As described above, the default method for computing skin connection weights is inverse-square weighting (equations 11.8) and 11.9). However, applications can specify alternatives to this. The method
causes weights to be computed according to a Gaussian weighting
scheme, with sigma specifying the standard deviation .
Raw weights
are then computed according to
![]() |
and then normalized to form .
The method
reverts the weighting function back to inverse-square weighting.
It is also possible to specify a custom weighting function by implementing a subclass of SkinWeightingFunction. Subclasses must implement the function
in which the weights for each master body are computed and returned in weights. pos gives the initial position of the vertex (or attached point) being skinning, while nearestPnts provides information about the distance from pos to each of the master bodies, using an array of SkinMeshBody.NearestPoint objects:
Once an instance of SkinWeightingFunction has been created, it can be set as the skin mesh weighting function by calling
Subsequent calls to computeAllVertexConnections(), or the addMarker or computeAttachment methods described in Section 11.4, will then employ the specified weighting.
As an example, imagine an application wishes to compute weights according to an inverse-cubic weighting function, such that to
![]() |
A subclass of SkinWeightingFunction implementing this could then be defined as
and then set as the weighting function using the code fragment:
The current weighting function for a skin mesh can be queried using
The inverse-square and Gaussian weighting methods described above are implemented using the system-provided SkinWeightingFunction subclasses InverseSquareWeighting and GaussianWeighting, respectively.
As an alternative to the weighting function, applications can also create connections to vertices or points in which the weights are explicitly specified. This allows for situations in which a weighting function is unable to properly specify all the weights correctly.
When a mesh is initially added to a skin body, via either the constructor SkinMeshBody(mesh), or by a call to setMesh(mesh), all master body connections are cleared and the vertex position is “fixed” to its initial position, also known as its base position. After the master bodies have been added, vertex connections can be created by calling computeAllVertexConnections(), as described above. However, connections can also be created on a per-vertex basis, using the method
where vidx is the index of the desired vertex and weights is an optional argument which if non-null explicitly specifies the connection weights. A sketch example of how this can be used is given in the following code fragment:
For comparison, it should be noted that the code fragment
in which weights are not explicitly specified, is is equivalent to calling computeAllVertexConnections().
If necessary, after vertex connections have been computed, they can also be cleared, using the method
This will disconnect the vertex with index vidx from the master
bodies, and set its base weighting (equation
11.1) to 1, so that it will remain fixed to its initial
In some special cases, it may be desirable for an application to set attachment base weights to some value other than 0 when connections are present. Base weights for vertex attachments can be queried and set using the methods
In the second method, the argument normalize, if true, causes the weights of the other connections to be scaled so that the total weight sum remains the same. For skin markers and point attachments (Section 11.4), base weights can be set by calling the equivalent PointSkinAttachment methods
(If needed, the attachment for a skin marker can be obtained by
calling its getAttachment() method.) In addition, base weights
can also be specified in the weights argument to the method computeVertexConnections(vidx,weights), as well as the methods addMarker(name,pos,weights) and createPointAttachment(pnt,weights) described in Section
11.4. This is done by giving weights
a size equal to , where
is the number of master bodies, and
specifying the base weight in the last location.