Interface | Description |
Boundable |
Methods to be implemented by geometric elements that can be enclosed within
a bounding volume tree.
BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceCalculator | |
BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceCollector |
Utility class for collecting objects when performing
a nearest-distance search until a condition is met
BVNodeTester |
Defines a worker class that tests two bounding volume nodes for intersection.
ConvexPolygonIntersector.Listener | |
Face.FaceFilter |
Used to select mesh faces in an application.
GeometryTransformer.Constrainer |
Implements constraint operations on rigid or affine transform objects.
KDComparator<T> | |
PointInterpolationWeights |
Computes normalized weights for point-based interpolation given a reference
point and a set of support points.
Class | Description |
AABB | |
AABBTree | |
AffineTransformer |
A GeometryTransformer that implements a linear affine transformation.
AffineTransformerTest | |
BSPTree | |
BVBoxNodeTest | |
BVBoxNodeTester |
A worker class that tests AABB and OBB bounding boxes for intersection.
BVBoxNodeTesterTest | |
BVFeatureQuery |
Worker class for nearest feature queries using bounding volume hierarchies.
BVFeatureQuery.NearestKCollector<T> |
Collects the nearest K boundables, as in a k-nearest-neighbor search
BVFeatureQuery.ObjectDistanceEntry<T> |
Pair of { Object, Distance}, used by nearest object queries
BVFeatureQueryTest | |
BVIntersector |
Worker class for computing intersections using bounding volume hierarchies.
BVIntersectorTest | |
BVNode |
Base class for bounding volumes such as oriented and axis-aligned bounding
BVTree |
Base class for a bounding volume tree composed of a hierarchy of bounding
BVTreeTest | |
ConstrainedTranslator3d |
A translational dragger that keeps its origin attached to the surface
of a PolygonalMesh.
ConvexPolygon2d | |
ConvexPolygon3d | |
ConvexPolygon3dTest | |
ConvexPolygonIntersector | |
ConvexPolygonIntersectorTest | |
CovarianceUtils |
Set of utility methods to compute and transform Covariances.
CPD | |
CPDRigidAligner | |
CPDTest | |
Constructive Solid Geometry tools
CVReconstruction3d |
Computer-Vision 3D reconstruction methods
CVReconstruction3dTest | |
DeformationTransformer |
Base class for GeometryTransformers that implement general deformation
DeformationTransformerTest | |
DelaunayInterpolator | |
DelaunayInterpolatorTest | |
DistanceGrid |
Implements a distance field on a regular 3D grid.
DistanceGrid.TetDesc | |
DistanceGridFeatureQuery |
Worker class for nearest feature queries using distance/signed distance fields
DistanceGridSurfCalc |
Worker class that performs computations specifically related to the
intersection of a plane and the surface of a quadratically interpolated
distance grid.
DistanceGridSurfCalc.TangentProblem |
Used to write out a surface tangent problem for debugging purposes.
DistanceGridSurfCalc.TanSearchInfo | |
DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetEdge | |
DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetFeature | |
DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetNode | |
DistanceGridSurfCalc.TetPlaneIntersection | |
DistanceGridTest | |
DistanceGridTester |
This is a test class for SignedDistanceGrid.
DistanceRecord | |
EllipsoidTest |
This class is intended to test the computation of prinicpal curvatures and
radii for ellipsoids, based on the first and second fundamental forms.
Face | |
FaceNode | |
FaceTest | |
Feature |
Super class for vertices, half-edges, and faces.
GeometryTransformer |
Implements geometric transformations associated with a generalized
deformation mapping, under which points
p are mapped
to deformed points p' using a function |
GeometryTransformer.UniformScalingConstrainer |
Constrains an affine transform so that it results in
uniform scaling with no translation
GeometryTransformerTest | |
GeometryUtils |
Utility methods for geometric computation.
GeometryUtilsTest |
Test class for GeometryUtils.
HalfEdge |
Half-edge for 3D dimensional polyhedral objects.
HalfEdgeNode | |
HalfEdgeTest | |
HashedPointSet | |
ICPRegistration |
Class to perform interative closest point (ICP) registration of one mesh
onto another.
InterpolatingGridBase |
Base class for regular 3D grids that interpolate values using trilinear
InterpolatingGridTestBase |
Base class for testing subclasses of InterpolatingGridBase
Intersector2d |
Used to perform 2D intersections, or solve intersection problems on the plane
InverseDistanceWeights |
Computes normalized weights for point-based interpolation based on
inverse-distance weighting, given a reference point
p and a set
of support points p_i . |
KDTree<T> |
Generic KD-Tree utility, requires a KDComparator for computing
distances between elements.
KDTree.KDNode<T> |
KD node associated with a node on a KD-Tree
KDTree3d |
KD-Tree based on Point3d
KDTree3dTest |
Performs some basic query and speed test for KDTree3d.
LaplacianSmoother |
Applies Laplacian or Taubin smoothing to a polygonal mesh.
LineSegment | |
MarchingTetrahedra |
Implements MarchingTetrahedra to generate a mesh from a scalar field defined
on a grid.
MatrixNdGrid |
Implements a regular 3D grid that interpolates
MatrixNd values using
trilinear interpolation. |
MeshBase |
A "mesh" is a geometric object defined by a set of vertices, which are then
connected in some specific way.
MeshDemo |
Demonstration class which illustrates how to build a PolygonalMesh using its
addVertex and addFace methods. |
MeshFactory |
Creates specific instances of polygonal meshes.
