setSubmeshesSelectable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- setSubVector(VectorNd, VectorNd, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setSubVector(int, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets a subset of the values of this vector, beginning at a specified
offset, to the values of v1.
- setSubVector(int[], Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets a subset of the values of this vector, whose indices are
specified by idxs
, to the values of v1
- setSubVector(int, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets a subset of the values of this vector, beginning at a specified
offset, to the values of v1.
- setSubWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- setSubWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- setSubWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
- setSubWeights(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- setSubWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- setSubWeights(VectorNd) - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingTarget
Sets the subweights for this target.
- setSuffix(String) - Method in class maspack.util.NumberFormat
Sets the suffix associated with this format.
- setSupportsNONE(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.Manager
Sets whether the NONE value of Enums is supported to "enable".
- setSuppressWarnings(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- setSuppressWarnings(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter
- setSuppressWarnings(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Sets whether or not warning messages are suppressed.
- setSurfaceDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Sets the distance value used for creating this grid's iso-surface.
- setSurfaceDistance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Sets the distance value used for creating this grid's iso-surface.
- setSurfaceMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setSurfaceMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Sets the surface mesh for this body.
- setSurfaceMesh(PolygonalMesh, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Sets the surface mesh for this body.
- setSurfaceMesh(PolygonalMesh, String, AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Sets the surface mesh for this body.
- setSurfaceMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeModel3d
- setSurfaceMeshComp(FemMeshComp) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setSurfaceProperties(SurfaceProperties) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- setSurfaceRendering(FemModel.SurfaceRender) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setSurfaceRendering(FemModel.SurfaceRender) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- setSurfaceRendering(FemModel.SurfaceRender) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setSurfaceRendering(FemModel.SurfaceRender) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- setSurfaceRendering(FemModel.SurfaceRender) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
Sets the surface rendering mode, allowing Stress, Strain,
Shaded or None
- setSurfaceRenderingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemCutPlane
- setSurfaceRenderingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshBase
- setSurfaceRenderingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setSurfaceResolution(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setSurfaceResolution(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- setSurfaceResolution(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- setSurfaceResolution(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- setSurfaceResolution(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setSurfaceResolution(int) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the resolution used for creating mesh representations
of curved solids.
- setSurfaceResolution(int) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setSurfaceScale(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent.GLDrawableCanvas
- setSurfaceScale(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent.GLDrawableJPanel
- setSurfaceScale(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLDrawableComponent
- setSurfaceScale(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setSurfaceType(DistanceGridComp.SurfaceType) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
Sets the type of interpolation used when creating the iso-surface
for this grid.
- setSwapInterval(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Debug
- setSWrapping(TextureMapProps.TextureWrapping) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setSWrappingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setSymmetric(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets this matrix to the symmetric component of matrix M1
- setSymmetric(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets this matrix to the symmetric part of M, defined by
- setSynchronizeObject(Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setSynchronizeObject(Object) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropChangeListener
- setSynchronizeObject(Object) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyDialog
- setSynchronizeObject(Object) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyFrame
- setSynchronizeObject(Object) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyPanel
- setSynchronizeObject(JComponent, Object) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyWidget
- setSynchronizeObject(Object) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.PropertyWindow
Sets an object with which property widget value changes are synchronized.
- setSystemLogger(Logger) - Static method in class maspack.util.Logger
- setSystemType(NativeLibraryManager.SystemType) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Explicitly sets the current system type.
- setT(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder
- setT(double) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
Normalized time to use
- setT(double) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Normalized time to use
- setT(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Normalized time to use
- setTabSize(int) - Method in class maspack.util.IndentingPrintWriter
- setTagInfo(int, String, DicomElement.VR) - Static method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
Adds new tag information for custom tags
- setTangentSymmetryChanged(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialChangeEvent
- setTarget(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.LinearPointConstraint
Sets a target sum of positions
- setTargetActivity(MotionTarget.TargetActivity) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setTargetActivity(MotionTarget.TargetActivity) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setTargetActivity(MotionTarget.TargetActivity) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTargetComponent
- setTargetActivity(MotionTarget.TargetActivity) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setTargetDisplacement(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d
- setTargetForce(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- setTargetLambda(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- setTargetOrientation(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setTargetPos(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setTargetPos(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- setTargetPos(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- setTargetPos(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setTargetPos(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- setTargetPos(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- setTargetPose(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setTargetPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setTargetPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setTargetRenderProps(RenderProps) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Sets render props for the target points/frames
- setTargetRot(Quaternion) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- setTargetRot(AxisAngle) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- setTargetRot(RotationMatrix3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- setTargetsPointRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- setTargetsPointRadius(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets the sphere radius used for rendering target points.
- setTargetsVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables rendering of the motion targets.
- setTargetVel(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setTargetVel(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- setTargetVel(double[], FrameState, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- setTargetVel(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setTargetVel(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- setTargetVel(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- setTargetVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setTargetVelocity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setTargetWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
- setTargetWeights(int, VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Sets weights for a force component.
- setTargetWeights(int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Sets overall weight for a force component.
- setTargetWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Sets weights for targets.
- setTargetWeights(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- setTaskManager(TaskManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Experimental method that sets a task manager for this root model.
- setTau(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- setTau(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.QLVBehavior
- setTDC0(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpring
Sets the value of the TDC transform "rest" position.
- setTendonForceLengthCurve(CubicHermiteSpline1d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
Sets the tendon force length curve for this material, or removes it if
is set to null
- setTendonForceLengthCurve(CubicHermiteSpline1d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Millard2012AxialMuscle
Sets the tendon force length curve for this material, or removes it if
is set to null
- setTendonForceLengthCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- setTendonForceLengthCurve(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- setTendonRatio(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setTendonRatioMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialMuscleMaterial
- setTendonSlackLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.AxialTendonBase
- setTendonSlackLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- setTendonSlackLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setTendonSlackLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.UWLigamentMaterial
- setTendonSlackLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Blankevoort1991Ligament
- setTendonSlackLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MuscleBase
- setTendonSlackLength(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WISCO_Ligament
- setTendonSlackLengthMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Hill3ElemMuscleRigidTendon
- setTestFailFileName(String) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- setTestSaveRestoreState(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MaintenancePrefs
- setTestSaveRestoreState(boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setText(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent2d
Sets the text to display
- setText(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponent3d
Sets the text to display
- setText(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyTemplate
- setTextColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
- setTextOffset(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setTextOffset(Point2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
Sets space to add to the left/bottom
- setTextOffset(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextLabeller3d
- setTextSize(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
Sets the size of the text
- setTexture(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfaceProperties
- setTextureColorMixing(Renderer.ColorMixing) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setTextureCoord(float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setTextureCoord(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setTextureCoord(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setTextureCoord(float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the texture coordinate to be associated with the next vertex to be
added while in draw mode.
- setTextureCoord(double, double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the texture coordinate to be associated with the next vertex to be
added while in draw mode.
- setTextureCoord(Vector2d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the texture coordinate to be associated with the next vertex to be
added while in draw mode.
- setTextureCoord(int, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the texture coordinate with index tidx.
- setTextureCoord(int, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the texture coordinate with index tidx.
- setTextureCoord(int, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Updates the values of the texture coordinate with index tidx by reference.
- setTextureCoord(int, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Updates the values of the texture coordinate with index tidx.
- setTextureCoord(float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setTextureCoord(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setTextureCoord(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setTextureCoords(int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets the texture coordinate corresponding to index idx
- setTextureCoords(List<Vector3d>, int[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Explicitly sets the texture coordinates and associated indices for this
- setTextureCoordsDynamic(boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Sets whether or not texture coordinates should be considered dynamic.
- setTextureCoordsFixed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets whether or not texture coordinates should be considered ``fixed''.
- setTextureEnabled(Renderable, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Enable or disable all texture-based properties, such as color-map,
bump-map, and normal-map
- setTextureFile(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
- setTextureFile(String) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- setTextureMap(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MappingDemo.DrawMappings
- setTextureMap(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.RenderDemo.DrawMappings
- setTextureMappingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setTextureMatrix(AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setTextureMatrix(AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the texture coordinate transformation matrix to the specified
- setTextureMatrix(AffineTransform2dBase) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setTextureUnit(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
Allows user to request a texture unit to be used, must be called before
the first initialization, i.e.
- setTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- setTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets this joint's theta angle.
- setTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- setTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Sets this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- setTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- setTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- setTheta(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Sets this joint's theta value, in degrees.
- setThetaClockwise(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.CylindricalCoupling
- setThetaClockwise(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.HingeCoupling
- setThetaLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Set whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setThetaLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Set whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setThetaLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Set whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setThetaLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Set whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setThetaLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Set whether the theta coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setThetaRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setThetaRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setThetaRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the range limits of theta for this joint.
- setThetaRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint
Sets the theta range limits for this joint.
- setThetaRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setThetaRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the theta range limits for this joint.
- setThetaRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Sets the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setThetaRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.HingeJoint
Sets the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setThetaRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setThetaRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the theta range limits for this joint.
- setThetaRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets the theta range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setThetaRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets the theta range limits for this joint.
- setThickenBackSide(boolean) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- setThickening(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- setThickness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Sets the thickness of the foundation layer.
- setThicknessField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Binds the foundation thickness to a field, or unbinds it if field
is null
- setThoracicEllipsoidRadii(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ScapulothoracicJoint
- setThreshRat(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableCylinder
Set the threshold ratio for breaking contact.
- setThreshRat(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappableSphere
Set the threshold ratio for breaking contact.
- setTickFraction(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setTickLength(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setTiltLimited(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
- setTime(Date) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory.ModelScriptHistoryInfo
- setTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- setTime(WayPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- setTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.WayPointInfo
- setTime(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPoint
- setTime(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
For 4D DICOM images, sets the time index for all slices
- setTime(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
For 4D DICOM images, sets the time index for all slices
- setTime(int) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
For 4D DICOM images, sets the time index for all slices
- setTimeIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
Sets the current time index.
- setTimeIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets the current time index
- setTimeIndex(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets the current time index
- setTimelineHeight(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setTimelineLocation(GuiUtils.RelativeLocation) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setTimelineRange(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setTimelineVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setTimelineVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
to set the timeline visible or not
- setTimelineWidth(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setTimeNow() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptHistory.ModelScriptHistoryInfo
- setTimeOffset(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- setTimeofKnots(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.ParabolicInterpolation
- setTimeScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Delp1990Muscle
- setTimeScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Schutte1993Muscle
- SettingsBase - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Base class for an object that has settings.
- SettingsBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsBase
- SettingsDialog - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Dialog used to set operational settings.
- SettingsDialog(String, PropertyPanel, Preferences, PreferencesManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsDialog
- SettingsDialog(String, SettingsBase, PreferencesManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.SettingsDialog
- setTitle(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode
- setTitle(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelEntry
- setTitle(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ScriptEntry
- setTitle(String) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage
- setTOffset(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setToHomogeneous(Vector3d, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the values of this vector to a homogeneous representation formed from
a 3-vector and a weighting factor w.
- setTokenPrinting(boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanWriteUtils
Debugging hook to enable printing of the token queue produced
in the
method, before
is called.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemIntersector
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ConvexPolygon3d
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.StlReader
Sets tolerance to use when merging vertices
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.VtkAsciiReader
Sets tolerance to use when merging vertices
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.render.ConvexPoly2d
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Sets the numeric tolerance for this solver.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Sets the numeric tolerance for this solver.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Sets the numeric tolerance for this solver.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Sets the numeric tolerance for this solver.
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
- setToleranceType(IterativeSolver.ToleranceType) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setToleranceType(IterativeSolver.ToleranceType) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setToleranceType(IterativeSolver.ToleranceType) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
- setToleranceType(IterativeSolver.ToleranceType) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- setToleranceType(IterativeSolver.ToleranceType) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- setToleranceType(IterativeSolver.ToleranceType) - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
- setToolTipText(String) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.LabeledWidget
- setTopObject(SimpleCollide.ObjectType) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- setTorusRadii(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
- setTraceColor(int, Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setTraceColor(int, Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- setTraceLabel(int, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setTraceLabel(int, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- setTraceOrder(int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Sets a new ordering for the plot traces.
- setTraceOrder(int[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
Sets a new ordering for the plot traces.
- setTraceVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- setTraceVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- setTracingProbesVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setTrack(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
Sets the Timeline track number associated with this probe.
- setTrackExpanded(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- setTrackExpanded(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setTrackMuted(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- setTrackMuted(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setTransferMonitor(FileTransferMonitor) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Sets the FileTransferMonitor which is responsible for detecting when the
destination file has changed in order to fire update events.
- setTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.DisplayGeometry
- setTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- setTransform(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- setTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets a 3D transform to apply to the image
- setTransform(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets a 3D transform to apply to the image.
- setTransform(AffineTransform3dBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets a 3D transform to apply to the image
- setTransform(AffineTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets a 3D transform to apply to the image.
- setTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Sets the transform associated with this OBB.
- setTransform(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Sets a rigid spatial transformation to correspond to this Twist.
- setTransformDGeometryOnly(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets whether geometry transforms applied to this connector change only
the D frame.
- setTransformer(GeometryTransformer) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TransformComponentsCommand
- setTransformPositionOnly(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets whether geometry transforms applied to this connector change only
the origins of the transforms TDW and/or TDC (and ignore changed in
- setTransient(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Sets or clears the transient state of the render object.
- setTransition(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- setTransitionStrain(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.Blankevoort1991AxialLigament
- setTranslateButtonMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Sets the mouse button mask that enables translation.
- setTranslation(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalOffsetFrame
- setTranslation(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- setTranslation(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the translation component of this affine transform.
- setTranslation(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.AffineTransform3dBase
Sets the translation component of this affine transform.
- setTranslationalDamping(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setTranslationalStiffness(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.BushingForce
- setTransparencyBlending(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setTransparencyBlending(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- setTransparencyBlending(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setTransparencyEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setTransparencyFaceCulling(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- setTransparencyFaceCulling(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- setTransparencyFaceCulling(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setTransposedStiffness(FemNodeNeighbor) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNodeNeighbor
Sets the stiffness components of this node neighbour to the transpose of
the stiffness components of another node neighbour.
- setTransWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.MinimizeFrameSpringForce
- setTreeSingleEditDefaultValuesInHost(HasProperties, HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Uses the values contained with this property tree to set any matching
properties within a specific destinate host.
- setTreeValuesInHost(HasProperties, HasProperties) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
Uses the values contained with this property tree to set any matching
properties within a specific destinate host.
- setTWrapping(TextureMapProps.TextureWrapping) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setTWrappingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.TextureMapProps
- setType(QPTerm.Type) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.LeastSquaresTermBase
- setType(Light.LightType) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.LightComponent
- setType(Light.LightType) - Method in class maspack.render.Light
- setu(int, boolean, double[], double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- setU(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Sets the U matrix associated with this SVD.
- setUncrimpingFactor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactor(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactorField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactorField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactorField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerAxialMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.BlemkerMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.FullBlemkerMuscle
- setUncrimpingFactorMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.GenericMuscle
- setUndoState(GeometryTransformer.UndoState) - Method in class maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer
Sets the undo state of this transformer so as to enable it save or
restore the original data form transformation operations.
- setUndoTransformsWithInverse(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setUndoWithInverse(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TransformComponentsCommand
- setUniform(GL3, GLShaderProgram, String, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setUniform(GL3, GLShaderProgram, String, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setUniform4f(GL3, GLShaderProgram, String, float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3ProgramManager
- setUniformCubic(int, Vector4d[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.NURBSCurveBase
Sets this NURBS curve to a curve of third degree with uniform
unity knot spacing and a specified number of control points.
- setUnilateral(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- setUnilateral(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarConnector
- setUnilateral(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce
Sets whether the point-mesh interactions are unilateral.
- setUnilateral(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce
- setUnilateral(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SegmentedPlanarConnector
- setUnilateral(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.PlanarCoupling
- setUnilateral(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setUnilateral(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SegmentedPlanarCoupling
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
Sets the unilateral forces that were computed to enforce this
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
Sets the unilateral forces that were computed to enforce this
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
Supplies to the system the most recently computed unilateral constraint
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ParticleConstraintBase
- setUnilateralForces(VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
Sets the unilateral constraint forces (i.e., Lagrange multipliers) that
have been computed for the currently engaged unilateral constraints in
this coupling.
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.BodyConnector
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandler
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Constrainer
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.ConstrainerBase
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystem
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setUnilateralState(VectorNi, int) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyCoupling
- setUnnamedVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelNode
- setUnnamedVisibleLimit(int) - Static method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavigationPanel
- setUnthickening(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- setup(List<? extends Point3d>, List<? extends T>) - Method in class maspack.geometry.SpatialHashTable
Replace the current map with a
new one generated from positions and elements.
- setup(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRenderer
Set up properties of pipeline.
- setup(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
- setUpdateABetweenSolves(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
Sets whether the solver should attempt to update A, instead of always
rebuilding it, between solves.
- setUpdateForcesAtStepEnd(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setUpdateForcesAtStepEnd(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setUpdateForcesAtStepEndMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setUpdateInterval(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.Probe
- setUpdating(ScalarRange.Updating) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- setUpdatingMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange
- setUpper(double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Set all the upper limit parameters.
- setUpperBound(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.NonuniformBoundsTerm
- setUpperBound(double) - Method in class maspack.util.DoubleInterval
Sets the upper bound for the interval of this DoubleRange.
- setUpperBound(int) - Method in class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Sets the upper bound for the interval of this IntRange.
- setUpperBoundClosed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.DoubleInterval
Sets the upper bound for the interval of this DoubleRange to be closed or
- setUpperDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Sets the damping parameter for the upper limit restoring force.
- setUpperLimit(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Sets the upper limit for the joint coordinate, beyond which a restoring
force will be applied.
- setUpperLimit(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- setUpperStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Sets the stiffness for the upper limit restoring force.
- setUpperStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateLimitForce
- setUpperTransition(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointLimitForce
Sets the transition region size for the upper limit restoring force.
- setupPrint(double, double, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- setupRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel
- setupRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo
- setupRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.HydrostatInvDemo
- setupRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- setupRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.DoubleArmDemo
- setupRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.MuscleArm
- setupRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- setupRenderProps() - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.WrappedMuscleArm
- setupScreenShot(int, int, int, File, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
Setup for a screenshot during the next render cycle
- setupScreenShot(int, int, File, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Viewer
- setupScreenShot(int, int, int, File, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- setupScreenShot(int, int, File, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3Viewer
- setupScreenShot(int, int, int, File, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Setup for a screenshot during the next render cycle
- setupScreenShot(int, int, File, String) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setupSelection(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLColorSelector
- setupSelection(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLOcclusionSelector
- setupSelection(GL) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSelector
- setUpVector(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setUpVector(Vector3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the ``up'' vector for this viewer to a specified value, and adjusts
the eye-to-world transform to account for this new vertical direction,
while the eye's -z axis is directed at the
center point.
- setUse2x2Pivoting(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Sets whether or not Pardiso should use 2 x 2 Bunch and Kaufman
pivoting (in addition to regular 1 x 1 pivoting) for symmetric
indefinite matrices.
- setUseAllElements(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.MaterialBundle
- setUseConsistentMass(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setUseEtBlock(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
Sets whether the ETBLOCK command is used for defining element types.
- setUseFemRestPositions(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldBase
Sets whether or not rest positions are used when determining values for
points within an FEM mesh.
