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Menu | VisualVoice / 09Feb11 | |
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DIVA Meeting Feb. 11/2009 Present: Johnty, Rhiannon, Cam, David, MJ, Allison, Liz, Zoe, Helene, Adriano, Sid, Martin, Bob Helene: has made adjustments to the gloves for avoiding the snaps shorting; working on the new speaker working on belt issue Bluetooth issues regarding the glove Needs a fitting with Liz for left hand glove Email regarding payment for student help Zoe: Has probes: two week turnaround Board in Zoe’s side of MAGIC for people to contribute Liz: Has been working in the Linguistics lab Some difficulties with getting software running/access The recording software is causing real difficulties – causes the pedal to hang. The level of the H needs to be adjusted Left hand glove is proving to be much more intuitive Has been concentrating on using the same accent to get used to it We need to check the recorder software: is it writing to the buffer or to the disk? This needs to be a high priority item. Do we need another computer for the lab? Bob and Sid to discuss this. Discussion about changing the shape of the vowel space so that Liz doesn’t need to spend so long in the schwa space. Johnty to work on the foot pedal Allision: Working on interface adjustments: moved glvoe value interface off screen Added status lights for hardware Testing the Patriot – starting up the software hangs patriot. This is why Patriot has to be started after. Need to check that. Use of metro or delay or timer to check status of the interface. Bob to check. Bob to add volume controllers for stop consonants – Allison to email bob latest code. MJ working on the synthesizer processes. Need to get the Max/MSP/Jitter licenses sorted David: Coding DIVA to include other waveforms as glottal waveforms a al a Vocoder Sid suggested pre-filtering with Whitening filter prior to processing via DIVA David has suggested using an S curve mapping for the vertical pitch control to make it easier to perform equal tempered music. David and Meryn have to meet to decide the concept of the piece so that they can work with Helene regarding the costuming D4K dance company in the netherlands Cam: Martin/Adriano: We need to buy new MacBookPro 13” – Lavanna can purchase that. Bob to send specs to Lavanna after chatting with Sid. Rhiannon: Has been working through readings of speech synthesis through formats, etc. Needs references to more recent research. Johnty Has been working on the hardware, looking at making some aspects smaller like power sources. Also looking at smaller systems, smaller notebooks, and looking at Windows Max/MSP/Jitter. Arduino Bluetooth boards: one board Justin Love offered assistance for Arduino board programming. Power analysis for the Arduino boards New speaker is working well – loud! Discussion of costuming and equipment apparance. Sid talked to the Motion company—they have no solutions for our tracking accelerometer work. Sid has a Wisp and thinks there may be some possible solutions there. |
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