It is also possible to attach frame components, including rigid bodies, directly to FEM models, using the attachment component FrameFem3dAttachment. Analogously to PointFem3dAttachment, the attachment is implemented by connecting the frame to a set of FEM nodes, and attachments can be either element-based or nodal-based. The frame’s origin is computed in the same way as for point attachments, using a weighted sum of node positions (Equation 6.2), while the orientation is computed using a polar decomposition on a deformation gradient determined from either element shape functions (for element-based attachments) or a Procrustes type analysis using nodal rest positions (for nodal-based attachments).
An element-based attachment can be created using either a code fragment of the form
or, equivalently, the attachFrame() method in MechModel:
This attaches the frame frame to the nodes of the FEM element elem. As with PointFem3dAttachment, if the frame’s origin is not inside the element, it may not be possible to accurately compute the internal nodal weights, in which case setFromElement() will return false.
In order to have the appropriate element located automatically, one can instead use
or, equivalently,
As with point-to-FEM attachments, it may be desirable to create a nodal-based attachment in which the nodes and weights are not tied to a specific element. The reasons for this are generally the same as with nodal-based point attachments (Section 6.4.8): the need to distribute the forces and moments acting on the frame across a broader set of element nodes. Also, element-based frame attachments use element shape functions to determine the frame’s orientation, which may produce slightly asymmetric results if the frame’s origin is located particularly close to a specific node.
FrameFem3dAttachment provides several methods for explicitly specifying nodes and weights. The signatures for these include:
Unlike their counterparts in PointFem3dAttachment, the first two methods also require the current desired pose of the frame TFW (in world coordinates). This is because while nodes and weights will unambiguously specify the frame’s origin, they do not specify the desired orientation.
A model illustrating how to connect frames to an FEM model is defined in
It creates an FEM beam, along with a rigid body block and a massless coordinate frame, that are then attached to the beam using nodal and element-based attachments. The build method is shown below:
Lines 3-22 create a MechModel and populate it with an FEM beam and a rigid body box. Next, a basic Frame is created, with a specified pose and an axis length of 0.3 (to allow it to be seen), and added to the MechModel (lines 25-28). It is then attached to the FEM beam using an element-based attachment (line 30). Meanwhile, the box is attached to using a nodal-based attachment, created from all the nodes associated with elements 22 and 31 (lines 33-36). Finally, all attachment nodes are set to be rendered as green spheres (lines 39-41).
To run this example in ArtiSynth, select All demos > tutorial > FrameFemAttachment from the Models menu. Running the model will cause it to settle into the state shown in Figure 6.12. Forces can interactively be applied to the attached block and frame using the pull tool, causing the FEM model to deform (see the section “Pull Manipulation” in the ArtiSynth User Interface Guide).
The ability to connect frames to FEM models, as described in Section 6.6, makes it possible to interconnect different FEM models directly using joints, as described in Section 3.3. This is done internally by using FrameFem3dAttachments to connect frames C and D of the joint (Figure 3.8) to their respective FEM models.
As indicated in Section 3.3.3, most joints have a constructor of the form
that creates a joint connecting bodyA to bodyB, with the initial pose of the D frame given (in world coordinates) by TDW. The same body and transform settings can be made on an existing joint using the method setBodies(bodyA, bodyB, TDW). For these constructors and methods, it is possible to specify FEM models for bodyA and/or bodyB. Internally, the joint then creates a FrameFem3dAttachment to connect frame C and/or D of the joint (See Figure 3.8) to the corresponding FEM model.
However, unlike joints involving rigid bodies or frames, there are no
associated or
transforms (since there is no fixed
frame within an FEM to define such transforms). Methods or
constructors which utilize
can therefore
not be used with FEM models.
A model connecting two FEM beams by a joint is defined in
It creates two FEM beams and connects them via a special slotted-revolute joint. The build method is shown below:
Lines 3-16 create a MechModel and populates it with two FEM beams, fem1 and fem2, using an auxiliary method addFem() defined in the model source file. The leftmost nodes of fem1 are set fixed. A SlottedRevoluteJoint is then created to interconnect fem1 and fem2 at a location specified by TDW (lines 19-21). Lines 24-29 set some parameters for the joint, along with various render properties.
To run this example in ArtiSynth, select All demos > tutorial > JointedFemBeams from the Models menu. Running the model will cause it drop and flex under gravity, as shown in 6.13. Forces can interactively be applied to the beams using the pull tool (see the section “Pull Manipulation” in the ArtiSynth User Interface Guide).