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How to Build a Standalone Executable for DIVA

NOTE: These instructions will likely need to be updated frequently as development continues.

1. Open main.maxpat

2. Go to File > Build Collective/Application...

3. Paste the following in as the build script. Note that you must change the filepaths to correspond to your own machine. Once you verify that the script works, it is recommended that you save it using Save Script... for future use.

open thispatcher
folder DIVA:/Users/DIVA/Documents/DIVA/DIVA08/Vizemes/Data
folder DIVA:/Users/DIVA/Documents/DIVA/DIVA08/Vizemes/Dictionary
folder DIVA:/Users/DIVA/Documents/DIVA/DIVA08/Vizemes/Map
folder DIVA:/Users/DIVA/Documents/DIVA/DIVA08/Graphics
folder DIVA:/Users/DIVA/Documents/DIVA/DIVA08/StoppedData

4. Click on the Build button. A dialog will pop up in which you can select the name and location of the application (e.g. This is not necessarily the same as the location of the user data files, although they can be put in the same place for ease of use. Finally, change the format to Application and click Save. When the application has been built, the build window will display "Finished script." at the bottom left.

5. The build script copies over some necessary files automatically, but there are others that we must copy manually. First, find the location of your application (e.g. and ctrl-click on it to open the menu. Select Show Package Contents. A new Finder window will pop up and it should display a folder called Contents. We will be placing a number of items within this folder.

5a. Copy the following folders into Contents/MacOS/support/:

(from the Max appliation folder)

  • java
  • jitter-externals
  • object-palettes

(our own scripts)

  • python

NOTE: Some of these folders contain files not used by DIVA. These should be elimitated for releases to reduce filesize.

NOTE: The python folder should contain only python code, not the corresponding Max patchers

5b. Copy the ArtiSynthTools and Templates directories to Contents/

5c. The MaxMSP Runtime file should be placed inside MacOS. You may wish to make one release containing this runtime and one release without it, as it is rather large and many people may already have Max installed on their computer. A similar process would be followed to include runtimes for other platforms.

5d. config.txt should be placed in the Contents folder. It should simply contain the path of the user data folder. This file is important as it tells DIVA where to find all of the user data used by the system. For public releases, this can be left blank, and DIVA should alert the user to modify it through the system itself; however, it is very important that the file exist.

TODO: Link to the location of a sample template, once it is stored somewhere on the Magic server.

6. To distribute DIVA, simply make available the application file (e.g., as well as the user data folders, discussed below, and any user documentation.

How to Set Up and Run the Standalone Executable for DIVA

1. Copy the application to the new computer. If all of the supporting files have been copied correctly, DIVA should be able to run even if Max is not installed on this computer.

2. Simply double-click to start up DIVA! If user data folders already exist on your computer, select their location in Setup. Otherwise, setup should create a new set of user data folders automatically. You will have to restart DIVA after changing the user data path.