- setUseImplicitFriction(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- setUseImplicitFriction(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- setUseImplicitFriction(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemBase
- setUseImplicitFriction(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- setUseKKTFactorization(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables or disables KKT factorization.
- setUseLocalContactArea(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Queries whether local contact areas are used for computing contact
- setUseLocalValuesForField(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.GridFieldBase
Sets whether or not local values should be used for field queries.
- setUseLogDistance(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase
Sets whether log distances are enabled for computing contact forces.
- setUseMomentError(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ForceErrorProbe
- setUseNormalZScaling(boolean) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- setUseOpenSimApprox(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.EllipsoidCoupling3d
- setUsePDControl(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- setUser(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.ExactMatcher
- setUseRDC(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling
- setUseRDC(boolean) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling
- setUseRestCoordinates(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.FemDisplayProbe
- setUserInfo(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the encoded user info string
- setUserName(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIx
Sets the encoded username
- setUserName(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.EncryptedUserAuthenticator
- setUserName(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleUserAuthenticator
- setUserPattern(String) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.uri.RegexMatcher
- setUseSymmetricPart(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- setUseTimestepScaling(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Enables timestep scaling.
- setUseTrapezoidalSolver(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingController
Sets when to use a trapezoidal solver for setting up the excitation
- setUseWorldOrigin(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setUsingDistance(List<T>) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.LinearSpline3d
Sets this spline from a specified set of values, using the distance
between each value as the interpolating parameter.
- setv(int, boolean, double[], double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- setV(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Sets the V matrix associated with this SVD.
- setVal(double) - Method in class maspack.function.ConstantFunction1x1
- setVal(double) - Method in class maspack.function.ConstantFunction3x1
- setValid(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPoint
- setValidator(WidgetDialog.Validator) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- setValidityDisplay(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.WayPointInfo
- setValue(FemElement3dBase, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
Sets the value at an element (either volumetric or shell).
- setValue(Face, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFaceField
Sets the value at a face.
- setValue(FemNode3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarNodalField
Sets the value at a node.
- setValue(FemElement3dBase, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
Sets the value at an integration point of an element (either volumetric
or shell).
- setValue(Vertex3d, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarVertexField
Sets the value at a vertex.
- setValue(FemElement3dBase, T) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Sets the value at an element (either volumetric or shell).
- setValue(Face, T) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Sets the value at a face.
- setValue(FemNode3d, T) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Sets the value at a node.
- setValue(FemElement3dBase, int, T) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Sets the value at an integration point of an element (either volumetric
or shell).
- setValue(Vertex3d, T) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Sets the value at a vertex.
- setValue(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- setValue(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Constant
- setValue(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- setValue(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.FishDemo
- setValue(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.QuadFishDemo
- setValue(PropTreeCell, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- setValue(HasProperties, Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setValue(Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- setValue(Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeData
- setValue(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.BooleanSelector
- setValue(Object) - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
- setValue(Object) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Sets a new value for this control.
- setValueDeg(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.JointCoordinateHandle
- setValueDeg(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.CoordinateHandle
- setValueRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setValueRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
- setValues(double[][]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Sets the values of this numeric probe from a two dimensional array of
- setValues(NumericProbeBase, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Sets the values of this numeric probe from the values of another numeric
probe src
- setValues(double[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeVariable
- setValues(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeVariable
- setValues(double[][]) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Sets the values of this numeric list from a two dimensional array of
- setValues(NumericList, double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
Sets the values of this numeric list from those of another numeric list.
- setVariableSize(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- setVariance(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.ExponentialWeightFunction
- setVarianceMatrix(Matrix3d) - Method in class maspack.function.GaussianFunction3x1
- setVector(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setVector(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- setVector(ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer.EigenVector) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.ScaledEigenvectorColorComputer
- setVectorNd(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDescTest
- setVectorSize(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VariableVectorField
Sets the size of the vector associated with this vector field.
- setVectorSize(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Sets the size of the vector associated with this vector field.
- setVectorSize(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Sets the size of the vector associated with this vector field.
- setVel(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
- setVel(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- setVel(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointState
- setVelocity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setVelocity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setVelocity(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setVelocity(Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameState
Sets the velocity of the frame in world coordinates.
- setVelocity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- setVelocity(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setVelocity(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setVelocity2d(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- setVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- setVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- setVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DeformableBody
- setVelState(double[], int) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
- setVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
- setVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarPoint
- setVelState(double[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setVerbosityLevel(Logger.LogLevel) - Method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Sets the verbosity level of this FileManager.
- setVersion(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelBase
Sets OpenSim model version
- setVersion(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.OpenSimDocument
- setVertex(Vertex3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dNode
- setVertex(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Modify the attribute indices of a particular vertex
- setVertex(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Modify the attribute indices of a particular vertex
- setVertexAttachment(int, PointAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- setVertexAttachment(int, double[], FemNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMeshComp
- setVertexAttachment(int, PointAttachment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- setVertexAttachment(int, double[], MFreeNode3d[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeMeshComp
- setVertexBasePosition(int, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the base (i.e., initial) position for a specified vertex in this
- setVertexBaseWeight(int, double, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Sets the base weight for a specified vertex in this SkinMeshBody.
- setVertexColor(int, Color) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Sets the color used to render a specific vertex.
- setVertexColoringEnabled() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Enables vertex coloring for this mesh.
- setVertexColoringEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setVertexColorMixing(Renderer.ColorMixing) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MeshComponent
- setVertexColorMixing(Renderer.ColorMixing) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Sets the color mixing method to be used for vertex-based coloring.
- setVertexColorMixing(Renderer.ColorMixing) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setVertexColorMixing(Renderer.ColorMixing) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setVertexColorMixing(Renderer.ColorMixing) - Method in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Sets the method used for combining vertex coloring and material coloring.
- setVertexColorMixing(Renderer.ColorMixing) - Method in class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- setVertexColorsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setVertexDistances(double[], boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Explicitly sets the distance field for this grid, by setting the distance
values at each vertex.
- setVertexMergeDist(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshViewer
- setVertexNormalsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setVertexPenetrations(CollisionBehavior.VertexPenetrations) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
Sets when two-way contact is enabled.
- setVertexPenetrations(CollisionBehavior.VertexPenetrations) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
Sets when two-way contact is enabled.
- setVertexPenetrationsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior
- setVertexPenetrationsMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager
- setVertexRenderingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Enable or disable rendering of vertices.
- setVertexTexturesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo
- setVertexValue(int, int, int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Sets the value at the grid vertex indexed by its indices along the x,
y, and z axes.
- setVertexValue(int, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
Sets the value at the grid vertex indexed by vi
, which is
computed from the axial vertex indices xi
, yj
, zk
according to
- setVertexValue(int, int, int, T) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Sets the value at the grid vertex indexed by its indices along the x,
y, and z axes.
- setVertexValue(int, T) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Sets the value at the grid vertex indexed by vi
, which is
computed from the axial vertex indices xi
, yj
, zk
according to
- setVertexValue(int, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Sets the value for the vertex indexed by vi
- setVertexValue(int, int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Sets the value for the vertex indexed by its x, y, z indices.
- setVertexValue(int, int, int, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGridBase
Sets the value for the vertex indexed by its x, y, z indices.
- setVertexValue(int, T) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Sets the value for the vertex indexed by vi
- setVertexValue(int, int, int, T) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Sets the value for the vertex indexed by its x, y, z indices.
- setVertexValues(double[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.ScalarGrid
Sets all the vertex values for this grid.
- setVertexValues(T[]) - Method in class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Sets all the vertex values for this grid.
- setVerticalAlignment(TextComponentBase.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.ColorBar
If bar is horizontal, then places text at supplied alignment location.
- setVerticalAlignment(TextComponentBase.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.HudPrintStream
- setVerticalAlignment(TextComponentBase.VerticalAlignment) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase
Sets the vertical alignment, one of TOP, CENTRE, BOTTOM
- setVerticalFieldOfView(double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the default vertical field of view in degrees.
- setVerticalFieldOfView(double) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the default vertical field of view in degrees.
- setVerticallyLinked(boolean) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- setVgap(int) - Method in class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Sets the vertical gap between components to the specified value.
- setViewControlMask(Viewer.ViewControlMask) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the view control mask that constrains view control motions
to either the x or y screens axes.
- setViewControlMask(Viewer.ViewControlMask) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the view control mask that constrains view control motions
to either the x or y screens axes.
- setViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
- setViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
Used by the viewer to set a reference to itself when the dragger is added.
- setViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
Used by the viewer to set a reference to itself when the drawTool is added.
- setViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setViewer(GLViewer) - Method in class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- setViewerCenter(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setViewerEye(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setViewerHeight(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setViewerManager(ViewerManager) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.Workspace
- setViewerMultiSelection(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionManager
Forces regular selection in the viewer to perform multiple selection.
- setViewerSize(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- setViewerSize(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MainFrame
- setViewerUp(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setViewerWidth(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LayoutPrefs
- setViewMatrix(RigidTransform3d) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setViewMatrix(RigidTransform3d) - Method in interface maspack.render.Viewer
Sets the view matrix for this viewer.
- setViewport(GL, int, int, int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
Sets the viewer's viewport.
- setViewVolume(double, double) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLViewer
- setViscoBehavior(ViscoelasticBehavior) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
Allows setting of viscoelastic behaviour
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.ControlPanel
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonFrameConsole
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionPopup
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.Track
Set if this track is visible or not.
- setVisible(RenderableComponent, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.RenderableComponentBase
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Appearance
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceInfo
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class maspack.apps.MeshThicken.Region
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.Dragger3dBase
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.DrawToolBase
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setVisible(Renderable, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setVisibleMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setVisibleMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setVisibleObject(VisibleObject) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.HasVisibleObject
Sets visibility properties pre OpenSim 4.0
- setVisibleRange(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- setVisibleRange(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
Set the timeline zoom level so that 'sec' is visible.
- setVisited() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- setVisualization(ScalarFemField.Visualization) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField
- setVisualization(ScalarGridField.Visualization) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField
- setVisualization(ScalarMeshField.Visualization) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField
- setVmax(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setVmax(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setVmax0(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ContDerivMuscle
- setVmax0(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.Thelen2003Muscle
- setVoidValueEnabled(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Enables void values to be set for this control.
- setVolume(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMeshComp
Explicitly sets a volume value for this RigidMeshComp if
vol >= 0
and the mesh is not a
- setVolume(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setVolumeElemsVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarElementField
- setVolumeElemsVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.ScalarSubElemField
- setVolumeElemsVisible(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElemFieldBase
- setVoronoi(int[]) - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Sets the vector to be used to hold voronoi indicies
- setVoxOffset(long) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setVsize(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.AffineNumericInputProbe
- setVsize(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericControlProbe
- setVsize(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- setVsize(int, PlotTraceInfo[]) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericMonitorProbe
- setWarningsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeNumberReader
- setWarnOnInvertedElements(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- setWarping(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- setWarpingPoint(MFreeIntegrationPoint3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setWarpingPoint(MFreeIntegrationPoint3d, IntegrationData3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setWarpingPointData(IntegrationData3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeElement3d
- setWayMarkersLocation() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.WayPointInfo
- setWayPointChecking(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
- setWaypointsFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.StartupModel
- setWaypointsFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.LoadModelDialog
- setWaypointsFile(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- setWayPointsFileFromUser(JFrame, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- setWayPointsFileFromUser(JFrame, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.IntegrationPoint3d
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
Sets the weight for this connection.
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTarget
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ConstraintForceTerm
Weight used to scale the contribution of this term in the quadratic
optimization problem
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTarget
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.ForceEffectorTerm
Weight used to scale the contribution of this term in the quadratic
optimization problem
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
Weight used to scale the contribution of this term in the quadratic
optimization problem
- setWeight(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.QPTerm
Sets the weight for this term.
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPTermBase
Sets the weight for this QPTerm.
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
Weight used to scale the contribution of this term in the quadratic
optimization problem
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetFrame
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.TargetPoint
- setWeight(double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.inverse.TrackingTarget
Sets the weight for this target.
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.CubaturePoint3d
- setWeight(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.WeightedReferenceComp
- setWeightFunction(RadialWeightFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MFreeNode3d
- setWeightingFunction(SkinWeightingFunction) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
- setWheelZoom(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MouseSettingsDialog
- setWheelZoom(double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
- setWheelZoom(double) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- setWheelZoomScale(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- setWidget(LabeledControl) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropertyModeButton
- setWidgetableOnly(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.PropertyField
Sets this field to accept only properties for which widgets can be
- setWidgetExpandState(PropertyInfo.ExpandState) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- setWidgetsDraggable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- setWidgetsSelectable(boolean) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledComponentPanel
- setWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- setWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
Set the width of the image
- setWidthMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.properties.TestRenderInfo
- setWidths(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Sets the widths for this OBB.
- setWidths(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.OBB
Sets the widths for this OBB.
- setWidths(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- setWindow(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomPlaneViewer
Sets the current interpolation window to use, based on a preset name.
- setWindow(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets the current interpolation window to use, based on a preset name
- setWindow(String) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
Sets the currently active preset window
- setWindow(double, double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowCenter(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
Sets the center of the window.
- setWindowCenter(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowLimits(double, double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowSize(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
- setWindowSizes(int, int) - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- setWindowToRange(double[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowToRange(float[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowToRange(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowToRange(short[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowToRange(int[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowToRange(long[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowToUnsignedRange(byte[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowToUnsignedRange(short[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowToUnsignedRange(int[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowToUnsignedRange(long[]) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWindowWidth(int) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomWindowPixelInterpolator
Sets the width of the window.
- setWindowWidth(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.MappedPixelGenerator
- setWireFrame(Renderable, boolean) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Sets the render properties for a renderable to be consistent with either
wireframe or solid face rendering.
- setWireFrame(Renderable, boolean, Renderer.Shading) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
Sets the render properties for a renderable to be consistent with either
wireframe or solid face rendering.
- setWithTFM(Frame, RigidTransform3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameFrameAttachment
- setWorkingDir(File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
- setWorkingDir(String) - Method in class artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel
- setWorkingFolder(File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.util.ArtisynthPath
Sets the current working folder.
- setWorkingFolder(File) - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
Explicitly sets the working folder for this root model.
- setWorldLocation(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameMarker
- setWorldPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.MeshMarker
- setWorldPosition(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- setWrapDamping(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the wrap damping for this spring.
- setWrapGeometry(ExactWrappableGeometry) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ExactWrappedSpring
Set the wrap geometry.
- setWrapKnotDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setWrapKnotDensity(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the default knot density for wrapping strands.
- setWrapKnotDensityMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechModel
- setWrapKnotDensityMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- setWrapMethod(AnalyticGeometryManager.WrapMethod) - Method in class artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager
Changes the currently "active" object.
- setWrapObject(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PathWrap
- setWrapObjectSet(WrapObjectSet) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PhysicalFrame
- setWrapObjectsVisible(MechModel, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.OpenSimParser
- setWrappableIdx(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring.WrapKnot
Sets the index of the wrappable this knot is contacting, or -1 to
indicate no contact.
- setWrapping(TextureMapProps.TextureWrapping, TextureMapProps.TextureWrapping) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLTexture
- setWrapStiffness(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
Sets the wrap stiffness for this spring.
- setWrench(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Sets the contents of this Matrix6x1 to the wrench produced from nrm and
- setWrench(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Sets the contents of this Matrix6x1 to the wrench produced from nrm and
- setWrenchG(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setWrenchG(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setWrenchG(Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint
- setWritable(boolean) - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent
Sets this component to be writable or non-writable.
- setWritable(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponentBase
Sets this component to be writable or non-writable.
- setWriteColors(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriterBase
- setWriteErrorFiles(boolean) - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
- setWriteFlags(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
- setWriteNormals(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- setWriteNormals(int) - Method in interface maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter
- setWriteNormals(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriterBase
- setX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets this joint's x value.
- setX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets this joint's x value.
- setX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets this joint's x value.
- setX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets this joint's x value.
- setX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets this joint's x value.
- setX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets the current normalized 'x' coordinate
- setX(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets the current normalized 'x' coordinate
- setX(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Sets this joint's x value.
- setX(double) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Normalized row-slice plane position within volume
- setX(double) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
Normalized row-slice plane position within volume
- setX(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Normalized row-slice plane position within volume
- setX(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- setXAxisColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setXAxisColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setXAxisLabeling(GridPlane.AxisLabeling) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setXAxisLabeling(GridPlane.AxisLabeling) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setXCoordinate(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- setXDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one in which the x axis points in a specified
- setXforce(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.EquilibriumMuscleTest
- setXLocation(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- setXLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Set whether the x coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setXLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Set whether the x coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setXLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Set whether the x coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setXLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Set whether the x coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setXRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setXRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setXRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.demos.tutorial.CustomJoint
Sets the x range limits for this joint.
- setXYDirections(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation using two vectors to indicate the directions of the x
and y axes.
- setXyz(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Sets the origin of the frame associated with this transform.
- setXyz(double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by a sequence of intrinsic rotations
about the x-y-z axes.
- setXyz(double[]) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one produced by a sequence of successive rotations
about the x-y-z axes.
- setXYZBodyRotation(Point3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.WrapObject
- setXyzRpy(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Sets both the origin and rotation of the frame associated with this
- setXyzRpyDeg(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RigidTransform3d
Sets both the origin and rotation of the frame associated with this
- setXyztUnits(NiftiHeader.Units) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader
- setY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets this joint's y value.
- setY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets this joint's y value.
- setY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets this joint's y value.
- setY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets this joint's y value.
- setY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets the current normalized 'y' coordinate
- setY(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets the current normalized 'y' coordinate
- setY(double) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Normalized col-slice plane position within volume
- setY(double) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
Normalized col-slice plane position within volume
- setY(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Normalized col-slice plane position within volume
- setY(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
- setYaw(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets this joint's yaw value, in degrees.
- setYaw(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets this joint's yaw value, in degrees.
- setYawLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Set whether the yaw coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setYawLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Set whether the yaw coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setYawRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the yaw range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setYawRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the yaw range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setYawRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the yaw range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setYawRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint
Sets the yaw range limits for this joint, in degrees.
- setYAxisColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setYAxisColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setYAxisLabeling(GridPlane.AxisLabeling) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setYAxisLabeling(GridPlane.AxisLabeling) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setYCoordinate(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- setYDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one in which the y axis points in a specified
- setYLocation(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- setYLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Set whether the y coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setYLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Set whether the y coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setYLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Set whether the y coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setYoungsModulus(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
Sets Young's modulus for this material.
- setYoungsModulus(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- setYoungsModulus(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- setYoungsModulus(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- setYoungsModulus(Vector2d) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Sets the anisotropic Young's modulus.
- setYoungsModulus(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
Sets the anisotropic Young's modulus.
- setYoungsModulus(double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo
- setYoungsModulusField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearElasticContact
Binds Young's modulus to a field, or unbinds it if field
- setYoungsModulusField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- setYoungsModulusField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- setYoungsModulusField(ScalarFieldComponent) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- setYoungsModulusField(VectorFieldComponent<Vector2d>) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.TransverseLinearMaterial
- setYoungsModulusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.LinearMaterial
- setYoungsModulusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.NeoHookeanMaterial
- setYoungsModulusMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- setYPRStiffness(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolveMatrixTest
- setYRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setYRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- setYRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the y range limits for this joint.
- setYRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EllipsoidJoint3d
Sets the y range limits for this joint.
- setYRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the y range limits for this joint.
- setYRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the y range limits for this joint.
- setYRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarJoint
Sets the y range limits for this joint.
- setYRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets the y range limits for this joint.
- setYRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PlanarTranslationJoint
Sets the y range limits for this joint.
- setYScale(double) - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- setYZDirections(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation using two vectors to indicate the directions of the y
and z axes.
- setZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets this joint's z value.
- setZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets this joint's z value.
- setZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Sets this joint's z value.
- setZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.DicomViewer
Sets the current normalized 'z' coordinate
- setZ(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.renderables.NiftiViewer
Sets the current normalized 'z' coordinate
- setZ(double) - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
Normalized col-row plane position within volume
- setZ(double) - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
Normalized col-row plane position within volume
- setZ(double) - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
Normalized col-row plane position within volume
- setZAxisColor(Color) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- setZAxisColor(Color) - Method in class maspack.render.GridPlane
- setZCoordinate(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- setZDirection(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation to one in which the z axis points in a specified
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTIVoxel
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Sets to the zero quaternion 0 + 0e
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Sets the contents of this matrix block to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Sets the contents of this matrix block to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Sets the elements of this quaternion to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets the elements of this matrix to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sets the elements of this vector to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sets the elements of this vector to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sets the elements of this vector to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sets the elements of this vector to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sets the elements of this vector to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sets the elements of this vector to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sets the elements of this vector to zero.
- setZero() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.VectorObject
Sets this vector to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Sets this spatial inertia to zero.
- setZero() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Sets the elements of this spatial vector to zero.
- setZeroBasedNumbering(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader
- setZeroIndexed(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.TetGenWriter
- setZeroIndexed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshReader
- setZeroIndexed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.GenericMeshWriter
- setZeroIndexed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader
- setZeroIndexed(boolean) - Method in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontWriter
- setZLocation(FunctionBase) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.MovingPathPoint
- setZLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Set whether the z coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setZLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Set whether the z coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setZLocked(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Set whether the z coordinate for this joint is locked.
- setZoom(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setZoomButtonMask(int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLMouseAdapter
Sets the mouse button mask that enables zooming.
- setZoomLevel(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.Timeline
- setZoomLevel(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- setZOrder(int) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setZOrder(Renderable, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setZOrderMode(PropertyMode) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setZOrderMode(Renderable, PropertyMode) - Static method in class maspack.render.RenderProps
- setZPerturb0(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- setZPerturb1(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.demos.test.IntersectionTester
- setZRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets the z range limits for this joint.
- setZRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CylindricalJoint
Sets the z range limits for this joint.
- setZRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FreeJoint
Sets the z range limits for this joint.
- setZRange(DoubleInterval) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Sets the z range limits for this joint.
- setZRange(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Sets the z range limits for this joint.
- setZXDirections(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.RotationMatrix3d
Sets this rotation using two vectors to indicate the directions of the z
and x axes.
- SFTP - Static variable in class maspack.fileutil.uri.URIxScheme
- SHA1 - Static variable in class maspack.crypt.Hasher
- sha1(File) - Static method in class maspack.crypt.Hasher
- sha1(String) - Static method in class maspack.crypt.Hasher
- shape0(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- shape1(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.EBBeamBody
- ShellBlock - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- ShellBlock() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellBlock
- ShellElement3d - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Base class for a shell element.
- ShellElement3d() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellElement3d
- ShellMembraneDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Square patch of triangular shell elements, subjected to gravity.
- ShellMembraneDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellMembraneDemo
- ShellNodeFem3dAttachment - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Connects a FemNode3d to a Frame, and provides an additional internal
attachment to attach the node's director to the frame as well.
- ShellNodeFem3dAttachment() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFem3dAttachment
- ShellNodeFem3dAttachment(FemNode3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFem3dAttachment
- ShellNodeFem3dAttachment(FemNode3d, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFem3dAttachment
- ShellNodeFem3dAttachment(FemNode3d, FemNode3d[], double[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFem3dAttachment
- ShellNodeFrameAttachment - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Connects a FemNode3d to a Frame, and provides an additional internal
attachment to attach the node's director to the frame as well.
- ShellNodeFrameAttachment() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFrameAttachment
- ShellNodeFrameAttachment(FemNode3d, Frame) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellNodeFrameAttachment
- ShellQuadElement - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Implementation of a square shell element with 4 shell nodes and 8 gauss
- ShellQuadElement() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
End of variables and static blocks declarations
- ShellQuadElement(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
Creates a new square shell element with four nodes, arranged
counter-clockwise around the elements outer facing normal.
- ShellQuadElement(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, double, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
- ShellQuadElement(FemNode3d[], double, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellQuadElement
Creates a new square shell element with four nodes, arranged
counter-clockwise around the elements outer facing normal.
- ShellQuadPatch - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Square patch of triangular shell elements, subjected to gravity.
- ShellQuadPatch() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
- ShellShellAttach - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- ShellShellAttach() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.ShellShellAttach
- ShellTriElement - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Implementation of a triangle shell element with 3 shell nodes and 9 gauss
- ShellTriElement() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
End of variables and static blocks declarations
- ShellTriElement(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
Creates a new triangle element from three nodes, arranged
counter-clockwise around the elements outer facing normal.
- ShellTriElement(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, double, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
Creates a new triangle element from three nodes, arranged
counter-clockwise around the elements outer facing normal.
- ShellTriElement(FemNode3d[], double, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.ShellTriElement
Creates a new triangle element from three nodes, arranged
counter-clockwise around the elements outer facing normal.
- ShellTriPatch - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Square patch of triangular shell elements, subjected to gravity.
- ShellTriPatch() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
- ShellVolumeAttach - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- ShellVolumeAttach() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.ShellVolumeAttach
- SHEPARD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.MLSShapeFunction
- shift() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.Buffer
- SHIFT - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.MouseBindings
Shift key
- shiftChildren(int, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- ShiftEntriesCommand(int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.ExtClassPathEditor.ShiftEntriesCommand
- shiftFirstVertex() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- ShiftNodesCommand(MenuEntry, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor.ShiftNodesCommand
- shiftTime(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.NumericList
- shiftVertices(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
- SHORT_SIZE - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- shortestPath(Vertex<A, B>, Vertex<A, B>) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- shortestPath(Vertex<A, B>, ArrayList<Vertex<A, B>>) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- shortestPath(A, List<A>) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- shortestPath(A, A) - Method in class maspack.graph.DirectedGraph
- ShortPixelBuffer - Class in maspack.image.dicom
Stores a set of pixels in grayscale short form
- ShortPixelBuffer(int) - Constructor for class maspack.image.dicom.ShortPixelBuffer
- ShortPixelBuffer(short[]) - Constructor for class maspack.image.dicom.ShortPixelBuffer
- ShortPixelBuffer(short[], int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.image.dicom.ShortPixelBuffer
- shouldBeFrozen(Point3d, double, int) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.LeafDemo
Should this node be non-dynamic?
- shouldBeFrozen(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellQuadPatch
Should this node be non-dynamic?
- shouldBeFrozen(FemNode3d) - Method in class artisynth.demos.fem.ShellTriPatch
Should this node be non-dynamic?
- ShoulderSkinWrapping - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
- ShoulderSkinWrapping() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderSkinWrapping
- ShoulderWrapping - Class in artisynth.demos.wrapping
- ShoulderWrapping() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.wrapping.ShoulderWrapping
- shouldPreserveColorBufferIfTranslucent() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
For a translucent GLJPanel (one for which
(false) has been called), indicates whether the application
should preserve the OpenGL color buffer (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) for correct
rendering of the GLJPanel and underlying widgets which may show through
portions of the GLJPanel with alpha values less than 1.
- show(Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
Connects the agent to the ArtiSynth infrastructure and makes it visible.
- show() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.DuplicateAgent
- show(Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ExcitationTargetAgent
- show(Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemNodeSelectionAgent
- show(Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FrameBasedEditingAgent
Connects the agent to the ArtiSynth infrastructure and makes it visible.
- show(Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent
- show(Rectangle) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MotionTargetComponentAgent
- show(Component, int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.selectionManager.SelectionPopup
- SHOW_ALL - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- SHOW_ALL - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
- SHOW_ALL - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- SHOW_ALL - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- SHOW_BASIS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- SHOW_BLOCK_PIVOT_CHANGE - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- SHOW_BLOCK_PIVOT_CHANGE - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- SHOW_COLS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- SHOW_LEXICO_COLS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- SHOW_MIN_RATIO - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- SHOW_MIN_RATIO - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
- SHOW_NONE - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- SHOW_NONE - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
- SHOW_NONE - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- SHOW_NONE - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- SHOW_PIVOTS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- SHOW_PIVOTS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
- SHOW_PIVOTS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- SHOW_PIVOTS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- SHOW_QM - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- SHOW_QM - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
- SHOW_RETURNS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- SHOW_RETURNS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- SHOW_RETURNS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- SHOW_STATS - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- SHOW_TOL_UPDATE - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- SHOW_TOL_UPDATE - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- SHOW_VARIABLES - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- SHOW_VARIABLES - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- SHOW_VARIABLES - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- showAStructureChange - Variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- showContiguousTracks(Track) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineController
- showDialog(Window) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker
Displays MovieMakerDialog to the right of the specified window.
- showError(Component, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- showError(Component, String, Exception) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- showImage(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- showImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- showNotice(Component, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- showOutput - Static variable in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScanTest
- showRebuildReason - Variable in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- showResult(Component, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- showTexture() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomPlaneTextureContent
- showTexture() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTextureContent
- showTexture() - Method in class maspack.image.dti.DTITextureContent
- showTexture() - Method in class maspack.image.nifti.NiftiTextureContent
- showTexture(GL2GL3, int, int) - Static method in class maspack.render.GL.GLSupport
- showUnsupportedExtensionError(Component, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProbeExportChooser
- showUnsupportedExtensionError(Component, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ProbeImportChooser
- showValidatedDialog(Component, String) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.ImageFileChooser
- showWarning(Component, String) - Static method in class maspack.widgets.GuiUtils
- shutdown() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- shutdown() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- shutdownNow() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- shutdownNow() - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- sideProductDirection(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Computes the dot product of (v1 X dir) and v2, where dir is the vector
from the head to the tail of this half-edge.
- signatureEquals(SparseBlockSignature) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- SignedCholeskyDecomp - Class in maspack.matrix
Constructs the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive definite
- SignedCholeskyDecomp() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Creates an uninitialized SignedCholeskyDecomp.
- SignedCholeskyDecomp(int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Creates an uninitialized SignedCholeskyDecomp with enough capacity to
handle matrices of size n
- SignedCholeskyDecomp(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Creates a SignedCholeskyDecomp for the Matrix specified by M.
- SignedCholeskyDecomp(Matrix, int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Creates a SignedCholeskyDecomp for the Matrix specified by M.
- SignedDistanceCollide - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SignedDistanceCollide() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SignedDistanceCollide
- SignedDistanceCollider - Class in maspack.collision
- SignedDistanceCollider() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.SignedDistanceCollider
- SignedDistanceGrid - Class in maspack.geometry
Implements a signed distance field for fixed triangular mesh.
- SILVER - Static variable in class maspack.render.Material
- SimmSpline - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- SimmSpline() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimmSpline
- SimmSpline(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimmSpline
- SimmSplineFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- SimmSplineFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimmSplineFactory
- SimmSplineLigamentMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- SimmSplineLigamentMaterial(double[], double[], double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.SimmSplineLigamentMaterial
Create a new ligament material.
- SimpleAxialMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- SimpleAxialMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- SimpleAxialMuscle(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleAxialMuscle
- SimpleBall - Class in artisynth.models.testspace
- SimpleBall() - Constructor for class artisynth.models.testspace.SimpleBall
- simpleBoxTests() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- SimpleCollide - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SimpleCollide() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SimpleCollide
- simpleContactTests(boolean) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LCPSolverTestBase
- simpleConvexHull() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
Computes the convex hull of this Polygon2d, under the assumption that it
describes a simple polygon.
- simpleConvexHull(Collection<Point2d>) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon2d
Computes the convex hull of a list of points, under the assumption that
they describe a simple polygon.
- SimpleCoordinateCoupler - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- SimpleCoordinateCoupler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimpleCoordinateCoupler
- SimpleCoordinateCoupler(OpenSimCustomJoint, int, OpenSimCustomJoint, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SimpleCoordinateCoupler
- simpleCubeTest() - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigQPSolverTest
Basic sanity test: exhaustive testing on a very simple problem H = identity
and unit constraints.
- SimpleErrorHandler() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser.SimpleErrorHandler
- SimpleFemReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Reads FEM geometry from a file that uses a format analagous to
Alias Wavefront .obj files, with an 'e' token to signify elements.
- SimpleFemReader() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemReader
- SimpleFemWriter - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Writes FEM geometry to a file that uses a format analagous to
Alias Wavefront .obj files, with an 'e' token to signify elements.
- SimpleFemWriter() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SimpleFemWriter
- SimpleForceMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
A muscle material with no passive force that simply adds a constant force
proportional to the excitation signal.
- SimpleForceMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- SimpleForceMuscle(double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleForceMuscle
- SimpleIdentityRepository - Class in maspack.fileutil.jsch
Implements a basic IdentityRepository that only allows explicit
adding/removing of Identity objects
- SimpleIdentityRepository() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.jsch.SimpleIdentityRepository
- SimpleIdRepoFactory - Class in maspack.fileutil.vfs
An "IdentityFactor" that stores a set of private keys to use for
- SimpleIdRepoFactory() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleIdRepoFactory
- SimpleMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
A muscle material with no passive force that simply adds a constant force
proportional to the excitation signal.
- SimpleMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- SimpleMuscle(double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.SimpleMuscle
- SimpleMuscle - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Simple demo of a particle and rigid body connected by an axial muscle.
- SimpleMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscle
- SimpleMuscleWithController - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- SimpleMuscleWithController() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithController
- SimpleMuscleWithInlineProbe - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- SimpleMuscleWithInlineProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithInlineProbe
- SimpleMuscleWithPanel - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- SimpleMuscleWithPanel() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithPanel
- SimpleMuscleWithProbes - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- SimpleMuscleWithProbes() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithProbes
- SimpleMuscleWithProperties - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- SimpleMuscleWithProperties() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SimpleMuscleWithProperties
- SimpleSelectableBase() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewerTesterBase.SimpleSelectableBase
- SimpleThreadManager - Class in maspack.concurrency
- SimpleThreadManager(String) - Constructor for class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
Creates primary thread pool
- SimpleThreadManager(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
Creates primary thread pool
- SimpleThreadManager(String, int, long) - Constructor for class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
Creates primary thread pool
- SimpleUserAuthenticator - Class in maspack.fileutil.vfs
- SimpleUserAuthenticator() - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleUserAuthenticator
- SimpleUserAuthenticator(String, String, String) - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleUserAuthenticator
- SimpleUserAuthenticator(String, String) - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.vfs.SimpleUserAuthenticator
This is a test javadoc
- SimpleViewerApp(String, GLViewer) - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.SimpleViewerApp
- SimulationPrefs - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to running simulations.
- SimulationPrefs(SimulationSettings) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationPrefs
- SimulationSettings - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to running simulations
- SimulationSettings() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.SimulationSettings
- SinCosMonitorProbe - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Simple demo using a NumericMonitorProbe to generate sine and cosine waves.
- SinCosMonitorProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SinCosMonitorProbe
- singleFaceArea - Variable in class maspack.collision.IntersectionContour
- singleFaceContourTests() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- singleFaceTests() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
Special tests that involve penetration regions consisting of a single
face that contacts the contour at only the edges or vertices.
- SingleGL2Tester - Class in maspack.test.GL
- SingleGL2Tester() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.SingleGL2Tester
- SingleGL3Tester - Class in maspack.test.GL
- SingleGL3Tester() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.SingleGL3Tester
- SingleHex - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SingleHex() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleHex
- SinglePyramid - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SinglePyramid() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SinglePyramid
- SingleQuadhex - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SingleQuadhex() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleQuadhex
- SingleQuadpyramid - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SingleQuadpyramid() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleQuadpyramid
- SingleQuadtet - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SingleQuadtet() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleQuadtet
- SingleQuadwedge - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SingleQuadwedge() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleQuadwedge
- SingleShellQuad - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Interactive demo of a single square shell element of 4 shell nodes and
8 gauss points.
- SingleShellQuad() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleShellQuad
- SingleShellTri - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Interactive demo of a single triangle shell element of 3 shell nodes and
9 gauss points.
- SingleShellTri() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleShellTri
- SingleTet - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SingleTet() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleTet
- SingleWedge - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SingleWedge() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SingleWedge
- SizableLabel - Class in maspack.widgets
Subclass of JLabel that gives us precise control over its width
- SizableLabel() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.SizableLabel
- SizableLabel(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.SizableLabel
- size() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.EditActionMap
- size() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionHandlerTable
Number of handlers currently in the table
- size() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentList
- size() - Method in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentListView
Get the number of components in this list.
- size() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ScannableList
- size() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ListBase
- size() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
- size() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SetBase
- size() - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.WayPointProbe
Queries the number of waypoints in this probe.
- size() - Method in enum maspack.crypt.AESCryptor.KeySize
- size() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HashedPointSet
- size() - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
- size() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- size() - Method in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomImage
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Number of entries = 8
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockColList
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockRowList
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Returns the size of this quaternion (which is always 4)
- size() - Method in enum maspack.matrix.RotationRep
Queries the number of doubles required for this RotationRep.
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Returns the size of this vector.
- size() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vector
Returns the number of elements in this vector.
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Returns the size of this vector (which is always 2)
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Returns the size of this vector (which is always 2)
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Returns the size of this vector (which is always 3)
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Returns the size of this vector (which is always 3)
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Returns the size of this vector (which is always 4)
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
Returns the number of elements in this vector.
- size() - Method in interface maspack.matrix.Vectori
Returns the number of elements in this vector.
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
Returns the number of elements in this vector.
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the size of this vector.
- size() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Returns the number of elements in this vector.
- size() - Method in class maspack.properties.HostList
- size() - Method in class maspack.properties.LocalPropertyList
- size() - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfoList
Returns the number of properties described in this list.
- size() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyList
Returns the number of properties described in this list.
- size() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage
- size() - Method in class maspack.render.RenderList
Returns the total number of renderables in this list.
- size() - Method in class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Returns the number of elements in the set
- size() - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialVector
Returns the size of this spatial vector (which is always 6)
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryHeap
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryOutputStream
Returns the number of bytes that have been written to this stream.
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicArray
Current number of elements in the dynamic array
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.IndexedBinaryHeap
Number of elements in the heap
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- size() - Method in interface maspack.util.ListView
Get the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in class maspack.util.SubListView
Get the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in class maspack.widgets.VoidVector
- Sizeof - Class in artisynth.core.driver
- Sizeof() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.Sizeof
- SkewedUniversalJoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a skewed 2 DOF roll-pitch joint, in which the roll and pitch
joints are skewed with respect to each other by an angle skewAngle
such that the angle between them is PI/2 - skewAngle
- SkewedUniversalJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkewedUniversalJoint
- SkewedUniversalJoint(double, UniversalJoint.AxisSet) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkewedUniversalJoint
- SkewedUniversalJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkewedUniversalJoint
Creates a SkewedUniversalJoint between bodyA
and bodyB
- SkewedUniversalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkewedUniversalJoint
Creates a SkewedUniversalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SkewedUniversalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkewedUniversalJoint
Creates a SkewedUniversalJoint between bodyA
and bodyB
with the initial joint coordinate frame D given (in world coordinates) by
- SkewedUniversalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkewedUniversalJoint
Creates a SkewedUniversalJoint between bodyA
and bodyB
with the origin of D given by originD
and the initial directions
of the roll and pitch axes given by rollAxis
and pitchAxis
- SkinBodyCollide - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- SkinBodyCollide() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SkinBodyCollide
- SkinCollisionTest - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SkinCollisionTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SkinCollisionTest
- SkinConnection() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection
- SkinDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- SkinDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.SkinDemo
- SkinMarker - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- SkinMarker() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- SkinMarker(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- SkinMarker(Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- SkinMarker(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMarker
- SkinMeshBase - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Base class for a SkinMeshBody, which is a type of mesh component in which each
vertex is attached to one or more underlying dynamic master components using
- SkinMeshBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
- SkinMeshBase(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SkinMeshBase
- SkinMeshBody - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
A MeshComponent that supports "skinning", in which the position of each mesh
vertex is controlled by the configuration of one or more referenced
master bodies}.
