Diva Tech Meeting
2009 May 29
Minutes taken by Karl
- more problems came up with getting the c++ code to match the c code. Went through every variable in the code and found several uninitialized. Found a major source of crashes. Hopeful that I've caught them all.
- passed an initial version of the synthesizer off to Cam.
- feed phrases into the synthesizer
- commit the code back into the max externals and make sure that it runs on DIVA08 (realizing now that this may or may not be necessary)
- clean up the interface and pass to Cam for proper swigging
- working on swigging the Holmes synthesizer. Working on getting it to compile in the appropriate format
- radial basis functions are programed in C++. Phoneme identification working.
- get the Holmes synthesizer through swig
- work outwards on the code from the radial basis functions
- changed the number format for logging. Getting it to run as an external on Diva1. If all goes well, it will be done today.
- start master's thesis work on articulatory synthesizer
- new bluetooth is up and running. It was easy to get going. Very small form factor
- going to write up an interface that provides simulated glove etc data so that Cam can write the new Diva