public class VelocityOutputProbe extends NumericOutputProbe
property and is specified in world
coordinates. For components with orientation (Frame and FixedMeshBody), the
velocity will be a 6-vector (Twist) giving both translational and angular
velocity.Probe.ExportProps, Probe.ImportExportFileInfo
EXPLICIT_TIME, mySmallDisplay
useOldSaveMethod, writeStartStopTimeInSeconds
enforceUniqueCompositeNames, enforceUniqueNames, myNumber, NULL_OBJ, useCompactPathNames
Constructor and Description |
No-args constructor needed for scanning.
VelocityOutputProbe(java.lang.String name,
java.util.Collection<? extends ModelComponent> comps,
double startTime,
double stopTime)
Constructs a VelocityOutputProbe for a list of Point, Frame, or
FixedMeshBody components specified by
comps . |
VelocityOutputProbe(java.lang.String name,
java.util.Collection<? extends ModelComponent> comps,
java.lang.String fileName,
double startTime,
double stopTime,
double interval)
Constructs a VelocityOutputProbe for a list of Point, Frame, or
FixedMeshBody components specified by
comps . |
VelocityOutputProbe(java.lang.String name,
ModelComponent comp,
double startTime,
double stopTime)
Constructs a VelocityOutputProbe for a single Point, Frame, or
FixedMeshBody, as specified by
comp . |
VelocityOutputProbe(java.lang.String name,
ModelComponent comp,
java.lang.String fileName,
double startTime,
double stopTime,
double interval)
Constructs a VelocityOutputProbe for a single Point, Frame, or
FixedMeshBody, as specified by
comp . |
apply, clone, copy, getAllPropertyInfo, getCopyReferences, getOutput, getShowHeader, getShowTime, isDuplicatable, isEditable, load, postscan, save, scan, scanItem, set, set, setAttachedFileName, setAttachedFileName, setOutputProperties, setShowHeader, setShowTime, write, writeData, writeItems
addData, applyDefaultDisplayRanges, clearData, decreaseDisplayRanges, dispose, export, getAttachedProperties, getData, getDefaultDisplayMax, getDefaultDisplayMin, getDefaultDisplayRange, getDisplay, getDrivers, getExportFileInfo, getExportProps, getFormat, getInterpolation, getInterpolationOrder, getLegend, getMatlabName, getMinMaxValues, getNumericList, getOrderedTraceIndex, getPlotTraceInfo, getRotationRep, getRotationSubvecOffsets, getTraceColor, getTraceLabel, getTraceManager, getValues, getVariables, getVisibleMinMaxValues, getVisibleRange, getVisibleRange, getVsize, importData, importText, increaseDisplayRanges, isCloneable, isDisplayable, isEmpty, isPrintable, isSmallDisplayVisible, isTraceVisible, isValidVariableName, isWritable, loadFromMatlab, print, read, removeDisplay, removeLegend, resetTraceColors, resetTraceOrder, saveToMatlab, scaleNumericList, setDefaultDisplayRange, setDefaultDisplayRange, setFormat, setInterpolation, setInterpolationOrder, setLegend, setLegendLabels, setScale, setSmallDisplayVisible, setTraceColor, setTraceLabel, setTraceOrder, setTraceVisible, setValues, setValues, smoothWithMovingAverage, smoothWithSavitzkyGolay, swapPlotTraceOrder, updateDisplays, updateDisplays, updateDisplaysForPropertyChanges, updateDisplaysWithoutAutoRanging, writeText
createState, getAttachedFile, getAttachedFileName, getChildren, getClippedVirtualTime, getDefaultScale, getDefaultStartTime, getDefaultStopTime, getDefaultUpdateInterval, getDuration, getExportFile, getExportFileName, getFileFromPath, getImportFile, getImportFileInfo, getImportFileName, getInitialState, getPathFromFile, getProperty, getScale, getStartTime, getState, getStopTime, getTimelineTime, getTrack, getUpdateInterval, getVirtualTime, hasAttachedFile, hasChildren, hasState, isAttachedFileRelative, isEventTime, isInput, isScalable, isSettable, nextEventTime, setAttachedFileName, setData, setExportFileName, setImportFileName, setInterval, setName, setScalable, setStartStopTimes, setStartTime, setState, setStopTime, setTrack, setUpdateInterval
finalize, getModel, initialize, isActive, setActive, setModel, setModelFromComponent, write
checkFlag, checkName, checkNameUniqueness, clearFlag, connectToHierarchy, createTempFlag, disconnectFromHierarchy, getGrandParent, getHardReferences, getName, getNameRange, getNavpanelVisibility, getNavpanelVisibility, getNumber, getParent, getSoftReferences, isFixed, isMarked, isScanning, isSelected, makeValidName, makeValidName, notifyParentOfChange, printReferences, recursivelyContained, recursivelyContains, removeTempFlag, setFixed, setFlag, setMarked, setNavpanelVisibility, setNavpanelVisibility, setNumber, setParent, setScanning, setSelected, setWritable, updateReferences
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
connectToHierarchy, disconnectFromHierarchy, getHardReferences, getName, getNavpanelVisibility, getNumber, getParent, getSoftReferences, hasState, isFixed, isMarked, isSelected, notifyParentOfChange, setFixed, setMarked, setName, setNumber, setParent, setSelected, setWritable, updateReferences
getChildren, hasChildren
isWritable, write
public VelocityOutputProbe()
public VelocityOutputProbe(java.lang.String name, ModelComponent comp, double startTime, double stopTime)
. The update interval is set
to [-1
, meaning that updates will occur every simulation
- if non-null, gives the name of the probecomp
- specifies the Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBodystartTime
- start time of the probestopTime
- stop time of the probepublic VelocityOutputProbe(java.lang.String name, java.util.Collection<? extends ModelComponent> comps, double startTime, double stopTime)
. The update interval
is set to [-1
, meaning that updates will occur every simulation
- if non-null, gives the name of the probecomps
- specifies the Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody componentsstartTime
- start time of the probestopTime
- stop time of the probepublic VelocityOutputProbe(java.lang.String name, ModelComponent comp, java.lang.String fileName, double startTime, double stopTime, double interval)
- if non-null, gives the name of the probecomp
- specifies the Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBodyfileName
- if non-null, specifies the attached file to which probe
data can be savedstartTime
- start time of the probestopTime
- stop time of the probeinterval
- probe update interval. If set to -1
, updates will
occur every simulation step.public VelocityOutputProbe(java.lang.String name, java.util.Collection<? extends ModelComponent> comps, java.lang.String fileName, double startTime, double stopTime, double interval)
- if non-null, gives the name of the probecomps
- specifies the Point, Frame, or FixedMeshBody componentsfileName
- if non-null, specifies the attached file to which probe
data can be savedstartTime
- start time of the probestopTime
- stop time of the probeinterval
- probe update interval. If set to -1
, updates will
occur every simulation step.