Interfacing ArtiSynth to MATLAB

7 Setting the classpath for ArtiSynth

Before running ArtiSynth under MATLAB, it is necessary to ensure that the classes used by ArtiSynth are present within MATLAB’s Java classpath. Letting <ARTISYNTH_HOME> denote the path to the top-level directory of the ArtiSynth installation, there are two ways to do this:

  1. 1.

    Within MATLAB, run the command setArtisynthClasspath with the string associated with <ARTISYNTH_HOME> as an argument. Assuming the environment variable ARTISYNTH_HOME has been set, then the following should work:

      >>> setArtisynthClasspath (getenv (’ARTISYNTH_HOME’))
  2. 2.

    Create an ASCII text file called javaclasspath.txt in one of the directories in the MATLAB search path, and add to this the path name for <ARTISYNTH_HOME>/classes, as well as the path name for each .jar file in <ARTISYNTH_HOME>/lib. So for example, if <ARTISYNTH_HOME> is /home/joe/artisynth_core, then the entries in javaclasspath.txt would look like this:

       ... etc ...

    For more details on using javaclasspath.txt, see