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Using OPAL SVN Repository
- Startup
- On your ECE account, open up command line shell on the ECE server (ie. log onto lab machines, or ssh to ssh-linux.ece.ubc.ca)
- Checkout Files
Creates a local copy of the project files into your local working directory
- Understanding project file structure
- Each project contains 3 folders
- /trunk: holds the “main line” of development
- /branches: contains branch copies -- isolates changes onto a separate line of development, which should eventually be merged back into trunk or between branches
- /tags: contain tag copies -- associates additional information (eg. build environment) with a particular revision
- For now, since everyone is working on their individual code (not dependent on other student's code), feel free to work off the trunk. If the project infrastructure gets more complex in the future, it may be necessary to use branches.
- PLEASE only check in working code to the trunk -- if you would like to check in incomplete code, work off your own branch and merge into the trunk when completed
- Submitting work
- Do NOT execute another
svn checkout or else it will overwrite your work. Instead, execute svn update to sync with the repository.
- Files first need to be added by calling the command
svn add on their parent directories (or on the individual files), then svn commit can be used to submit your work to the repository
- Refer to http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.tour.cycle.html for more detailed instructions on submitting work, etc. Execute these commands within the ~/OPAL/svnroot/ directory