- SkinMeshBody() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates an empty SkinMeshBody with no mesh.
- SkinMeshBody(MeshBase) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates a SkinMeshBody with a specified mesh.
- SkinMeshBody(String, MeshBase) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Creates a SkinMeshBody with a specified name and mesh.
- SkinMeshBody.BodyInfo - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Base class for information about bodies (e.g., Frames or
FemNodels) used to control the skinning.
- SkinMeshBody.ElementRotationData - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Contains information about the rotation of a FEM element, which is needed
when connecting a point or vertex to an FEM model using an
- SkinMeshBody.FemConnectionType - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
Decsribes the connection type used for FEM bodies.
- SkinMeshBody.FemModelInfo - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Contains information for each FemModel controlling this SkinMeshBody.
- SkinMeshBody.FrameBlending - Enum in artisynth.core.femmodels
Characterizes the blend mechanism used for the frame-based
portion of the skinning.
- SkinMeshBody.FrameInfo - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Contains information for each frame controlling this SkinMeshBody.
- SkinMeshBody.NearestPoint - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Contains information about the nearest point on a master body to a
another point or mesh vertex.
- SkinWeightingFunction - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Class that computes the connection weights for a SkinMeshBody point
- SkinWeightingFunction() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinWeightingFunction
- skip(long) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
- skip(long) - Method in class maspack.util.BitInputStream
- skipBytes(int) - Method in class maspack.util.BinaryInputStream
Skips over n
bytes from this stream.
- skipLine() - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Skips the input to the end of the current line.
- SkullParticles - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- SkullParticles() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.SkullParticles
- slashSlashComments(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Enables the handling of C++-style slash-slash comments, commenting out all
characters between //
and the next line.
- slashStarComments(boolean) - Method in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
Enables the handling of C-style slash-star comments, commenting out all
characters, inclusing new lines, between /*
- slaveAffectsStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNodeNodeAttachment
- slaveAffectsStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.NodeFrameNodeAttachment
- slaveAffectsStiffness() - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachment
- slaveAffectsStiffness() - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAttachmentBase
- sleep(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.jythonconsole.JythonConsoleImpl
- SleepProbe - Class in artisynth.core.workspace
- SleepProbe(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.workspace.SleepProbe
- slice(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.FeatureIndexArray
Returns a subset of features
- slice(int, int) - Method in class maspack.render.VertexIndexArray
Returns a copy of a portion of the array
- slice(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicBooleanArray
Returns a copy of a portion of the array
- slice(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicByteArray
Returns a copy of a portion of the array
- slice(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicDoubleArray
Returns a copy of a portion of the array
- slice(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.DynamicIntArray
Returns a copy of a portion of the array
- SLICE_LOCATION - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- SLICE_THICKNESS - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- SliceInfo(String) - Constructor for class maspack.image.dicom.DicomSlice.SliceInfo
- Slider - Class in maspack.widgets
A subclass of JSlider that allows us to specify exactly how many pixels
are in the track.
- Slider() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.Slider
- Slider(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.Slider
- SliderCoupling - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
Implements a one DOF prismatic coupling.
- SliderCoupling() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.SliderCoupling
- SliderJoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a 1 DOF prismatic joint, in which frame C translates along the z
axis of frame D by a distance z
- SliderJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Creates a PrismaticJoint
which is not attached to any bodies.
- SliderJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Creates a PrismaticJoint
connecting two rigid bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
- SliderJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Creates a PrismaticJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SliderJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Creates a PrismaticJoint
connecting two connectable bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
- SliderJoint(ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Creates a PrismaticJoint
connecting a single connectable body,
, to ground.
- SliderJoint(RigidBody, ConnectableBody, Point3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SliderJoint
Creates a PrismaticJoint
connecting two connectable bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
- SliderJointDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- SliderJointDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.SliderJointDemo
- SliderRange - Class in maspack.widgets
- SliderRange() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.SliderRange
- SlidingFem - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- SlidingFem() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SlidingFem
- SlottedHingeCoupling - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
Implements a one DOF revolute coupling.
- SlottedHingeCoupling() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.SlottedHingeCoupling
- SlottedHingeJoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a 2 DOF ``slotted revolute'' joint, in which frame C rotates
clockwise about the z axis of frame D by an angle theta
, and
also translates along the x axis of D by a distance x
- SlottedHingeJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Creates a SlottedRevoluteJoint
which is not attached to any
- SlottedHingeJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Creates a SlottedRevoluteJoint
connecting two rigid bodies,
and bodyB
- SlottedHingeJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Creates a SlottedRevoluteJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SlottedHingeJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Creates a SlottedRevoluteJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SlottedHingeJoint(ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Creates a SlottedRevoluteJoint
connecting a single connectable
body, bodyA
, to ground.
- SlottedHingeJoint(RigidBody, ConnectableBody, Point3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SlottedHingeJoint
Creates a SlottedRevoluteJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SlottedHingeJointDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- SlottedHingeJointDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.SlottedHingeJointDemo
- SlottedRevoluteJointDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- SlottedRevoluteJointDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.SlottedRevoluteJointDemo
- SMALL_BUTTON_SIZE - Static variable in class maspack.widgets.ButtonCreator
- SMALL_PROBE_DISPLAY - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbeDisplayLarge
- SMALLEST_IMAGE_PIXEL_VALUE - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- smooth(int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Apply the smoothing operation n times
- smooth(double, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Taubin Smoothing
- smooth(double, double, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Applies Taubin smoothing
- smooth() - Method in class maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid
Applies a simple Laplacian smoothing operation to the distance grid
- smooth(PolygonalMesh, int, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.LaplacianSmoother
Implements a specified number of iterations of Taubin smoothing.
- SmoothingDialog - Class in artisynth.core.gui.widgets
Dialog used to data smoothing parameters and initiate smoothing.
- SmoothingDialog(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.widgets.SmoothingDialog
- SmoothingMethod - Enum in maspack.interpolation
Describes a smoothing method to be used on a sequence of data.
- smoothWeights(Function1x1, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Smooths vertex connection weights according to a function of
- smoothWeights(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Smooths vertex connection weights according to a function of
- smoothWeights() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody
Smooths vertex connection weights by looking at neighbouring vertices.
- smoothWithMovingAverage(int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Smooths the values in this probe by applying a mean average filter over a
moving window of specified size.
- smoothWithSavitzkyGolay(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
Smooths the values in this probe by applying Savitzky-Golay smoothing
over a moving window of specified size.
- SoftPlaneCollider - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- SoftPlaneCollider() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- SoftPlaneCollider(String, Vector3d, Point3d, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SoftPlaneCollider
- SolidCoupling - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
Implements a solid coupling in which one rigid body is solidly
connected to another, with no degrees of freedom.
- SolidCoupling() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.SolidCoupling
- SolidJoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Auxiliary class used to solve constrained rigid body problems.
- SolidJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolidJoint
- SolidJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolidJoint
- SolidJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolidJoint
- SolidJoint(ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolidJoint
- SolidJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolidJoint
- SolidJoint(RigidBody, RigidBody) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolidJoint
- solve(List<QPCostTerm>, List<QPConstraintTerm>, int, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.QPSolver
Solves the quadratic program of the form:
- solve(double, double, StepAdjustment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- solve(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.IKSolver
Updates the positions of the bodies associated with this solver to bring
the markers as close as possible to the target positions specified by
- solve() - Method in class maspack.ipopt.IpoptExample
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
- solve(double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabSolver
- solve(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
for x, where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition,
and x and b are vectors.
- solve(Vector, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
for x, where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition,
and x and b are vectors.
- solve(DenseMatrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M X = B
for X, where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition,
and X and B are matrices.
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
where M is the original
matrix associated with this decomposition, and x and b are vectors.
- solve(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M X = B
where M is the original
matrix associated with this decomposition, and X and B are matrices.
- solve(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
for x, where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition,
and x and b are vectors.
- solve(Vector, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
for x, where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition,
and x and b are vectors.
- solve(DenseMatrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LDLTDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M X = B
for X, where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition,
and X and B are matrices.
- solve(Vector, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LUDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition, and x
and b are vectors.
- solve(DenseMatrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.LUDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M X = B
where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition, and X
and B are matrices.
- solve(Matrix2dBase, Vector2d, Vector2d) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
- solve(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Solves this matrix for x
given a right hand side
, returning false
if the matrix is detected
to be singular.
- solve(Vector, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Computes a solution to the linear equation
M x = b
where M is
the original matrix associated with this decomposition, and x and b are
- solve(DenseMatrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Computes a least-squares solution to the linear equation
M X = B
where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition, and X
and B are matrices.
- solve(double[], int, double[], int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
for x, where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition,
and x and b are vectors.
- solve(Vector, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
for x, where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition,
and x and b are vectors.
- solve(DenseMatrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SignedCholeskyDecomp
Solves the linear equation
M X = B
for X, where M is the original matrix associated with this decomposition,
and X and B are matrices.
- solve(Vector, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
where M is the original matrix associated with this SVD, and x and b are
- solve(Vector, Vector, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
where M is the original matrix associated with this SVD, and x and b are
- solve(DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M X = B
where M is the original matrix associated with this SVD, and X and B are
- solve(DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
M X = B
where M is the original matrix associated with this SVD, and X and B are
- solve(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Solves the linear equation
M x = b
where M is the original matrix associated with this SVD, and x and b are
- solve(VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
Solves a linear system A x = b using the conjugate gradient method.
- solve(VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
Solves a linear system A x = b using the conjugate gradient method.
- solve(VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, VectorNd, double, int, LinearTransformNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
Solves a linear system A x = b using the conjugate gradient method with a
- solve(VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, VectorNd, double, int, LinearTransformNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- solve(VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- solve(VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CRSolver
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNi, MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
Solves the LCP
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, MatrixNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigLCPSolver
- solve(VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigQPSolver
Solves a convex quadratic program with inequality constraints:
- solve(VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd, MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.DantzigQPSolver
Solves a convex quadratic program with both equality and inequality
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.DirectSolver
Solves the system
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition
Solves L * x = b
- solve(VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNi, MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
Solves the LCP
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, MatrixNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KellerLCPSolver
since BLCP problems are not
supported by this solver class.
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Solves the equality, inequality, and frictional parts of a factored
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Solves the equality, inequality, and frictional parts of a factored
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Solves the equality and inequality parts of a factored system.
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Solves the equality and inequality parts of a factored system.
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Solves the equality parts of a factored system.
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNi, MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Solves the LCP
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, MatrixNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
- solve(Twist, ContactInfo[], int, SpatialInertia, Twist, double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
Applies an impulse to a rigid body velocity to adjust for normal and
frictional contact forces.
- solve(Twist, ContactInfo[], int, SpatialInertia, Wrench, double) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNi, MatrixNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
Solves the LCP
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, MatrixNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyLCPSolver
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, int, VectorNd, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, int, VectorNd, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, ArrayList<FrictionInfo>, int, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, int, VectorNd, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, int, VectorNd, int, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, SparseBlockMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNi, VectorNd, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.MurtyMechSolver
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Solves the matrix associated with this solver for x, given a
specific right-hand side b.
- solve(double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Solves the matrix associated with this solver for x, given a
specific right-hand side b.
- solve(double[], double[], int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
Solves the matrix associated with this solver for a set of vectors X,
given a set of right-hand sides B.
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, SparseCRSMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
Solves a linear system A x = b using the projected conjugate gradient
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, SparseCRSMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, double, int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
Solves a linear system A x = b using the projected conjugate gradient
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, LinearTransformNd, SparseCRSMatrix, VectorNd, VectorNd, double, int, LinearTransformNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.ProjectedCGSolver
Solves a linear system A x = b using the projected conjugate gradient
method with a preconditioner.
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.TriDiagonalSolver
Solves a tridiagonal matrix whose lower, diagonal and upper bands are
given by a
, b
and c
, respectively.
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, Vector3d[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.TriDiagonalSolver
Vectorized version of
accepts a right hand side
consisting of an array of n
3-vectors, where nis the matrix size, and creates and returns an array of
n 3-vectors containing the corresponding solution.
- solve(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
- solve(double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.solvers.UmfpackSolver
- solveColumn(double[], Wrench, double[], Wrench) - Method in class maspack.solvers.LemkeContactSolver
- solveCyclical(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.TriDiagonalSolver
Solves a cyclical tridiagonal matrix whose lower, diagonal and upper
bands are given by a
, b
and c
, respectively.
- solveCyclical(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, Vector3d[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.TriDiagonalSolver
Vectorized version of
that accepts a right hand side
of an array of n 3-vectors, where n is the matrix size, and creates and
returns an array of n 3-vectors containing the corresponding solution.
- SOLVED - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.LemkeSolverBase
- solveForNearestX(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.NaturalCubicSpline
- solveForNearestX(double, double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PiecewiseLinearFunction
- solveForX(double, List<Double>, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.NaturalCubicSpline
- solveForX(double, List<Double>, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.PiecewiseLinearFunction
- solveL(Vector, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
L x = b
for x, where L is the lower triangular factor associated this
decomposition, and x and b are vectors.
- solveL(DenseMatrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.CholeskyDecomposition
Solves the linear equation
L X = B
for X, where L is the lower triangular factor associated with this
decomposition, and X and B are matrices.
- solveL(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteLUDecomposition
Solves L * x = b
- SolveMatrixModifier - Interface in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Class that modifiers a solve or stiffness matrix and associated force vector.
- SolveMatrixTest - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- SolveMatrixTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SolveMatrixTest
- solveMG(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Solve the system
- solveMG(double[], double[], int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
- solveMG(VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.KKTSolver
Solve the system
- solveR(Vector, Vector) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Computes a solution to the linear equation
- solveR(DenseMatrix, Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.QRDecomposition
Computes a solution to the linear equation
- solveSparse(double[], double[], double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- solveSparse(double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- solveSparseTimed(double[], double[]) - Method in class maspack.matlab.MatlabInterface
- solveTransformed(VectorNd, SparseMatrixNd, VectorNd, double, int, IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition) - Method in class maspack.solvers.CGSolver
- solveTranspose(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3dBase
Solves the transpose of this matrix for x
given a right hand
side b
, returning false
if the matrix is
detected to be singular.
- solveTranspose(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteCholeskyDecomposition
Solves L' * x = b
- solveU(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.solvers.IncompleteLUDecomposition
Solves U * x = b
- solveX(double, CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
Solves for x given a value of y associated with this interval.
- solveX(double, double, CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d.Knot
Solves for x given a value of y associated with this interval.
- solveX(double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Solves for the x value given a specific y value.
- solveX(double, double) - Method in class maspack.interpolation.CubicHermiteSpline1d
Solves for the x value given a specific y value of the function defined
by this spline plus a linear term alpha x
- sort(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sorts the contents of vector v1 by element value, with x being set to the
largest value and y being set to the smallest value, and places the
results in this vector.
- sort() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sorts the contents of this vector by element value, with x being set to
the largest value and z being set to the smallest value.
- sort(Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sorts the contents of vector v1 by element value, with x being set to the
largest value and z being set to the smallest value, and places the
results in this vector.
- sort() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sorts the contents of this vector by element value, with x being set to
the largest value and z being set to the smallest value.
- sort(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sorts the contents of vector v1 by element value, with x being set to the
largest value and z being set to the smallest value, and places the
results in this vector.
- sort() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sorts the contents of this vector by element value, with x being set to
the largest value and z being set to the smallest value.
- sort(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sorts the contents of vector v1 by element value, with x being set to the
largest value and z being set to the smallest value, and places the
results in this vector.
- sort() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sorts the contents of this vector by element value, with x being set to
the largest value and z being set to the smallest value.
- sort(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sorts the contents of vector v1 by element value, with x being set to the
largest value and w being set to the smallest value, and places the
results in this vector.
- sort() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sorts the contents of this vector by element value, with x being set to
the largest value and w being set to the smallest value.
- sort() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sorts the contents of this vector by element value, from largest to
smallest value.
- sort(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Sorts the contents of vector v1 by element value, from largest to smallest
value, and places the result into this vector.
- sort() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sorts the contents of this vector by element value, from largest to
smallest value.
- sort(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Sorts the contents of vector v1 by element value, from largest to smallest
value, and places the result into this vector.
- sort(int[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySort
Sorts an array of integers into ascending order.
- sort(int[], int, int) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySort
Sorts a subregion of an array of integers into ascending order.
- sort(int[], double[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySort
Sorts an array of integers into ascending order, and
correspondingly rearranges an accompanying array of values.
- sort(int[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySort
Sorts a subregion of an array of integers into ascending order,
and correspondingly rearranges the same subregion of an accompanying
array of values.
- SORT_FACES - Static variable in interface maspack.render.Renderer
Flag requesting that faces of a mesh be sorted before rendering
- sortAbsolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Sorts the contents of this vector by absolute element value, with x being
set to the largest value and y being set to the smallest value.
- sortAbsolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Sorts the contents of this vector by absolute element value, with x being
set to the largest value and z being set to the smallest value.
- sortAbsolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Sorts the contents of this vector by absolute element value, with x being
set to the largest value and z being set to the smallest value.
- sortAbsolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Sorts the contents of this vector by absolute element value, with x being
set to the largest value and z being set to the smallest value.
- sortAbsolute() - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Sorts the contents of the vector by the absolute value of its components.
- SortedRenderableList - Class in maspack.render
Set of renderables sorted in ascending order by zOrder.
- SortedRenderableList(int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Constructs an empty list with the specified initial capacity.
- SortedRenderableList() - Constructor for class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Constructs an empty list with an initial capacity of ten.
- SortedRenderableList(Collection<? extends IsRenderable>) - Constructor for class maspack.render.SortedRenderableList
Constructs a set containing the elements of the specified
- sortFaces(List<E>, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshRenderer
"Sorts" faces according to the direction provided.
- sortFaces(int[], int, int, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshRenderer
"Sorts" faces according to the direction provided.
- sortIndexList(int[], int) - Static method in class maspack.util.ArraySupport
Checks that the elements of a list of indices are all < maxi
are in strictly ascending order.
- sortIndices(List<E>, Comparator<E>) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(List<E>) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(int[], List<E>) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(int[], int, int, List<E>) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(int[], List<E>, Comparator<E>) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(int[], int, int, List<E>, Comparator<E>) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(E[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(E[], Comparator<E>) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(int[], E[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(int[], int, int, E[]) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(int[], E[], Comparator<E>) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortIndices(int[], int, int, E[], Comparator<E>) - Static method in class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- sortMenu(MenuEntry, Comparator<MenuNode>) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuEntry
- SortUtilitities - Class in maspack.util
- SortUtilitities() - Constructor for class maspack.util.SortUtilitities
- SourceFrameReference - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Special reference component for source frames that also returns the
associated target frame as a hard reference.
