The tracking controller is a composite component, which contains the exciter list and the various cost and constraint terms as subcomponents. Some of these components are added as needed. They include the following, as described by their names:
A list of references to the exciters which have been added to the controller. Note that this is a list of references; the exciters themselves exist elsewhere in the model. Always present.
The MotionTargetTerm detailed in Section
Implements the motion cost term defined in
(10.7), and the motion tracker of
Figure 10.1. Allocates and maintains target components
for motion sources, storing the targets in the subcomponent lists targetPoints and targetFrames, and references to the sources in the
reference lists sourcePoints and sourceFrames. Always present.
Implements the actuator bounds ,
are nominally
. Always present.
Implements the cost term for L2 regularization (Section Added on demand.
Implements the cost term for excitation damping (Section Added on demand.
The controller and its cost terms have a number of properties that can be used to adjust the controller’s behavior. They can be set interactively, either through the inverse controller panel created by the InverseManager (Section 10.4.3), or by selecting the relevant component in the navigation panel and choosing "Edit properties ..." from the context menu. The properties can also be set in code, using the accessor methods supplied by their host component. These methods will usually be named getXxx() and setXxx() for property xxx.Properties of the tracking controller itself include:
Controls whether or not the controller is active. Setting this to false turns the controller off. Default value is true.
Controls whether or not the cost terms are normalized. Normalizing the terms
helps ensure that their weights (e.g., ,
, and
(10.12) more accurately control the tradeoffs between terms.
Default value is true.
Controls whether excitation values should be computed incrementally, as described in Section 10.1.5. Default value is false.
Specifies the default excitation bounds for exciter components. Default value
is .
Controls the visibility of the motion target terms contained within the controller, as described in Section Default value is true.
If enabled, automatically configures exciters which support excitation coloring to vary from white to red as their excitation increases (Section Default value is true.
Default duration of probes managed by the InverseManager class (Section 10.4). Default value is 1.0.
Default update interval of output probes managed by the InverseManager class (Section 10.4). Default value is -1, which means that the interval will default to the simulation step size.
Uses a more computationally expensive but possibly more accurate method to
compute the excitation response matrices matrices such as and
(Section 10.1.3). Default value is false.
Experimental property that limits the change in excitation during any time step. Default value is false.
Experimental property which enables scaling of all the cost terms by the simulation time step. Default value is false.
Enabled debugging messages. Default value is false.
The motion target term (Section exports a number of properties that control motion tracking:
Controls whether or not this term is enabled. Default value is true.
Specifies the weight of this term relative to the other cost
terms. Default value is 1.0.
Specifies the chase time used for chase control
(Section Default value is 0.01.
Controls whether or not PD control is used (Section Default value is false.
Specifies the proportional terms for PD control (Section Default value is 10000.
Specifies the derivative terms for PD control (Section Default value is 100.
Controls whether or not legacy control is used. Default value is false.
All other cost terms, including the L2 regularization (Section, export the following properties:
Controls whether or not the term is enabled. Default value is true.
Specifies the weight of this term relative to the other cost terms. Default value is 1.0.