public class PositionInputProbe extends NumericInputProbe
property. For components with orientation
(Frame and FixedMeshBody), the rotation information is attached to the
components's orientation
property, but is represented within the
probe data in a manner specifed by a RotationRep
object, using
either 3 or 4 numbers. Rotation information is interpolated as curves on the
surface of SO(3), as originally described by Ken Shoemake in his SIGGRAPH
1985 paper "Animating Rotation with Quaternion Curves".Probe.ExportProps, Probe.ImportExportFileInfo
EXPLICIT_TIME, mySmallDisplay
useOldSaveMethod, writeStartStopTimeInSeconds
enforceUniqueCompositeNames, enforceUniqueNames, myNumber, NULL_OBJ, useCompactPathNames
Constructor and Description |
No-args constructor needed for scanning.
PositionInputProbe(java.lang.String name,
java.util.Collection<? extends ModelComponent> comps,
RotationRep rotRep,
double startTime,
double stopTime)
Constructs a PositionInputProbe for a list of Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody
components specified by
comps . |
PositionInputProbe(java.lang.String name,
java.util.Collection<? extends ModelComponent> comps,
RotationRep rotRep,
java.lang.String filePath)
Constructs a PositionInputProbe for a list of Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody
components specified by
comps . |
PositionInputProbe(java.lang.String name,
ModelComponent comp,
RotationRep rotRep,
double startTime,
double stopTime)
Constructs a PositionInputProbe for a single Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody,
as specified by
comp . |
PositionInputProbe(java.lang.String name,
ModelComponent comp,
RotationRep rotRep,
java.lang.String filePath)
Constructs a PositionInputProbe for a single Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody,
as specified by
comp . |
addData, addData, addData, addData, addData, addData, apply, clone, copy, createState, getAllPropertyInfo, getCopyReferences, getExtendData, getInput, getState, hasState, isDuplicatable, isEditable, isInput, isSettable, load, loadEmpty, postscan, save, scan, scanItem, set, set, setAttachedFileName, setAttachedFileName, setData, setData, setExtendData, setInputProperties, setState, write, writeItems
addData, applyDefaultDisplayRanges, clearData, decreaseDisplayRanges, dispose, export, getAttachedProperties, getData, getDefaultDisplayMax, getDefaultDisplayMin, getDefaultDisplayRange, getDisplay, getDrivers, getExportFileInfo, getExportProps, getFormat, getInterpolation, getInterpolationOrder, getLegend, getMatlabName, getMinMaxValues, getNumericList, getOrderedTraceIndex, getPlotTraceInfo, getRotationRep, getRotationSubvecOffsets, getTraceColor, getTraceLabel, getTraceManager, getValues, getVariables, getVisibleMinMaxValues, getVisibleRange, getVisibleRange, getVsize, importData, importText, increaseDisplayRanges, isCloneable, isDisplayable, isEmpty, isPrintable, isSmallDisplayVisible, isTraceVisible, isValidVariableName, isWritable, loadFromMatlab, print, read, removeDisplay, removeLegend, resetTraceColors, resetTraceOrder, saveToMatlab, scaleNumericList, setDefaultDisplayRange, setDefaultDisplayRange, setFormat, setInterpolation, setInterpolationOrder, setLegend, setLegendLabels, setScale, setSmallDisplayVisible, setTraceColor, setTraceLabel, setTraceOrder, setTraceVisible, setValues, setValues, smoothWithMovingAverage, smoothWithSavitzkyGolay, swapPlotTraceOrder, updateDisplays, updateDisplays, updateDisplaysForPropertyChanges, updateDisplaysWithoutAutoRanging, writeText
getAttachedFile, getAttachedFileName, getChildren, getClippedVirtualTime, getDefaultScale, getDefaultStartTime, getDefaultStopTime, getDefaultUpdateInterval, getDuration, getExportFile, getExportFileName, getFileFromPath, getImportFile, getImportFileInfo, getImportFileName, getInitialState, getPathFromFile, getProperty, getScale, getStartTime, getStopTime, getTimelineTime, getTrack, getUpdateInterval, getVirtualTime, hasAttachedFile, hasChildren, isAttachedFileRelative, isEventTime, isScalable, nextEventTime, setExportFileName, setImportFileName, setInterval, setName, setScalable, setStartStopTimes, setStartTime, setStopTime, setTrack, setUpdateInterval
finalize, getModel, initialize, isActive, setActive, setModel, setModelFromComponent, write
checkFlag, checkName, checkNameUniqueness, clearFlag, connectToHierarchy, createTempFlag, disconnectFromHierarchy, getGrandParent, getHardReferences, getName, getNameRange, getNavpanelVisibility, getNavpanelVisibility, getNumber, getParent, getSoftReferences, isFixed, isMarked, isScanning, isSelected, makeValidName, makeValidName, notifyParentOfChange, printReferences, recursivelyContained, recursivelyContains, removeTempFlag, setFixed, setFlag, setMarked, setNavpanelVisibility, setNavpanelVisibility, setNumber, setParent, setScanning, setSelected, setWritable, updateReferences
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
connectToHierarchy, disconnectFromHierarchy, getHardReferences, getName, getNavpanelVisibility, getNumber, getParent, getSoftReferences, isFixed, isMarked, isSelected, notifyParentOfChange, setFixed, setMarked, setName, setNumber, setParent, setSelected, setWritable, updateReferences
getChildren, hasChildren
isWritable, write
public PositionInputProbe()
public PositionInputProbe(java.lang.String name, ModelComponent comp, RotationRep rotRep, double startTime, double stopTime)
. Data must be added after the constructor is
- if non-null, gives the name of the probecomp
- specifies the Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBodyrotRep
- rotation representationstartTime
- start time of the probestopTime
- stop time of the probepublic PositionInputProbe(java.lang.String name, java.util.Collection<? extends ModelComponent> comps, RotationRep rotRep, double startTime, double stopTime)
. Data must be added after the
constructor is
- if non-null, gives the name of the probecomps
- specifies the Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody componentsrotRep
- rotation representationstartTime
- start time of the probestopTime
- stop time of the probepublic PositionInputProbe(java.lang.String name, ModelComponent comp, RotationRep rotRep, java.lang.String filePath) throws
. Probe data, plus its interpolation method
and start and stop times, are specified in a probe
- if non-null, gives the name of the probecomp
- specifies the Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBodyrotRep
- rotation representationfilePath
- path name of the probe data
- if a file I/O error occurspublic PositionInputProbe(java.lang.String name, java.util.Collection<? extends ModelComponent> comps, RotationRep rotRep, java.lang.String filePath) throws
. Probe data, plus its interpolation
method and start and stop times, are specified in a probe
- if non-null, gives the name of the probecomps
- specifies the Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody componentsrotRep
- rotation representationfilePath
- path name of the probe data
- if a file I/O error occurs