- SourceFrameReference() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.SourceFrameReference
- SourceFrameReference(Frame) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.SourceFrameReference
- SourcePointReference - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Special reference component for source points that also returns the
associated target point as a hard reference.
- SourcePointReference() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.SourcePointReference
- SourcePointReference(Point) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.SourcePointReference
- SPACING_BETWEEN_SLICES - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- sparse_2_pardiso(Vector<PardisoThreadTest.SparseElement>, int, double[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoThreadTest
- SparseBlockMatrix - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a square sparse matrix composed of MatrixBlocks.
- SparseBlockMatrix() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- SparseBlockMatrix(int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- SparseBlockMatrix(int[], int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- SparseBlockMatrix.PrintFormat - Enum in maspack.matrix
- SparseBlockMatrixTest - Class in maspack.matrix
- SparseBlockSignature - Class in maspack.matrix
Structure signature for a sparse matrix, and a sparse block matrix in
- SparseBlockSignature(int, int, boolean, int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
- SparseBlockSignature(SparseBlockMatrix, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockSignature
- SparseBlockSignatureTest - Class in maspack.matrix
- SparseCRSMatrix - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a square sparse matrix composed of MatrixBlocks.
- SparseCRSMatrix() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Creates an empty SparseCRSMatrix with 0 x 0 size.
- SparseCRSMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Creates an empty sparse matrix with a specified size.
- SparseCRSMatrix(double[], int[], int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Creates a sparse matrix from CRS data.
- SparseCRSMatrix(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Creates a sparse matrix from an existing general matrix.
- SparseElement() - Constructor for class maspack.solvers.PardisoThreadTest.SparseElement
- SparseMatrix - Interface in maspack.matrix
General interface for sparse matrices.
- SparseMatrixBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base implementation of
- SparseMatrixBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixBase
- SparseMatrixCell - Class in maspack.matrix
- SparseMatrixCell(int, int, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixCell
- SparseMatrixCell(SparseMatrixCell) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixCell
- SparseMatrixNd - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements general sparse m x n matrices, along with most the commonly used
operations associated with such matrices.
- SparseMatrixNd(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Creates a sparse matrix of a specific size, and initializes its elements
to 0.
- SparseMatrixNd(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Creates a sparse matrix whose size and elements are the same as an
existing Matrix.
- SparseMatrixNd(SparseMatrixNd) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Creates a sparse matrix which is a copy of an existing one.
- SparseNumberedBlockMatrix - Class in maspack.matrix
A version of SparseBlockMatrix that allows blocks to be accessed by number
- SparseNumberedBlockMatrix() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
- SparseNumberedBlockMatrix(int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
- SparseNumberedBlockMatrix(int[], int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
- SparseNumberedBlockMatrix(int[], int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
- SparseNumberedBlockMatrix(int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrix
- SparseNumberedBlockMatrixTest - Class in maspack.matrix
- SparseNumberedBlockMatrixTest() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrixTest
- SparseSolverId - Enum in maspack.solvers
Identifies the general-purpose sparse solvers available in this package.
- SparseTiming - Class in maspack.matrix
- SparseTiming() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseTiming
- SparseVectorCell - Class in maspack.matrix
- SparseVectorCell(int, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorCell
- SparseVectorCell(SparseVectorCell) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorCell
- SparseVectorNd - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements sparse general vectors, along with their most commonly used
- SparseVectorNd(int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Creates a vector of a specific size, and initializes its elements to 0.
- SparseVectorNd(int, double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Creates a vector of a specific size, and initializes its elements from an
array of values.
- SparseVectorNd(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Creates a vector from an array of doubles.
- SparseVectorNd(Vector) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Creates a vector whose size and elements are the same as an existing
- SpatialHashTable<T> - Class in maspack.geometry
Spatial Hash Table for speeding up 3D spatial nearest neighbour searches.
3D space is partitioned into an orthogonal, equally spaced grid.
- SpatialHashTable(double) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.SpatialHashTable
- SpatialInertia - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
Spatial inertia used to compute the dynamics of a rigid body.
- SpatialInertia() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Creates a new spatial inertia with a value of zero.
- SpatialInertia(SpatialInertia) - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Creates a new spatial inertia with the same values as an existing one.
- SpatialInertia(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Creates a new spatial inertia with a specific mass and a diagonal
rotational inertia with the indicated element values.
- SpatialTransform - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- SpatialTransform() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SpatialTransform
- SpatialTransformFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- SpatialVector - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
A spatial vector, which is a 6-vector composed of two 3-vectors: a free
vector and a line vector.
- SPD - Static variable in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Identifies a matrix as symmetric positive definite.
- special(Twist, Twist) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameSpringTest
- specialTest(int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseNumberedBlockMatrixTest
- specialTests() - Method in class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- SpecularTest - Class in artisynth.demos.test
- SpecularTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.test.SpecularTest
- speed - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
- Sphere - Class in maspack.geometry
- Sphere(double, Point3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Sphere
- sphereFCCFill(PolygonalMesh, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- sphereGridFill(PolygonalMesh, double) - Static method in class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.PointDistributor
- SphereIntersector - Class in maspack.geometry
- SphereIntersector() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.SphereIntersector
- SphereKey(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.SphereKey
- sphereSurfaceTangent(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double) - Method in class maspack.geometry.QuadraticUtilsTest
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.GnomonicProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.LambertProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.LambertProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.OrthographicProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.OrthographicProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[], PolarProjector.Pole, int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in interface maspack.spatialmotion.projections.SphericalProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[], int) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- sphereToPlane(double, double, double, double[]) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- sphericalBezier(Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Interpolates a point on a quaternion curve using cubic Bezier
- sphericalBezierShoemake(Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Interpolates a point on a quaternion curve using the Bezier interpolation
scheme described by Shoemake in his 1985 SIGGRAPH paper, "Animating
Rotation with Quaternion Curves".
- SphericalCoupling - Class in maspack.spatialmotion
Implements a three DOF spherical coupling.
- SphericalCoupling() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.SphericalCoupling
- sphericalDistance(double[], double[]) - Static method in class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.ProjectedCurve3D
- sphericalHermiteGlobal(Quaternion, Vector3d, Quaternion, Vector3d, Quaternion, Vector3d, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Interpolates a point on a quaternion curve using cubic Hermite
- sphericalHermiteLocal(Quaternion, Vector3d, Quaternion, Vector3d, Quaternion, Vector3d, double, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Interpolates a point on a quaternion curve using cubic Hermite
- sphericalInterpolate(Quaternion, double, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Computes a spherical (great circle) interpolation between quaternions q1
and q2 and places the result in this quaternion.
- sphericalInterpolate(double, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Computes a spherical (great circle) interpolation between this quaternion
and q1 and places the result in this quaternion.
- SphericalJoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a 3 DOF spherical joint in which frames C and D share an origin
and C is free to assume any orientation with respect to D.
- SphericalJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
Creates a SphericalJoint
which is not attached to any bodies.
- SphericalJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
Creates a SphericalJoint
connecting two rigid bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
- SphericalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
Creates a SphericalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SphericalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
Creates a SphericalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SphericalJoint(ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
Creates a SphericalJoint
connecting a single connectable body,
, to ground.
- SphericalJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
Creates a SphericalJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SphericalJoint(ConnectableBody, Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJoint
Creates a SphericalJoint
connecting a single connectable body,
, to ground.
- SphericalJointBase - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Auxiliary class used to solve constrained rigid body problems.
- SphericalJointBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalJointBase
- SphericalJointDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- SphericalJointDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.SphericalJointDemo
- SphericalJointForceBound - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Applies a bound to the constraint forces of spherical joints.
- SphericalJointForceBound() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.SphericalJointForceBound
- SphericalJointForceBound(SphericalJointBase, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.SphericalJointForceBound
- SphericalJointForceBound(SphericalJointBase, double, Frame) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.SphericalJointForceBound
- SphericalProjector - Interface in maspack.spatialmotion.projections
- SphericalProjector.ProjectorType - Enum in maspack.spatialmotion.projections
- sphericalQuad(Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Implements the 'squad' interpolation described by Ken Shoemake in his
1987 SIGGRAPH course notes.
- SphericalRpyJoint - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Legacy class that implements a 3 DOF spherical joint parameterized by
roll-pitch-yaw angles.
- SphericalRpyJoint() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalRpyJoint
Creates a SphericalRpyJoint
which is not attached to any bodies.
- SphericalRpyJoint(RigidBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalRpyJoint
Creates a SphericalRpyJoint
connecting two rigid bodies, bodyA
and bodyB
- SphericalRpyJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalRpyJoint
Creates a SphericalRpyJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SphericalRpyJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalRpyJoint
Creates a SphericalRpyJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SphericalRpyJoint(ConnectableBody, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalRpyJoint
Creates a SphericalRpyJoint
connecting a single connectable body,
, to ground.
- SphericalRpyJoint(ConnectableBody, ConnectableBody, Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.SphericalRpyJoint
Creates a SphericalRpyJoint
connecting two connectable bodies,
and bodyB
- SphericalTextureMapping - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Simple demo showing color and bump mapping applied to spheres to make them
look like tennis balls.
- SphericalTextureMapping() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SphericalTextureMapping
- sphericalVelocity(Vector3d, Quaternion, double) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Computes the angular velocity, in world coordinates, associated a
spherical (great circle) interpolation between this quaternion and and
quaternion q1 over a time h.
- SpinControlProbe - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
Simple demo using a NumericControlProbe to spin a Frame about the z
- SpinControlProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.SpinControlProbe
- SpindleKey(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.SpindleKey
- SplineBasis - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- SplineBasis(int, double...) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- SplineBasis(SplineBasis) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.SplineBasis
- SplineTool - Class in maspack.widgets
- SplineTool() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.SplineTool
- SplineWeightFunction - Class in artisynth.core.mfreemodels
- SplineWeightFunction(Point3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.SplineWeightFunction
- SplineWeightFunction(Point3d, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.SplineWeightFunction
- SplineWeightFunction(Point3d, double, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mfreemodels.SplineWeightFunction
- splitArgs(String) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo
- splitMesh(PolygonalMesh, double, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Splits a mesh into several pieces based on connectivity and angle between faces
- splitMesh(PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
Splits a mesh into several pieces based on connectivity
- SpongeDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SpongeDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeDemo
- SpongeModel - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- SpongeModel() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeModel
- SpongeModel(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.SpongeModel
- Spring - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
- Spring(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Spring
- SpringAxialMuscle - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- SpringAxialMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- SpringAxialMuscle(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.SpringAxialMuscle
- SpringMeshDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
- SpringMeshDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.SpringMeshDemo
- sqr(double) - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.OgdenMaterial
- sqrt(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Computes d^(1/2) and places the result in this.
- sqrt() - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Computes sqrt(this)
- sqrt3Subdivide(PolygonalMesh, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshUtilities
Sqrt-3 subdivision
- sqrt3Subdivide(PolygonalMesh, boolean, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshUtilities
Sqrt-3 subdivision
- squareRootTiming(String) - Method in class maspack.util.CubicSolverTest
- squareTest() - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMeshTest
- srate - Variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieOptions
- StabilityTerm - Class in artisynth.core.inverse
Cost term that maximizes the stabilty of a mechanical system.
- StabilityTerm() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm
- StabilityTerm.StiffnessType - Enum in artisynth.core.inverse
- standardDeviation(VectorNd, double[], int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.numerics.PolynomialFit
- standardDeviation(VectorNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class maspack.numerics.PolynomialFit
- start(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- start() - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dFeature
Marks the start of a new sequence of input polygons.
- start(Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.NearestPolygon3dSegment
- start(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.collision.WindingCalculator
- start() - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
Starts the monitoring thread
- start() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Starts monitoring the files that have been added.
- start(Point3d, Point3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.WindingCalculator
- start() - Method in enum maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger.ANSIColor
- start() - Method in class maspack.util.FunctionTimer
Marks the beginning of a new timing interval and sets the elapsed time to
- START_CMD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- StartFromMatlab - Class in artisynth.core.driver
- StartFromMatlab() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.StartFromMatlab
- StartFromMatlab(String[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.StartFromMatlab
- startmarch(int) - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
- startmarch(int[]) - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
Performs the fast marching algorithm starting at data points with indices
given by start
, using the supplied voronoi and distance arrays
instead of this object's internal version.
- StartupModel - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Describes the model that should be loaded when ArtiSynth starts up, if any.
- StartupModel(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.StartupModel
- StartupModelEditor - Class in artisynth.core.modelmenu
- StartupModelEditor(StartupModel, Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelmenu.StartupModelEditor
- STATE_IS_VOLATILE - Static variable in interface artisynth.core.modelbase.Model
- stateChanged() - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeEvent
- stateOrSymmetryChanged() - Method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialChangeEvent
- stateToChar(int) - Static method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Returns a character representation of a state variable.
- stateToString(VectorNi) - Static method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Returns a string representation of a state vector.
- stateToString(VectorNi, int) - Static method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Returns a string representation of a state vector.
- stateToString(int[], int) - Static method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Returns a string representation of a state vector.
- staticGet(File, URIx, int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Static convenience method for downloading a file in a single shot.
- staticGet(File, URIx) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Static convenience method for downloading a file.
- staticGet(String, String, int) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Static convenience method for downloading a file.
- staticGet(String, String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.FileManager
Static convenience method for downloading a file with default options.
- staticIncremental(double, double, int, StepAdjustment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- staticIncrementalStep(double, double, double, StepAdjustment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
Scales forces and constraints down by alpha, and solves the adjusted problem
- staticLineSearch(double, double, StepAdjustment) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver
- step() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- step() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- step() - Method in class maspack.util.FastMarcherBase
- StepAdjustment - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
A utility class to help specify (and accumulate) recommendations for
how to adjust the step size.
- StepAdjustment() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- StepAdjustment(double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- StepAdjustment(double, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.StepAdjustment
- STEPFORWARD_BUTTON - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineConstants
- StereographicProjector - Class in maspack.spatialmotion.projections
- StereographicProjector() - Constructor for class maspack.spatialmotion.projections.StereographicProjector
- stictionCompliance - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
- stictionCreep - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
- stictionDisp0 - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
- stictionDisp1 - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.FrictionInfo
- stiffnessActFactor - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleStiffener
- StiffnessMatrixScaler - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Class that applies both mass and length scaling to a stiffness matrix.
- StiffnessMatrixScaler(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.StiffnessMatrixScaler
- StiffnessTest - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Tests the stiffness matrix for a tet element.
- StiffnessTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessTest
- StiffnessWarper3d - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Implements stiffness warping for a particular 3D FEM element.
- StiffnessWarper3d(FemElement3dBase) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.StiffnessWarper3d
- StlReader - Class in maspack.geometry.io
Reads from ascii STL format
- StlReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.StlReader
- StlReader(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.StlReader
- StlReader(String) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.StlReader
- StlRenderer - Class in maspack.render
"Renders" a scene by writing it to an STL file.
- StlRenderer() - Constructor for class maspack.render.StlRenderer
- StlToObj - Class in maspack.apps
- StlToObj() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.StlToObj
- StlWriter - Class in maspack.geometry.io
Writes to ascii STL format
- StlWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.StlWriter
- StlWriter(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.StlWriter
- StlWriter(String) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.StlWriter
- stop() - Method in interface maspack.fileutil.FileTransferMonitor
Stops the monitoring thread
- stop() - Method in class maspack.fileutil.MultiFileTransferMonitor
Stops monitoring the files that have been added.
- stop() - Method in class maspack.util.FunctionTimer
Adds the time difference between the current time and the last time
was called to the elapsed
- STOP_BUTTON - Static variable in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimelineConstants
- STOP_CMD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- stopAdvance() - Method in class artisynth.core.workspace.RootModel
This is used by the scheduler to interrupts the current call to advance
and cause state to be restored to that of the start time for the advance.
- stopAll() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Main
- stopRequest() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- stopRequestPending() - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ColorBufferPutter.ByteColorBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ColorBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferPutter.ByteIndexBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferPutter.IntegerIndexBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferPutter.ShortIndexBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.IndexBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.NormalBufferPutter.FloatNormalBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.NormalBufferPutter.ShortNormalBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.NormalBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.PositionBufferPutter.FloatPositionBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.PositionBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.TextureCoordBufferPutter.FloatTextureCoordBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.TextureCoordBufferPutter.ShortTextureCoordBufferPutter
- storage() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.TextureCoordBufferPutter
- storeTargetVelocity(VectorNd) - Method in class artisynth.core.inverse.MotionTargetTerm
- storeUsingAppend(DataBuffer, double[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DataBufferTest
- storeUsingRaw(DataBuffer, double[]) - Method in class maspack.util.DataBufferTest
- str2byte(String, String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.UtilTrim
- str2byte(String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.jsch.UtilTrim
- StreamGobbler - Class in maspack.util
Gobbles up an input stream, printing out results...
- StreamGobbler(InputStream, PrintStream, String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.StreamGobbler
- StreamLogger - Class in maspack.util
Allows customizing of streams for different log levels.
- StreamLogger() - Constructor for class maspack.util.StreamLogger
- StressStrainSettingsTest - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Tests the surfaceRendering, stressPlotRanging and stressPlotRange properties
for FemModel, FemMeshComp and FemCutPlane, making sure that they interact in
the correct way.
- StressStrainSettingsTest() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.StressStrainSettingsTest
- stride() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.ElementArray
- stride() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedVertexIndexArray
- STRING - Static variable in class maspack.json.JSONTokenizer
- StringField - Class in maspack.widgets
- StringField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.StringField
Creates a StringField with an empty label text and a default number of
- StringField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.StringField
Creates a StringField with specified label text.
- StringField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.StringField
Creates a StringField with specified label text and initial value.
- StringHolder - Class in maspack.util
Wrapper class which ``holds'' a String reference, enabling methods to return
String references through arguments.
- StringHolder() - Constructor for class maspack.util.StringHolder
Constructs a new StringHolder
with an initial value of
- StringHolder(String) - Constructor for class maspack.util.StringHolder
Constructs a new StringHolder
with a specific initial
- StringIntPair(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GLSLGenerator.StringIntPair
- StringRange - Class in maspack.util
- StringRange() - Constructor for class maspack.util.StringRange
- StringRange(Collection<String>) - Constructor for class maspack.util.StringRange
- StringRange(String...) - Constructor for class maspack.util.StringRange
- StringSelector - Class in maspack.widgets
- StringSelector() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.StringSelector
Creates a default StringSelector with an empty label and an empty set of
- StringSelector(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.StringSelector
Creates a StringSelector with specified label text, initial value, and
values to choose from.
- StringSelector(String, String[]) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.StringSelector
Creates a StringSelector with specified label text and values to choose
- StringToken - Class in artisynth.core.util
Parsing token that holds a string value.
- StringToken(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.StringToken
- StringToken(String, int) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.util.StringToken
- stringToState(String) - Static method in interface maspack.solvers.LCPSolver
Creates a state vector from a string representation
- StructureChangeEvent - Class in artisynth.core.modelbase
Reports changes in the structure of the component hierarchy.
- StructureChangeEvent(ModelComponent, boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.StructureChangeEvent
- StructureChangeEvent(ModelComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.StructureChangeEvent
- StructureChangeEvent(boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.StructureChangeEvent
- StructureChangeEvent() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.modelbase.StructureChangeEvent
- STUDY_ID - Static variable in class maspack.image.dicom.DicomTag
- StVenantKirchoffMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
NOTE: This is a non-standard version of the St.
- StVenantKirchoffMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- StVenantKirchoffMaterial(double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.StVenantKirchoffMaterial
- sub(DualQuaternion, DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Computes q1-q2 and places the result in this
- sub(DualQuaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualQuaternion
Subtracts q from this
- sub(DualScalar, DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Subtracts d2 from d1 and places the result in this dual number
- sub(DualScalar) - Method in class maspack.matrix.DualScalar
Subtracts d from this dual number
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix1x1 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix1x1, Matrix1x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix1x3 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix1x3, Matrix1x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix1x6 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix1x6, Matrix1x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix2dBase, Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Subtracts matrix M1 from M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix2dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2d
Subtracts this matrix from M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Subtract the contents of a Matrix from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix2x3 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix2x3, Matrix2x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix2x6 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix2x6, Matrix2x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix3dBase, Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Subtracts matrix M1 from M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix3dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3d
Subtracts this matrix from M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix3x1 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix3x1, Matrix3x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix3x2 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Subtract the contents of a Matrix from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix3x4 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix3x4, Matrix3x4) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix3x6 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix3x6, Matrix3x6) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix4dBase, Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Subtracts matrix M1 from M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix4dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4d
Subtracts this matrix from M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix4x3 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix4x3, Matrix4x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Subtract the contents of a Matrix from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix6dBase, Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Subtracts matrix M1 from M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix6dBase) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6d
Subtracts this matrix from M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Subtract the contents of a Matrix from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix6x1 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix6x1, Matrix6x1) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix6x2 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix6x2, Matrix6x2) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Subtracts this matrix from M and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Subtracts the contents of a Matrix6x3 from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix6x3, Matrix6x3) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3
Computes M1 - M2 places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Subtract the contents of a Matrix from this matrix block.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Subtract the contents of a Matrix from this matrix block.
- sub(MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Subtracts this matrix from M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(MatrixNd, MatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNd
Subtracts matrix M1 from M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Matrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Subtract the contents of a Matrix from this matrix block.
- sub(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Subtracts quaternion q1 from q2 and places the result in this quaternion.
- sub(Quaternion) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Quaternion
Subtracts q1 from this quaternion and places the result in this
- sub(SparseBlockMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- sub(SparseBlockMatrix, int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- sub(SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Subtracts M from this matrix.
- sub(SparseCRSMatrix, SparseCRSMatrix) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseCRSMatrix
Subtracts M1 from M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Subtracts this matrix from M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(SparseMatrixNd, SparseMatrixNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixNd
Subtracts matrix M1 from M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(SparseVectorNd, SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Subtracts vector v1 from v2 and places the result in this vector.
- sub(SparseVectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorNd
Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.
- sub(SymmetricMatrix3d, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Subtracts matrix M1 from M2 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(SymmetricMatrix3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Subtracts this matrix from M1 and places the result in this matrix.
- sub(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Subtracts vector v1 from v2 and places the result in this vector.
- sub(Vector2d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.
- sub(Vector2i, Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Subtracts vector v2 from v1 and places the result in this vector.
- sub(Vector2i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.
- sub(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Subtracts vector v2 from v1 and places the result in this vector.
- sub(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.
- sub(Vector3i, Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Subtracts vector v2 from v1 and places the result in this vector.
- sub(Vector3i) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.
- sub(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Subtracts vector v1 from v2 and places the result in this vector.
- sub(Vector4d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.
- sub(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Subtracts vector v2 from v1 and places the result in this vector.
- sub(VectorNd) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.
- sub(VectorNi, VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Subtracts vector v1 from v2 and places the result in this vector.
- sub(VectorNi) - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.
- sub(SpatialInertia) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Subtracts this spatial inertia from M1 and places the result in this
spatial inertia.
- sub(SpatialInertia, SpatialInertia) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.SpatialInertia
Subtracts spatial inertia M1 from M2 and places the result in this spatial
- sub(Twist, Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Subtracts twist tw1 from tw2 and places the result in this twist.
- sub(Twist) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Subtracts tw1 from this twist and places the result in this twist.
- sub(Wrench, Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Subtracts wrench wr1 from wr2 and places the result in this wrench.
- sub(Wrench) - Method in class maspack.spatialmotion.Wrench
Subtracts wr1 from this wrench and places the result in this wrench.
- sub(DataBuffer.Offsets, DataBuffer.Offsets) - Method in class maspack.util.DataBuffer.Offsets
- subdivide(PolygonalMesh, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- subdivide(PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- subdivideCatClark(PolygonalMesh, int) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- subdivideCatClark(PolygonalMesh) - Static method in class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory
- subdivideFem(FemModel3d, FemModel3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
Creates a subdvided FEM model by subdividing all the elements of an
existing model into eight sub-elements, adding additional nodes as
- subdivideFem(FemModel3d, FemModel3d, boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory
- subdivideHex(HexElement) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- subdivideHex(FemNode3d[], int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.Tetrahedralizer
- subdivideHex(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.Tetrahedralizer
- subdivideHex(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.Tetrahedralizer
Create a tesselation for a cubic configuration of nodes, using a
Freudenthal cut.
- subdivideHexs(List<HexElement>) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel3d
- subdivideWedge(FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, FemNode3d, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.Tetrahedralizer
Create a tesselation for a wedge configuration of nodes.
- SubdivisionVertex3d - Class in maspack.geometry
Holds a reference to the face and barycentric coordinates used to generate
this vertice.
- SubdivisionVertex3d(Face, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.SubdivisionVertex3d
- subEffectiveInertia(SpatialInertia) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
- subForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- subForce(Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
- subList(int, int) - Method in class maspack.util.LinkLinkedList
- SubListView<E> - Class in maspack.util
- SubListView(ListView<E>) - Constructor for class maspack.util.SubListView
- SubMatrixNd - Class in maspack.matrix
- SubMatrixNd() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SubMatrixNd
- SubMatrixNd(int, int, int, int, MatrixNd) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SubMatrixNd
- submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- submit(Runnable) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- submit(Runnable) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.SimpleThreadManager
- submitSecondary(Callable<T>) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- submitSecondary(Runnable, T) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- submitSecondary(Runnable) - Method in class maspack.concurrency.MultiThreadManager
- subtract(BSPTree) - Method in class maspack.geometry.BSPTree
- SUBTRACT - Static variable in class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
Flag indicating that selected objects should be subtracted from
the current selection.
- sum() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Returns the sum of all the elements in this vector.
- sum() - Method in class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Returns the sum of all the elements in this vector.
- sumEdgeCrossProducts(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Sums the cross products of all inbound (indicent) and
outbound half edges.
- sumEdgeCrossProductsWorld(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Sums the cross products of all inbound (incident) and outbound
half edges, and returns the result in world coordinates.
- sumForceNorm - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- sumLengthErr - Variable in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointSpring
- supportsMassDistribution(MassDistribution) - Method in class maspack.geometry.MeshBase
Queries whether or not a given mass distrubution is supported for this
mesh type.
- supportsMassDistribution(MassDistribution) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolygonalMesh
Queries whether or not a given mass distrubution is supported for this
mesh type.
- supportsMassDistribution(MassDistribution) - Method in class maspack.geometry.PolylineMesh
Queries whether or not a given mass distrubution is supported for this
mesh type.
- supportsMultipleRhs - Static variable in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
- SUPPRESS_WARNINGS - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase
Option flag for static method calls that tells the reader to suppress
warning messages.
- Surface() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- SurfaceMeshCollider - Class in maspack.collision
- SurfaceMeshCollider() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshCollider
- SurfaceMeshContourIxer - Class in maspack.collision
An intersector which produces contours, similar to AJL's code.
- SurfaceMeshContourIxer() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshContourIxer
- SurfaceMeshContourIxer.DegenerateCaseException - Exception in maspack.collision
- SurfaceMeshContourIxer.DegenerateLoopCaseException - Exception in maspack.collision
- SurfaceMeshContourIxer.DegeneratePairCaseException - Exception in maspack.collision
- SurfaceMeshContourIxer.EdgeFacePair - Class in maspack.collision
Static Inner Class for holding an Edge-Face pair.
- SurfaceMeshIntersector - Class in maspack.collision
A collider that determines the intersection between two meshes by first
identifying and tracing the intersection contours between the meshes, and
then using these to determine the interpenetration regions.
- SurfaceMeshIntersector() - Constructor for class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector
- SurfaceMeshIntersector.CSG - Enum in maspack.collision
Describes CSG and intersection operations between two meshes, mesh0
and mesh1
- SurfaceMeshIntersector.RegionType - Enum in maspack.collision
Describes which penetration regions should be computed for
a particular mesh intersecting with another mesh.
- SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest - Class in maspack.collision
- SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest(int) - Constructor for class maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest
- SurfaceMeshIntersectorTest.TestInfo - Class in maspack.collision
- SurfaceProperties - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- SurfaceProperties() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfaceProperties
- SurfaceProperties.Representation - Enum in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- SurfacePropertiesFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- SurfacePropertiesFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfacePropertiesFactory
- surfaceTangent(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp
- surfaceTangent(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody
Computes the point pt
on the surface of this Wrappable such
that the line segment (pa,pt) is both tangent to the surface and as near
as possible to the line defined by the two points pa and p1.
- surfaceTangent(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidCylinder
- surfaceTangent(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidEllipsoid
- surfaceTangent(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidMesh
- surfaceTangent(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidSphere
- surfaceTangent(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidTorus
- surfaceTangent(Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, double, Vector3d) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.Wrappable
Computes the point pt
on the surface of this Wrappable such
that the line segment (pa,pt) is both tangent to the surface and as near
as possible to the line defined by the two points pa and p1.
- SurfaceTargetController(PolygonalMesh, ArrayList<MotionTargetComponent>, PointList<TargetPoint>) - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.inverse.FemSurfaceTargetDemo.SurfaceTargetController
- sval - Variable in class maspack.util.ReaderTokenizer
If the current token is a word or string, then this field contains the
value of that word or string.
- SVDecomposition - Class in maspack.matrix
Constructs the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a matrix.
- SVDecomposition(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Creates an SVDecomposition and initializes it to the SVD for the matrix
- SVDecomposition(Matrix, int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Creates an SVDecomposition and initializes it to the SVD for the matrix
- SVDecomposition() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition
Creates an uninitialized SVDecomposition.
- SVDecomposition3d - Class in maspack.matrix
Constructs the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a 3x3 matrix.
- SVDecomposition3d(Matrix3d, Matrix3d, Matrix3dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Creates an SVDecomposition with the matrices U and V, and initializes it
to the SVD for the matrix M.
- SVDecomposition3d(Matrix3d, Matrix3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Creates an SVDecomposition with the matrices U and V.
- SVDecomposition3d(Matrix3dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Creates an SVDecomposition with U and V internally allocated and
initializes it to the SVD for the matrix M.
- SVDecomposition3d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SVDecomposition3d
Creates an uninitialized SVDecomposition with U and V internally
- SvgRenderer - Class in artisynth.core.gui
- SvgRenderer(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.gui.SvgRenderer
- swapBuffers() - Method in class maspack.render.GL.jogl.GLJPanel
- swapDrawIndicies(int, int) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- swapPlotTraceOrder(PlotTraceInfo, PlotTraceInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.NumericProbeBase
- swapTraceOrder(PlotTraceInfo, PlotTraceInfo) - Method in class artisynth.core.probes.PlotTraceManager
- SWIZZLE_GRAY - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- SWIZZLE_GRAY_ALPHA - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- SWIZZLE_RGBA - Static variable in class maspack.render.GL.GLTextureLoader
- SYMMETRIC - Static variable in class maspack.matrix.EigenDecomposition
Specifies that the symmetric part of M, or 1/2 (M+M^T), is to be
- SYMMETRIC - Static variable in interface maspack.matrix.Matrix
Identifies a matrix as symmetric.
- symmetricDyad(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Sets this matrix to the symmetric dyad
- SymmetricMatrix3d - Class in maspack.matrix
A symmetric 3 x 3 matrix with the elements stored as explicit fields.
- SymmetricMatrix3d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Creates a symmetric matrix and initializes it to zero.
- SymmetricMatrix3d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Creates a symmetric matrix and initializes its elements from an array of
- SymmetricMatrix3d(Matrix3dBase) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Creates a symmetric matrix and initializes its elements from the diagonal
and upper off-diagonal elements of M.
- SymmetricMatrix3d(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.SymmetricMatrix3d
Creates a symmetric matrix and initializes its elements from the specified
diagonal and uppper off-diagonal values.
- SymmetricMatrix3dField - Class in maspack.widgets
- SymmetricMatrix3dField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.SymmetricMatrix3dField
Creates a default SymmetricMatrix3dField with an empty label.
- SymmetricMatrix3dField(String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.SymmetricMatrix3dField
- SymmetricMatrix3dField(String, SymmetricMatrix3d) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.SymmetricMatrix3dField
- SymmetricMatrix3dField(String, SymmetricMatrix3d, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.SymmetricMatrix3dField
- symmetricTrace(Matrix6d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Returns the trace of D interpretted as a symmetric 4d tensor.
- symmetryOrStateChanged(String, MaterialBase, MaterialBase) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.MaterialBase
- syncExcitationProbes(RootModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
- syncState(MotionTarget.TargetActivity, FrameState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.FrameTarget
- syncState(MotionTarget.TargetActivity, PointState) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- syncState(MotionTarget.TargetActivity, Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointTarget
- syncTargetProbes(RootModel) - Static method in class artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager
- syncViews() - Method in class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer
- systemExit(int) - Method in class maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver
This method is a hook that gives us access to _exit(), which is
is in turn needed to exit ArtiSynth on the MacBook Pro 8.2
version of Ubuntu, since otherwise the JVM exit process encounters
a SEGV in XQueryExtension.
- v - Variable in class maspack.geometry.SubdivisionVertex3d
- v - Variable in class maspack.interpolation.NumericListKnot
Vector value.
- v - Variable in class maspack.spatialmotion.Twist
Translational velocity
- v0 - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- V0_ON_SEGMENT - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.RobustPreds
triangle vertex 0 is on the segment, according to exact arithmetic
- v1 - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- V1_ON_SEGMENT - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.RobustPreds
triangle vertex 1 is on the segment, according to exact arithmetic
- V2_ON_SEGMENT - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.RobustPreds
triangle vertex 2 is on the segment, according to exact arithmetic
- v2Add(Vector2d, Vector2d) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- v2Add(Vector2d, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- v2Add(Vector2d, MatrixBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- v3Add(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- v3Add(Vector3d, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- v3DotTens4sDotv3(Matrix3d, Vector3d, Matrix6d, Vector3d) - Static method in class artisynth.core.materials.TensorUtils
Computes the following formula:
v3a .
- v4Add(Vector4d, Vector4d) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- v4Add(Vector4d, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- validate() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.NaturalCubicSpline
Verify that endspoints and endpoint derivatives match
- validate() - Method in class maspack.properties.PropTreeCell
- validate(int[], boolean, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.util.IntegerInterval
Validates an array of integers by checking that its elements lie within
this range interval.
- validate(Number, boolean, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Validates a numeric object by checking that it lies within this range
- validate(Vector, boolean, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Validates a vector by checking that its elements lie within this range
- validate(Vectori, boolean, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.util.NumericInterval
Validates an integer vector by checking that its elements lie within this
range interval.
- validateElementList(FemModel3d, MuscleBundle) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FemMuscleStiffener
- validateFastForward(RootModel) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimeToolbar
- validateFolder(Component, File) - Static method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- validateSettings(PropertyPanel) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog.Validator
- validateSliderRange(NumericInterval, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.IntegerFieldSlider
Validates slider range settings.
- validateValue(Object, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.FileNameField
- validateValue(ValueChangeEvent, StringHolder) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropCheckListener
- validateValue(ValueChangeEvent, StringHolder) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.ValueCheckListener
- validateZoom() - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.timeline.TimeToolbar
- validValue(Object, StringHolder) - Static method in class maspack.properties.PropertyUtils
- value - Variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.Element3dValuePair
- value() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.DoubleToken
- value() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.IntegerToken
- value() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ObjectToken
- value() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.PropertyToken
- value() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.ScanToken
- value() - Method in class artisynth.core.util.StringToken
- value - Variable in class maspack.matrix.SparseMatrixCell
- value - Variable in class maspack.matrix.SparseVectorCell
- value - Variable in class maspack.solvers.PardisoThreadTest.SparseElement
- value - Variable in class maspack.util.BooleanHolder
Value of the boolean, set and examined by the application as needed.
- value - Variable in class maspack.util.CharHolder
Value of the character, set and examined by the application as needed.
- value - Variable in class maspack.util.DoubleHolder
Value of the double, set and examined by the application as needed.
- value - Variable in class maspack.util.EnumHolder
- value - Variable in class maspack.util.FloatHolder
Value of the float, set and examined by the application as needed.
- value - Variable in class maspack.util.IntHolder
Value of the integer, set and examined by the application as needed.
- value - Variable in class maspack.util.LongHolder
Value of the long, set and examined by the application as needed.
- value - Variable in class maspack.util.ObjectHolder
Value of the Object reference, set and examined by the application as
- value - Variable in class maspack.util.StringHolder
Value of the String reference, set and examined by the application as
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MenuBarHandler
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MousePrefs
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MouseSettingsDialog
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.MoviePrefs
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.AddComponentAgent
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemModel3dAgent
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.GeometryInertiaPanel
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshCurveAgent
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.RigidBodyAgent
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.SetCollisionsDialog
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.TracingProbePanel
Called when traceable is changed.
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbeDisplayLarge
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbePanel
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.NumericProbeRangeSelectorDialog
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.AddPropertyPane
Called when either the property name field (for output probes only) or the
component field changes
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.probeEditor.OutputNumericProbeEditor
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.PropertyWidgetDialog
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.RerenderListener
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.AddPackageDialog
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuEditor
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
Listens for value change events from the methodSelector and
the formatSelector.
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.apps.HermiteSpline1dEditor
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.AffineTransformWidget
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.CompositePropertyPanel
Called when the composite property type is changed via the composite
property type selector.
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.ExpandablePropertyPanel
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControlDemo
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsDialog
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.MouseSettingsPanel
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.PropChangeListener
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.RenderPropsPanel
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in interface maspack.widgets.ValueChangeListener
- valueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class maspack.widgets.WidgetDialog
- valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.ComponentListWidget
Handles selection events produced by the JList.
- valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.JListTest
- valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelSelectionListener
- ValueChangeEvent - Class in maspack.widgets
- ValueChangeEvent(Object, Object) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ValueChangeEvent
- ValueChangeListener - Interface in maspack.widgets
- valueChangeListenersMasked() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Returns true if the value change listeners are masked.
- ValueCheckListener - Interface in maspack.widgets
- valueChecksMasked() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Returns true if value checking is enabled within
- valueEqualsDefault(Object) - Method in class maspack.properties.PropertyDesc
- valueEqualsDefault(Object) - Method in interface maspack.properties.PropertyInfo
Returns true if a specified value equals the default value of the
- valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class artisynth.core.gui.navpanel.NavPanelTreeModel
- valueIsEmpty() - Method in class maspack.widgets.StringField
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x1Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x3Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix1x6Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x2Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x3Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix2x6Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x1Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x2Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x3DiagBlock
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x4Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix3x6Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x3Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix4x4Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dBlock
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6dDiagBlock
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x1Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x2Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.Matrix6x3Block
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in interface maspack.matrix.MatrixBlock
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixBlockBase
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.MatrixNdBlock
Returns true if the value at the specified location is structurally
- valueIsNonZero(int, int) - Method in class maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix
- valueIsNull() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
Returns true if the current value for this control is null.