MeshFactory.VertexMap | |
MeshFactory.VertexSet | |
MeshFactoryTest | |
MeshICP |
Performs basic ICP alignment of meshes
MeshICPAligner | |
MeshInfo | |
MeshRayIntersectionTest | |
MeshRendererBase | |
MeshTestBase | |
MeshUtilities |
Methods that modify a mesh, XXX many of these methods are broken
NagataInterpolator |
Class that implements quadratic surface interpolation based on the paper
"Simple local interpolation of surfaces using normal vectors", by Takashi
NagataInterpolatorTest | |
NURBSCurve2d |
Implements a NURBS curve
NURBSCurve3d |
Implements a NURBS curve
NURBSCurveBase |
Base class for 2 and 3 dimensional NURBS curves
NURBSMesh | |
NURBSObject |
Base class for a NURBS curve or surface.
NURBSSurface |
Implements a NURBS surface
OBB | |
OBBTree | |
PointMesh |
Implements a mesh consisting of a set of points and possibly normals.
PointMeshRenderer |
Utility class for rendering
PointMesh objects. |
PointMeshTest |
Test class for PointMesh
Polygon2d | |
Polygon2dTest | |
Polygon3d | |
Polygon3dCalc | |
Polygon3dCalcTest | |
Polygon3dFeature | |
Polygon3dTest | |
PolygonalMesh |
Implements a polygonal mesh consisting of vertices, faces, and half-edges.
PolygonalMeshQuery |
Provides various query methods for a PolygonalMesh.
PolygonalMeshRenderer |
Utility class for rendering
PolygonalMesh objects. |
PolygonalMeshTest | |
PolygonIntersector |
Utility class to intersect 2D and 3D polygons.
PolygonIntersectorTest | |
PolygonVertex3d | |
Polyline | |
PolylineInterpolator |
Class to interpolate directions within a Polyline mesh.
PolylineMesh |
Implements a mesh consisting of a set of polylines.
PolylineMeshRenderer |
Utility class for rendering
PolylineMesh objects. |
PolylineMeshTest |
Test class for PolylineMesh
QuadBezierDistance2d |
Class to calculate distances between a 2D Quadratic Bezier B-spline curve
and a point in the plane.
QuadraticUtils |
Utility methods for quadratic shapes and surfaces.
QuadraticUtilsTest |
Utility methods for quadratic shapes and surfaces.
Rectangle2d | |
RigidTransformer |
A GeometryTransformer that implements a linear rigid body transformation.
RigidTransformerTest | |
RobustPreds |
A set of utility methods for robust intersection queries involving line
segments and faces.
RobustPredsTest | |
ScalarGrid |
Implements a regular 3D grid that interpolates scalar values using
trilinear interpolation.
ScalarGridBase |
Base class for a regular 3D grid that interpolates scalar values using
trilinear interpolation.
ScalarGridTest | |
ScaledRigidTransformer3d |
Implements an affine transformation defined in homogeneous coordinates by
ScaledTranslation3d |
Implements an affine transformation defined in homogeneous coordinates by
SignedDistanceGrid |
Implements a signed distance field for fixed triangular mesh.
SpatialHashTable<T> |
Spatial Hash Table for speeding up 3D spatial nearest neighbour searches.
3D space is partitioned into an orthogonal, equally spaced grid. |
Sphere | |
SphereIntersector | |
SubdivisionVertex3d |
Holds a reference to the face and barycentric coordinates used to generate
this vertice.
TetgenConvexHullTest |
Testing class for the convex hull part of TetgenTessellator.
TetgenTessellator | |
TetgenTessellatorTest | |
TriangleIntersector | |
TrianglePatch |
Constructus a triangular patch continuous with respect to vertex normals.
TriangleTessellator |
Uses the native Triangle code developed by Jonathon Shewchuck
to create triangulated 2D meshes.
TriLineIntersection | |
TriPlaneIntersection | |
TriTriIntersection |
A generic representation of an intersection between two triangles.
VectorGrid<T extends VectorObject<T>> |
Implements a regular 3D grid that interpolates
VectorObject values
using trilinear interpolation. |
VectorGridTest | |
VectorNdGrid |
Implements a regular 3D grid that interpolates
VectorNd values using
trilinear interpolation. |
Vertex2d | |
Vertex3d |
Vertex for a 3D dimensional polyhedral object.
Vertex3dList | |
Vertex3dListTest | |
Vertex3dNode | |
WindingCalculator |
Computes the winding number for a point with respect to a planar 3D
WindingCalculatorTest |
Test method for the winding number calculator.
Enum | Description |
BVBoxNodeTester.BoxTypes |
Decsribes the type expected for the first and second bounding box.
BVFeatureQuery.InsideQuery | |
DistanceGrid.DistanceMethod |
Describes what method to use when generating distance values from
polygonal meshes.
DistanceGrid.TetID |
Identifies a sub tet within a hex cell.
DistanceGridFeatureQuery.InsideQuery | |
DistanceGridSurfCalc.PlaneType | |
GeometryTransformer.UndoState |
Describes the current undo state of this transformer.
ICPRegistration.Prealign |
Specifies whether to prealign the mesh using principal component analysis
(PCA), and if so, which of the resulting PCA axes to try.
MassDistribution |
Indicates how mass is distributed across the features of a geometric object
for purposes of computing its inertia.
MeshFactory.FaceType |
Used by some factory methods to specify the face type
MeshICP.AlignmentType | |
OBB.Method |
Method used to generate an OBB from a set of boundables
Polygon3dCalc.Plane |
Decsribes the dominant axis-aligned plane uses for computations.