Only a brief summary of ArtiSynth physics simulation is described here. Full details are given in [11] and in the related overview paper.
For purposes of physics simulation, the components of a MechModel are grouped as follows:
Components, such as a
particles and rigid bodies, that contain position and velocity state,
as well as mass. All dynamic components are instances of
the Java interface
Components, such as springs or finite elements,
that exert forces between dynamic components.
All force effectors are instances of the Java interface
Components that enforce constraints between dynamic components.
All constrainers are instances of the Java interface
Attachments between dynamic components. While technically these
are constraints, they are implemented using a different approach.
All attachment components are instances of
The positions, velocities, and forces associated with all the
dynamic components are denoted by the composite vectors
, and
In addition, the composite mass matrix is given by
Newton’s second law then gives
![]() |
(1.1) |
where the accounts for various “fictitious” forces.
Each integration step involves solving for
the velocities at time step
given the velocities and forces
at step
. One way to do this is to solve the expression
![]() |
(1.2) |
for , where
is the step size and
. Given the updated velocities
, one can
![]() |
(1.3) |
where accounts for situations (like rigid bodies) where
, and then solve for the updated positions using
![]() |
(1.4) |
(1.2) and (1.4) together comprise a simple symplectic Euler integrator.
In addition to forces, bilateral and unilateral constraints give rise to
locally linear constraints on of the form
![]() |
(1.5) |
Bilateral constraints may include rigid body joints, FEM
incompressibility, and point-surface constraints, while unilateral
constraints include contact and joint limits. Constraints give rise
to constraint forces (in the directions and
which supplement the forces of (1.1) in order to enforce
the constraint conditions. In addition, for unilateral constraints,
we have a complementarity condition in which
implies no
constraint force, and a constraint force implies
. Any
given constraint usually involves only a few dynamic components and so
are generally sparse.
Adding constraints to the velocity solve (1.2) leads to a mixed linear complementarity problem (MLCP) of the form
![]() |
![]() |
(1.6) |
where is a slack variable,
give the force
constraint impulses over the time step, and
derivative terms defined by
![]() |
(1.7) |
to account for time variations in and
In addition,
augmented with stiffness
and damping terms terms to accommodate implicit integration, which
is often required for problems involving deformable bodies.
The actual constraint forces
can be determined
by dividing the impulses by the time step
![]() |
(1.8) |
We note here that ArtiSynth uses a full coordinate formulation, in which the position of each dynamic body is solved using full, or unconstrained, coordinates, with constraint relationships acting to restrict these coordinates. In contrast, some other simulation systems, including OpenSim [7], use reduced coordinates, in which the system dynamics are formulated using a smaller set of coordinates (such as joint angles) that implicitly take the system’s constraints into account. Each methodology has its own advantages. Reduced formulations yield systems with fewer degrees of freedom and no constraint errors. On the other hand, full coordinates make it easier to combine and connect a wide range of components, including rigid bodies and FEM models.
Attachments between components can be implemented by constraining the velocities of the attached components using special constraints of the form
![]() |
(1.9) |
where and
denote the velocities of the attached and
non-attached components. The constraint matrix
sparse, with a non-zero block entry for each master component to
which the attached component is connected. The simplest case involves
attaching a point
to another point
, with the simple velocity relationship
![]() |
(1.10) |
That means that has a single entry of
is the
identity matrix) in the
-th block column.
Another common case involves connecting a point
a rigid frame
. The velocity relationship for this is
![]() |
(1.11) |
where and
are the translational and rotational
velocity of the frame and
is the location of the point relative
to the frame’s origin (as seen in world coordinates). The corresponding
contains a single
block entry of the form
![]() |
(1.12) |
in the block column, where
![]() |
(1.13) |
is a skew-symmetric cross product matrix.
The attachment constraints
could be added directly to
(1.6), but their special form allows us to
explicitly solve for
, and hence reduce the size of
(1.6), by factoring out the attached velocities
before solution.
The MLCP (1.6) corresponds to a single step integrator. However, higher order integrators, such as Newmark methods, usually give rise to MLCPs with an equivalent form. Most ArtiSynth integrators use some variation of (1.6) to determine the system velocity at each time step.
To set up (1.6), the MechModel component
hierarchy is traversed and the methods of the different component
types are queried for the required values. Dynamic components (type
DynamicComponent) provide ,
, and
; force effectors
(ForceEffector) determine
and the stiffness/damping
augmentation used to produce
; constrainers (Constrainer) supply
, and attachments (DynamicAttachment) provide the information needed to factor out
attached velocities.