- valueIsVoid() - Method in class maspack.widgets.LabeledControl
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.Main.LookAndFeel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.Main.ManipulatorFrameSpec
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.Main.SelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo.InfoType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader.ElemType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter.ElemType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter.AnsysType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter.EBlockKey
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AutoFemReader.FemFileType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle.FractionRenderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement.ElementClass
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory.FemElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory.FemShapingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel.IncompMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel.Ranging
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel.StressStrainMeasure
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel.SurfaceRender
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d.CoordType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase.Numbering
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderWriterBase.ShellType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemWriter.DataFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemWriter.FloatType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle.DirectionRenderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement.comp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FemConnectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameBlending
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField.Visualization
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField.Visualization
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField.Visualization
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.gui.DataRenderer.TextAlign
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemNodeSelectionAgent.SelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent.Method
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm.Mapping
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter.WrenchComponent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter.WrenchDof
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager.ProbeID
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter.ForceDof
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter.PointForceComponent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.QPTerm.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm.StiffnessType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase.DampingMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase.BulkPotential
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Collidability
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior.ColorMapType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior.Method
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior.VertexPenetrations
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager.ColliderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint.StictionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp.SurfaceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint.AxisSet
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver.Integrator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver.PosStabilization
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTarget.TargetActivity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce.ForceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce.ForceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody.InertiaMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint.AxisSet
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction.RadialWeightFunctionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeEvent.Code
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent.NavpanelVisibility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode.FontStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser.MenuType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker.Method
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate.MotionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfaceProperties.Representation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase.DisplayPreference
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve.Interpolation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase.HorizontalAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase.VerticalAlignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange.Updating
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam.FrictionMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Axis
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Element
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Hemisphere
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Shape
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.TubeAxis
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo.ElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel.DemoType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager.Geometry
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager.WrapMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest.GeometryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase.PointMotion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector.CSG
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector.RegionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.crypt.AESCryptor.KeySize
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager.SystemType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester.BoxTypes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.InsideQuery
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.DistanceMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetID
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery.InsideQuery
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.PlaneType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer.UndoState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration.Prealign
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.AngleUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.LengthUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder.RotationOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.TimeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter.DataFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter.FloatType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.PlyWriter.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.MassDistribution
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.FaceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.MeshICP.AlignmentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.OBB.Method
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc.Plane
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement.VR
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.dti.DTIColorComputer.Format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer.Scalar
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.IntentCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.SliceCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.Units.Space
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.Units.Time
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.XFormCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage.ImageSpace
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiPixelGenerator.Format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.interpolation.Interpolation.Order
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.interpolation.SmoothingMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.EigenEstimator.Ordering
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.Matrix.Partition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.Matrix.WriteFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.RotationRep
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix.PrintFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.properties.PropertyDesc.TypeCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.properties.PropertyInfo.Edit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.properties.PropertyInfo.ExpandState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.properties.PropertyMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Dragger3d.DraggerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Dragger3d.DragMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.DrawToolBase.FrameBinding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive.PrimitiveType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL2.RenderObjectKey.DrawType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage.StorageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject.DrawType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.PrimitiveType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo.RenderingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GLViewer.BlendFactor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GLViewer.GLVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GraphicsInterface
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.GridPlane.AxisLabeling
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Light.LightSpace
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Light.LightType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.AxisDrawStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.ColorInterpolation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.ColorMixing
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.DrawMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.FaceStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.HighlightStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.LineStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.PointStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.Shading
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.RenderInstances.InstanceTransformType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.RenderProps.Props
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.TextureContent.ContentFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.TextureMapProps.TextureFilter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.TextureMapProps.TextureWrapping
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Viewer.RotationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.render.Viewer.ViewControlMask
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.DantzigQPSolver.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver.ToleranceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.KKTSolver.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.LCPSolver.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver.ReorderMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.SparseSolverId
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling.AxisSet
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D.CurveType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector.Pole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.projections.SphericalProjector.ProjectorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint.MotionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling.AxisSet
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger.ANSIColor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.util.Logger.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar.ButtonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.widgets.GuiUtils.RelativeLocation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum maspack.widgets.MouseBindings.MouseAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.Main.LookAndFeel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.Main.ManipulatorFrameSpec
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.Main.SelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.ModelScriptInfo.InfoType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.driver.Scheduler.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusReader.ElemType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AbaqusWriter.ElemType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter.AnsysType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter.EBlockKey
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AutoFemReader.FemFileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.AuxMaterialBundle.FractionRenderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemElement.ElementClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory.FemElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemFactory.FemShapingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel.IncompMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel.Ranging
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel.StressStrainMeasure
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemModel.SurfaceRender
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemNode3d.CoordType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderBase.Numbering
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemReaderWriterBase.ShellType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemWriter.DataFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.FemWriter.FloatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.MuscleBundle.DirectionRenderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.PointSkinAttachment.SkinConnection.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.QuadtetElement.comp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FemConnectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.femmodels.SkinMeshBody.FrameBlending
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.fields.ScalarFemField.Visualization
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.fields.ScalarGridField.Visualization
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.fields.ScalarMeshField.Visualization
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.gui.DataRenderer.TextAlign
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.FemNodeSelectionAgent.SelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.gui.editorManager.MeshRegistrationAgent.Method
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.DynamicRegularizationTerm.Mapping
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter.WrenchComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.FrameExciter.WrenchDof
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.InverseManager.ProbeID
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter.ForceDof
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.PointExciter.PointForceComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.QPTerm.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.inverse.StabilityTerm.StiffnessType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.materials.ElasticContactBase.DampingMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.materials.IncompressibleMaterialBase.BulkPotential
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.Collidable.Collidability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior.ColorMapType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior.Method
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionBehavior.VertexPenetrations
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.CollisionManager.ColliderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.ContactConstraint.StictionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.DistanceGridComp.SurfaceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.ExcitationComponent.CombinationRule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.GimbalJoint.AxisSet
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver.Integrator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.MechSystemSolver.PosStabilization
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.MotionTarget.TargetActivity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointMeshForce.ForceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.PointPlaneForce.ForceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.RigidBody.InertiaMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mechmodels.UniversalJoint.AxisSet
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.mfreemodels.RadialWeightFunction.RadialWeightFunctionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelbase.ComponentChangeEvent.Code
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelbase.CompositeComponent.NavpanelDisplay
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelbase.ModelComponent.NavpanelVisibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelmenu.MenuNode.FontStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenu.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.modelmenu.ModelScriptMenuParser.MenuType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMaker.Method
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.opensim.components.Coordinate.MotionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in class artisynth.core.opensim.components.ModelComponentMap
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.opensim.components.SurfaceProperties.Representation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase.DisplayPreference
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.renderables.MeshCurve.Interpolation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase.HorizontalAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.renderables.TextComponentBase.VerticalAlignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.core.util.ScalarRange.Updating
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.FemFrictionBeam.FrictionMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Axis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Element
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Hemisphere
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.Shape
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.HydrostatModel.TubeAxis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.fem.TubeDemo.ElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.inverse.PointModel.DemoType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager.Geometry
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.wrapping.AnalyticGeometryManager.WrapMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.wrapping.GeneralWrapTest.GeometryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum artisynth.demos.wrapping.ParametricTestBase.ParametricMotionControllerBase.PointMotion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector.CSG
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.collision.SurfaceMeshIntersector.RegionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.crypt.AESCryptor.KeySize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.fileutil.FileTransferEvent.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager.SystemType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.BVBoxNodeTester.BoxTypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.BVFeatureQuery.InsideQuery
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.DistanceMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGrid.TetID
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGridFeatureQuery.InsideQuery
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.DistanceGridSurfCalc.PlaneType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.GeometryTransformer.UndoState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.ICPRegistration.Prealign
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.AngleUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.LengthUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.MayaTransformBuilder.RotationOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader.TimeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter.DataFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.MeshWriter.FloatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.io.PlyWriter.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.MassDistribution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.FaceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.MeshICP.AlignmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.OBB.Method
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc.Plane
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.dicom.DicomElement.VR
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.dicom.DicomPixelBuffer.PixelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.dti.DTIColorComputer.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.dti.ScalarColorComputer.Scalar
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.IntentCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.SliceCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.Units.Space
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.Units.Time
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiHeader.XFormCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiImage.ImageSpace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.image.nifti.NiftiPixelGenerator.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.interpolation.Interpolation.Order
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.interpolation.SmoothingMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.AxisAlignedRotation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.EigenEstimator.Ordering
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.Matrix.Partition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.Matrix.WriteFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.RotationRep
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.matrix.SparseBlockMatrix.PrintFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.properties.PropertyDesc.TypeCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.properties.PropertyInfo.Edit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.properties.PropertyInfo.ExpandState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.properties.PropertyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Dragger3d.DraggerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Dragger3d.DragMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.DrawToolBase.FrameBinding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL2.GL2Primitive.PrimitiveType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL2.RenderObjectKey.DrawType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3AttributeStorage.StorageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedObject.DrawType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3SharedPrimitive.PrimitiveType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GLProgramInfo.RenderingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GLViewer.BlendFactor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GL.GLViewer.GLVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GraphicsInterface
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.GridPlane.AxisLabeling
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Light.LightSpace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Light.LightType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.AxisDrawStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.ColorInterpolation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.ColorMixing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.DrawMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.FaceStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.HighlightStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.LineStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.PointStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Renderer.Shading
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.RenderInstances.InstanceTransformType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.RenderProps.Props
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.TextureContent.ContentFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.TextureMapProps.TextureFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.TextureMapProps.TextureWrapping
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Viewer.RotationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.render.Viewer.ViewControlMask
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.DantzigQPSolver.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.IterativeSolver.ToleranceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.KKTSolver.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.LCPSolver.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.PardisoSolver.ReorderMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.solvers.SparseSolverId
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.GimbalCoupling.AxisSet
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.projections.BoundaryCurve2D.CurveType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.projections.PolarProjector.Pole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.projections.SphericalProjector.ProjectorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.RigidBodyConstraint.MotionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.spatialmotion.UniversalCoupling.AxisSet
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.util.ANSIColorLogger.ANSIColor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.util.Logger.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.widgets.DraggerToolBar.ButtonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.widgets.GuiUtils.RelativeLocation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum maspack.widgets.MouseBindings.MouseAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- VariableElasticContact - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- VariableElasticContact() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.VariableElasticContact
- VariableStiffness - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- VariableStiffness() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.VariableStiffness
- VariableVectorField - Class in maspack.widgets
Similar to VectorField, but allows resizing after initialization
- VariableVectorField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VariableVectorField
Creates a default VectorField with an empty label and a vector size of
- VariableVectorField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VariableVectorField
Creates a new VariableVectorField with specified label text and number of
- VariableVectorField(String, Vector, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VariableVectorField
Creates a new VariableVectorField with specified label text and initial
- variance(VectorNd, double[], int, double, double) - Method in class maspack.numerics.PolynomialFit
- variance(VectorNd, VectorNd, double, double) - Method in class maspack.numerics.PolynomialFit
- vdegree - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- Vector - Interface in maspack.matrix
General interface for vectors.
- Vector2d - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 2 element vector, along with its most commonly used operations.
- Vector2d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Creates a 2-vector and initializes its elements to 0.
- Vector2d(Vector2d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Creates a 2-vector by copying an existing one.
- Vector2d(double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Creates a 2-vector with the supplied element values.
- Vector2d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector2d
Creates a 2-vector with the supplied element values.
- Vector2i - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 2 element integer vector, along its most commonly used
- Vector2i() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Creates a 2-vector and initializes its elements to 0.
- Vector2i(Vector2i) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Creates a 2-vector by copying an existing one.
- Vector2i(Vectori) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Creates a 2-vector by copying an existing Vectori.
- Vector2i(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Creates a 2-vector with the supplied element values.
- Vector2i(int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector2i
Creates a 2-vector with the supplied element values.
- Vector3d - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 element vector, along with its most commonly used operations.
- Vector3d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Creates a 3-vector and initializes its elements to 0.
- Vector3d(Vector3d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Creates a 3-vector by copying an existing one.
- Vector3d(Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Creates a 3-vector for an integer 3 vector.
- Vector3d(Vector) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Creates a 3-vector by copying an existing Vector.
- Vector3d(double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Creates a 3-vector with the supplied element values.
- Vector3d(double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3d
Creates a 3-vector with the supplied element values.
- Vector3dElementField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over an FEM
model, using values set at the elements.
- Vector3dElementField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dElementField
- Vector3dElementField(FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dElementField(FemModel3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- Vector3dElementField(String, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dElementField(String, FemModel3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- Vector3dFaceField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over a
triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at the mesh's faces.
- Vector3dFaceField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dFaceField
- Vector3dFaceField(MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dFaceField(MeshComponent, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- Vector3dFaceField(String, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dFaceField(String, MeshComponent, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- Vector3dNodalField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over an FEM
model, using values set at the nodes.
- Vector3dNodalField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dNodalField
- Vector3dNodalField(FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dNodalField(FemModel3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- Vector3dNodalField(String, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dNodalField(String, FemModel3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- Vector3dSubElemField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over an FEM
model, using values set at the element integration points.
- Vector3dSubElemField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dSubElemField
- Vector3dSubElemField(FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dSubElemField(FemModel3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- Vector3dSubElemField(String, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dSubElemField(String, FemModel3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- Vector3dTransform - Interface in maspack.matrix
Interface for an object that performs forward and inverse transforms
on 3D points, vectors, and normals.
- Vector3dVertexField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over a
triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at the mesh's vertices.
- Vector3dVertexField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dVertexField
- Vector3dVertexField(MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dVertexField(MeshComponent, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- Vector3dVertexField(String, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- Vector3dVertexField(String, MeshComponent, Vector3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.Vector3dVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- Vector3i - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 3 element integer vector, along its most commonly used
- Vector3i() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Creates a 3-vector and initializes its elements to 0.
- Vector3i(Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Creates a 3-vector by copying an existing one.
- Vector3i(Vectori) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Creates a 3-vector by copying an existing Vectori.
- Vector3i(int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Creates a 3-vector with the supplied element values.
- Vector3i(int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector3i
Creates a 3-vector with the supplied element values.
- Vector4d - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a 4 element vector, along with its most commonly used operations.
- Vector4d() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Creates a 4-vector and initializes its elements to 0.
- Vector4d(Vector4d) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Creates a 4-vector by copying an existing one.
- Vector4d(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.Vector4d
Creates a 4-vector with the supplied element values.
- VectorBase - Class in maspack.matrix
Base implementation of
- VectorBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorBase
- VectorElementField<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field defined over an FEM model, using values set at the
- VectorElementField(Class<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
- VectorElementField(Class<T>, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorElementField(Class<T>, FemModel3d, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorElementField(String, Class<T>, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorElementField(String, Class<T>, FemModel3d, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorElementFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple VectorElementField.
- VectorElementFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.VectorElementFieldDemo
- VectorElemFieldBase<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in artisynth.core.fields
Base class for VectorElementField and VectorSubElemField.
- VectorElemFieldBase(Class<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElemFieldBase
- VectorElemFieldBase(Class<T>, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElemFieldBase
- VectorElemFieldBase(Class<T>, FemModel3d, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorElemFieldBase
- VectorFaceField<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field defined over a triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at
the mesh's faces.
- VectorFaceField(Class<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
- VectorFaceField(Class<T>, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- VectorFaceField(Class<T>, MeshComponent, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- VectorFaceField(String, Class<T>, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- VectorFaceField(String, Class<T>, MeshComponent, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- VectorFaceFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple VectorFaceField.
- VectorFaceFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.VectorFaceFieldDemo
- VectorFemField<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in artisynth.core.fields
Base class for vector fields of type
defined over a mesh, where
is an instance of
- VectorFemField(Class<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
- VectorFemField(Class<T>, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
- VectorFemField(Class<T>, FemModel3d, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorFemField
- VectorField - Class in maspack.widgets
- VectorField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Creates a default VectorField with an empty label and a vector size of
- VectorField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Creates a new VectorField with specified label text and number of
- VectorField(String, Vector, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VectorField
Creates a new VectorField with specified label text and initial value.
- VectorFieldComponent<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Interface in artisynth.core.modelbase
Base definition for vector field component that define vector values at type
, where
is an instance of
- vectorFromMatlab(String) - Method in class artisynth.core.util.MatlabInterface
Takes the MATLAB array named by
and returns a
- VectorGrid<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in maspack.geometry
Implements a regular 3D grid that interpolates
using trilinear interpolation.
- VectorGrid(Class<T>) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
- VectorGrid(Class<T>, Vector3d, Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Creates a new grid with specified widths and resolution, centered on the
local coordinate system.
- VectorGrid(Class<T>, Vector3d, Vector3i, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Creates a new grid with specified widths, resolution, and position and
orientation of the center given by TCL
- VectorGrid(Class<T>, Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Creates a new grid, axis-aligned and centered on the origin, with the
specified resolution and x, y, z widths set to 1.
- VectorGrid(VectorGrid<T>) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorGrid
Creates a new grid that is a copy of an existing grid.
- VectorGridField<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field defined over a regular 3D grid, using values set at the
grid's vertices, with values at other points obtained using trilinear
- VectorGridField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
- VectorGridField(VectorGrid<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Constructs a field using a given grid.
- VectorGridField(String, VectorGrid<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorGridField
Constructs a named field using a given grid.
- VectorGridFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple VectorGridField.
- VectorGridFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.VectorGridFieldDemo
- VectorGridTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- VectorGridTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorGridTest
- Vectori - Interface in maspack.matrix
General interface for vectors of integers.
- VectoriBase - Class in maspack.matrix
- VectoriBase() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectoriBase
- VectoriField - Class in maspack.widgets
- VectoriField() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Creates a default VectoriField with an empty label and a vector size of
- VectoriField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Creates a new VectoriField with specified label text and number of
- VectoriField(String, Vectori, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VectoriField
Creates a new VectoriField with specified label text and initial value.
- VectorMeshField<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in artisynth.core.fields
Base class for vector fields of type
defined over a mesh, where
is an instance of
- VectorMeshField(Class<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
- VectorMeshField(Class<T>, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
- VectorMeshField(Class<T>, MeshComponent, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorMeshField
- VectorMultiField - Class in maspack.widgets
- VectorMultiField(String, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Creates a new VectorMultiField with specified label text and number of
- VectorMultiField(String, Vector, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Creates a new VectorMultiField with specified label text and initial
- VectorMultiField(String, String[], Vector, String) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VectorMultiField
Creates a new VectorMultiField with specified label text, labels for each
field, and initial value.
- VectorNd - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements general vectors, along with their most commonly used operations.
- VectorNd() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Creates a vector with an initial size of zero.
- VectorNd(int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Creates a vector of a specific size, and initializes its elements to 0.
- VectorNd(int, double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Creates a vector of a specific size, and initializes its elements from an
array of values.
- VectorNd(double...) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Creates a vector from an array of doubles.
- VectorNd(float...) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Creates a vector from an array of floats.
- VectorNd(Vector) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Creates a vector whose size and elements are the same as an existing
- VectorNd(Matrix) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNd
Creates a vector whose size and elements match a particular Matrix.
- VectorNdElementField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over an FEM
model, using values set at the elements.
- VectorNdElementField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdElementField
- VectorNdElementField(int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdElementField(int, FemModel3d, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdElementField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorNdElementField(String, int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdElementField(String, int, FemModel3d, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdElementField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorNdFaceField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over a
triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at the mesh's faces.
- VectorNdFaceField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdFaceField
- VectorNdFaceField(int, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdFaceField(int, MeshComponent, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdFaceField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- VectorNdFaceField(String, int, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdFaceField(String, int, MeshComponent, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdFaceField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- VectorNdGrid - Class in maspack.geometry
Implements a regular 3D grid that interpolates
values using
trilinear interpolation.
- VectorNdGrid() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorNdGrid
Default constructor.
- VectorNdGrid(int, Vector3d, Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorNdGrid
Creates a new grid with specified vector size, widths and resolution,
centered on the local coordinate system.
- VectorNdGrid(int, Vector3d, Vector3i, RigidTransform3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorNdGrid
Creates a new grid with specified vector size, widths, resolution, and
position and orientation of the center given by TCL
- VectorNdGrid(int, Vector3i) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorNdGrid
Creates a new grid, axis-aligned and centered on the origin,
with the specified resolution and x, y, z widths set to 1.
- VectorNdGrid(VectorNdGrid) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.VectorNdGrid
Creates a new grid that is a copy of an existing grid.
- VectorNdNodalField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over an FEM
model, using values set at the nodes.
- VectorNdNodalField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdNodalField
- VectorNdNodalField(int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdNodalField(int, FemModel3d, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorNdNodalField(String, int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdNodalField(String, int, FemModel3d, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorNdSubElemField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over an FEM
model, using values set at the element integration points.
- VectorNdSubElemField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdSubElemField
- VectorNdSubElemField(int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdSubElemField(int, FemModel3d, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorNdSubElemField(String, int, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdSubElemField(String, int, FemModel3d, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorNdVertexField - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field, for vectors of type
, defined over a
triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at the mesh's vertices.
- VectorNdVertexField() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdVertexField
- VectorNdVertexField(int, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdVertexField(int, MeshComponent, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- VectorNdVertexField(String, int, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNdVertexField(String, int, MeshComponent, VectorNd) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNdVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- VectorNi - Class in maspack.matrix
Implements a general vector of integers.
- VectorNi() - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Creates a vector with an initial size of zero.
- VectorNi(int) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Creates a vector of a specific size, and initializes its elements to 0.
- VectorNi(int, int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Creates a vector of a specific size, and initializes its elements from an
array of values.
- VectorNi(int[]) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Creates a vector from an array of ints.
- VectorNi(VectorNi) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Creates a new VectorNi from an existing one.
- VectorNi(Vectori) - Constructor for class maspack.matrix.VectorNi
Creates a new VectorNi from an existing Vectori.
- VectorNodalField<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field defined over an FEM model, using values set at the
- VectorNodalField(Class<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
- VectorNodalField(Class<T>, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNodalField(Class<T>, FemModel3d, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorNodalField(String, Class<T>, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorNodalField(String, Class<T>, FemModel3d, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorNodalField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorNodalFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple VectorNodalField.
- VectorNodalFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.VectorNodalFieldDemo
- VectorObject<T> - Interface in maspack.matrix
Defines basic vector operations for a type T.
- VectorSubElemField<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field defined over an FEM model, using values set at the element
integration points.
- VectorSubElemField(Class<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
- VectorSubElemField(Class<T>, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model, with a default value of 0.
- VectorSubElemField(Class<T>, FemModel3d, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Constructs a field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorSubElemField(String, Class<T>, FemModel3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model, with a default value of
- VectorSubElemField(String, Class<T>, FemModel3d, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorSubElemField
Constructs a named field for a given FEM model and default value.
- VectorSubElemFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple VectorSubElemField.
- VectorSubElemFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.VectorSubElemFieldDemo
- VectorTracingProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
- VectorTracingProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- VectorTracingProbe(ModelComponent, Property, Property, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VectorTracingProbe
- VectorTransformer3d - Interface in maspack.matrix
Interface for an object that performs forward and inverse transformations
on 3D points, vectors, and normals.
- VectorVertexField<T extends VectorObject<T>> - Class in artisynth.core.fields
A vector field defined over a triangular polygonal mesh, using values set at
the mesh's vertices.
- VectorVertexField(Class<T>) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
- VectorVertexField(Class<T>, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- VectorVertexField(Class<T>, MeshComponent, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Constructs a field for a given mesh and default value.
- VectorVertexField(String, Class<T>, MeshComponent) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh, with a default value of 0.
- VectorVertexField(String, Class<T>, MeshComponent, T) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.fields.VectorVertexField
Constructs a named field for a given mesh and default value.
- VectorVertexFieldDemo - Class in artisynth.demos.mech
Demonstrates creation and visualization of a simple VectorVertexField.
- VectorVertexFieldDemo() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.mech.VectorVertexFieldDemo
- VelocityInputProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
Probe for specifying the positions and poses of a set of Point, Frame, and
FixedMeshBody components.
- VelocityInputProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityInputProbe
No-args constructor needed for scanning.
- VelocityInputProbe(String, ModelComponent, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityInputProbe
Constructs a VelocityInputProbe for a single Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody,
as specified by comp
- VelocityInputProbe(String, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityInputProbe
Constructs a VelocityInputProbe for a list of Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody
components specified by comps
- VelocityInputProbe(String, ModelComponent, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityInputProbe
Constructs a VelocityInputProbe for a single Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody,
as specified by comp
- VelocityInputProbe(String, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityInputProbe
Constructs a VelocityInputProbe for a list of Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody
components specified by comps
- velocityLimitExceeded(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.BackNode3d
- velocityLimitExceeded(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.FrameNode3d
- velocityLimitExceeded(double, double) - Method in interface artisynth.core.mechmodels.DynamicAgent
Checks if the current component velocity exceeds specified limits.
- velocityLimitExceeded(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Frame
Checks if the current component velocity exceeds specified limits.
- velocityLimitExceeded(double, double) - Method in class artisynth.core.mechmodels.Point
Checks if the current component velocity exceeds specified limits.
- VelocityOutputProbe - Class in artisynth.core.probes
Probe for recording the velocities of a set of Point, Frame, and
FixedMeshBody components.
- VelocityOutputProbe() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityOutputProbe
No-args constructor needed for scanning.
- VelocityOutputProbe(String, ModelComponent, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityOutputProbe
Constructs a VelocityOutputProbe for a single Point, Frame, or
FixedMeshBody, as specified by comp
- VelocityOutputProbe(String, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityOutputProbe
Constructs a VelocityOutputProbe for a list of Point, Frame, or
FixedMeshBody components specified by comps
- VelocityOutputProbe(String, ModelComponent, String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityOutputProbe
Constructs a VelocityOutputProbe for a single Point, Frame, or
FixedMeshBody, as specified by comp
- VelocityOutputProbe(String, Collection<? extends ModelComponent>, String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.probes.VelocityOutputProbe
Constructs a VelocityOutputProbe for a list of Point, Frame, or
FixedMeshBody components specified by comps
- VERBOSE - Static variable in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Flag to enable messages to be printed to console.
- verbose - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.CPD
- verbose - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.io.MayaAsciiReader
- verify(String) - Static method in class maspack.fileutil.NativeLibraryManager
Verifies that the indicated native library is present, downloading or
updating it from the server if necessary.
- verifyJars(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
Verify that all jar files are present and, if requested, updated.
- verifyLibraries(boolean) - Static method in class artisynth.core.driver.Launcher
Verifies or updates jar files and some native libraries, based on the
contents of the file $ARTISYNTH_HOME/lib/LIBRARIES.
- verifyNativeLibs(boolean) - Method in class artisynth.core.driver.LibraryInstaller
Verify that all native libraries are present and, if requested, updated.
- VerondaWestmannMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- VerondaWestmannMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- VerondaWestmannMaterial(double, double, double) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.VerondaWestmannMaterial
- version - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.AnsysCdbWriter
- version - Static variable in class artisynth.core.femmodels.GmshWriter
- Versioned - Interface in maspack.util
For objects that store a particular version number,
potentially for tracking changes.
- vertex - Variable in class maspack.collision.PenetratingPoint
- Vertex<A,B> - Class in maspack.graph
- Vertex(A) - Constructor for class maspack.graph.Vertex
- vertex(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Adds a new vertex at the supplied position
- vertex(float[], int) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Adds a new vertex at the supplied position
- vertex(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GL3.GL3FlexObject
Adds a new vertex at the supplied position
- vertex(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRenderer
Adds a vertex to the pipeline with the currently active
- vertex(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.GL.GLPipelineRendererBase
- vertex(float, float, float) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Add a vertex at the supplied position, using the currently active
normal, color and texture coordinate (if available).
- vertex(Vector3d) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Add a vertex at the supplied position, using the currently active
normal, color and texture coordinate (if available).
- vertex(float[]) - Method in class maspack.render.RenderObject
Add a vertex at the supplied position using the currently active
normal, color and texture coordinate (if available).
- vertex(float, float, float) - Method in interface maspack.render.RenderObjectInterface
Add a vertex at the supplied position, using the currently active
normal, color and texture coordinate (if available).
- Vertex2d - Class in maspack.geometry
- Vertex2d() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex2d
- Vertex2d(double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex2d
- Vertex2d(Point2d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex2d
- Vertex3d - Class in maspack.geometry
Vertex for a 3D dimensional polyhedral object.
- Vertex3d() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Creates a new Vertex3d with a point initialized to (0,0,0) and an index
value of -1.
- Vertex3d(int) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Creates a new Vertex3d with point initialized to (0,0,0) and a specified
index value.
- Vertex3d(Point3d, int) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Creates a new Vertex3d with a specified point and index value.
- Vertex3d(double, double, double) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Creates a new Vertex3d with a specified point and index value.
- Vertex3d(double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Creates a new Vertex3d with a specified point and index value.
- Vertex3d(Point3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3d
Creates a new Vertex3d with a specified point and an index value of -1.
- Vertex3dList - Class in maspack.geometry
- Vertex3dList(boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- Vertex3dList(boolean, double[]) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- Vertex3dList(boolean, Collection<Vector3d>) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dList
- Vertex3dListTest - Class in maspack.geometry
- Vertex3dListTest() - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dListTest
- Vertex3dNode - Class in maspack.geometry
- Vertex3dNode(Vertex3d) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.Vertex3dNode
- VERTEX_0 - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.Face
- VERTEX_1 - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.Face
- VERTEX_1 - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- VERTEX_2 - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.Face
- VERTEX_2 - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- VERTEX_3 - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.NagataInterpolator
- VERTEX_3D - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- VertexArrayObject - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- VertexArrayObject(int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexArrayObject
- VertexBufferObject - Class in maspack.render.GL.GL3
- VertexBufferObject(int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.GL.GL3.VertexBufferObject
- VertexComponent - Class in artisynth.core.renderables
- VertexComponent(Vertex3d) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexComponent
- VertexContactMaster - Class in artisynth.core.mechmodels
Implements a ContactMaster that combines the weighted contact
masters for a single vertex-based contact
- VertexContactMaster(CollidableBody, Vertex3d[], double[]) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.VertexContactMaster
- VertexIndexArray - Class in maspack.render
- VertexIndexArray() - Constructor for class maspack.render.VertexIndexArray
- VertexIndexArray(int) - Constructor for class maspack.render.VertexIndexArray
- VertexIndexArray(int...) - Constructor for class maspack.render.VertexIndexArray
- vertexIsReflex(Vertex3dNode) - Method in class maspack.geometry.Polygon3dCalc
- vertexIterator() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Iterator for looping over vertices
- VertexList<P extends VertexComponent> - Class in artisynth.core.renderables
- VertexList(Class<P>, String, String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.renderables.VertexList
- VertexMap(double) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.VertexMap
- VertexSet(int) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.MeshFactory.VertexSet
- vertexStr() - Method in class maspack.geometry.Face
Returns a string identifying this face using the indices of
its vertices.
- vertexStr() - Method in class maspack.geometry.HalfEdge
Returns a string identifying this HalfEdge using the indices of
its tail and head vertices.
- vertexToXyzIndices(Vector3i, int) - Method in class maspack.geometry.InterpolatingGridBase
Given a vertex index vi
, compute the corresponding
x, y, z indices.
- VERTICAL - Static variable in class artisynth.demos.fem.FemBeam3d
- VerticalGridLayout - Class in maspack.widgets
The VerticalGridLayout
class is a layout manager that lays out
a container's components in a rectangular grid.
- VerticalGridLayout() - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Creates a grid layout with a default of one column per component, in a
single row.
- VerticalGridLayout(int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Creates a grid layout with the specified number of rows and columns.
- VerticalGridLayout(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VerticalGridLayout
Creates a grid layout with the specified number of rows and columns.
- verticesEqual(ContactPoint) - Method in class artisynth.core.modelbase.ContactPoint
Queries the vertices associated with this contact point equal those of
- VFSCryptor - Class in maspack.fileutil
- VFSCryptor(Cryptor) - Constructor for class maspack.fileutil.VFSCryptor
- ViaPoint(Point, double, double, Point, Point) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.mechmodels.MultiPointMuscleVia.ViaPoint
- ViaPointMuscle - Class in artisynth.demos.tutorial
- ViaPointMuscle() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.tutorial.ViaPointMuscle
- VIEW_WINDOW_CMD - Static variable in class artisynth.core.moviemaker.MovieMakerDialog
- Viewer - Interface in maspack.render
A viewer is a component that takes a collection of renderables and
renders them for a given viewpoint and set of lighting conditions.
- Viewer.RotationMode - Enum in maspack.render
Controls how the viewer responds to rotation control inputs specified as
horizontal and vertical angular displacements in the viewing plane.
- Viewer.ViewControlMask - Enum in maspack.render
Constrains view control motions along either x or y.
- ViewerFrame - Class in maspack.widgets
- ViewerFrame(String, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- ViewerFrame(String, int, int, GraphicsInterface) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- ViewerFrame(GL2Viewer, String, int, int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- ViewerFrame(GL2Viewer, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ViewerFrame
- ViewerGridPrefs - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to the viewer
- ViewerGridPrefs(ViewerManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerGridPrefs
- ViewerKeyListener - Class in maspack.widgets
- ViewerKeyListener(Viewer) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ViewerKeyListener
- ViewerManager - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Manages all the viewers used for model rendering.
- ViewerManager(boolean) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerManager
- ViewerOpenGLPrefs - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to the viewer that are specific to OpenGL
- ViewerOpenGLPrefs(ViewerManager) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerOpenGLPrefs
- ViewerPopupManager - Class in maspack.widgets
This class implements a number of commands that are convenient for
controlling a GLViewer, particularly from a pull-down menu.
- ViewerPopupManager(Viewer) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ViewerPopupManager
- ViewerPrefs - Class in artisynth.core.driver
Preferences related to the viewer
- ViewerPrefs(Main) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.driver.ViewerPrefs
- ViewerSelectionEvent - Class in maspack.render
Event returned whenever items are selected inside a Viewer.
- ViewerSelectionEvent() - Constructor for class maspack.render.ViewerSelectionEvent
- ViewerSelectionFilter - Interface in maspack.render
Used to filter out objects that are rendered when the viewer is in selection
- ViewerSelectionListener - Interface in maspack.render
Callback for selection of events with a Viewer
- ViewerToolBar - Class in maspack.widgets
- ViewerToolBar(Viewer, boolean) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.ViewerToolBar
- ViewSyncThread() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.MultiViewer.ViewSyncThread
- vIsClosed - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- ViscoelasticBehavior - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- ViscoelasticBehavior() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticBehavior
- ViscoelasticMaterial - Class in artisynth.core.materials
- ViscoelasticMaterial() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- ViscoelasticMaterial(FemMaterial, ViscoelasticBehavior) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticMaterial
- ViscoelasticState - Class in artisynth.core.materials
Stores state information for viscoelastic behavior
- ViscoelasticState() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.materials.ViscoelasticState
- ViscousBeam - Class in artisynth.demos.fem
- ViscousBeam() - Constructor for class artisynth.demos.fem.ViscousBeam
- VisibleBase - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- VisibleBase() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleBase
- VisibleBase.DisplayPreference - Enum in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- VisibleBaseFactory<E extends VisibleBase> - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- VisibleObject - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- VisibleObject() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObject
- VisibleObjectFactory - Class in artisynth.core.opensim.components
- VisibleObjectFactory() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.opensim.components.VisibleObjectFactory
- VISITED - Static variable in class maspack.geometry.Feature
- vknots - Variable in class maspack.geometry.io.WavefrontReader.Surface
- vmFromTendon - Variable in class artisynth.core.materials.EquilibriumAxialMuscle
- vNAbs(VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNAdd(VectorNd, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNAdd(VectorNd, MatrixBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNCopy(VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNDiv(VectorNd, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNIAdd(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNIAdd(VectorNd, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNIAdd(VectorNd, MatrixBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNIDiv(VectorNd, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNIMul(VectorNd, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNISub(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNISub(VectorNd, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNISub(VectorNd, MatrixBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNMul(VectorNd, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNMul(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNMul(VectorNd, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNMul(VectorNd, MatrixBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNNegate(VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNScale(VectorNd, double) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNSub(VectorNd, VectorNd) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNSub(VectorNd, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- vNSub(VectorNd, MatrixBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- VoidValue - Static variable in interface maspack.properties.Property
Special class type indicating no specified value.
- VoidVector - Class in maspack.widgets
A place-holder class used to indicate the size of a vector but contain no
specific data.
- VoidVector(int) - Constructor for class maspack.widgets.VoidVector
- volume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalHexSampler
- volume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalPyramidSampler
- volume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalTetSampler
- volume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler.CanonicalWedgeSampler
- volume() - Method in class artisynth.core.femmodels.integration.CanonicalSampler
Volume of canonical element
- VolumeImage - Interface in maspack.image
Base class for volumetric images
- VolumeImageResampler - Interface in maspack.image
Helper object for resampling a volumetric image
- VolumePrimitivesTest - Class in maspack.test.GL
- VolumePrimitivesTest() - Constructor for class maspack.test.GL.VolumePrimitivesTest
- vOMul(VectorBase, VectorBase) - Static method in class maspack.matrix.JythonMatrixSupport
- VtkAsciiReader - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
Reads from ascii vtk format
- VtkAsciiReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.VtkAsciiReader
- VtkAsciiReader(File) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.VtkAsciiReader
- VtkAsciiReader(String) - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.VtkAsciiReader
- VtkAsciiReader - Class in maspack.geometry.io
Reads from ascii VTK format
- VtkAsciiReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.VtkAsciiReader
- VtkAsciiReader(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.VtkAsciiReader
- VtkAsciiReader(String) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.VtkAsciiReader
- VtkInputOutput - Class in artisynth.core.femmodels
- VtkInputOutput() - Constructor for class artisynth.core.femmodels.VtkInputOutput
- VtkMeshToWavefrontConverter - Class in maspack.apps
- VtkMeshToWavefrontConverter() - Constructor for class maspack.apps.VtkMeshToWavefrontConverter
- VtkXmlReader - Class in maspack.geometry.io
Reads a polygonal mesh from the VTK vtp format
see http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/~slombey/asci/vtk/vtk_formats.simple.html
- VtkXmlReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.VtkXmlReader
- VtkXmlReader(File) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.VtkXmlReader
- VtkXmlReader(String) - Constructor for class maspack.geometry.io.VtkXmlReader